mirror of https://github.com/Chocobozzz/PeerTube
Use random names for VOD HLS playlists
@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ run()
let currentVideoId = null
let currentFile = null
let currentVideoId: string
let currentFilePath: string
process.on('SIGINT', async function () {
console.log('Cleaning up temp files')
await remove(`${currentFile}_backup`)
await remove(`${dirname(currentFile)}/${currentVideoId}-transcoded.mp4`)
await remove(`${currentFilePath}_backup`)
await remove(`${dirname(currentFilePath)}/${currentVideoId}-transcoded.mp4`)
@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ async function run () {
currentVideoId = video.id
for (const file of video.VideoFiles) {
currentFile = getVideoFilePath(video, file)
currentFilePath = getVideoFilePath(video, file)
const [ videoBitrate, fps, resolution ] = await Promise.all([
const maxBitrate = getMaxBitrate(resolution.videoFileResolution, fps, VIDEO_TRANSCODING_FPS)
@ -53,25 +53,27 @@ async function run () {
if (isMaxBitrateExceeded) {
'Optimizing video file %s with bitrate %s kbps (max: %s kbps)',
basename(currentFile), videoBitrate / 1000, maxBitrate / 1000
basename(currentFilePath), videoBitrate / 1000, maxBitrate / 1000
const backupFile = `${currentFile}_backup`
await copy(currentFile, backupFile)
const backupFile = `${currentFilePath}_backup`
await copy(currentFilePath, backupFile)
await optimizeOriginalVideofile(video, file)
// Update file path, the video filename changed
currentFilePath = getVideoFilePath(video, file)
const originalDuration = await getDurationFromVideoFile(backupFile)
const newDuration = await getDurationFromVideoFile(currentFile)
const newDuration = await getDurationFromVideoFile(currentFilePath)
if (originalDuration === newDuration) {
console.log('Finished optimizing %s', basename(currentFile))
console.log('Finished optimizing %s', basename(currentFilePath))
await remove(backupFile)
console.log('Failed to optimize %s, restoring original', basename(currentFile))
await move(backupFile, currentFile, { overwrite: true })
console.log('Failed to optimize %s, restoring original', basename(currentFilePath))
await move(backupFile, currentFilePath, { overwrite: true })
await createTorrentAndSetInfoHash(video, file)
await file.save()
@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ import { registerTSPaths } from '../server/helpers/register-ts-paths'
import * as prompt from 'prompt'
import { join } from 'path'
import { join, basename } from 'path'
import { CONFIG } from '../server/initializers/config'
import { VideoModel } from '../server/models/video/video'
import { initDatabaseModels } from '../server/initializers/database'
import { readdir, remove } from 'fs-extra'
import { readdir, remove, stat } from 'fs-extra'
import { VideoRedundancyModel } from '../server/models/redundancy/video-redundancy'
import * as Bluebird from 'bluebird'
import { getUUIDFromFilename } from '../server/helpers/utils'
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import { ThumbnailModel } from '../server/models/video/thumbnail'
import { ActorImageModel } from '../server/models/actor/actor-image'
import { uniq, values } from 'lodash'
import { ThumbnailType } from '@shared/models'
import { VideoFileModel } from '@server/models/video/video-file'
.then(() => process.exit(0))
@ -37,8 +38,8 @@ async function run () {
console.log('Detecting files to remove, it could take a while...')
toDelete = toDelete.concat(
await pruneDirectory(CONFIG.STORAGE.VIDEOS_DIR, doesVideoExist(true)),
await pruneDirectory(CONFIG.STORAGE.TORRENTS_DIR, doesVideoExist(true)),
await pruneDirectory(CONFIG.STORAGE.VIDEOS_DIR, doesWebTorrentFileExist()),
await pruneDirectory(CONFIG.STORAGE.TORRENTS_DIR, doesTorrentFileExist()),
await pruneDirectory(CONFIG.STORAGE.REDUNDANCY_DIR, doesRedundancyExist),
@ -78,26 +79,27 @@ async function pruneDirectory (directory: string, existFun: ExistFun) {
const toDelete: string[] = []
await Bluebird.map(files, async file => {
if (await existFun(file) !== true) {
toDelete.push(join(directory, file))
const filePath = join(directory, file)
if (await existFun(filePath) !== true) {
}, { concurrency: 20 })
return toDelete
function doesVideoExist (keepOnlyOwned: boolean) {
return async (file: string) => {
const uuid = getUUIDFromFilename(file)
const video = await VideoModel.load(uuid)
function doesWebTorrentFileExist () {
return (filePath: string) => VideoFileModel.doesOwnedWebTorrentVideoFileExist(basename(filePath))
return video && (keepOnlyOwned === false || video.isOwned())
function doesTorrentFileExist () {
return (filePath: string) => VideoFileModel.doesOwnedTorrentFileExist(basename(filePath))
function doesThumbnailExist (keepOnlyOwned: boolean, type: ThumbnailType) {
return async (file: string) => {
const thumbnail = await ThumbnailModel.loadByFilename(file, type)
return async (filePath: string) => {
const thumbnail = await ThumbnailModel.loadByFilename(basename(filePath), type)
if (!thumbnail) return false
if (keepOnlyOwned) {
@ -109,21 +111,20 @@ function doesThumbnailExist (keepOnlyOwned: boolean, type: ThumbnailType) {
async function doesActorImageExist (file: string) {
const image = await ActorImageModel.loadByName(file)
async function doesActorImageExist (filePath: string) {
const image = await ActorImageModel.loadByName(basename(filePath))
return !!image
async function doesRedundancyExist (file: string) {
const uuid = getUUIDFromFilename(file)
const video = await VideoModel.loadWithFiles(uuid)
if (!video) return false
const isPlaylist = file.includes('.') === false
async function doesRedundancyExist (filePath: string) {
const isPlaylist = (await stat(filePath)).isDirectory()
if (isPlaylist) {
const uuid = getUUIDFromFilename(filePath)
const video = await VideoModel.loadWithFiles(uuid)
if (!video) return false
const p = video.getHLSPlaylist()
if (!p) return false
@ -131,19 +132,10 @@ async function doesRedundancyExist (file: string) {
return !!redundancy
const resolution = parseInt(file.split('-')[5], 10)
if (isNaN(resolution)) {
console.error('Cannot prune %s because we cannot guess guess the resolution.', file)
return true
const file = await VideoFileModel.loadByFilename(basename(filePath))
if (!file) return false
const videoFile = video.getWebTorrentFile(resolution)
if (!videoFile) {
console.error('Cannot find webtorrent file of video %s - %d', video.url, resolution)
return true
const redundancy = await VideoRedundancyModel.loadLocalByFileId(videoFile.id)
const redundancy = await VideoRedundancyModel.loadLocalByFileId(file.id)
return !!redundancy
@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ import { VideoShareModel } from '../server/models/video/video-share'
import { VideoCommentModel } from '../server/models/video/video-comment'
import { AccountModel } from '../server/models/account/account'
import { VideoChannelModel } from '../server/models/video/video-channel'
import { VideoStreamingPlaylistModel } from '../server/models/video/video-streaming-playlist'
import { initDatabaseModels } from '../server/initializers/database'
import { createTorrentAndSetInfoHash } from '@server/helpers/webtorrent'
import { getServerActor } from '@server/models/application/application'
@ -128,13 +127,17 @@ async function run () {
for (const file of video.VideoFiles) {
console.log('Updating torrent file %s of video %s.', file.resolution, video.uuid)
