diff --git a/client/src/locale/angular.cs-CZ.xlf b/client/src/locale/angular.cs-CZ.xlf index ec479bf1a..13c1e6658 100644 --- a/client/src/locale/angular.cs-CZ.xlf +++ b/client/src/locale/angular.cs-CZ.xlf @@ -274,8 +274,8 @@ src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html150 - mentioned you on video - se o vás zmínil ve videu + mentioned you on video + se o vás zmínil ve videu src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 164 @@ -292,24 +292,24 @@ src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html189 - A new version of the plugin/theme is available: - Nová verze zásuvného modulu / tématu je dostupná: + A new version of the plugin/theme is available: + Nová verze zásuvného modulu / tématu je dostupná: src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 198,199 - A new version of PeerTube is available: - Nová verze PeerTube je dostupná: + A new version of PeerTube is available: + Nová verze PeerTube je dostupná: src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 206,207 - Your video edition has finished - Vaše video vydání skončilo + Your video edition has finished + Vaše video vydání skončilo src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 213,215 @@ -425,9 +425,8 @@ src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.html69 - Short text to tell people how they can support the channel (membership platform...).<br /><br /> - When a video is uploaded in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text. - Krátký text, který lidem sdělí, jak mohou kanál podpořit (členská platforma...).<br /><br /> Když je na tento kanál nahráno video, pole pro podporu videa se automaticky vyplní tímto textem. + Short text to tell people how they can support the channel (membership platform...).<br /><br /> When a video is uploaded in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text. + Krátký text, který lidem sdělí, jak mohou kanál podpořit (členská platforma...).<br /><br /> Když je na tento kanál nahráno video, pole pro podporu videa se automaticky vyplní tímto textem. src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html66 src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html66 @@ -479,12 +478,12 @@ Your video quota is exceeded with this video (video size: , used: , quota: ) - U tohoto videa byla překročena kvóta videa (velikost videa: />, použito: , použito: V případě, že se jedná o video, které má být použito, je kvóta: , kvóta: () + U tohoto videa byla překročena kvóta videa (velikost videa: />, použito: , použito: V případě, že se jedná o video, které má být použito, je kvóta: , kvóta: () src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts345 Your daily video quota is exceeded with this video (video size: , used: , quota: ) - S tímto videem byla překročena denní kvóta videí (velikost videa: />, použito: , použito: denní kvóta: , kvóta: () + S tímto videem byla překročena denní kvóta videí (velikost videa: />, použito: , použito: denní kvóta: , kvóta: () src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts364 @@ -748,8 +747,8 @@ src/app/shared/shared-forms/markdown-textarea.component.html20 - <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports: - <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> kompatibilní, který podporuje: + <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports: + <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> kompatibilní, který podporuje: src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts75 @@ -1211,16 +1210,16 @@ src/app/+login/login.component.html11 - This instance allows registration. However, be careful to check the TermsTerms before creating an account. You may also search for another instance to match your exact needs at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. - Tato instance umožňuje registraci. Dávejte však pozor, abyste zkontrolovali Podmínky použití Podmínky použití před vytvořením účtu. Můžete také vyhledat jinou instanci, která bude přesně odpovídat vašim potřebám: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. + This instance allows registration. However, be careful to check the TermsTerms before creating an account. You may also search for another instance to match your exact needs at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. + Tato instance umožňuje registraci. Dávejte však pozor, abyste zkontrolovali Podmínky použití Podmínky použití před vytvořením účtu. Můžete také vyhledat jinou instanci, která bude přesně odpovídat vašim potřebám: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. src/app/+login/login.component.html 15,18 - Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, you may check the Terms for more details or find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. - V současné době tato instance neumožňuje registraci uživatelů, můžete zkontrolovat. Podmínky použití nebo si najděte instanci, která vám umožní zaregistrovat si účet a nahrávat videa tam. Svou instanci najdete mezi více instancemi na adrese: nebo si najděte instanci, která vám umožní zaregistrovat si účet a nahrávat videa tam. Svou instanci najdete mezi více instancemi na: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. + Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, you may check the Terms for more details or find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. + V současné době tato instance neumožňuje registraci uživatelů, můžete zkontrolovat. Podmínky použití nebo si najděte instanci, která vám umožní zaregistrovat si účet a nahrávat videa tam. Svou instanci najdete mezi více instancemi na adrese: nebo si najděte instanci, která vám umožní zaregistrovat si účet a nahrávat videa tam. Svou instanci najdete mezi více instancemi na: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. src/app/+login/login.component.html 20,23 @@ -1247,8 +1246,7 @@ src/app/+login/login.component.html128 - An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to . -The link will expire within 1 hour. + An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to . The link will expire within 1 hour. E-mail s pokyny pro obnovení hesla bude odeslán na adresu . Platnost odkazu vyprší do 1 hodiny. src/app/+login/login.component.ts149 @@ -1286,8 +1284,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+search/search.component.html8 - for - pro + for + pro src/app/+search/search.component.html 10 @@ -1324,40 +1322,40 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. - As you probably noticed: creating an account is not necessary to watch video on . However, creating an account on will allow you to: - Jak jste si pravděpodobně všimli: pro sledování videa na není nutné vytvářet účet. Vytvoření účtu na vám však umožní: + As you probably noticed: creating an account is not necessary to watch video on . However, creating an account on will allow you to: + Jak jste si pravděpodobně všimli: pro sledování videa na není nutné vytvářet účet. Vytvoření účtu na vám však umožní: src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 4,8 - Comment videos - Komentovat videa + Comment videos + Komentovat videa src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 11 - Subscribe to channels to be notified of new videos - Odebírat kanály abyste byli upozorněni na nová videa + Subscribe to channels to be notified of new videos + Odebírat kanály abyste byli upozorněni na nová videa src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 12 - Have access to your watch history - Budete mít ppřístu vaší historii sledování + Have access to your watch history + Budete mít ppřístu vaší historii sledování src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 13 - Create your channel to publish videos - Můžete si vytvořit kanál k publikování videí + Create your channel to publish videos + Můžete si vytvořit kanál k publikování videí src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 14 @@ -1380,32 +1378,32 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. - has been created using PeerTube, a video creation platform developed by Framasoft. Framasoft is a french non-profit organization that offers alternatives to Big Tech's digital tools - byl vytvořen pomocí PeerTube, platformou pro tvorbu videí vyvinutou společností Framasoft.. Framasoft je francouzská nezisková organizace, která nabízí alternativy k digitálním nástrojům Big Tech. + has been created using PeerTube, a video creation platform developed by Framasoft. Framasoft is a french non-profit organization that offers alternatives to Big Tech's digital tools + byl vytvořen pomocí PeerTube, platformou pro tvorbu videí vyvinutou společností Framasoft.. Framasoft je francouzská nezisková organizace, která nabízí alternativy k digitálním nástrojům Big Tech. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 34,37 - You want to publish videos on ? Then you need to create your first channel. - Chcete publkovat videa na ? Pak je třeba vytvořit první kanál. + You want to publish videos on ? Then you need to create your first channel. + Chcete publkovat videa na ? Pak je třeba vytvořit první kanál. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html 2,4 - You might want to create a channel by theme: for example, you can create a channel named "SweetMelodies" to publish your piano concerts and another one "Ecology" in which you publish your videos talking about ecology. - Možná budete chtít vytvořit kanál podle tématu: například můžete vytvořit kanál s názvem "SweetMelodies", kde budete zveřejňovat své klavírní koncerty, a další kanál "Ecology", kde budete zveřejňovat svá videa o ekologii. + You might want to create a channel by theme: for example, you can create a channel named "SweetMelodies" to publish your piano concerts and another one "Ecology" in which you publish your videos talking about ecology. + Možná budete chtít vytvořit kanál podle tématu: například můžete vytvořit kanál s názvem "SweetMelodies", kde budete zveřejňovat své klavírní koncerty, a další kanál "Ecology", kde budete zveřejňovat svá videa o ekologii. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html 6,9 - administrators allow you to publish up to of videos on their website. - správci umožňují publikovat až videí na svých webových stránkách. + administrators allow you to publish up to of videos on their website. + správci umožňují publikovat až videí na svých webových stránkách. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html 11,13 @@ -1477,8 +1475,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html55 - Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are. - Výběr názvu instance, nastavení popisu, uvedení kdo jste, proč jste vytvořili svou instanci a jak dlouho plánujete udržovat je velmi důležité, aby návštěvníci pochopili, o jaký typ instance se jedná. + Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are. + Výběr názvu instance, nastavení popisu, uvedení kdo jste, proč jste vytvořili svou instanci a jak dlouho plánujete udržovat je velmi důležité, aby návštěvníci pochopili, o jaký typ instance se jedná. src/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html 57,61 @@ -1767,8 +1765,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html270 - ⚠️ If enabled, we recommend to use a HTTP proxy to prevent private URL access from your PeerTube server - ⚠️ Pokud je povoleno, doporučujeme použít a HTTP proxy, abyste zabránili přístupu k soukromým URL ze serveru PeerTube + ⚠️ If enabled, we recommend to use a HTTP proxy to prevent private URL access from your PeerTube server + ⚠️ Pokud je povoleno, doporučujeme použít a HTTP proxy, abyste zabránili přístupu k soukromým URL ze serveru PeerTube src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html273 @@ -1790,32 +1788,32 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/menu/menu.component.html130 - Create an accounton - Vytvořte účetna + Create an accounton + Vytvořte účetna src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html 19,21 - I already have an account, I log in - Již má účet, Zaloguji se + I already have an account, I log in + Již má účet, Zaloguji se src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html 27,30 - Termsof - Zásadyz + Termsof + Zásadyz src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html 36,38 - Setupyour account - Nastavenívašeho účtu + Setupyour account + Nastavenívašeho účtu src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html 60,62 @@ -1830,8 +1828,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. - Createyour first channel - Vytvořteváš první kanál + Createyour first channel + Vytvořteváš první kanál src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html 77,79 @@ -1894,18 +1892,18 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html10 - Help moderators and other users to know who you are by: - Pomozte moderátorům a ostatním uživatelům zjistit kdo jste tímto: + Help moderators and other users to know who you are by: + Pomozte moderátorům a ostatním uživatelům zjistit kdo jste tímto: src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html12 - Uploading an avatar - Nahrání avatara + Uploading an avatar + Nahrání avatara src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html15 - Writing a description - Napsáním popisku + Writing a description + Napsáním popisku src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html16 @@ -2348,8 +2346,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/shared/shared-actor-image/actor-avatar.component.ts49 - Markdown compatible that also supports custom PeerTube HTML tags - Kompatibilní s Markdown který také podporuje vlastní PeerTube HTML značky + Markdown compatible that also supports custom PeerTube HTML tags + Kompatibilní s Markdown který také podporuje vlastní PeerTube HTML značky src/app/shared/shared-custom-markup/custom-markup-help.component.html 2 @@ -2422,8 +2420,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html49 - Choose the appropriate licence for your work. - Vyberte vhodnou licenci pro vaše dílo. + Choose the appropriate licence for your work. + Vyberte vhodnou licenci pro vaše dílo. src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html84 @@ -2506,7 +2504,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html182 - Already uploaded on ✔ + Already uploaded on Již nahráno src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html @@ -2707,8 +2705,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html11 - You can also synchronize a remote channel in your library - Vzdálený kanál můžete synchronizovat také ve vaší knihovně + You can also synchronize a remote channel in your library + Vzdálený kanál můžete synchronizovat také ve vaší knihovně src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html 21,23 @@ -3067,8 +3065,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/menu/menu.component.html104 - > Login - > Přihlášení + > Login + > Přihlášení src/app/+login/login.component.html 2,5 @@ -4135,8 +4133,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html21 - - + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html 21,23 @@ -4570,8 +4568,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html46 - Priority (1 = highest priority) - Priorita (1 = nejvyšší priorita) + Priority (1 = highest priority) + Priorita (1 = nejvyšší priorita) src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html 47 @@ -4591,8 +4589,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html105 - No jobs found. - Nenalezena žádná úloha . + No jobs found. + Nenalezena žádná úloha . src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html106 @@ -4640,8 +4638,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. - By -> - Od -> + By -> + Od -> src/app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html47 @@ -4718,8 +4716,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html89 - Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default. - Pokud ji povolíte, ostatní správci budou vědět, že sdružujete především citlivý obsah. Kromě toho bude při nahrávání videa automaticky zaškrtnuto políčko NSFW. + Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default. + Pokud ji povolíte, ostatní správci budou vědět, že sdružujete především citlivý obsah. Kromě toho bude při nahrávání videa automaticky zaškrtnuto políčko NSFW. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html93 @@ -4837,8 +4835,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html4 - Use plugins & themes for more involved changes, or add slight customizations. - Použijte plugins & themes pro rozsáhlejší změny nebo přidejte mírné přizpůsobení. + Use plugins & themes for more involved changes, or add slight customizations. + Použijte plugins & themes pro rozsáhlejší změny nebo přidejte mírné přizpůsobení. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html 5,7 @@ -4925,8 +4923,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html149 - Manage users to set their quota individually. - Spravujte uživatele pro individuální nastavení jejich kvóty. + Manage users to set their quota individually. + Spravujte uživatele pro individuální nastavení jejich kvóty. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html150 @@ -5121,8 +5119,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html393 - You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or host your own. - Na veřejném webu byste měli používat pouze moderované vyhledávací indexy nebo hostovat vlastní. + You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or host your own. + Na veřejném webu byste měli používat pouze moderované vyhledávací indexy nebo hostovat vlastní. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html395 @@ -5156,8 +5154,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html443 - Manage relations with other instances. - Správa vztahů s jinými instancemi. + Manage relations with other instances. + Správa vztahů s jinými instancemi. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html444 @@ -5193,8 +5191,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html490 - See the documentation for more information about the expected URL - Více informací o očekávané adrese URL naleznete v dokumentaci. + See the documentation for more information about the expected URL + Více informací o očekávané adrese URL naleznete v dokumentaci. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html495 @@ -5243,8 +5241,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html576 - If your instance is explicitly allowed by Twitter, a video player will be embedded in the Twitter feed on PeerTube video share. If the instance is not, we use an image link card that will redirect to your PeerTube instance. Check this checkbox, save the configuration and test with a video URL of your instance (https://example.com/w/blabla) on https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator to see if you instance is allowed. - Pokud je vaše instance výslovně povolena Twitterem, bude přehrávač videa vložen do kanálu Twitteru na sdílení videa PeerTube. Pokud instance povolena není, použijeme kartu s obrázkovým odkazem, která přesměruje na vaši instanci PeerTube. Zaškrtněte toto políčko, uložte konfiguraci a vyzkoušejte s adresou URL videa vaší instance (https://example. com/w/blabla) na https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator, abyste zjistili, zda je vaše instance povolena. + If your instance is explicitly allowed by Twitter, a video player will be embedded in the Twitter feed on PeerTube video share. If the instance is not, we use an image link card that will redirect to your PeerTube instance. Check this checkbox, save the configuration and test with a video URL of your instance (https://example.com/w/blabla) on https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator to see if you instance is allowed. + Pokud je vaše instance výslovně povolena Twitterem, bude přehrávač videa vložen do kanálu Twitteru na sdílení videa PeerTube. Pokud instance povolena není, použijeme kartu s obrázkovým odkazem, která přesměruje na vaši instanci PeerTube. Zaškrtněte toto políčko, uložte konfiguraci a vyzkoušejte s adresou URL videa vaší instance (https://example. com/w/blabla) na https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator, abyste zjistili, zda je vaše instance povolena. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html580 @@ -5441,8 +5439,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html89 - Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with plain WebTorrent:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback especially with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2 - Vyžaduje ffmpeg >= 4. 1Generuje seznamy skladeb HLS a fragmentované soubory MP4, což vede k lepšímu přehrávání než s obyčejným WebTorrentem: Změna rozlišení je plynulejšíRychlejší přehrávání zejména dlouhých videíStabilnější přehrávání (méně chyb/nekonečné načítání)Pokud jste také povolili podporu WebTorrent, zdvojnásobí se úložiště videí + Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with plain WebTorrent:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback especially with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2 + Vyžaduje ffmpeg >= 4. 1Generuje seznamy skladeb HLS a fragmentované soubory MP4, což vede k lepšímu přehrávání než s obyčejným WebTorrentem: Změna rozlišení je plynulejšíRychlejší přehrávání zejména dlouhých videíStabilnější přehrávání (méně chyb/nekonečné načítání)Pokud jste také povolili podporu WebTorrent, zdvojnásobí se úložiště videí src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html94 @@ -5589,19 +5587,13 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html73 - Write JavaScript code directly.Example: console.log('my instance is amazing'); - Napište přímo kód JavaScriptu.Příklad: console.log('moje instance je skvělá'); + Write JavaScript code directly.Example: console.log('my instance is amazing'); + Napište přímo kód JavaScriptu.Příklad: console.log('moje instance je skvělá'); src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html76 - Write CSS code directly. Example:#custom-css -color: red; - - Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example:#custom-css .logged-in-email -color: red; - - - Napište kód CSS přímo. Příklad: #custom-css color: red; Předřazení #custom-css pro přepsání stylů. Příklad:#custom-css . logged-in-email color: red; + Write CSS code directly. Example:#custom-css color: red; Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example:#custom-css .logged-in-email color: red; + Napište kód CSS přímo. Příklad: #custom-css color: red; Předřazení #custom-css pro přepsání stylů. Příklad:#custom-css . logged-in-email color: red; src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html95 @@ -5618,8 +5610,8 @@ color: red; - There are errors in the form: - Ve formuláři jsou chyby: + There are errors in the form: + Ve formuláři jsou chyby: src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html71 @@ -5775,8 +5767,8 @@ color: red; src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts261 - Update your settings - Aktualizujte vaše nastavení + Update your settings + Aktualizujte vaše nastavení src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html2 @@ -5796,38 +5788,38 @@ color: red; - Sort by "Recently Added" - Seřadit podle "Nedávno přidané" + Sort by "Recently Added" + Seřadit podle "Nedávno přidané" src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html47 - Sort by "Original Publication Date" - Řadit podle "původního data vydání" + Sort by "Original Publication Date" + Řadit podle "původního data vydání" src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html48 - Sort by "Name" - Řadit podle "Jméno" + Sort by "Name" + Řadit podle "Jméno" src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html50 - Sort by "Recent Views" - Seřadit podle "Poslední zobrazení" + Sort by "Recent Views" + Seřadit podle "Poslední zobrazení" src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html51 - Sort by "Hot" - Seřadit podle "Nejzajímavější" + Sort by "Hot" + Seřadit podle "Nejzajímavější" src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html52 - Sort by "Likes" - Seřadit podle "Líbí se mi" + Sort by "Likes" + Seřadit podle "Líbí se mi" src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html53 - Sort by "Global Views" - Řadit podle "Globálních shlédnutí" + Sort by "Global Views" + Řadit podle "Globálních shlédnutí" src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html54 @@ -5904,8 +5896,8 @@ color: red; src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html4 - With Hide or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video. - Pomocí Skrýt nebo Rozostřit náhledy a pro zhlédnutí videa bude vyžadováno potvrzení. + With Hide or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video. + Pomocí Skrýt nebo Rozostřit náhledy a pro zhlédnutí videa bude vyžadováno potvrzení. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html106 src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html7 @@ -6043,24 +6035,24 @@ color: red; - External Channel - Externí kanál + External Channel + Externí kanál src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html 34 - Channel - Kanál + Channel + Kanál src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html 35 - Last synchronization at - Poslední synchronizace v + Last synchronization at + Poslední synchronizace v src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html 38 @@ -6355,8 +6347,8 @@ color: red; - Some of your channels are not fully set up. Make them welcoming and explicit about what you publish by adding a banner, an avatar and a description. - Některé z vašich kanálů nejsou zcela nastaveny. Vylepšete jim srozumitelnost a jednoznačně informujte o tom, co zveřejňujete, přidáním úvodního obrázku, avataru a popisu. + Some of your channels are not fully set up. Make them welcoming and explicit about what you publish by adding a banner, an avatar and a description. + Některé z vašich kanálů nejsou zcela nastaveny. Vylepšete jim srozumitelnost a jednoznačně informujte o tom, co zveřejňujete, přidáním úvodního obrázku, avataru a popisu. src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/channels-setup-message.component.html 5 @@ -6455,8 +6447,8 @@ color: red; src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html14 - To help moderators and other users to know who you are, don't forget to set up your account profile by adding an avatar and a description. - Aby moderátoři a ostatní uživatelé věděli, kdo jste, nezapomeňte nastavit profil svého účtu přidáním avatara a popisu. + To help moderators and other users to know who you are, don't forget to set up your account profile by adding an avatar and a description. + Aby moderátoři a ostatní uživatelé věděli, kdo jste, nezapomeňte nastavit profil svého účtu přidáním avatara a popisu. src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html18 @@ -6630,8 +6622,8 @@ color: red; - Welcomeon - Vítejtena + Welcomeon + Vítejtena src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html 2,3 @@ -6646,8 +6638,8 @@ color: red; - Check your emails to validate your account and complete your inscription. - Zkontrolujte své e-maily pro ověření svého účtu a dokončení zápisu. + Check your emails to validate your account and complete your inscription. + Zkontrolujte své e-maily pro ověření svého účtu a dokončení zápisu. src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html 10,11 @@ -6747,9 +6739,7 @@ color: red; src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-miniature.component.html9 - Do you really want to delete ? -It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another -channel with the same name ()! + Do you really want to delete ? It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another channel with the same name ()! Opravdu chcete odstranit ? Odstraní se videa nahraná v tomto kanálu a nebude možné vytvořit další kanál se stejným názvem ()! src/app/+my-library/+my-video-channels/my-video-channels.component.ts44 @@ -6789,8 +6779,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html42 - SHOW THIS CHANNEL > - ZOBRAZIT TENTO KANÁL > + SHOW THIS CHANNEL > + ZOBRAZIT TENTO KANÁL > src/app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html50 @@ -7038,8 +7028,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html108 - Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use the websocket transport, the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent tracker. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information - Weboví peeři nejsou veřejně přístupní: protože používáme transportní protokol websocket, je protokol odlišný od klasického trasovače BitTorrent. Když jste ve webovém prohlížeči, odešlete signál obsahující vaši IP adresu do trasovače, který náhodně vybere další peery, kterým informaci předá. Další informace naleznete v tomto dokumentu + Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use the websocket transport, the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent tracker. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information + Weboví peeři nejsou veřejně přístupní: protože používáme transportní protokol websocket, je protokol odlišný od klasického trasovače BitTorrent. Když jste ve webovém prohlížeči, odešlete signál obsahující vaši IP adresu do trasovače, který náhodně vybere další peery, kterým informaci předá. Další informace naleznete v tomto dokumentu src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html112 @@ -7140,8 +7130,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.ts98 - Contact the administrator(s) - Kontakt na administrátora(y) + Contact the administrator(s) + Kontakt na administrátora(y) src/app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html 3 @@ -7287,8 +7277,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html96 - I am at least years old and agree to the Terms and to the Code of Conduct of this instance - Je mi alespoň let a souhlasím s Podmínkami a se Zásadami chování na této instanci + I am at least years old and agree to the Terms and to the Code of Conduct of this instance + Je mi alespoň let a souhlasím s Podmínkami a se Zásadami chování na této instanci src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-terms.component.html5 @@ -7364,8 +7354,8 @@ channel with the same name ()! - > Create an account - > Vytvořte si účet + > Create an account + > Vytvořte si účet src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html 9,12 @@ -7504,8 +7494,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-configuration.service.ts18 - A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video - <code>.mp4</code> který zachovává původní zvukovou stopu bez videa + A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video + <code>.mp4</code> který zachovává původní zvukovou stopu bez videa src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-configuration.service.ts19 @@ -7606,8 +7596,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html8 - However, you may want to read our guidelines before tweaking the following values. - Možná si však budete chtít přečíst naše pokyny před úpravou následujících hodnot. + However, you may want to read our guidelines before tweaking the following values. + Možná si však budete chtít přečíst naše pokyny před úpravou následujících hodnot. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html 12,14 @@ -7882,7 +7872,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! Do you really want to reject {count, plural, =1 { follow request?} other { follow requests?}} - Do you really want to reject {count, plural, =1 { follow request?} other { follow requests?}} + Do you really want to reject {count, plural, =1 { žádost o sledování?} other { žádostí o sledování?}} src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts 82 @@ -7898,7 +7888,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! Rejected {count, plural, =1 { follow request} other { follow requests}} - Rejected {count, plural, =1 { follow request} other { follow requests}} + Odmítnuto {count, plural, =1 { žádost o sledování} other { žádostí o sledování}} src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts 94 @@ -7922,7 +7912,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! Do you really want to delete {count, plural, =1 { follow request?} other { follow requests?}} - Do you really want to delete {count, plural, =1 { follow request?} other { follow requests?}} + Opravdu chcete odstranit {count, plural, =1 { žádost o sledování?} other { žádostí o sledování?}} src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts 112 @@ -7938,7 +7928,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! Removed {count, plural, =1 { follow request} other { follow requests}} - Removed {count, plural, =1 { follow request} other { follow requests}} + Odstraněno {count, plural, =1 { žádost o sledování} other { žádostí o sledování}} src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts 124 @@ -7995,7 +7985,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! You are not following {count, plural, =1 { anymore.} other {these entries anymore.}} - You are not following {count, plural, =1 { anymore.} other {these entries anymore.}} + Už nesledujete {count, plural, =1 { nic.} other {these žádné záznamy.}} src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.ts 82 @@ -8347,8 +8337,8 @@ channel with the same name ()! - PeerTube thinks your web browser public IP is . - PeerTube si myslí, že veřejná IP adresa vašeho webového prohlížeče je . + PeerTube thinks your web browser public IP is . + PeerTube si myslí, že veřejná IP adresa vašeho webového prohlížeče je . src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html 4 @@ -8395,16 +8385,16 @@ channel with the same name ()! - Check the trust_proxy configuration key - Zkontrolujte konfigurační klíč trust_proxy + Check the trust_proxy configuration key + Zkontrolujte konfigurační klíč trust_proxy src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html 15 - If you run PeerTube using Docker, check you run the reverse-proxy with network_mode: "host" (see issue 1643) - Pokud spouštíte PeerTube pomocí Dockeru, zkontrolujte, zda jste spustili reverse-proxy s network_mode: "host" (viz issue 1643) + If you run PeerTube using Docker, check you run the reverse-proxy with network_mode: "host" (see issue 1643) + Pokud spouštíte PeerTube pomocí Dockeru, zkontrolujte, zda jste spustili reverse-proxy s network_mode: "host" (viz issue 1643) src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html 16,17 @@ -8463,8 +8453,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html42 - Published - Publikováno + Published + Publikováno src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html43 @@ -8541,7 +8531,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! Two factor authentication of disabled. - Two factor authentication of disabled. + Dvoufaktorové ověřování vypnuto. src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-update.component.ts 134 @@ -8699,8 +8689,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts99 - <p>You can't create users or channels with a username that already used by a deleted user/channel.</p> - <p>Nelze vytvořit uživatele nebo kanál s uživatelským jménem, které již používá smazaný uživatel/kanál.</p> + <p>You can't create users or channels with a username that already used by a deleted user/channel.</p> + <p>Nelze vytvořit uživatele nebo kanál s uživatelským jménem, které již používá smazaný uživatel/kanál.</p> src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts245 @@ -8752,8 +8742,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+my-library/my-history/my-history.component.html14 - Clear all history - Vymazat celou historii + Clear all history + Vymazat celou historii src/app/+my-library/my-history/my-history.component.html18 @@ -9301,8 +9291,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts128 - is awaiting email verification - čeká na ověření e-mailem + is awaiting email verification + čeká na ověření e-mailem src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html 5,6 @@ -9317,8 +9307,8 @@ channel with the same name ()! - Your current email is . It is never shown to the public. - Váš aktuální e-mail je . Veřejnosti se nikdy neukazuje. + Your current email is . It is never shown to the public. + Váš aktuální e-mail je . Veřejnosti se nikdy neukazuje. src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html 13,16 @@ -9509,13 +9499,13 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts73 - The current video will be overwritten by this edited video and <strong>you won't be able to recover it</strong>.<br /><br /> - Aktuální video bude přepsáno tímto upraveným videem a <strong>nebude možné jej obnovit</strong>.<br /><br /> + The current video will be overwritten by this edited video and <strong>you won't be able to recover it</strong>.<br /><br /> + Aktuální video bude přepsáno tímto upraveným videem a <strong>nebude možné jej obnovit</strong>.<br /><br /> src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts77 - As a reminder, the following tasks will be executed: <ol></ol> - Pro připomenutí, budou provedeny následující úlohy: <ol></ol> + As a reminder, the following tasks will be executed: <ol></ol> + Pro připomenutí, budou provedeny následující úlohy: <ol></ol> src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts78 @@ -9579,8 +9569,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/core/auth/auth.service.ts73 - Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: . -Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section. + Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: . Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section. Nelze načíst pověření klienta OAuth: . Ujistěte se, že jste správně nakonfigurovali PeerTube (adresář config/), zejména část "webserver". src/app/core/auth/auth.service.ts100 @@ -9761,8 +9750,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular src/app/+search/search-filters.component.ts63 - Long (> 10 min) - Dlouhé (> 10 min) + Long (> 10 min) + Dlouhé (> 10 min) src/app/+search/search-filters.component.ts67 @@ -9824,9 +9813,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular - The video quota only takes into account original video size. Since transcoding is enabled, videos size can be at most ~ . - The video quota only takes into account original video size. Since transcoding is enabled, videos size can be at most ~ . - + The video quota only takes into account original video size. Since transcoding is enabled, videos size can be at most ~ . + Kvóta videa zohledňuje pouze původní velikost videa. Protože je zapnuto překódování, může být velikost videa maximálně ~ . src/app/+admin/shared/user-real-quota-info.component.html 1,4 @@ -10553,8 +10541,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular - See the documentation to learn how to use the PeerTube live streaming feature. - Viz dokumentace, kde se dozvíte, jak používat funkci živého vysílání PeerTube. + See the documentation to learn how to use the PeerTube live streaming feature. + Viz dokumentace, kde se dozvíte, jak používat funkci živého vysílání PeerTube. src/app/shared/shared-video-live/live-documentation-link.component.html1 @@ -11363,8 +11351,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts89 - If you remove this user, you won't be able to create another user or channel with <strong></strong> username! - Pokud tohoto uživatele odstraníte, nebudete moci vytvořit dalšího uživatele nebo kanál s tímto <strong></strong> uživatelským jménem! + If you remove this user, you won't be able to create another user or channel with <strong></strong> username! + Pokud tohoto uživatele odstraníte, nebudete moci vytvořit dalšího uživatele nebo kanál s tímto <strong></strong> uživatelským jménem! src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts 104 @@ -11943,8 +11931,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts321 - You need to be <a href="/login">logged in</a> to rate this video. - Pro hodnocení tohoto videa musíte být <a href="/login">přihlášeni</a>. + You need to be <a href="/login">logged in</a> to rate this video. + Pro hodnocení tohoto videa musíte být <a href="/login">přihlášeni</a>. src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/action-buttons/video-rate.component.ts85 @@ -12347,8 +12335,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular - This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>? - Toto video není v tomto případě k dispozici. Chcete být přesměrováni na původní instanci: <a href=""></a>? + This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>? + Toto video není v tomto případě k dispozici. Chcete být přesměrováni na původní instanci: <a href=""></a>? src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts347 diff --git a/client/src/locale/angular.de-DE.xlf b/client/src/locale/angular.de-DE.xlf index 8e3b717bc..bc9673ead 100644 --- a/client/src/locale/angular.de-DE.xlf +++ b/client/src/locale/angular.de-DE.xlf @@ -274,8 +274,8 @@ src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html150 - mentioned you on video - erwähnte Sie in Video + mentioned you on video + erwähnte Sie in Video src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 164 @@ -292,24 +292,24 @@ src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html189 - A new version of the plugin/theme is available: - Eine neue Version des Plugins/Themes ist verfügbar: + A new version of the plugin/theme is available: + Eine neue Version des Plugins/Themes ist verfügbar: src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 198,199 - A new version of PeerTube is available: - Eine neue Version von PeerTube ist verfügbar: + A new version of PeerTube is available: + Eine neue Version von PeerTube ist verfügbar: src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 206,207 - Your video edition has finished - Ihre Videobearbeitung ist abgeschlossen + Your video edition has finished + Ihre Videobearbeitung ist abgeschlossen src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 213,215 @@ -425,9 +425,8 @@ src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.html69 - Short text to tell people how they can support the channel (membership platform...).<br /><br /> - When a video is uploaded in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text. - Kurzer Text, um den Leuten mitzuteilen, wie sie den Kanal unterstützen können (Mitgliedschaftsplattform...).<br /><br /> Wird ein Video in diesem Kanal hochgeladen, wird das Videounterstützungsfeld automatisch mit diesem Text gefüllt. + Short text to tell people how they can support the channel (membership platform...).<br /><br /> When a video is uploaded in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text. + Kurzer Text, um den Leuten mitzuteilen, wie sie den Kanal unterstützen können (Mitgliedschaftsplattform...).<br /><br /> Wird ein Video in diesem Kanal hochgeladen, wird das Videounterstützungsfeld automatisch mit diesem Text gefüllt. src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html66 src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html66 @@ -750,8 +749,8 @@ src/app/shared/shared-forms/markdown-textarea.component.html20 - <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports: - <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> kompatibel. Unterstützt: + <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports: + <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> kompatibel. Unterstützt: src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts75 @@ -935,7 +934,7 @@ Channel synchronization with other platforms (YouTube, Vimeo, ...) - Synchronisierung der Kanäle mit anderen Plattformen (YouTube, Vimeo, ...) + Synchronisation des Kanals mit anderen Plattformen (YouTube, Vimeo, ...) src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html 110 @@ -1213,16 +1212,16 @@ src/app/+login/login.component.html11 - This instance allows registration. However, be careful to check the TermsTerms before creating an account. You may also search for another instance to match your exact needs at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. - Diese Instanz erlaubt Registrierungen. Achten Sie jedoch darauf, die RichtlinienRichtlinien bevor Sie ein Konto anlegen. Sie können auch nach einer anderen Instanz suchen, die genau Ihren Bedürfnissen entspricht, unter: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. + This instance allows registration. However, be careful to check the TermsTerms before creating an account. You may also search for another instance to match your exact needs at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. + Diese Instanz erlaubt Registrierungen. Achten Sie jedoch darauf, die RichtlinienRichtlinien bevor Sie ein Konto anlegen. Sie können auch nach einer anderen Instanz suchen, die genau Ihren Bedürfnissen entspricht, unter: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. src/app/+login/login.component.html 15,18 - Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, you may check the Terms for more details or find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. - Derzeit erlaubt diese Instanz keine Benutzerregistrierung, Sie können die Richtlinien für weitere Details oder finden Sie eine Instanz, die Ihnen die Möglichkeit gibt, sich für ein Konto anzumelden und Ihre Videos dort hochzuladen. Finden Sie Ihre unter mehreren Instanzen unter: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. + Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, you may check the Terms for more details or find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. + Derzeit erlaubt diese Instanz keine Benutzerregistrierung, Sie können die Richtlinien für weitere Details oder finden Sie eine Instanz, die Ihnen die Möglichkeit gibt, sich für ein Konto anzumelden und Ihre Videos dort hochzuladen. Finden Sie Ihre unter mehreren Instanzen unter: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. src/app/+login/login.component.html 20,23 @@ -1249,8 +1248,7 @@ src/app/+login/login.component.html128 - An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to . -The link will expire within 1 hour. + An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to . The link will expire within 1 hour. Es wird eine E-Mail zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts an gesendet. Der Link wird in einer Stunde ablaufen. src/app/+login/login.component.ts149 @@ -1288,8 +1286,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+search/search.component.html8 - for - für + for + für src/app/+search/search.component.html 10 @@ -1326,40 +1324,40 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. - As you probably noticed: creating an account is not necessary to watch video on . However, creating an account on will allow you to: - Wie Sie wahrscheinlich bemerkt haben, ist es nicht notwendig, ein Konto zu erstellen, um Videos auf anzusehen. Wenn Sie jedoch ein Konto auf erstellen, können Sie: + As you probably noticed: creating an account is not necessary to watch video on . However, creating an account on will allow you to: + Wie Sie wahrscheinlich bemerkt haben, ist es nicht notwendig, ein Konto zu erstellen, um Videos auf anzusehen. Wenn Sie jedoch ein Konto auf erstellen, können Sie: src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 4,8 - Comment videos - Videos kommentieren + Comment videos + Videos kommentieren src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 11 - Subscribe to channels to be notified of new videos - Abonnieren Sie Kanäle, um über neue Videos informiert zu werden + Subscribe to channels to be notified of new videos + Abonnieren Sie Kanäle, um über neue Videos informiert zu werden src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 12 - Have access to your watch history - Zugriff auf Ihren Verlauf + Have access to your watch history + Zugriff auf Ihren Verlauf src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 13 - Create your channel to publish videos - Erstellen Sie Ihren Kanal, um Videos zu veröffentlichen + Create your channel to publish videos + Erstellen Sie Ihren Kanal, um Videos zu veröffentlichen src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 14 @@ -1382,32 +1380,32 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. - has been created using PeerTube, a video creation platform developed by Framasoft. Framasoft is a french non-profit organization that offers alternatives to Big Tech's digital tools - wurde mitPeerTube, eine von Framasoft entwickelte Plattform zur Erstellung von Videos. Framasoft ist eine französische Non-Profit-Organisation, die Alternativen zu den digitalen Werkzeugen von Big Tech bietet + has been created using PeerTube, a video creation platform developed by Framasoft. Framasoft is a french non-profit organization that offers alternatives to Big Tech's digital tools + wurde mitPeerTube, eine von Framasoft entwickelte Plattform zur Erstellung von Videos. Framasoft ist eine französische Non-Profit-Organisation, die Alternativen zu den digitalen Werkzeugen von Big Tech bietet src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 34,37 - You want to publish videos on ? Then you need to create your first channel. - Sie wollen Videos auf veröffentlichen? Dann müssen Sie Ihren ersten Kanal erstellen. + You want to publish videos on ? Then you need to create your first channel. + Sie wollen Videos auf veröffentlichen? Dann müssen Sie Ihren ersten Kanal erstellen. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html 2,4 - You might want to create a channel by theme: for example, you can create a channel named "SweetMelodies" to publish your piano concerts and another one "Ecology" in which you publish your videos talking about ecology. - Vielleicht möchten Sie einen Kanal nach Thema erstellen: Sie können zum Beispiel einen Kanal mit dem Namen "SweetMelodies" erstellen, um Ihre Klavierkonzerte zu veröffentlichen, und einen anderen mit dem Namen "Ecology", in dem Sie Ihre Videos zum Thema Ökologie veröffentlichen. + You might want to create a channel by theme: for example, you can create a channel named "SweetMelodies" to publish your piano concerts and another one "Ecology" in which you publish your videos talking about ecology. + Vielleicht möchten Sie einen Kanal nach Thema erstellen: Sie können zum Beispiel einen Kanal mit dem Namen "SweetMelodies" erstellen, um Ihre Klavierkonzerte zu veröffentlichen, und einen anderen mit dem Namen "Ecology", in dem Sie Ihre Videos zum Thema Ökologie veröffentlichen. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html 6,9 - administrators allow you to publish up to of videos on their website. - Administratoren ermöglichen es Ihnen, bis zu von Videos auf ihrer Website. + administrators allow you to publish up to of videos on their website. + Administratoren ermöglichen es Ihnen, bis zu von Videos auf ihrer Website. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html 11,13 @@ -1479,8 +1477,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html55 - Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are. - Auswahl des Instanznamens, Einrichten einer Beschreibung, die Angabe wer Sie sind, warum Sie haben Ihre Instanzund wie lange Sie planen, es zu pflegenist sehr wichtig, damit die Besucher verstehen, um welche Art von Instanz es sich handelt. + Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are. + Auswahl des Instanznamens, Einrichten einer Beschreibung, die Angabe wer Sie sind, warum Sie haben Ihre Instanzund wie lange Sie planen, es zu pflegenist sehr wichtig, damit die Besucher verstehen, um welche Art von Instanz es sich handelt. src/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html 57,61 @@ -1768,8 +1766,8 @@ Hilf mit PeerTube zu übersetzen! src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html270 - ⚠️ If enabled, we recommend to use a HTTP proxy to prevent private URL access from your PeerTube server - ⚠️ Falls aktiviert, empfehlen wir einen HTTP-Proxy zu verwenden, um den Zugriff auf private URLs von Ihrem PeerTube-Server zu verhindern + ⚠️ If enabled, we recommend to use a HTTP proxy to prevent private URL access from your PeerTube server + ⚠️ Falls aktiviert, empfehlen wir einen HTTP-Proxy zu verwenden, um den Zugriff auf private URLs von Ihrem PeerTube-Server zu verhindern src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html273 @@ -1791,32 +1789,32 @@ Hilf mit PeerTube zu übersetzen! src/app/menu/menu.component.html130 - Create an accounton - Ein Konto erstellenauf + Create an accounton + Ein Konto erstellenauf src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html 19,21 - I already have an account, I log in - Ich habe bereits ein Konto, ich melde mich an + I already have an account, I log in + Ich habe bereits ein Konto, ich melde mich an src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html 27,30 - Termsof - Termsvon + Termsof + Termsvon src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html 36,38 - Setupyour account - SetupIhr Konto + Setupyour account + SetupIhr Konto src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html 60,62 @@ -1831,8 +1829,8 @@ Hilf mit PeerTube zu übersetzen! - Createyour first channel - ErstellenIhren ersten Kanal + Createyour first channel + ErstellenIhren ersten Kanal src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html 77,79 @@ -1895,18 +1893,18 @@ Hilf mit PeerTube zu übersetzen! src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html10 - Help moderators and other users to know who you are by: - Helfen Sie Moderatoren und anderen Usern dabei zu wissen, wer Sie sind mit: + Help moderators and other users to know who you are by: + Helfen Sie Moderatoren und anderen Usern dabei zu wissen, wer Sie sind mit: src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html12 - Uploading an avatar - Dem Hochladen eines Avatars + Uploading an avatar + Dem Hochladen eines Avatars src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html15 - Writing a description - Dem Schreiben einer Beschreibung + Writing a description + Dem Schreiben einer Beschreibung src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html16 @@ -2349,8 +2347,8 @@ Hilf mit PeerTube zu übersetzen! src/app/shared/shared-actor-image/actor-avatar.component.ts49 - Markdown compatible that also supports custom PeerTube HTML tags - Markdown-compatible das auch angepasste PeerTube HTML-Tags unterstützt + Markdown compatible that also supports custom PeerTube HTML tags + Markdown-compatible das auch angepasste PeerTube HTML-Tags unterstützt src/app/shared/shared-custom-markup/custom-markup-help.component.html 2 @@ -2423,8 +2421,8 @@ Hilf mit PeerTube zu übersetzen! src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html49 - Choose the appropriate licence for your work. - Wählen Sie die passende Lizenz für Ihre Arbeit. + Choose the appropriate licence for your work. + Wählen Sie die passende Lizenz für Ihre Arbeit. src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html84 @@ -2485,7 +2483,7 @@ Hilf mit PeerTube zu übersetzen! The video may be unplayable during the transcoding process. It's the reason why we prefer to publish publicly the video after transcoding. - Das Video kann während des Transkodierungsvorgangs nicht abgespielt werden. Das ist der Grund, warum wir es vorziehen, das Video nach der Transkodierung zu veröffentlichen. + Das Video ist während der Umwandlung möglicherweise nicht abspielbar. Wir empfehlen deshalb eine Veröffentlichung des Videos nach abgeschlossener Transkodierung. src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html 150 @@ -2507,7 +2505,7 @@ Hilf mit PeerTube zu übersetzen! src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html182 - Already uploaded on ✔ + Already uploaded on Bereits hochgeladen am src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html @@ -2692,7 +2690,7 @@ Hilf mit PeerTube zu übersetzen! Video thumbnail - Video-Miniaturansicht + Vorschaubild des Videos src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html310 @@ -2708,8 +2706,8 @@ Hilf mit PeerTube zu übersetzen! src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html11 - You can also synchronize a remote channel in your library - Sie können auch einen entfernten Kanal in Ihrer Bibliothek synchronisieren + You can also synchronize a remote channel in your library + Sie können auch einen entfernten Kanal in Ihrer Bibliothek synchronisieren src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html 21,23 @@ -3070,8 +3068,8 @@ Hilf mit PeerTube zu übersetzen! src/app/menu/menu.component.html104 - > Login - > Login + > Login + > Login src/app/+login/login.component.html 2,5 @@ -4063,7 +4061,7 @@ Hilf mit PeerTube zu übersetzen! Comments on local videos - Kommentare bei internen Videos + Kommentare von Instanz-internen Videos src/app/+admin/overview/comments/video-comment-list.component.ts 60 @@ -4166,8 +4164,8 @@ Hilf mit PeerTube zu übersetzen! src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html21 - - + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html 21,23 @@ -4605,8 +4603,8 @@ Hilf mit PeerTube zu übersetzen! src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html46 - Priority (1 = highest priority) - Priorität (1 = höchste Priorität) + Priority (1 = highest priority) + Priorität (1 = höchste Priorität) src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html 47 @@ -4626,8 +4624,8 @@ Hilf mit PeerTube zu übersetzen! src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html105 - No jobs found. - Keine Jobs gefunden. + No jobs found. + Keine Jobs gefunden. src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html106 @@ -4675,8 +4673,8 @@ Hilf mit PeerTube zu übersetzen! - By -> - Von -> + By -> + Von -> src/app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html47 @@ -4753,8 +4751,8 @@ Hilf mit PeerTube zu übersetzen! src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html89 - Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default. - Durch die Aktivierung können andere Administratoren erkennen, dass Sie hauptsächlich sensible Inhalte einspeisen. Außerdem wird das NSFW-Kontrollkästchen beim Video-Upload standardmäßig automatisch aktiviert. + Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default. + Durch die Aktivierung können andere Administratoren erkennen, dass Sie hauptsächlich sensible Inhalte einspeisen. Außerdem wird das NSFW-Kontrollkästchen beim Video-Upload standardmäßig automatisch aktiviert. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html93 @@ -4872,8 +4870,8 @@ Hilf mit PeerTube zu übersetzen! src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html4 - Use plugins & themes for more involved changes, or add slight customizations. - Verwenden Sie plugins & themes für umfangreichere Änderungen, oder fügen Sie leichte Anpassungen. + Use plugins & themes for more involved changes, or add slight customizations. + Verwenden Sie plugins & themes für umfangreichere Änderungen, oder fügen Sie leichte Anpassungen. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html 5,7 @@ -4960,8 +4958,8 @@ Hilf mit PeerTube zu übersetzen! src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html149 - Manage users to set their quota individually. - Verwalten Sie Benutzer, um ihre Quote individuell einzustellen. + Manage users to set their quota individually. + Verwalten Sie Benutzer, um ihre Quote individuell einzustellen. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html150 @@ -5156,8 +5154,8 @@ Hilf mit PeerTube zu übersetzen! src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html393 - You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or host your own. - Sie sollten nur moderierte Suchindizes in der Produktion verwenden oder eigene hosten. + You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or host your own. + Sie sollten nur moderierte Suchindizes in der Produktion verwenden oder eigene hosten. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html395 @@ -5191,8 +5189,8 @@ Hilf mit PeerTube zu übersetzen! src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html443 - Manage relations with other instances. - Verwalten Sie Beziehungen mit anderen Instanzen. + Manage relations with other instances. + Verwalten Sie Beziehungen mit anderen Instanzen. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html444 @@ -5228,8 +5226,8 @@ Hilf mit PeerTube zu übersetzen! src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html490 - See the documentation for more information about the expected URL - Siehe die Dokumentation für weitere Informationen zur erwarteten URL + See the documentation for more information about the expected URL + Siehe die Dokumentation für weitere Informationen zur erwarteten URL src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html495 @@ -5278,8 +5276,8 @@ Hilf mit PeerTube zu übersetzen! src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html576 - If your instance is explicitly allowed by Twitter, a video player will be embedded in the Twitter feed on PeerTube video share. If the instance is not, we use an image link card that will redirect to your PeerTube instance. Check this checkbox, save the configuration and test with a video URL of your instance (https://example.com/w/blabla) on https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator to see if you instance is allowed. - Wenn Ihre Instanz explizit von Twitter erlaubt ist, wird ein Videoplayer in den Twitter-Feed auf der PeerTube-Videofreigabe eingebettet. Wenn die Instanz nicht erlaubt ist, verwenden wir eine Bildlinkkarte, die auf Ihre PeerTube-Instanz umleitet. Aktivieren Sie diese Checkbox, speichern Sie die Konfiguration und testen Sie mit einer Video-URL Ihrer Instanz (https://example. com/w/blabla) auf https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator um zu sehen, ob Ihre Instanz erlaubt ist. + If your instance is explicitly allowed by Twitter, a video player will be embedded in the Twitter feed on PeerTube video share. If the instance is not, we use an image link card that will redirect to your PeerTube instance. Check this checkbox, save the configuration and test with a video URL of your instance (https://example.com/w/blabla) on https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator to see if you instance is allowed. + Wenn Ihre Instanz explizit von Twitter erlaubt ist, wird ein Videoplayer in den Twitter-Feed auf der PeerTube-Videofreigabe eingebettet. Wenn die Instanz nicht erlaubt ist, verwenden wir eine Bildlinkkarte, die auf Ihre PeerTube-Instanz umleitet. Aktivieren Sie diese Checkbox, speichern Sie die Konfiguration und testen Sie mit einer Video-URL Ihrer Instanz (https://example. com/w/blabla) auf https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator um zu sehen, ob Ihre Instanz erlaubt ist. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html580 @@ -5476,8 +5474,8 @@ Hilf mit PeerTube zu übersetzen! src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html89 - Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with plain WebTorrent:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback especially with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2 - Erfordert ffmpeg >= 4. 1Erzeugt HLS-Wiedergabelisten und fragmentierte MP4-Dateien, was zu einer besseren Wiedergabe als mit einfachem WebTorrent führt: Auflösungswechsel ist sanfterSchnellere Wiedergabe besonders bei langen VideosStabilere Wiedergabe (weniger Bugs/unendliches Laden)Wenn Sie auch die WebTorrent-Unterstützung aktiviert haben, wird der Videospeicher mit 2 multipliziert + Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with plain WebTorrent:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback especially with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2 + Erfordert ffmpeg >= 4. 1Erzeugt HLS-Wiedergabelisten und fragmentierte MP4-Dateien, was zu einer besseren Wiedergabe als mit einfachem WebTorrent führt: Auflösungswechsel ist sanfterSchnellere Wiedergabe besonders bei langen VideosStabilere Wiedergabe (weniger Bugs/unendliches Laden)Wenn Sie auch die WebTorrent-Unterstützung aktiviert haben, wird der Videospeicher mit 2 multipliziert src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html94 @@ -5624,19 +5622,13 @@ Hilf mit PeerTube zu übersetzen! src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html73 - Write JavaScript code directly.Example: console.log('my instance is amazing'); - Schreiben Sie JavaScript-Code direkt.Beispiel: console.log('meine Instanz ist toll'); + Write JavaScript code directly.Example: console.log('my instance is amazing'); + Schreiben Sie JavaScript-Code direkt.Beispiel: console.log('meine Instanz ist toll'); src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html76 - Write CSS code directly. Example:#custom-css -color: red; - - Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example:#custom-css .logged-in-email -color: red; - - - Schreiben Sie direkt CSS-Code. Beispiel: #custom-css color: Rot; Vorangestellt wird #custom-css um Stile außer Kraft zu setzen. Beispiel:#custom-css . eingeloggt-email color: red; + Write CSS code directly. Example:#custom-css color: red; Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example:#custom-css .logged-in-email color: red; + Schreiben Sie direkt CSS-Code. Beispiel: #custom-css color: Rot; Vorangestellt wird #custom-css um Stile außer Kraft zu setzen. Beispiel:#custom-css . eingeloggt-email color: red; src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html95 @@ -5653,8 +5645,8 @@ color: red; - There are errors in the form: - Es sind Fehler im Formular vorhanden: + There are errors in the form: + Es sind Fehler im Formular vorhanden: src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html71 @@ -5810,8 +5802,8 @@ color: red; src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts261 - Update your settings - Aktualisieren Sie Ihre Einstellungen + Update your settings + Aktualisieren Sie Ihre Einstellungen src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html2 @@ -5831,38 +5823,38 @@ color: red; - Sort by "Recently Added" - Sortieren nach"Zuletzt hinzugefügt" + Sort by "Recently Added" + Sortieren nach"Zuletzt hinzugefügt" src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html47 - Sort by "Original Publication Date" - Sortieren nach "Originalveröffentlichungsdatum" + Sort by "Original Publication Date" + Sortieren nach "Originalveröffentlichungsdatum" src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html48 - Sort by "Name" - Sortieren nach "Name" + Sort by "Name" + Sortieren nach "Name" src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html50 - Sort by "Recent Views" - Sortieren nach "Kürzlich aufgerufen" + Sort by "Recent Views" + Sortieren nach "Kürzlich aufgerufen" src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html51 - Sort by "Hot" - Sortieren nach "Beliebt" + Sort by "Hot" + Sortieren nach "Beliebt" src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html52 - Sort by "Likes" - Sortieren nach "Gefällt mir" + Sort by "Likes" + Sortieren nach "Gefällt mir" src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html53 - Sort by "Global Views" - Nach "Globale Aufrufe" sortieren + Sort by "Global Views" + Nach "Globale Aufrufe" sortieren src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html54 @@ -5939,8 +5931,8 @@ color: red; src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html4 - With Hide or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video. - Mit Ausblenden oder Vorschaubilder verwischen, wird eine Bestätigung verlangt, um das Video anzusehen. + With Hide or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video. + Mit Ausblenden oder Vorschaubilder verwischen, wird eine Bestätigung verlangt, um das Video anzusehen. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html106 src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html7 @@ -6078,24 +6070,24 @@ color: red; - External Channel - Externer Kanal + External Channel + Externer Kanal src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html 34 - Channel - Kanal + Channel + Kanal src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html 35 - Last synchronization at - Letzte Synchronisierung am + Last synchronization at + Letzte Synchronisierung am src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html 38 @@ -6390,8 +6382,8 @@ color: red; - Some of your channels are not fully set up. Make them welcoming and explicit about what you publish by adding a banner, an avatar and a description. - Einige Ihrer Kanäle sind nicht vollständig eingerichtet. Machen Sie sie einladend und zeigen Sie deutlich, was Sie veröffentlichen, indem Sie ein Banner, ein Avatar und eine Beschreibung. + Some of your channels are not fully set up. Make them welcoming and explicit about what you publish by adding a banner, an avatar and a description. + Einige Ihrer Kanäle sind nicht vollständig eingerichtet. Machen Sie sie einladend und zeigen Sie deutlich, was Sie veröffentlichen, indem Sie ein Banner, ein Avatar und eine Beschreibung. src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/channels-setup-message.component.html 5 @@ -6490,8 +6482,8 @@ color: red; src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html14 - To help moderators and other users to know who you are, don't forget to set up your account profile by adding an avatar and a description. - Damit Moderatoren und andere Nutzer wissen, wer Sie sind vergessen Sie nicht, ihr Kontoprofil einzurichten durch Hinzufügen eines Avatars und eine Beschreibung. + To help moderators and other users to know who you are, don't forget to set up your account profile by adding an avatar and a description. + Damit Moderatoren und andere Nutzer wissen, wer Sie sind vergessen Sie nicht, ihr Kontoprofil einzurichten durch Hinzufügen eines Avatars und eine Beschreibung. src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html18 @@ -6665,8 +6657,8 @@ color: red; - Welcomeon - Willkommenauf + Welcomeon + Willkommenauf src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html 2,3 @@ -6681,8 +6673,8 @@ color: red; - Check your emails to validate your account and complete your inscription. - Überprüfen Sie Ihre E-Mails, um Ihr Konto zu bestätigen und Ihre Anmeldung abzuschließen. + Check your emails to validate your account and complete your inscription. + Überprüfen Sie Ihre E-Mails, um Ihr Konto zu bestätigen und Ihre Anmeldung abzuschließen. src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html 10,11 @@ -6782,9 +6774,7 @@ color: red; src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-miniature.component.html9 - Do you really want to delete ? -It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another -channel with the same name ()! + Do you really want to delete ? It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another channel with the same name ()! Wollen Sie wirklich löschen? Es löscht Videos, die in diesem Kanal hochgeladen wurden, und Sie können keinen weiteren Kanal mit demselben Namen () erstellen! src/app/+my-library/+my-video-channels/my-video-channels.component.ts44 @@ -6824,8 +6814,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html42 - SHOW THIS CHANNEL > - DIESEN KANAL ZEIGEN > + SHOW THIS CHANNEL > + DIESEN KANAL ZEIGEN > src/app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html50 @@ -7073,8 +7063,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html108 - Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use the websocket transport, the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent tracker. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information - Web-Peers sind nicht öffentlich zugänglich: Da wir den Websocket-Transport verwenden, ist das Protokoll anders als bei klassischen BitTorrent-Trackern. Wenn Sie in einem Webbrowser sind, senden Sie ein Signal mit Ihrer IP-Adresse an den Tracker, der zufällig andere Peers auswählt, an die er die Informationen weiterleitet. Siehe dieses Dokument für weitere Informationen + Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use the websocket transport, the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent tracker. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information + Web-Peers sind nicht öffentlich zugänglich: Da wir den Websocket-Transport verwenden, ist das Protokoll anders als bei klassischen BitTorrent-Trackern. Wenn Sie in einem Webbrowser sind, senden Sie ein Signal mit Ihrer IP-Adresse an den Tracker, der zufällig andere Peers auswählt, an die er die Informationen weiterleitet. Siehe dieses Dokument für weitere Informationen src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html112 @@ -7175,8 +7165,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.ts98 - Contact the administrator(s) - Kontaktieren Sie den/die Administrator/en + Contact the administrator(s) + Kontaktieren Sie den/die Administrator/en src/app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html 3 @@ -7321,8 +7311,8 @@ Erstelle mein Konto src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html96 - I am at least years old and agree to the Terms and to the Code of Conduct of this instance - Ich bin mindestens Jahre alt und akzeptiere die Bedingungen und zum Verhaltenskodex dieser Instanz + I am at least years old and agree to the Terms and to the Code of Conduct of this instance + Ich bin mindestens Jahre alt und akzeptiere die Bedingungen und zum Verhaltenskodex dieser Instanz src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-terms.component.html5 @@ -7398,8 +7388,8 @@ Erstelle mein Konto - > Create an account - > Ein Konto erstellen + > Create an account + > Ein Konto erstellen src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html 9,12 @@ -7538,8 +7528,8 @@ Erstelle mein Konto src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-configuration.service.ts18 - A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video - Ein <code>.mp4</code> das nur die originale Tonspur enthält, ohne Bild + A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video + Ein <code>.mp4</code> das nur die originale Tonspur enthält, ohne Bild src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-configuration.service.ts19 @@ -7640,8 +7630,8 @@ Erstelle mein Konto src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html8 - However, you may want to read our guidelines before tweaking the following values. - Sie sollten jedochunsere Richtlinien bevor Sie die folgenden Werte ändern. + However, you may want to read our guidelines before tweaking the following values. + Sie sollten jedochunsere Richtlinien bevor Sie die folgenden Werte ändern. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html 12,14 @@ -8389,8 +8379,8 @@ Erstelle mein Konto - PeerTube thinks your web browser public IP is . - PeerTube denkt, die öffentliche IP-Adresse ihres Webbrowsers lautet . + PeerTube thinks your web browser public IP is . + PeerTube denkt, die öffentliche IP-Adresse ihres Webbrowsers lautet . src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html 4 @@ -8437,16 +8427,16 @@ Erstelle mein Konto - Check the trust_proxy configuration key - Überprüfen Sie den trust_proxy Konfigurations-Schlüssel + Check the trust_proxy configuration key + Überprüfen Sie den trust_proxy Konfigurations-Schlüssel src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html 15 - If you run PeerTube using Docker, check you run the reverse-proxy with network_mode: "host" (see issue 1643) - Wenn Sie PeerTube mit Docker betreiben, prüfen Sie, ob Sie den Reverse-Proxy mit network_mode: "host" (siehe Problem 1643) betreiben + If you run PeerTube using Docker, check you run the reverse-proxy with network_mode: "host" (see issue 1643) + Wenn Sie PeerTube mit Docker betreiben, prüfen Sie, ob Sie den Reverse-Proxy mit network_mode: "host" (siehe Problem 1643) betreiben src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html 16,17 @@ -8505,8 +8495,8 @@ Erstelle mein Konto src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html42 - Published - Veröffentlicht + Published + Veröffentlicht src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html43 @@ -8741,8 +8731,8 @@ Erstelle mein Konto src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts99 - <p>You can't create users or channels with a username that already used by a deleted user/channel.</p> - <p>Sie können keine Benutzer oder Kanäle mit einem Benutzernamen erstellen, der bereits von einem gelöschten Benutzer/Kanal verwendet wird.</p> + <p>You can't create users or channels with a username that already used by a deleted user/channel.</p> + <p>Sie können keine Benutzer oder Kanäle mit einem Benutzernamen erstellen, der bereits von einem gelöschten Benutzer/Kanal verwendet wird.</p> src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts245 @@ -8798,8 +8788,8 @@ Erstelle mein Konto src/app/+my-library/my-history/my-history.component.html14 - Clear all history - Ganzen Verlauf löschen + Clear all history + Ganzen Verlauf löschen src/app/+my-library/my-history/my-history.component.html18 @@ -9347,8 +9337,8 @@ Erstelle mein Konto src/app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts128 - is awaiting email verification - wartet auf E-Mail Verifizierung + is awaiting email verification + wartet auf E-Mail Verifizierung src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html 5,6 @@ -9363,8 +9353,8 @@ Erstelle mein Konto - Your current email is . It is never shown to the public. - Ihre aktuelle E-Mail lautet . Sie wird niemals der Öffentlichkeit gezeigt. + Your current email is . It is never shown to the public. + Ihre aktuelle E-Mail lautet . Sie wird niemals der Öffentlichkeit gezeigt. src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html 13,16 @@ -9555,13 +9545,13 @@ Erstelle mein Konto src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts73 - The current video will be overwritten by this edited video and <strong>you won't be able to recover it</strong>.<br /><br /> - Das aktuelle Video wird durch dieses bearbeitete Video überschrieben und <strong>Sie werden nicht in der Lage sein, es wiederherzustellen</strong>.<br /><br /> + The current video will be overwritten by this edited video and <strong>you won't be able to recover it</strong>.<br /><br /> + Das aktuelle Video wird durch dieses bearbeitete Video überschrieben und <strong>Sie werden nicht in der Lage sein, es wiederherzustellen</strong>.<br /><br /> src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts77 - As a reminder, the following tasks will be executed: <ol></ol> - Zur Erinnerung: Die folgenden Aufgaben werden ausgeführt: <ol></ol> + As a reminder, the following tasks will be executed: <ol></ol> + Zur Erinnerung: Die folgenden Aufgaben werden ausgeführt: <ol></ol> src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts78 @@ -9625,8 +9615,7 @@ Erstelle mein Konto src/app/core/auth/auth.service.ts73 - Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: . -Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section. + Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: . Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section. Referenzen des OAuth-Clients können nicht abgerufen werden: . Stellen Sie sicher, dass PeerTube korrekt konfiguriert ist (Ordner config/), speziell der Abschnitt "webserver". src/app/core/auth/auth.service.ts100 @@ -9807,8 +9796,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular src/app/+search/search-filters.component.ts63 - Long (> 10 min) - Lang (> 10 min) + Long (> 10 min) + Lang (> 10 min) src/app/+search/search-filters.component.ts67 @@ -9870,8 +9859,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular - The video quota only takes into account original video size. Since transcoding is enabled, videos size can be at most ~ . - Die Videoquote berücksichtigt nur die originale Videogröße. Da die Transkodierung aktiviert ist, kann die Videogröße höchstens ~ betragen. + The video quota only takes into account original video size. Since transcoding is enabled, videos size can be at most ~ . + Die Videoquote berücksichtigt nur die originale Videogröße. Da die Transkodierung aktiviert ist, kann die Videogröße höchstens ~ betragen. src/app/+admin/shared/user-real-quota-info.component.html 1,4 @@ -10598,8 +10587,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular - See the documentation to learn how to use the PeerTube live streaming feature. - Siehe die Dokumentation um zu erfahren, wie Sie die PeerTube-Live-Streaming-Funktion nutzen können. + See the documentation to learn how to use the PeerTube live streaming feature. + Siehe die Dokumentation um zu erfahren, wie Sie die PeerTube-Live-Streaming-Funktion nutzen können. src/app/shared/shared-video-live/live-documentation-link.component.html1 @@ -11408,8 +11397,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts89 - If you remove this user, you won't be able to create another user or channel with <strong></strong> username! - Wenn Sie diesen Benutzer entfernen, können Sie keinen anderen Benutzer oder Kanal mit <strong></strong> Benutzernamen erstellen! + If you remove this user, you won't be able to create another user or channel with <strong></strong> username! + Wenn Sie diesen Benutzer entfernen, können Sie keinen anderen Benutzer oder Kanal mit <strong></strong> Benutzernamen erstellen! src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts 104 @@ -11996,8 +11985,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts321 - You need to be <a href="/login">logged in</a> to rate this video. - Sie müssen <a href="/login">eingeloggt</a> sein, um dieses Video zu bewerten. + You need to be <a href="/login">logged in</a> to rate this video. + Sie müssen <a href="/login">eingeloggt</a> sein, um dieses Video zu bewerten. src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/action-buttons/video-rate.component.ts85 @@ -12374,8 +12363,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular - This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>? - Dieses Video ist auf dieser Instanz nicht verfügbar. Wollen Sie auf die Quellinstanz weitergeleitet werden: <a href=""></a>? + This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>? + Dieses Video ist auf dieser Instanz nicht verfügbar. Wollen Sie auf die Quellinstanz weitergeleitet werden: <a href=""></a>? src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts347 diff --git a/client/src/locale/angular.fi-FI.xlf b/client/src/locale/angular.fi-FI.xlf index 5b53eb11f..57dbccdec 100644 --- a/client/src/locale/angular.fi-FI.xlf +++ b/client/src/locale/angular.fi-FI.xlf @@ -5,168 +5,168 @@ Close Sulje - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Slide of Dia / Currently selected slide number read by screen reader - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Previous Edellinen - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Next Seuraava - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Select month Valitse kuukausi - - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Select year Valitse vuosi - - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Previous month Edellinen kuukausi - - - node_modules/src/datepicker/datepicker-navigation.ts61node_modules/src/datepicker/datepicker-navigation.ts78 + node_modules/src/datepicker/datepicker-navigation.ts61 + node_modules/src/datepicker/datepicker-navigation.ts78 + Next month Seuraava kuukausi - - - node_modules/src/datepicker/datepicker-navigation.ts86node_modules/src/datepicker/datepicker-navigation.ts86 + node_modules/src/datepicker/datepicker-navigation.ts86 + node_modules/src/datepicker/datepicker-navigation.ts86 + «« «« - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + « « - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + » » - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + »» »» - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + First Ensimmäinen - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Previous Edellinen - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Next Seuraava - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Last Viimeinen - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + HH HH - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Hours Tuntia - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + MM MM - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Minutes Minuuttia - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Increment hours Lisää tunteja - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Decrement hours Vähennä tunteja - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Increment minutes Lisää minuutteja - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Decrement minutes Vähennä minuutteja - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + SS SS - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Seconds Sekunnit - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Increment seconds Lisää sekunteja - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Decrement seconds Vähennä sekunteja - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Close Sulje - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Close the left menu Sulje valikko @@ -274,8 +274,8 @@ src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html150 - mentioned you on video - mainitsi sinut videolla + mentioned you on video + mainitsi sinut videolla src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 164 @@ -292,24 +292,24 @@ src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html189 - A new version of the plugin/theme is available: - Uusi versio laajennuksesta/teemasta on saatavilla: + A new version of the plugin/theme is available: + Uusi versio laajennuksesta/teemasta on saatavilla: src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 198,199 - A new version of PeerTube is available: - Uusi versio PeerTubesta on saatavilla: + A new version of PeerTube is available: + Uusi versio PeerTubesta on saatavilla: src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 206,207 - Your video edition has finished - Videosi editti valmistui + Your video edition has finished + Videosi editti valmistui src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 213,215 @@ -425,9 +425,8 @@ src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.html69 - Short text to tell people how they can support the channel (membership platform...).<br /><br /> - When a video is uploaded in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text. - Lyhyt teksti, jossa kerrotaan ihmisille, kuinka he voivat tukea kanavaa (jäsenalusta...).<br /><br /> Kun video ladataan tälle kanavalle, videotukikenttä täytetään automaattisesti tällä tekstillä. + Short text to tell people how they can support the channel (membership platform...).<br /><br /> When a video is uploaded in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text. + Lyhyt teksti, jossa kerrotaan ihmisille, kuinka he voivat tukea kanavaa (jäsenalusta...).<br /><br /> Kun video ladataan tälle kanavalle, videotukikenttä täytetään automaattisesti tällä tekstillä. src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html66 src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html66 @@ -750,13 +749,13 @@ src/app/shared/shared-forms/markdown-textarea.component.html20 - <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports: - <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> yhteensopiva, joka tukee: + <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports: + <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> yhteensopiva, joka tukee: src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts75 Recommended - Suositellut + Suositeltava src/app/shared/shared-forms/peertube-checkbox.component.html33 @@ -769,7 +768,7 @@ Using an ActivityPub account - Käyttää ActivityPub-tiliä + Käytä ActivityPub tiliä src/app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html48 @@ -961,18 +960,18 @@ users - käyttäjät + käyttäjää src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html11 videos - videot + videoita src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html21 src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html65 views - näytöt + näyttöä src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html 31 @@ -980,7 +979,7 @@ comments - kommentit + kommenttia src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html 41 @@ -992,7 +991,7 @@ hosted video - ylläpidetty video + videoita yhteensä src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html 51 @@ -1022,12 +1021,12 @@ followers - seuraajaa + seurattavaa src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html85 following - seuraamassa + seuraa src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html95 @@ -1213,16 +1212,16 @@ src/app/+login/login.component.html11 - This instance allows registration. However, be careful to check the TermsTerms before creating an account. You may also search for another instance to match your exact needs at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. - Tämä instanssi sallii rekisteröinnin. Tarkista kuitenkin huolellisesti KäyttöehdotKäyttöehdot ennen tilin luomista. Voit myös etsiä toista instanssia, joka vastaa täsmälleen tarpeitasi: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. + This instance allows registration. However, be careful to check the TermsTerms before creating an account. You may also search for another instance to match your exact needs at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. + Tämä instanssi sallii rekisteröinnin. Tarkista kuitenkin huolellisesti KäyttöehdotKäyttöehdot ennen tilin luomista. Voit myös etsiä toista instanssia, joka vastaa täsmälleen tarpeitasi: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. src/app/+login/login.component.html 15,18 - Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, you may check the Terms for more details or find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. - Tällä hetkellä tämä instanssi ei salli käyttäjän rekisteröintiä, voit tarkistaa Käyttöehdot saadaksesi lisätietoja tai etsi esimerkki, joka antaa sinulle mahdollisuuden rekisteröityä tilille ja ladata videosi sinne. Löydä omasi useiden instanssien joukosta osoitteessa: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. + Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, you may check the Terms for more details or find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. + Tällä hetkellä tämä instanssi ei salli käyttäjän rekisteröintiä, voit tarkistaa Käyttöehdot saadaksesi lisätietoja tai etsi esimerkki, joka antaa sinulle mahdollisuuden rekisteröityä tilille ja ladata videosi sinne. Löydä omasi useiden instanssien joukosta osoitteessa: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. src/app/+login/login.component.html 20,23 @@ -1249,8 +1248,7 @@ src/app/+login/login.component.html128 - An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to . -The link will expire within 1 hour. + An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to . The link will expire within 1 hour. Ohjeet salasanan palautukseen lähetetään osoitteeseen . Linkki on voimassa 1 tunnin. src/app/+login/login.component.ts149 @@ -1288,8 +1286,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+search/search.component.html8 - for - + for + src/app/+search/search.component.html 10 @@ -1319,47 +1317,47 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Why creating an account? - Miksi luoda tili? + Miksi loisin tilin? src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 2 - As you probably noticed: creating an account is not necessary to watch video on . However, creating an account on will allow you to: - Kuten luultavasti huomasit: tilin luominen ei ole välttämätöntä videoiden katsomiseen ssa. Tilin luominen kuitenkin antaa sinun: + As you probably noticed: creating an account is not necessary to watch video on . However, creating an account on will allow you to: + Kuten luultavasti huomasit: tilin luominen ei ole välttämätöntä videoiden katsomiseen ssa. Tilin luominen kuitenkin instanssiin antaa sinun: src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 4,8 - Comment videos - Kommentoida videoita + Comment videos + Kommentoida videoita src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 11 - Subscribe to channels to be notified of new videos - Tilata kanavia, joilta saat ilmoituksen uusista videoista + Subscribe to channels to be notified of new videos + Tilata kanavia, joilta saat ilmoituksen uusista videoista src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 12 - Have access to your watch history - Saat pääsyn omaan katseluhistoriaasi + Have access to your watch history + Saat pääsyn omaan katseluhistoriaasi src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 13 - Create your channel to publish videos - Tehdä oman kanavasi videoiden julkistamista varten + Create your channel to publish videos + Tehdä oman kanavasi videoiden julkistamista varten src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 14 @@ -1382,32 +1380,32 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. - has been created using PeerTube, a video creation platform developed by Framasoft. Framasoft is a french non-profit organization that offers alternatives to Big Tech's digital tools - on luotu käyttäen PeerTubea, Framasoftin kehittämää videoalustaa. Framasoft on ranskalainen voittoa tavoittelematon organisaatio, joka tarjoaa vaihtoehtoja Big Techin digitaalisille työkaluille + has been created using PeerTube, a video creation platform developed by Framasoft. Framasoft is a french non-profit organization that offers alternatives to Big Tech's digital tools + on luotu käyttäen PeerTubea, Framasoftin kehittämää videoalustaa. Framasoft on ranskalainen voittoa tavoittelematon organisaatio, joka tarjoaa vaihtoehtoja Big Techin digitaalisille työkaluille src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 34,37 - You want to publish videos on ? Then you need to create your first channel. - Haluatko julkaista videoita ? Sitten sinun on luotava ensimmäinen kanavasi. + You want to publish videos on ? Then you need to create your first channel. + Haluatko julkaista videoita ? Sitten sinun on luotava ensimmäinen kanavasi. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html 2,4 - You might want to create a channel by theme: for example, you can create a channel named "SweetMelodies" to publish your piano concerts and another one "Ecology" in which you publish your videos talking about ecology. - Saattaisit haluta luoda kanavan teeman mukaan: fVoit esimerkiksi luoda "SweetMelodies"-nimisen kanavan pianokonserttisi julkaisemiseen ja toisen "Ecology"-kanavan, jossa julkaiset ekologiasta kertovia videoitasi. + You might want to create a channel by theme: for example, you can create a channel named "SweetMelodies" to publish your piano concerts and another one "Ecology" in which you publish your videos talking about ecology. + Saattaisit haluta luoda kanavan teeman mukaan: fVoit esimerkiksi luoda "SweetMelodies"-nimisen kanavan pianokonserttisi julkaisemiseen ja toisen "Ecology"-kanavan, jossa julkaiset ekologiasta kertovia videoitasi. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html 6,9 - administrators allow you to publish up to of videos on their website. - järjestelmänvalvojat sallivat sinun julkaista jopa videota heidän web-sivuillaan. + administrators allow you to publish up to of videos on their website. + järjestelmänvalvojat sallivat sinun julkaista jopa videota heidän web-sivuillaan. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html 11,13 @@ -1479,8 +1477,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html55 - Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are. - Valitsemalla sinun instanssin nimen, luomalla kuvauksen, määrittämällä kuka olet, miksi loit instanssin ja kauanko aiot ylläpitää sitä on erittäin tärkeää, että kävijät ymmärtävät, minkä tyyppisessä instanssissa he ovat. + Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are. + Valitsemalla sinun instanssin nimen, luomalla kuvauksen, määrittämällä kuka olet, miksi loit instanssin ja kauanko aiot ylläpitää sitä on erittäin tärkeää, että kävijät ymmärtävät, minkä tyyppisessä instanssissa he ovat. src/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html 57,61 @@ -1665,7 +1663,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Public profile - Julkinen profiilisi + Julkinen profiilini src/app/menu/menu.component.html29 @@ -1706,7 +1704,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. powered by PeerTube - moottorina PeerTube + PeerTube src/app/menu/menu.component.html150 @@ -1722,7 +1720,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. My library - Kirjastoni + Kirjasto src/app/menu/menu.component.html92 @@ -1734,7 +1732,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. My video imports - Minun videotuonnit + Videotuontini src/app/+my-library/my-library-routing.module.ts92 @@ -1769,8 +1767,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html270 - ⚠️ If enabled, we recommend to use a HTTP proxy to prevent private URL access from your PeerTube server - ⚠️ Jos käytössä, suosittelemme HTTP-välityspalvelimen käyttöä estääksesi PeerTube-palvelimeltasi tapahtuvien yksityisten URL-osoitteiden vierailua + ⚠️ If enabled, we recommend to use a HTTP proxy to prevent private URL access from your PeerTube server + ⚠️ Jos käytössä, suosittelemme HTTP-välityspalvelimen käyttöä estääksesi PeerTube-palvelimeltasi tapahtuvien yksityisten URL-osoitteiden vierailua src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html273 @@ -1792,32 +1790,32 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/menu/menu.component.html130 - Create an accounton - Luo tili + Create an accounton + Luo tili src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html 19,21 - I already have an account, I log in - Minulla on jo tili, Kirjaudu sisään + I already have an account, I log in + Minulla on jo tili, Kirjaudu sisään src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html 27,30 - Termsof - Käyttöehdot + Termsof + Käyttöehdot src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html 36,38 - Setupyour account - Määritätilisi + Setupyour account + Määritätilisi src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html 60,62 @@ -1832,8 +1830,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. - Createyour first channel - Luoensimmäinen kanavasi + Createyour first channel + Luoensimmäinen kanavasi src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html 77,79 @@ -1896,18 +1894,18 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html10 - Help moderators and other users to know who you are by: - Auta moderaattoreita ja muita käyttäjiä tunnistamaan kuka olet : + Help moderators and other users to know who you are by: + Auta moderaattoreita ja muita käyttäjiä tunnistamaan kuka olet : src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html12 - Uploading an avatar - Ladataan avataria + Uploading an avatar + Ladataan avataria src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html15 - Writing a description - Kirjoita kuvaus + Writing a description + Kirjoita kuvaus src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html16 @@ -2350,8 +2348,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/shared/shared-actor-image/actor-avatar.component.ts49 - Markdown compatible that also supports custom PeerTube HTML tags - Markdown yhteensopivalla joka tukee myös kustomoituja PeerTube HTML tageja + Markdown compatible that also supports custom PeerTube HTML tags + Markdown yhteensopivalla joka tukee myös kustomoituja PeerTube HTML tageja src/app/shared/shared-custom-markup/custom-markup-help.component.html 2 @@ -2424,8 +2422,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html49 - Choose the appropriate licence for your work. - Valitse työllesi sopiva lisenssi. + Choose the appropriate licence for your work. + Valitse työllesi sopiva lisenssi. src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html84 @@ -2456,7 +2454,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. powered by PeerTube - CopyLeft 2015-2022 - Moottorina PeerTube - CopyLeft 2015-2022 + PeerTube - CopyLeft 2015-2022 src/app/menu/menu.component.html149 @@ -2508,7 +2506,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html182 - Already uploaded on ✔ + Already uploaded on On jo ladattu src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html @@ -2597,7 +2595,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. VIDEO CHANNEL - VIDEO KANAVA + VIDEOKANAVA src/app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.html57 @@ -2709,8 +2707,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html11 - You can also synchronize a remote channel in your library - Voit myös synkronoida etäkanavan kirjastoosi + You can also synchronize a remote channel in your library + Voit myös synkronoida etäkanavan kirjastoosi src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html 21,23 @@ -2719,11 +2717,11 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Sorry, but something went wrong Jokin meni pieleen - - - - - src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-go-live.component.html43src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html51src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html48src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html87 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-go-live.component.html43 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html51 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html48 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html87 + Congratulations, the video behind will be imported! You can already add information about this video. Onnittelut, video tuodaan! Voit jo lisätä tietoja tästä videosta. @@ -2785,8 +2783,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Retry Yritä uudelleen Retry failed upload of a video - - src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html82 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html82 + Total video quota Videokiintiö yhteensä @@ -2798,19 +2796,19 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Onnea! Videosi on näkyvillä yksityisessä kirjastossasi. - - src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html92 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html92 + Publish will be available when upload is finished Julkaisu on mahdollista kun videon lataus on valmis - - src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html105 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html105 + Publish Julkaise - - - src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html107src/app/header/header.component.html5 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html107 + src/app/header/header.component.html5 + Upload on hold Lataus pidossa @@ -3073,8 +3071,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/menu/menu.component.html104 - > Login - > Kirjaudu + > Login + > Kirjaudu src/app/+login/login.component.html 2,5 @@ -3742,7 +3740,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Daily video quota - Päivittäinen videokoon raja + Päivittäisen videokiintiön raja src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html163 src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html163 src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-quota.component.html13 @@ -4141,8 +4139,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html21 - - + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html 21,23 @@ -4578,8 +4576,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html46 - Priority (1 = highest priority) - Prioriteetti (1 = korkein) + Priority (1 = highest priority) + Prioriteetti (1 = korkein) src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html 47 @@ -4599,8 +4597,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html105 - No jobs found. - Yhtään työtä ei löytynyt. + No jobs found. + Yhtään työtä ei löytynyt. src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html106 @@ -4648,8 +4646,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. - By -> - -> + By -> + -> src/app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html47 @@ -4726,8 +4724,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html89 - Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default. - Jos otat sen käyttöön, muut järjestelmänvalvojat tietävät, että liität pääasiassa arkaluontoista sisältöä. Lisäksi videolatauksen NSFW-valintaruutu valitaan oletuksena automaattisesti. + Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default. + Jos otat sen käyttöön, muut järjestelmänvalvojat tietävät, että liität pääasiassa arkaluontoista sisältöä. Lisäksi videolatauksen NSFW-valintaruutu valitaan oletuksena automaattisesti. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html93 @@ -4845,8 +4843,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html4 - Use plugins & themes for more involved changes, or add slight customizations. - Käytä laajennuksia & teemoja lisätäksesi muutoksia tai lisää hieman kustomointeja. + Use plugins & themes for more involved changes, or add slight customizations. + Käytä laajennuksia & teemoja lisätäksesi muutoksia tai lisää hieman kustomointeja. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html 5,7 @@ -4933,8 +4931,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html149 - Manage users to set their quota individually. - Hallitse käyttäjiä asettaakseen kiintiöt yksitellen. + Manage users to set their quota individually. + Hallitse käyttäjiä asettaakseen kiintiöt yksitellen. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html150 @@ -5129,8 +5127,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html393 - You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or host your own. - Sinun tulisi käyttää vain moderoituja hakuindexejä tuotannossa tai hostata oma sellainen. + You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or host your own. + Sinun tulisi käyttää vain moderoituja hakuindexejä tuotannossa tai hostata oma sellainen. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html395 @@ -5164,8 +5162,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html443 - Manage relations with other instances. - Hallitse suhteita toisiin instansseihin. + Manage relations with other instances. + Hallitse suhteita toisiin instansseihin. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html444 @@ -5201,8 +5199,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html490 - See the documentation for more information about the expected URL - Katso dokumentaatio saadaksesi lisätietoja odotetusta URL-osoitteesta + See the documentation for more information about the expected URL + Katso dokumentaatio saadaksesi lisätietoja odotetusta URL-osoitteesta src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html495 @@ -5251,8 +5249,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html576 - If your instance is explicitly allowed by Twitter, a video player will be embedded in the Twitter feed on PeerTube video share. If the instance is not, we use an image link card that will redirect to your PeerTube instance. Check this checkbox, save the configuration and test with a video URL of your instance (https://example.com/w/blabla) on https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator to see if you instance is allowed. - Twitter on nimenomaisesti sallinut instanssisi, videosoitin upotetaan Twitter-syötteeseen videon jaossa. Jos instanssi ei ole, käytämme kuvalinkkikorttia, joka ohjaa instanssillesi. Valitse tämä valintaruutu, tallenna määritykset ja testaa instanssisi videon URL-osoitteella (https://example.com/w/blabla) on https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator nähdäksesi, onko instanssisi sallittu. + If your instance is explicitly allowed by Twitter, a video player will be embedded in the Twitter feed on PeerTube video share. If the instance is not, we use an image link card that will redirect to your PeerTube instance. Check this checkbox, save the configuration and test with a video URL of your instance (https://example.com/w/blabla) on https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator to see if you instance is allowed. + Twitter on nimenomaisesti sallinut instanssisi, videosoitin upotetaan Twitter-syötteeseen videon jaossa. Jos instanssi ei ole, käytämme kuvalinkkikorttia, joka ohjaa instanssillesi. Valitse tämä valintaruutu, tallenna määritykset ja testaa instanssisi videon URL-osoitteella (https://example.com/w/blabla) on https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator nähdäksesi, onko instanssisi sallittu. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html580 @@ -5449,8 +5447,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html89 - Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with plain WebTorrent:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback especially with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2 - Vaatii ffmpeg >= 4.1HLS-soittolistoja ja pirstoutuneita MP4-tiedostoja, mikä parantaa toistoa verrattuna tavalliseen WebTorrenttiin:Resoluutiomuutos on sujuvampaaNopeampi toisto etenkin pitkillä videoillaVakaampi toisto (vähemmän bugeja / ääretön lataus)Jos olet ottanut käyttöön myös WebTorrent-tuen, se kertoo videoiden tallennustilan kahdella + Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with plain WebTorrent:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback especially with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2 + Vaatii ffmpeg >= 4.1HLS-soittolistoja ja pirstoutuneita MP4-tiedostoja, mikä parantaa toistoa verrattuna tavalliseen WebTorrenttiin:Resoluutiomuutos on sujuvampaaNopeampi toisto etenkin pitkillä videoillaVakaampi toisto (vähemmän bugeja / ääretön lataus)Jos olet ottanut käyttöön myös WebTorrent-tuen, se kertoo videoiden tallennustilan kahdella src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html94 @@ -5597,19 +5595,13 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html73 - Write JavaScript code directly.Example: console.log('my instance is amazing'); - Kirjoita JavaScript-koodi suoraan.Esim: console.log('instanssini on hämmästyttävä'); + Write JavaScript code directly.Example: console.log('my instance is amazing'); + Kirjoita JavaScript-koodi suoraan.Esim: console.log('instanssini on hämmästyttävä'); src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html76 - Write CSS code directly. Example:#custom-css -color: red; - - Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example:#custom-css .logged-in-email -color: red; - - - Kirjoita CSS-koodi suoraan. Esim:#custom-css color: red; Lisää kanssa #custom-css ohittaaksesi tyylejä. Esim:#custom-css .logged-in-email color: red; + Write CSS code directly. Example:#custom-css color: red; Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example:#custom-css .logged-in-email color: red; + Kirjoita CSS-koodi suoraan. Esim:#custom-css color: red; Lisää kanssa #custom-css ohittaaksesi tyylejä. Esim:#custom-css .logged-in-email color: red; src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html95 @@ -5626,8 +5618,8 @@ color: red; - There are errors in the form: - Lomakkeessa on virheitä: + There are errors in the form: + Lomakkeessa on virheitä: src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html71 @@ -5783,8 +5775,8 @@ color: red; src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts261 - Update your settings - Päivitä asetuksesi + Update your settings + Päivitä asetuksesi src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html2 @@ -5804,38 +5796,38 @@ color: red; - Sort by "Recently Added" - Järjestä "Viimeksi lisätty" + Sort by "Recently Added" + Järjestä "Viimeksi lisätty" src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html47 - Sort by "Original Publication Date" - Järjestä "Alkuperäinen julkaisupäivä" + Sort by "Original Publication Date" + Järjestä "Alkuperäinen julkaisupäivä" src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html48 - Sort by "Name" - Lajittelu "Nimi" + Sort by "Name" + Järjestä "Nimi" src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html50 - Sort by "Recent Views" - Järjestä "Viimeksi katseltu" + Sort by "Recent Views" + Järjestä "Viimeksi katseltu" src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html51 - Sort by "Hot" - Järjestä "Suosittu" + Sort by "Hot" + Järjestä "Suosittu" src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html52 - Sort by "Likes" - Järjestä "Tykkäykset" + Sort by "Likes" + Järjestä "Tykkäykset" src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html53 - Sort by "Global Views" - Järjestä "Globaalit katselukerrat" + Sort by "Global Views" + Järjestä "Globaalit katselukerrat" src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html54 @@ -5912,8 +5904,8 @@ color: red; src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html4 - With Hide or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video. - Piilota tai Sumenna pikkukuva vaihtoehdoilla ennen videota pyydetään vahvistusta. + With Hide or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video. + Piilota tai Sumenna pikkukuva vaihtoehdoilla ennen videota pyydetään vahvistusta. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html106 src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html7 @@ -5997,7 +5989,7 @@ color: red; My ownership changes - Minun omistajuuteni muutokset + Omistajamuutokseni src/app/+my-library/my-ownership/my-ownership.component.html3 @@ -6051,24 +6043,24 @@ color: red; - External Channel - Ulkoinen kanava + External Channel + Ulkoinen kanava src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html 34 - Channel - Kanava + Channel + Kanava src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html 35 - Last synchronization at - Viimeisin synkronointi + Last synchronization at + Viimeisin synkronointi src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html 38 @@ -6363,8 +6355,8 @@ color: red; - Some of your channels are not fully set up. Make them welcoming and explicit about what you publish by adding a banner, an avatar and a description. - Joitakin kanaviasi ei ole määritetty kokonaan. Tee heistä tervetulleita ja kerro julkaisuistasi selkeästi lisäämällä banneri, tai avatar ja kuvaus. + Some of your channels are not fully set up. Make them welcoming and explicit about what you publish by adding a banner, an avatar and a description. + Joitakin kanaviasi ei ole määritetty kokonaan. Tee niistä houkuttelevia ja kerro julkaisuistasi selkeästi lisäämällä banneri, tai avatar ja kuvaus. src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/channels-setup-message.component.html 5 @@ -6463,8 +6455,8 @@ color: red; src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html14 - To help moderators and other users to know who you are, don't forget to set up your account profile by adding an avatar and a description. - Auttaaksesi moderaattoreita ja muita käyttäjiä tietämään kuka olet, älä unohda määrittää tiliprofiiliasi lisäämällä avatar ja kuvaus. + To help moderators and other users to know who you are, don't forget to set up your account profile by adding an avatar and a description. + Auttaaksesi moderaattoreita ja muita käyttäjiä tietämään kuka olet, älä unohda määrittää tiliprofiiliasi lisäämällä avatar ja kuvaus. src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html18 @@ -6611,7 +6603,7 @@ color: red; Manage channel - Hallitse kanavaa + Hallinnoi kanavaa src/app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.html10 @@ -6638,8 +6630,8 @@ color: red; - Welcomeon - Tervetuloa + Welcomeon + Tervetuloa src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html 2,3 @@ -6654,8 +6646,8 @@ color: red; - Check your emails to validate your account and complete your inscription. - Tarkista sähköpostisi vahvistaaksesi tilisi ja saattaaksesi rekisteröitymisen loppuun. + Check your emails to validate your account and complete your inscription. + Tarkista sähköpostisi vahvistaaksesi tilisi ja saattaaksesi rekisteröitymisen loppuun. src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html 10,11 @@ -6755,9 +6747,7 @@ color: red; src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-miniature.component.html9 - Do you really want to delete ? -It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another -channel with the same name ()! + Do you really want to delete ? It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another channel with the same name ()! Haluatko todella poistaa ? Se poistaa tälle kanavalle ladattuja videoita, etkä voi luoda toista kanavaa samalla nimellä ()! src/app/+my-library/+my-video-channels/my-video-channels.component.ts44 @@ -6797,8 +6787,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html42 - SHOW THIS CHANNEL > - NÄYTÄ TÄMÄ KANAVA > + SHOW THIS CHANNEL > + NÄYTÄ TÄMÄ KANAVA > src/app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html50 @@ -7046,8 +7036,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html108 - Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use the websocket transport, the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent tracker. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information - Web-vertaisyritykset eivät ole julkisesti saatavilla: koska käytämme websocket-siirtoa, protokolla eroaa klassisesta BitTorrent-seurannasta. Kun käytät verkkoselainta, lähetät IP-osoitteesi sisältävän signaalin seurantalaitteeseen, joka valitsee satunnaisesti muut vertaiskumppanit, joille tiedot välitetään. Katso tämä dokumentti saadaksesi lisätietoja + Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use the websocket transport, the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent tracker. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information + Web-vertaisyritykset eivät ole julkisesti saatavilla: koska käytämme websocket-siirtoa, protokolla eroaa klassisesta BitTorrent-seurannasta. Kun käytät verkkoselainta, lähetät IP-osoitteesi sisältävän signaalin seurantalaitteeseen, joka valitsee satunnaisesti muut vertaiskumppanit, joille tiedot välitetään. Katso tämä dokumentti saadaksesi lisätietoja src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html112 @@ -7148,8 +7138,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.ts98 - Contact the administrator(s) - Ota yhteyttä moderaattoreihin + Contact the administrator(s) + Ota yhteyttä instanssin ylläpitoon src/app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html 3 @@ -7295,8 +7285,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html96 - I am at least years old and agree to the Terms and to the Code of Conduct of this instance - Olen vähintään vuotta vanha ja suostun Käyttöehtoihin ja menettelytapaan mitä tällä instanssilla vaaditaan. + I am at least years old and agree to the Terms and to the Code of Conduct of this instance + Olen vähintään vuotta vanha ja suostun Käyttöehtoihin ja menettelytapaan mitä tällä instanssilla vaaditaan. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-terms.component.html5 @@ -7372,8 +7362,8 @@ channel with the same name ()! - > Create an account - > Luo tili + > Create an account + > Luo tili src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html 9,12 @@ -7512,8 +7502,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-configuration.service.ts18 - A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video - <code>.mp4</code> mikä sisältää alkuperäisen audioraidan mutta ei videoraitaa + A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video + <code>.mp4</code> mikä sisältää alkuperäisen audioraidan mutta ei videoraitaa src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-configuration.service.ts19 @@ -7614,8 +7604,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html8 - However, you may want to read our guidelines before tweaking the following values. - Jokatapauksessa, voit kuitenkin haluta lukea sääntömme ennen kuin säädät seuraavia arvoja. + However, you may want to read our guidelines before tweaking the following values. + Jokatapauksessa, voit kuitenkin haluta lukea sääntömme ennen kuin säädät seuraavia arvoja. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html 12,14 @@ -8363,8 +8353,8 @@ channel with the same name ()! - PeerTube thinks your web browser public IP is . - PeerTube uskoo, että selaimesi julkinen IP-osoite on . + PeerTube thinks your web browser public IP is . + PeerTube uskoo, että selaimesi julkinen IP-osoite on . src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html 4 @@ -8411,16 +8401,16 @@ channel with the same name ()! - Check the trust_proxy configuration key - Tarkista trust_proxy määritys + Check the trust_proxy configuration key + Tarkista trust_proxy määritys src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html 15 - If you run PeerTube using Docker, check you run the reverse-proxy with network_mode: "host" (see issue 1643) - Jos käytät PeerTubea Dockerin avulla, tarkista, että suoritat reverse-proxy kanssa network_mode: "host" (katso issue 1643) + If you run PeerTube using Docker, check you run the reverse-proxy with network_mode: "host" (see issue 1643) + Jos käytät PeerTubea Dockerin avulla, tarkista, että suoritat reverse-proxy kanssa network_mode: "host" (katso issue 1643) src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html 16,17 @@ -8479,8 +8469,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html42 - Published - Julkaistu + Published + Julkaistu src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html43 @@ -8715,8 +8705,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts99 - <p>You can't create users or channels with a username that already used by a deleted user/channel.</p> - <p> voi luoda käyttäjiä tai kanavia käyttäjänimellä, jota poistettu käyttäjä/kanava on jo käyttänyt.</p> + <p>You can't create users or channels with a username that already used by a deleted user/channel.</p> + <p> voi luoda käyttäjiä tai kanavia käyttäjänimellä, jota poistettu käyttäjä/kanava on jo käyttänyt.</p> src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts245 @@ -8770,8 +8760,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+my-library/my-history/my-history.component.html14 - Clear all history - Tyhjää koko historia + Clear all history + Tyhjää koko historia src/app/+my-library/my-history/my-history.component.html18 @@ -9317,8 +9307,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts128 - is awaiting email verification - odottaa sähköpostin varmistusta + is awaiting email verification + odottaa sähköpostin varmistusta src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html 5,6 @@ -9333,8 +9323,8 @@ channel with the same name ()! - Your current email is . It is never shown to the public. - Nykyinen sähköpostiosoitteesi on . Sitä ei koskaan esitetä julkisesti. + Your current email is . It is never shown to the public. + Nykyinen sähköpostiosoitteesi on . Sitä ei koskaan esitetä julkisesti. src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html 13,16 @@ -9525,13 +9515,13 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts73 - The current video will be overwritten by this edited video and <strong>you won't be able to recover it</strong>.<br /><br /> - Tämä muokattu video korvaa nykyisen videon ja <strong>et voi palauttaa sitä</strong>.<br /><br /> + The current video will be overwritten by this edited video and <strong>you won't be able to recover it</strong>.<br /><br /> + Tämä muokattu video korvaa nykyisen videon ja <strong>et voi palauttaa sitä</strong>.<br /><br /> src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts77 - As a reminder, the following tasks will be executed: <ol></ol> - Muistutuksena, seuraavat tehtävät tullaan suorittamaan: <ol></ol> + As a reminder, the following tasks will be executed: <ol></ol> + Muistutuksena, seuraavat tehtävät tullaan suorittamaan: <ol></ol> src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts78 @@ -9595,8 +9585,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/core/auth/auth.service.ts73 - Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: . -Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section. + Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: . Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section. OAuth-asiakkaan kirjautumistietoja ei voi noutaa: . Varmista, että olet määrittänyt PeerTuben oikein (config/ kansio), erityisesti "webserver"-osion. src/app/core/auth/auth.service.ts100 @@ -9633,7 +9622,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular In my library - Kirjastoni + Kirjastossani src/app/core/menu/menu.service.ts113 @@ -9777,8 +9766,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular src/app/+search/search-filters.component.ts63 - Long (> 10 min) - Pitkä (> 10 min) + Long (> 10 min) + Pitkä (> 10 min) src/app/+search/search-filters.component.ts67 @@ -9840,8 +9829,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular - The video quota only takes into account original video size. Since transcoding is enabled, videos size can be at most ~ . - Videokiintiö ottaa huomioon vain alkuperäisen original videon koon. Koska transkoodaus on käytössä, videon koko voi olla ~ . + The video quota only takes into account original video size. Since transcoding is enabled, videos size can be at most ~ . + Videokiintiö ottaa huomioon vain alkuperäisen original videon koon. Koska transkoodaus on käytössä, videon koko voi olla ~ . src/app/+admin/shared/user-real-quota-info.component.html 1,4 @@ -10568,8 +10557,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular - See the documentation to learn how to use the PeerTube live streaming feature. - Katso tämä dokumentaatio oppiaksesi käyttämään PeerTuben live striimaustoimintoja. + See the documentation to learn how to use the PeerTube live streaming feature. + Katso tämä dokumentaatio oppiaksesi käyttämään PeerTuben live striimaustoimintoja. src/app/shared/shared-video-live/live-documentation-link.component.html1 @@ -11370,8 +11359,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts89 - If you remove this user, you won't be able to create another user or channel with <strong></strong> username! - Jos poistat tämän käyttäjän, et voi luoda toista käyttäjää tai kanavaa <strong></strong> nimellä! + If you remove this user, you won't be able to create another user or channel with <strong></strong> username! + Jos poistat tämän käyttäjän, et voi luoda toista käyttäjää tai kanavaa <strong></strong> nimellä! src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts 104 @@ -11950,8 +11939,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts321 - You need to be <a href="/login">logged in</a> to rate this video. - Sinun on <a href="/login">kirjauduttava sisään</a> arvostellaksesi videon. + You need to be <a href="/login">logged in</a> to rate this video. + Sinun on <a href="/login">kirjauduttava sisään</a> arvostellaksesi videon. src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/action-buttons/video-rate.component.ts85 @@ -11987,7 +11976,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {Comments} =1 {1 Comment} other { Comments}} - {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {kommenttia} =1 {1 kommentti} other { kommenttia}} + {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {Kommentit} =1 {1 kommentti} other { kommenttia}} src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comments.component.html4 @@ -12356,8 +12345,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular - This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>? - Tämä video ei ole saatavilla tässä instanssissa. Haluatko, että sinut ohjataan uudelleen alkuperäiseen instanssiin: <a href=""></a>? + This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>? + Tämä video ei ole saatavilla tässä instanssissa. Haluatko, että sinut ohjataan uudelleen alkuperäiseen instanssiin: <a href=""></a>? src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts347 @@ -12383,28 +12372,28 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular Cancel Peruuta - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - src/app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html48src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/follow-modal.component.html33src/app/+login/login.component.html143src/app/+my-library/my-ownership/my-accept-ownership/my-accept-ownership.component.html20src/app/+my-library/my-video-imports/my-video-imports.component.html42src/app/+my-library/my-videos/modals/video-change-ownership.component.html22src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-add-modal.component.html37src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-edit-modal-content/video-caption-edit-modal-content.component.html25src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html71src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html83src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment-add.component.html73src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts486src/app/modal/confirm.component.html23src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/moderation-comment-modal.component.html26src/app/shared/shared-moderation/batch-domains-modal.component.html31src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html53src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html53src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html84src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.html34src/app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html46src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html140 + src/app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html48 + src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/follow-modal.component.html33 + src/app/+login/login.component.html143 + src/app/+my-library/my-ownership/my-accept-ownership/my-accept-ownership.component.html20 + src/app/+my-library/my-video-imports/my-video-imports.component.html42 + src/app/+my-library/my-videos/modals/video-change-ownership.component.html22 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-add-modal.component.html37 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-edit-modal-content/video-caption-edit-modal-content.component.html25 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html71 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html83 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment-add.component.html73 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts486 + src/app/modal/confirm.component.html23 + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/moderation-comment-modal.component.html26 + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/batch-domains-modal.component.html31 + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html53 + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html53 + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html84 + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.html34 + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html46 + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html140 + Autoplay is suspended Automaattinen toisto on keskeytetty diff --git a/client/src/locale/angular.gl-ES.xlf b/client/src/locale/angular.gl-ES.xlf index 6703c48ad..9f21d5dd9 100644 --- a/client/src/locale/angular.gl-ES.xlf +++ b/client/src/locale/angular.gl-ES.xlf @@ -5,168 +5,168 @@ Close Pechar - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Slide of Páxina de Currently selected slide number read by screen reader - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Previous Anterior - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Next Seguinte - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Select month Elexir mes - - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Select year Elexir ano - - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Previous month Mes anterior - - - node_modules/src/datepicker/datepicker-navigation.ts61node_modules/src/datepicker/datepicker-navigation.ts78 + node_modules/src/datepicker/datepicker-navigation.ts61 + node_modules/src/datepicker/datepicker-navigation.ts78 + Next month Mes seguinte - - - node_modules/src/datepicker/datepicker-navigation.ts86node_modules/src/datepicker/datepicker-navigation.ts86 + node_modules/src/datepicker/datepicker-navigation.ts86 + node_modules/src/datepicker/datepicker-navigation.ts86 + «« «« - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + « « - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + » » - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + »» »» - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + First Primeiro - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Previous Anterior - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Next Seguinte - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Last Último - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + HH HH - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Hours Horas - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + MM MM - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Minutes Minutos - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Increment hours Aumentar horas - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Decrement hours Diminuír horas - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Increment minutes Aumentar minutos - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Decrement minutes Diminuír minutos - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + SS SS - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Seconds Segundos - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Increment seconds Aumentar segundos - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Decrement seconds Diminuír segundos - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Close Pechar - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Close the left menu Pechar o menú da esquerda @@ -274,8 +274,8 @@ src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html150 - mentioned you on video - mencionoute en vídeo + mentioned you on video + mencionoute en vídeo src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 164 @@ -292,24 +292,24 @@ src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html189 - A new version of the plugin/theme is available: - Unha nova versión do complemento/decorado está dispoñible: + A new version of the plugin/theme is available: + Unha nova versión do complemento/decorado está dispoñible: src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 198,199 - A new version of PeerTube is available: - Nova versión de PeerTube dispoñible: + A new version of PeerTube is available: + Nova versión de PeerTube dispoñible: src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 206,207 - Your video edition has finished - Rematou a edición do teu vídeo + Your video edition has finished + Rematou a edición do teu vídeo src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 213,215 @@ -425,9 +425,8 @@ src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.html69 - Short text to tell people how they can support the channel (membership platform...).<br /><br /> - When a video is uploaded in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text. - Texto curto para dicirlle á audiencia de que xeito poden apoiar a canle (plataforma de membresía...).<br /><br /> Cando se sube un vídeo a esta canle, o campo de apoio completarase automáticamente con este texto. + Short text to tell people how they can support the channel (membership platform...).<br /><br /> When a video is uploaded in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text. + Texto curto para dicirlle á audiencia de que xeito poden apoiar a canle (plataforma de membresía...).<br /><br /> Cando se sube un vídeo a esta canle, o campo de apoio completarase automáticamente con este texto. src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html66 src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html66 @@ -750,8 +749,8 @@ src/app/shared/shared-forms/markdown-textarea.component.html20 - <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports: - <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible que soporta: + <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports: + <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible que soporta: src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts75 @@ -1211,16 +1210,16 @@ src/app/+login/login.component.html11 - This instance allows registration. However, be careful to check the TermsTerms before creating an account. You may also search for another instance to match your exact needs at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. - Esta instancia permíteche rexistrarte. Mais pon atención e lé os TermosTermos antes de crear a conta. Podes atopar outras instancias acordes ás túas necesidades en: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. + This instance allows registration. However, be careful to check the TermsTerms before creating an account. You may also search for another instance to match your exact needs at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. + Esta instancia permíteche rexistrarte. Mais pon atención e lé os TermosTermos antes de crear a conta. Podes atopar outras instancias acordes ás túas necesidades en: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. src/app/+login/login.component.html 15,18 - Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, you may check the Terms for more details or find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. - Actualmente esta instancia non ten aberto o rexistro de novas usuarias, podes ler os Termos para máis información ou atopar unha instancia que permita abrir novas contas e subir vídeos alí. Atopa a túa entre múltiples opcións en: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. + Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, you may check the Terms for more details or find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. + Actualmente esta instancia non ten aberto o rexistro de novas usuarias, podes ler os Termos para máis información ou atopar unha instancia que permita abrir novas contas e subir vídeos alí. Atopa a túa entre múltiples opcións en: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. src/app/+login/login.component.html 20,23 @@ -1247,8 +1246,7 @@ src/app/+login/login.component.html128 - An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to . -The link will expire within 1 hour. + An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to . The link will expire within 1 hour. Enviaremos un email con instruccións para o restablecemento a . A ligazón caduca nunha hora. src/app/+login/login.component.ts149 @@ -1286,8 +1284,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+search/search.component.html8 - for - para + for + para src/app/+search/search.component.html 10 @@ -1324,40 +1322,40 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. - As you probably noticed: creating an account is not necessary to watch video on . However, creating an account on will allow you to: - Xa te darías conta: non é preciso crear unha conta para ver un vídeo en . Mais se creas unha conta en poderás: + As you probably noticed: creating an account is not necessary to watch video on . However, creating an account on will allow you to: + Xa te darías conta: non é preciso crear unha conta para ver un vídeo en . Mais se creas unha conta en poderás: src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 4,8 - Comment videos - Comentar vídeos + Comment videos + Comentar vídeos src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 11 - Subscribe to channels to be notified of new videos - Subscribirte a canles e recibir notificacións de novos vídeos + Subscribe to channels to be notified of new videos + Subscribirte a canles e recibir notificacións de novos vídeos src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 12 - Have access to your watch history - Ter acceso ao teu historial de visualización + Have access to your watch history + Ter acceso ao teu historial de visualización src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 13 - Create your channel to publish videos - Crear a túa canle para publicar vídeos + Create your channel to publish videos + Crear a túa canle para publicar vídeos src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 14 @@ -1380,32 +1378,32 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. - has been created using PeerTube, a video creation platform developed by Framasoft. Framasoft is a french non-profit organization that offers alternatives to Big Tech's digital tools - foi creado usando PeerTube, unha plataforma de creación de vídeos desenvolta por Framasoft. Framasoft é unha organización sen ánimo de lucro francesa que ofrece alternativas ás ferramentas dixitais das Big Tech. + has been created using PeerTube, a video creation platform developed by Framasoft. Framasoft is a french non-profit organization that offers alternatives to Big Tech's digital tools + foi creado usando PeerTube, unha plataforma de creación de vídeos desenvolta por Framasoft. Framasoft é unha organización sen ánimo de lucro francesa que ofrece alternativas ás ferramentas dixitais das Big Tech. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 34,37 - You want to publish videos on ? Then you need to create your first channel. - Queres publicar vídeos en ? Entón primeiro tes que crear a túa primeira canle. + You want to publish videos on ? Then you need to create your first channel. + Queres publicar vídeos en ? Entón primeiro tes que crear a túa primeira canle. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html 2,4 - You might want to create a channel by theme: for example, you can create a channel named "SweetMelodies" to publish your piano concerts and another one "Ecology" in which you publish your videos talking about ecology. - Pode que queiras crear unha canle tamática: por exemplo, podes crear unha canle chamada "MuiñeirasFermosas" onde publiques os teus concertos coa gaita e outra co nome "Ecoloxía" onde publicas vídeos onde falas do medio ambiente. + You might want to create a channel by theme: for example, you can create a channel named "SweetMelodies" to publish your piano concerts and another one "Ecology" in which you publish your videos talking about ecology. + Pode que queiras crear unha canle tamática: por exemplo, podes crear unha canle chamada "MuiñeirasFermosas" onde publiques os teus concertos coa gaita e outra co nome "Ecoloxía" onde publicas vídeos onde falas do medio ambiente. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html 6,9 - administrators allow you to publish up to of videos on their website. - A administración de permíteche publicar de vídeo no seu sitio web. + administrators allow you to publish up to of videos on their website. + A administración de permíteche publicar de vídeo no seu sitio web. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html 11,13 @@ -1479,8 +1477,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html55 - Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are. - Elexir o nome da instancia, escribir unha descricióin, indicando quen es, por que creaches a túa instancia e por canto tempo tes pensado mantela é información relevante para que as túas visitas entendan o tipo de instancia na que están. + Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are. + Elexir o nome da instancia, escribir unha descricióin, indicando quen es, por que creaches a túa instancia e por canto tempo tes pensado mantela é información relevante para que as túas visitas entendan o tipo de instancia na que están. src/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html 57,61 @@ -1769,8 +1767,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html270 - ⚠️ If enabled, we recommend to use a HTTP proxy to prevent private URL access from your PeerTube server - ⚠️ Se está activo, recomendamos utilizar un proxy HTTP para o acceso privado a URL desde o teu servidor PeerTube + ⚠️ If enabled, we recommend to use a HTTP proxy to prevent private URL access from your PeerTube server + ⚠️ Se está activo, recomendamos utilizar un proxy HTTP para o acceso privado a URL desde o teu servidor PeerTube src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html273 @@ -1792,32 +1790,32 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/menu/menu.component.html130 - Create an accounton - Crear unha conta en + Create an accounton + Crear unha conta en src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html 19,21 - I already have an account, I log in - Xa teño unha conta, vou acceder + I already have an account, I log in + Xa teño unha conta, vou acceder src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html 27,30 - Termsof - Termosde + Termsof + Termosde src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html 36,38 - Setupyour account - Configurara túa conta + Setupyour account + Configurara túa conta src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html 60,62 @@ -1832,8 +1830,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. - Createyour first channel - Creara túa primeira canle + Createyour first channel + Creara túa primeira canle src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html 77,79 @@ -1896,18 +1894,18 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html10 - Help moderators and other users to know who you are by: - Cóntalle a outras usuarias e á moderación quen es con: + Help moderators and other users to know who you are by: + Cóntalle a outras usuarias e á moderación quen es con: src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html12 - Uploading an avatar - Subindo un avatar + Uploading an avatar + Subindo un avatar src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html15 - Writing a description - Escribindo unha descrición + Writing a description + Escribindo unha descrición src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html16 @@ -2350,8 +2348,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/shared/shared-actor-image/actor-avatar.component.ts49 - Markdown compatible that also supports custom PeerTube HTML tags - Compatible con markdown e con soporte tamén para etiquetas HTML personalizadas de PeerTube + Markdown compatible that also supports custom PeerTube HTML tags + Compatible con markdown e con soporte tamén para etiquetas HTML personalizadas de PeerTube src/app/shared/shared-custom-markup/custom-markup-help.component.html 2 @@ -2424,8 +2422,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html49 - Choose the appropriate licence for your work. - Elixe a licenza axeitada para o teu traballo. + Choose the appropriate licence for your work. + Elixe a licenza axeitada para o teu traballo. src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html84 @@ -2508,7 +2506,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html182 - Already uploaded on ✔ + Already uploaded on Xa foi subido o src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html @@ -2709,8 +2707,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html11 - You can also synchronize a remote channel in your library - Tamén podes sincronizar unha canle remota coa túa biblioteca + You can also synchronize a remote channel in your library + Tamén podes sincronizar unha canle remota coa túa biblioteca src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html 21,23 @@ -2719,11 +2717,11 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Sorry, but something went wrong Lamentámolo, pero algo fallou - - - - - src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-go-live.component.html43src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html51src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html48src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html87 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-go-live.component.html43 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html51 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html48 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html87 + Congratulations, the video behind will be imported! You can already add information about this video. Parabéns, o vídeos tras será importado! Xa podes ver información acerca deste vídeo. @@ -2785,8 +2783,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Retry Reintentar Retry failed upload of a video - - src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html82 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html82 + Total video quota Cota total de vídeo @@ -2796,19 +2794,19 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Congratulations! Your video is now available in your private library. Parabéns! O vídeo xa está dispoñible na túa biblioteca privada. - - src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html92 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html92 + Publish will be available when upload is finished A publicación estará dispoñible cando remate a subida - - src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html105 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html105 + Publish Publicar - - - src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html107src/app/header/header.component.html5 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html107 + src/app/header/header.component.html5 + Upload on hold Subida agardando @@ -3069,8 +3067,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/menu/menu.component.html104 - > Login - Acceder a > + > Login + Acceder a > src/app/+login/login.component.html 2,5 @@ -4161,8 +4159,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html21 - - + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html 21,23 @@ -4596,8 +4594,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html46 - Priority (1 = highest priority) - Prioridade (1 = a prioridade máis alta) + Priority (1 = highest priority) + Prioridade (1 = a prioridade máis alta) src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html 47 @@ -4617,8 +4615,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html105 - No jobs found. - Non se atoparon tarefas. + No jobs found. + Non se atoparon tarefas. src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html106 @@ -4666,8 +4664,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. - By -> - Por -> + By -> + Por -> src/app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html47 @@ -4744,8 +4742,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html89 - Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default. - Activándoo permitirás que outras administradoras saiban que principalmente federas contido sensible. Ademáis, incluirá automáticamente a marca NSFW na subida do vídeo. + Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default. + Activándoo permitirás que outras administradoras saiban que principalmente federas contido sensible. Ademáis, incluirá automáticamente a marca NSFW na subida do vídeo. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html93 @@ -4863,8 +4861,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html4 - Use plugins & themes for more involved changes, or add slight customizations. - Usa complementos & decorados para un maior control, ou engade pequenas personalizacións. + Use plugins & themes for more involved changes, or add slight customizations. + Usa complementos & decorados para un maior control, ou engade pequenas personalizacións. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html 5,7 @@ -4951,8 +4949,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html149 - Manage users to set their quota individually. - Xestionar usuarias para establecer a súa cota individualmente. + Manage users to set their quota individually. + Xestionar usuarias para establecer a súa cota individualmente. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html150 @@ -5147,8 +5145,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html393 - You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or host your own. - Só deberías usar índices de busca moderados en produción, ou hospedar o teu propio. + You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or host your own. + Só deberías usar índices de busca moderados en produción, ou hospedar o teu propio. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html395 @@ -5182,8 +5180,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html443 - Manage relations with other instances. - Xestionar relacións con outras instancias. + Manage relations with other instances. + Xestionar relacións con outras instancias. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html444 @@ -5219,8 +5217,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html490 - See the documentation for more information about the expected URL - Le a documentación para saber máis acerca do URL agardado. + See the documentation for more information about the expected URL + Le a documentación para saber máis acerca do URL agardado. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html495 @@ -5269,8 +5267,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html576 - If your instance is explicitly allowed by Twitter, a video player will be embedded in the Twitter feed on PeerTube video share. If the instance is not, we use an image link card that will redirect to your PeerTube instance. Check this checkbox, save the configuration and test with a video URL of your instance (https://example.com/w/blabla) on https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator to see if you instance is allowed. - Se a túa instancia está explícitamente autorizada por Twitter, incluirase un reprodutor de vídeo de PeerTube na cronoloxía de Twitter. Se non o está, usamos unha tarxeta con imaxe que redirixirá á túa instancia PeerTube. Marca esta opción, garda a configuración e proba cun vídeo da túa instancia (https://example.com/w/blabla) en https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator para comprobar se a túa instancia está permitida. + If your instance is explicitly allowed by Twitter, a video player will be embedded in the Twitter feed on PeerTube video share. If the instance is not, we use an image link card that will redirect to your PeerTube instance. Check this checkbox, save the configuration and test with a video URL of your instance (https://example.com/w/blabla) on https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator to see if you instance is allowed. + Se a túa instancia está explícitamente autorizada por Twitter, incluirase un reprodutor de vídeo de PeerTube na cronoloxía de Twitter. Se non o está, usamos unha tarxeta con imaxe que redirixirá á túa instancia PeerTube. Marca esta opción, garda a configuración e proba cun vídeo da túa instancia (https://example.com/w/blabla) en https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator para comprobar se a túa instancia está permitida. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html580 @@ -5467,8 +5465,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html89 - Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with plain WebTorrent:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback especially with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2 - Require ffmpeg >= 4.1Crear listas HLS e ficheiros MP4 fragmentados resultando nunha mellor reprodución que con WebTorrent plano:O cambio de resolución é máis suaveReprodución máis rápida especialmente cos vídeos longosReprodución máis estable (menos fallos/carga infinita)Se tamén activaches o soporte WebTorrent, multiplicarás a almacenaxe dos vídeos por 2 + Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with plain WebTorrent:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback especially with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2 + Require ffmpeg >= 4.1Crear listas HLS e ficheiros MP4 fragmentados resultando nunha mellor reprodución que con WebTorrent plano:O cambio de resolución é máis suaveReprodución máis rápida especialmente cos vídeos longosReprodución máis estable (menos fallos/carga infinita)Se tamén activaches o soporte WebTorrent, multiplicarás a almacenaxe dos vídeos por 2 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html94 @@ -5615,19 +5613,13 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html73 - Write JavaScript code directly.Example: console.log('my instance is amazing'); - Escribir código JavaScript directamente.Examplo: console.log('teño unha instancia que é un primor'); + Write JavaScript code directly.Example: console.log('my instance is amazing'); + Escribir código JavaScript directamente.Examplo: console.log('teño unha instancia que é un primor'); src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html76 - Write CSS code directly. Example:#custom-css -color: red; - - Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example:#custom-css .logged-in-email -color: red; - - - Escribir código CSS directamente. Examplo:#custom-css color: red; Anteceder con #custom-css para sobrescribir estilos. Exemplo:#custom-css .logged-in-email color: red; + Write CSS code directly. Example:#custom-css color: red; Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example:#custom-css .logged-in-email color: red; + Escribir código CSS directamente. Examplo:#custom-css color: red; Anteceder con #custom-css para sobrescribir estilos. Exemplo:#custom-css .logged-in-email color: red; src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html95 @@ -5644,8 +5636,8 @@ color: red; - There are errors in the form: - Hai erros no formulario: + There are errors in the form: + Hai erros no formulario: src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html71 @@ -5801,8 +5793,8 @@ color: red; src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts261 - Update your settings - Actualiza os axustes + Update your settings + Actualiza os axustes src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html2 @@ -5822,38 +5814,38 @@ color: red; - Sort by "Recently Added" - Orde por "Engadido recentemente" + Sort by "Recently Added" + Orde por "Engadido recentemente" src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html47 - Sort by "Original Publication Date" - Orde por "Data Orixinal de Publicación" + Sort by "Original Publication Date" + Orde por "Data Orixinal de Publicación" src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html48 - Sort by "Name" - Orde por "Nome" + Sort by "Name" + Orde por "Nome" src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html50 - Sort by "Recent Views" - Orde por "Visto recentemente" + Sort by "Recent Views" + Orde por "Visto recentemente" src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html51 - Sort by "Hot" - Orde por "Popularidade" + Sort by "Hot" + Orde por "Popularidade" src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html52 - Sort by "Likes" - Orde por "Gústame" + Sort by "Likes" + Orde por "Gústame" src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html53 - Sort by "Global Views" - Orde por "Visualizacións totais" + Sort by "Global Views" + Orde por "Visualizacións totais" src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html54 @@ -5930,8 +5922,8 @@ color: red; src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html4 - With Hide or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video. - Con Agochar ou Esvaecer miniaturas, pedirase confirmación para ver o vídeo. + With Hide or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video. + Con Agochar ou Esvaecer miniaturas, pedirase confirmación para ver o vídeo. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html106 src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html7 @@ -6069,24 +6061,24 @@ color: red; - External Channel - Canle externa + External Channel + Canle externa src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html 34 - Channel - Canle + Channel + Canle src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html 35 - Last synchronization at - Última sincronización + Last synchronization at + Última sincronización src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html 38 @@ -6094,7 +6086,7 @@ color: red; List imports - List imports + Importación de listas src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.ts 49 @@ -6379,8 +6371,8 @@ color: red; - Some of your channels are not fully set up. Make them welcoming and explicit about what you publish by adding a banner, an avatar and a description. - Algunha das túas canles non están totalmente configuradas. Fainas máis amigables indicando de xeito explícito o seu contido engadindo unha cabeceira, un avatar e unha descrición. + Some of your channels are not fully set up. Make them welcoming and explicit about what you publish by adding a banner, an avatar and a description. + Algunha das túas canles non están totalmente configuradas. Fainas máis amigables indicando de xeito explícito o seu contido engadindo unha cabeceira, un avatar e unha descrición. src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/channels-setup-message.component.html 5 @@ -6479,8 +6471,8 @@ color: red; src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html14 - To help moderators and other users to know who you are, don't forget to set up your account profile by adding an avatar and a description. - Axuda á moderación e outras usuarias a saber quen es, non esquezas completar o perfil da túa conta engadindo un avatar e unha descrición. + To help moderators and other users to know who you are, don't forget to set up your account profile by adding an avatar and a description. + Axuda á moderación e outras usuarias a saber quen es, non esquezas completar o perfil da túa conta engadindo un avatar e unha descrición. src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html18 @@ -6654,8 +6646,8 @@ color: red; - Welcomeon - Ola, recibe a benvida a + Welcomeon + Ola, recibe a benvida a src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html 2,3 @@ -6670,8 +6662,8 @@ color: red; - Check your emails to validate your account and complete your inscription. - Comproba o email para validar a conta e completar a inscrición. + Check your emails to validate your account and complete your inscription. + Comproba o email para validar a conta e completar a inscrición. src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html 10,11 @@ -6771,9 +6763,7 @@ color: red; src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-miniature.component.html9 - Do you really want to delete ? -It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another -channel with the same name ()! + Do you really want to delete ? It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another channel with the same name ()! Desexas eliminar ? Así eliminarás vídeos subidos a esta canle, e non poderás volver a crear outra canle co mesmo nome ()! src/app/+my-library/+my-video-channels/my-video-channels.component.ts44 @@ -6813,8 +6803,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html42 - SHOW THIS CHANNEL > - MOSTRAR ESTA CANLE > + SHOW THIS CHANNEL > + MOSTRAR ESTA CANLE > src/app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html50 @@ -7062,8 +7052,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html108 - Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use the websocket transport, the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent tracker. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information - Os parceiros da web non son públicamente accesibles: porque usamos websocket transport, o protocolo é diferente ao clásico rastrexador BitTorrent. Cando usas un navegador web, envías ao rastrexador un sinal que contén o teu enderezo IP que elixirá aleatoriamente outros parceiros aos que enviar a información. Le este documento para ter máis información + Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use the websocket transport, the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent tracker. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information + Os parceiros da web non son públicamente accesibles: porque usamos websocket transport, o protocolo é diferente ao clásico rastrexador BitTorrent. Cando usas un navegador web, envías ao rastrexador un sinal que contén o teu enderezo IP que elixirá aleatoriamente outros parceiros aos que enviar a información. Le este documento para ter máis información src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html112 @@ -7164,8 +7154,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.ts98 - Contact the administrator(s) - Contacta coa administración + Contact the administrator(s) + Contacta coa administración src/app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html 3 @@ -7309,8 +7299,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html96 - I am at least years old and agree to the Terms and to the Code of Conduct of this instance - Teño polo menos anos de idade e acepto os Termos e o Código de conduta desta instancia + I am at least years old and agree to the Terms and to the Code of Conduct of this instance + Teño polo menos anos de idade e acepto os Termos e o Código de conduta desta instancia src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-terms.component.html5 @@ -7386,8 +7376,8 @@ channel with the same name ()! - > Create an account - > Crea unha conta + > Create an account + > Crea unha conta src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html 9,12 @@ -7526,8 +7516,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-configuration.service.ts18 - A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video - Un <code>.mp4</code> que mantén o audio orixinal, sen vídeo + A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video + Un <code>.mp4</code> que mantén o audio orixinal, sen vídeo src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-configuration.service.ts19 @@ -7628,8 +7618,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html8 - However, you may want to read our guidelines before tweaking the following values. - Considera ler as nosas guías antes de comezar a cambiar os seguintes valores. + However, you may want to read our guidelines before tweaking the following values. + Considera ler as nosas guías antes de comezar a cambiar os seguintes valores. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html 12,14 @@ -8367,8 +8357,8 @@ channel with the same name ()! - PeerTube thinks your web browser public IP is . - PeerTube cre que o IP do teu navegador é . + PeerTube thinks your web browser public IP is . + PeerTube cre que o IP do teu navegador é . src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html 4 @@ -8415,16 +8405,16 @@ channel with the same name ()! - Check the trust_proxy configuration key - Comproba a chave de configuración do trust_proxy + Check the trust_proxy configuration key + Comproba a chave de configuración do trust_proxy src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html 15 - If you run PeerTube using Docker, check you run the reverse-proxy with network_mode: "host" (see issue 1643) - Se instalaches PeerTube usando Docker, executa o reverse-proxy con network_mode: "host" (ler issue 1643) + If you run PeerTube using Docker, check you run the reverse-proxy with network_mode: "host" (see issue 1643) + Se instalaches PeerTube usando Docker, executa o reverse-proxy con network_mode: "host" (ler issue 1643) src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html 16,17 @@ -8483,8 +8473,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html42 - Published - Publicado + Published + Publicado src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html43 @@ -8717,8 +8707,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts99 - <p>You can't create users or channels with a username that already used by a deleted user/channel.</p> - <p>Non podes crear usuarias ou canles cun nome que xa foi utilizado por unha usuaria/canle eliminada.</p> + <p>You can't create users or channels with a username that already used by a deleted user/channel.</p> + <p>Non podes crear usuarias ou canles cun nome que xa foi utilizado por unha usuaria/canle eliminada.</p> src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts245 @@ -8770,8 +8760,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+my-library/my-history/my-history.component.html14 - Clear all history - Limpar historial + Clear all history + Limpar historial src/app/+my-library/my-history/my-history.component.html18 @@ -9317,8 +9307,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts128 - is awaiting email verification - están agardando a verficiación do email + is awaiting email verification + están agardando a verficiación do email src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html 5,6 @@ -9333,8 +9323,8 @@ channel with the same name ()! - Your current email is . It is never shown to the public. - O teu email actual é . Nunca se mostra ao público. + Your current email is . It is never shown to the public. + O teu email actual é . Nunca se mostra ao público. src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html 13,16 @@ -9525,13 +9515,13 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts73 - The current video will be overwritten by this edited video and <strong>you won't be able to recover it</strong>.<br /><br /> - O vídeo actual vai ser sobrescrito ao editalo e <strong>non poderás recuperalo</strong>.<br /><br /> + The current video will be overwritten by this edited video and <strong>you won't be able to recover it</strong>.<br /><br /> + O vídeo actual vai ser sobrescrito ao editalo e <strong>non poderás recuperalo</strong>.<br /><br /> src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts77 - As a reminder, the following tasks will be executed: <ol></ol> - Lembrámosche que imos realizar estas accións: <ol></ol> + As a reminder, the following tasks will be executed: <ol></ol> + Lembrámosche que imos realizar estas accións: <ol></ol> src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts78 @@ -9595,8 +9585,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/core/auth/auth.service.ts73 - Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: . -Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section. + Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: . Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section. Non se poden obter as credenciais OAuth Client: . Asegúrate de ter configurado correctamente PeerTube (config/ directory), en particular a sección "webserver". src/app/core/auth/auth.service.ts100 @@ -9777,8 +9766,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular src/app/+search/search-filters.component.ts63 - Long (> 10 min) - Longo (> 10 min) + Long (> 10 min) + Longo (> 10 min) src/app/+search/search-filters.component.ts67 @@ -9840,8 +9829,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular - The video quota only takes into account original video size. Since transcoding is enabled, videos size can be at most ~ . - A cota de vídeo só se aplica ao tamaño orixinal do vídeo. Como a recodificación está activada, os vídeos serán como moito de ~ . + The video quota only takes into account original video size. Since transcoding is enabled, videos size can be at most ~ . + A cota de vídeo só se aplica ao tamaño orixinal do vídeo. Como a recodificación está activada, os vídeos serán como moito de ~ . src/app/+admin/shared/user-real-quota-info.component.html 1,4 @@ -10566,8 +10555,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular - See the documentation to learn how to use the PeerTube live streaming feature. - Le a documentación para saber cómo utilizar a función de retransmisión en directo de PeerTube. + See the documentation to learn how to use the PeerTube live streaming feature. + Le a documentación para saber cómo utilizar a función de retransmisión en directo de PeerTube. src/app/shared/shared-video-live/live-documentation-link.component.html1 @@ -11368,8 +11357,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts89 - If you remove this user, you won't be able to create another user or channel with <strong></strong> username! - Se eliminas a usuaria, non poderás crear outra usuaria ou canle con identificador <strong></strong>! + If you remove this user, you won't be able to create another user or channel with <strong></strong> username! + Se eliminas a usuaria, non poderás crear outra usuaria ou canle con identificador <strong></strong>! src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts 104 @@ -11946,8 +11935,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts321 - You need to be <a href="/login">logged in</a> to rate this video. - Tes que estar <a href="/login">conectada</a> para valorar este vídeo. + You need to be <a href="/login">logged in</a> to rate this video. + Tes que estar <a href="/login">conectada</a> para valorar este vídeo. src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/action-buttons/video-rate.component.ts85 @@ -12322,8 +12311,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular - This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>? - Este vídeo non está dispoñible na túa instancia. Queres ser redirixida á instancia orixinal: <a href="">/a>? + This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>? + Este vídeo non está dispoñible na túa instancia. Queres ser redirixida á instancia orixinal: <a href="">/a>? src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts347 @@ -12349,28 +12338,28 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular Cancel Cancelar - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - src/app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html48src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/follow-modal.component.html33src/app/+login/login.component.html143src/app/+my-library/my-ownership/my-accept-ownership/my-accept-ownership.component.html20src/app/+my-library/my-video-imports/my-video-imports.component.html42src/app/+my-library/my-videos/modals/video-change-ownership.component.html22src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-add-modal.component.html37src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-edit-modal-content/video-caption-edit-modal-content.component.html25src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html71src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html83src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment-add.component.html73src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts486src/app/modal/confirm.component.html23src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/moderation-comment-modal.component.html26src/app/shared/shared-moderation/batch-domains-modal.component.html31src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html53src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html53src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html84src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.html34src/app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html46src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html140 + src/app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html48 + src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/follow-modal.component.html33 + src/app/+login/login.component.html143 + src/app/+my-library/my-ownership/my-accept-ownership/my-accept-ownership.component.html20 + src/app/+my-library/my-video-imports/my-video-imports.component.html42 + src/app/+my-library/my-videos/modals/video-change-ownership.component.html22 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-add-modal.component.html37 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-edit-modal-content/video-caption-edit-modal-content.component.html25 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html71 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html83 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment-add.component.html73 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts486 + src/app/modal/confirm.component.html23 + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/moderation-comment-modal.component.html26 + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/batch-domains-modal.component.html31 + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html53 + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html53 + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html84 + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.html34 + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html46 + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html140 + Autoplay is suspended Reprodución automática suspendida diff --git a/client/src/locale/angular.ia.xlf b/client/src/locale/angular.ia.xlf new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7507ed943 --- /dev/null +++ b/client/src/locale/angular.ia.xlf @@ -0,0 +1,17830 @@ + + + + + + Previous month + Mense precedente + + node_modules/src/datepicker/datepicker-navigation.ts + 61,64 + + + node_modules/src/datepicker/datepicker-navigation.ts + 78,81 + + + + Next month + Mense sequente + + node_modules/src/datepicker/datepicker-navigation.ts + 86 + + + node_modules/src/datepicker/datepicker-navigation.ts + 86 + + + + Close + Clauder + + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts + 13 + + + + HH + HH + + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts + 13 + + + + Close + Clauder + + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts + 13 + + + + «« + «« + + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts + 13 + + + + Select month + Selige mense + + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts + 13 + + + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts + 13 + + + + + + + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts + 13 + + + + Slide of + Diapositiva de + + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts + 13 + + Currently selected slide number read by screen reader + + + Hours + Horas + + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts + 13 + + + + « + « + + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts + 13 + + + + Previous + Precedente + + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts + 13 + + + + MM + MM + + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts + 13 + + + + » + » + + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts + 13 + + + + Select year + Selige anno + + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts + 13 + + + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts + 13 + + + + Next + Sequente + + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts + 13 + + + + Minutes + Minutas + + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts + 13 + + + + »» + »» + + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts + 13 + + + + Increment hours + Augmentar horas + + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts + 13 + + + + First + Prime + + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts + 13 + + + + Previous + Precedente + + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts + 13 + + + + Decrement hours + Reducer horas + + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts + 13 + + + + Next + Sequente + + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts + 13 + + + + Increment minutes + Incrementar minutas + + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts + 13 + + + + Last + Ultime + + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts + 13 + + + + Decrement minutes + Reducer minutas + + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts + 13 + + + + SS + SS + + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts + 13 + + + + Seconds + Secundas + + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts + 13 + + + + Increment seconds + Incrementar secundas + + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts + 13 + + + + Decrement seconds + Reducer secundas + + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts + 13 + + + + + + + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts + 13 + + + + + + + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts + 13 + + + + Follows + Abonamentos + + src/app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html + 2 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-library.component.ts + 64 + + + + Followers of () + Sequitores de () + + src/app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html + 5 + + + + does not have followers. + non ha sequitores. + + src/app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html + 7 + + + + Show full list + Monstrar tote le lista + + src/app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html + 13 + + + src/app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html + 25 + + + + Subscriptions of () + Abonamentos de () + + src/app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html + 17 + + + + does not have subscriptions. + non ha abonamentos. + + src/app/+about/about-follows/about-follows.component.html + 19 + + + + About + A proposito de + + src/app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html + 5,7 + + + + Contact us + Contactar nos + + src/app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html + 7 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html + 3 + + + + This instance is dedicated to sensitive/NSFW content. + Iste instantia es destinate a contento video a character sensibile e sexualmente explicite. + + src/app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html + 19 + + + + ADMINISTRATORS & SUSTAINABILITY + ADMINISTRATORES & DURABILITATE + + src/app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html + 32,33 + + + + Who we are + Qui es nos + + src/app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html + 44 + + + + Why we created this instance + Proque nos ha create iste instantia + + src/app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html + 58 + + + + How long we plan to maintain this instance + Quante tempore nos previde de mantener iste instantia + + src/app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html + 72 + + + + How we will pay for keeping our instance running + Como nos pagara le operation de iste instantia + + src/app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html + 86 + + + + INFORMATION + INFORMATION + + src/app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html + 101,102 + + + + Description + Description + + src/app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html + 113 + + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html + 34 + + + src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html + 53 + + + src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html + 53 + + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-profile/my-account-profile.component.html + 28 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-edit.component.html + 44 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-edit.component.html + 44 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 44 + + + + MODERATION + MODERATION + + src/app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html + 129,130 + + + + Moderation information + Information sur le moderation + + src/app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html + 141 + + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html + 143 + + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-about-accordion.component.html + 60 + + + + Code of conduct + Codice de conducta + + src/app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html + 155 + + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html + 134 + + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-about-accordion.component.html + 72 + + + + Terms + Conditiones de uso + + src/app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html + 169 + + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html + 125 + + + src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html + 34 + + + + OTHER INFORMATION + ALTERE INFORMATION + + src/app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html + 186,187 + + + + Hardware information + Information sur le hardware + + src/app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html + 198 + + + + FEATURES + FUNCTIONES + + src/app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html + 207 + + + + STATISTICS + STATISTICAS + + src/app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html + 219 + + + + Link copied + Ligamine copiate + + src/app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.ts + 98 + + + + Contact the administrator(s) + Contacta le administrator(es) + + src/app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html + 3 + + + + Your name + Tu nomine + + src/app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html + 11 + + + + Your email + Tu e-mail + + src/app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html + 20 + + + + Subject + Subjecto + + src/app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html + 29 + + + + Your message + Tu message + + src/app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html + 38 + + + + Cancel + Cancellar + + src/app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html + 48 + + + src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/follow-modal.component.html + 33 + + + src/app/+login/login.component.html + 143 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-ownership/my-accept-ownership/my-accept-ownership.component.html + 20 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-imports/my-video-imports.component.html + 42 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-videos/modals/video-change-ownership.component.html + 22 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-add-modal.component.html + 37 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-edit-modal-content/video-caption-edit-modal-content.component.html + 25 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html + 71 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html + 83 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment-add.component.html + 73 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts + 486 + + + src/app/modal/confirm.component.html + 23 + + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/moderation-comment-modal.component.html + 26 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/batch-domains-modal.component.html + 31 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html + 53 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html + 53 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html + 84 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.html + 34 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html + 46 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html + 140 + + + + Submit + Submitter + + src/app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html + 52 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-videos/modals/video-change-ownership.component.html + 27 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html + 57 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html + 57 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html + 88 + + + + The contact form is not enabled on this instance. + Le formulario de contacto non es activate sur iste instantia. + + src/app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html + 56 + + + + Your message has been sent. + Tu message ha essite inviate. + + src/app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.ts + 88 + + + + You already sent this form recently + Tu ha ja inviate iste formulario recentemente + + src/app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.ts + 94 + + + + This website is powered by PeerTube + Iste sito web es actionate per PeerTube + + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html + 2,4 + + + + PeerTube is a self-hosted ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser. + PeerTube es un servicio auto-albergate e federate per ActivityPub, permittente le fluxo video par-a-par in tu navigator. + + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html + 9,11 + + + + It is free and open-source software, under AGPLv3 licence. + Es software libere e a codice aperte, disponibile sub le licentia AGPLv3. + + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html + 13,16 + + + + For more information, please visit joinpeertube.org. + Pro plus information, visita joinpeertube.org. + + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html + 18,20 + + + + Use PeerTube documentation + Usar le documentation de PeerTube + + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html + 28 + + + + Discover how to setup your account, what is a channel, how to create a playlist and more! + Discoperi como configurar tu conto, lo que es un canal, como crear un lista de reproduction, e plus! + + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html + 31,33 + + + + PeerTube Applications + Applicationes PeerTube + + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html + 40 + + + + Discover unofficial Android applications or browser addons! + Discoperi applicationes Android o additivos de navigator non official! + + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html + 43,45 + + + + Contribute on PeerTube + Contribuer a PeerTube + + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html + 52 + + + + Want to help to improve PeerTube? You can translate the web interface, give your feedback or directly contribute to the code! + Vole tu adjutar a meliorar PeerTube? Tu pote traducer le interfacie web, dar tu aviso o contribuer directemente al codice! + + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html + 55,57 + + + + P2P & Privacy + P2P & vita private + + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html + 66 + + + + PeerTube uses the BitTorrent protocol to share bandwidth between users by default to help lower the load on the server, but ultimately leaves you the choice to switch back to regular streaming exclusively from the server of the video. What follows applies only if you want to keep using the P2P mode of PeerTube. + PeerTube usa per predefinition le protocolllo BitTorrent pro condivider le largor de banda inter usatores a fin de reducer le carga sur le servitor, ma te lassa ultimemente le election de revenir al fluxo regular desde le servitor del video. Lo sequente se applica solmente si tu vole continuar a usar le modo P2P (par-a-par) de PeerTube. + + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html + 69,73 + + + + The main threat to your privacy induced by BitTorrent lies in your IP address being stored in the instance's BitTorrent tracker as long as you download or watch the video. + Le principal menacia a tu vita private inducite per BitTorrent reside in le facto que le traciator BitTorrent del instantia immagazina tu adresse IP durante que tu discarga o specta le video. + + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html + 75,78 + + + + What are the consequences? + Que es le consequentias? + + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html + 80 + + + + In theory, someone with enough technical skills could create a script that tracks which IP is downloading which video. In practice, this is much more difficult because: + In theoria, un persona con sufficiente competentias technic poterea crear un script que seque qual adresse IP discarga qual video. In practica, isto es multo plus difficile, perque: + + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html + 82,85 + + + + An HTTP request has to be sent on each tracker for each video to spy. If we want to spy all PeerTube's videos, we have to send as many requests as there are videos (so potentially a lot) + Un requesta HTTP debe esser inviate sur cata traciator pro cata video a spiar. Si nos vole spiar tote le videos de PeerTube, nos debe inviar tante requestas como il ha videos (dunque potentialmente un grande numero) + + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html + 88,91 + + + + For each request sent, the tracker returns random peers at a limited number. For instance, if there are 1000 peers in the swarm and the tracker sends only 20 peers for each request, there must be at least 50 requests sent to know every peer in the swarm + Pro cata requesta inviate, le traciator restitue un lista aleatori e limitate de pares. Per exemplo, si il ha 1000 pares e le traciator invia solmente 20 pares pro cata requesta, es necessari al minus 50 requestas pro cognoscer le lista complete de pares + + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html + 93,97 + + + + Those requests have to be sent regularly to know who starts/stops watching a video. It is easy to detect that kind of behaviour + Iste demandas debe esser inviate regularmente pro saper qui comencia/arresta de spectar un video. Es facile deteger iste genere de comportamento + + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html + 99,101 + + + + If an IP address is stored in the tracker, it doesn't mean that the person behind the IP (if this person exists) has watched the video + Si un adresse IP es immagazinate in le traciator, isto non significa que le persona detra le adresse IP (si iste persona existe) ha spectate le video + + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html + 103,106 + + + + The IP address is a vague information: usually, it regularly changes and can represent many persons or entities + Le adresse IP es un information vage: in general, illo cambia frequentemente e pote representar multe personas o entitates + + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html + 108,110 + + + + Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use the websocket transport, the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent tracker. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information + Le pares web non es publicamente accessibile: perque nos usa le transporto websocket, le protocollo es differente de illo del traciator BitTorrent classic. Si tu es in un navigator web, tu invia al traciator un signal que contine tu adresse IP, e le traciator seligera altere pares aleatori al quales reinviar le information. Vide iste documento pro plus information + + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html + 112,117 + + + + The worst-case scenario of an average person spying on their friends is quite unlikely. There are much more effective ways to get that kind of information. + Le pejor scenario de un persona medie qui spia su amicos es poco probabile. Existe manieras multo plus effective de obtener iste typo de information. + + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html + 120,123 + + + + How does PeerTube compare with YouTube? + Como se compara PeerTube con YouTube? + + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html + 125 + + + + The threats to privacy with YouTube are different from PeerTube's. In YouTube's case, the platform gathers a huge amount of your personal information (not only your IP) to analyze them and track you. Moreover, YouTube is owned by Google/Alphabet, a company that tracks you across many websites (via AdSense or Google Analytics). + Le menacias al vita private con YouTube es differente de illos de PeerTube. In le caso de YouTube, le platteforma collige un enorme quantitate de tu information personal (non solmente tu adresse IP) pro analysar e traciar te. In ultra, YouTube es le proprietate de Google/Alphabet, un interprisa que te tracia inter multe sitos web (via AdSense o Google Analytics). + + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html + 127,131 + + + + What can I do to limit the exposure of my IP address? + Que pote io facer pro limitar le exposition de mi adresse IP? + + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html + 133 + + + + Your IP address is public so every time you consult a website, there is a number of actors (in addition to the final website) seeing your IP in their connection logs: ISP/routers/trackers/CDN and more. PeerTube is transparent about it: we warn you that if you want to keep your IP private, you must use a VPN or Tor Browser. Thinking that removing P2P from PeerTube will give you back anonymity doesn't make sense. + Tu adresse IP es public, dunque, cata vice que tu consulta un sito web, existe un numero de agentes (in addition al sito web final) que vide tu adresse IP in lor registros de connexion: fornitores de servicio internet, routers, traciatores, retes de livration de contento (CDN), e plus. PeerTube es transparente a iste subjecto: nos te adverti que, si tu vole mantener tu adresse IP private, tu debe usar un VPN o le navigator Tor. Pensar que remover le aspecto par-a-par de PeerTube te rendera le anonymitate non ha senso. + + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html + 135,140 + + + + What will be done to mitigate this problem? + Que essera facite pro mitigar iste problema? + + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html + 142 + + + + PeerTube wants to deliver the best countermeasures possible, to give you more choice and render attacks less likely. Here is what we put in place so far: + PeerTube vole offerer le melior contramesuras possibile, pro dar te plus optiones e render attaccos minus probabile. Ecce lo que nos ha implementate usque al presente: + + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html + 144,147 + + + + We set a limit to the number of peers sent by the tracker + Nos fixa un limite al numero de pares inviate per le traciator + + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html + 150 + + + + We set a limit on the request frequency received by the tracker + Nos fixa un limite al frequentia de requestas recipite per le traciator + + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html + 151 + + + + Allow instance admins to disable P2P from the administration interface + Permitter al administratores del instantia de disactivar le connexiones par-a-par desde le interfacie de administration + + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html + 152 + + + + Ultimately, remember you can always disable P2P by toggling it in the video player, or just by disabling WebRTC in your browser. + Ultimemente, non oblida que tu pote sempre disactivar le connexiones par-a-par usante le commutator in le reproductor video, o disactivante WebRTC in tu navigator. + + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html + 155,158 + + + + About this instance + A proposito de iste instantia + + src/app/+about/about-routing.module.ts + 24 + + + + Contact + Contacto + + src/app/+about/about-routing.module.ts + 36 + + + src/app/menu/menu.component.html + 140 + + + + About PeerTube + A proposito de PeerTube + + src/app/+about/about-routing.module.ts + 49 + + + + About this instance's network + A proposito del rete de iste instantia + + src/app/+about/about-routing.module.ts + 58 + + + + Instance + Instantia + + src/app/+about/about.component.html + 3 + + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 217 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html + 32 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html + 32 + + + + PeerTube + PeerTube + + src/app/+about/about.component.html + 5 + + + + Network + Rete + + src/app/+about/about.component.html + 7 + + + + Video channels + Canales video + + src/app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html + 1 + + + + This account does not have channels. + Iste conto non ha canales. + + src/app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html + 5 + + + + See this video channel + Vider iste canal video + + src/app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html + 15 + + + src/app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html + 20 + + + src/app/shared/shared-custom-markup/peertube-custom-tags/channel-miniature-markup.component.html + 4 + + + src/app/shared/shared-custom-markup/peertube-custom-tags/channel-miniature-markup.component.html + 7 + + + + {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {No subscribers} =1 {1 subscriber} other { subscribers}} + {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {Necun abonato} =1 {Un abonato} other { abonatos}} + + src/app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html + 26 + + + src/app/+accounts/accounts.component.html + 36 + + + src/app/+my-library/+my-video-channels/my-video-channels.component.html + 43 + + + src/app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.html + 75 + + + + + + + src/app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html + 29,30 + + + src/app/+accounts/accounts.component.html + 39,40 + + + src/app/+my-library/+my-video-channels/my-video-channels.component.html + 43,44 + + + src/app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.html + 78,79 + + + src/app/shared/shared-custom-markup/peertube-custom-tags/channel-miniature-markup.component.html + 15,17 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video/video-views-counter.component.html + 2,4 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video/video-views-counter.component.html + 6,8 + + + + {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {No videos} =1 {1 video} other { videos}} + {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {Necun video} =1 {Un video} other { videos}} + + src/app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html + 29 + + + src/app/+accounts/accounts.component.html + 39 + + + src/app/+my-library/+my-video-channels/my-video-channels.component.html + 47 + + + src/app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.html + 78 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-miniature.component.html + 9 + + + + Show this channel + Monstrar iste canal + + src/app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html + 38 + + + + This channel doesn't have any videos. + Iste canal non ha videos. + + src/app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html + 42 + + + + SHOW THIS CHANNEL > + MONSTRAR ISTE CANAL > + + src/app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html + 50 + + + + Videos + Videos + + src/app/+accounts/account-videos/account-videos.component.ts + 17 + + + src/app/+admin/admin.component.ts + 49 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html + 3 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-library.component.ts + 52 + + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 195 + + + src/app/+video-channels/video-channel-videos/video-channel-videos.component.ts + 17 + + + src/app/core/menu/menu.service.ts + 85 + + + src/app/modal/quick-settings-modal.component.html + 10 + + + + Account video channels + Canales video del conto + + src/app/+accounts/accounts-routing.module.ts + 26 + + + + Account videos + Videos del conto + + src/app/+accounts/accounts-routing.module.ts + 35 + + + + ACCOUNT + CONTO + + src/app/+accounts/accounts.component.html + 8 + + + + Banned + Bannite + + src/app/+accounts/accounts.component.html + 21 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.html + 105 + + + + Copy account handle + Copiar le pseudonymo del conto + + src/app/+accounts/accounts.component.html + 29 + + + + Show the complete description + Monstrar le description complete + + src/app/+accounts/accounts.component.html + 53 + + + src/app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.html + 96 + + + + Show more... + Monstrar plus… + + src/app/+accounts/accounts.component.html + 55,56 + + + src/app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.html + 98,99 + + + + Manage account + Gerer conto + + src/app/+accounts/accounts.component.html + 60,61 + + + + Search account videos + Cercar videos del conto + + src/app/+accounts/accounts.component.html + 78 + + + + CHANNELS + CANALES + + src/app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts + 80 + + + + VIDEOS + VIDEOS + + src/app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts + 81 + + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 246 + + + src/app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.ts + 90 + + + + Username copied + Nomine de usator copiate + + src/app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts + 119 + + + src/app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.ts + 124 + + + + Report + Reportar + + src/app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts + 192 + + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html + 57 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts + 383 + + + + Report this account + Reportar iste conto + + src/app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts + 196 + + + + Overview + Vista general + + src/app/+admin/admin.component.ts + 35 + + + + Users + Usatores + + src/app/+admin/admin.component.ts + 41 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 4 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 4 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.html + 3 + + + + Comments + Commentos + + src/app/+admin/admin.component.ts + 57 + + + + Federation + Federation + + src/app/+admin/admin.component.ts + 72 + + + + Following + Sequente + + src/app/+admin/admin.component.ts + 75 + + + src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html + 41 + + + src/app/+admin/follows/follows.routes.ts + 26 + + + + Followers + Sequitores + + src/app/+admin/admin.component.ts + 80 + + + src/app/+admin/follows/follows.routes.ts + 35 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-library.component.ts + 72 + + + + Video redundancies + Redundantias de videos + + src/app/+admin/admin.component.ts + 85 + + + + Moderation + Moderation + + src/app/+admin/admin.component.ts + 95 + + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts + 72 + + + src/app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts + 28 + + + + Reports + Reportos + + src/app/+admin/admin.component.ts + 101 + + + src/app/+admin/moderation/abuse-list/abuse-list.component.html + 3 + + + src/app/+admin/moderation/moderation.routes.ts + 34 + + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-abuses/my-account-abuses-list.component.html + 3 + + + + Video blocks + Blocages de videos + + src/app/+admin/admin.component.ts + 109 + + + src/app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html + 3 + + + + Muted accounts + Contos silentiate + + src/app/+admin/admin.component.ts + 117 + + + src/app/+admin/moderation/moderation.routes.ts + 90 + + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts + 96 + + + src/app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts + 31 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html + 3 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html + 3 + + + + Muted servers + Servitores silentiate + + src/app/+admin/admin.component.ts + 125 + + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts + 105 + + + src/app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts + 36 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html + 3 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html + 3 + + + + Configuration + Configuration + + src/app/+admin/admin.component.ts + 136 + + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html + 1 + + + + Plugins/Themes + Modulos/Themas + + src/app/+admin/admin.component.ts + 142 + + + + System + Systema + + src/app/+admin/admin.component.ts + 148 + + + + Jobs + Travalios + + src/app/+admin/admin.component.ts + 154 + + + src/app/+admin/system/system.routes.ts + 24 + + + + Logs + Registros + + src/app/+admin/admin.component.ts + 162 + + + src/app/+admin/system/system.routes.ts + 35 + + + + Debug + Depuration + + src/app/+admin/admin.component.ts + 170 + + + src/app/+admin/system/system.routes.ts + 46 + + + + Edit custom configuration + Modificar le configuration personalisate + + src/app/+admin/config/config.routes.ts + 24 + + + + CACHE + CACHE + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html + 6 + + + + Some files are not federated, and fetched when necessary. Define their caching policies. + Alcun files non es federate, e es obtenite quando necessari. Defini lor politicas de cache. + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html + 7,9 + + + + Number of previews to keep in cache + Numero de previsualisationes a tener in cache + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html + 15 + + + + {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {cached image} other {cached images}} + {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {imagine in cache} other {imagines in cache}} + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html + 22 + + + + Number of video captions to keep in cache + Numero de legendas video a tener in cache + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html + 29 + + + + {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {cached caption} other {cached captions}} + {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {legenda in cache} other {legendas in cache}} + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html + 36 + + + + Number of video torrents to keep in cache + Numero de torrentes video a tener in cache + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html + 43 + + + + {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {cached torrent} other {cached torrents}} + {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {torrente in cachec} other {torrentes in cache}} + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html + 50 + + + + CUSTOMIZATIONS + PERSONALISATIONES + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html + 63 + + + + Slight modifications to your PeerTube instance for when creating a plugin or theme is overkill. + Modificationes minor de tu instantia PeerTube in caso que le creation de un modulo o thema esserea excessive. + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html + 64,66 + + + + JavaScript + JavaScript + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html + 73 + + + + Write JavaScript code directly.Example: console.log('my instance is amazing'); + Scriber directemente codice JavaScript.Example: console.log('my instance is amazing'); + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html + 76,77 + + + + Write CSS code directly. Example:#custom-css color: red; Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example:#custom-css .logged-in-email color: red; + Scribe directemente codice CSS. Exemplo:#custom-css color: red; Prefixa #custom-css pro supplantar stilos. Exemplo:#custom-css .logged-in-email color: red; + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html + 95,107 + + + + APPEARANCE + APPARENTIA + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 4 + + + + Use plugins & themes for more involved changes, or add slight customizations. + Usa modulos & themas pro cambiamentos plus complexe, o adde minor personalisationes. + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 5,7 + + + + Theme + Thema + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 14 + + + src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-interface-settings.component.html + 4 + + + + + + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 18 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html + 77,79 + + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.html + 4 + + + src/app/+stats/video/video-stats.component.html + 2 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-go-live.component.html + 31,32 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html + 76,77 + + + src/app/menu/menu.component.html + 111,113 + + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-about-accordion.component.html + 84,85 + + + src/app/shared/shared-main/buttons/action-dropdown.component.html + 22 + + + src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/top-menu-dropdown.component.html + 20 + + + src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/top-menu-dropdown.component.html + 30 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.html + 3 + + + src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-interface-settings.component.html + 9 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html + 27,29 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html + 47,49 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html + 66,67 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html + 77,78 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html + 89,90 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/videos-selection.component.html + 1 + + + + Landing page + Pagina de benvenita + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 27 + + + + Default trending page + Pagina predefinite de tendentias + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 43 + + + + Hot videos + Videos popular + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 47 + + + + Most viewed videos + Videos le plus spectate + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 48 + + + + Most liked videos + Videos le plus appreciate + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 49 + + + + Prefer author display name in video miniature + Preferer le nomine a monstrar del autor in le miniatura del video + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 65 + + + + Redirect users on single external auth when users click on the login button in menu + Rediriger usatores al momento de authentication externe singule quando usatores clicca sur le button de apertura de session in le menu + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 76 + + + + ⚠️ You don't have any external auth plugin enabled. + ⚠️ Tu non ha alcun modulo de authentication externe activate. + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 79 + + + + ⚠️ You have multiple external auth plugins enabled. + ⚠️ Tu ha plure modulos de authentication externe activate. + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 80 + + + + BROADCAST MESSAGE + MESSAGE DE DIFFUSSION + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 93 + + + + Display a message on your instance + Monstrar un message sur tu instantia + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 94,96 + + + + Enable broadcast message + Activar le message de diffusion + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 106 + + + + Allow users to dismiss the broadcast message + Permitter que usatores claude le message de diffusion + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 113 + + + + Broadcast message level + Nivello del message de diffusion + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 118 + + + + Message + Message + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 132 + + + + NEW USERS + NOVE USATORES + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 149 + + + + Manage users to set their quota individually. + Gerer usatores pro definir individualmente lor quota. + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 150,152 + + + + Enable Signup + Permitter inscription + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 161 + + + + ⚠️ This functionality requires a lot of attention and extra moderation. + ⚠️ Iste functionalitate require multe attention e moderation extra. + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 164 + + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 480 + + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 493 + + + + Signup requires email verification + Le inscription exige verification per e-mail + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 172 + + + + Signup limit + Numero maxime de usatores + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 176 + + + + {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {user} other {users}} + {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {usator} other {usatores}} + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 183 + + + + Signup won't be limited to a fixed number of users. + Le creation de contos non essera limitate a un numero fixe de usatores. + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 188 + + + + Minimum required age to create an account + Etate minime necessari pro crear un conto + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 192 + + + + {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {year old} other {years old}} + {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {anno de etate} other {annos de etate}} + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 199 + + + + Default video quota per user + Quota de video predefinite per usator + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 211 + + + + bytes + bytes + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 217 + + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 233 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 151 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 151 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 169 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 169 + + + + Default daily upload limit per user + Limite predefinite de incargamento per die per usator + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 227 + + + + Import jobs concurrency + Execution simultanee de travalios de importation + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 256 + + + + allows to import multiple videos in parallel. ⚠️ Requires a PeerTube restart. + permitte importar plure videos in parallelo. ⚠️ Necessita reinitialisar PeerTube. + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 257 + + + + jobs in parallel + travalios in parallelo + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 261 + + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html + 173 + + + + Allow import with HTTP URL (e.g. YouTube) + Permitte importar con un URL de HTTP (p.ex.. YouTube) + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 270 + + + + ⚠️ If enabled, we recommend to use a HTTP proxy to prevent private URL access from your PeerTube server + ⚠️ Si es activate, nos recommenda usar un proxy HTTP pro impedir le accesso a URLs private desde tu servitor de PeerTube + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 273 + + + + Allow import with a torrent file or a magnet URI + Permitte importar con un file torrent o un URI magnet + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 281 + + + + ⚠️ We don't recommend to enable this feature if you don't trust your users + ⚠️ Non es recommendate activar iste function si tu non confide in tu usatores + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 284 + + + + Allow channel synchronization with channel of other platforms like YouTube (requires allowing import with HTTP URL) + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 295 + + + + ⛔ You need to allow import with HTTP URL to be able to activate this feature. + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 298,300 + + + + Block new videos automatically + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 315 + + + + Unless a user is marked as trusted, their videos will stay private until a moderator reviews them. + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 318 + + + + VIDEO CHANNELS + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 332 + + + + Max video channels per user + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 337 + + + + {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {channel} other {channels}} + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 344 + + + + SEARCH + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 354 + + + + Allow users to do remote URI/handle search + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 365 + + + + Allow your users to look up remote videos/actors that may not be federated with your instance + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 368 + + + + Allow anonymous to do remote URI/handle search + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 376 + + + + Allow anonymous users to look up remote videos/actors that may not be federated with your instance + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 379 + + + + Enable global search + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 390 + + + + ⚠️ This functionality depends heavily on the moderation of instances followed by the search index you select. + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 393 + + + + You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or host your own. + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 395,397 + + + + Search index URL + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 402 + + + + Disable local search in search bar + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 415 + + + + Search bar uses the global search index by default + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 422 + + + + Otherwise the local search stays used by default + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 425 + + + + FEDERATION + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 443 + + + + Manage relations with other instances. + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 444,446 + + + + Other instances can follow yours + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 457 + + + + Manually approve new instance followers + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 464 + + + + Automatically follow back instances + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 477 + + + + Automatically follow instances of a public index + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 490 + + + + See the documentation for more information about the expected URL + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 495,497 + + + + Index URL + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 502 + + + + ADMINISTRATORS + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 522 + + + + Admin email + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 528 + + + + Enable contact form + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 541 + + + + TWITTER + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 550 + + + + Provide the Twitter account representing your instance to improve link previews. If you don't have a Twitter account, just leave the default value. + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 551,554 + + + + Your Twitter username + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 563 + + + + Instance allowed by Twitter + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 576 + + + + If your instance is explicitly allowed by Twitter, a video player will be embedded in the Twitter feed on PeerTube video share. If the instance is not, we use an image link card that will redirect to your PeerTube instance. Check this checkbox, save the configuration and test with a video URL of your instance (https://example.com/w/blabla) on https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator to see if you instance is allowed. + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html + 580,586 + + + + You enabled signup: we automatically enabled the "Block new videos automatically" checkbox of the "Videos" section just below. + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.ts + 136 + + + + Audio-only + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-configuration.service.ts + 18 + + + + A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-configuration.service.ts + 19 + + + + 144p + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-configuration.service.ts + 23 + + + + 240p + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-configuration.service.ts + 27 + + + + 360p + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-configuration.service.ts + 31 + + + + 480p + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-configuration.service.ts + 35 + + + + 720p + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-configuration.service.ts + 39 + + + + 1080p + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-configuration.service.ts + 43 + + + + 1440p + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-configuration.service.ts + 47 + + + + 2160p + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-configuration.service.ts + 51 + + + + {value, plural, =1 {thread} other {threads}} + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-configuration.service.ts + 90 + + + + threads + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-configuration.service.ts + 92 + + + + Updating instance configuration from the web interface is disabled by the system administrator. + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html + 3,5 + + + + Homepage + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html + 12 + + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-homepage.component.html + 13 + + + src/app/+home/home-routing.module.ts + 11 + + + + Information + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html + 20 + + + + Basic + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html + 29 + + + + VOD Transcoding + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html + 38 + + + + Live streaming + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html + 47 + + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html + 67 + + + + Advanced + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html + 56 + + + + There are errors in the form: + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html + 71,78 + + + + You cannot allow live replay if you don't enable transcoding. + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html + 81,83 + + + + You cannot change the server configuration because it's managed externally. + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html + 85,87 + + + + Update configuration + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html + 90 + + + + Configuration updated. + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts + 320 + + + + INSTANCE HOMEPAGE + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-homepage.component.html + 7 + + + + INSTANCE + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html + 7 + + + + Name + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html + 12 + + + src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html + 27 + + + src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html + 27 + + + + Short description + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html + 23 + + + + Main instance categories + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html + 47 + + + + Add a new category + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html + 54 + + + src/app/shared/shared-forms/select/select-categories.component.html + 5 + + + + Main languages you/your moderators speak + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html + 61 + + + + Add a new language + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html + 68 + + + src/app/shared/shared-forms/select/select-languages.component.html + 6 + + + + MODERATION & NSFW + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html + 79 + + + + This instance is dedicated to sensitive or NSFW content + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html + 89 + + + + Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default. + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html + 93,96 + + + + Policy on videos containing sensitive content + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html + 102 + + + + With Hide or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video. + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html + 106,108 + + + src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html + 7,9 + + + + Policy for sensitive videos + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html + 114 + + + src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html + 15 + + + + Hide + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html + 115 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-password.component.html + 11 + + + src/app/shared/shared-forms/input-text.component.ts + 41 + + + src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html + 16 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html + 79 + + + + Blur thumbnails + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html + 116 + + + src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html + 17 + + + + Display + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html + 117 + + + src/app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html + 8 + + + src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html + 18 + + + + Who moderates the instance? What is the policy regarding NSFW videos? Political videos? etc + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html + 144 + + + + YOU AND YOUR INSTANCE + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html + 157 + + + + Who is behind the instance? + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html + 163 + + + + A single person? A non-profit? A company? + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html + 164 + + + + Why did you create this instance? + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html + 173 + + + + To share your personal videos? To open registrations and allow people to upload what they want? + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html + 174 + + + + How long do you plan to maintain this instance? + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html + 183 + + + + It's important to know for users who want to register on your instance + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html + 184 + + + + How will you finance the PeerTube server? + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html + 193 + + + + With your own funds? With user donations? Advertising? + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html + 194 + + + + OTHER INFORMATION + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html + 207 + + + + What server/hardware does the instance run on? + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html + 213 + + + + i.e. 2vCore 2GB RAM, a direct the link to the server you rent, etc. + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html + 214 + + + + LIVE + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-live-configuration.component.html + 5 + + + src/app/shared/shared-thumbnail/video-thumbnail.component.html + 31 + + + + Enable users of your instance to stream live. + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-live-configuration.component.html + 6,8 + + + + Allow live streaming + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-live-configuration.component.html + 18 + + + + ⚠️ Enabling live streaming requires trust in your users and extra moderation work + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-live-configuration.component.html + 22 + + + + If enabled, your server needs to accept incoming TCP traffic on port + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-live-configuration.component.html + 23 + + + + Allow your users to automatically publish a replay of their live + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-live-configuration.component.html + 31 + + + + Allow your users to change live latency + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-live-configuration.component.html + 39 + + + + Small latency disables P2P and high latency can increase P2P ratio + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-live-configuration.component.html + 41,43 + + + + Max simultaneous lives created on your instance + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-live-configuration.component.html + 48 + + + + {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {live} other {lives}} + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-live-configuration.component.html + 54 + + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-live-configuration.component.html + 66 + + + + Max simultaneous lives created per user + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-live-configuration.component.html + 61 + + + + Max live duration + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-live-configuration.component.html + 73 + + + + TRANSCODING + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-live-configuration.component.html + 92 + + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html + 21 + + + + Same as VOD transcoding, transcoding live streams so that they are in a streamable form that any device can play. Requires a beefy CPU, and then some. + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-live-configuration.component.html + 93,95 + + + + Transcoding enabled for live streams + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-live-configuration.component.html + 108 + + + + Live resolutions to generate + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-live-configuration.component.html + 114 + + + + Also transcode original resolution + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-live-configuration.component.html + 134 + + + + Even if it's above your maximum enabled resolution + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-live-configuration.component.html + 136,138 + + + + Live transcoding threads + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-live-configuration.component.html + 145 + + + + will claim at most with VOD transcoding + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-live-configuration.component.html + 148,150 + + + + will claim at least with VOD transcoding + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-live-configuration.component.html + 152,154 + + + + Live transcoding profile + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-live-configuration.component.html + 167 + + + + new live transcoding profiles can be added by PeerTube plugins + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-live-configuration.component.html + 168 + + + + No limit + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-live-configuration.component.ts + 34 + + + + 1 hour + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-live-configuration.component.ts + 35 + + + + 3 hours + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-live-configuration.component.ts + 36 + + + + 5 hours + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-live-configuration.component.ts + 37 + + + + 10 hours + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-live-configuration.component.ts + 38 + + + + x264, targeting maximum device compatibility + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-live-configuration.component.ts + 55 + + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.ts + 50 + + + + Estimating a server's capacity to transcode and stream videos isn't easy and we can't tune PeerTube automatically. + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html + 8,10 + + + + However, you may want to read our guidelines before tweaking the following values. + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html + 12,14 + + + + Process uploaded videos so that they are in a streamable form that any device can play. Though costly in resources, this is a critical part of PeerTube, so tread carefully. + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html + 22,25 + + + + Transcoding enabled + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html + 35 + + + + Input formats + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html + 41 + + + + Allow additional extensions + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html + 46 + + + + Allows users to upload videos with additional extensions than .mp4, .ogv and .webm (for example: .avi, .mov, .mkv etc). + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html + 49 + + + + Allow audio files upload + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html + 57 + + + + Allows users to upload .mp3, .ogg, .wma, .flac, .aac, or .ac3 audio files. + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html + 60 + + + + The file will be merged in a still image video with the preview file on upload. + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html + 61 + + + + Output formats + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html + 68 + + + + WebTorrent enabled + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html + 74 + + + + If you also enabled HLS support, it will multiply videos storage by 2 + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html + 78 + + + + HLS with P2P support enabled + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html + 89 + + + + Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with plain WebTorrent:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback especially with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2 + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html + 94,103 + + + + Resolutions to generate + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html + 111 + + + + Always transcode original resolution + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html + 116 + + + + The original file resolution will be the default target if no option is selected. + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html + 120,122 + + + + Transcoding threads + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html + 145 + + + + will claim at most with live transcoding + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html + 148,150 + + + + will claim at least with live transcoding + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html + 152,154 + + + + Transcoding jobs concurrency + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html + 168 + + + + allows to transcode multiple files in parallel. ⚠️ Requires a PeerTube restart + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html + 169 + + + + Transcoding profile + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html + 180 + + + + new transcoding profiles can be added by PeerTube plugins + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html + 181 + + + + VIDEO STUDIO + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html + 200 + + + + Allows your users to edit their video (cut, add intro/outro, add a watermark etc) + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html + 201,203 + + + + Enable video studio + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html + 212 + + + + ⚠️ You need to enable transcoding first to enable video studio + + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html + 215 + + + + Unlimited + + src/app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts + 22 + + + src/app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts + 36 + + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts + 31 + + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts + 38 + + + src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-quota.component.ts + 32 + + + src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-quota.component.ts + 38 + + + + None - no upload possible + + src/app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts + 23 + + + src/app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts + 37 + + + + 100MB + + src/app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts + 24 + + + src/app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts + 40 + + + + 500MB + + src/app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts + 25 + + + src/app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts + 41 + + + + 1GB + + src/app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts + 26 + + + + 5GB + + src/app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts + 27 + + + src/app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts + 43 + + + + 20GB + + src/app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts + 28 + + + src/app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts + 45 + + + + 50GB + + src/app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts + 29 + + + src/app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts + 46 + + + + 100GB + + src/app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts + 30 + + + + 200GB + + src/app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts + 31 + + + + 500GB + + src/app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts + 32 + + + + 10MB + + src/app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts + 38 + + + + 50MB + + src/app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts + 39 + + + + 2GB + + src/app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts + 42 + + + + 10GB + + src/app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts + 44 + + + + Auto (via ffmpeg) + + src/app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts + 50 + + + + Followers of your instance + + src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html + 3 + + + + Showing to of followers + + src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html + 11 + + + + Batch actions + + src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html + 18 + + + src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html + 18 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/comments/video-comment-list.component.html + 22 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.html + 18 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html + 18 + + + + Select all rows + + src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html + 33 + + + src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html + 38 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/comments/video-comment-list.component.html + 39 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.html + 39 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html + 36 + + + + Actions + + src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html + 35 + + + src/app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html + 43 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/comments/video-comment-list.component.html + 64 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-ownership/my-ownership.component.html + 12 + + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html + 39 + + + + Follower + + src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html + 36 + + + + State + + src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html + 37,38 + + + src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html + 42,43 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html + 36 + + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html + 24,25 + + + + Score + + src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html + 38,39 + + + + Created + + src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html + 39,41 + + + src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html + 43,44 + + + src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html + 50 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html + 37 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-imports/my-video-imports.component.html + 31 + + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html + 23,24 + + + + Select this row + + src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html + 46 + + + src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html + 51 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/comments/video-comment-list.component.html + 54 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.html + 79 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html + 51 + + + + Accept + + src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html + 50 + + + src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts + 46 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-ownership/my-accept-ownership/my-accept-ownership.component.html + 25 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-ownership/my-ownership.component.html + 27 + + + + Reject + + src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html + 51 + + + src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts + 41 + + + src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts + 87 + + + + Open actor page in a new tab + + src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html + 56 + + + + Accepted + + src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html + 63 + + + src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html + 65 + + + + Pending + + src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html + 64 + + + src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html + 66 + + + + Rejected + + src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html + 65 + + + src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html + 67 + + + + No follower found matching current filters. + + src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html + 77 + + + + Your instance doesn't have any follower. + + src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html + 78 + + + + Delete + + src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts + 51 + + + src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts + 117 + + + src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.ts + 43 + + + src/app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts + 91 + + + src/app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts + 95 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/comments/video-comment-list.component.ts + 105 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/comments/video-comment-list.component.ts + 180 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts + 101 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts + 249 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts + 78 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts + 234 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts + 289 + + + src/app/+my-library/+my-video-channels/my-video-channels.component.ts + 52 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.ts + 57 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-elements.component.ts + 128 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlists.component.ts + 35 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-videos/my-videos.component.html + 51 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-videos/my-videos.component.ts + 189 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 189 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comments.component.ts + 180 + + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts + 133 + + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts + 376 + + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts + 411 + + + src/app/shared/shared-main/buttons/delete-button.component.ts + 21 + + + src/app/shared/shared-main/buttons/delete-button.component.ts + 26 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts + 377 + + + + Accepted {count, plural, =1 { follow request} other { follow requests}} + + src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts + 67 + + + + Follow requests accepted + + src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts + 69 + + + + Do you really want to reject {count, plural, =1 { follow request?} other { follow requests?}} + + src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts + 82 + + + + Do you really want to reject these follow requests? + + src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts + 84 + + + + Rejected {count, plural, =1 { follow request} other { follow requests}} + + src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts + 94 + + + + Follow requests rejected + + src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts + 96 + + + + Deleted followers will be able to send again a follow request. + + src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts + 108 + + + + Do you really want to delete {count, plural, =1 { follow request?} other { follow requests?}} + + src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts + 112 + + + + Do you really want to delete these follow requests? + + src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts + 114 + + + + Removed {count, plural, =1 { follow request} other { follow requests}} + + src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts + 124 + + + + Follow requests removed + + src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts + 126 + + + + Follow + + src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/follow-modal.component.html + 3 + + + src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/follow-modal.component.html + 37 + + + src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html + 25 + + + + 1 host (without "http://"), account handle or channel handle per line + + src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/follow-modal.component.html + 11 + + + + It seems that you are not on a HTTPS server. Your webserver needs to have TLS activated in order to follow servers. + + src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/follow-modal.component.html + 27,29 + + + + {count, plural, =1 {Follow request sent!} other {Follow requests sent!}} + + src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/follow-modal.component.ts + 65 + + + + Follow request(s) sent! + + src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/follow-modal.component.ts + 67 + + + + Subscriptions of your instance + + src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html + 3 + + + + Showing to of hosts + + src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html + 11 + + + + Action + + src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html + 40 + + + src/app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html + 28 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html + 23 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html + 23 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html + 31 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html + 31 + + + + Redundancy allowed + + src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html + 44,46 + + + + Open instance in a new tab + + src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html + 58 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html + 43 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html + 43 + + + + No host found matching current filters. + + src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html + 84 + + + + Your instance is not following anyone. + + src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html + 85 + + + + Do you really want to unfollow {count, plural, =1 {?} other { entries?}} + + src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.ts + 70 + + + + Do you really want to unfollow these entries? + + src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.ts + 72 + + + + Unfollow + + src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.ts + 75 + + + + You are not following {count, plural, =1 { anymore.} other {these entries anymore.}} + + src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.ts + 82 + + + + You are not following them anymore. + + src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.ts + 84 + + + + Redundancy + + src/app/+admin/follows/follows.routes.ts + 48 + + + + enabled + + src/app/+admin/follows/shared/redundancy-checkbox.component.ts + 23 + + + + disabled + + src/app/+admin/follows/shared/redundancy-checkbox.component.ts + 23 + + + + Redundancy for is + + src/app/+admin/follows/shared/redundancy-checkbox.component.ts + 25 + + + + Videos redundancies + + src/app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html + 3 + + + + My videos duplicated by remote instances + + src/app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html + 12 + + + + Remote videos duplicated by my instance + + src/app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html + 13 + + + + Strategy + + src/app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html + 29 + + + + Video + + src/app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html + 30,31 + + + src/app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html + 26,27 + + + + Total size + + src/app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html + 31 + + + + List redundancies + + src/app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html + 38 + + + + Open video in a new tab + + src/app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html + 48 + + + + Your instance doesn't mirror any video. + + src/app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html + 80 + + + + Your instance has no mirrored videos. + + src/app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html + 81 + + + + Enabled strategies stats + + src/app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html + 90 + + + + No redundancy strategy is enabled on your instance. + + src/app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html + 95,96 + + + + Used () + + src/app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.ts + 99 + + + + Available () + + src/app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.ts + 105 + + + + Do you really want to remove this video redundancy? + + src/app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.ts + 149 + + + + Remove redundancy + + src/app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.ts + 150 + + + + Video redundancies removed! + + src/app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.ts + 156 + + + + Blocked videos + + src/app/+admin/moderation/moderation.routes.ts + 66 + + + + Muted instances + + src/app/+admin/moderation/moderation.routes.ts + 101 + + + + Showing to of blocked videos + + src/app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html + 11 + + + + Sensitive + + src/app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html + 27 + + + + Unfederated + + src/app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html + 28 + + + src/app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html + 60 + + + + Date + + src/app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html + 29,31 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/comments/video-comment-list.component.html + 46,48 + + + + The video was blocked due to automatic blocking of new videos + + src/app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html + 50 + + + + NSFW + + src/app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html + 56 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html + 75 + + + + Block reason: + + src/app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html + 75 + + + + No blocked video found matching current filters. + + src/app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html + 92 + + + + No blocked video found. + + src/app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html + 93 + + + + Advanced filters + + src/app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts + 30 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/comments/video-comment-list.component.ts + 48 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts + 44 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-videos/my-videos.component.ts + 117 + + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts + 39 + + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-follow.service.ts + 142 + + + + Automatic blocks + + src/app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts + 34 + + + + Manual blocks + + src/app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts + 38 + + + + Internal actions + + src/app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts + 59 + + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts + 243 + + + + Switch video block to manual + + src/app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts + 64 + + + + Video switched to manual block. + + src/app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts + 70 + + + + Actions for the video + + src/app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts + 82 + + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts + 334 + + + + Unblock + + src/app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts + 86 + + + src/app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts + 136 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts + 90 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts + 365 + + + + Do you really want to delete this video? + + src/app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts + 94 + + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts + 375 + + + + Video deleted. + + src/app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts + 102 + + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts + 383 + + + + Do you really want to unblock this video? It will be available again in the videos list. + + src/app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts + 134 + + + + Video unblocked. + + src/app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts + 142 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts + 216 + + + + Video comments + + src/app/+admin/overview/comments/video-comment-list.component.html + 3 + + + + This view also shows comments from muted accounts. + + src/app/+admin/overview/comments/video-comment-list.component.html + 8 + + + + Showing to of comments + + src/app/+admin/overview/comments/video-comment-list.component.html + 15 + + + + Refresh + + src/app/+admin/overview/comments/video-comment-list.component.html + 31 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html + 27 + + + src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html + 30 + + + src/app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html + 33 + + + + Account + + src/app/+admin/overview/comments/video-comment-list.component.html + 43 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html + 24 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html + 24 + + + + Video + + src/app/+admin/overview/comments/video-comment-list.component.html + 44 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html + 40 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-ownership/my-ownership.component.html + 14 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-imports/my-video-imports.component.html + 29 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html + 8 + + + + Comment + + src/app/+admin/overview/comments/video-comment-list.component.html + 45 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment-add.component.ts + 68 + + + + See full comment + + src/app/+admin/overview/comments/video-comment-list.component.html + 58 + + + + Open account in a new tab + + src/app/+admin/overview/comments/video-comment-list.component.html + 69 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.html + 94 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-ownership/my-ownership.component.html + 32 + + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html + 44 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html + 35 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html + 35 + + + + Commented video + + src/app/+admin/overview/comments/video-comment-list.component.html + 81 + + + + No comments found matching current filters. + + src/app/+admin/overview/comments/video-comment-list.component.html + 106 + + + + No comments found. + + src/app/+admin/overview/comments/video-comment-list.component.html + 107 + + + + Local comments + + src/app/+admin/overview/comments/video-comment-list.component.ts + 52 + + + + Remote comments + + src/app/+admin/overview/comments/video-comment-list.component.ts + 56 + + + + Comments on local videos + + src/app/+admin/overview/comments/video-comment-list.component.ts + 60 + + + + Delete this comment + + src/app/+admin/overview/comments/video-comment-list.component.ts + 85 + + + + Delete all comments of this account + + src/app/+admin/overview/comments/video-comment-list.component.ts + 91 + + + + Comments are deleted after a few minutes + + src/app/+admin/overview/comments/video-comment-list.component.ts + 92 + + + + {count, plural, =1 {1 comment deleted.} other { comments deleted.}} + + src/app/+admin/overview/comments/video-comment-list.component.ts + 154 + + + + comment(s) deleted. + + src/app/+admin/overview/comments/video-comment-list.component.ts + 156 + + + + Do you really want to delete all comments of ? + + src/app/+admin/overview/comments/video-comment-list.component.ts + 179 + + + + Comments of will be deleted in a few minutes + + src/app/+admin/overview/comments/video-comment-list.component.ts + 191 + + + + Comments list + + src/app/+admin/overview/comments/video-comment.routes.ts + 24 + + + + User created. + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-create.component.ts + 78 + + + + Create user + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-create.component.ts + 97 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.html + 25 + + + + Create + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 8 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 8 + + + src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-create.component.ts + 107 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/video-channel-sync-edit/video-channel-sync-edit.component.ts + 45 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-create.component.ts + 92 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-edit.component.html + 8 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-edit.component.html + 8 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.html + 79 + + + + Edit + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 11 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 11 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-edit.component.html + 11 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-edit.component.html + 11 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-edit.component.html + 79 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-edit.component.html + 79 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 188 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 313 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html + 43 + + + + {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Video} other {Videos}} + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 24 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 24 + + + + {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Channel} other {Channels}} + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 30 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 30 + + + + {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Subscriber} other {Subscribers}} + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 36 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 36 + + + + Incriminated in reports + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 42 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 42 + + + + Authored reports accepted + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 48 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 48 + + + + {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {Comment} other {Comments}} + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 54 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 54 + + + + NEW USER + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 73 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 73 + + + + Username + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 83 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 83 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts + 131 + + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-profile/my-account-profile.component.html + 6 + + + src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-user.component.html + 26 + + + + john + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 85 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 85 + + + + Channel name + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 94 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 94 + + + + john_channel + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 96 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 96 + + + + Email + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 105 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 105 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts + 133 + + + src/app/+login/login.component.html + 133 + + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.html + 6 + + + src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-user.component.html + 46 + + + src/app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-ask-send-email/verify-account-ask-send-email.component.html + 6 + + + + mail@example.com + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 107 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 107 + + + + Password + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 117 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 117 + + + src/app/+login/login.component.html + 60 + + + src/app/+login/login.component.html + 63 + + + src/app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.html + 6 + + + src/app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.html + 9 + + + src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-user.component.html + 61 + + + + If you leave the password empty, an email will be sent to the user. + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 120,122 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 120,122 + + + + Role + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 130 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 130 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts + 132 + + + + Video quota + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 145 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 145 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts + 134 + + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html + 47 + + + + Daily video quota + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 163 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 163 + + + src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-quota.component.html + 13 + + + + Auth plugin + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 179 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 179 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts + 139 + + + + None (local authentication) + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 183 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 183 + + + + Doesn't need review before a video goes public + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 192 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 192 + + + + DANGER ZONE + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 210 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 210 + + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html + 87 + + + + Send a link to reset the password by email to the user + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 217 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 217 + + + + Ask for new password + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 218 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 218 + + + + Manually set the user password + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 222 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 222 + + + + This user has two factor authentication enabled + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 227 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 227 + + + + Disable two factor authentication + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 228 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html + 228 + + + + Show + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-password.component.html + 10 + + + src/app/shared/shared-forms/input-text.component.ts + 42 + + + + Password changed for user . + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-password.component.ts + 41 + + + + Update user password + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-password.component.ts + 54 + + + + User updated. + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-update.component.ts + 95 + + + + Update user + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-update.component.ts + 114 + + + + An email asking for password reset has been sent to . + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-update.component.ts + 121 + + + + Two factor authentication of disabled. + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-update.component.ts + 134 + + + + Showing to of users + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.html + 11 + + + + Table parameters + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.html + 47 + + + + Select columns + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.html + 53 + + + + Highlight banned users + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.html + 59 + + + + Muted + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.html + 104 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/account-block-badges.component.html + 1 + + + src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html + 212,211 + + + + The user was banned + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.html + 109 + + + + User's email must be verified to login + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.html + 120 + + + + User's email is verified / User can login without email verification + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.html + 124 + + + + Total video quota + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.html + 131 + + + src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-quota.component.html + 3 + + + + Total daily video quota + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.html + 141 + + + + Ban reason: + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.html + 163 + + + + Banned users + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts + 48 + + + + Videos will be deleted, comments will be tombstoned. + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts + 102 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 346 + + + + Ban + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts + 107 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 351 + + + + User won't be able to login anymore, but videos and comments will be kept as is. + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts + 108 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 352 + + + + Unban + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts + 113 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts + 218 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 83 + + + + Set Email as Verified + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts + 120 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 363 + + + + Created + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts + 135 + + + + Last login + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts + 136 + + + + Daily quota + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts + 138 + + + + You cannot ban root. + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts + 200 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 71 + + + + Do you really want to unban {count, plural, =1 {1 user} other { users}}? + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts + 214 + + + + Do you really want to unban users? + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts + 216 + + + + {count, plural, =1 {1 user unbanned.} other { users unbanned.}} + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts + 227 + + + + users unbanned. + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts + 229 + + + + You cannot delete root. + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts + 241 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 99 + + + + <p>You can't create users or channels with a username that already used by a deleted user/channel.</p> + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts + 245 + + + + It means the following usernames will be permanently deleted and cannot be recovered: + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts + 246 + + + + {count, plural, =1 {1 user deleted.} other { users deleted.}} + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts + 256 + + + + users deleted. + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts + 258 + + + + {count, plural, =1 {1 user email set as verified.} other { user emails set as verified.}} + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts + 274 + + + + users email set as verified. + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts + 276 + + + + Users list + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/users.routes.ts + 25 + + + + Create a user + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/users.routes.ts + 34 + + + + Update a user + + src/app/+admin/overview/users/users.routes.ts + 43 + + + + Video type + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-admin.service.ts + 45 + + + + VOD + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-admin.service.ts + 49 + + + + Live + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-admin.service.ts + 53 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html + 88 + + + + Video files + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-admin.service.ts + 59 + + + + With WebTorrent + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-admin.service.ts + 63 + + + + Without WebTorrent + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-admin.service.ts + 67 + + + + With HLS + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-admin.service.ts + 71 + + + + Without HLS + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-admin.service.ts + 75 + + + + Videos scope + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-admin.service.ts + 81 + + + + Remote videos + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-admin.service.ts + 85 + + + + Local videos + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-admin.service.ts + 89 + + + src/app/+videos/video-list/videos-list-common-page.component.ts + 193 + + + src/app/core/menu/menu.service.ts + 151 + + + src/app/core/menu/menu.service.ts + 152 + + + + Exclude + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-admin.service.ts + 95 + + + + Exclude muted accounts + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-admin.service.ts + 99 + + + + Exclude public videos + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-admin.service.ts + 103 + + + + Showing to of videos + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html + 11 + + + + Info + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html + 41 + + + src/app/core/notification/notifier.service.ts + 12 + + + + Files + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html + 42 + + + + Published + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html + 43,45 + + + + Account muted + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html + 79 + + + + Server muted + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html + 80 + + + + Blocked + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html + 82 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.html + 65 + + + + Object storage + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html + 89 + + + + Delete this file + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html + 114 + + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html + 130 + + + + Block + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts + 84 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html + 50 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts + 359 + + + + Run HLS transcoding + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts + 98 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts + 391 + + + + Run WebTorrent transcoding + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts + 104 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts + 397 + + + + Delete HLS files + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts + 110 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts + 403 + + + + Delete WebTorrent files + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts + 116 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts + 409 + + + + Are you sure you want to delete this file? + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts + 213 + + + + Delete file + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts + 214 + + + + File removed. + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts + 220 + + + + Are you sure you want to delete {count, plural, =1 {this video} other {these videos}}? + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts + 229 + + + + Are you sure you want to delete these videos? + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts + 231 + + + + Deleted {count, plural, =1 {1 video} other { videos}}. + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts + 241 + + + + Deleted videos. + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts + 243 + + + + Unblocked {count, plural, =1 {1 video} other { videos}}. + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts + 259 + + + + Unblocked videos. + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts + 261 + + + + Are you sure you want to delete {count, plural, =1 {1 HLS streaming playlist} other { HLS streaming playlists}}? + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts + 277 + + + + Are you sure you want to delete HLS streaming playlists? + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts + 279 + + + + Are you sure you want to delete WebTorrent files of {count, plural, =1 {1 video} other { videos}}? + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts + 283 + + + + Are you sure you want to delete WebTorrent files of videos? + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts + 285 + + + + Files were removed. + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts + 295 + + + + Transcoding jobs created. + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts + 307 + + + + Videos list + + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video.routes.ts + 24 + + + + Settings + + src/app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.html + 12 + + + src/app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html + 45 + + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html + 1 + + + src/app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts + 50 + + + + Uninstall + + src/app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.html + 24 + + + src/app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts + 120 + + + + You don't have plugins installed yet. + + src/app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts + 88 + + + + You don't have themes installed yet. + + src/app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts + 91 + + + + Update to + + src/app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts + 99 + + + + Do you really want to uninstall ? + + src/app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts + 119 + + + + uninstalled. + + src/app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts + 129 + + + + This is a major plugin upgrade. Please go on the plugin homepage to check potential release notes. + + src/app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts + 150 + + + + Upgrade + + src/app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts + 151 + + + + Proceed upgrade + + src/app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts + 152 + + + + updated. + + src/app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts + 166 + + + + To load your new installed plugins or themes, refresh the page. + + src/app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html + 4,5 + + + + Popular plugins + + src/app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html + 10 + + + + Popular themes + + src/app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html + 11 + + + + for "" + + src/app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html + 18,19 + + + + {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {result} other {results}} + + src/app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html + 18 + + + src/app/+search/search.component.html + 5 + + + + Search... + + src/app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html + 23 + + + + No results. + + src/app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html + 28,29 + + + + Installed + + src/app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html + 35 + + + src/app/+admin/plugins/shared/plugin-navigation.component.html + 3 + + + + This plugin is developed by Framasoft + + src/app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html + 37 + + + + Official + + src/app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.html + 38,39 + + + + The plugin index is not available. Please retry later. + + src/app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.ts + 100 + + + + Please only install plugins or themes you trust, since they can execute any code on your instance. + + src/app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.ts + 130 + + + + Install ? + + src/app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.ts + 131 + + + + installed. + + src/app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.ts + 143 + + + + This does not have settings. + + src/app/+admin/plugins/plugin-show-installed/plugin-show-installed.component.html + 17,18 + + + + Settings updated. + + src/app/+admin/plugins/plugin-show-installed/plugin-show-installed.component.ts + 55 + + + + List installed plugins + + src/app/+admin/plugins/plugins.routes.ts + 26 + + + + Search plugins + + src/app/+admin/plugins/plugins.routes.ts + 35 + + + + Show plugin + + src/app/+admin/plugins/plugins.routes.ts + 44 + + + + plugin + + src/app/+admin/plugins/shared/plugin-api.service.ts + 30 + + + + theme + + src/app/+admin/plugins/shared/plugin-api.service.ts + 33 + + + + Plugin homepage (new window) + + src/app/+admin/plugins/shared/plugin-card.component.html + 8 + + + src/app/+admin/plugins/shared/plugin-card.component.html + 12 + + + + Navigate between installed plugins and themes or find new ones + + src/app/+admin/plugins/shared/plugin-navigation.component.html + 2 + + + + Search + + src/app/+admin/plugins/shared/plugin-navigation.component.html + 4 + + + src/app/+search/search-routing.module.ts + 12 + + + src/app/+search/search.component.ts + 253 + + + src/app/header/search-typeahead.component.html + 8 + + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html + 117 + + + src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/simple-search-input.component.ts + 12 + + + src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/simple-search-input.component.ts + 13 + + + + Navigate between plugins and themes + + src/app/+admin/plugins/shared/plugin-navigation.component.html + 7 + + + + The video quota only takes into account original video size. Since transcoding is enabled, videos size can be at most ~ . + + src/app/+admin/shared/user-real-quota-info.component.html + 1,4 + + + + IP address + + src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html + 2 + + + + PeerTube thinks your web browser public IP is . + + src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html + 4 + + + + If this is not your correct public IP, please consider fixing it because: + + src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html + 6 + + + + Views may not be counted correctly (reduced compared to what they should be) + + src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html + 8 + + + + Anti brute force system could be overzealous + + src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html + 9 + + + + P2P system could not work correctly + + src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html + 10 + + + + To fix it: + + src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html + 13 + + + + Check the trust_proxy configuration key + + src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html + 15 + + + + If you run PeerTube using Docker, check you run the reverse-proxy with network_mode: "host" (see issue 1643) + + src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html + 16,17 + + + + Job type + + src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html + 3 + + + + Job state + + src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html + 12 + + + + any + + src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html + 21 + + Selector for the list displaying jobs, filtering by their state + + + Showing to of jobs + + src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html + 39 + + + + ID + + src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html + 45 + + + + Type + + src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html + 46 + + + + Priority (1 = highest priority) + + src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html + 47 + + + + State + + src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html + 48 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-imports/my-video-imports.component.html + 30 + + + + Progress + + src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html + 49 + + + + No jobs found. + + src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html + 105 + + + + No jobs found. + + src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html + 106 + + + + No jobs found. + + src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html + 110 + + + + No jobs found that are . + + src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html + 111 + + + + now + + src/app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html + 15 + + + + Filter logs by tags + + src/app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html + 31 + + + + Loading... + + src/app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html + 37 + + + + No log. + + src/app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html + 40 + + + + By -> + + src/app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html + 47 + + + + Last week + + src/app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts + 96 + + + + Last day + + src/app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts + 101 + + + + Last hour + + src/app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts + 106 + + + + debug + + src/app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts + 118 + + + + info + + src/app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts + 122 + + + + warning + + src/app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts + 126 + + + + error + + src/app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts + 130 + + + + Standard logs + + src/app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts + 141 + + + + Audit logs + + src/app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts + 145 + + + + Not found + + src/app/+error-page/error-page-routing.module.ts + 14 + + + + That's an error. + + src/app/+error-page/error-page.component.html + 4 + + + + We couldn't find any video tied to the URL you were looking for. + + src/app/+error-page/error-page.component.html + 7 + + + + We couldn't find any resource tied to the URL you were looking for. + + src/app/+error-page/error-page.component.html + 8 + + + + Possible reasons: + + src/app/+error-page/error-page.component.html + 12 + + Possible reasons preceding a list of reasons a `Not Found` error page may occur + + + You may have used an outdated or broken link + + src/app/+error-page/error-page.component.html + 15 + + + + The video may have been moved or deleted + + src/app/+error-page/error-page.component.html + 17 + + + + The resource may have been moved or deleted + + src/app/+error-page/error-page.component.html + 18 + + + + You may have typed the address or URL incorrectly + + src/app/+error-page/error-page.component.html + 20 + + + + You are not authorized here. + + src/app/+error-page/error-page.component.html + 27 + + + src/app/+error-page/error-page.component.html + 42 + + + + You might need to login to see the video. + + src/app/+error-page/error-page.component.html + 30 + + + + You might need to login to see the resource. + + src/app/+error-page/error-page.component.html + 31 + + + + Login + + src/app/+error-page/error-page.component.html + 34,36 + + + + You might need to check your account is allowed by the video or instance owner. + + src/app/+error-page/error-page.component.html + 45 + + + + You might need to check your account is allowed by the resource or instance owner. + + src/app/+error-page/error-page.component.html + 46 + + + + The requested entity body blends sweet bits with a mellow earthiness. + + src/app/+error-page/error-page.component.html + 54,56 + + Description of a tea flavour, keeping the 'requested entity body' as a technical expression referring to a web request + + + Sepia seems to like it. + + src/app/+error-page/error-page.component.html + 57 + + This is about Sepia's tea + + + I'm a teapot + + src/app/+error-page/error-page.component.ts + 27 + + + + Login + + src/app/+login/login-routing.module.ts + 12 + + + src/app/+login/login.component.html + 81 + + + src/app/menu/menu.component.html + 103 + + + src/app/menu/menu.component.html + 104 + + + + > Login + + src/app/+login/login.component.html + 2,5 + + + + Logging into an account lets you publish content + + src/app/+login/login.component.html + 11,13 + + + + This instance allows registration. However, be careful to check the TermsTerms before creating an account. You may also search for another instance to match your exact needs at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. + + src/app/+login/login.component.html + 15,18 + + + + Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, you may check the Terms for more details or find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. + + src/app/+login/login.component.html + 20,23 + + + + Sorry but there was an issue with the external login process. Please contact an administrator. + + src/app/+login/login.component.html + 26,28 + + + + Request new verification email + + src/app/+login/login.component.html + 33,35 + + + + Username or email address + + src/app/+login/login.component.html + 45 + + + + Example: john@example.com + + src/app/+login/login.component.html + 47 + + + src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-user.component.html + 53 + + + + ⚠️ Most email addresses do not include capital letters. + + src/app/+login/login.component.html + 54,56 + + + + Enter the two-factor code generated by your phone app: + + src/app/+login/login.component.html + 70 + + + + Two factor authentication token + + src/app/+login/login.component.html + 72 + + + + Click here to reset your password + + src/app/+login/login.component.html + 84 + + + + I forgot my password + + src/app/+login/login.component.html + 84 + + + + Create an account + + src/app/+login/login.component.html + 88 + + + src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html + 30 + + + src/app/menu/menu.component.html + 106 + + + + Or sign in with + + src/app/+login/login.component.html + 94 + + + + Forgot your password + + src/app/+login/login.component.html + 117 + + + + We are sorry, you cannot recover your password because your instance administrator did not configure the PeerTube email system. + + src/app/+login/login.component.html + 124,126 + + + + Enter your email address and we will send you a link to reset your password. + + src/app/+login/login.component.html + 128,130 + + + + Email address + + src/app/+login/login.component.html + 135 + + + src/app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-ask-send-email/verify-account-ask-send-email.component.html + 9 + + + + Reset + + src/app/+login/login.component.html + 148 + + Password reset button + + + An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to . The link will expire within 1 hour. + + src/app/+login/login.component.ts + 149,150 + + + + Incorrect username or password. + + src/app/+login/login.component.ts + 210 + + + + Your account is blocked. + + src/app/+login/login.component.ts + 211 + + + + Create a new video channel + + src/app/+manage/manage-routing.module.ts + 12 + + + + Update video channel + + src/app/+manage/manage-routing.module.ts + 21 + + + + Video channel created. + + src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-create.component.ts + 71 + + + + This name already exists on this instance. + + src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-create.component.ts + 77 + + + + NEW CHANNEL + + src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html + 8 + + + src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html + 8 + + + + CHANNEL + + src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html + 9 + + + src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html + 9 + + + + Banner image of the channel + + src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html + 13 + + + src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html + 13 + + + + Example: my_channel + + src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html + 31 + + + src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html + 31 + + + + Display name + + src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html + 42 + + + src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html + 42 + + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-profile/my-account-profile.component.html + 17 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-edit.component.html + 33 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-edit.component.html + 33 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.html + 69 + + + + Support + + src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html + 64 + + + src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html + 64 + + + src/app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.html + 17 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 319 + + + + Short text to tell people how they can support the channel (membership platform...).