await createTorrentAndSetInfoHash(video, file)
await file.save()
for (const playlist of video.VideoStreamingPlaylists) {
playlist.playlistUrl = WEBSERVER.URL + VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.getHlsMasterPlaylistStaticPath(video.uuid)
playlist.segmentsSha256Url = WEBSERVER.URL + VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.getHlsSha256SegmentsStaticPath(video.uuid, video.isLive)
const playlist = video.getHLSPlaylist()
for (const file of (playlist?.VideoFiles || [])) {
console.log('Updating fragmented torrent file %s of video %s.', file.resolution, video.uuid)
await playlist.save()
await createTorrentAndSetInfoHash(video, file)
await file.save()
@ -209,10 +209,12 @@ async function addVideo (options: {
createTorrentFederate(video, videoFile)
.then(() => {
if (video.state !== VideoState.TO_TRANSCODE) return
if (video.state === VideoState.TO_TRANSCODE) {
await addOptimizeOrMergeAudioJob(videoCreated, videoFile, user)
return addOptimizeOrMergeAudioJob(videoCreated, videoFile, user)
.catch(err => logger.error('Cannot add optimize/merge audio job for %s.', videoCreated.uuid, { err, ...lTags(videoCreated.uuid) }))
Hooks.runAction('action:api.video.uploaded', { video: videoCreated })
@ -259,9 +261,9 @@ async function createTorrentAndSetInfoHashAsync (video: MVideo, fileArg: MVideoF
return refreshedFile.save()
function createTorrentFederate (video: MVideoFullLight, videoFile: MVideoFile): void {
function createTorrentFederate (video: MVideoFullLight, videoFile: MVideoFile) {
// Create the torrent file in async way because it could be long
createTorrentAndSetInfoHashAsync(video, videoFile)
return createTorrentAndSetInfoHashAsync(video, videoFile)
.catch(err => logger.error('Cannot create torrent file for video %s', video.url, { err, ...lTags(video.uuid) }))
.then(() => VideoModel.loadAndPopulateAccountAndServerAndTags(video.id))
.then(refreshedVideo => {
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import * as retry from 'async/retry'
import * as Bluebird from 'bluebird'
import { QueryTypes, Transaction } from 'sequelize'
import { BindOrReplacements, QueryTypes, Transaction } from 'sequelize'
import { Model } from 'sequelize-typescript'
import { sequelizeTypescript } from '@server/initializers/database'
import { logger } from './logger'
@ -84,13 +84,15 @@ function resetSequelizeInstance (instance: Model<any>, savedFields: object) {
function deleteNonExistingModels <T extends { hasSameUniqueKeysThan (other: T): boolean } & Pick<Model, 'destroy'>> (
function filterNonExistingModels <T extends { hasSameUniqueKeysThan (other: T): boolean }> (
fromDatabase: T[],
newModels: T[],
t: Transaction
newModels: T[]
) {
return fromDatabase.filter(f => !newModels.find(newModel => newModel.hasSameUniqueKeysThan(f)))
.map(f => f.destroy({ transaction: t }))
function deleteAllModels <T extends Pick<Model, 'destroy'>> (models: T[], transaction: Transaction) {
return Promise.all(models.map(f => f.destroy({ transaction })))
// Sequelize always skip the update if we only update updatedAt field
@ -121,13 +123,28 @@ function afterCommitIfTransaction (t: Transaction, fn: Function) {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function doesExist (query: string, bind?: BindOrReplacements) {
const options = {
type: QueryTypes.SELECT as QueryTypes.SELECT,
raw: true
return sequelizeTypescript.query(query, options)
.then(results => results.length === 1)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
export {
@ -212,14 +212,17 @@ async function transcode (options: TranscodeOptions) {
async function getLiveTranscodingCommand (options: {
rtmpUrl: string
outPath: string
masterPlaylistName: string
resolutions: number[]
fps: number
availableEncoders: AvailableEncoders
profile: string
}) {
const { rtmpUrl, outPath, resolutions, fps, availableEncoders, profile } = options
const { rtmpUrl, outPath, resolutions, fps, availableEncoders, profile, masterPlaylistName } = options
const input = rtmpUrl
const command = getFFmpeg(input, 'live')
@ -301,14 +304,14 @@ async function getLiveTranscodingCommand (options: {
addDefaultLiveHLSParams(command, outPath)
addDefaultLiveHLSParams(command, outPath, masterPlaylistName)
command.outputOption('-var_stream_map', varStreamMap.join(' '))
return command
function getLiveMuxingCommand (rtmpUrl: string, outPath: string) {
function getLiveMuxingCommand (rtmpUrl: string, outPath: string, masterPlaylistName: string) {
const command = getFFmpeg(rtmpUrl, 'live')
command.outputOption('-c:v copy')
@ -316,7 +319,7 @@ function getLiveMuxingCommand (rtmpUrl: string, outPath: string) {
command.outputOption('-map 0:a?')
command.outputOption('-map 0:v?')
addDefaultLiveHLSParams(command, outPath)
addDefaultLiveHLSParams(command, outPath, masterPlaylistName)
return command
@ -371,12 +374,12 @@ function addDefaultEncoderParams (options: {
function addDefaultLiveHLSParams (command: ffmpeg.FfmpegCommand, outPath: string) {
function addDefaultLiveHLSParams (command: ffmpeg.FfmpegCommand, outPath: string, masterPlaylistName: string) {
command.outputOption('-hls_time ' + VIDEO_LIVE.SEGMENT_TIME_SECONDS)
command.outputOption('-hls_list_size ' + VIDEO_LIVE.SEGMENTS_LIST_SIZE)
command.outputOption('-hls_flags delete_segments+independent_segments')
command.outputOption(`-hls_segment_filename ${join(outPath, '%v-%06d.ts')}`)
command.outputOption('-master_pl_name master.m3u8')
command.outputOption('-master_pl_name ' + masterPlaylistName)
command.outputOption(`-f hls`)
command.output(join(outPath, '%v.m3u8'))
@ -103,6 +103,11 @@ async function createTorrentAndSetInfoHash (
await writeFile(torrentPath, torrent)
// Remove old torrent file if it existed
if (videoFile.hasTorrent()) {
await remove(join(CONFIG.STORAGE.TORRENTS_DIR, videoFile.torrentFilename))
const parsedTorrent = parseTorrent(torrent)
videoFile.infoHash = parsedTorrent.infoHash
videoFile.torrentFilename = torrentFilename
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import { CONFIG, registerConfigChangedHandler } from './config'
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
async function up (utils: {
transaction: Sequelize.Transaction
queryInterface: Sequelize.QueryInterface
sequelize: Sequelize.Sequelize
db: any
}): Promise<void> {
for (const column of [ 'playlistUrl', 'segmentsSha256Url' ]) {
const data = {
type: Sequelize.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null
await utils.queryInterface.changeColumn('videoStreamingPlaylist', column, data)
await utils.sequelize.query(
`UPDATE "videoStreamingPlaylist" SET "playlistUrl" = NULL, "segmentsSha256Url" = NULL ` +
`WHERE "videoId" IN (SELECT id FROM video WHERE remote IS FALSE)`
for (const column of [ 'playlistFilename', 'segmentsSha256Filename' ]) {
const data = {
type: Sequelize.STRING,
allowNull: true,
defaultValue: null
await utils.queryInterface.addColumn('videoStreamingPlaylist', column, data)
await utils.sequelize.query(
`UPDATE "videoStreamingPlaylist" SET "playlistFilename" = 'master.m3u8', "segmentsSha256Filename" = 'segments-sha256.json'`
for (const column of [ 'playlistFilename', 'segmentsSha256Filename' ]) {
const data = {
type: Sequelize.STRING,
allowNull: false,
defaultValue: null
await utils.queryInterface.changeColumn('videoStreamingPlaylist', column, data)
function down (options) {
throw new Error('Not implemented.')
export {
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import { Transaction } from 'sequelize/types'
import { checkUrlsSameHost } from '@server/helpers/activitypub'
import { deleteNonExistingModels } from '@server/helpers/database-utils'
import { deleteAllModels, filterNonExistingModels } from '@server/helpers/database-utils'
import { logger, LoggerTagsFn } from '@server/helpers/logger'
import { updatePlaceholderThumbnail, updateVideoMiniatureFromUrl } from '@server/lib/thumbnail'
import { setVideoTags } from '@server/lib/video'
@ -111,8 +111,7 @@ export abstract class APVideoAbstractBuilder {
const newVideoFiles = videoFileAttributes.map(a => new VideoFileModel(a))
// Remove video files that do not exist anymore
const destroyTasks = deleteNonExistingModels(video.VideoFiles || [], newVideoFiles, t)
await Promise.all(destroyTasks)
await deleteAllModels(filterNonExistingModels(video.VideoFiles || [], newVideoFiles), t)
// Update or add other one
const upsertTasks = newVideoFiles.map(f => VideoFileModel.customUpsert(f, 'video', t))
@ -124,13 +123,11 @@ export abstract class APVideoAbstractBuilder {
const newStreamingPlaylists = streamingPlaylistAttributes.map(a => new VideoStreamingPlaylistModel(a))
// Remove video playlists that do not exist anymore
const destroyTasks = deleteNonExistingModels(video.VideoStreamingPlaylists || [], newStreamingPlaylists, t)
await Promise.all(destroyTasks)
await deleteAllModels(filterNonExistingModels(video.VideoStreamingPlaylists || [], newStreamingPlaylists), t)
video.VideoStreamingPlaylists = []
for (const playlistAttributes of streamingPlaylistAttributes) {
const streamingPlaylistModel = await this.insertOrReplaceStreamingPlaylist(playlistAttributes, t)
streamingPlaylistModel.Video = video
@ -163,8 +160,7 @@ export abstract class APVideoAbstractBuilder {
const newVideoFiles: MVideoFile[] = getFileAttributesFromUrl(playlistModel, tagObjects).map(a => new VideoFileModel(a))
const destroyTasks = deleteNonExistingModels(oldStreamingPlaylistFiles, newVideoFiles, t)
await Promise.all(destroyTasks)
await deleteAllModels(filterNonExistingModels(oldStreamingPlaylistFiles, newVideoFiles), t)
// Update or add other one
const upsertTasks = newVideoFiles.map(f => VideoFileModel.customUpsert(f, 'streaming-playlist', t))
@ -7,10 +7,11 @@ import { logger } from '@server/helpers/logger'
import { getExtFromMimetype } from '@server/helpers/video'
import { generateTorrentFileName } from '@server/lib/video-paths'
import { VideoCaptionModel } from '@server/models/video/video-caption'
import { VideoFileModel } from '@server/models/video/video-file'
import { VideoStreamingPlaylistModel } from '@server/models/video/video-streaming-playlist'
import { FilteredModelAttributes } from '@server/types'
import { MChannelId, MStreamingPlaylist, MStreamingPlaylistVideo, MVideo, MVideoFile, MVideoId } from '@server/types/models'
import { isStreamingPlaylist, MChannelId, MStreamingPlaylistVideo, MVideo, MVideoFile, MVideoId } from '@server/types/models'
import {
@ -23,7 +24,6 @@ import {
} from '@shared/models'
import { VideoCaptionModel } from '@server/models/video/video-caption'
function getThumbnailFromIcons (videoObject: VideoObject) {
let validIcons = videoObject.icon.filter(i => i.width > THUMBNAILS_SIZE.minWidth)
@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ function getFileAttributesFromUrl (
const extname = getExtFromMimetype(MIMETYPES.VIDEO.MIMETYPE_EXT, fileUrl.mediaType)
const resolution = fileUrl.height
const videoId = (videoOrPlaylist as MStreamingPlaylist).playlistUrl ? null : videoOrPlaylist.id
const videoStreamingPlaylistId = (videoOrPlaylist as MStreamingPlaylist).playlistUrl ? videoOrPlaylist.id : null
const videoId = isStreamingPlaylist(videoOrPlaylist) ? null : videoOrPlaylist.id
const videoStreamingPlaylistId = isStreamingPlaylist(videoOrPlaylist) ? videoOrPlaylist.id : null
const attribute = {
@ -130,8 +130,13 @@ function getStreamingPlaylistAttributesFromObject (video: MVideoId, videoObject:
const attribute = {
type: VideoStreamingPlaylistType.HLS,
playlistFilename: basename(playlistUrlObject.href),
playlistUrl: playlistUrlObject.href,
segmentsSha256Filename: basename(segmentsSha256UrlObject.href),
segmentsSha256Url: segmentsSha256UrlObject.href,
p2pMediaLoaderInfohashes: VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.buildP2PMediaLoaderInfoHashes(playlistUrlObject.href, files),
p2pMediaLoaderPeerVersion: P2P_MEDIA_LOADER_PEER_VERSION,
videoId: video.id,
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import { close, ensureDir, move, open, outputJSON, pathExists, read, readFile, remove, writeFile } from 'fs-extra'
import { flatten, uniq } from 'lodash'
import { basename, dirname, join } from 'path'
import { MVideoWithFile } from '@server/types/models'
import { MStreamingPlaylistFilesVideo, MVideoWithFile } from '@server/types/models'
import { sha256 } from '../helpers/core-utils'
import { getAudioStreamCodec, getVideoStreamCodec, getVideoStreamSize } from '../helpers/ffprobe-utils'
import { logger } from '../helpers/logger'
import { sequelizeTypescript } from '../initializers/database'
import { VideoFileModel } from '../models/video/video-file'
import { VideoStreamingPlaylistModel } from '../models/video/video-streaming-playlist'
import { getVideoFilePath } from './video-paths'
import { getHlsResolutionPlaylistFilename, getVideoFilePath } from './video-paths'
async function updateStreamingPlaylistsInfohashesIfNeeded () {
const playlistsToUpdate = await VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.listByIncorrectPeerVersion()
@ -22,27 +22,29 @@ async function updateStreamingPlaylistsInfohashesIfNeeded () {
await sequelizeTypescript.transaction(async t => {
const videoFiles = await VideoFileModel.listByStreamingPlaylist(playlist.id, t)
playlist.p2pMediaLoaderInfohashes = VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.buildP2PMediaLoaderInfoHashes(playlist.playlistUrl, videoFiles)
playlist.assignP2PMediaLoaderInfoHashes(playlist.Video, videoFiles)
playlist.p2pMediaLoaderPeerVersion = P2P_MEDIA_LOADER_PEER_VERSION
await playlist.save({ transaction: t })
async function updateMasterHLSPlaylist (video: MVideoWithFile) {
async function updateMasterHLSPlaylist (video: MVideoWithFile, playlist: MStreamingPlaylistFilesVideo) {
const directory = join(HLS_STREAMING_PLAYLIST_DIRECTORY, video.uuid)
const masterPlaylists: string[] = [ '#EXTM3U', '#EXT-X-VERSION:3' ]
const masterPlaylistPath = join(directory, VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.getMasterHlsPlaylistFilename())
const streamingPlaylist = video.getHLSPlaylist()
for (const file of streamingPlaylist.VideoFiles) {
const playlistFilename = VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.getHlsPlaylistFilename(file.resolution)
const masterPlaylists: string[] = [ '#EXTM3U', '#EXT-X-VERSION:3' ]
const masterPlaylistPath = join(directory, playlist.playlistFilename)
for (const file of playlist.VideoFiles) {
const playlistFilename = getHlsResolutionPlaylistFilename(file.filename)
// If we did not generated a playlist for this resolution, skip
const filePlaylistPath = join(directory, playlistFilename)
if (await pathExists(filePlaylistPath) === false) continue
const videoFilePath = getVideoFilePath(streamingPlaylist, file)
const videoFilePath = getVideoFilePath(playlist, file)
const size = await getVideoStreamSize(videoFilePath)
@ -66,23 +68,22 @@ async function updateMasterHLSPlaylist (video: MVideoWithFile) {
await writeFile(masterPlaylistPath, masterPlaylists.join('\n') + '\n')
async function updateSha256VODSegments (video: MVideoWithFile) {
async function updateSha256VODSegments (video: MVideoWithFile, playlist: MStreamingPlaylistFilesVideo) {
const json: { [filename: string]: { [range: string]: string } } = {}
const playlistDirectory = join(HLS_STREAMING_PLAYLIST_DIRECTORY, video.uuid)
const hlsPlaylist = video.getHLSPlaylist()
// For all the resolutions available for this video
for (const file of hlsPlaylist.VideoFiles) {
for (const file of playlist.VideoFiles) {
const rangeHashes: { [range: string]: string } = {}
const videoPath = getVideoFilePath(hlsPlaylist, file)
const playlistPath = join(playlistDirectory, VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.getHlsPlaylistFilename(file.resolution))
const videoPath = getVideoFilePath(playlist, file)
const resolutionPlaylistPath = join(playlistDirectory, getHlsResolutionPlaylistFilename(file.filename))
// Maybe the playlist is not generated for this resolution yet
if (!await pathExists(playlistPath)) continue
if (!await pathExists(resolutionPlaylistPath)) continue
const playlistContent = await readFile(playlistPath)
const playlistContent = await readFile(resolutionPlaylistPath)
const ranges = getRangesFromPlaylist(playlistContent.toString())
const fd = await open(videoPath, 'r')
@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ async function updateSha256VODSegments (video: MVideoWithFile) {
json[videoFilename] = rangeHashes
const outputPath = join(playlistDirectory, VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.getHlsSha256SegmentsFilename())
const outputPath = join(playlistDirectory, playlist.segmentsSha256Filename)
await outputJSON(outputPath, json)
@ -61,8 +61,7 @@ async function updateVideoFile (video: MVideoFullLight, inputFilePath: string) {
if (currentVideoFile) {
// Remove old file and old torrent
await video.removeFile(currentVideoFile)
await currentVideoFile.removeTorrent()
await video.removeFileAndTorrent(currentVideoFile)
// Remove the old video file from the array
video.VideoFiles = video.VideoFiles.filter(f => f !== currentVideoFile)
@ -7,12 +7,12 @@ import { buildConcatenatedName, cleanupLive, LiveSegmentShaStore } from '@server
import { generateVideoMiniature } from '@server/lib/thumbnail'
import { generateHlsPlaylistResolutionFromTS } from '@server/lib/transcoding/video-transcoding'
import { publishAndFederateIfNeeded } from '@server/lib/video'
import { getHLSDirectory } from '@server/lib/video-paths'
import { generateHLSMasterPlaylistFilename, generateHlsSha256SegmentsFilename, getHLSDirectory } from '@server/lib/video-paths'
import { VideoModel } from '@server/models/video/video'
import { VideoFileModel } from '@server/models/video/video-file'
import { VideoLiveModel } from '@server/models/video/video-live'
import { VideoStreamingPlaylistModel } from '@server/models/video/video-streaming-playlist'
import { MVideo, MVideoLive } from '@server/types/models'
import { MStreamingPlaylist, MVideo, MVideoLive } from '@server/types/models'
import { ThumbnailType, VideoLiveEndingPayload, VideoState } from '@shared/models'
import { logger } from '../../../helpers/logger'
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ async function processVideoLiveEnding (job: Bull.Job) {
return cleanupLive(video, streamingPlaylist)
return saveLive(video, live)
return saveLive(video, live, streamingPlaylist)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -54,14 +54,14 @@ export {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
async function saveLive (video: MVideo, live: MVideoLive) {
async function saveLive (video: MVideo, live: MVideoLive, streamingPlaylist: MStreamingPlaylist) {
const hlsDirectory = getHLSDirectory(video, false)
const replayDirectory = join(hlsDirectory, VIDEO_LIVE.REPLAY_DIRECTORY)
const rootFiles = await readdir(hlsDirectory)
const playlistFiles = rootFiles.filter(file => {
return file.endsWith('.m3u8') && file !== 'master.m3u8'
return file.endsWith('.m3u8') && file !== streamingPlaylist.playlistFilename
await cleanupLiveFiles(hlsDirectory)
@ -80,7 +80,12 @@ async function saveLive (video: MVideo, live: MVideoLive) {
const hlsPlaylist = videoWithFiles.getHLSPlaylist()
await VideoFileModel.removeHLSFilesOfVideoId(hlsPlaylist.id)
// Reset playlist
hlsPlaylist.VideoFiles = []
hlsPlaylist.playlistFilename = generateHLSMasterPlaylistFilename()
hlsPlaylist.segmentsSha256Filename = generateHlsSha256SegmentsFilename()
await hlsPlaylist.save()
let durationDone = false
@ -125,8 +125,7 @@ async function onHlsPlaylistGeneration (video: MVideoFullLight, user: MUser, pay
if (payload.isMaxQuality && CONFIG.TRANSCODING.WEBTORRENT.ENABLED === false) {
// Remove webtorrent files if not enabled
for (const file of video.VideoFiles) {
await video.removeFile(file)
await file.removeTorrent()
await video.removeFileAndTorrent(file)
await file.destroy()
@ -4,16 +4,17 @@ import { isTestInstance } from '@server/helpers/core-utils'
import { computeResolutionsToTranscode, getVideoFileFPS, getVideoFileResolution } from '@server/helpers/ffprobe-utils'
import { logger, loggerTagsFactory } from '@server/helpers/logger'
import { CONFIG, registerConfigChangedHandler } from '@server/initializers/config'
import { P2P_MEDIA_LOADER_PEER_VERSION, VIDEO_LIVE, VIEW_LIFETIME, WEBSERVER } from '@server/initializers/constants'
import { P2P_MEDIA_LOADER_PEER_VERSION, VIDEO_LIVE, VIEW_LIFETIME } from '@server/initializers/constants'
import { UserModel } from '@server/models/user/user'
import { VideoModel } from '@server/models/video/video'
import { VideoLiveModel } from '@server/models/video/video-live'
import { VideoStreamingPlaylistModel } from '@server/models/video/video-streaming-playlist'
import { MStreamingPlaylist, MStreamingPlaylistVideo, MVideo, MVideoLiveVideo } from '@server/types/models'
import { MStreamingPlaylistVideo, MVideo, MVideoLiveVideo } from '@server/types/models'
import { VideoState, VideoStreamingPlaylistType } from '@shared/models'
import { federateVideoIfNeeded } from '../activitypub/videos'
import { JobQueue } from '../job-queue'
import { PeerTubeSocket } from '../peertube-socket'
import { generateHLSMasterPlaylistFilename, generateHlsSha256SegmentsFilename } from '../video-paths'
import { LiveQuotaStore } from './live-quota-store'
import { LiveSegmentShaStore } from './live-segment-sha-store'
import { cleanupLive } from './live-utils'
@ -392,19 +393,18 @@ class LiveManager {
return resolutionsEnabled.concat([ originResolution ])
private async createLivePlaylist (video: MVideo, allResolutions: number[]) {
const playlistUrl = WEBSERVER.URL + VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.getHlsMasterPlaylistStaticPath(video.uuid)
const [ videoStreamingPlaylist ] = await VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.upsert({
videoId: video.id,
segmentsSha256Url: WEBSERVER.URL + VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.getHlsSha256SegmentsStaticPath(video.uuid, video.isLive),
p2pMediaLoaderInfohashes: VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.buildP2PMediaLoaderInfoHashes(playlistUrl, allResolutions),
p2pMediaLoaderPeerVersion: P2P_MEDIA_LOADER_PEER_VERSION,
private async createLivePlaylist (video: MVideo, allResolutions: number[]): Promise<MStreamingPlaylistVideo> {
const playlist = await VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.loadOrGenerate(video)
type: VideoStreamingPlaylistType.HLS
}, { returning: true }) as [ MStreamingPlaylist, boolean ]
playlist.playlistFilename = generateHLSMasterPlaylistFilename(true)
playlist.segmentsSha256Filename = generateHlsSha256SegmentsFilename(true)
return Object.assign(videoStreamingPlaylist, { Video: video })
playlist.p2pMediaLoaderPeerVersion = P2P_MEDIA_LOADER_PEER_VERSION
playlist.type = VideoStreamingPlaylistType.HLS
playlist.assignP2PMediaLoaderInfoHashes(video, allResolutions)
return playlist.save()
static get Instance () {
@ -112,13 +112,16 @@ class MuxingSession extends EventEmitter {
? await getLiveTranscodingCommand({
rtmpUrl: this.rtmpUrl,
masterPlaylistName: this.streamingPlaylist.playlistFilename,
resolutions: this.allResolutions,
fps: this.fps,
availableEncoders: VideoTranscodingProfilesManager.Instance.getAvailableEncoders(),
: getLiveMuxingCommand(this.rtmpUrl, outPath)
: getLiveMuxingCommand(this.rtmpUrl, outPath, this.streamingPlaylist.playlistFilename)
logger.info('Running live muxing/transcoding for %s.', this.videoUUID, this.lTags)
@ -182,7 +185,7 @@ class MuxingSession extends EventEmitter {
private watchMasterFile (outPath: string) {
this.masterWatcher = chokidar.watch(outPath + '/master.m3u8')
this.masterWatcher = chokidar.watch(outPath + '/' + this.streamingPlaylist.playlistFilename)
this.masterWatcher.on('add', async () => {
this.emit('master-playlist-created', { videoId: this.videoId })
@ -267,7 +267,8 @@ export class VideosRedundancyScheduler extends AbstractScheduler {
logger.info('Duplicating %s streaming playlist in videos redundancy with "%s" strategy.', video.url, strategy)
const destDirectory = join(HLS_REDUNDANCY_DIRECTORY, video.uuid)
await downloadPlaylistSegments(playlist.playlistUrl, destDirectory, VIDEO_IMPORT_TIMEOUT)
const masterPlaylistUrl = playlist.getMasterPlaylistUrl(video)
await downloadPlaylistSegments(masterPlaylistUrl, destDirectory, VIDEO_IMPORT_TIMEOUT)
const createdModel: MVideoRedundancyStreamingPlaylistVideo = await VideoRedundancyModel.create({
@ -282,7 +283,7 @@ export class VideosRedundancyScheduler extends AbstractScheduler {
await sendCreateCacheFile(serverActor, video, createdModel)
logger.info('Duplicated playlist %s -> %s.', playlist.playlistUrl, createdModel.url)
logger.info('Duplicated playlist %s -> %s.', masterPlaylistUrl, createdModel.url)
private async extendsExpirationOf (redundancy: MVideoRedundancyVideo, expiresAfterMs: number) {
@ -330,7 +331,7 @@ export class VideosRedundancyScheduler extends AbstractScheduler {
private buildEntryLogId (object: MVideoRedundancyFileVideo | MVideoRedundancyStreamingPlaylistVideo) {
if (isMVideoRedundancyFileVideo(object)) return `${object.VideoFile.Video.url}-${object.VideoFile.resolution}`
return `${object.VideoStreamingPlaylist.playlistUrl}`
return `${object.VideoStreamingPlaylist.getMasterPlaylistUrl(object.VideoStreamingPlaylist.Video)}`
private getTotalFileSizes (files: MVideoFile[], playlists: MStreamingPlaylistFiles[]) {
@ -10,11 +10,18 @@ import { transcode, TranscodeOptions, TranscodeOptionsType } from '../../helpers
import { canDoQuickTranscode, getDurationFromVideoFile, getMetadataFromFile, getVideoFileFPS } from '../../helpers/ffprobe-utils'
import { logger } from '../../helpers/logger'
import { CONFIG } from '../../initializers/config'
import { HLS_STREAMING_PLAYLIST_DIRECTORY, P2P_MEDIA_LOADER_PEER_VERSION } from '../../initializers/constants'
import { VideoFileModel } from '../../models/video/video-file'
import { VideoStreamingPlaylistModel } from '../../models/video/video-streaming-playlist'
import { updateMasterHLSPlaylist, updateSha256VODSegments } from '../hls'
import { generateHLSVideoFilename, generateWebTorrentVideoFilename, getVideoFilePath } from '../video-paths'
import {
} from '../video-paths'
import { VideoTranscodingProfilesManager } from './video-transcoding-profiles'
@ -272,14 +279,14 @@ async function generateHlsPlaylistCommon (options: {
await ensureDir(videoTranscodedBasePath)
const videoFilename = generateHLSVideoFilename(resolution)
const playlistFilename = VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.getHlsPlaylistFilename(resolution)
const playlistFileTranscodePath = join(videoTranscodedBasePath, playlistFilename)
const resolutionPlaylistFilename = getHlsResolutionPlaylistFilename(videoFilename)
const resolutionPlaylistFileTranscodePath = join(videoTranscodedBasePath, resolutionPlaylistFilename)
const transcodeOptions = {
outputPath: playlistFileTranscodePath,
outputPath: resolutionPlaylistFileTranscodePath,
availableEncoders: VideoTranscodingProfilesManager.Instance.getAvailableEncoders(),
@ -299,19 +306,23 @@ async function generateHlsPlaylistCommon (options: {
await transcode(transcodeOptions)
const playlistUrl = WEBSERVER.URL + VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.getHlsMasterPlaylistStaticPath(video.uuid)
// Create or update the playlist
const [ videoStreamingPlaylist ] = await VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.upsert({
videoId: video.id,
segmentsSha256Url: WEBSERVER.URL + VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.getHlsSha256SegmentsStaticPath(video.uuid, video.isLive),
p2pMediaLoaderInfohashes: [],
p2pMediaLoaderPeerVersion: P2P_MEDIA_LOADER_PEER_VERSION,
const playlist = await VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.loadOrGenerate(video)
type: VideoStreamingPlaylistType.HLS
}, { returning: true }) as [ MStreamingPlaylistFilesVideo, boolean ]
videoStreamingPlaylist.Video = video
if (!playlist.playlistFilename) {
playlist.playlistFilename = generateHLSMasterPlaylistFilename(video.isLive)
if (!playlist.segmentsSha256Filename) {
playlist.segmentsSha256Filename = generateHlsSha256SegmentsFilename(video.isLive)
playlist.p2pMediaLoaderInfohashes = []
playlist.p2pMediaLoaderPeerVersion = P2P_MEDIA_LOADER_PEER_VERSION
playlist.type = VideoStreamingPlaylistType.HLS
await playlist.save()
// Build the new playlist file
const extname = extnameUtil(videoFilename)
@ -321,18 +332,18 @@ async function generateHlsPlaylistCommon (options: {
size: 0,
filename: videoFilename,
fps: -1,
videoStreamingPlaylistId: videoStreamingPlaylist.id
videoStreamingPlaylistId: playlist.id
const videoFilePath = getVideoFilePath(videoStreamingPlaylist, newVideoFile)
const videoFilePath = getVideoFilePath(playlist, newVideoFile)
// Move files from tmp transcoded directory to the appropriate place
const baseHlsDirectory = join(HLS_STREAMING_PLAYLIST_DIRECTORY, video.uuid)
await ensureDir(baseHlsDirectory)
// Move playlist file
const playlistPath = join(baseHlsDirectory, playlistFilename)
await move(playlistFileTranscodePath, playlistPath, { overwrite: true })
const resolutionPlaylistPath = join(baseHlsDirectory, resolutionPlaylistFilename)
await move(resolutionPlaylistFileTranscodePath, resolutionPlaylistPath, { overwrite: true })
// Move video file
await move(join(videoTranscodedBasePath, videoFilename), videoFilePath, { overwrite: true })
@ -342,20 +353,20 @@ async function generateHlsPlaylistCommon (options: {
newVideoFile.fps = await getVideoFileFPS(videoFilePath)
newVideoFile.metadata = await getMetadataFromFile(videoFilePath)
await createTorrentAndSetInfoHash(videoStreamingPlaylist, newVideoFile)
await createTorrentAndSetInfoHash(playlist, newVideoFile)
await VideoFileModel.customUpsert(newVideoFile, 'streaming-playlist', undefined)
videoStreamingPlaylist.VideoFiles = await videoStreamingPlaylist.$get('VideoFiles')
videoStreamingPlaylist.p2pMediaLoaderInfohashes = VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.buildP2PMediaLoaderInfoHashes(
playlistUrl, videoStreamingPlaylist.VideoFiles
await videoStreamingPlaylist.save()
const playlistWithFiles = playlist as MStreamingPlaylistFilesVideo
playlistWithFiles.VideoFiles = await playlist.$get('VideoFiles')
playlist.assignP2PMediaLoaderInfoHashes(video, playlistWithFiles.VideoFiles)
await playlist.save()
await updateMasterHLSPlaylist(video)
await updateSha256VODSegments(video)
return playlistPath
await updateMasterHLSPlaylist(video, playlistWithFiles)
await updateSha256VODSegments(video, playlistWithFiles)
return resolutionPlaylistPath
@ -4,19 +4,16 @@ import { CONFIG } from '@server/initializers/config'
import { isStreamingPlaylist, MStreamingPlaylist, MStreamingPlaylistVideo, MVideo, MVideoFile, MVideoUUID } from '@server/types/models'
import { buildUUID } from '@server/helpers/uuid'
import { removeFragmentedMP4Ext } from '@shared/core-utils'
// ################## Video file name ##################
function generateWebTorrentVideoFilename (resolution: number, extname: string) {
const uuid = buildUUID()
return uuid + '-' + resolution + extname
return buildUUID() + '-' + resolution + extname
function generateHLSVideoFilename (resolution: number) {
const uuid = buildUUID()
return `${uuid}-${resolution}-fragmented.mp4`
return `${buildUUID()}-${resolution}-fragmented.mp4`
function getVideoFilePath (videoOrPlaylist: MVideo | MStreamingPlaylistVideo, videoFile: MVideoFile, isRedundancy = false) {
@ -54,6 +51,23 @@ function getHLSDirectory (video: MVideoUUID, isRedundancy = false) {
return join(baseDir, video.uuid)
function getHlsResolutionPlaylistFilename (videoFilename: string) {
// Video file name already contain resolution
return removeFragmentedMP4Ext(videoFilename) + '.m3u8'
function generateHLSMasterPlaylistFilename (isLive = false) {
if (isLive) return 'master.m3u8'
return buildUUID() + '-master.m3u8'
function generateHlsSha256SegmentsFilename (isLive = false) {
if (isLive) return 'segments-sha256.json'
return buildUUID() + '-segments-sha256.json'
// ################## Torrents ##################
function generateTorrentFileName (videoOrPlaylist: MVideo | MStreamingPlaylistVideo, resolution: number) {
@ -91,6 +105,9 @@ export {
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import { sequelizeTypescript } from '@server/initializers/database'
import { TagModel } from '@server/models/video/tag'
import { VideoModel } from '@server/models/video/video'
import { FilteredModelAttributes } from '@server/types'
import { MThumbnail, MUserId, MVideo, MVideoFile, MVideoTag, MVideoThumbnail, MVideoUUID } from '@server/types/models'
import { MThumbnail, MUserId, MVideoFile, MVideoTag, MVideoThumbnail, MVideoUUID } from '@server/types/models'
import { ThumbnailType, VideoCreate, VideoPrivacy, VideoTranscodingPayload } from '@shared/models'
import { federateVideoIfNeeded } from './activitypub/videos'
import { JobQueue } from './job-queue/job-queue'
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ async function publishAndFederateIfNeeded (video: MVideoUUID, wasLive = false) {
async function addOptimizeOrMergeAudioJob (video: MVideo, videoFile: MVideoFile, user: MUserId) {
async function addOptimizeOrMergeAudioJob (video: MVideoUUID, videoFile: MVideoFile, user: MUserId) {
let dataInput: VideoTranscodingPayload
if (videoFile.isAudio()) {
@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ import {
} from 'sequelize-typescript'
import { isActivityPubUrlValid } from '@server/helpers/custom-validators/activitypub/misc'
import { doesExist } from '@server/helpers/database-utils'
import { getServerActor } from '@server/models/application/application'
import { VideoModel } from '@server/models/video/video'
import {
@ -166,14 +166,8 @@ export class ActorFollowModel extends Model<Partial<AttributesOnly<ActorFollowMo
static isFollowedBy (actorId: number, followerActorId: number) {
const query = 'SELECT 1 FROM "actorFollow" WHERE "actorId" = $followerActorId AND "targetActorId" = $actorId LIMIT 1'
const options = {
type: QueryTypes.SELECT as QueryTypes.SELECT,
bind: { actorId, followerActorId },
raw: true
return VideoModel.sequelize.query(query, options)
.then(results => results.length === 1)
return doesExist(query, { actorId, followerActorId })
static loadByActorAndTarget (actorId: number, targetActorId: number, t?: Transaction): Promise<MActorFollowActorsDefault> {
@ -160,8 +160,8 @@ export class VideoRedundancyModel extends Model<Partial<AttributesOnly<VideoRedu
const logIdentifier = `${videoFile.Video.uuid}-${videoFile.resolution}`
logger.info('Removing duplicated video file %s.', logIdentifier)
videoFile.Video.removeFile(videoFile, true)
.catch(err => logger.error('Cannot delete %s files.', logIdentifier, { err }))
videoFile.Video.removeFileAndTorrent(videoFile, true)
.catch(err => logger.error('Cannot delete %s files.', logIdentifier, { err }))
if (instance.videoStreamingPlaylistId) {
@ -182,8 +182,8 @@ function streamingPlaylistsModelToFormattedJSON (
return {
id: playlist.id,
type: playlist.type,
playlistUrl: playlist.playlistUrl,
segmentsSha256Url: playlist.segmentsSha256Url,
playlistUrl: playlist.getMasterPlaylistUrl(video),
segmentsSha256Url: playlist.getSha256SegmentsUrl(video),
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ function videoModelToActivityPubObject (video: MVideoAP): VideoObject {
type: 'Link',
name: 'sha256',
mediaType: 'application/json' as 'application/json',
href: playlist.segmentsSha256Url
href: playlist.getSha256SegmentsUrl(video)
addVideoFilesInAPAcc(tag, video, playlist.VideoFiles || [])
@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ function videoModelToActivityPubObject (video: MVideoAP): VideoObject {
type: 'Link',
mediaType: 'application/x-mpegURL' as 'application/x-mpegURL',
href: playlist.playlistUrl,
href: playlist.getMasterPlaylistUrl(video),
@ -92,12 +92,13 @@ export class VideoTables {
getStreamingPlaylistAttributes () {
let playlistKeys = [ 'id', 'playlistUrl', 'type' ]
let playlistKeys = [ 'id', 'playlistUrl', 'playlistFilename', 'type' ]
if (this.mode === 'get') {
playlistKeys = playlistKeys.concat([
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import { remove } from 'fs-extra'
import * as memoizee from 'memoizee'
import { join } from 'path'
import { FindOptions, Op, QueryTypes, Transaction } from 'sequelize'
import { FindOptions, Op, Transaction } from 'sequelize'
import {
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import {
import { Where } from 'sequelize/types/lib/utils'
import validator from 'validator'
import { buildRemoteVideoBaseUrl } from '@server/helpers/activitypub'
import { doesExist } from '@server/helpers/database-utils'
import { logger } from '@server/helpers/logger'
import { extractVideo } from '@server/helpers/video'
import { getTorrentFilePath } from '@server/lib/video-paths'
@ -250,14 +251,8 @@ export class VideoFileModel extends Model<Partial<AttributesOnly<VideoFileModel>
static doesInfohashExist (infoHash: string) {
const query = 'SELECT 1 FROM "videoFile" WHERE "infoHash" = $infoHash LIMIT 1'
const options = {
type: QueryTypes.SELECT as QueryTypes.SELECT,
bind: { infoHash },
raw: true
return VideoModel.sequelize.query(query, options)
.then(results => results.length === 1)
return doesExist(query, { infoHash })
static async doesVideoExistForVideoFile (id: number, videoIdOrUUID: number | string) {
@ -266,6 +261,33 @@ export class VideoFileModel extends Model<Partial<AttributesOnly<VideoFileModel>
return !!videoFile
static async doesOwnedTorrentFileExist (filename: string) {
const query = 'SELECT 1 FROM "videoFile" ' +
'LEFT JOIN "video" "webtorrent" ON "webtorrent"."id" = "videoFile"."videoId" AND "webtorrent"."remote" IS FALSE ' +
'LEFT JOIN "videoStreamingPlaylist" ON "videoStreamingPlaylist"."id" = "videoFile"."videoStreamingPlaylistId" ' +
'LEFT JOIN "video" "hlsVideo" ON "hlsVideo"."id" = "videoStreamingPlaylist"."videoId" AND "hlsVideo"."remote" IS FALSE ' +
'WHERE "torrentFilename" = $filename AND ("hlsVideo"."id" IS NOT NULL OR "webtorrent"."id" IS NOT NULL) LIMIT 1'
return doesExist(query, { filename })
static async doesOwnedWebTorrentVideoFileExist (filename: string) {
const query = 'SELECT 1 FROM "videoFile" INNER JOIN "video" ON "video"."id" = "videoFile"."videoId" AND "video"."remote" IS FALSE ' +
'WHERE "filename" = $filename LIMIT 1'
return doesExist(query, { filename })
static loadByFilename (filename: string) {
const query = {
where: {
return VideoFileModel.findOne(query)
static loadWithVideoOrPlaylistByTorrentFilename (filename: string) {
const query = {
where: {
@ -443,10 +465,9 @@ export class VideoFileModel extends Model<Partial<AttributesOnly<VideoFileModel>
getFileDownloadUrl (video: MVideoWithHost) {
const basePath = this.isHLS()
const path = join(basePath, this.filename)
const path = this.isHLS()
? join(STATIC_DOWNLOAD_PATHS.HLS_VIDEOS, `${video.uuid}-${this.resolution}-fragmented${this.extname}`)
: join(STATIC_DOWNLOAD_PATHS.VIDEOS, `${video.uuid}-${this.resolution}${this.extname}`)
if (video.isOwned()) return WEBSERVER.URL + path
@ -1,19 +1,27 @@
import * as memoizee from 'memoizee'
import { join } from 'path'
import { Op, QueryTypes } from 'sequelize'
import { Op } from 'sequelize'
import { AllowNull, BelongsTo, Column, CreatedAt, DataType, ForeignKey, HasMany, Is, Model, Table, UpdatedAt } from 'sequelize-typescript'
import { doesExist } from '@server/helpers/database-utils'
import { VideoFileModel } from '@server/models/video/video-file'
import { MStreamingPlaylist } from '@server/types/models'
import { MStreamingPlaylist, MVideo } from '@server/types/models'
import { AttributesOnly } from '@shared/core-utils'
import { VideoStreamingPlaylistType } from '../../../shared/models/videos/video-streaming-playlist.type'
import { sha1 } from '../../helpers/core-utils'
import { isActivityPubUrlValid } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/activitypub/misc'
import { isArrayOf } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/misc'
import { isVideoFileInfoHashValid } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/videos'
import {
} from '../../initializers/constants'
import { VideoRedundancyModel } from '../redundancy/video-redundancy'
import { throwIfNotValid } from '../utils'
import { VideoModel } from './video'
import { AttributesOnly } from '@shared/core-utils'
tableName: 'videoStreamingPlaylist',
@ -43,7 +51,11 @@ export class VideoStreamingPlaylistModel extends Model<Partial<AttributesOnly<Vi
type: VideoStreamingPlaylistType
@Is('PlaylistUrl', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isActivityPubUrlValid, 'playlist url'))
playlistFilename: string
@Is('PlaylistUrl', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isActivityPubUrlValid, 'playlist url', true))
playlistUrl: string
@ -57,7 +69,11 @@ export class VideoStreamingPlaylistModel extends Model<Partial<AttributesOnly<Vi
p2pMediaLoaderPeerVersion: number
@Is('VideoStreamingSegmentsSha256Url', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isActivityPubUrlValid, 'segments sha256 url'))
segmentsSha256Filename: string
@Is('VideoStreamingSegmentsSha256Url', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isActivityPubUrlValid, 'segments sha256 url', true))
segmentsSha256Url: string
@ -98,14 +114,8 @@ export class VideoStreamingPlaylistModel extends Model<Partial<AttributesOnly<Vi
static doesInfohashExist (infoHash: string) {
const query = 'SELECT 1 FROM "videoStreamingPlaylist" WHERE $infoHash = ANY("p2pMediaLoaderInfohashes") LIMIT 1'
const options = {
type: QueryTypes.SELECT as QueryTypes.SELECT,
bind: { infoHash },
raw: true
return VideoModel.sequelize.query<object>(query, options)
.then(results => results.length === 1)
return doesExist(query, { infoHash })
static buildP2PMediaLoaderInfoHashes (playlistUrl: string, files: unknown[]) {
@ -125,7 +135,13 @@ export class VideoStreamingPlaylistModel extends Model<Partial<AttributesOnly<Vi
p2pMediaLoaderPeerVersion: {
include: [
model: VideoModel.unscoped(),
required: true
return VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.findAll(query)
@ -144,7 +160,7 @@ export class VideoStreamingPlaylistModel extends Model<Partial<AttributesOnly<Vi
return VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.findByPk(id, options)
static loadHLSPlaylistByVideo (videoId: number) {
static loadHLSPlaylistByVideo (videoId: number): Promise<MStreamingPlaylist> {
const options = {
where: {
type: VideoStreamingPlaylistType.HLS,
@ -155,30 +171,29 @@ export class VideoStreamingPlaylistModel extends Model<Partial<AttributesOnly<Vi
return VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.findOne(options)
static getHlsPlaylistFilename (resolution: number) {
return resolution + '.m3u8'
static async loadOrGenerate (video: MVideo) {
let playlist = await VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.loadHLSPlaylistByVideo(video.id)
if (!playlist) playlist = new VideoStreamingPlaylistModel()
return Object.assign(playlist, { videoId: video.id, Video: video })
static getMasterHlsPlaylistFilename () {
return 'master.m3u8'
assignP2PMediaLoaderInfoHashes (video: MVideo, files: unknown[]) {
const masterPlaylistUrl = this.getMasterPlaylistUrl(video)
this.p2pMediaLoaderInfohashes = VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.buildP2PMediaLoaderInfoHashes(masterPlaylistUrl, files)
static getHlsSha256SegmentsFilename () {
return 'segments-sha256.json'
getMasterPlaylistUrl (video: MVideo) {
if (video.isOwned()) return WEBSERVER.URL + this.getMasterPlaylistStaticPath(video.uuid)
return this.playlistUrl
static getHlsMasterPlaylistStaticPath (videoUUID: string) {
return join(STATIC_PATHS.STREAMING_PLAYLISTS.HLS, videoUUID, VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.getMasterHlsPlaylistFilename())
getSha256SegmentsUrl (video: MVideo) {
if (video.isOwned()) return WEBSERVER.URL + this.getSha256SegmentsStaticPath(video.uuid, video.isLive)
static getHlsPlaylistStaticPath (videoUUID: string, resolution: number) {
return join(STATIC_PATHS.STREAMING_PLAYLISTS.HLS, videoUUID, VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.getHlsPlaylistFilename(resolution))
static getHlsSha256SegmentsStaticPath (videoUUID: string, isLive: boolean) {
if (isLive) return join('/live', 'segments-sha256', videoUUID)
return join(STATIC_PATHS.STREAMING_PLAYLISTS.HLS, videoUUID, VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.getHlsSha256SegmentsFilename())
return this.segmentsSha256Url
getStringType () {
@ -195,4 +210,14 @@ export class VideoStreamingPlaylistModel extends Model<Partial<AttributesOnly<Vi
return this.type === other.type &&
this.videoId === other.videoId
private getMasterPlaylistStaticPath (videoUUID: string) {
return join(STATIC_PATHS.STREAMING_PLAYLISTS.HLS, videoUUID, this.playlistFilename)
private getSha256SegmentsStaticPath (videoUUID: string, isLive: boolean) {
if (isLive) return join('/live', 'segments-sha256', videoUUID)
return join(STATIC_PATHS.STREAMING_PLAYLISTS.HLS, videoUUID, this.segmentsSha256Filename)
@ -762,8 +762,7 @@ export class VideoModel extends Model<Partial<AttributesOnly<VideoModel>>> {
// Remove physical files and torrents
instance.VideoFiles.forEach(file => {
// Remove playlists file
@ -1670,10 +1669,13 @@ export class VideoModel extends Model<Partial<AttributesOnly<VideoModel>>> {
removeFile (videoFile: MVideoFile, isRedundancy = false) {
removeFileAndTorrent (videoFile: MVideoFile, isRedundancy = false) {
const filePath = getVideoFilePath(this, videoFile, isRedundancy)
return remove(filePath)
.catch(err => logger.warn('Cannot delete file %s.', filePath, { err }))
const promises: Promise<any>[] = [ remove(filePath) ]
if (!isRedundancy) promises.push(videoFile.removeTorrent())
return Promise.all(promises)
async removeStreamingPlaylistFiles (streamingPlaylist: MStreamingPlaylist, isRedundancy = false) {
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import 'mocha'
import * as chai from 'chai'
import { VideoPrivacy } from '@shared/models'
import {
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ describe('Test live constraints', function () {
await checkLiveCleanup(servers[0], videoId, resolutions)
await checkLiveCleanupAfterSave(servers[0], videoId, resolutions)
async function waitUntilLivePublishedOnAllServers (videoId: string) {
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import 'mocha'
import * as chai from 'chai'
import { FfmpegCommand } from 'fluent-ffmpeg'
import {
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ describe('Save replay setting', function () {
await checkVideoState(liveVideoUUID, VideoState.LIVE_ENDED)
// No resolutions saved since we did not save replay
await checkLiveCleanup(servers[0], liveVideoUUID, [])
await checkLiveCleanupAfterSave(servers[0], liveVideoUUID, [])
it('Should correctly terminate the stream on blacklist and delete the live', async function () {
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ describe('Save replay setting', function () {
await wait(5000)
await waitJobs(servers)
await checkLiveCleanup(servers[0], liveVideoUUID, [])
await checkLiveCleanupAfterSave(servers[0], liveVideoUUID, [])
it('Should correctly terminate the stream on delete and delete the video', async function () {
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ describe('Save replay setting', function () {
await waitJobs(servers)
await checkVideosExist(liveVideoUUID, false, HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND_404)
await checkLiveCleanup(servers[0], liveVideoUUID, [])
await checkLiveCleanupAfterSave(servers[0], liveVideoUUID, [])
@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ describe('Save replay setting', function () {
it('Should have cleaned up the live files', async function () {
await checkLiveCleanup(servers[0], liveVideoUUID, [ 720 ])
await checkLiveCleanupAfterSave(servers[0], liveVideoUUID, [ 720 ])
it('Should correctly terminate the stream on blacklist and blacklist the saved replay video', async function () {
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ describe('Save replay setting', function () {
await wait(5000)
await waitJobs(servers)
await checkLiveCleanup(servers[0], liveVideoUUID, [ 720 ])
await checkLiveCleanupAfterSave(servers[0], liveVideoUUID, [ 720 ])
it('Should correctly terminate the stream on delete and delete the video', async function () {
@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ describe('Save replay setting', function () {
await waitJobs(servers)
await checkVideosExist(liveVideoUUID, false, HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND_404)
await checkLiveCleanup(servers[0], liveVideoUUID, [])
await checkLiveCleanupAfterSave(servers[0], liveVideoUUID, [])
@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
import 'mocha'
import * as chai from 'chai'
import { join } from 'path'
import { basename, join } from 'path'
import { ffprobePromise, getVideoStreamFromFile } from '@server/helpers/ffprobe-utils'
import {
@ -506,6 +506,10 @@ describe('Test live', function () {
await makeRawRequest(hlsPlaylist.playlistUrl, HttpStatusCode.OK_200)
await makeRawRequest(hlsPlaylist.segmentsSha256Url, HttpStatusCode.OK_200)
// We should have generated random filenames
for (const resolution of resolutions) {
@ -520,7 +524,9 @@ describe('Test live', function () {
expect(file.fps).to.be.approximately(30, 2)
const filename = `${video.uuid}-${resolution}-fragmented.mp4`
const filename = basename(file.fileUrl)
const segmentPath = servers[0].servers.buildDirectory(join('streaming-playlists', 'hls', video.uuid, filename))
const probe = await ffprobePromise(segmentPath)
@ -537,7 +543,7 @@ describe('Test live', function () {
it('Should correctly have cleaned up the live files', async function () {
await checkLiveCleanup(servers[0], liveVideoId, [ 240, 360, 720 ])
await checkLiveCleanupAfterSave(servers[0], liveVideoId, [ 240, 360, 720 ])
@ -58,10 +58,10 @@ describe('Test users with multiple servers', function () {
const { uuid } = await servers[0].videos.upload({ token: userAccessToken })
videoUUID = uuid
await waitJobs(servers)
await saveVideoInServers(servers, videoUUID)
await waitJobs(servers)
it('Should be able to update my display name', async function () {
@ -170,8 +170,13 @@ describe('Test resumable upload', function () {
const size = 1000
// Content length check seems to have changed in v16
const expectedStatus = process.version.startsWith('v16')
? HttpStatusCode.CONFLICT_409
: HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400
const contentRangeBuilder = (start: number) => `bytes ${start}-${start + size - 1}/${size}`
await sendChunks({ pathUploadId: uploadId, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.CONFLICT_409, contentRangeBuilder, contentLength: size })
await sendChunks({ pathUploadId: uploadId, expectedStatus, contentRangeBuilder, contentLength: size })
await checkFileSize(uploadId, 0)
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
import 'mocha'
import * as chai from 'chai'
import { join } from 'path'
import { basename, join } from 'path'
import { removeFragmentedMP4Ext, uuidRegex } from '@shared/core-utils'
import {
@ -19,8 +20,6 @@ import {
} from '@shared/extra-utils'
import { HttpStatusCode, VideoStreamingPlaylistType } from '@shared/models'
import { DEFAULT_AUDIO_RESOLUTION } from '../../../initializers/constants'
import { uuidRegex } from '@shared/core-utils'
import { basename } from 'path/posix'
const expect = chai.expect
@ -78,11 +77,13 @@ async function checkHlsPlaylist (servers: PeerTubeServer[], videoUUID: string, h
// Check resolution playlists
for (const resolution of resolutions) {
const file = hlsFiles.find(f => f.resolution.id === resolution)
const playlistName = removeFragmentedMP4Ext(basename(file.fileUrl)) + '.m3u8'
const subPlaylist = await server.streamingPlaylists.get({
url: `${baseUrl}/static/streaming-playlists/hls/${videoUUID}/${resolution}.m3u8`
url: `${baseUrl}/static/streaming-playlists/hls/${videoUUID}/${playlistName}`
const file = hlsFiles.find(f => f.resolution.id === resolution)
expect(subPlaylist).to.match(new RegExp(`${uuidRegex}-${resolution}-fragmented.mp4`))
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
import 'mocha'
import * as chai from 'chai'
import { join } from 'path'
import {
@ -86,7 +85,7 @@ describe('Test optimize old videos', function () {
const path = servers[0].servers.buildDirectory(join('videos', video.uuid + '-' + file.resolution.id + '.mp4'))
const path = servers[0].servers.buildWebTorrentFilePath(file.fileUrl)
const bitrate = await getVideoFileBitrate(path)
const fps = await getVideoFileFPS(path)
const resolution = await getVideoFileResolution(path)
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ async function assertNotExists (server: PeerTubeServer, directory: string, subst
async function assertCountAreOkay (servers: PeerTubeServer[]) {
async function assertCountAreOkay (servers: PeerTubeServer[], videoServer2UUID: string) {
for (const server of servers) {
const videosCount = await countFiles(server, 'videos')
@ -53,12 +53,21 @@ async function assertCountAreOkay (servers: PeerTubeServer[]) {
const avatarsCount = await countFiles(server, 'avatars')
// When we'll prune HLS directories too
// const hlsRootCount = await countFiles(servers[1], 'streaming-playlists/hls/')
// expect(hlsRootCount).to.equal(2)
// const hlsCount = await countFiles(servers[1], 'streaming-playlists/hls/' + videoServer2UUID)
// expect(hlsCount).to.equal(10)
describe('Test prune storage scripts', function () {
let servers: PeerTubeServer[]
const badNames: { [directory: string]: string[] } = {}
let videoServer2UUID: string
before(async function () {
@ -68,7 +77,9 @@ describe('Test prune storage scripts', function () {
for (const server of servers) {
await server.videos.upload({ attributes: { name: 'video 1' } })
await server.videos.upload({ attributes: { name: 'video 2' } })
const { uuid } = await server.videos.upload({ attributes: { name: 'video 2' } })
if (server.serverNumber === 2) videoServer2UUID = uuid
await server.users.updateMyAvatar({ fixture: 'avatar.png' })
@ -112,7 +123,7 @@ describe('Test prune storage scripts', function () {
it('Should have the files on the disk', async function () {
await assertCountAreOkay(servers)
await assertCountAreOkay(servers, videoServer2UUID)
it('Should create some dirty files', async function () {
@ -176,6 +187,28 @@ describe('Test prune storage scripts', function () {
badNames['avatars'] = [ n1, n2 ]
// When we'll prune HLS directories too
// {
// const directory = join('streaming-playlists', 'hls')
// const base = servers[1].servers.buildDirectory(directory)
// const n1 = buildUUID()
// await createFile(join(base, n1))
// badNames[directory] = [ n1 ]
// }
// {
// const directory = join('streaming-playlists', 'hls', videoServer2UUID)
// const base = servers[1].servers.buildDirectory(directory)
// const n1 = buildUUID() + '-240-fragmented-.mp4'
// const n2 = buildUUID() + '-master.m3u8'
// await createFile(join(base, n1))
// await createFile(join(base, n2))
// badNames[directory] = [ n1, n2 ]
// }
@ -187,7 +220,7 @@ describe('Test prune storage scripts', function () {
it('Should have removed files', async function () {
await assertCountAreOkay(servers)
await assertCountAreOkay(servers, videoServer2UUID)
for (const directory of Object.keys(badNames)) {
for (const name of badNames[directory]) {
@ -108,21 +108,22 @@ describe('Test update host scripts', function () {
for (const video of data) {
const videoDetails = await server.videos.get({ id: video.id })
const files = videoDetails.files.concat(videoDetails.streamingPlaylists[0].files)
for (const file of videoDetails.files) {
for (const file of files) {
const torrent = await parseTorrentVideo(server, videoDetails.uuid, file.resolution.id)
const torrent = await parseTorrentVideo(server, file)
const announceWS = torrent.announce.find(a => a === 'ws://localhost:9002/tracker/socket')
const announceHttp = torrent.announce.find(a => a === 'http://localhost:9002/tracker/announce')
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
import 'mocha'
import { expect } from 'chai'
import { join } from 'path'
import { getAudioStream, getVideoFileFPS, getVideoStreamFromFile } from '@server/helpers/ffprobe-utils'
import {
@ -247,7 +246,9 @@ describe('Test transcoding plugins', function () {
const videoUUID = (await server.videos.quickUpload({ name: 'video', fixture: 'video_very_short_240p.mp4' })).uuid
await waitJobs([ server ])
const path = server.servers.buildDirectory(join('videos', videoUUID + '-240.mp4'))
const video = await server.videos.get({ id: videoUUID })
const path = server.servers.buildWebTorrentFilePath(video.files[0].fileUrl)
const audioProbe = await getAudioStream(path)
@ -39,5 +39,5 @@ export type MStreamingPlaylistRedundanciesOpt =
PickWithOpt<VideoStreamingPlaylistModel, 'RedundancyVideos', MVideoRedundancyFileUrl[]>
export function isStreamingPlaylist (value: MVideo | MStreamingPlaylistVideo): value is MStreamingPlaylistVideo {
return !!(value as MStreamingPlaylist).playlistUrl
return !!(value as MStreamingPlaylist).videoId
@ -1 +1,5 @@
export const uuidRegex = '[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}'
export function removeFragmentedMP4Ext (path: string) {
return path.replace(/-fragmented.mp4$/i, '')
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
import { readFile } from 'fs-extra'
import * as parseTorrent from 'parse-torrent'
import { join } from 'path'
import { basename, join } from 'path'
import * as WebTorrent from 'webtorrent'
import { VideoFile } from '@shared/models'
import { PeerTubeServer } from '../server'
let webtorrent: WebTorrent.Instance
@ -15,8 +16,8 @@ function webtorrentAdd (torrent: string, refreshWebTorrent = false) {
return new Promise<WebTorrent.Torrent>(res => webtorrent.add(torrent, res))
async function parseTorrentVideo (server: PeerTubeServer, videoUUID: string, resolution: number) {
const torrentName = videoUUID + '-' + resolution + '.torrent'
async function parseTorrentVideo (server: PeerTubeServer, file: VideoFile) {
const torrentName = basename(file.torrentUrl)
const torrentPath = server.servers.buildDirectory(join('torrents', torrentName))
const data = await readFile(torrentPath)
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
import { exec } from 'child_process'
import { copy, ensureDir, readFile, remove } from 'fs-extra'
import { join } from 'path'
import { basename } from 'path/posix'
import { basename, join } from 'path'
import { root } from '@server/helpers/core-utils'
import { HttpStatusCode } from '@shared/models'
import { getFileSize, isGithubCI, wait } from '../miscs'
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ async function waitUntilLivePublishedOnAllServers (servers: PeerTubeServer[], vi
async function checkLiveCleanup (server: PeerTubeServer, videoUUID: string, resolutions: number[] = []) {
async function checkLiveCleanupAfterSave (server: PeerTubeServer, videoUUID: string, resolutions: number[] = []) {
const basePath = server.servers.buildDirectory('streaming-playlists')
const hlsPath = join(basePath, 'hls', videoUUID)
@ -93,12 +93,18 @@ async function checkLiveCleanup (server: PeerTubeServer, videoUUID: string, reso
expect(files).to.have.lengthOf(resolutions.length * 2 + 2)
for (const resolution of resolutions) {
const fragmentedFile = files.find(f => f.endsWith(`-${resolution}-fragmented.mp4`))
const playlistFile = files.find(f => f.endsWith(`${resolution}.m3u8`))
const masterPlaylistFile = files.find(f => f.endsWith('-master.m3u8'))
const shaFile = files.find(f => f.endsWith('-segments-sha256.json'))
export {
@ -107,5 +113,5 @@ export {
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import { expect } from 'chai'
import { basename } from 'path'
import { sha256 } from '@server/helpers/core-utils'
import { removeFragmentedMP4Ext } from '@shared/core-utils'
import { HttpStatusCode, VideoStreamingPlaylist } from '@shared/models'
import { PeerTubeServer } from '../server'
@ -15,11 +16,11 @@ async function checkSegmentHash (options: {
const { server, baseUrlPlaylist, baseUrlSegment, videoUUID, resolution, hlsPlaylist } = options
const command = server.streamingPlaylists
const playlist = await command.get({ url: `${baseUrlPlaylist}/${videoUUID}/${resolution}.m3u8` })
const file = hlsPlaylist.files.find(f => f.resolution.id === resolution)
const videoName = basename(file.fileUrl)
const playlist = await command.get({ url: `${baseUrlPlaylist}/${videoUUID}/${removeFragmentedMP4Ext(videoName)}.m3u8` })
const matches = /#EXT-X-BYTERANGE:(\d+)@(\d+)/.exec(playlist)
const length = parseInt(matches[1], 10)
Reference in New Issue