<br /><br /> When a video is uploaded in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text. + + src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html + 66,67 + + + src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html + 66,67 + + + + Overwrite support field of all videos of this channel + + src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html + 79 + + + src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html + 79 + + + + Video channel updated. + + src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-update.component.ts + 103 + + + + Avatar changed. + + src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-update.component.ts + 118 + + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.ts + 44 + + + + avatar + + src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-update.component.ts + 125 + + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.ts + 51 + + + + Avatar deleted. + + src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-update.component.ts + 135 + + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.ts + 61 + + + + Banner changed. + + src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-update.component.ts + 148 + + + + banner + + src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-update.component.ts + 155 + + + + Banner deleted. + + src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-update.component.ts + 165 + + + + Update + + src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-update.component.ts + 187 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-update.component.ts + 115 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-go-live.component.html + 62 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html + 68 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html + 65 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-update.component.html + 3 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-update.component.html + 21 + + + src/app/shared/shared-main/buttons/edit-button.component.ts + 22 + + + src/app/shared/shared-main/buttons/edit-button.component.ts + 27 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts + 341 + + + + Applications + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-applications/my-account-applications.component.html + 3 + + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts + 137 + + + src/app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts + 60 + + + + SUBSCRIPTION FEED + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-applications/my-account-applications.component.html + 9 + + + + Use third-party feed aggregators to retrieve the list of videos from channels you subscribed to. + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-applications/my-account-applications.component.html + 11,13 + + + + Feed URL + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-applications/my-account-applications.component.html + 19 + + + + Feed Token + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-applications/my-account-applications.component.html + 24 + + + + ⚠️ Never share your feed token with anyone. + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-applications/my-account-applications.component.html + 27 + + + + Renew token + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-applications/my-account-applications.component.html + 36 + + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-applications/my-account-applications.component.ts + 41 + + + + Renewing the token will disallow previously configured clients from retrieving the feed until they use the new token. Proceed? + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-applications/my-account-applications.component.ts + 40 + + + + Token renewed. Update your client configuration accordingly. + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-applications/my-account-applications.component.ts + 49 + + + + Notifications + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-notifications/my-account-notifications.component.html + 1 + + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts + 119 + + + src/app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts + 55 + + + src/app/menu/notification.component.html + 22 + + + + Notification preferences + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-notifications/my-account-notifications.component.html + 4,6 + + + + Newest first + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-notifications/my-account-notifications.component.html + 11 + + + + Unread first + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-notifications/my-account-notifications.component.html + 12 + + + + Mark all as read + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-notifications/my-account-notifications.component.html + 20 + + + src/app/menu/notification.component.html + 27 + + + + All read + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-notifications/my-account-notifications.component.html + 26 + + + + Account settings + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts + 29 + + + + Two factor authentication + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts + 39 + + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-two-factor/my-account-two-factor.component.html + 3 + + + + My abuse reports + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts + 128 + + + + is awaiting email verification + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html + 5,6 + + + + Change your email + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html + 11 + + + + Your current email is . It is never shown to the public. + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html + 13,16 + + + + New email + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html + 19 + + + + Current password + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html + 29 + + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.html + 7 + + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-two-factor/my-account-two-factor.component.html + 18 + + + + Change email + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html + 34 + + + + Please check your emails to verify your new email. + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.ts + 53 + + + + Email updated. + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.ts + 55 + + + src/app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-email/verify-account-email.component.html + 7 + + + + You current password is invalid. + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.ts + 61 + + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.ts + 61 + + + + Change password + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.html + 5 + + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.html + 21 + + + + New password + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.html + 12 + + + + Confirm new password + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.html + 17 + + + + Password updated. + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-password/my-account-change-password.component.ts + 53 + + + + Once you delete your account, there is no going back. You will be asked to confirm this action. + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.html + 2 + + + + Delete your account + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.html + 4 + + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.ts + 31 + + + + Are you sure you want to delete your account? + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.ts + 22 + + + + This will delete all your data, including channels, videos, comments and you won't be able to create another user on this instance with "" username. + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.ts + 25 + + + + Content cached by other servers and other third-parties might make longer to be deleted. + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.ts + 27 + + + + Type your username to confirm + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.ts + 29 + + + + Delete my account + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.ts + 32 + + + + Your account is deleted. + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-danger-zone/my-account-danger-zone.component.ts + 39 + + + + Web + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.html + 5 + + + + New video from your subscriptions + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts + 32 + + + + New comment on your video + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts + 33 + + + + New abuse + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts + 34 + + + + An automatically blocked video is awaiting review + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts + 35 + + + + One of your video is blocked/unblocked + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts + 36 + + + + Video published (after transcoding/scheduled update) + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts + 37 + + + + Video import finished + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts + 38 + + + + A new user registered on your instance + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts + 39 + + + + You or one of your channels has a new follower + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts + 40 + + + + Someone mentioned you in video comments + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts + 41 + + + + Your instance has a new follower + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts + 42 + + + + Your instance automatically followed another instance + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts + 43 + + + + An abuse report received a new message + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts + 44 + + + + One of your abuse reports has been accepted or rejected by moderators + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts + 45 + + + + A new PeerTube version is available + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts + 46 + + + + One of your plugin/theme has a new available version + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts + 47 + + + + Video studio edition has finished + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts + 48 + + + + Social + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts + 52 + + + + Your videos + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts + 61 + + + + Administration + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts + 82 + + + src/app/menu/menu.component.html + 97 + + + + Preferences saved + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts + 136 + + + + People can find you using @@ + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-profile/my-account-profile.component.html + 11,13 + + + + Save + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-profile/my-account-profile.component.html + 38 + + + src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-interface-settings.component.html + 16 + + + src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html + 72 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.html + 94 + + + + Profile updated. + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-profile/my-account-profile.component.ts + 59 + + + + PROFILE SETTINGS + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html + 13 + + + + INTERFACE + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html + 25 + + + + VIDEO SETTINGS + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html + 36 + + + + NOTIFICATIONS + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html + 47 + + + + PASSWORD + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html + 57 + + + + Two-factor authentication + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html + 67 + + + + EMAIL + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-settings.component.html + 77 + + + + Two factor authentication adds an additional layer of security to your account by requiring a numeric code from another device (most commonly mobile phones) when you log in. + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-two-factor/my-account-two-factor-button.component.html + 3 + + + + Enable two-factor authentication + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-two-factor/my-account-two-factor-button.component.html + 5 + + + + Disable two-factor authentication + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-two-factor/my-account-two-factor-button.component.html + 9 + + + + Are you sure you want to disable two factor authentication of your account? + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-two-factor/my-account-two-factor-button.component.ts + 31 + + + + Disable two factor + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-two-factor/my-account-two-factor-button.component.ts + 33 + + + + Two factor authentication disabled + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-two-factor/my-account-two-factor-button.component.ts + 43 + + + + Two factor authentication is already enabled. + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-two-factor/my-account-two-factor.component.html + 6,8 + + + + Your password + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-two-factor/my-account-two-factor.component.html + 14 + + + + Confirm your password to enable two factor authentication + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-two-factor/my-account-two-factor.component.html + 15 + + + + Confirm + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-two-factor/my-account-two-factor.component.html + 22 + + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-two-factor/my-account-two-factor.component.html + 50 + + + src/app/modal/confirm.component.ts + 58 + + + + Scan this QR code into a TOTP app on your phone. This app will generate tokens that you will have to enter when logging in. + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-two-factor/my-account-two-factor.component.html + 28,30 + + + + If you can't scan the QR code and need to enter it manually, here is the plain-text secret: + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-two-factor/my-account-two-factor.component.html + 34,36 + + + + Two-factor code + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-two-factor/my-account-two-factor.component.html + 42 + + + + Enter the code generated by your authenticator app to confirm + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-two-factor/my-account-two-factor.component.html + 43 + + + + Two factor authentication has been enabled. + + src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-two-factor/my-account-two-factor.component.ts + 77 + + + + Abuse reports + + src/app/+my-account/my-account.component.ts + 41 + + + + My video channels + + src/app/+my-library/+my-video-channels/my-video-channels-routing.module.ts + 11 + + + + My channels + + src/app/+my-library/+my-video-channels/my-video-channels.component.html + 4 + + + src/app/core/menu/menu.service.ts + 79 + + + + My synchronizations + + src/app/+my-library/+my-video-channels/my-video-channels.component.html + 11 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-library-routing.module.ts + 143 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html + 5 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-imports/my-video-imports.component.html + 9 + + + + Create video channel + + src/app/+my-library/+my-video-channels/my-video-channels.component.html + 23 + + + + No channel found. + + src/app/+my-library/+my-video-channels/my-video-channels.component.html + 27 + + + + Channel page + + src/app/+my-library/+my-video-channels/my-video-channels.component.html + 34 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-follows/my-subscriptions.component.html + 20 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html + 65 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html + 66 + + + + {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {No views} =1 {1 view} other { views}} + + src/app/+my-library/+my-video-channels/my-video-channels.component.html + 49 + + + + Do you really want to delete ? It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another channel with the same name ()! + + src/app/+my-library/+my-video-channels/my-video-channels.component.ts + 44,46 + + + + Please type the name of the video channel () to confirm + + src/app/+my-library/+my-video-channels/my-video-channels.component.ts + 48 + + + + Video channel deleted. + + src/app/+my-library/+my-video-channels/my-video-channels.component.ts + 60 + + + + Views for the day + + src/app/+my-library/+my-video-channels/my-video-channels.component.ts + 88 + + + + My followers + + src/app/+my-library/my-follows/my-followers.component.html + 4 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-library-routing.module.ts + 110 + + + + No follower found. + + src/app/+my-library/my-follows/my-followers.component.html + 13 + + + + Follower page + + src/app/+my-library/my-follows/my-followers.component.html + 20 + + + + Is following all your channels + + src/app/+my-library/my-follows/my-followers.component.html + 26 + + + + Is following your channel + + src/app/+my-library/my-follows/my-followers.component.html + 27 + + + + Channel filters + + src/app/+my-library/my-follows/my-followers.component.ts + 49 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-videos/my-videos.component.ts + 127 + + + + My subscriptions + + src/app/+my-library/my-follows/my-subscriptions.component.html + 4 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-library-routing.module.ts + 101 + + + src/app/core/menu/menu.service.ts + 101 + + + + You don't have any subscription yet. + + src/app/+my-library/my-follows/my-subscriptions.component.html + 13 + + + + subscribers + + src/app/+my-library/my-follows/my-subscriptions.component.html + 25 + + + src/app/+search/search.component.html + 55 + + + src/app/shared/shared-actor-image-edit/actor-avatar-edit.component.html + 27 + + + + Owner account page + + src/app/+my-library/my-follows/my-subscriptions.component.html + 27 + + + + Created by + + src/app/+my-library/my-follows/my-subscriptions.component.html + 28 + + + + My watch history + + src/app/+my-library/my-history/my-history.component.html + 3 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-history/my-history.component.ts + 50 + + + + Track watch history + + src/app/+my-library/my-history/my-history.component.html + 14 + + + + Clear all history + + src/app/+my-library/my-history/my-history.component.html + 18,20 + + + + Delete from history + + src/app/+my-library/my-history/my-history.component.html + 37 + + + + Video history is enabled + + src/app/+my-library/my-history/my-history.component.ts + 96 + + + + Video history is disabled + + src/app/+my-library/my-history/my-history.component.ts + 97 + + + + Delete video history + + src/app/+my-library/my-history/my-history.component.ts + 120 + + + + Are you sure you want to delete all your video history? + + src/app/+my-library/my-history/my-history.component.ts + 121 + + + + Video history deleted + + src/app/+my-library/my-history/my-history.component.ts + 129 + + + + No videos found for "". + + src/app/+my-library/my-history/my-history.component.ts + 140 + + + + You don't have any video in your watch history yet. + + src/app/+my-library/my-history/my-history.component.ts + 143 + + + + My playlists + + src/app/+my-library/my-library-routing.module.ts + 42 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlists.component.html + 3 + + + src/app/core/menu/menu.service.ts + 95 + + + + Create a new playlist + + src/app/+my-library/my-library-routing.module.ts + 51 + + + + Playlist elements + + src/app/+my-library/my-library-routing.module.ts + 60 + + + + Update playlist + + src/app/+my-library/my-library-routing.module.ts + 69 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-elements.component.ts + 48 + + + + My videos + + src/app/+my-library/my-library-routing.module.ts + 79 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-videos/my-videos.component.html + 4 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-videos/my-videos.component.ts + 92 + + + src/app/core/menu/menu.service.ts + 86 + + + + My video imports + + src/app/+my-library/my-library-routing.module.ts + 92 + + + + Ownership changes + + src/app/+my-library/my-library-routing.module.ts + 119 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-videos/my-videos.component.html + 16 + + + + My video history + + src/app/+my-library/my-library-routing.module.ts + 129 + + + + Create new synchronization + + src/app/+my-library/my-library-routing.module.ts + 153 + + + + Channels + + src/app/+my-library/my-library.component.ts + 45 + + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 200 + + + src/app/core/menu/menu.service.ts + 78 + + + + Playlists + + src/app/+my-library/my-library.component.ts + 59 + + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 205 + + + src/app/core/menu/menu.service.ts + 94 + + + + Subscriptions + + src/app/+my-library/my-library.component.ts + 67 + + + src/app/+videos/video-list/video-user-subscriptions.component.ts + 25 + + + src/app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts + 56 + + + src/app/core/menu/menu.service.ts + 100 + + + + History + + src/app/+my-library/my-library.component.ts + 80 + + + src/app/core/menu/menu.service.ts + 106 + + + + Accept ownership + + src/app/+my-library/my-ownership/my-accept-ownership/my-accept-ownership.component.html + 3 + + + + Select a channel to receive the video + + src/app/+my-library/my-ownership/my-accept-ownership/my-accept-ownership.component.html + 10 + + + + Ownership accepted + + src/app/+my-library/my-ownership/my-accept-ownership/my-accept-ownership.component.ts + 69 + + + + My ownership changes + + src/app/+my-library/my-ownership/my-ownership.component.html + 3 + + + + Initiator + + src/app/+my-library/my-ownership/my-ownership.component.html + 13 + + + + Created + + src/app/+my-library/my-ownership/my-ownership.component.html + 15,17 + + + + Status + + src/app/+my-library/my-ownership/my-ownership.component.html + 19 + + + + Refuse + + src/app/+my-library/my-ownership/my-ownership.component.html + 28 + + + + No ownership change request found. + + src/app/+my-library/my-ownership/my-ownership.component.html + 72 + + + + ⚠️ The instance doesn't allow channel synchronization + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html + 9 + + + + Showing to of synchronizations + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html + 17 + + + + Add synchronization + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html + 25 + + + + External Channel + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html + 34 + + + + Channel + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html + 35 + + + + Last synchronization at + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html + 38 + + + + List imports + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.ts + 49 + + + + Fully synchronize the channel + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.ts + 62 + + + + This fetches any missing videos on the local channel + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.ts + 63 + + + + Synchronization removed successfully for . + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.ts + 102 + + + + Full synchronization requested successfully for . + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.ts + 115 + + + + NEW SYNCHRONIZATION + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/video-channel-sync-edit/video-channel-sync-edit.component.html + 8 + + + + Remote channel URL + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/video-channel-sync-edit/video-channel-sync-edit.component.html + 13 + + + + Example: https://youtube.com/channel/UC_fancy_channel + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/video-channel-sync-edit/video-channel-sync-edit.component.html + 20 + + + + Video Channel + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/video-channel-sync-edit/video-channel-sync-edit.component.html + 33 + + + + Options for existing videos on remote channel: + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/video-channel-sync-edit/video-channel-sync-edit.component.html + 42 + + + + Import all and watch for new publications + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/video-channel-sync-edit/video-channel-sync-edit.component.html + 46 + + + + Only watch for new publications + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/video-channel-sync-edit/video-channel-sync-edit.component.html + 51 + + + + Synchronization created successfully. + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/video-channel-sync-edit/video-channel-sync-edit.component.ts + 67 + + + + My imports + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-imports/my-video-imports.component.html + 4 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-videos/my-videos.component.html + 11 + + + + Showing to of imports + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-imports/my-video-imports.component.html + 21 + + + + Target + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-imports/my-video-imports.component.html + 28 + + + + This video was deleted + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-imports/my-video-imports.component.html + 59 + + + + Playlist created. + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-create.component.ts + 77 + + + + My Playlists + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-edit.component.html + 4 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-edit.component.html + 4 + + + + NEW PLAYLIST + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-edit.component.html + 25 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-edit.component.html + 25 + + + + PLAYLIST + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-edit.component.html + 26 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-edit.component.html + 26 + + + + Privacy + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-edit.component.html + 51 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-edit.component.html + 51 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 111 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-go-live.component.html + 13 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html + 37 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html + 33 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html + 26 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/metadata/video-attributes.component.html + 2 + + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts + 23 + + + + Channel + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-edit.component.html + 64 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-edit.component.html + 64 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 63 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-go-live.component.html + 6 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html + 30 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html + 26 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html + 19 + + + + Playlist thumbnail + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-edit.component.html + 76 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-edit.component.html + 76 + + + + Share + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-elements.component.html + 12 + + + src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html + 3 + + + + No videos in this playlist. + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-elements.component.html + 25 + + + + Browse videos on PeerTube to add them in your playlist. + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-elements.component.html + 28,29 + + + + See the documentation for more information. + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-elements.component.html + 32,33 + + + + Delete playlist + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-elements.component.ts + 53 + + + + Do you really want to delete ? + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-elements.component.ts + 127 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlists.component.ts + 34 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts + 231 + + + + Playlist deleted. + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-elements.component.ts + 136 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlists.component.ts + 45 + + + + Playlist updated. + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-update.component.ts + 100 + + + + Create playlist + + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlists.component.html + 14 + + + + Change ownership + + src/app/+my-library/my-videos/modals/video-change-ownership.component.html + 3 + + + src/app/+my-library/my-videos/my-videos.component.ts + 235 + + + + Select the next owner + + src/app/+my-library/my-videos/modals/video-change-ownership.component.html + 10 + + + + Ownership change request sent. + + src/app/+my-library/my-videos/modals/video-change-ownership.component.ts + 66 + + + + Sort by + + src/app/+my-library/my-videos/my-videos.component.html + 26 + + + + Last published first + + src/app/+my-library/my-videos/my-videos.component.html + 27 + + + + Last created first + + src/app/+my-library/my-videos/my-videos.component.html + 28 + + + + Most viewed first + + src/app/+my-library/my-videos/my-videos.component.html + 29 + + + + Most liked first + + src/app/+my-library/my-videos/my-videos.component.html + 30 + + + + Longest first + + src/app/+my-library/my-videos/my-videos.component.html + 31 + + + + Only live videos + + src/app/+my-library/my-videos/my-videos.component.ts + 121 + + + + Do you really want to delete {length, plural, =1 {this video} other { videos}}? + + src/app/+my-library/my-videos/my-videos.component.ts + 185 + + + + Do you really want to delete videos? + + src/app/+my-library/my-videos/my-videos.component.ts + 187 + + + + {length, plural, =1 {Video has been deleted} other { videos have been deleted}} + + src/app/+my-library/my-videos/my-videos.component.ts + 206 + + + + have been deleted. + + src/app/+my-library/my-videos/my-videos.component.ts + 208 + + + + Remote interaction + + src/app/+remote-interaction/remote-interaction-routing.module.ts + 13 + + + + URL parameter is missing in URL parameters + + src/app/+remote-interaction/remote-interaction.component.ts + 25 + + + + Cannot access to the remote resource + + src/app/+remote-interaction/remote-interaction.component.ts + 48 + + + + Reset password + + src/app/+reset-password/reset-password-routing.module.ts + 11 + + + + Reset my password + + src/app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.html + 2 + + + src/app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.html + 24 + + + + Confirm password + + src/app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.html + 15 + + + + Confirmed password + + src/app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.html + 18 + + + + Unable to find user id or verification string. + + src/app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.ts + 38 + + + src/app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-email/verify-account-email.component.ts + 34 + + + + Your password has been successfully reset! + + src/app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.ts + 47 + + + + Sort + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 7 + + + + Reset + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 8,10 + + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 22,24 + + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 41,43 + + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 60,62 + + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 74,76 + + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 109,111 + + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 122,124 + + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 135,137 + + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 148,150 + + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 163,165 + + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 171,173 + + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 188,190 + + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 229,231 + + + src/app/shared/shared-forms/reactive-file.component.html + 16,18 + + + + Display only + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 21 + + + + Live videos + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 29 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html + 107 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts + 169 + + + + VOD videos + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 34 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html + 112 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts + 175 + + + + Display sensitive content + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 40 + + + + Yes + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 48 + + + + No + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 53 + + + + Published date + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 59 + + + + Original publication year + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 73 + + + + After... + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 85 + + + + Before... + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 95 + + + + Duration + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 108 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/metadata/video-attributes.component.html + 62 + + + + Category + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 121 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 68 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/metadata/video-attributes.component.html + 27 + + + + Display all categories + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 127 + + + + Licence + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 134 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 79 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/metadata/video-attributes.component.html + 36 + + + + Display all licenses + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 140 + + + + Language + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 147 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-add-modal.component.html + 10 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 99 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/metadata/video-attributes.component.html + 45 + + + + Display all languages + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 153 + + + + All of these tags + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 162 + + + + One of these tags + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 170 + + + + PeerTube instance host + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 178 + + + + Result types + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 187 + + + + Search target + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 212 + + + + Vidiverse + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 222 + + + + Filter + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html + 233 + + + + Today + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.ts + 40 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 69 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/videos-list.component.ts + 136 + + + + Last 7 days + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.ts + 44 + + + + Last 30 days + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.ts + 48 + + + + Last 365 days + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.ts + 52 + + + + Short (< 4 min) + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.ts + 59 + + + + Medium (4-10 min) + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.ts + 63 + + + + Long (> 10 min) + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.ts + 67 + + + + Relevance + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.ts + 74 + + + + Publish date + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.ts + 78 + + + + Views + + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.ts + 82 + + + src/app/+stats/video/video-stats.component.ts + 255 + + + + + + src/app/+search/search.component.html + 5 + + + + on this instance + + src/app/+search/search.component.html + 7 + + + + on the vidiverse + + src/app/+search/search.component.html + 8 + + + + for + + src/app/+search/search.component.html + 10 + + + + Filters + + src/app/+search/search.component.html + 18,20 + + + + No results found + + src/app/+search/search.component.html + 32,34 + + + + Search index is unavailable. Retrying with instance results instead. + + src/app/+search/search.component.ts + 159 + + + + Search error + + src/app/+search/search.component.ts + 160 + + + + Search + + src/app/+search/search.component.ts + 252 + + + + PeerTube instance host filter is invalid + + src/app/+search/search.component.ts + 327 + + + + Step + + src/app/+signup/+register/custom-stepper.component.html + 10 + + + + Register + + src/app/+signup/+register/register-routing.module.ts + 13 + + + + Signup is not enabled on this instance. + + src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html + 4 + + + + > Create an account + + src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html + 9,12 + + + + About + + src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html + 17 + + + src/app/menu/menu.component.html + 130 + + + + Create an accounton + + src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html + 19,21 + + + + I already have an account, I log in + + src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html + 27,28 + + + + Termsof + + src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html + 36,38 + + + + My account + + src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html + 58 + + + src/app/menu/menu.component.html + 87 + + + + Setupyour account + + src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html + 60,62 + + + + My channel + + src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html + 75 + + + + Createyour first channel + + src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html + 77,79 + + + + I don't want to create a channel + + src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html + 91 + + + + You will be able to create a channel later + + src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html + 94 + + + + Create my account + + src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html + 98,99 + + + + Done! + + src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html + 103 + + + + PeerTube is creating your account... + + src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html + 107 + + + + Go to the previous step + + src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.ts + 45 + + + + Go to the next step + + src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.ts + 46 + + + + Signup + + src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.ts + 84 + + Button on the registration form to finalize the account and channel creation + + + Why creating an account? + + src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html + 2 + + + + As you probably noticed: creating an account is not necessary to watch video on . However, creating an account on will allow you to: + + src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html + 4,8 + + + + Comment videos + + src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html + 11 + + + + Subscribe to channels to be notified of new videos + + src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html + 12 + + + + Have access to your watch history + + src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html + 13 + + + + Create your channel to publish videos + + src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html + 14 + + + + Do you use Mastodon, ActivityPub or a RSS feed aggregator? + + src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html + 19 + + + + You can already follow using your favorite tool. + + src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html + 21,23 + + + + has been created using PeerTube, a video creation platform developed by Framasoft. Framasoft is a french non-profit organization that offers alternatives to Big Tech's digital tools + + src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html + 34,37 + + + + You want to publish videos on ? Then you need to create your first channel. + + src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html + 2,4 + + + + You might want to create a channel by theme: for example, you can create a channel named "SweetMelodies" to publish your piano concerts and another one "Ecology" in which you publish your videos talking about ecology. + + src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html + 6,9 + + + + administrators allow you to publish up to of videos on their website. + + src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html + 11,13 + + + + Channel display name + + src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html + 21 + + + + This is the name that will be publicly visible by other users. + + src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html + 23 + + + + Example: Sweet Melodies + + src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html + 27 + + + + Channel identifier + + src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html + 36 + + + + This is the name that will be displayed in your profile URL. + + src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html + 38 + + + + Example: sweetmelodies24 + + src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html + 42 + + + + Channel identifier cannot be the same as your account name. You can click on the first step to update your account name. + + src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html + 50,52 + + + + I am at least years old and agree to the Terms and to the Code of Conduct of this instance + + src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-terms.component.html + 5,10 + + + + Video uploads are disabled on this instance, hence your account won't be able to upload videos. + + src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-user.component.html + 1,3 + + + + Public name + + src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-user.component.html + 9 + + + + This is the name that will be publicly visible by other users. + + src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-user.component.html + 11,13 + + + + Example: John Doe + + src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-user.component.html + 17 + + + + This is the name that will be displayed in your profile URL. + + src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-user.component.html + 28,30 + + + + Example: john_doe58 + + src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-user.component.html + 34 + + + + This email address will be used to validate your account. + + src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-user.component.html + 48,50 + + + + Request email for account verification + + src/app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-ask-send-email/verify-account-ask-send-email.component.html + 2 + + + + Send verification email + + src/app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-ask-send-email/verify-account-ask-send-email.component.html + 16 + + + + This instance does not require email verification. + + src/app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-ask-send-email/verify-account-ask-send-email.component.html + 20 + + + + An email with verification link will be sent to . + + src/app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-ask-send-email/verify-account-ask-send-email.component.ts + 40 + + + + Verify account email confirmation + + src/app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-email/verify-account-email.component.html + 2 + + + + An error occurred. + + src/app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-email/verify-account-email.component.html + 10 + + + + Request new verification email + + src/app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-email/verify-account-email.component.html + 12 + + + + Verify account via email + + src/app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-routing.module.ts + 15 + + + + Ask to send an email to verify your account + + src/app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-routing.module.ts + 24 + + + + Welcomeon + + src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html + 2,3 + + + + Your account has been created! + + src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html + 7 + + + + Check your emails to validate your account and complete your inscription. + + src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html + 10,11 + + + + If you need help to use PeerTube, you can have a look at the documentation. + + src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html + 14,16 + + + + To help moderators and other users to know who you are, don't forget to set up your account profile by adding an avatar and a description. + + src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html + 18,20 + + + + Video stats + + src/app/+stats/stats-routing.module.ts + 14 + + + + You can select a part of the graph to zoom in + + src/app/+stats/video/video-stats.component.html + 58 + + + + Reset zoom + + src/app/+stats/video/video-stats.component.html + 60 + + + + Since the video publication + + src/app/+stats/video/video-stats.component.ts + 63 + + + + Viewers + + src/app/+stats/video/video-stats.component.ts + 88 + + + src/app/+stats/video/video-stats.component.ts + 500 + + + + Watch time + + src/app/+stats/video/video-stats.component.ts + 93 + + + + Countries + + src/app/+stats/video/video-stats.component.ts + 98 + + + src/app/+stats/video/video-stats.component.ts + 289 + + + + Retention + + src/app/+stats/video/video-stats.component.ts + 106 + + + + Viewers stats between and + + src/app/+stats/video/video-stats.component.ts + 153 + + + + Viewers stats + + src/app/+stats/video/video-stats.component.ts + 156 + + + + Live as of + + src/app/+stats/video/video-stats.component.ts + 227 + + + + Custom dates + + src/app/+stats/video/video-stats.component.ts + 238 + + + + A view means that someone watched the video for at least 30 seconds + + src/app/+stats/video/video-stats.component.ts + 257 + + + + Likes + + src/app/+stats/video/video-stats.component.ts + 260 + + + + Average watch time + + src/app/+stats/video/video-stats.component.ts + 267 + + + + Total watch time + + src/app/+stats/video/video-stats.component.ts + 271 + + + + Peak viewers + + src/app/+stats/video/video-stats.component.ts + 275 + + + + at + + src/app/+stats/video/video-stats.component.ts + 278 + + + + Unique viewers + + src/app/+stats/video/video-stats.component.ts + 282 + + + + Created + + src/app/+video-channels/video-channel-playlists/video-channel-playlists.component.html + 2,4 + + + + {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 playlist} other { playlists}} + + src/app/+video-channels/video-channel-playlists/video-channel-playlists.component.html + 3 + + + + This channel does not have playlists. + + src/app/+video-channels/video-channel-playlists/video-channel-playlists.component.html + 6 + + + + Video channel videos + + src/app/+video-channels/video-channels-routing.module.ts + 22 + + + + Video channel playlists + + src/app/+video-channels/video-channels-routing.module.ts + 35 + + + + Manage channel + + src/app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.html + 10,11 + + + + OWNER ACCOUNT + + src/app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.html + 23 + + + + View account + + src/app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.html + 30 + + + + View account + + src/app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.html + 44,45 + + + + View owner account + + src/app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.html + 48,49 + + + + VIDEO CHANNEL + + src/app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.html + 57 + + + + Copy channel handle + + src/app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.html + 68 + + + + Subscribe to the account + + src/app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.ts + 85 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts + 822 + + + + PLAYLISTS + + src/app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.ts + 91 + + + + Studio for + + src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.html + 2,4 + + + + CUT VIDEO + + src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.html + 8 + + + + Set a new start/end. + + src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.html + 10 + + + + New start + + src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.html + 13 + + + + New end + + src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.html + 18 + + + + ADD INTRO + + src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.html + 24 + + + + Concatenate a file at the beginning of the video. + + src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.html + 26 + + + + Select the intro video file + + src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.html + 30 + + + + ADD OUTRO + + src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.html + 38 + + + + Concatenate a file at the end of the video. + + src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.html + 40 + + + + Select the outro video file + + src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.html + 44 + + + + ADD WATERMARK + + src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.html + 52 + + + + Add a watermark image to the video. + + src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.html + 54 + + + + Select watermark image file + + src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.html + 58 + + + + Run video edition + + src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.html + 66 + + + + Video before edition + + src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.html + 75 + + + + Edition tasks: + + src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.html + 80 + + + + Are you sure you want to edit ""? + + src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts + 73 + + + + The current video will be overwritten by this edited video and <strong>you won't be able to recover it</strong>.<br /><br /> + + src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts + 77 + + + + As a reminder, the following tasks will be executed: <ol></ol> + + src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts + 78 + + + + Edition tasks created. + + src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts + 91 + + + + (extensions: ) + + src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts + 107 + + + src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts + 111 + + + + "" will be added at the beginning of the video + + src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts + 123 + + + + "" will be added at the end of the video + + src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts + 127 + + + + "" image watermark will be added to the video + + src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts + 131 + + + + Video will begin at and stop at + + src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts + 138 + + + + Video will begin at + + src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts + 142 + + + + Video will stop at + + src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts + 146 + + + + Studio + + src/app/+video-studio/video-studio-routing.module.ts + 17 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts + 347 + + + + Sunday + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 10 + + + + Monday + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 11 + + + + Tuesday + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 12 + + + + Wednesday + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 13 + + + + Thursday + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 14 + + + + Friday + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 15 + + + + Saturday + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 16 + + + + Sun + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 20 + + Day name short + Sunday short name + + + Mon + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 21 + + Day name short + Monday short name + + + Tue + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 22 + + Day name short + Tuesday short name + + + Wed + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 23 + + Day name short + Wednesday short name + + + Thu + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 24 + + Day name short + Thursday short name + + + Fri + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 25 + + Day name short + Friday short name + + + Sat + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 26 + + Day name short + Saturday short name + + + Su + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 30 + + Day name min + Sunday min name + + + Mo + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 31 + + Day name min + Monday min name + + + Tu + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 32 + + Day name min + Tuesday min name + + + We + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 33 + + Day name min + Wednesday min name + + + Th + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 34 + + Day name min + Thursday min name + + + Fr + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 35 + + Day name min + Friday min name + + + Sa + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 36 + + Day name min + Saturday min name + + + January + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 40 + + + + February + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 41 + + + + March + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 42 + + + + April + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 43 + + + + May + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 44 + + + + June + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 45 + + + + July + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 46 + + + + August + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 47 + + + + September + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 48 + + + + October + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 49 + + + + November + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 50 + + + + December + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 51 + + + + Jan + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 55 + + Month name short + January short name + + + Feb + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 56 + + Month name short + February short name + + + Mar + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 57 + + Month name short + March short name + + + Apr + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 58 + + Month name short + April short name + + + May + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 59 + + Month name short + May short name + + + Jun + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 60 + + Month name short + June short name + + + Jul + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 61 + + Month name short + July short name + + + Aug + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 62 + + Month name short + August short name + + + Sep + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 63 + + Month name short + September short name + + + Oct + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 64 + + Month name short + October short name + + + Nov + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 65 + + Month name short + November short name + + + Dec + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 66 + + Month name short + December short name + + + Clear + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 71 + + + + yy-mm-dd + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/i18n-primeng-calendar.service.ts + 83 + + Date format in this locale. + + + Add caption + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-add-modal.component.html + 5 + + + + Select the caption file + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-add-modal.component.html + 24 + + + + This will replace an existing caption! + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-add-modal.component.html + 30,32 + + + + Add this caption + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-add-modal.component.html + 42 + + + + Edit caption + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-edit-modal-content/video-caption-edit-modal-content.component.html + 3 + + + + Caption + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-edit-modal-content/video-caption-edit-modal-content.component.html + 8 + + + + Edit this caption + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-edit-modal-content/video-caption-edit-modal-content.component.html + 30 + + + + Basic info + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 11 + + + + Title + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 17 + + + + Tags + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 25 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/metadata/video-attributes.component.html + 54 + + + + Tags could be used to suggest relevant recommendations. There is a maximum of 5 tags. Press Enter to add a new tag. + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 30,33 + + + + Video descriptions are truncated by default and require manual action to expand them. + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 49,50 + + + + Choose the appropriate licence for your work. + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 84,85 + + + + Schedule publication () + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 122 + + + + Contains sensitive content + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 136 + + + + Some instances hide videos containing mature or explicit content by default. + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 140 + + + + Publish after transcoding + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 146 + + + + The video may be unplayable during the transcoding process. It's the reason why we prefer to publish publicly the video after transcoding. + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 150 + + + + Captions + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 165 + + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts + 27 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts + 166 + + + + Add another caption + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 173 + + + + See the subtitle file + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 182 + + + + Already uploaded on ✔ + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 186 + + + + Will be created on update + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 195 + + + + Cancel create + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 197 + + + + Will be edited on update + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 203 + + + + Cancel edition + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 205 + + + + Will be deleted on update + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 211 + + + + Cancel deletion + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 213 + + + + No captions for now. + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 219,220 + + + + Live settings + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 227 + + + + Live RTMP Url + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 237 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-live/live-stream-information.component.html + 19 + + + + Live RTMPS Url + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 242 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-live/live-stream-information.component.html + 24 + + + + Live stream key + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 247 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-live/live-stream-information.component.html + 29 + + + + ⚠️ Never share your stream key with anyone. + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 250 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-live/live-stream-information.component.html + 32 + + + + This is a normal live + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 256 + + + + You can stream only once in a normal live. If you enable replay, it will be saved under the same URL as your live + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 259,260 + + + + This is a permanent/recurring live + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 265 + + + + You can stream multiple times in a permanent/recurring live. If you enable replays, they will be saved as separate videos + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 268,269 + + + + Automatically publish a replay when your live ends + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 276 + + + + ⚠️ If you enable this option, your live will be terminated if you exceed your video quota + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 280 + + + + Latency mode + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 286 + + + + Advanced settings + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 303 + + + + Video thumbnail + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 310 + + + + Short text to tell people how they can support you (membership platform...). + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 323,324 + + + + Filename + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 338 + + + + Name of the uploaded file + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 343,344 + + + + Original publication date + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 352 + + + + This is the date when the content was originally published (e.g. the release date for a film) + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 356,357 + + + + Enable video comments + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 373 + + + + Enable download + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 378 + + + + Plugin settings + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html + 386 + + + + Small latency + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts + 89 + + + + Reduce latency to ~15s disabling P2P + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts + 90 + + + + Default + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts + 94 + + + + Average latency of 30s + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts + 95 + + + + High latency + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts + 99 + + + + Average latency of 60s increasing P2P ratio + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts + 100 + + + + Other + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts + 213 + + + src/app/shared/shared-forms/select/select-languages.component.ts + 50 + + + + Instance languages + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts + 216 + + + + All languages + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts + 217 + + + src/app/shared/shared-forms/select/select-languages.component.ts + 25 + + + + Scheduled + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts + 232 + + + + Hide the video until a specific date + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts + 233 + + + + Normal live + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-go-live.component.html + 22 + + + + Permanent/recurring live + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-go-live.component.html + 29 + + + + Go Live + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-go-live.component.html + 37 + + + + Sorry, but something went wrong + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-go-live.component.html + 43 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html + 51 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html + 48 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html + 87 + + + + Max live duration is . If your live reaches this limit, it will be automatically terminated. + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-go-live.component.html + 48,50 + + + + Cannot create live because this instance have too many created lives + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-go-live.component.ts + 110 + + + + Cannot create live because you created too many lives + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-go-live.component.ts + 112 + + + + Live published. + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-go-live.component.ts + 146 + + + + Stream only once, replay will replace your live + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-go-live.component.ts + 165 + + + + Stream only once + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-go-live.component.ts + 168 + + + + Stream multiple times, replays will be separate videos + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-go-live.component.ts + 173 + + + + Stream multiple times using the same URL + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-go-live.component.ts + 176 + + + + Select the torrent to import + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html + 6 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html + 8 + + + + OR + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html + 13 + + + + Paste magnet URI + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html + 16 + + + + You can import any torrent file that points to a media file. You should make sure you have diffusion rights over the content it points to, otherwise it could cause legal trouble to yourself and your instance. + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html + 20,22 + + + + Import + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html + 45,44 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html + 41,40 + + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html + 92 + + + + Congratulations, the video will be imported with BitTorrent! You can already add information about this video. + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html + 56,57 + + + + Torrents with only 1 file are supported. + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.ts + 115 + + + + Video to import updated. + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.ts + 135 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.ts + 128 + + + + URL + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html + 6 + + + src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html + 26,24 + + + src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html + 104,102 + + + + You can import any URL supported by youtube-dl or URL that points to a media file. You should make sure you have diffusion rights over the content it points to, otherwise it could cause legal trouble to yourself and your instance. + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html + 11,14 + + + + You can also synchronize a remote channel in your library + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html + 21,23 + + + + Congratulations, the video behind will be imported! You can already add information about this video. + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html + 53,54 + + + + Select the file to upload + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html + 6 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html + 8 + + + + Video background image + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html + 34 + + + + Image that will be merged with your audio file. The chosen image will be definitive and cannot be modified. + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html + 37,40 + + + + Total video uploaded + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html + 63 + + + + Processing… + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html + 65 + + + + Retry + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html + 82 + + Retry failed upload of a video + + + Congratulations! Your video is now available in your private library. + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html + 92,93 + + + + Publish will be available when upload is finished + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html + 105 + + + + Publish + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html + 107 + + + src/app/header/header.component.html + 5 + + + + Your video was uploaded to your account and is private. + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts + 112 + + + + But associated data (tags, description...) will be lost, are you sure you want to leave this page? + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts + 113 + + + + Your video is not uploaded yet, are you sure you want to leave this page? + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts + 115 + + + + Publish + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts + 128 + + + + Upload on hold + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts + 181 + + + + Upload + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts + 243 + + + + Upload + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts + 245 + + + + Video published. + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts + 266 + + + + video + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts + 309 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts + 59 + + + + Your video quota is exceeded with this video (video size: , used: , quota: ) + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts + 345 + + + + Your daily video quota is exceeded with this video (video size: , used: , quota: ) + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts + 364 + + + + Read instance rules for help + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html + 2 + + + + We recommend you to not use the root user to publish your videos, since it's the super-admin account of your instance. Instead, create a dedicated account to upload your videos. + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html + 34,37 + + + + Import + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html + 44,45 + + + + Upload + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html + 45,46 + + + + Upload a file + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html + 53 + + + + Import with URL + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html + 63 + + + + Import with torrent + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html + 73 + + + + Go live + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html + 83 + + + + Sorry, the upload feature is disabled for your account. If you want to add videos, an admin must unlock your quota. + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.ts + 102 + + + + Uploaded videos are reviewed before publishing for your account. If you want to add videos without moderation review, an admin must turn off your videos auto-block. + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.ts + 104 + + + + Your daily video quota is insufficient. If you want to add more videos, you must wait for 24 hours or an admin must increase your daily quota. + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.ts + 106 + + + + Your video quota is insufficient. If you want to add more videos, an admin must increase your quota. + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.ts + 108 + + + + You have unsaved changes! If you leave, your changes will be lost. + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-update.component.ts + 89 + + + + Video updated. + + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-update.component.ts + 147 + + + + SUPPORT + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/action-buttons/action-buttons.component.html + 13 + + + + SHARE + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/action-buttons/action-buttons.component.html + 18 + + + + SAVE + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/action-buttons/action-buttons.component.html + 29 + + + + DOWNLOAD + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/action-buttons/action-buttons.component.html + 43 + + + + Support options for this video + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/action-buttons/action-buttons.component.ts + 58 + + + + Save to playlist + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/action-buttons/action-buttons.component.ts + 59 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts + 321 + + + + Like this video + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/action-buttons/video-rate.component.ts + 37 + + + + Dislike this video + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/action-buttons/video-rate.component.ts + 38 + + + + Like the video + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/action-buttons/video-rate.component.ts + 46 + + + + Dislike the video + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/action-buttons/video-rate.component.ts + 51 + + + + You need to be <a href="/login">logged in</a> to rate this video. + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/action-buttons/video-rate.component.ts + 85 + + + + Add comment... + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment-add.component.html + 6 + + + + Markdown compatible + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment-add.component.html + 15 + + + + Markdown compatible that supports: + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment-add.component.html + 18 + + + + Auto generated links + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment-add.component.html + 21 + + + + Break lines + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment-add.component.html + 22 + + + + Lists + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment-add.component.html + 23 + + + src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts + 84 + + + + Emphasis + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment-add.component.html + 25 + + + src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts + 81 + + + + bold + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment-add.component.html + 26 + + + + italic + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment-add.component.html + 26 + + + + Emoji shortcuts + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment-add.component.html + 29 + + + + Emoji markup + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment-add.component.html + 33 + + + + See complete list + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment-add.component.html + 35 + + + + Cancel + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment-add.component.html + 47,49 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/videos-selection.component.html + 23,25 + + + + You are one step away from commenting + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment-add.component.html + 59 + + + + You can comment using an account on any ActivityPub-compatible instance (PeerTube/Mastodon/Pleroma account for example). + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment-add.component.html + 64,66 + + + + Login to comment + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment-add.component.html + 78 + + + + Markdown Emoji List + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment-add.component.html + 86 + + + + Reply + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment-add.component.ts + 70 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment.component.html + 40 + + + + Highlighted comment + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment.component.html + 14 + + + + Options + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment.component.html + 44 + + + + Deleted + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment.component.html + 51 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.html + 46 + + + + This comment has been deleted + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment.component.html + 57 + + + + Report this comment + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment.component.ts + 178 + + + + Remove + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment.component.ts + 186 + + + + Remove & re-draft + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment.component.ts + 194 + + + + Actions on comment + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment.component.ts + 202 + + + + {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {Comments} =1 {1 Comment} other { Comments}} + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comments.component.html + 4 + + + + SORT BY + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comments.component.html + 11,12 + + + + Most recent first (default) + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comments.component.html + 14 + + + + Most replies first + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comments.component.html + 15 + + + + No comments. + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comments.component.html + 28 + + + + View from and others + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comments.component.html + 74,75 + + + + {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 reply} other { replies}} + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comments.component.html + 74 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comments.component.html + 77 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comments.component.html + 81 + + + + View from + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comments.component.html + 77,78 + + + + View + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comments.component.html + 81,83 + + + + Comments are disabled. + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comments.component.html + 92,93 + + + + Do you really want to delete this comment? + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comments.component.ts + 181 + + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts + 410 + + + + The deletion will be sent to remote instances so they can reflect the change. + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comments.component.ts + 184 + + + + It is a remote comment, so the deletion will only be effective on your instance. + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comments.component.ts + 186 + + + + Delete and re-draft + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comments.component.ts + 214 + + + + Do you really want to delete and re-draft this comment? + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comments.component.ts + 215 + + + + Friendly Reminder: + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/information/privacy-concerns.component.html + 4 + + + + the sharing system used for this video implies that some technical information about your system (such as a public IP address) can be sent to other peers. + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/information/privacy-concerns.component.html + 5,7 + + + + Get more information + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/information/privacy-concerns.component.html + 9 + + + + More information + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/information/privacy-concerns.component.html + 9 + + + + OK + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/information/privacy-concerns.component.html + 12,14 + + + + Transcoding failed, this video may not work properly. + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/information/video-alert.component.html + 1,3 + + + + Move to external storage failed, this video may not work properly. + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/information/video-alert.component.html + 5,7 + + + + The video is being imported, it will be available when the import is finished. + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/information/video-alert.component.html + 9,11 + + + + The video is being transcoded, it may not work properly. + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/information/video-alert.component.html + 13,15 + + + + The video is being edited, it may not work properly. + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/information/video-alert.component.html + 17,19 + + + + The video is being moved to an external server, it may not work properly. + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/information/video-alert.component.html + 21,23 + + + + This video will be published on . + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/information/video-alert.component.html + 25,27 + + + + This live has not started yet. + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/information/video-alert.component.html + 29,31 + + + + This live has ended. + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/information/video-alert.component.html + 33,35 + + + + There are no videos available in this playlist. + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/information/video-alert.component.html + 37,39 + + + + This video is blocked. + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/information/video-alert.component.html + 42 + + + + Origin + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/metadata/video-attributes.component.html + 7 + + + + Open the video on the origin instance + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/metadata/video-attributes.component.html + 14 + + + + Originally published + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/metadata/video-attributes.component.html + 22 + + + + (channel page) + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/metadata/video-avatar-channel.component.ts + 20 + + + src/app/shared/shared-actor-image/actor-avatar.component.ts + 40 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts + 132 + + + + (account page) + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/metadata/video-avatar-channel.component.ts + 21 + + + src/app/shared/shared-actor-image/actor-avatar.component.ts + 39 + + + + Show more + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/metadata/video-description.component.html + 10 + + + + Show less + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/metadata/video-description.component.html + 16 + + + + Unlisted + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/playlist/video-watch-playlist.component.html + 9 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.html + 6 + + + + Private + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/playlist/video-watch-playlist.component.html + 10 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.html + 7 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.html + 45 + + + + Public + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/playlist/video-watch-playlist.component.html + 11 + + + + Stop autoplaying next video + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/playlist/video-watch-playlist.component.ts + 237 + + + + Autoplay next video + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/playlist/video-watch-playlist.component.ts + 238 + + + + Stop looping playlist videos + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/playlist/video-watch-playlist.component.ts + 243 + + + + Loop playlist videos + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/playlist/video-watch-playlist.component.ts + 244 + + + + Other videos + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/recommendations/recommended-videos.component.html + 4 + + + + AUTOPLAY + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/recommendations/recommended-videos.component.html + 9 + + + + Next video to be played + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/recommendations/recommended-videos.component.html + 15 + + + + When active, the next video is automatically played after the current one. + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/recommendations/recommended-videos.component.ts + 50 + + + + Placeholder image + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html + 11 + + + + Published + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html + 30,31 + + + + Account page + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html + 69 + + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html + 75 + + + + By + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html + 70,71 + + + + This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>? + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts + 347 + + + + Redirection + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts + 348 + + + + This video contains mature or explicit content. Are you sure you want to watch it? + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts + 403 + + + + Mature or explicit content + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts + 404 + + + + Up Next + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts + 485 + + + + Autoplay is suspended + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts + 487 + + + + Enter/exit fullscreen + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts + 791 + + + + Play/Pause the video + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts + 792 + + + + Mute/unmute the video + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts + 793 + + + + Skip to a percentage of the video: 0 is 0% and 9 is 90% + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts + 795 + + + + Increase the volume + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts + 797 + + + + Decrease the volume + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts + 798 + + + + Seek the video forward + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts + 800 + + + + Seek the video backward + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts + 801 + + + + Increase playback rate + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts + 803 + + + + Decrease playback rate + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts + 804 + + + + Navigate in the video to the previous frame + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts + 806 + + + + Navigate in the video to the next frame + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts + 807 + + + + Toggle theater mode + + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts + 812 + + + + Discover + + src/app/+videos/video-list/overview/video-overview.component.html + 1 + + + src/app/core/menu/menu.service.ts + 134 + + + + No results. + + src/app/+videos/video-list/overview/video-overview.component.html + 4 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/videos-list.component.html + 41 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/videos-selection.component.ts + 25 + + + + Videos from your subscriptions + + src/app/+videos/video-list/video-user-subscriptions.component.ts + 30 + + + + Only videos uploaded on this instance are displayed + + src/app/+videos/video-list/videos-list-common-page.component.ts + 194 + + + + Recently added + + src/app/+videos/video-list/videos-list-common-page.component.ts + 199 + + + src/app/core/menu/menu.service.ts + 146 + + + + Trending + + src/app/+videos/video-list/videos-list-common-page.component.ts + 205 + + + src/app/core/menu/menu.service.ts + 140 + + + + Videos with the most interactions for recent videos + + src/app/+videos/video-list/videos-list-common-page.component.ts + 208 + + + + Videos that have the most likes + + src/app/+videos/video-list/videos-list-common-page.component.ts + 213 + + + + Videos with the most views during the last 24 hours + + src/app/+videos/video-list/videos-list-common-page.component.ts + 224 + + + + Videos with the most views during the last days + + src/app/+videos/video-list/videos-list-common-page.component.ts + 228 + + + + Discover videos + + src/app/+videos/videos-routing.module.ts + 17 + + + src/app/core/menu/menu.service.ts + 133 + + + + Upload a video + + src/app/app-routing.module.ts + 102 + + + + Edit a video + + src/app/app-routing.module.ts + 112 + + + + Close this message + + src/app/app.component.html + 34 + + + + Close the left menu + + src/app/app.component.ts + 139 + + + + Open the left menu + + src/app/app.component.ts + 141 + + + + Focus the search bar + + src/app/app.component.ts + 287 + + + + Toggle the left menu + + src/app/app.component.ts + 292 + + + + Go to the discover videos page + + src/app/app.component.ts + 297 + + + + Go to the trending videos page + + src/app/app.component.ts + 302 + + + + Go to the recently added videos page + + src/app/app.component.ts + 307 + + + + Go to the local videos page + + src/app/app.component.ts + 312 + + + + Go to the videos upload page + + src/app/app.component.ts + 317 + + + + Go to my subscriptions + + src/app/core/auth/auth.service.ts + 61 + + + + Go to my videos + + src/app/core/auth/auth.service.ts + 65 + + + + Go to my imports + + src/app/core/auth/auth.service.ts + 69 + + + + Go to my channels + + src/app/core/auth/auth.service.ts + 73 + + + + Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: . Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section. + + src/app/core/auth/auth.service.ts + 100,101 + + + + Error + + src/app/core/auth/auth.service.ts + 105 + + + src/app/core/notification/notifier.service.ts + 19 + + + + You need to reconnect. + + src/app/core/auth/auth.service.ts + 230 + + + + Show/hide this help menu + + src/app/core/core.module.ts + 45 + + + + Hide this help menu + + src/app/core/core.module.ts + 46 + + + + Keyboard Shortcuts: + + src/app/core/hotkeys/hotkeys.component.ts + 11 + + + + My history + + src/app/core/menu/menu.service.ts + 107 + + + + In my library + + src/app/core/menu/menu.service.ts + 113 + + + + Home + + src/app/core/menu/menu.service.ts + 124 + + + src/app/core/menu/menu.service.ts + 125 + + + + Trending videos + + src/app/core/menu/menu.service.ts + 139 + + + + Recently added videos + + src/app/core/menu/menu.service.ts + 145 + + + + ON + + src/app/core/menu/menu.service.ts + 159 + + + + Success + + src/app/core/notification/notifier.service.ts + 26 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-live/live-stream-information.component.html + 39 + + + + Media is too large for the server. Please contact you administrator if you want to increase the limit size. + + src/app/core/rest/rest-extractor.service.ts + 114 + + + + Too many attempts, please try again after minutes. + + src/app/core/rest/rest-extractor.service.ts + 122 + + + + Too many attempts, please try again later. + + src/app/core/rest/rest-extractor.service.ts + 125 + + + + Server error. Please retry later. + + src/app/core/rest/rest-extractor.service.ts + 129 + + + + Unknown server error + + src/app/core/rest/rest-extractor.service.ts + 132 + + + + All unsaved data will be lost, are you sure you want to leave this page? + + src/app/core/routing/can-deactivate-guard.service.ts + 19 + + + + Warning + + src/app/core/routing/can-deactivate-guard.service.ts + 23 + + + + Light/Orange or Dark + + src/app/core/theme/theme.service.ts + 47 + + + + Light/Orange + + src/app/core/theme/theme.service.ts + 50 + + + + Search videos, playlists, channels… + + src/app/header/search-typeahead.component.html + 3 + + + + GLOBAL SEARCH + + src/app/header/search-typeahead.component.html + 26 + + + + using + + src/app/header/search-typeahead.component.html + 28 + + + + Results will be augmented with those of a third-party index. Only data necessary to make the query will be sent. + + src/app/header/search-typeahead.component.html + 31 + + + + Your query will be matched against video names or descriptions, channel names. + + src/app/header/search-typeahead.component.html + 36 + + + + ADVANCED SEARCH + + src/app/header/search-typeahead.component.html + 38 + + + + Determines whether you can resolve any distant content, or if this instance only allows doing so for instances it follows. + + src/app/header/search-typeahead.component.html + 40 + + + + any instance + + src/app/header/search-typeahead.component.html + 41 + + + + only followed instances + + src/app/header/search-typeahead.component.html + 42 + + + + will list the matching channel + + src/app/header/search-typeahead.component.html + 48 + + + src/app/header/search-typeahead.component.html + 51 + + + + will list the matching video + + src/app/header/search-typeahead.component.html + 54 + + + + In this instance's network + + src/app/header/suggestion.component.html + 14 + + + + In the vidiverse + + src/app/header/suggestion.component.html + 15 + + + + Upload failed + + src/app/helpers/utils/upload.ts + 12 + + + + The connection was interrupted + + src/app/helpers/utils/upload.ts + 27 + + + + The server encountered an error + + src/app/helpers/utils/upload.ts + 31 + + + + Your file couldn't be transferred before the server proxy timeout + + src/app/helpers/utils/upload.ts + 35 + + + + Your file was too large (max. size: ) + + src/app/helpers/utils/upload.ts + 40 + + + + Change the language + + src/app/menu/language-chooser.component.html + 3 + + + + Help to translate PeerTube! + + src/app/menu/language-chooser.component.html + 8,10 + + + + Public profile + + src/app/menu/menu.component.html + 29 + + + + Interface: + + src/app/menu/menu.component.html + 39 + + + + Videos: + + src/app/menu/menu.component.html + 46 + + + + Sensitive: + + src/app/menu/menu.component.html + 56 + + + + Help share videos + + src/app/menu/menu.component.html + 62 + + + + Keyboard shortcuts + + src/app/menu/menu.component.html + 71 + + + src/app/menu/menu.component.html + 145 + + + + Log out + + src/app/menu/menu.component.html + 76 + + + + My library + + src/app/menu/menu.component.html + 92 + + + + My settings + + src/app/menu/menu.component.html + 125 + + + src/app/modal/quick-settings-modal.component.html + 3 + + + + Interface: + + src/app/menu/menu.component.html + 137,139 + + + + Get help using PeerTube + + src/app/menu/menu.component.html + 141 + + + + Help + + src/app/menu/menu.component.html + 142,141 + + + + Frequently asked questions about PeerTube + + src/app/menu/menu.component.html + 142 + + + + FAQ + + src/app/menu/menu.component.html + 143,142 + + + + Stats + + src/app/menu/menu.component.html + 143 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts + 353 + + + + API documentation + + src/app/menu/menu.component.html + 144 + + + + API + + src/app/menu/menu.component.html + 145,144 + + + + powered by PeerTube - CopyLeft 2015-2022 + + src/app/menu/menu.component.html + 149 + + + + powered by PeerTube + + src/app/menu/menu.component.html + 150 + + + + Unknown + + src/app/menu/menu.component.ts + 206 + + + + any language + + src/app/menu/menu.component.ts + 276 + + + + hide + + src/app/menu/menu.component.ts + 311 + + + + blur + + src/app/menu/menu.component.ts + 315 + + + + display + + src/app/menu/menu.component.ts + 319 + + + + View your notifications + + src/app/menu/notification.component.html + 3 + + + src/app/menu/notification.component.html + 11 + + + + Update your notification preferences + + src/app/menu/notification.component.html + 34 + + + + See all your notifications + + src/app/menu/notification.component.html + 54 + + + + Welcome to , dear user! + + src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html + 3 + + + + It's time to set up your account profile! + + src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html + 10 + + + + Help moderators and other users to know who you are by: + + src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html + 12 + + + + Uploading an avatar + + src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html + 15 + + + + Writing a description + + src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html + 16 + + + + Don't show me this anymore + + src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html + 23 + + + + Close + + src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html + 28 + + + src/app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html + 38 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-live/live-stream-information.component.html + 52 + + + + Set up + + src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html + 34,36 + + + + Welcome to PeerTube, dear administrator! + + src/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html + 3 + + + + CLI documentation + + src/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html + 12,13 + + + + Upload or import videos, parse logs, prune storage directories, reset user password... + + src/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html + 15 + + + + Administer documentation + + src/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html + 19,20 + + + + Managing users, following other instances, dealing with spammers... + + src/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html + 22 + + + + Use documentation + + src/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html + 26,27 + + + + Setup your account, managing video playlists, discover third-party applications... + + src/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html + 29 + + + + Useful links + + src/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html + 39 + + + + Official PeerTube website (news, support, contribute...): https://joinpeertube.org + + src/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html + 42,43 + + + + Put your instance on the public PeerTube index: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances + + src/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html + 45 + + + + It's time to configure your instance! + + src/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html + 55 + + + + Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are. + + src/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html + 57,61 + + + + If you want to open registrations, please decide what your moderation rules and instance terms of service are, as well as specify the categories and languages and your moderators speak. This way, you will help users to register on the appropriate PeerTube instance. + + src/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html + 63,67 + + + + Remind me later + + src/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html + 74 + + + + Configure my instance + + src/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html + 80,82 + + + + Confirm your password + + src/app/modal/confirm.component.ts + 54 + + + + Configuration warning! + + src/app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html + 3 + + + + You enabled user registration on your instance but did not configure the following fields: + + src/app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html + 10 + + + + Instance name + + src/app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html + 13 + + + + Instance short description + + src/app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html + 14 + + + + Who you are + + src/app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html + 16 + + + + How long you plan to maintain your instance + + src/app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html + 17 + + + + How you plan to pay for keeping your instance running + + src/app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html + 18 + + + + How you will moderate your instance + + src/app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html + 20 + + + + Instance terms + + src/app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html + 21 + + + + Please consider configuring these fields to help people to choose the appropriate instance. Without them, your instance may not be referenced on the JoinPeerTube website. + + src/app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html + 24,27 + + + + Don't show me this warning anymore + + src/app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html + 33 + + + + Configure + + src/app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html + 43,45 + + + + These settings apply only to your session on this instance. + + src/app/modal/quick-settings-modal.component.html + 8 + + + + Interface + + src/app/modal/quick-settings-modal.component.html + 18 + + + + Report reason is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts + 7 + + + + Report reason must be at least 2 characters long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts + 8 + + + + Report reason cannot be more than 3000 characters long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts + 9 + + + + Moderation comment is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts + 16 + + + + Moderation comment must be at least 2 characters long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts + 17 + + + + Moderation comment cannot be more than 3000 characters long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts + 18 + + + + Abuse message is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts + 25 + + + + Abuse message must be at least 2 characters long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts + 26 + + + + Abuse message cannot be more than 3000 characters long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/abuse-validators.ts + 27 + + + + Instance name is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts + 7 + + + + Short description should not be longer than 250 characters. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts + 14 + + + + Twitter username is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts + 21 + + + + Previews cache size is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts + 28 + + + + Previews cache size must be greater than 1. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts + 29 + + + + Previews cache size must be a number. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts + 30 + + + + Captions cache size is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts + 37 + + + + Captions cache size must be greater than 1. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts + 38 + + + + Captions cache size must be a number. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts + 39 + + + + Signup limit is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts + 46 + + + + Signup limit must be greater than 1. Use -1 to disable it. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts + 47 + + + + Signup limit must be a number. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts + 48 + + + + Signup minimum age is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts + 55 + + + + Signup minimum age must be greater than 1. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts + 56 + + + + Signup minimum age must be a number. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts + 57 + + + + Admin email is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts + 64 + + + + Admin email must be valid. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts + 65 + + + + Transcoding threads is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts + 72 + + + + Transcoding threads must be greater or equal to 0. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts + 73 + + + + Max live duration is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts + 80 + + + + Max live duration should be greater or equal to -1. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts + 81 + + + + Max instance lives is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts + 88 + + + + Max instance lives should be greater or equal to -1. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts + 89 + + + + Max user lives is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts + 96 + + + + Max user lives should be greater or equal to -1. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts + 97 + + + + Max video channels per user is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts + 104 + + + + Max video channels per user must be greater or equal to 1. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts + 105 + + + + Max video channels per user must be a number. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts + 106 + + + + Concurrency is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts + 113 + + + + Concurrency should be greater or equal to 1. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts + 114 + + + + Index URL should be a URL + + src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts + 121 + + + + Search index URL should be a URL + + src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts + 128 + + + + is not valid + + src/app/shared/form-validators/host-validators.ts + 27 + + + src/app/shared/form-validators/host-validators.ts + 50 + + + + Domain is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/host-validators.ts + 92 + + + src/app/shared/form-validators/host-validators.ts + 101 + + + + Hosts entered are invalid. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/host-validators.ts + 93 + + + + Hosts entered contain duplicates. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/host-validators.ts + 94 + + + + Hosts or handles are invalid. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/host-validators.ts + 102 + + + + Hosts or handles contain duplicates. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/host-validators.ts + 103 + + + + Email is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts + 7 + + + src/app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts + 39 + + + + Email must be valid. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts + 8 + + + src/app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts + 40 + + + + Your name is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts + 19 + + + + Your name must be at least 1 character long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts + 20 + + + + Your name cannot be more than 120 characters long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts + 21 + + + + A subject is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts + 32 + + + + The subject must be at least 1 character long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts + 33 + + + + The subject cannot be more than 120 characters long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts + 34 + + + + A message is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts + 45 + + + + The message must be at least 3 characters long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts + 46 + + + + The message cannot be more than 5000 characters long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts + 47 + + + + Username is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/login-validators.ts + 9 + + + src/app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts + 14 + + + + Password is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/login-validators.ts + 18 + + + src/app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts + 60 + + + src/app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts + 80 + + + + Confirmation of the password is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/reset-password-validators.ts + 9 + + + + Username must be at least 1 character long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts + 15 + + + + Username cannot be more than 50 characters long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts + 16 + + + + Username should be lowercase alphanumeric; dots and underscores are allowed. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts + 17 + + + + Channel name is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts + 29 + + + + Channel name must be at least 1 character long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts + 30 + + + + Channel name cannot be more than 50 characters long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts + 31 + + + + Channel name should be lowercase, and can contain only alphanumeric characters, dots and underscores. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts + 32 + + + + Handle is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts + 50 + + + + Handle must be valid (eg. chocobozzz@example.com). + + src/app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts + 51 + + + + OTP token is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts + 69 + + + + Password must be at least 6 characters long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts + 81 + + + src/app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts + 92 + + + + Password cannot be more than 255 characters long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts + 82 + + + src/app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts + 93 + + + + The new password and the confirmed password do not correspond. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts + 100 + + + + Video quota is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts + 107 + + + + Quota must be greater than -1. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts + 108 + + + + Daily upload limit is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts + 114 + + + + Daily upload limit must be greater than -1. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts + 115 + + + + User role is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts + 122 + + + + Description must be at least 3 characters long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts + 134 + + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts + 36 + + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-playlist-validators.ts + 33 + + + + Description cannot be more than 1000 characters long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts + 135 + + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts + 37 + + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-playlist-validators.ts + 34 + + + + You must agree with the instance terms in order to register on it. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts + 142 + + + + Ban reason must be at least 3 characters long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts + 152 + + + + Ban reason cannot be more than 250 characters long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts + 153 + + + + Display name is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts + 164 + + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts + 24 + + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-playlist-validators.ts + 12 + + + + Display name must be at least 1 character long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts + 165 + + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts + 25 + + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-playlist-validators.ts + 13 + + + + Display name cannot be more than 50 characters long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts + 166 + + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts + 26 + + + + Block reason must be at least 2 characters long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-block-validators.ts + 7 + + + + Block reason cannot be more than 300 characters long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-block-validators.ts + 8 + + + + Video caption language is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-captions-validators.ts + 7 + + + + Video caption file is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-captions-validators.ts + 14 + + + + Caption content is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-captions-validators.ts + 21 + + + + Name is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts + 10 + + + + Name must be at least 1 character long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts + 11 + + + + Name cannot be more than 50 characters long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts + 12 + + + + Name should be lowercase alphanumeric; dots and underscores are allowed. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts + 13 + + + + Support text must be at least 3 characters long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts + 47 + + + + Support text cannot be more than 1000 characters long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts + 48 + + + + Remote channel url is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts + 59 + + + + External channel URL must begin with "https://" or "http://" + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts + 60 + + + + External channel URL cannot be more than 1000 characters long + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-channel-validators.ts + 61 + + + + Comment is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-comment-validators.ts + 7 + + + + Comment must be at least 2 characters long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-comment-validators.ts + 8 + + + + Comment cannot be more than 3000 characters long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-comment-validators.ts + 9 + + + + The channel is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-ownership-change-validators.ts + 7 + + + + The username is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-ownership-change-validators.ts + 14 + + + + You can only transfer ownership to a local account + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-ownership-change-validators.ts + 15 + + + + Display name cannot be more than 120 characters long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-playlist-validators.ts + 14 + + + + Privacy is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-playlist-validators.ts + 23 + + + + The channel is required when the playlist is public. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-playlist-validators.ts + 41 + + + + Video name is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts + 15 + + + + Video name must be at least 3 characters long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts + 16 + + + + Video name cannot be more than 120 characters long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts + 17 + + + + Video name has leading or trailing whitespace. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts + 18 + + + + Video privacy is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts + 25 + + + + Video channel is required. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts + 52 + + + + Video description must be at least 3 characters long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts + 59 + + + + Video description cannot be more than 10000 characters long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts + 60 + + + + A tag should be more than 2 characters long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts + 67 + + + + A tag should be less than 30 characters long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts + 68 + + + + A maximum of 5 tags can be used on a video. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts + 75 + + + + A tag should be more than 1 and less than 30 characters long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts + 76 + + + + Video support must be at least 3 characters long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts + 83 + + + + Video support cannot be more than 1000 characters long. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts + 84 + + + + A date is required to schedule video update. + + src/app/shared/form-validators/video-validators.ts + 91 + + + + Reporter + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html + 7 + + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html + 21 + + + + + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html + 21,23 + + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html + 42,44 + + + + {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 report} other { reports}} + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html + 22 + + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html + 43 + + + + Reportee + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html + 29 + + + + Updated + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html + 50 + + + + Reported part + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html + 74 + + + + Note + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html + 81 + + + + The video was deleted + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html + 90 + + + + Comment: + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html + 96 + + + + Violent or Repulsive + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts + 20 + + + + Hateful or Abusive + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts + 21 + + + + Spam or Misleading + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts + 22 + + + + Copyright + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts + 24 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts + 146 + + + + Server rules + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts + 25 + + + + Thumbnails + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.ts + 26 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts + 161 + + + + Showing to of reports + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html + 6 + + + + Video/Comment/Account + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html + 22 + + + + Messages + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html + 25 + + + + Internal note + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html + 26 + + + + Deleted account + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html + 55,56 + + + + This video has been reported multiple times. + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html + 66 + + + + The video was blocked + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html + 73 + + + + Video was deleted + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html + 79 + + + + by on + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html + 85 + + + + Account deleted + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html + 111,112 + + + + No abuses found matching current filters. + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html + 152 + + + + No abuses found. + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html + 153 + + + + Unsolved reports + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts + 43 + + + + Accepted reports + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts + 47 + + + + Refused reports + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts + 51 + + + + Reports with blocked videos + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts + 55 + + + + Reports with deleted videos + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts + 59 + + + + Do you really want to delete this abuse report? + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts + 133 + + + + Abuse deleted. + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts + 139 + + + + Deleted comment + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts + 214 + + + + Messages with reporter + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts + 248 + + + + Messages with moderators + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts + 249 + + + + Update internal note + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts + 254 + + + + Mark as accepted + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts + 259 + + + + Mark as rejected + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts + 264 + + + + Add internal note + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts + 269 + + + + Delete report + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts + 274 + + + + Actions for the flagged account + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts + 286 + + + + Mute account + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts + 292 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts + 417 + + + + Mute server account + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts + 298 + + + + Actions for the reporter + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts + 310 + + + + Mute reporter + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts + 316 + + + + Mute server + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts + 322 + + + + Block video + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts + 339 + + + + Video blocked. + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts + 345 + + + + Unblock video + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts + 355 + + + + Video unblocked. + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts + 361 + + + + Delete video + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts + 371 + + + + Actions for the comment + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts + 400 + + + + Delete comment + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts + 406 + + + + Comment deleted. + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts + 418 + + + + Account muted by the instance. + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts + 434 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 191 + + + + Server muted by the instance. + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts + 446 + + + + Messages with the reporter + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.html + 4 + + + + Messages with the moderation team + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.html + 5 + + + + No messages for now. + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.html + 28,29 + + + + Add a message + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.html + 44 + + + + Add a message to communicate with the reporter + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.ts + 101 + + + + Add a message to communicate with the moderation team + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-message-modal.component.ts + 104 + + + + Moderation comment + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/moderation-comment-modal.component.html + 3 + + + + This comment can only be seen by you or the other moderators. + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/moderation-comment-modal.component.html + 20,22 + + + + Update this comment + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/moderation-comment-modal.component.html + 30 + + + + Comment updated. + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/moderation-comment-modal.component.ts + 58 + + + + Upload a new avatar + + src/app/shared/shared-actor-image-edit/actor-avatar-edit.component.html + 9 + + + src/app/shared/shared-actor-image-edit/actor-avatar-edit.component.html + 34 + + + + Change your avatar + + src/app/shared/shared-actor-image-edit/actor-avatar-edit.component.html + 18 + + + + Remove avatar + + src/app/shared/shared-actor-image-edit/actor-avatar-edit.component.html + 40 + + + + max size + + src/app/shared/shared-actor-image-edit/actor-avatar-edit.component.ts + 46 + + + src/app/shared/shared-forms/preview-upload.component.ts + 38 + + + + extensions + + src/app/shared/shared-actor-image-edit/actor-avatar-edit.component.ts + 47 + + + + This image is too large. + + src/app/shared/shared-actor-image-edit/actor-avatar-edit.component.ts + 55 + + + src/app/shared/shared-actor-image-edit/actor-banner-edit.component.ts + 52 + + + + Change your banner + + src/app/shared/shared-actor-image-edit/actor-banner-edit.component.html + 16 + + + + Remove banner + + src/app/shared/shared-actor-image-edit/actor-banner-edit.component.html + 28 + + + + Upload a new banner + + src/app/shared/shared-actor-image-edit/actor-banner-edit.component.html + 34 + + + + ratio 6/1, recommended size: 1920x317, max size: , extensions: + + src/app/shared/shared-actor-image-edit/actor-banner-edit.component.ts + 44 + + + + Account avatar + + src/app/shared/shared-actor-image/actor-avatar.component.ts + 48 + + + + Channel avatar + + src/app/shared/shared-actor-image/actor-avatar.component.ts + 49 + + + + Markdown compatible that also supports custom PeerTube HTML tags + + src/app/shared/shared-custom-markup/custom-markup-help.component.html + 2 + + + + {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 subscriber} other { subscribers}} + + src/app/shared/shared-custom-markup/peertube-custom-tags/channel-miniature-markup.component.html + 13 + + + + {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 videos} other { videos}} + + src/app/shared/shared-custom-markup/peertube-custom-tags/channel-miniature-markup.component.html + 16 + + + + Latest published video + + src/app/shared/shared-custom-markup/peertube-custom-tags/channel-miniature-markup.component.html + 24 + + + + Error in channel miniature component: + + src/app/shared/shared-custom-markup/peertube-custom-tags/channel-miniature-markup.component.ts + 61 + + + + Error in playlist miniature component: + + src/app/shared/shared-custom-markup/peertube-custom-tags/playlist-miniature-markup.component.ts + 47 + + + + Error in video miniature component: + + src/app/shared/shared-custom-markup/peertube-custom-tags/video-miniature-markup.component.ts + 60 + + + + Error in videos list component: + + src/app/shared/shared-custom-markup/peertube-custom-tags/videos-list-markup.component.ts + 77 + + + + Filter... + + src/app/shared/shared-forms/advanced-input-filter.component.html + 22 + + + + Clear filter + + src/app/shared/shared-forms/advanced-input-filter.component.html + 28 + + + src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/simple-search-input.component.html + 7 + + + + Copy + + src/app/shared/shared-forms/input-text.component.html + 16 + + + + Copied + + src/app/shared/shared-forms/input-text.component.ts + 50 + + + + Truncated preview + + src/app/shared/shared-forms/markdown-textarea.component.html + 12 + + + + Complete preview + + src/app/shared/shared-forms/markdown-textarea.component.html + 20 + + + + Maximize editor + + src/app/shared/shared-forms/markdown-textarea.component.ts + 47 + + + + Exit maximized editor + + src/app/shared/shared-forms/markdown-textarea.component.ts + 48 + + + + Recommended + + src/app/shared/shared-forms/peertube-checkbox.component.html + 33 + + + + (extensions: , : ) + + src/app/shared/shared-forms/preview-upload.component.ts + 54 + + + + This file is too large. + + src/app/shared/shared-forms/reactive-file.component.ts + 54 + + + + PeerTube cannot handle this kind of file. Accepted extensions are . + + src/app/shared/shared-forms/reactive-file.component.ts + 60 + + + + All categories + + src/app/shared/shared-forms/select/select-categories.component.ts + 24 + + + + You can't select more than {maxItems, plural, =1 {1 item} other { items}} + + src/app/shared/shared-forms/select/select-checkbox-all.component.ts + 83 + + + + You can't select more than items + + src/app/shared/shared-forms/select/select-checkbox-all.component.ts + 85 + + + + No items found + + src/app/shared/shared-forms/select/select-checkbox.component.html + 15 + + + + Add a new option + + src/app/shared/shared-forms/select/select-checkbox.component.ts + 29 + + + + Custom value... + + src/app/shared/shared-forms/select/select-custom-value.component.ts + 70 + + + + Unknown language + + src/app/shared/shared-forms/select/select-languages.component.ts + 42 + + + + Enter a new tag + + src/app/shared/shared-forms/select/select-tags.component.ts + 19 + + + + yes + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/feature-boolean.component.html + 1 + + + + no + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/feature-boolean.component.html + 2 + + + + Features found on this instance + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-about-accordion.component.html + 10 + + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html + 4 + + + + Administrators & Sustainability + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-about-accordion.component.html + 23 + + + + Who are we? + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-about-accordion.component.html + 28 + + + + How long do we plan to maintain this instance? + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-about-accordion.component.html + 33 + + + + How will we finance this instance? + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-about-accordion.component.html + 38 + + + + Terms of + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-about-accordion.component.ts + 73 + + + + PeerTube version + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html + 6 + + + + Default NSFW/sensitive videos policycan be redefined by the users + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html + 13,14 + + + + User registration allowed + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html + 21 + + + + Video uploads + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html + 28 + + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html + 39 + + + + Transcoding in multiple resolutions + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html + 32 + + + + Requires manual validation by moderators + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html + 41 + + + + Automatically published + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html + 42 + + + + Unlimited ( per day) + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html + 60,61 + + + + Live streaming enabled + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html + 71 + + + + Transcode live video in multiple resolutions + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html + 78 + + + + Max parallel lives + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html + 85 + + + + per user / per instance + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html + 86,88 + + + + HTTP import (YouTube, Vimeo, direct URL...) + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html + 96 + + + + Torrent import + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html + 103 + + + + Channel synchronization with other platforms (YouTube, Vimeo, ...) + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html + 110 + + + + Users can resolve distant content + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html + 121 + + + + Plugins & Themes + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html + 128 + + + + Available themes + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html + 132 + + + + Plugins enabled + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html + 141 + + + + Hidden + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts + 54 + + + + Blurred with confirmation request + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts + 55 + + + + Displayed + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts + 56 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts + 243 + + + + ~ {hours, plural, =1 {1 hour} other { hours}} + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts + 71 + + + + ~ hours + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts + 73 + + + + ~ {minutes, plural, =1 {1 minute} other { minutes}} + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts + 79 + + + + ~ minutes + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts + 81 + + + + of full HD videos + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts + 98 + + + + of HD videos + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts + 99 + + + + of average quality videos + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts + 100 + + + + Accepted follows + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-follow.service.ts + 146 + + + + Rejected follows + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-follow.service.ts + 150 + + + + Pending follows + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-follow.service.ts + 154 + + + + Loading instance statistics... + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html + 1 + + + + By users on this instance + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html + 4 + + + + users + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html + 11 + + + + videos + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html + 21 + + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html + 65 + + + + views + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html + 31 + + + + comments + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html + 41 + + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html + 75 + + + + hosted video + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html + 51 + + + + In this instance federation + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html + 58 + + + + followers + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html + 85 + + + + following + + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html + 95 + + + + h + + src/app/shared/shared-main/angular/duration-formatter.pipe.ts + 14 + + + + min + + src/app/shared/shared-main/angular/duration-formatter.pipe.ts + 16 + + + src/app/shared/shared-main/angular/duration-formatter.pipe.ts + 23 + + + + sec + + src/app/shared/shared-main/angular/duration-formatter.pipe.ts + 17 + + + + sec + + src/app/shared/shared-main/angular/duration-formatter.pipe.ts + 30 + + + + {interval, plural, =1 {1 year ago} other { years ago}} + + src/app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts + 7 + + + + {interval, plural, =1 {1 month ago} other { months ago}} + + src/app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts + 8 + + + + {interval, plural, =1 {1 week ago} other { weeks ago}} + + src/app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts + 9 + + + + {interval, plural, =1 {1 day ago} other { days ago}} + + src/app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts + 10 + + + + {interval, plural, =1 {1 hour ago} other { hours ago}} + + src/app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts + 11 + + + + year(s) ago + + src/app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts + 19 + + + + 1 year ago + + src/app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts + 25 + + + + month(s) ago + + src/app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts + 28 + + + + 1 month ago + + src/app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts + 34 + + + + week(s) ago + + src/app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts + 37 + + + + day(s) ago + + src/app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts + 42 + + + + hour(s) ago + + src/app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts + 47 + + + + min ago + + src/app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts + 51 + + + + just now + + src/app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts + 53 + + + + Open actions + + src/app/shared/shared-main/buttons/action-dropdown.component.html + 4 + + + + Open syndication dropdown + + src/app/shared/shared-main/feeds/feed.component.html + 3 + + + + Some of your channels are not fully set up. Make them welcoming and explicit about what you publish by adding a banner, an avatar and a description. + + src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/channels-setup-message.component.html + 5 + + + + Set up my channels + + src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/channels-setup-message.component.html + 6 + + + + Get help + + src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts + 16 + + + + <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports: + + src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts + 75 + + + + Links + + src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts + 82 + + + + New lines + + src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts + 83 + + + + Images + + src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts + 85 + + + + Close search + + src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/simple-search-input.component.html + 12 + + + + You don't have notifications. + + src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html + 1 + + + + published a new video: + + src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html + 15,16 + + + + The notification concerns a video now unavailable + + src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html + 23,25 + + + + Your video has been unblocked + + src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html + 32,34 + + + + Your video has been blocked + + src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html + 40,42 + + + + A new video abuse has been created on video + + src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html + 49 + + + + A new comment abuse has been created on video + + src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html + 53 + + + + A new account abuse has been created on account + + src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html + 57 + + + + A new abuse has been created + + src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html + 62,63 + + + + Your abuse has been acceptedrejected + + src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html + 70,72 + + + + Abuse has a new message + + src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html + 80,81 + + + + The recently added video has been automatically blocked + + src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html + 87,88 + + + + commented your video + + src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html + 99 + + + + The notification concerns a comment now unavailable + + src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html + 106,108 + + + src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html + 171,173 + + + + Your video has been published + + src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html + 115,117 + + + + Your video import succeeded + + src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html + 124,125 + + + + Your video import failed + + src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html + 132,133 + + + + User registered on your instance + + src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html + 139,141 + + + + is following your channel your account + + src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html + 150,153 + + + + mentioned you on video + + src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html + 164 + + + + Your instance has a new follower () awaiting your approval + + src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html + 180,182 + + + + Your instance automatically followed + + src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html + 189,190 + + + + A new version of the plugin/theme is available: + + src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html + 198,199 + + + + A new version of PeerTube is available: + + src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html + 206,207 + + + + Your video edition has finished + + src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html + 213,215 + + + + The notification points to content now unavailable + + src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html + 221,223 + + + + {views, plural, =0 {No view} =1 {1 view} other { views}} + + src/app/shared/shared-main/video/video.model.ts + 22 + + + + {viewers, plural, =0 {No viewers} =1 {1 viewer} other { viewers}} + + src/app/shared/shared-main/video/video.model.ts + 23 + + + + viewer(s) + + src/app/shared/shared-main/video/video.model.ts + 286 + + + + { view(s)} + + src/app/shared/shared-main/video/video.model.ts + 289 + + + + Only I can see this video + + src/app/shared/shared-main/video/video.service.ts + 385 + + + + Only shareable via a private link + + src/app/shared/shared-main/video/video.service.ts + 386 + + + + Anyone can see this video + + src/app/shared/shared-main/video/video.service.ts + 387 + + + + Only users of this instance can see this video + + src/app/shared/shared-main/video/video.service.ts + 388 + + + + Violent or repulsive + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts + 124 + + + + Contains offensive, violent, or coarse language or iconography. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts + 125 + + + + Hateful or abusive + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts + 129 + + + + Contains abusive, racist or sexist language or iconography. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts + 130 + + + + Spam, ad or false news + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts + 134 + + + + Contains marketing, spam, purposefully deceitful news, or otherwise misleading thumbnail/text/tags. Please provide reputable sources to report hoaxes. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts + 136 + + + + Privacy breach or doxxing + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts + 140 + + + + Contains personal information that could be used to track, identify, contact or impersonate someone (e.g. name, address, phone number, email, or credit card details). + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts + 142 + + + + Infringes your copyright wrt. the regional laws with which the server must comply. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts + 147 + + + + Breaks server rules + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts + 151 + + + + Anything not included in the above that breaks the terms of service, code of conduct, or general rules in place on the server. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts + 153 + + + + The above can only be seen in thumbnails. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts + 162 + + + + The above can only be seen in captions (please describe which). + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts + 167 + + + + Instance muted + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/account-block-badges.component.html + 2 + + + + Muted by your instance + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/account-block-badges.component.html + 3 + + + + Instance muted by your instance + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/account-block-badges.component.html + 4 + + + + Showing to of muted accounts + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html + 11 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html + 11 + + + + Muted at + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html + 25 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html + 25 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html + 33 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html + 33 + + + + Unmute + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html + 32 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html + 32 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html + 40 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html + 40 + + + + No account found matching current filters. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html + 54 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html + 54 + + + + No account found. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html + 55 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html + 55 + + + + Account unmuted. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.ts + 42 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 149 + + + + Account unmuted by your instance. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.ts + 43 + + + + 1 host (without "http://") per line + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/batch-domains-modal.component.html + 11 + + + + Process domains + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/batch-domains-modal.component.ts + 28 + + + + Report + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/account-report.component.ts + 61 + + + + Account reported. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/account-report.component.ts + 83 + + + + Report comment + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/comment-report.component.ts + 51 + + + + Comment reported. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/comment-report.component.ts + 82 + + + + What is the issue? + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html + 13 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html + 13 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html + 12 + + + + Your report will be sent to moderators of and will be forwarded to the comment origin () too. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html + 35,37 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html + 35,37 + + + + Please describe the issue... + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html + 41 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html + 41 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html + 72 + + + + Report video "" + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html + 3 + + + + Start at + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html + 39 + + + src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html + 149 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.html + 33 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.html + 69 + + + + Stop at + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html + 54 + + + src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html + 190,189 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.html + 34 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.html + 83 + + + + Your report will be sent to moderators of and will be forwarded to the video origin () too. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html + 66,68 + + + + Video reported. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.ts + 94 + + + + Showing to of muted instances + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html + 12 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html + 12 + + + + Mute domain + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html + 19 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html + 19 + + + + No server found matching current filters. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html + 56 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html + 56 + + + + No server found. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html + 57 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html + 57 + + + + Mute domains + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html + 64 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.html + 64 + + + + Instance unmuted. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.ts + 45 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 177 + + + + Instance unmuted by your instance. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.ts + 46 + + + + Instance muted. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.ts + 68 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 163 + + + + Instance muted by your instance. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.ts + 69 + + + + A banned user will no longer be able to login. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.html + 9,11 + + + + Reason... + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.html + 16 + + + + Mute to also hide videos/comments + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.html + 27 + + + + {count, plural, =1 {1 user banned.} other { users banned.}} + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.ts + 70 + + + + users banned. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.ts + 72 + + + + User banned. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.ts + 75 + + + + Ban {count, plural, =1 {1 user} other { users}} + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.ts + 91 + + + + Ban users + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.ts + 93 + + + + Ban "" + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.ts + 97 + + + + Do you really want to unban ? + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 83 + + + + User unbanned. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 89 + + + + If you remove this user, you won't be able to create another user or channel with <strong></strong> username! + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 104 + + + + Delete + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 105 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts + 236 + + + + User deleted. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 111 + + + + User email set as verified + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 123 + + + + Account muted. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 135 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts + 268 + + + + Account unmuted by the instance. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 205 + + + + Instance muted by the instance. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 219 + + + + Instance unmuted by the instance. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 233 + + + + Are you sure you want to remove all the comments of this account? + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 244 + + + + Delete account comments + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 245 + + + + Will remove comments of this account (may take several minutes). + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 251 + + + + My account moderation + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 291 + + + + Mute this account + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 296 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 374 + + + + Hide any content from that user from you. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 297 + + + + Unmute this account + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 302 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 380 + + + + Show back content from that user for you. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 303 + + + + Mute the instance + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 308 + + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 392 + + + + Hide any content from that instance for you. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 309 + + + + Unmute the instance + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 314 + + + + Show back content from that instance for you. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 315 + + + + Remove comments from your videos + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 320 + + + + Remove comments made by this account on your videos. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 321 + + + + Edit user + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 340 + + + + Change quota, role, and more. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 341 + + + + Delete user + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 345 + + + + Unban user + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 357 + + + + Allow the user to login and create videos/comments again + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 358 + + + + Hide any content from that user from you, your instance and its users. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 375 + + + + Show this user's content to the users of this instance again. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 381 + + + + Hide any content from that instance from you, your instance and its users. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 393 + + + + Unmute the instance by your instance + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 398 + + + + Show back content from that instance for you, your instance and its users. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 399 + + + + Remove comments from your instance + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 409 + + + + Remove comments made by this account from your instance. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 410 + + + + Instance moderation + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts + 419 + + + + Block videos + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html + 4 + + + + Block video "" + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html + 8 + + + + Block live "" + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html + 9 + + + + Please describe the reason... + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html + 20 + + + + Unfederate + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html + 31 + + + + This will ask remote instances to delete local videos + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html + 34 + + + + This will ask remote instances to delete this video + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html + 35 + + + + Blocking a live will automatically terminate the live stream. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html + 40,42 + + + + {count, plural, =1 {Blocked .} other {Blocked videos.}} + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.ts + 84 + + + + Blocked videos. + + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.ts + 86 + + + + Element not found + + src/app/shared/shared-search/find-in-bulk.service.ts + 86 + + + + Share the playlist + + src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html + 11 + + + + This playlist is private so you won't be able to share it with external users + + src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html + 14 + + + + Update playlist privacy + + src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html + 17,18 + + + + QR-Code + + src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html + 34 + + + src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html + 112 + + + + Embed + + src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html + 44 + + + src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html + 122 + + + + The url is not secured (no HTTPS), so the embed video won't work on HTTPS websites (web browsers block non secured HTTP requests on HTTPS websites). + + src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html + 54,55 + + + src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html + 132,133 + + + + Share the playlist at this video position + + src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html + 71 + + + + Only display embed URL + + src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html + 79 + + + src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html + 177 + + + + Share the video + + src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html + 89 + + + + This video is private so you won't be able to share it with external users + + src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html + 92 + + + + Update video privacy + + src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html + 95,96 + + + + Auto select subtitle + + src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html + 164 + + + + Autoplay + + src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html + 204 + + + + Loop + + src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html + 219,218 + + + + Use origin instance URL + + src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html + 225 + + + + Display video title + + src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html + 234 + + + + P2P + + src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html + 242,241 + + + + Display privacy warning + + src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html + 248 + + + + Display player control bar + + src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html + 255 + + + + Display PeerTube button link + + src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html + 262 + + + + More customization + + src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html + 275,276 + + + + Less customization + + src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html + 283,284 + + + + Support + + src/app/shared/shared-support-modal/support-modal.component.html + 3 + + + + Maybe later + + src/app/shared/shared-support-modal/support-modal.component.html + 11 + + + + LIVE ENDED + + src/app/shared/shared-thumbnail/video-thumbnail.component.html + 32 + + + + Add to watch later + + src/app/shared/shared-thumbnail/video-thumbnail.component.ts + 29 + + + + Remove from watch later + + src/app/shared/shared-thumbnail/video-thumbnail.component.ts + 30 + + + + default theme () + + src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-interface-settings.component.html + 8 + + + + Interface settings updated. + + src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-interface-settings.component.ts + 91 + + + src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-interface-settings.component.ts + 101 + + + + Default policy on videos containing sensitive content + + src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html + 4 + + + + Only display videos in the following languages/subtitles + + src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html + 25 + + + + In Recently added, Trending, Local, Most liked and Search pages + + src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html + 28 + + + + Help share videos being played + + src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html + 42 + + + + The sharing system implies that some technical information about your system (such as a public IP address) can be sent to other peers, but greatly helps to reduce server load. + + src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html + 45 + + + + Automatically play videos + + src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html + 53 + + + + When on a video page, directly start playing the video. + + src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html + 56 + + + + Automatically start playing the next video + + src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html + 64 + + + + When a video ends, follow up with the next suggested video. + + src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html + 67 + + + + Too many languages are enabled. Please enable them all or stay below 20 enabled languages. + + src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts + 76 + + + + Video settings updated. + + src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts + 121 + + + + Display/Video settings updated. + + src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts + 130 + + + + Remote subscribeRemote interact + + src/app/shared/shared-user-subscription/remote-subscribe.component.html + 11,12 + + + + You can subscribe to the channel via any ActivityPub-capable fediverse instance (PeerTube, Mastodon or Pleroma for example). + + src/app/shared/shared-user-subscription/remote-subscribe.component.html + 17,19 + + + + You can interact with this via any ActivityPub-capable fediverse instance (PeerTube, Mastodon or Pleroma for example). + + src/app/shared/shared-user-subscription/remote-subscribe.component.html + 25,27 + + + + Cannot fetch information of this remote account + + src/app/shared/shared-user-subscription/remote-subscribe.component.ts + 65 + + + + Subscribe + + src/app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html + 9 + + + + Subscribe to all channels + + src/app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html + 11 + + + + channels subscribed + + src/app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html + 13 + + + + {VAR_SELECT, select, undefined {Unsubscribe} other {Unsubscribe from all channels}} + + src/app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html + 28 + + + + Multiple ways to subscribe to the current channel + + src/app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html + 38 + + + + Open subscription dropdown + + src/app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html + 40 + + + + Using an ActivityPub account + + src/app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html + 48 + + + + Subscribe with an account on this instance + + src/app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html + 51 + + + + Subscribe with your local account + + src/app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html + 52 + + + + Subscribe with a remote account: + + src/app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html + 56 + + + + Using a syndication feed + + src/app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html + 62 + + + + Subscribe via RSS + + src/app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html + 63 + + + + Subscribed to all current channels of . You will be notified of all their new videos. + + src/app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts + 109 + + + + Subscribed to . You will be notified of all their new videos. + + src/app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts + 110 + + + + Subscribed + + src/app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts + 112 + + + + Unsubscribed from all channels of + + src/app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts + 139 + + + + Unsubscribed from + + src/app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts + 140 + + + + Unsubscribed + + src/app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.ts + 142 + + + + User + + src/app/shared/shared-users/user-admin.service.ts + 122 + + + + Administrator + + src/app/shared/shared-users/user-admin.service.ts + 123 + + + + Moderator + + src/app/shared/shared-users/user-admin.service.ts + 124 + + + + See the documentation to learn how to use the PeerTube live streaming feature. + + src/app/shared/shared-video-live/live-documentation-link.component.html + 1,4 + + + + Live information + + src/app/shared/shared-video-live/live-stream-information.component.html + 3 + + + + Permanent/Recurring live + + src/app/shared/shared-video-live/live-stream-information.component.html + 10 + + + + Replay will be saved + + src/app/shared/shared-video-live/live-stream-information.component.html + 11 + + + + Latest live sessions + + src/app/shared/shared-video-live/live-stream-information.component.html + 36 + + + + Started on + + src/app/shared/shared-video-live/live-stream-information.component.html + 42 + + + + Ended on + + src/app/shared/shared-video-live/live-stream-information.component.html + 43 + + + + Go to replay + + src/app/shared/shared-video-live/live-stream-information.component.html + 44 + + + + Replay is being processed... + + src/app/shared/shared-video-live/live-stream-information.component.html + 45 + + + + Update live settings + + src/app/shared/shared-video-live/live-stream-information.component.html + 55 + + + + Server too slow + + src/app/shared/shared-video-live/live-stream-information.component.ts + 42 + + + + Live blacklisted + + src/app/shared/shared-video-live/live-stream-information.component.ts + 43 + + + + Max duration exceeded + + src/app/shared/shared-video-live/live-stream-information.component.ts + 44 + + + + Server error + + src/app/shared/shared-video-live/live-stream-information.component.ts + 45 + + + + Quota exceeded + + src/app/shared/shared-video-live/live-stream-information.component.ts + 46 + + + + Open video actions + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.html + 4 + + + + Do you really want to unblock ? It will be available again in the videos list. + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts + 208 + + + + Unblock + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts + 210 + + + + The live stream will be automatically terminated and replays won't be saved. + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts + 233 + + + + Video deleted. + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts + 242 + + + + will be duplicated by your instance. + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts + 254 + + + + Do you really want to remove "" files? + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts + 277 + + + + Remove "" files + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts + 279 + + + + Removed files of . + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts + 285 + + + + Transcoding jobs created for . + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts + 297 + + + + Download + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts + 329 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html + 4 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html + 144 + + + + Display live information + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts + 335 + + + + Mirror + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts + 371 + + + + Subtitles + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html + 9 + + + + The following link contains a private token and should not be shared with anyone. + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html + 19,20 + + + + Format + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html + 62 + + + + Video stream + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html + 73 + + + + Audio stream + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html + 85 + + + + Direct download + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html + 104 + + + + Torrent (.torrent file) + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html + 109 + + + + Advanced + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html + 123,124 + + + + Simple + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html + 131,132 + + + + subtitles + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts + 60 + + + + Encoder + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts + 219 + + + + Format name + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts + 220 + + + + Size + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts + 221 + + + + Bitrate + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts + 223 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts + 246 + + + + Codec + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts + 243 + + + + Profile + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts + 244 + + + + Resolution + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts + 253 + + + + Aspect ratio + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts + 254 + + + + Average frame rate + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts + 255 + + + + Pixel format + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts + 256 + + + + Sample rate + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts + 260 + + + + Channel Layout + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts + 261 + + + + Update your settings + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html + 2,7 + + + + More filters + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html + 20 + + + + Hide filters + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html + 21 + + + + Sort by "Recently Added" + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html + 47 + + + + Sort by "Original Publication Date" + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html + 48 + + + + Sort by "Name" + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html + 50 + + + + Sort by "Recent Views" + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html + 51 + + + + Sort by "Hot" + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html + 52 + + + + Sort by "Likes" + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html + 53 + + + + Sort by "Global Views" + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html + 54 + + + + Languages: + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html + 62 + + + + Sensitive content: + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html + 69 + + + + Scope: + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html + 84 + + + + Local videos (this instance) + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html + 88 + + + + Federated videos (this instance + followed instances) + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html + 93 + + + + Type: + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html + 98 + + + + VOD & Live videos + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html + 102 + + + + Categories: + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html + 117 + + + + Moderation: + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html + 123 + + + + Display all videos (private, unlisted or not yet published) + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html + 128 + + + + Remove this filter + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.ts + 90 + + + + Sensitive content + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts + 126 + + + + Scope + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts + 133 + + + + Federated + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts + 135 + + + + Local + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts + 136 + + + + Languages + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts + 143 + + + + Categories + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts + 152 + + + + All videos + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts + 161 + + + + Blurred + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts + 241 + + + + hidden + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts + 247 + + + + blurred + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts + 248 + + + + displayed + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts + 250 + + + + Sensitive + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.html + 69,71 + + + + Published + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts + 177 + + + + Publication scheduled on + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts + 182 + + + + Transcoding failed + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts + 186 + + + + Move to external storage failed + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts + 190 + + + + Waiting transcoding + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts + 194 + + + + To transcode + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts + 198 + + + + To import + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts + 202 + + + + To edit + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts + 206 + + + + Subscribe to RSS feed "" + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/videos-list.component.html + 8 + + + + Yesterday + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/videos-list.component.ts + 137 + + + + This week + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/videos-list.component.ts + 138 + + + + This month + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/videos-list.component.ts + 139 + + + + Last month + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/videos-list.component.ts + 140 + + + + Older + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/videos-list.component.ts + 141 + + + + Cannot load more videos. Try again later. + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/videos-list.component.ts + 249 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/videos-selection.component.ts + 131 + + + + Save to + + src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.html + 4 + + + + Search playlists + + src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.html + 9 + + + + Create a private playlist + + src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.html + 64 + + + + Timestamps updated + + src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.ts + 277 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.ts + 116 + + + + Video removed from + + src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.ts + 309 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.ts + 97 + + + + Video added in at timestamps + + src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.ts + 379 + + + + Video added in + + src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.ts + 380 + + + + Unavailable + + src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.html + 44 + + + + Edit starts/stops at + + src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.html + 62 + + + + Delete from + + src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.html + 100 + + + + Starts at + + src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.ts + 139 + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.ts + 142 + + + + Stops at + + src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.ts + 140 + + + + and stops at + + src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.ts + 142 + + + + + + src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-miniature.component.html + 26,27 + + + + Updated + + src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-miniature.component.html + 32,33 + + + + {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 view} other { views}} + + src/app/shared/shared-video/video-views-counter.component.html + 3 + + + + {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 viewer} other { viewers}} + + src/app/shared/shared-video/video-views-counter.component.html + 7 + + + + + diff --git a/client/src/locale/angular.ja-JP.xlf b/client/src/locale/angular.ja-JP.xlf index 6a8a5164f..49223f9e6 100644 --- a/client/src/locale/angular.ja-JP.xlf +++ b/client/src/locale/angular.ja-JP.xlf @@ -274,8 +274,8 @@ src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html150 - mentioned you on video - さんが動画「」であなたに対して返信しました + mentioned you on video + さんが動画「」であなたに対して返信しました src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 164 @@ -292,24 +292,24 @@ src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html189 - A new version of the plugin/theme is available: - 新しいバージョンのプラグインまたはテーマが利用可能です: + A new version of the plugin/theme is available: + 新しいバージョンのプラグインまたはテーマが利用可能です: src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 198,199 - A new version of PeerTube is available: - 新しいバージョンのPeerTubeが利用可能です: + A new version of PeerTube is available: + 新しいバージョンのPeerTubeが利用可能です: src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 206,207 - Your video edition has finished - あなたの動画「」の編集処理が完了しました + Your video edition has finished + あなたの動画「」の編集処理が完了しました src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 213,215 @@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ { view(s)} - {回再生 + {回再生} src/app/shared/shared-main/video/video.model.ts289 @@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ Save to - 次に保存: + 次に保存 src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.html4 @@ -425,15 +425,14 @@ src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.html69 - Short text to tell people how they can support the channel (membership platform...).<br /><br /> - When a video is uploaded in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text. - どうすれば動画の視聴者があなたのチャンネルを応援できるか(メンバーシップ制のサービス...など)を説明するための簡潔な文章を書きましょう。<br /><br />動画がチャンネルに投稿された時に、自動的に動画への応援欄に文章は埋め込まれます。 + Short text to tell people how they can support the channel (membership platform...).<br /><br /> When a video is uploaded in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text. + どうすれば動画の視聴者があなたのチャンネルを応援できるか(メンバーシップ制のサービス...など)を説明するための簡潔な文章を書きましょう。<br /><br />動画がチャンネルに投稿された時に、自動的に動画への応援欄に文章は埋め込まれます。 src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html66 src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html66 The following link contains a private token and should not be shared with anyone. - 次のリンクにはプライベート・トークンを含むため、誰とも共有すべきではありません。 + 次のリンクは非公開のトークンが含まれているため、誰とも共有しないでください。 src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html19 @@ -608,27 +607,27 @@ Are you sure you want to delete these videos? - 本当に件の動画を削除しますか? + 本当に本の動画を削除しますか? src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts231 Deleted {count, plural, =1 {1 video} other { videos}}. - {count, plural, =1 {1件の動画} other {件の動画}}を削除しました。 + {count, plural, =1 {1本の動画} other {本の動画}}を削除しました。 src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts241 Deleted videos. - 件の動画を削除しました。 + 本の動画を削除しました。 src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts243 Unblocked {count, plural, =1 {1 video} other { videos}}. - {count, plural, =1 {1件の動画} other {件の動画}}をブロック解除しました。 + {count, plural, =1 {1本の動画} other {本の動画}}をブロック解除しました。 src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts259 Unblocked videos. - 件の動画をブロック解除しました。 + 本の動画をブロック解除しました。 src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts261 @@ -648,7 +647,7 @@ Are you sure you want to delete WebTorrent files of videos? - 本当に件の動画のWebTorrentファイルを削除しますか? + 本当に本の動画のWebTorrentファイルを削除しますか? src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts285 @@ -721,7 +720,7 @@ Do you really want to delete {length, plural, =1 {this video} other { videos}}? - 本当に{length, plural, =1 {件の動画} other {件の動画}}を削除しますか? + 本当に{length, plural, =1 {この動画} other {本の動画}}を削除しますか? src/app/+my-library/my-videos/my-videos.component.ts185 @@ -748,8 +747,8 @@ src/app/shared/shared-forms/markdown-textarea.component.html20 - <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports: - <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">マークダウン記法</a>で以下の記述が可能です。 + <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports: + <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">マークダウン記法</a>による次の記述をサポートしています: src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts75 @@ -787,7 +786,7 @@ will be duplicated by your instance. - の動画が、あなたのインスタンスによって複製されました。 + はインスタンスで複製されます。 src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts254 @@ -878,12 +877,12 @@ Max parallel lives - ライブ配信の最大ユーザー数/インスタンス数 + ライブ配信の同時配信可能数 src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html85 per user / per instance - ユーザー / インスタンス + /ユーザー /インスタンス src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html86 @@ -906,7 +905,7 @@ Unlimited ( per day) - 無制限 (1日あたり) + 無制限 (/日) src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html60 @@ -1081,7 +1080,7 @@ This will ask remote instances to delete local videos - このアクションは外部インスタンスに、このインスタンスのローカル動画の削除を求めることになります + これにより、外部インスタンスに対し、このインスタンスのローカル動画の削除を求めます src/app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html 34 @@ -1089,7 +1088,7 @@ This will ask remote instances to delete this video - このアクションは外部インスタンスに、この動画の削除を求めることになります + これにより、外部インスタンスに対し、この動画の削除を求めます src/app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html 35 @@ -1105,7 +1104,7 @@ {count, plural, =1 {Blocked .} other {Blocked videos.}} - {count, plural, =1 {をブロックしました.} other {件の動画をブロックしました。}} + {count, plural, =1 {をブロックしました.} other {本の動画をブロックしました。}} src/app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.ts 84 @@ -1113,7 +1112,7 @@ Blocked videos. - 件の動画をブロックしました。 + 本の動画をブロックしました。 src/app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.ts86 @@ -1200,25 +1199,25 @@ I forgot my password - パスワードを忘れました + パスワードを忘れた src/app/+login/login.component.html84 Logging into an account lets you publish content - PeerTubeのアカウントでログインすることで、あなただけの動画を投稿することができます + アカウントにログインしてコンテンツを公開しましょう src/app/+login/login.component.html11 - This instance allows registration. However, be careful to check the TermsTerms before creating an account. You may also search for another instance to match your exact needs at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. - このインスタンスはアカウントの新規登録を許可しています。ただし、アカウント作成前に利用規約利用規約をよくチェックしてください。また、あなたの希望に合ったインスタンスは、以下のウェブサイトで探すと見つかるかもしれません。: https://joinpeertube.org/instances + This instance allows registration. However, be careful to check the TermsTerms before creating an account. You may also search for another instance to match your exact needs at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. + このインスタンスはアカウントの新規登録を許可しています。ただし、アカウント作成前に利用規約利用規約をよくチェックしてください。また、あなたの希望に合ったインスタンスは、以下のウェブサイトで探すと見つかるかもしれません。: https://joinpeertube.org/instances src/app/+login/login.component.html 15,18 - Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, you may check the Terms for more details or find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. - 現在、このインスタンスはアカウントの新規登録を受け付けていません。利用規約をチェックすることで新規登録を受け付けていない理由、またはアカウントの新規登録を受け付けることやあなたの動画をアップロードできる可能性があるかどうかが分かるかもしれません。また、数多くのPeerTubeインスタンスの中から、あなたに合ったインスタンスを探してみましょう。: https://joinpeertube.org/instances + Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, you may check the Terms for more details or find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. + 現在、このインスタンスはアカウントの新規登録を受け付けていません。利用規約をチェックすることで新規登録を受け付けていない理由、またはアカウントの新規登録を受け付けることやあなたの動画をアップロードできる可能性があるかどうかが分かるかもしれません。また、数多くのPeerTubeインスタンスの中から、あなたに合ったインスタンスを探してみましょう。: https://joinpeertube.org/instances src/app/+login/login.component.html 20,23 @@ -1226,12 +1225,12 @@ Or sign in with - または次の方法でログイン + または次の方法でログイン: src/app/+login/login.component.html94 Forgot your password - パスワードをお忘れですか? + パスワードを忘れた src/app/+login/login.component.html117 @@ -1241,13 +1240,12 @@ Enter your email address and we will send you a link to reset your password. - メールアドレスを入力すれば、パスワードをリセットするためのURLリンクが送信されます。 + メールアドレスを入力すると、パスワードをリセットするためのリンクが送信されます。 src/app/+login/login.component.html128 - An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to . -The link will expire within 1 hour. - パスワードをリセットするための手順が書かれたメールが に送られます。このリンクは1時間以内に無効となります。 + An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to . The link will expire within 1 hour. + パスワードをリセットするための手順が書かれたメールが に送信されます。 このリンクは1時間以内に無効となります。 src/app/+login/login.component.ts149 @@ -1284,8 +1282,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+search/search.component.html8 - for - 検索ワード + for + 検索キーワード: src/app/+search/search.component.html 10 @@ -1293,12 +1291,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Confirm password - パスワードを確認 + パスワード(確認) src/app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.html15 Confirmed password - 確認済のパスワード + パスワードを確認しました src/app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.html18 @@ -1309,7 +1307,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Signup - アカウント登録 + アカウントの新規登録 Button on the registration form to finalize the account and channel creation src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.ts84 @@ -1322,40 +1320,40 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. - As you probably noticed: creating an account is not necessary to watch video on . However, creating an account on will allow you to: - もしかするとお気づきかもしれませんが: で動画を再生するためにアカウントを作成することは、必須ではありません。しかし、でアカウントを作成すると以下のような事ができるようになります: + As you probably noticed: creating an account is not necessary to watch video on . However, creating an account on will allow you to: + もしかするとお気づきかもしれませんが、で動画を再生するためにアカウントは必ずしも必要ありません。しかし、でアカウントを作成すると次のようなことが可能となります: src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 4,8 - Comment videos - 動画にコメントをする + Comment videos + 動画にコメントする src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 11 - Subscribe to channels to be notified of new videos - チャンネルを購読して新着動画の通知を受け取る + Subscribe to channels to be notified of new videos + チャンネル登録して新着動画の通知を受け取る src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 12 - Have access to your watch history - 自分の再生履歴を見る + Have access to your watch history + 自分の再生履歴を確認 src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 13 - Create your channel to publish videos - チャンネルを作成して動画を投稿する + Create your channel to publish videos + チャンネルを作成して動画を投稿する src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 14 @@ -1378,32 +1376,32 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. - has been created using PeerTube, a video creation platform developed by Framasoft. Framasoft is a french non-profit organization that offers alternatives to Big Tech's digital tools - PeerTubeという、Framasoftによって開発された動画制作プラットフォームを利用しています。Framasoftはフランスの非営利団体であり、ビッグテックが提供しているデジタルツールの代替となるものを提供しています。 + has been created using PeerTube, a video creation platform developed by Framasoft. Framasoft is a french non-profit organization that offers alternatives to Big Tech's digital tools + PeerTubeという、Framasoftによって開発された動画制作プラットフォームを利用しています。Framasoftはフランスの非営利団体であり、ビッグテックが提供しているデジタルツールの代替となるものを提供しています。 src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 34,37 - You want to publish videos on ? Then you need to create your first channel. - 動画を投稿したいですか? それでは、あなたのチャンネルを作る必要があります。 + You want to publish videos on ? Then you need to create your first channel. + 動画を投稿したいですか? それでは、あなたのチャンネルを作る必要があります。 src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html 2,4 - You might want to create a channel by theme: for example, you can create a channel named "SweetMelodies" to publish your piano concerts and another one "Ecology" in which you publish your videos talking about ecology. - チャンネルを作成する際に何らかのテーマに基づきたい場合: 例えば、ピアノコンサートの動画を投稿するのであれば「SweetMelodies」というチャンネル名。または、エコロジーについて話す動画を投稿するのであれば「Ecology」というチャンネル名にしてみてはどうでしょうか。 + You might want to create a channel by theme: for example, you can create a channel named "SweetMelodies" to publish your piano concerts and another one "Ecology" in which you publish your videos talking about ecology. + チャンネルを作成する際に何らかのテーマに基づきたい場合: 例えば、ピアノコンサートの動画を投稿するのであれば「SweetMelodies」というチャンネル名。または、エコロジーについて話す動画を投稿するのであれば「Ecology」というチャンネル名にしてみてはどうでしょうか。 src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html 6,9 - administrators allow you to publish up to of videos on their website. - の運営者は、このウェブサイトでまでの動画をアップロードする事を許可しています。 + administrators allow you to publish up to of videos on their website. + の運営者は、このウェブサイトでまでの動画をアップロードする事を許可しています。 src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html 11,13 @@ -1475,8 +1473,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html55 - Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are. - Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are. + Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are. + インスタンスの名前を決める、インスタンスの説明を設定する、あなたが誰なのかを説明する、なぜインスタンスを作成したのかそしてどのぐらいの期間インスタンスを運営していく予定なのかを記載しておくことは、どのようなインスタンスなのかを訪問者が理解するために非常に重要です。 src/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html 57,61 @@ -1484,7 +1482,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. If you want to open registrations, please decide what your moderation rules and instance terms of service are, as well as specify the categories and languages and your moderators speak. This way, you will help users to register on the appropriate PeerTube instance. - アカウント作成を開放したい場合、インスタンスのカテゴリーや設定言語やモデレーターが話す言語だけでなくモデレーションルールインスタンスの利用規約の内容を決めましょう。これらの設定を決めることで、PeerTubeを利用しようとする様々なユーザーが自分に合ったPeerTubeインスタンスにアカウント作成をするための手助けになるでしょう。 + アカウントの新規登録を開放したい場合、インスタンスのカテゴリーや設定言語やモデレーターが話す言語だけでなくモデレーションルールインスタンスの利用規約の内容を決めましょう。これらの設定を決めることで、PeerTubeを利用しようとする様々なユーザーが自分に合ったPeerTubeインスタンスにアカウント作成をするための手助けになるでしょう。 src/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html63 @@ -1599,7 +1597,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Update live settings - ライブ配信の設定を更新する + ライブ配信設定を更新 src/app/shared/shared-video-live/live-stream-information.component.html55 @@ -1733,7 +1731,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Create a new playlist - 新しいプレイリストを作成 + 新規プレイリストを作成 src/app/+my-library/my-library-routing.module.ts51 @@ -1743,7 +1741,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Import jobs concurrency - 動画の同時並行インポートのジョブ + 動画の並行インポートジョブ数 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html256 @@ -1759,12 +1757,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Allow import with HTTP URL (e.g. YouTube) - (例えばYouTubeの動画の)URLを利用した、動画のインポートを許可する + HTTP URLを利用した、動画のインポートを許可します(例:YouTube) src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html270 - ⚠️ If enabled, we recommend to use a HTTP proxy to prevent private URL access from your PeerTube server - ⚠️ この設定を有効にした場合、PeerTubeサーバーからのプライベートURLアクセスを防止するため、HTTPプロキシの利用を推奨します + ⚠️ If enabled, we recommend to use a HTTP proxy to prevent private URL access from your PeerTube server + ⚠️ この設定を有効にした場合、PeerTubeサーバーからのプライベートURLアクセスを防止するため、HTTPプロキシの利用を推奨します src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html273 @@ -1786,32 +1784,32 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/menu/menu.component.html130 - Create an accounton - アカウントを作成する + Create an accounton + アカウントを作成する src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html 19,21 - I already have an account, I log in - 既にアカウントがあるので、ログインする + I already have an account, I log in + 既にアカウントがあるので、ログイン src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html 27,30 - Termsof - 利用規約 + Termsof + 利用規約 src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html 36,38 - Setupyour account - アカウント設定 + Setupyour account + アカウント設定 src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html 60,62 @@ -1826,8 +1824,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. - Createyour first channel - あなたのチャンネルを作成 + Createyour first channel + あなたのチャンネルを作成 src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html 77,79 @@ -1890,18 +1888,18 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html10 - Help moderators and other users to know who you are by: - モデレーターや他のユーザーにあなたが誰かを知ってもらうために、次の事をやってみましょう: + Help moderators and other users to know who you are by: + モデレーターや他のユーザーにあなたが誰かを知ってもらうために、次の事をやってみましょう: src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html12 - Uploading an avatar - アバターをアップロードする + Uploading an avatar + アバターをアップロードする src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html15 - Writing a description - アカウントの説明を書く + Writing a description + アカウントの説明を書く src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html16 @@ -2063,7 +2061,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. will list the matching video - 動画のUUIDに一致した動画を表示します + 動画のUUIDに一致した動画のみ表示します src/app/header/search-typeahead.component.html54 @@ -2083,7 +2081,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Upload failed - アップロードは失敗しました + アップロードに失敗しました src/app/helpers/utils/upload.ts 12 @@ -2145,7 +2143,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Category - カテゴリ + カテゴリー src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html121 src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html68 src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/metadata/video-attributes.component.html27 @@ -2241,7 +2239,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Video channels - チャンネル + 動画チャンネル src/app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html1 @@ -2256,7 +2254,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. This will replace an existing caption! - 既存のキャプションを置き換えることになります! + これにより、既存のキャプションが置き換わります! src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-add-modal.component.html30 @@ -2292,7 +2290,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Tags could be used to suggest relevant recommendations. There is a maximum of 5 tags. Press Enter to add a new tag. - タグはフィルター検索等で利用され、タグに関連した動画を表示するために使われます。最大5つのタグ付けが可能です。Enterキーを押して、タグを加えて下さい。 + タグはフィルター検索等で利用され、タグに関連した動画を表示するために使われます。最大5つのタグを付けられます。Enterキーを押して、新しいタグを追加できます。 src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html30 @@ -2318,7 +2316,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Change your banner - バナーを変える + バナーを変更する src/app/shared/shared-actor-image-edit/actor-banner-edit.component.html16 @@ -2328,7 +2326,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. ratio 6/1, recommended size: 1920x317, max size: , extensions: - 画像の比率 6対1、推奨解像度: 1920x317、最大サイズ: 、拡張子: + アスペクト比: 6対1、推奨解像度: 1920x317、最大サイズ: 、拡張子: src/app/shared/shared-actor-image-edit/actor-banner-edit.component.ts44 @@ -2342,8 +2340,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/shared/shared-actor-image/actor-avatar.component.ts49 - Markdown compatible that also supports custom PeerTube HTML tags - Markdown記法PeerTubeのHTMLタグへのカスタマイズもサポートしています + Markdown compatible that also supports custom PeerTube HTML tags + Markdown記法PeerTubeのHTMLタグへのカスタマイズもサポートしています src/app/shared/shared-custom-markup/custom-markup-help.component.html 2 @@ -2359,12 +2357,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Error in channel miniature component: - チャンネルの特定の部分でエラーが発生しました: + チャンネルの特定のコンポーネントでエラーが発生しました: src/app/shared/shared-custom-markup/peertube-custom-tags/channel-miniature-markup.component.ts61 Error in playlist miniature component: - プレイリストの特定の部分でエラーが発生しました: + プレイリストの特定のコンポーネントでエラーが発生しました: src/app/shared/shared-custom-markup/peertube-custom-tags/playlist-miniature-markup.component.ts 47 @@ -2372,12 +2370,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Error in video miniature component: - 動画の特定の部分でエラーが発生しました: + 動画の特定のコンポーネントでエラーが発生しました: src/app/shared/shared-custom-markup/peertube-custom-tags/video-miniature-markup.component.ts60 Error in videos list component: - 動画リストの特定の部分でエラーが発生しました: + 動画リストの特定のコンポーネントでエラーが発生しました: src/app/shared/shared-custom-markup/peertube-custom-tags/videos-list-markup.component.ts 77 @@ -2416,8 +2414,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html49 - Choose the appropriate licence for your work. - 適切なライセンスををあなたの動画に設定して下さい。 + Choose the appropriate licence for your work. + あなたのコンテンツに対して、適切なライセンスを選択してください。 src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html84 @@ -2500,8 +2498,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html182 - Already uploaded on ✔ - に既にアップロードされています ✔ + Already uploaded on ✔ + に既にアップロードされています✔ src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html 186,188 @@ -2572,22 +2570,22 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. View account - アカウントを見る + アカウントを表示 src/app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.html30 View account - アカウントを見る + アカウントを表示 src/app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.html44 View owner account - チャンネル所有者のアカウントを見る + チャンネル所有者のアカウントを表示 src/app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.html48 VIDEO CHANNEL - チャンネル + 動画チャンネル src/app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.html57 @@ -2602,7 +2600,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Short text to tell people how they can support you (membership platform...). - どうすれば動画の視聴者があなたの活動を応援できるか(メンバーシップ制のサービス...など)を説明するための簡潔な文章を書きましょう。 + どうすれば動画の視聴者があなたの活動を応援できるか(メンバーシップ制のサービス...など)を簡単に文章で説明してください。 src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html323 @@ -2612,7 +2610,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Name of the uploaded file - アップロードしたファイルの名前 + アップロードしたファイル名 src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html343 @@ -2622,7 +2620,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. This is the date when the content was originally published (e.g. the release date for a film) - 投稿する動画の元コンテンツが公開された日付を入力しましょう(例えば、投稿する動画が著作権による保護期限が切れた映画の場合、その映画が封切られた日付を入力します) + オリジナルコンテンツが公開された年など示します(例: 映画のリリース年) src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html356 @@ -2647,7 +2645,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Average latency of 30s - 平均遅延時間は30秒です + 平均遅延は30秒です src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts95 @@ -2657,7 +2655,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Average latency of 60s increasing P2P ratio - 平均遅延時間は60秒です。P2P機能をより利用します + 平均遅延は60秒ですが、P2P機能をより利用するようになります src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts100 @@ -2695,12 +2693,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. You can import any URL supported by youtube-dl or URL that points to a media file. You should make sure you have diffusion rights over the content it points to, otherwise it could cause legal trouble to yourself and your instance. - youtube-dlがサポートしているURL、または何らかのメディアファイルを指しているURLを利用してメディアをインポートすることができます。ただし、メディアのURLやメディアファイルを配布する権利を「本当にあなたが保持しているかどうか」を確認すべきでしょう。さもなければ、あなた自身やあなたが属するインスタンスに法的なトラブルをもたらしかねません。 + youtube-dlがサポートしているURL、または何らかのメディアファイルを指しているURLを利用してメディアをインポートすることができます。ただし、メディアのURLやメディアファイルを配布する権利を「本当にあなたが保有していること」を必ず確認してください。あなた自身やあなたが属するインスタンスに法的なトラブルを招く場合があります。 src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html11 - You can also synchronize a remote channel in your library - You can also synchronize a remote channel in your library + You can also synchronize a remote channel in your library + You can also synchronize a remote channel in your library src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html 21,23 @@ -2716,18 +2714,18 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Congratulations, the video behind will be imported! You can already add information about this video. - おめでとうございます。 の動画がインポートされます! この動画に関する情報を追加できます。 + おめでとうございます。 にある動画がインポートされます!この動画に関する情報を追加できます。 src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html53 Select the file to upload - アップロードするファイルを選択する + アップロードするファイルを選択 src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html6 src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html8 Scheduled - スケジュールされました + スケジュール済み src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.ts232 @@ -2758,22 +2756,22 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Image that will be merged with your audio file. The chosen image will be definitive and cannot be modified. - 画像は音声ファイルに統合されます。 選んだ画像は後で変更できず、また修正もできません。 + 画像は音声ファイルに統合されます。 選んだ画像は後で変更できず、修正もできません。 src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html37 Total video uploaded - 動画アップロードの合計 + 合計動画アップロード src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html63 Processing… - 処理しています… + 処理中… src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html65 Retry - 再度試す + 再試行 Retry failed upload of a video src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html82 @@ -2785,12 +2783,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Congratulations! Your video is now available in your private library. - おめでとうございます。動画は非公開ライブラリで利用可能になりました。 + おめでとうございます!あなたの動画は非公開ライブラリ内で利用可能となりました。 src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html92 Publish will be available when upload is finished - アップロードが終われば、投稿されます + アップロードが完了した段階で投稿されます src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html105 @@ -2801,7 +2799,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Upload on hold - アップロードを保留 + 保留中のアップロード src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts181 @@ -2835,12 +2833,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Read instance rules for help - ヘルプとして、サーバールールを読む + ヘルプとして、インスタンスルールをお読みください src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html2 Select the torrent to import - インポートするTorrentファイルを選択する + インポートするTorrentファイルを選択 src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html6 src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html8 @@ -2856,7 +2854,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Congratulations, the video will be imported with BitTorrent! You can already add information about this video. - おめでとうございます。動画は BitTorrent でインポートされます! この動画に関する情報を追加できます。 + おめでとうございます。動画はBitTorrentでインポートされます!この動画に関する情報を追加できます。 src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html56 @@ -2896,37 +2894,37 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Stream multiple times using the same URL - 複数回の配信を同じURLで行います + 同じURLを利用して複数回配信する src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-go-live.component.ts176 Go Live - ライブ配信を始める + ライブ配信開始 src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-go-live.component.html37 Max live duration is . If your live reaches this limit, it will be automatically terminated. - ライブ配信時間の限界は、です。ライブ配信がこの限界に達した場合、配信を自動的に終了します。 + ライブ配信時間の上限は、です。ライブ配信がこの上限に達した場合、配信を自動的に終了します。 src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-go-live.component.html48 We recommend you to not use the root user to publish your videos, since it's the super-admin account of your instance. Instead, create a dedicated account to upload your videos. - PeerTubeはrootユーザーであなたの動画を投稿することを推奨しません。rootユーザーはあなたのインスタンスにおける、システム管理権限を有したアカウントだからです。その代わりに、専用アカウントを作成して動画を投稿しましょう。 + PeerTubeはrootユーザーで動画を投稿することを推奨していません。rootユーザーはあなたのインスタンスにおける、システム管理権限を有した最上位のアカウントの為です。代わりに、専用アカウントを作成して動画を投稿する事をオススメします。 src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html34 Import - インポート + をインポート src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html44 Upload - アップロード + をアップロード src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html45 Upload a file - ファイルをアップロードする + ファイルをアップロード src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html53 @@ -2941,7 +2939,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Go live - ライブ配信を始める + ライブ配信開始 src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html83 @@ -2951,12 +2949,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Next video to be played - 再生される次の動画 + 次に再生 src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/recommendations/recommended-videos.component.html15 Report this comment - このコメントを通報する + このコメントを通報 src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment.component.ts178 @@ -2967,7 +2965,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Share the playlist - プレイリストをシェアする + プレイリストをシェア src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html11 @@ -2996,7 +2994,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Share the video - 動画をシェアする + 動画をシェア src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html89 @@ -3017,7 +3015,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. The url is not secured (no HTTPS), so the embed video won't work on HTTPS websites (web browsers block non secured HTTP requests on HTTPS websites). - このURLはセキュアではない(HTTPSで始まっていない)ので、埋め込み動画はURLがHTTPSから始まるウェブサイトでは利用できません。 + このURLはセキュアではない(HTTPSでない)ので、埋め込み動画はURLがHTTPSから始まるウェブサイトでは利用できません(WebブラウザーがHTTPSのWebサイト上では安全でないHTTPリクエストをブロックする為)。 src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html54 src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html132 @@ -3039,7 +3037,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Less customization - カスタマイズしない + カスタマイズを減らす src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html283 @@ -3059,8 +3057,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/menu/menu.component.html104 - > Login - > ログイン + > Login + > ログイン src/app/+login/login.component.html 2,5 @@ -3068,17 +3066,17 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Autoplay - URLを開いたら動画を自動再生 + 自動再生 src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html204 Maybe later - また後で + 後にする src/app/shared/shared-support-modal/support-modal.component.html11 Muted - ミュート再生 + ミュート src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.html104 src/app/shared/shared-moderation/account-block-badges.component.html1 src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html212 @@ -3125,7 +3123,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. This video is blocked. - この動画はブロックされてます。 + この動画はブロックされています。 src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/information/video-alert.component.html42 @@ -3145,7 +3143,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. SAVE - プレイリストに保存 + 保存 src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/action-buttons/action-buttons.component.html29 @@ -3165,7 +3163,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Support options for this video - この動画への応援方法 + この動画の応援方法 src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/action-buttons/action-buttons.component.ts58 @@ -3175,7 +3173,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Subscribe - チャンネル登録する + チャンネル登録 src/app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html9 @@ -3195,7 +3193,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Show more - もっと見る + さらに表示 src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/metadata/video-description.component.html10 @@ -3228,12 +3226,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. More information - 詳細 + 詳しくはこちら src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/information/privacy-concerns.component.html9 The video was blocked due to automatic blocking of new videos - 新しく投稿された動画への自動ブロック機能により、この動画はブロックされました + 新規動画の自動ブロック機能により、この動画はブロックされました src/app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html50 @@ -3244,7 +3242,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Get more information - 詳細 + 詳しくはこちら src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/information/privacy-concerns.component.html9 @@ -3262,7 +3260,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Move to external storage failed, this video may not work properly. - 外部ストレージへの移動は失敗しました。この動画は再生できないかもしれません。 + 外部ストレージへの移動は失敗しました。この動画は再生できない可能性があります。 src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/information/video-alert.component.html 5,7 @@ -3280,7 +3278,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. The video is being edited, it may not work properly. - この動画は編集されました。正しく再生されないかもしれません。 + この動画は編集中のため、うまく再生できない場合があります。 src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/information/video-alert.component.html 17,19 @@ -3288,7 +3286,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. The video is being moved to an external server, it may not work properly. - この動画は外部のサーバーに移動されます。上手く処理がされない可能性があります。 + この動画は外部サーバーに移動中のため、うまく再生できない場合があります。 src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/information/video-alert.component.html21 @@ -3298,12 +3296,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. This live has not started yet. - このライブ配信はまだ始まっていません。 + このライブ配信はまだ開始されていません。 src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/information/video-alert.component.html29 This live has ended. - ライブ配信が終了しました。 + このライブ配信は終了しました。 src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/information/video-alert.component.html33 @@ -3321,7 +3319,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Most recent first (default) - 新着順(デフォルト) + 新着順 (デフォルト) src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comments.component.html14 @@ -3336,12 +3334,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. View from and others - とその他のユーザーからのを見る + とその他からのを表示 src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comments.component.html74 {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 reply} other { replies}} - {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 返信} other { 返信}} + {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1件の返信} other {件の返信}} src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comments.component.html74 src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comments.component.html77 src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comments.component.html81 @@ -3358,7 +3356,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Comments are disabled. - コメント機能が無効になっています。 + コメントは無効になっています。 src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comments.component.html92 @@ -3373,12 +3371,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Markdown compatible that supports: - マークダウン記法で以下のことが可能です。 + サポートしているマークダウン記法: src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment-add.component.html18 Auto generated links - リンクの自動生成 + 自動生成されたリンク src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment-add.component.html21 @@ -3408,7 +3406,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. See complete list - 絵文字マークアップのリストを見る + 絵文字マークアップのリストを表示 src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment-add.component.html35 @@ -3454,7 +3452,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. 1 host (without "http://") per line - 1行に1ホストを入力してください("http://"部分は不要です)。 + 1行ごとに1つのPeerTubeインスタンスのドメインを入力してください("http://"部分は不要) src/app/shared/shared-moderation/batch-domains-modal.component.html11 @@ -3503,13 +3501,13 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Renew token - トークンを新しく生成する + トークンを新しく生成 src/app/+my-account/my-account-applications/my-account-applications.component.html36 src/app/+my-account/my-account-applications/my-account-applications.component.ts41 Filter... - フィルタ… + フィルター… src/app/shared/shared-forms/advanced-input-filter.component.html22 @@ -3542,7 +3540,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Created - 作成 + に作成 src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html39 src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html43 src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html50 @@ -3552,7 +3550,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Open actor page in a new tab - ユーザーのページを新しいタブで開く + ユーザーページを新しいタブで開く src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html56 @@ -4070,7 +4068,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. No blocked video found matching current filters. - 現在のフィルターでは、一致したブロック動画はありませんでした。 + 現在のフィルターでは、一致したブロックされた動画はありませんでした。 src/app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html92 @@ -4125,8 +4123,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html21 - - + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html 21,23 @@ -4560,8 +4558,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html46 - Priority (1 = highest priority) - 優先度(1 = 最も優先度が高い) + Priority (1 = highest priority) + 優先度(1 = 最も優先度が高い) src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html 47 @@ -4581,8 +4579,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html105 - No jobs found. - のジョブは見つかりませんでした。 + No jobs found. + のジョブは見つかりませんでした。 src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html106 @@ -4630,8 +4628,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. - By -> - -> + By -> + -> src/app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html47 @@ -4708,8 +4706,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html89 - Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default. - 有効にすることで、このインスタンスが主にセンシティブなコンテンツをActivityPubを通して配送していることを他のインスタンスの運営者に知らせます。さらに、動画アップロードの際のNSFWのチェックボックスは、デフォルト設定で自動的にチェックが入るようになります。 + Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default. + 有効にすることで、このインスタンスが主にセンシティブなコンテンツをActivityPubを通して配送していることを他のインスタンスの運営者に知らせます。さらに、動画アップロードの際のNSFWのチェックボックスは、デフォルト設定で自動的にチェックが入るようになります。 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html93 @@ -4827,8 +4825,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html4 - Use plugins & themes for more involved changes, or add slight customizations. - さらに強力な変更をする場合は、プラグイン&テーマをご利用ください。小さなカスタマイズを追加する事もできます。 + Use plugins & themes for more involved changes, or add slight customizations. + さらに強力な変更をする場合は、プラグイン&テーマをご利用ください。小さなカスタマイズを追加する事もできます。 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html 5,7 @@ -4915,8 +4913,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html149 - Manage users to set their quota individually. - それぞれのユーザーの動画容量制限を設定する場合は、ユーザーから設定してください。 + Manage users to set their quota individually. + それぞれのユーザーの動画容量制限を設定する場合は、ユーザーから設定してください。 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html150 @@ -5052,7 +5050,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. ⛔ You need to allow import with HTTP URL to be able to activate this feature. - ⛔ この機能を有効にするには、HTTPから始まるURLでのインポートを許可する必要があります。 + ⛔ この機能を有効にするには、HTTP URLでのインポートを許可する必要があります。 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html298 @@ -5111,8 +5109,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html393 - You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or host your own. - 現在も稼働中で、よくモデレートされている検索インデックスを一つ選ぶべきでしょう。またはあなただけの検索インデックスをホストしましょう + You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or host your own. + 現在も稼働中で、よくモデレートされている検索インデックスを一つ選ぶ必要があります。またはあなた自身でホストすることもできます。 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html395 @@ -5146,8 +5144,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html443 - Manage relations with other instances. - その他のインスタンスとの関係性を管理します。 + Manage relations with other instances. + その他のインスタンスとの関係性を管理します。 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html444 @@ -5183,8 +5181,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html490 - See the documentation for more information about the expected URL - 自動的にフォローすると予想されるインスタンスについての詳しい情報はドキュメントをご覧下さい。 + See the documentation for more information about the expected URL + 自動的にフォローすると予想されるインスタンスについての詳しい情報はドキュメントをご覧下さい。 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html495 @@ -5229,12 +5227,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Instance allowed by Twitter - あなたのインスタンスがTwitterに認知されました + インスタンスはTwitterにより許可されている src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html576 - If your instance is explicitly allowed by Twitter, a video player will be embedded in the Twitter feed on PeerTube video share. If the instance is not, we use an image link card that will redirect to your PeerTube instance. Check this checkbox, save the configuration and test with a video URL of your instance (https://example.com/w/blabla) on https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator to see if you instance is allowed. - If your instance is explicitly allowed by Twitter, a video player will be embedded in the Twitter feed on PeerTube video share. If the instance is not, we use an image link card that will redirect to your PeerTube instance. Check this checkbox, save the configuration and test with a video URL of your instance (https://example.com/w/blabla) on https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator to see if you instance is allowed. + If your instance is explicitly allowed by Twitter, a video player will be embedded in the Twitter feed on PeerTube video share. If the instance is not, we use an image link card that will redirect to your PeerTube instance. Check this checkbox, save the configuration and test with a video URL of your instance (https://example.com/w/blabla) on https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator to see if you instance is allowed. + If your instance is explicitly allowed by Twitter, a video player will be embedded in the Twitter feed on PeerTube video share. If the instance is not, we use an image link card that will redirect to your PeerTube instance. Check this checkbox, save the configuration and test with a video URL of your instance (https://example.com/w/blabla) on https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator to see if you instance is allowed. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html580 @@ -5337,7 +5335,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Even if it's above your maximum enabled resolution - Even if it's above your maximum enabled resolution + 有効にしている最大解像度以上の場合であっても変換します src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-live-configuration.component.html 136,138 @@ -5431,8 +5429,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html89 - Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with plain WebTorrent:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback especially with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2 - ffmpeg 4.1以上が必要HLSプレイリストの生成とフラグメント化されたMP4ファイルは、プレーンWebトレントを使用した際にスムーズな再生が可能になります:解像度の変更がスムーズになる特に長時間の動画において再生の開始が早くなるより安定した再生 (より少ないバグ/無限読込み)HLSサポートも有効になっている場合、2倍のストレージスペースが必要になります + Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with plain WebTorrent:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback especially with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2 + ffmpeg 4.1以上が必要HLSプレイリストの生成とフラグメント化されたMP4ファイルは、プレーンWebトレントを使用した際にスムーズな再生が可能になります:解像度の変更がスムーズになる特に長時間の動画において再生の開始が早くなるより安定した再生 (より少ないバグ/無限読み込み)HLSサポートも有効になっている場合、2倍のストレージスペースが必要になります src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html94 @@ -5445,7 +5443,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Always transcode original resolution - オリジナル解像度も変換する + 常にオリジナル解像度も変換 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html 116 @@ -5463,12 +5461,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. will claim at most with live transcoding - will claim at most with live transcoding + は、ライブ配信の変換で 要求します src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html148 will claim at least with live transcoding - will claim at least with live transcoding + は、ライブ配信の変換で、最低でも 要求します src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html152 @@ -5570,7 +5568,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Slight modifications to your PeerTube instance for when creating a plugin or theme is overkill. - 作成したプラグインまたはテーマに問題があった場合に、PeerTubeインスタンスを微修正しましょう。 + プラグインまたはテーマの作成まで必要がない場合は、小さなカスタマイズで対応できます。 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html64 @@ -5579,19 +5577,13 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html73 - Write JavaScript code directly.Example: console.log('my instance is amazing'); - JavaScriptのコードを直接入力してください。例: console.log('my instance is amazing'); + Write JavaScript code directly.Example: console.log('my instance is amazing'); + JavaScriptのコードを直接入力してください。例: console.log('my instance is amazing'); src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html76 - Write CSS code directly. Example:#custom-css -color: red; - - Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example:#custom-css .logged-in-email -color: red; - - - CSSコードを直接入力してください。 例:#custom-css color: red; スタイルを上書きするには、先頭に#custom-cssをつけてください。 例:#custom-css .logged-in-email color: red; + Write CSS code directly. Example:#custom-css color: red; Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example:#custom-css .logged-in-email color: red; + CSSコードを直接入力してください。 例:#custom-css color: red; スタイルを上書きするには、先頭に#custom-cssをつけてください。 例:#custom-css .logged-in-email color: red; src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html95 @@ -5608,8 +5600,8 @@ color: red; - There are errors in the form: - フォームにエラーがありました: + There are errors in the form: + フォームにエラーがありました: src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html71 @@ -5731,7 +5723,7 @@ color: red; Profile - プロフィール + プロファイル src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts244 @@ -5765,8 +5757,8 @@ color: red; src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts261 - Update your settings - 設定を更新する + Update your settings + 設定を更新する src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html2 @@ -5786,38 +5778,38 @@ color: red; - Sort by "Recently Added" - "最近投稿された動画順"で並び替え + Sort by "Recently Added" + "最近投稿された動画順"で並び替え src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html47 - Sort by "Original Publication Date" - "動画が投稿された順"で並び替え + Sort by "Original Publication Date" + "動画が投稿された順"で並び替え src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html48 - Sort by "Name" - "名前"で並び替え + Sort by "Name" + "名前"で並び替え src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html50 - Sort by "Recent Views" - "最近再生された動画順"で並び替え + Sort by "Recent Views" + "最近再生された動画順"で並び替え src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html51 - Sort by "Hot" - "話題の動画順"で並び替え + Sort by "Hot" + "話題の動画順"で並び替え src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html52 - Sort by "Likes" - "高評価が多い動画順"で並び替え + Sort by "Likes" + "高評価が多い動画順"で並び替え src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html53 - Sort by "Global Views" - "再生回数が多い動画順"で並び替え + Sort by "Global Views" + "再生回数が多い動画順"で並び替え src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html54 @@ -5894,8 +5886,8 @@ color: red; src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html4 - With Hide or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video. - 「非表示」または「サムネイルをぼかす」の設定の場合、動画を見る際に確認を求められます。 + With Hide or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video. + 「非表示」または「サムネイルをぼかす」設定の場合、動画を見る際に確認を求められます。 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html106 src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html7 @@ -6033,24 +6025,24 @@ color: red; - External Channel - 外部のチャンネル + External Channel + 外部のチャンネル src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html 34 - Channel - チャンネル + Channel + チャンネル src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html 35 - Last synchronization at - 最終チャンネル同期日 + Last synchronization at + 最終チャンネル同期日 src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html 38 @@ -6324,7 +6316,7 @@ color: red; No videos found for "". - 動画が見つかりませんでした。"" + ""に関連する動画が見つかりませんでした。 src/app/+my-library/my-history/my-history.component.ts 140 @@ -6343,8 +6335,8 @@ color: red; - Some of your channels are not fully set up. Make them welcoming and explicit about what you publish by adding a banner, an avatar and a description. - チャンネルの設定が完全には終わっていません。バナーアバター説明を加えてチャンネルを公開することで、どのようなチャンネルなのか分かりやすくし、またあなたのチャンネルに訪れる人を歓迎するものにしましょう。 + Some of your channels are not fully set up. Make them welcoming and explicit about what you publish by adding a banner, an avatar and a description. + 一部のチャンネルが完全に設定されていません。バナーアバター説明を加えてチャンネルを公開することで、どのようなチャンネルなのか分かりやすくし、またあなたのチャンネルに訪れる人を歓迎するものにしましょう。 src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/channels-setup-message.component.html 5 @@ -6375,7 +6367,7 @@ color: red; All read - 全ての通知を既読済み + 全て既読 src/app/+my-account/my-account-notifications/my-account-notifications.component.html26 @@ -6413,7 +6405,7 @@ color: red; Create a new video channel - 新しいチャンネルの作成 + 新しいチャンネルを作成 src/app/+manage/manage-routing.module.ts12 @@ -6429,22 +6421,22 @@ color: red; Browse videos on PeerTube to add them in your playlist. - プレイリストに動画を追加するために、PeerTubeで動画を再生する。 + プレイリストに動画を追加するには、PeerTube内で動画を探してみてください。 src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-elements.component.html28 See the documentation for more information. - 詳細について ドキュメントを読む。 + 詳しくは、ドキュメントをお読みください。 src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-elements.component.html32 If you need help to use PeerTube, you can have a look at the documentation. - PeerTubeを利用するためにヘルプが必要な場合、ドキュメントを読むことができます。 + PeerTubeを利用するためにヘルプが必要な場合は、ドキュメントをお読みください。 src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html14 - To help moderators and other users to know who you are, don't forget to set up your account profile by adding an avatar and a description. - モデレーターや他のユーザーにあなたが誰かを知ってもらうために、あなたのアカウントのプロフィール設定 を忘れずにしましょう。アバターをアップする、またはアカウントの説明を書きましょう。 + To help moderators and other users to know who you are, don't forget to set up your account profile by adding an avatar and a description. + モデレーターや他のユーザーにあなたが誰かを知ってもらうために、あなたのアカウントのプロフィール設定を忘れずにおこなってください。アバターのアップロード、アカウントの説明を書きましょう。 src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html18 @@ -6542,7 +6534,7 @@ color: red; at - at + 時点 src/app/+stats/video/video-stats.component.ts278 @@ -6555,12 +6547,12 @@ color: red; Created - 作成 + 作成 src/app/+video-channels/video-channel-playlists/video-channel-playlists.component.html2 {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 playlist} other { playlists}} - {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 つのプレイリスト} other { つのプレイリスト}} + {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1プレイリスト} other {プレイリスト}} src/app/+video-channels/video-channel-playlists/video-channel-playlists.component.html 3 @@ -6573,7 +6565,7 @@ color: red; Request new verification email - 認証用メールを新しくリクエスト + 認証メールを新しくリクエスト src/app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-email/verify-account-email.component.html 12 @@ -6618,8 +6610,8 @@ color: red; - Welcomeon - ようこそ! + Welcomeon + ようこそ! src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html 2,3 @@ -6627,15 +6619,15 @@ color: red; Your account has been created! - あなたのアカウントが作成されました! + あなたのアカウントが作成されました! src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html 7 - Check your emails to validate your account and complete your inscription. - メールをチェックして、アカウントの認証やその他の設定を行いましょう。 + Check your emails to validate your account and complete your inscription. + アカウントの認証と登録を完了するには、メールを確認してください。 src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html 10,11 @@ -6649,7 +6641,7 @@ color: red; Instance muted - インスタンスのミュート + インスタンスをミュートしました src/app/shared/shared-moderation/account-block-badges.component.html2 @@ -6659,7 +6651,7 @@ color: red; Instance muted by your instance - あなたのインスタンスかれミュートされたインスタンス + あなたのインスタンスからミュートされたインスタンス src/app/shared/shared-moderation/account-block-badges.component.html4 @@ -6686,7 +6678,7 @@ color: red; Search account videos - アカウントの動画を検索する + アカウントの動画を検索 src/app/+accounts/accounts.component.html78 @@ -6696,7 +6688,7 @@ color: red; This account does not have channels. - このアカウントはチャンネルを持ってません。 + このアカウントはチャンネルを持っていません。 src/app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html5 @@ -6706,12 +6698,12 @@ color: red; {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 videos} other { videos}} - {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1件の動画} other {件の動画}} + {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1本の動画} other {本の動画}} src/app/shared/shared-custom-markup/peertube-custom-tags/channel-miniature-markup.component.html16 - <x id="ICU" xid="1730926218636655979" equiv-text="{getTotalVideosOf(videoChannel), plural, =0 {動画がありません} =1 {1動画} other {{{ getTotalVideosOf(videoChannel) }}動画}} <x id="ICU" xid="1730926218636655979" equiv-text="{getTotalVideosOf(videoChannel), plural, =0 {No videos} =1 {1 video} other {{{ getTotalVideosOf(videoChannel) }} videos}}"/> + src/app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html29 src/app/+accounts/accounts.component.html39 src/app/+my-library/+my-video-channels/my-video-channels.component.html43 @@ -6727,7 +6719,7 @@ color: red; {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {No videos} =1 {1 video} other { videos}} - {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {0件の動画} =1 {1件の動画} other {件の動画}} + {VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {0本の動画} =1 {1本の動画} other {本の動画}} src/app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html29 src/app/+accounts/accounts.component.html39 src/app/+my-library/+my-video-channels/my-video-channels.component.html47 @@ -6735,9 +6727,7 @@ color: red; src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-miniature.component.html9 - Do you really want to delete ? -It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another -channel with the same name ()! + Do you really want to delete ? It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another channel with the same name ()! 本当にのチャンネルを削除しますか? このチャンネルにアップロードされている動画が削除され、()と同じ名前のチャンネルを作成できなくなります! src/app/+my-library/+my-video-channels/my-video-channels.component.ts44 @@ -6777,8 +6767,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html42 - SHOW THIS CHANNEL > - このチャンネルを表示> + SHOW THIS CHANNEL > + このチャンネルを表示 > src/app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html50 @@ -6836,7 +6826,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! Subject - タイトル + 件名 src/app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html29 @@ -6863,7 +6853,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! This instance is dedicated to sensitive/NSFW content. - このインスタンスはセンシティブもしくはNSFWなコンテンツに力を注いでいます。 + このインスタンスはセンシティブもしくはNSFWなコンテンツを主に取り扱っています。 src/app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.html19 @@ -6942,7 +6932,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! For more information, please visit joinpeertube.org. - 詳しくは joinpeertube.org にアクセスして下さい。 + 詳しくは、joinpeertube.orgにアクセスして下さい。 src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html18 @@ -6952,7 +6942,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! Discover how to setup your account, what is a channel, how to create a playlist and more! - アカウント設定の方法や「チャンネル」とは何か。そして、プレイリストの作成方法など! + アカウントの設定方法、チャンネルとは何か、プレイリストの作り方などをご確認ください! src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html31 @@ -6972,7 +6962,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! Want to help to improve PeerTube? You can translate the web interface, give your feedback or directly contribute to the code! - PeerTubeをより良くするために、コントリビュートをしたいですか?Webクライアントの翻訳、あなたからの意見や感想のフィードバック、または直接PeerTubeのコードにコントリビュートすること、などができます! + PeerTubeをより良くするために、コントリビュートをしたいですか?Webクライアントの翻訳、あなたからの意見や感想のフィードバック、またはPeerTubeのコードに直接コントリビュートできます! src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html55 @@ -6982,12 +6972,12 @@ channel with the same name ()! PeerTube uses the BitTorrent protocol to share bandwidth between users by default to help lower the load on the server, but ultimately leaves you the choice to switch back to regular streaming exclusively from the server of the video. What follows applies only if you want to keep using the P2P mode of PeerTube. - PeerTubeの初期設定では、サーバーの負荷を減らすためにユーザー間で帯域幅を共有するBitTorenntプロトコルを利用していますが、最終的にはユーザーはPeerTubeのサーバーからの動画に限って、通常の配信方法に切り替えるための選択肢が与えられています。PeerTubeのP2P機能を継続して利用したい場合にのみ、上記の初期設定が適用されます。 + PeerTubeは、初期設定でサーバーの負荷を減らすためにユーザー間で帯域幅を共有するBitTorrentプロトコルを利用していますが、最終的には、動画のあるサーバーからのみストリーミングする通常の配信方法に切り替えるための選択肢が与えられています。PeerTubeのP2P機能を継続して利用したい場合にのみ、上記の初期設定が適用されます。 src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html69 The main threat to your privacy induced by BitTorrent lies in your IP address being stored in the instance's BitTorrent tracker as long as you download or watch the video. - BitTorrentプロトコルによって引き起こされるプライバシーに関わる主な脅威は、動画をダウンロードまたは視聴している限りはPeerTubeインスタンスのBitTorrentトラッカー内に保存される、あなたの公開IPアドレスについてです。 + 動画をダウンロードまたは視聴している限り、BitTorrentプロトコルによって引き起こされるプライバシーに関わる主な脅威は、インスタンスのBitTorrentトラッカー内に保存されるあなたの公開IPアドレスです。 src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html75 @@ -6997,7 +6987,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! In theory, someone with enough technical skills could create a script that tracks which IP is downloading which video. In practice, this is much more difficult because: - 理論上、十分な技術スキルを持っていれば、どの公開IPアドレスがどの動画をダウンロードしているかをトラッキングするスクリプトを作成することはできるでしょう。しかし、実際にはそのようなスクリプトを作ることはかなり難しいと言えます。なぜなら... + 理論上、十分な技術スキルを持っていれば、どの公開IPアドレスが動画をダウンロードしているかをトラッキングするスクリプトを作成することはできるでしょう。しかし、実際にはそのようなスクリプトを作ることはかなり難しいと言えます。理由は: src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html82 @@ -7026,18 +7016,18 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html108 - Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use the websocket transport, the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent tracker. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information - Web上のピアには公的にはアクセスできません。なぜなら、PeerTubeはWebSocketプロトコルを利用しており、クラシックなBitTorrentのトラッカーとは異なるからです。PeerTubeをWebブラウザーで利用するとき、情報を転送するための自分以外のピアをランダムに選ぶトラッカーに向けて、Webブラウザーはあなたの公開IPアドレスを含んだシグナルを送信します。詳しくはこちらのドキュメントをご覧下さい。 + Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use the websocket transport, the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent tracker. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information + Web上のピアには公的にはアクセスできません。なぜなら、PeerTubeはWebSocketプロトコルを利用しており、クラシックなBitTorrentのトラッカーとは異なるからです。PeerTubeをWebブラウザーで利用するとき、情報を転送するための自分以外のピアをランダムに選ぶトラッカーに向けて、Webブラウザーはあなたの公開IPアドレスを含んだシグナルを送信します。詳しくはこちらのドキュメントをご覧下さい。 src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html112 The worst-case scenario of an average person spying on their friends is quite unlikely. There are much more effective ways to get that kind of information. - また、世間一般の人がその友人達をひそかに監視しているという、最悪のケースは考えにくいでしょう。技術的にセンシティブな情報を手に入れるには、より効果的な方法がありますから。 + また、世間一般の人がその友人達をひそかに監視しているという、最悪のケースは考えにくいと言えます。それらの情報を手に入れるより効率的な方法が他にいくらでも存在するからです。 src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html120 How does PeerTube compare with YouTube? - この脅威について、PeerTubeはYouTubeと比べるとどう違いますか? + PeerTubeはYouTubeと比べるとどう違いますか? src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html125 @@ -7062,22 +7052,22 @@ channel with the same name ()! PeerTube wants to deliver the best countermeasures possible, to give you more choice and render attacks less likely. Here is what we put in place so far: - PeerTubeは、あなたに選択肢を増やすことや攻撃される可能性を低くするために、できる限りのベストを尽くした対抗策を提供したいと考えています。以下が今までに導入された機能です。 + PeerTubeは、あなたに選択肢を増やすことや攻撃される可能性を低くするために、できる限りのベストを尽くした対抗策を提供したいと考えています。次が今までに導入された機能です: src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html144 We set a limit to the number of peers sent by the tracker - トラッカーから情報が送信されるピア数の制限 + トラッカーによって送信されるピアの数に制限を設定しています src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html150 We set a limit on the request frequency received by the tracker - トラッカーから受け取ったリクエスト頻度への制限 + トラッカーが受け取るリクエストの頻度に制限を設けています src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html151 Allow instance admins to disable P2P from the administration interface - インスタンス運営者が管理画面でP2P機能を無効にできることへの許可 + インスタンス管理者が管理インターフェースからP2P機能を無効にできるようにしています src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html152 @@ -7128,8 +7118,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.ts98 - Contact the administrator(s) - の運営者に問い合わせる + Contact the administrator(s) + の運営者に問い合わせる src/app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html 3 @@ -7268,13 +7258,13 @@ channel with the same name ()! john_channel - John_channel + john_channel src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html96 src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html96 - I am at least years old and agree to the Terms and to the Code of Conduct of this instance - 私は少なくとも歳以上であり、このインスタンスの利用規約行動規範に同意します + I am at least years old and agree to the Terms and to the Code of Conduct of this instance + 私は少なくとも歳以上であり、このインスタンスの利用規約行動規範に同意します src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-terms.component.html5 @@ -7350,8 +7340,8 @@ channel with the same name ()! - > Create an account - >アカウントの作成 + > Create an account + >アカウントの作成 src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html 9,12 @@ -7460,7 +7450,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! Report this account - アカウントを通報する + このアカウントを通報する src/app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts196 @@ -7480,7 +7470,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! Username copied - コピーしました + ユーザー名をコピーしました src/app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts119 src/app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.ts124 @@ -7490,8 +7480,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-configuration.service.ts18 - A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video - <code>.mp4</code>形式は、オリジナルの音声トラックを保ちますが、動画はありません + A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video + <code>.mp4</code>形式はオリジナルの音声トラックを保持していますが、動画はありません src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-configuration.service.ts19 @@ -7544,7 +7534,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! Auto (via ffmpeg) - 自動 (FFmpeg 経由) + 自動 (ffmpeg経由) src/app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts50 @@ -7582,7 +7572,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! x264, targeting maximum device compatibility - x264, デバイスの互換性を最大限に高めます + x264, デバイスと最大の互換性を保つ src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-live-configuration.component.ts55 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.ts50 @@ -7592,8 +7582,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html8 - However, you may want to read our guidelines before tweaking the following values. - However, you may want to read our guidelines before tweaking the following values. + However, you may want to read our guidelines before tweaking the following values. + しかし、次の項目を調整する前にPeerTubeガイドラインをお読み頂く事をオススメします。 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html 12,14 @@ -7601,7 +7591,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! Process uploaded videos so that they are in a streamable form that any device can play. Though costly in resources, this is a critical part of PeerTube, so tread carefully. - アップロードされた動画をどの端末でも再生できるようなストリーミング形式の動画に加工します。多くのサーバーのリソースが必要とされますが、PeerTubeの重要な部分ですので、慎重に行いましょう。 + アップロードされた動画をどの端末でも再生できるようなストリーミング形式の動画に処理します。多くのサーバーリソースが必要とされますが、PeerTubeの重要な部分ですので、慎重に設定してください。 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html22 @@ -7631,12 +7621,12 @@ channel with the same name ()! Basic - ベーシック + 基本 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html29 Configuration updated. - 設定を更新しました。 + 設定が更新されました。 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.ts320 @@ -7727,7 +7717,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! None - no upload possible - アップロード不可能 + なし - アップロード不可能 src/app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts23 src/app/+admin/config/shared/config.service.ts37 @@ -7868,7 +7858,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! Do you really want to reject {count, plural, =1 { follow request?} other { follow requests?}} - 本当に拒否しますか?{count, plural, =1 {のフォローリクエスト} other {件のフォローリクエスト}} + 本当に{count, plural, =1 {のフォローリクエストを拒否しますか?} other {件のフォローリクエストを拒否しますか?}} src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts 82 @@ -7876,7 +7866,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! Do you really want to reject these follow requests? - 本当にフォローリクエストを拒否しますか? + 本当にこれらのフォローリクエストを拒否しますか? src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts 84,82 @@ -7884,7 +7874,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! Rejected {count, plural, =1 { follow request} other { follow requests}} - 次のフォローリクエストは拒否されました{count, plural, =1 {件のフォローリクエスト} other {件のフォローリクエスト}} + 拒否しました {count, plural, =1 {のフォローリクエスト} other {件のフォローリクエスト}} src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts 94 @@ -7908,7 +7898,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! Do you really want to delete {count, plural, =1 { follow request?} other { follow requests?}} - 本当に次のフォローリクエストを削除しますか?{count, plural, =1 {件のフォローリクエスト} other {件のフォローリクエスト}} + 本当に{count, plural, =1 {のフォローリクエストを削除しますか?} other {件のフォローリクエストを削除しますか?}} src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts 112 @@ -7916,7 +7906,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! Do you really want to delete these follow requests? - 本当にフォローリクエストを削除しますか? + 本当にこれらのフォローリクエストを削除しますか? src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts 114,112 @@ -7924,7 +7914,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! Removed {count, plural, =1 { follow request} other { follow requests}} - Removed {count, plural, =1 {件のフォローリクエスト} other {件のフォローリクエスト}} + 削除しました {count, plural, =1 {のフォローリクエスト} other {件のフォローリクエスト}} src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts 124 @@ -7947,7 +7937,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! 1 host (without "http://"), account handle or channel handle per line - 一行ごとに、1ホスト("http://"は不要)、アカウント名またはチャンネル名 + 1ホスト("http://"は不要)、アカウント名またはチャンネル名を一行ずつ src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/follow-modal.component.html 11 @@ -7955,13 +7945,13 @@ channel with the same name ()! is not valid - は無効です。 + は無効です src/app/shared/form-validators/host-validators.ts27 src/app/shared/form-validators/host-validators.ts50 Follow request(s) sent! - フォローリクエストを送信しました! + フォローリクエストを送信しました! src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/follow-modal.component.ts67 @@ -7979,7 +7969,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! You are not following {count, plural, =1 { anymore.} other {these entries anymore.}} - あなたはもうフォローしていません。{count, plural, =1 {のエントリー} other {these 件のエントリー}} + あなたは{count, plural, =1 {をもうフォローしていません。} other {件のエントリーをもうフォローしていません。}} src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.ts 82 @@ -8013,7 +8003,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! Redundancy for is - の冗長性は です + の冗長性はです src/app/+admin/follows/shared/redundancy-checkbox.component.ts25 @@ -8033,17 +8023,17 @@ channel with the same name ()! Account unmuted by your instance. - あなたのインスタンスからアカウント のミュートが解除されました。 + あなたのインスタンスでアカウントのミュートが解除されました。 src/app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.ts43 Instance unmuted by your instance. - あなたのインスタンスからインスタンス のミュートが解除されました。 + あなたのインスタンスでインスタンスのミュートが解除されました。 src/app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.ts46 Instance muted by your instance. - インスタンス はあなたのインスタンスからミュートされました。 + インスタンスはあなたのインスタンスでミュートされました。 src/app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.ts69 @@ -8180,17 +8170,17 @@ channel with the same name ()! Update internal note - 運営用ノートを更新する + 運営用ノートを更新 src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts254 Switch video block to manual - 動画のブロック方法を手動ブロックに切り替える + 動画のブロックを手動ブロックに切り替える src/app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts64 Video switched to manual block. - 動画のブロック方法を手動ブロックに切り替えました。 + 動画のブロックを手動ブロックに切り替えました。 src/app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts70 @@ -8208,7 +8198,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! Video unblocked. - の動画のブロックが解除されました。 + 動画のブロックが解除されました。 src/app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts142 src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts216 @@ -8236,12 +8226,12 @@ channel with the same name ()! Update to - にアップデート + に更新 src/app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts99 Do you really want to uninstall ? - 本当に をアンインストールしますか? + 本当にをアンインストールしますか? src/app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts119 @@ -8252,12 +8242,12 @@ channel with the same name ()! uninstalled. - をアンインストールしました。 + がアンインストールされました。 src/app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts129 This is a major plugin upgrade. Please go on the plugin homepage to check potential release notes. - これはプラグインのメジャーアップデートです。プラグインのホームページに行き、リリースノートをチェックして下さい。 + これはプラグインのメジャーアップグレードです。プラグインのホームページに行き、リリースノートをチェックして下さい。 src/app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts150 @@ -8272,7 +8262,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! updated. - をアップデートしました。 + が更新されました。 src/app/+admin/plugins/plugin-list-installed/plugin-list-installed.component.ts166 @@ -8294,7 +8284,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! Please only install plugins or themes you trust, since they can execute any code on your instance. - あなたが信頼できるプラグインまたはテーマのみインストールして下さい。なぜなら、インスタンス内でプラグインやテーマはどのようなコードでも実行できますから。 + あなたが信頼できるプラグインまたはテーマのみインストールして下さい。プラグインまたはテーマは、あなたのインスタンス上で任意のコードが実行できるためです。 src/app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.ts130 @@ -8304,7 +8294,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! installed. - をインストールしました。 + がインストールされました。 src/app/+admin/plugins/plugin-search/plugin-search.component.ts143 @@ -8331,8 +8321,8 @@ channel with the same name ()! - PeerTube thinks your web browser public IP is . - PeerTubeはあなたのWebブラウザーの公開IPアドレスをと認識しています。 + PeerTube thinks your web browser public IP is . + PeerTubeはあなたのWebブラウザーの公開IPアドレスをと認識しています。 src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html 4 @@ -8340,7 +8330,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! If this is not your correct public IP, please consider fixing it because: - もしあなたの公開IPアドレスが正しくない場合、正しい公開IPアドレスが表示されるためのアクションを検討して下さい。なぜなら... + もしあなたの公開IPアドレスが正しくない場合、正しい公開IPアドレスが表示されるためのアクションを検討して下さい。理由は: src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html 6 @@ -8348,7 +8338,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! Views may not be counted correctly (reduced compared to what they should be) - 再生回数が正確にカウントされないかもしれません(本来あるべき再生回数と比べると減っているかもしれません) + 再生回数が正確にカウントされない事があります(本来あるべき再生回数と比べると少なくなる場合があります) src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html 8 @@ -8372,23 +8362,23 @@ channel with the same name ()! To fix it: - 直すためには: + 修正するには: src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html 13 - Check the trust_proxy configuration key - trust_proxyの設定キーをチェック + Check the trust_proxy configuration key + trust_proxyの設定キーを確認する src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html 15 - If you run PeerTube using Docker, check you run the reverse-proxy with network_mode: "host" (see issue 1643) - Dockerを使ってPeerTubeを動かしている場合、以下の設定をチェックして下さいreverse-proxynetwork_mode: "host" (issue 1643を見て下さい) + If you run PeerTube using Docker, check you run the reverse-proxy with network_mode: "host" (see issue 1643) + Dockerを使ってPeerTubeを動かしている場合、以下の設定をチェックして下さいreverse-proxynetwork_mode: "host" (issue 1643を見て下さい) src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html 16,17 @@ -8411,12 +8401,12 @@ channel with the same name ()! debug - デバッグ + debug src/app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts118 info - インフォーメーション + info src/app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.ts122 @@ -8447,8 +8437,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html42 - Published - 投稿 + Published + 投稿 src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html43 @@ -8681,8 +8671,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts99 - <p>You can't create users or channels with a username that already used by a deleted user/channel.</p> - <p>削除されたユーザーやチャンネルで利用されていたユーザー名を用いて、ユーザーまたはチャンネルを新たに作成することはできません。</p> + <p>You can't create users or channels with a username that already used by a deleted user/channel.</p> + <p>削除されたユーザーやチャンネルで利用されていたユーザー名を用いて、ユーザーまたはチャンネルを新たに作成することはできません。</p> src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts245 @@ -8734,8 +8724,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+my-library/my-history/my-history.component.html14 - Clear all history - 全ての再生履歴を削除 + Clear all history + 全ての再生履歴を削除 src/app/+my-library/my-history/my-history.component.html18 @@ -8833,7 +8823,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! An automatically blocked video is awaiting review - 自動的にブロックされた動画が審査を待っています + 自動的にブロックされた動画が審査中になった src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts 35 @@ -8851,17 +8841,17 @@ channel with the same name ()! Video import finished - 動画のインポートの完了 + 動画のインポートが完了した src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts38 A new user registered on your instance - このインスタンスに新しいユーザーが登録されました + このインスタンスに新しいユーザーが登録した src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts39 You or one of your channels has a new follower - あなたのアカウントが、またはあなたのチャンネルの一つがフォローされた + あなたのアカウントまたはあなたのチャンネルの一つがフォローされた src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts 40 @@ -8874,7 +8864,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! Your instance has a new follower - あなたのインスタンスがフォローされました + あなたのインスタンスがフォローされた src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts42 @@ -8894,7 +8884,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! A new PeerTube version is available - 新しいバージョンのPeerTubeがリリースされました + 新しいバージョンのPeerTubeがリリースされた src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts 46 @@ -8902,7 +8892,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! One of your plugin/theme has a new available version - 設定しているプラグイン、またはテーマの一つで新しいバージョンが利用できます + 設定しているプラグイン、またはテーマの一つで新しいバージョンが利用できるようになった src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts 47 @@ -8910,7 +8900,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! Video studio edition has finished - 動画スタジオでの編集の完了 + 動画スタジオでの編集に関する処理が完了した src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-notification-preferences/my-account-notification-preferences.component.ts 48 @@ -8969,7 +8959,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! Too many languages are enabled. Please enable them all or stay below 20 enabled languages. - 非常に多くの言語が選択されています。全ての言語を選択するか、または20言語以下で選択してください。 + 非常に多くの言語が選択されています。全ての言語を選択するか、または20言語以下にしてください。 src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts76 @@ -8984,7 +8974,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! Video channel created. - チャンネル を作成しました。 + チャンネルを作成しました。 src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-create.component.ts71 @@ -8994,7 +8984,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! Video channel updated. - チャンネル: を更新しました。 + 動画チャンネルを更新しました。 src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-update.component.ts103 @@ -9014,12 +9004,12 @@ channel with the same name ()! Video channel deleted. - チャンネル を削除しました。 + 動画チャンネルを削除しました。 src/app/+my-library/+my-video-channels/my-video-channels.component.ts60 Views for the day - 一日辺りの再生回数 + 一日あたりの再生回数 src/app/+my-library/+my-video-channels/my-video-channels.component.ts88 @@ -9073,7 +9063,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! Not found - ページは見つかりませんでした + 見つかりません src/app/+error-page/error-page-routing.module.ts14 @@ -9110,7 +9100,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! Playlist created. - プレイリスト を作成しました。 + プレイリストを作成しました。 src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-create.component.ts77 @@ -9127,7 +9117,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! Update playlist - プレイリストの編集 + プレイリストを編集 src/app/+my-library/my-library-routing.module.ts69 src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-elements.component.ts48 @@ -9153,18 +9143,18 @@ channel with the same name ()! Playlist updated. - プレイリスト: を更新しました。 + プレイリストを更新しました。 src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-update.component.ts100 Change ownership - 所有権を変更する + 所有権を変更 src/app/+my-library/my-videos/modals/video-change-ownership.component.html3 src/app/+my-library/my-videos/my-videos.component.ts235 Playlist deleted. - プレイリスト を削除しました。 + プレイリストを削除しました。 src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-elements.component.ts136 src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlists.component.ts45 @@ -9178,17 +9168,17 @@ channel with the same name ()! Do you really want to delete videos? - 本当に件の動画を削除しますか? + 本当に本の動画を削除しますか? src/app/+my-library/my-videos/my-videos.component.ts187 {length, plural, =1 {Video has been deleted} other { videos have been deleted}} - {length, plural, =1 {1件の動画が削除されました} other {件の動画が削除されました}} + {length, plural, =1 {1本の動画が削除されました} other {本の動画が削除されました}} src/app/+my-library/my-videos/my-videos.component.ts206 have been deleted. - は削除されました。 + 本の動画が削除されました。 src/app/+my-library/my-videos/my-videos.component.ts208 @@ -9208,7 +9198,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! Video deleted. - 動画 を削除しました。 + 動画を削除しました。 src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts242 @@ -9281,8 +9271,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts128 - is awaiting email verification - がメールアドレスの認証を待っています。 + is awaiting email verification + がメールアドレスの認証を待っています src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html 5,6 @@ -9297,8 +9287,8 @@ channel with the same name ()! - Your current email is . It is never shown to the public. - あなたの現在のメールアドレスはです。このメールアドレスが外部に公開されることはありません。 + Your current email is . It is never shown to the public. + あなたの現在のメールアドレスはです。このメールアドレスが外部に公開されることはありません。 src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html 13,16 @@ -9317,7 +9307,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! Create new synchronization - 新しいチャンネル同期を作成する + 新しいチャンネル同期を作成 src/app/+my-library/my-library-routing.module.ts 153 @@ -9367,7 +9357,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! An email with verification link will be sent to . - 認証リンクを記載したEメールがに送信されます。 + 認証リンクを記載したメールがに送信されます。 src/app/+signup/+verify-account/verify-account-ask-send-email/verify-account-ask-send-email.component.ts40 @@ -9386,7 +9376,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! Subscribe to the account - アカウントを購読する + アカウントを購読 src/app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.ts85 src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts822 @@ -9425,7 +9415,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! ADD INTRO - イントロダクションの追加 + イントロの追加 src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.html24 @@ -9435,7 +9425,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! Select the intro video file - イントロダクション用の動画ファイルを選ぶ + イントロ用の動画ファイルを選択 src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.html30 @@ -9450,7 +9440,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! Select the outro video file - エンディング動画のファイルを選ぶ + エンディング動画のファイルを選択 src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.html44 @@ -9465,12 +9455,12 @@ channel with the same name ()! Select watermark image file - ウォーターマーク画像のファイルを選ぶ + ウォーターマーク画像を選択 src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.html58 Run video edition - 動画編集を開始する + 動画編集を開始 src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.html66 @@ -9489,13 +9479,13 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts73 - The current video will be overwritten by this edited video and <strong>you won't be able to recover it</strong>.<br /><br /> - 現在の動画は編集済みの動画に上書きされるため、<strong>動画を元に戻すことはできません</strong>.<br /><br /> + The current video will be overwritten by this edited video and <strong>you won't be able to recover it</strong>.<br /><br /> + 現在の動画は編集済みの動画に上書きされるため、<strong>動画を元に戻すことはできません</strong>。<br /><br /> src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts77 - As a reminder, the following tasks will be executed: <ol></ol> - これはリマインダーですが、次のタスクは実行される予定です <ol></ol> + As a reminder, the following tasks will be executed: <ol></ol> + これはリマインダーですが、次のタスクは実行される予定です <ol></ol> src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts78 @@ -9505,7 +9495,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! Focus the search bar - 検索バーに移動する + 検索バーに移動 src/app/app.component.ts287 @@ -9515,63 +9505,62 @@ channel with the same name ()! Go to the discover videos page - 「ディスカバー」のページにアクセス + 「ディスカバー」のページに移動 src/app/app.component.ts297 Go to the trending videos page - 「トレンド」のページにアクセス + 「トレンド」のページに移動 src/app/app.component.ts302 Go to the recently added videos page - 「最近投稿された動画」のページにアクセス + 「最近投稿された動画」のページに移動 src/app/app.component.ts307 Go to the local videos page - 「ローカル動画」のページにアクセス + 「ローカル動画」のページに移動 src/app/app.component.ts312 Go to the videos upload page - 「動画のアップロードページ」にアクセス + 「動画のアップロードページ」に移動 src/app/app.component.ts317 Go to my subscriptions - あなたが登録したチャンネルへアクセス + 「あなたが登録したチャンネル」のページに移動 src/app/core/auth/auth.service.ts61 Go to my videos - 動画一覧 + 「あなたの動画」のページに移動 src/app/core/auth/auth.service.ts65 Go to my imports - インポートした動画一覧 + 「インポートした動画」のページに移動 src/app/core/auth/auth.service.ts69 Go to my channels - あなたのチャンネルにアクセス + 「あなたのチャンネル」のページに移動 src/app/core/auth/auth.service.ts73 - Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: . -Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section. + Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: . Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section. OAuthクライアントの認証情報を取得できません: . PeerTube (config/ directory)が正しく設定されているか、特に"webserver"の項目が正しく設定されているか確認してください。 src/app/core/auth/auth.service.ts100 You need to reconnect. - 再接続する必要があります。 + 再接続が必要です。 src/app/core/auth/auth.service.ts230 Show/hide this help menu - ヘルプメニューを表示/隠す + ヘルプメニューを表示/非表示 src/app/core/core.module.ts 45 @@ -9579,7 +9568,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular Hide this help menu - ヘルプメニューを隠す + ヘルプメニューを非表示 src/app/core/core.module.ts 46 @@ -9630,7 +9619,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular Your account is blocked. - あなたのアカウントはブロックされてます。 + あなたのアカウントはブロックされています。 src/app/+login/login.component.ts211 @@ -9660,7 +9649,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular Your password has been successfully reset! - パスワードは正常にリセットされました! + パスワードは正常にリセットされました! src/app/+reset-password/reset-password.component.ts47 @@ -9697,7 +9686,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular Cannot load more videos. Try again later. - これ以上の動画を読み込むことができません。時間をおいてまた試して下さい。 + さらに動画を読み込むことができません。後ほど再度お試しください。 src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/videos-list.component.ts249 src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/videos-selection.component.ts131 @@ -9713,7 +9702,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular Last 365 days - 過去一年間 + 過去1年間 src/app/+search/search-filters.component.ts52 @@ -9741,8 +9730,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular src/app/+search/search-filters.component.ts63 - Long (> 10 min) - 長い (> 10分) + Long (> 10 min) + 長い (> 10分) src/app/+search/search-filters.component.ts67 @@ -9797,15 +9786,15 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular Navigate between plugins and themes - Navigate between plugins and themes + プラグインとテーマ間をナビゲート src/app/+admin/plugins/shared/plugin-navigation.component.html 7 - The video quota only takes into account original video size. Since transcoding is enabled, videos size can be at most ~ . - 動画の容量制限は、オリジナルの動画サイズにのみ適用されます。 動画の変換が有効の場合、動画サイズは最大でもまでになります。 + The video quota only takes into account original video size. Since transcoding is enabled, videos size can be at most ~ . + 動画の容量制限は、オリジナルの動画サイズにのみ適用されます。 動画の変換が有効の場合、動画サイズは最大でもまでになります。 src/app/+admin/shared/user-real-quota-info.component.html 1,4 @@ -9863,7 +9852,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular min ago - 分前 + 分前 src/app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts51 @@ -10202,7 +10191,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular Your name must be at least 1 character long. - 名前は必ず 1 文字以上にしてください。 + 名前は必ず1文字以上にしてください。 src/app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts20 @@ -10212,7 +10201,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular A subject is required. - タイトルは必須です。 + 件名は必須です。 src/app/shared/form-validators/instance-validators.ts32 @@ -10255,7 +10244,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular Confirmation of the password is required. - パスワードの確認は必須です。 + パスワード(確認)は必須です。 src/app/shared/form-validators/reset-password-validators.ts9 @@ -10280,7 +10269,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular Channel name must be at least 1 character long. - チャンネル名は必ず 1 文字以上にしてください。 + チャンネル名は必ず1文字以上にしてください。 src/app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts30 @@ -10295,7 +10284,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular Password must be at least 6 characters long. - パスワードは必ず6 文字以上にしてください。 + パスワードは必ず6文字以上にしてください。 src/app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts81 src/app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts92 @@ -10307,7 +10296,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular The new password and the confirmed password do not correspond. - 新しいパスワードと確認のためのパスワードが一致しません。 + 新しいパスワードと新しいパスワード(確認)が一致しません。 src/app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts100 @@ -10351,7 +10340,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular You must agree with the instance terms in order to register on it. - インスタンスにアカウントを登録するには、必ずインスタンスの利用規約に同意しなければなりません。 + アカウントを登録するには、インスタンスの利用規約に同意する必要があります。 src/app/shared/form-validators/user-validators.ts142 @@ -10469,7 +10458,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular You can only transfer ownership to a local account - 所有権はローカルアカウントにのみ譲渡できます + 所有権はローカルアカウントにのみ転送できます src/app/shared/form-validators/video-ownership-change-validators.ts15 @@ -10530,8 +10519,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular - See the documentation to learn how to use the PeerTube live streaming feature. - ドキュメントを読んで、PeerTubeのライブ配信の特徴を学びましょう。 + See the documentation to learn how to use the PeerTube live streaming feature. + ドキュメントを読んで、PeerTubeのライブ配信の特徴を学びましょう。 src/app/shared/shared-video-live/live-documentation-link.component.html1 @@ -11338,8 +11327,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts89 - If you remove this user, you won't be able to create another user or channel with <strong></strong> username! - このユーザーを削除すると、ユーザー名<strong></strong>で他のユーザーやチャンネルを作成できなくなります! + If you remove this user, you won't be able to create another user or channel with <strong></strong> username! + このユーザーを削除すると、ユーザー名<strong></strong>で他のユーザーやチャンネルを作成できなくなります! src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts 104 @@ -11554,7 +11543,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular Block videos - 件の動画をブロック + 本の動画をブロック src/app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html 4 @@ -11906,7 +11895,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular Are you sure you want to delete {count, plural, =1 {this video} other {these videos}}? - 本当に{count, plural, =1 {件の動画} other {これら件の動画}}を削除しますか? + 本当に{count, plural, =1 {この動画} other {本の動画}}を削除しますか? src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts229 @@ -11916,8 +11905,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts321 - You need to be <a href="/login">logged in</a> to rate this video. - この動画を評価するには <a href="/login">ログイン</a>する必要があります。 + You need to be <a href="/login">logged in</a> to rate this video. + この動画を評価するには <a href="/login">ログイン</a>する必要があります。 src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/action-buttons/video-rate.component.ts85 @@ -12320,8 +12309,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular - This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>? - この動画はインスタンスにはありません。元の動画のあるインスタンス <a href=""></a>にリダイレクトしますか? + This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>? + この動画はインスタンスにはありません。元の動画のあるインスタンス <a href=""></a>にリダイレクトしますか? src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts347 diff --git a/client/src/locale/angular.ru-RU.xlf b/client/src/locale/angular.ru-RU.xlf index 2b077c760..21dbbf284 100644 --- a/client/src/locale/angular.ru-RU.xlf +++ b/client/src/locale/angular.ru-RU.xlf @@ -5,168 +5,168 @@ Close Закрыть - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Slide of Слайд из Currently selected slide number read by screen reader - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Previous Предыдущий - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Next Следующий - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Select month Выберите месяц - - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Select year Выберите год - - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Previous month Предыдущий месяц - - - node_modules/src/datepicker/datepicker-navigation.ts61node_modules/src/datepicker/datepicker-navigation.ts78 + node_modules/src/datepicker/datepicker-navigation.ts61 + node_modules/src/datepicker/datepicker-navigation.ts78 + Next month Следующий месяц - - - node_modules/src/datepicker/datepicker-navigation.ts86node_modules/src/datepicker/datepicker-navigation.ts86 + node_modules/src/datepicker/datepicker-navigation.ts86 + node_modules/src/datepicker/datepicker-navigation.ts86 + «« «« - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + « « - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + » » - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + »» »» - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + First Первый - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Previous Предыдущий - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Next Следующий - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Last Последний - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + HH ЧАС - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Hours Часы - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + MM МИН - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Minutes Минуты - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Increment hours Увеличение часов - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Decrement hours Уменьшить часы - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Increment minutes Увеличение минут - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Decrement minutes Уменьшить минуты - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + SS СЕК - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Seconds Секунды - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Increment seconds Увеличение секунд - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Decrement seconds Уменьшить секунды - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Close Закрыть - - node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + node_modules/src/ngb-config.ts13 + Close the left menu Закрыть левое меню @@ -274,8 +274,8 @@ src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html150 - mentioned you on video - упомянул вас в видео + mentioned you on video + упомянул вас в видео src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 164 @@ -292,24 +292,24 @@ src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html189 - A new version of the plugin/theme is available: - Новая версия плагина / темы доступна: + A new version of the plugin/theme is available: + Новая версия плагина / темы доступна: src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 198,199 - A new version of PeerTube is available: - Новая версия PeerTube доступна: + A new version of PeerTube is available: + Новая версия PeerTube доступна: src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 206,207 - Your video edition has finished - Обработка вашего видео завершена + Your video edition has finished + Обработка вашего видео завершена src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 213,215 @@ -339,13 +339,13 @@ viewer(s) зритель(и) - - src/app/shared/shared-main/video/video.model.ts286 + src/app/shared/shared-main/video/video.model.ts286 + { view(s)} { просмотр(ы)} - - src/app/shared/shared-main/video/video.model.ts289 + src/app/shared/shared-main/video/video.model.ts289 + Change your avatar Изменить ваше изображение @@ -425,9 +425,8 @@ src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.html69 - Short text to tell people how they can support the channel (membership platform...).<br /><br /> - When a video is uploaded in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text. - Краткий текст, чтобы рассказать людям, как они могут поддержать канал (платформа членства ...).<br /><br /> Когда видео загружается на этот канал, поле поддержки видео будет автоматически заполнено этим текстом. + Short text to tell people how they can support the channel (membership platform...).<br /><br /> When a video is uploaded in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text. + Краткий текст, чтобы рассказать людям, как они могут поддержать канал (платформа членства ...).<br /><br /> Когда видео загружается на этот канал, поле поддержки видео будет автоматически заполнено этим текстом. src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html66 src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html66 @@ -746,8 +745,8 @@ src/app/shared/shared-forms/markdown-textarea.component.html20 - <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports: - <a href="https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Примеры_синтаксиса" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> совместимый что поддерживает: + <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports: + <a href="https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Примеры_синтаксиса" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> совместимый что поддерживает: src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts75 @@ -953,8 +952,8 @@ Local Локальные - - src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts136 + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts136 + users пользователи @@ -1209,16 +1208,16 @@ src/app/+login/login.component.html11 - This instance allows registration. However, be careful to check the TermsTerms before creating an account. You may also search for another instance to match your exact needs at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. - Этот экземпляр разрешает регистрацию. Однако не забудьте проверить Условия пользованияУсловия пользования перед созданием учетной записи. Вы также можете выполнить поиск другого экземпляра, точно соответствующего вашим потребностям, по адресу: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. + This instance allows registration. However, be careful to check the TermsTerms before creating an account. You may also search for another instance to match your exact needs at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. + Этот экземпляр разрешает регистрацию. Однако не забудьте проверить Условия пользованияУсловия пользования перед созданием учетной записи. Вы также можете выполнить поиск другого экземпляра, точно соответствующего вашим потребностям, по адресу: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. src/app/+login/login.component.html 15,18 - Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, you may check the Terms for more details or find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. - В настоящее время этот экземпляр не позволяет регистрировать пользователей. Вы можете проверить Условия пользования для получения дополнительной информации, или найдите другой экземпляр, который даст вам возможность зарегистрироваться и добавить туда свои видео. Выберите подходящий, среди других экземпляров по адресу: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. + Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, you may check the Terms for more details or find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. + В настоящее время этот экземпляр не позволяет регистрировать пользователей. Вы можете проверить Условия пользования для получения дополнительной информации, или найдите другой экземпляр, который даст вам возможность зарегистрироваться и добавить туда свои видео. Выберите подходящий, среди других экземпляров по адресу: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. src/app/+login/login.component.html 20,23 @@ -1245,8 +1244,7 @@ src/app/+login/login.component.html128 - An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to . -The link will expire within 1 hour. + An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to . The link will expire within 1 hour. Письмо с инструкцией по сбросу пароля будет отправлено на . Ссылка будет рабочей в течении 1 часа. src/app/+login/login.component.ts149 @@ -1284,8 +1282,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+search/search.component.html8 - for - для + for + для src/app/+search/search.component.html 10 @@ -1322,40 +1320,40 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. - As you probably noticed: creating an account is not necessary to watch video on . However, creating an account on will allow you to: - Как вы, наверное, заметили: для просмотра видео на не требуется создавать учетную запись. Однако, создание учетной записи на позволит вам: + As you probably noticed: creating an account is not necessary to watch video on . However, creating an account on will allow you to: + Как вы, наверное, заметили: для просмотра видео на не требуется создавать учетную запись. Однако, создание учетной записи на позволит вам: src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 4,8 - Comment videos - Комментировать видео + Comment videos + Комментировать видео src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 11 - Subscribe to channels to be notified of new videos - Подписываться на каналы и получать уведомления о новых видео + Subscribe to channels to be notified of new videos + Подписываться на каналы и получать уведомления о новых видео src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 12 - Have access to your watch history - Получать доступ к личной истории просмотров + Have access to your watch history + Получать доступ к личной истории просмотров src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 13 - Create your channel to publish videos - Создавать свои каналы, чтобы публиковать видео + Create your channel to publish videos + Создавать свои каналы, чтобы публиковать видео src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 14 @@ -1378,32 +1376,32 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. - has been created using PeerTube, a video creation platform developed by Framasoft. Framasoft is a french non-profit organization that offers alternatives to Big Tech's digital tools - создан с использованием PeerTube, платформа для создания видео, разработанная Framasoft. Framasoft французская некоммерческая организация, предлагающая альтернативы цифровым инструментам Big Tech + has been created using PeerTube, a video creation platform developed by Framasoft. Framasoft is a french non-profit organization that offers alternatives to Big Tech's digital tools + создан с использованием PeerTube, платформа для создания видео, разработанная Framasoft. Framasoft французская некоммерческая организация, предлагающая альтернативы цифровым инструментам Big Tech src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 34,37 - You want to publish videos on ? Then you need to create your first channel. - Вы хотите опубликовать видео на ? Для этого вам нужно создать свой первый канал. + You want to publish videos on ? Then you need to create your first channel. + Вы хотите опубликовать видео на ? Для этого вам нужно создать свой первый канал. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html 2,4 - You might want to create a channel by theme: for example, you can create a channel named "SweetMelodies" to publish your piano concerts and another one "Ecology" in which you publish your videos talking about ecology. - Вы можете создать канал по теме: например, вы можете создать канал под названием "SweetMelodies", чтобы публиковать свои фортепианные концерты, и еще один "Экология", на котором вы публикуете свои видеоролики, рассказывающие об экологии. + You might want to create a channel by theme: for example, you can create a channel named "SweetMelodies" to publish your piano concerts and another one "Ecology" in which you publish your videos talking about ecology. + Вы можете создать канал по теме: например, вы можете создать канал под названием "SweetMelodies", чтобы публиковать свои фортепианные концерты, и еще один "Экология", на котором вы публикуете свои видеоролики, рассказывающие об экологии. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html 6,9 - administrators allow you to publish up to of videos on their website. - администраторы разрешают вам публиковать до видео на их сайте. + administrators allow you to publish up to of videos on their website. + администраторы разрешают вам публиковать до видео на их сайте. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html 11,13 @@ -1477,8 +1475,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html55 - Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are. - Выбор имени экземпляра, настройка описания, указав кто вы, почему вы создали свой экземпляр и как долго вы планируете поддерживать его очень важно, чтобы посетители понимали, на каком типе экземпляра они находятся. + Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are. + Выбор имени экземпляра, настройка описания, указав кто вы, почему вы создали свой экземпляр и как долго вы планируете поддерживать его очень важно, чтобы посетители понимали, на каком типе экземпляра они находятся. src/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html 57,61 @@ -1767,8 +1765,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html270 - ⚠️ If enabled, we recommend to use a HTTP proxy to prevent private URL access from your PeerTube server - ⚠️ Если включено, мы рекомендуем использовать прокси-сервер HTTP для предотвращения доступа к частному URL-адресу с вашего сервера PeerTube + ⚠️ If enabled, we recommend to use a HTTP proxy to prevent private URL access from your PeerTube server + ⚠️ Если включено, мы рекомендуем использовать прокси-сервер HTTP для предотвращения доступа к частному URL-адресу с вашего сервера PeerTube src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html273 @@ -1790,32 +1788,32 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/menu/menu.component.html130 - Create an accounton - Создайте учетную записьна + Create an accounton + Создайте учетную записьна src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html 19,21 - I already have an account, I log in - У меня уже есть аккаунт, войти + I already have an account, I log in + У меня уже есть аккаунт, войти src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html 27,30 - Termsof - Условия пользованияиз + Termsof + Условия пользованияиз src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html 36,38 - Setupyour account - Настройкаваша учетная запись + Setupyour account + Настройкаваша учетная запись src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html 60,62 @@ -1830,8 +1828,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. - Createyour first channel - Создатьваш первый канал + Createyour first channel + Создатьваш первый канал src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html 77,79 @@ -1894,18 +1892,18 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html10 - Help moderators and other users to know who you are by: - Помогите модераторам и другим пользователям узнать кто вы by: + Help moderators and other users to know who you are by: + Помогите модераторам и другим пользователям узнать кто вы by: src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html12 - Uploading an avatar - Загрузка аватара + Uploading an avatar + Загрузка аватара src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html15 - Writing a description - Добавьте описание + Writing a description + Добавьте описание src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html16 @@ -2348,8 +2346,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/shared/shared-actor-image/actor-avatar.component.ts49 - Markdown compatible that also supports custom PeerTube HTML tags - совместим с Markdown который также поддерживает пользовательские HTML теги PeerTube + Markdown compatible that also supports custom PeerTube HTML tags + совместим с Markdown который также поддерживает пользовательские HTML теги PeerTube src/app/shared/shared-custom-markup/custom-markup-help.component.html 2 @@ -2366,8 +2364,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Error in channel miniature component: Ошибка компонента миниатюры канала: - - src/app/shared/shared-custom-markup/peertube-custom-tags/channel-miniature-markup.component.ts61 + src/app/shared/shared-custom-markup/peertube-custom-tags/channel-miniature-markup.component.ts61 + Error in playlist miniature component: Ошибка компонента миниатюры плейлиста: @@ -2422,8 +2420,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html49 - Choose the appropriate licence for your work. - Выберите подходящую лицензию для своей работы. + Choose the appropriate licence for your work. + Выберите подходящую лицензию для своей работы. src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html84 @@ -2506,7 +2504,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html182 - Already uploaded on ✔ + Already uploaded on Уже загружено на src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html @@ -2705,8 +2703,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html11 - You can also synchronize a remote channel in your library - Вы также можете синхронизировать удаленный канал в своей библиотеке + You can also synchronize a remote channel in your library + Вы также можете синхронизировать удаленный канал в своей библиотеке src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html 21,23 @@ -2715,11 +2713,11 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Sorry, but something went wrong Извините, но что-то пошло не так - - - - - src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-go-live.component.html43src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html51src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html48src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html87 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-go-live.component.html43 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html51 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html48 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html87 + Congratulations, the video behind will be imported! You can already add information about this video. Поздравляем, видео под было импортировано! Теперь вы можете добавить информацию об этом видео. @@ -2781,8 +2779,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Retry Повторить Retry failed upload of a video - - src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html82 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html82 + Total video quota Общая квота видео @@ -2794,19 +2792,19 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Поздравляем! Ваше видео теперь находится в вашей приватной библиотеке. - - src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html92 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html92 + Publish will be available when upload is finished Публикация произойдёт, когда загрузка будет завершена - - src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html105 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html105 + Publish Опубликовать - - - src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html107src/app/header/header.component.html5 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html107 + src/app/header/header.component.html5 + Upload on hold Загрузка приостановлена @@ -3069,8 +3067,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/menu/menu.component.html104 - > Login - > Авторизоваться + > Login + > Авторизоваться src/app/+login/login.component.html 2,5 @@ -3841,12 +3839,12 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Hide Скрыть - - - - - - src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html115src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-password.component.html11src/app/shared/shared-forms/input-text.component.ts41src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html16src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html79 + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html115 + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-password.component.html11 + src/app/shared/shared-forms/input-text.component.ts41 + src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html16 + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html79 + Batch actions Пакетные действия @@ -4165,8 +4163,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html21 - - + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html 21,23 @@ -4600,8 +4598,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html46 - Priority (1 = highest priority) - Приоритет (1 = наивысший приоритет) + Priority (1 = highest priority) + Приоритет (1 = наивысший приоритет) src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html 47 @@ -4621,8 +4619,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html105 - No jobs found. - Заданий не найдено. + No jobs found. + Заданий не найдено. src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html106 @@ -4670,8 +4668,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. - By -> - От -> + By -> + От -> src/app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html47 @@ -4748,8 +4746,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html89 - Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default. - Включение этого параметра позволит другим администраторам узнать, что вы в основном добавляете конфиденциальный контент. Более того, флажок NSFW при загрузке видео будет автоматически установлен по умолчанию. + Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default. + Включение этого параметра позволит другим администраторам узнать, что вы в основном добавляете конфиденциальный контент. Более того, флажок NSFW при загрузке видео будет автоматически установлен по умолчанию. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html93 @@ -4867,8 +4865,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html4 - Use plugins & themes for more involved changes, or add slight customizations. - Используйте плагины & темы для более сложных изменений или добавьте небольшие изменения. + Use plugins & themes for more involved changes, or add slight customizations. + Используйте плагины & темы для более сложных изменений или добавьте небольшие изменения. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html 5,7 @@ -4955,8 +4953,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html149 - Manage users to set their quota individually. - Управление пользователями с целью установки персональной квоты. + Manage users to set their quota individually. + Управление пользователями с целью установки персональной квоты. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html150 @@ -5151,8 +5149,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html393 - You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or host your own. - В рабочей среде следует использовать только модерируемые поисковые индексы, или создать свой собственный. + You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or host your own. + В рабочей среде следует использовать только модерируемые поисковые индексы, или создать свой собственный. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html395 @@ -5186,8 +5184,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html443 - Manage relations with other instances. - Управление связями с другими экземплярами. + Manage relations with other instances. + Управление связями с другими экземплярами. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html444 @@ -5223,8 +5221,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html490 - See the documentation for more information about the expected URL - Ознакомьтесь с документацией для получение информации по ожидаемому URL + See the documentation for more information about the expected URL + Ознакомьтесь с документацией для получение информации по ожидаемому URL src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html495 @@ -5273,8 +5271,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html576 - If your instance is explicitly allowed by Twitter, a video player will be embedded in the Twitter feed on PeerTube video share. If the instance is not, we use an image link card that will redirect to your PeerTube instance. Check this checkbox, save the configuration and test with a video URL of your instance (https://example.com/w/blabla) on https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator to see if you instance is allowed. - Если ваш экземпляр явно разрешен Twitter, видеопроигрыватель будет встроен в канал Twitter на видеоресурсе PeerTube. в противном случае мы используем карточку со ссылкой на изображение, которая будет перенаправлять на ваш экземпляр Установите этот флажок, сохраните конфигурацию и протестируйте с URL-адресом видео вашего экземпляра (https://example.com/w/blabla ) на https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator чтобы узнать, разрешен ли ваш экземпляр. + If your instance is explicitly allowed by Twitter, a video player will be embedded in the Twitter feed on PeerTube video share. If the instance is not, we use an image link card that will redirect to your PeerTube instance. Check this checkbox, save the configuration and test with a video URL of your instance (https://example.com/w/blabla) on https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator to see if you instance is allowed. + Если ваш экземпляр явно разрешен Twitter, видеопроигрыватель будет встроен в канал Twitter на видеоресурсе PeerTube. в противном случае мы используем карточку со ссылкой на изображение, которая будет перенаправлять на ваш экземпляр Установите этот флажок, сохраните конфигурацию и протестируйте с URL-адресом видео вашего экземпляра (https://example.com/w/blabla ) на https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator чтобы узнать, разрешен ли ваш экземпляр. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html580 @@ -5471,8 +5469,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html89 - Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with plain WebTorrent:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback especially with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2 - Требуется ffmpeg >= 4.1Создание списков воспроизведения HLS и фрагментированных файлов MP4, обеспечивающих лучшее воспроизведение, чем при использовании обычного WebTorrent:Изменение разрешения более плавноеБолее быстрое воспроизведение, особенно для длинных видеоБолее стабильное воспроизведение (меньше ошибок / бесконечной загрузки)Если вы также включили Поддержка WebTorrent, она увеличит объем хранилища видео на 2 + Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with plain WebTorrent:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback especially with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2 + Требуется ffmpeg >= 4.1Создание списков воспроизведения HLS и фрагментированных файлов MP4, обеспечивающих лучшее воспроизведение, чем при использовании обычного WebTorrent:Изменение разрешения более плавноеБолее быстрое воспроизведение, особенно для длинных видеоБолее стабильное воспроизведение (меньше ошибок / бесконечной загрузки)Если вы также включили Поддержка WebTorrent, она увеличит объем хранилища видео на 2 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html94 @@ -5619,19 +5617,13 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html73 - Write JavaScript code directly.Example: console.log('my instance is amazing'); - Используйте код JavaScript напрямую.Пример: console.log('мой экземпляр потрясающий'); + Write JavaScript code directly.Example: console.log('my instance is amazing'); + Используйте код JavaScript напрямую.Пример: console.log('мой экземпляр потрясающий'); src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html76 - Write CSS code directly. Example:#custom-css -color: red; - - Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example:#custom-css .logged-in-email -color: red; - - - Используйте код CSS напрямую. Пример:#custom-css color: red; Добавить в начале #custom-css t, чтобы переопределить стили. Пример:#custom-css .logged-in-email color: red; + Write CSS code directly. Example:#custom-css color: red; Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example:#custom-css .logged-in-email color: red; + Используйте код CSS напрямую. Пример:#custom-css color: red; Добавить в начале #custom-css t, чтобы переопределить стили. Пример:#custom-css .logged-in-email color: red; src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html95 @@ -5648,8 +5640,8 @@ color: red; - There are errors in the form: - Ошибки в форме: + There are errors in the form: + Ошибки в форме: src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html71 @@ -5805,8 +5797,8 @@ color: red; src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.ts261 - Update your settings - Обновите ваши настройки + Update your settings + Обновите ваши настройки src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html2 @@ -5826,85 +5818,85 @@ color: red; - Sort by "Recently Added" - Сортировать по "Недавно добавленные" - - src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html47 + Sort by "Recently Added" + Сортировать по "Недавно добавленные" + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html47 + - Sort by "Original Publication Date" - Сортировать по "Дата публикации" - - src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html48 + Sort by "Original Publication Date" + Сортировать по "Дата публикации" + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html48 + - Sort by "Name" - Сортировать по "Имени" - - src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html50 + Sort by "Name" + Сортировать по "Имени" + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html50 + - Sort by "Recent Views" - Сортировать по "Недавние просмотры" - - src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html51 + Sort by "Recent Views" + Сортировать по "Недавние просмотры" + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html51 + - Sort by "Hot" - Сортировать по "Горячее" - - src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html52 + Sort by "Hot" + Сортировать по "Горячее" + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html52 + - Sort by "Likes" - Сортировать по "Нравится" - - src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html53 + Sort by "Likes" + Сортировать по "Нравится" + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html53 + - Sort by "Global Views" - Сортировать по "Общие представления" - - src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html54 + Sort by "Global Views" + Сортировать по "Общие представления" + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html54 + Languages: Язык: - - src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html62 + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html62 + Sensitive content: Конфиденциальный контент: - - src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html69 + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html69 + Scope: Область просмотра: - - src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html84 + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html84 + Local videos (this instance) Локальные видео (этот экземпляр) - - src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html88 + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html88 + Federated videos (this instance + followed instances) Видео федерации (этот экземпляр + отслеживаемые экземпляры) - - src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html93 + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html93 + Type: Тип: - - src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html98 + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html98 + VOD & Live videos VOD & Прямые трансляции - - src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html102 + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html102 + Categories: Категории: - - src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html117 + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html117 + Moderation: Модерация: - - src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html123 + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html123 + Change password Изменить пароль @@ -5934,8 +5926,8 @@ color: red; src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html4 - With Hide or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video. - С помощьюСкрыть или Размыто превью, будет запрошено подтверждение для просмотра видео. + With Hide or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video. + С помощьюСкрыть или Размыто превью, будет запрошено подтверждение для просмотра видео. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html106 src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html7 @@ -6073,24 +6065,24 @@ color: red; - External Channel - Внешний Канал + External Channel + Внешний Канал src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html 34 - Channel - Канал + Channel + Канал src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html 35 - Last synchronization at - Последняя синхронизация в + Last synchronization at + Последняя синхронизация в src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html 38 @@ -6385,8 +6377,8 @@ color: red; - Some of your channels are not fully set up. Make them welcoming and explicit about what you publish by adding a banner, an avatar and a description. - Некоторые из ваших каналов настроены не полностью. Сделайте их более приветливыми и сообщите о том, что вы публикуете, добавив баннер, аватар и описание. + Some of your channels are not fully set up. Make them welcoming and explicit about what you publish by adding a banner, an avatar and a description. + Некоторые из ваших каналов настроены не полностью. Сделайте их более приветливыми и сообщите о том, что вы публикуете, добавив баннер, аватар и описание. src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/channels-setup-message.component.html 5 @@ -6485,8 +6477,8 @@ color: red; src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html14 - To help moderators and other users to know who you are, don't forget to set up your account profile by adding an avatar and a description. - Чтобы помочь модераторам и другим пользователям узнать кто вы, не забудьте настроить профиль своей учетной записи добавив аватар и описание. + To help moderators and other users to know who you are, don't forget to set up your account profile by adding an avatar and a description. + Чтобы помочь модераторам и другим пользователям узнать кто вы, не забудьте настроить профиль своей учетной записи добавив аватар и описание. src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html18 @@ -6660,8 +6652,8 @@ color: red; - Welcomeon - Добро пожаловатьна + Welcomeon + Добро пожаловатьна src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html 2,3 @@ -6676,8 +6668,8 @@ color: red; - Check your emails to validate your account and complete your inscription. - Проверьте свою электронную почту для подтверждения вашей учетной записи и завершения регистрации. + Check your emails to validate your account and complete your inscription. + Проверьте свою электронную почту для подтверждения вашей учетной записи и завершения регистрации. src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success.component.html 10,11 @@ -6777,9 +6769,7 @@ color: red; src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-miniature.component.html9 - Do you really want to delete ? -It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another -channel with the same name ()! + Do you really want to delete ? It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another channel with the same name ()! Вы действительно хотите удалить ? Будет удалено видео загруженное на этот канал, и вы не сможете создать другой канал с таким же именем ()! src/app/+my-library/+my-video-channels/my-video-channels.component.ts44 @@ -6819,8 +6809,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html42 - SHOW THIS CHANNEL > - ПОКАЗАТЬ ЭТОТ КАНАЛ > + SHOW THIS CHANNEL > + ПОКАЗАТЬ ЭТОТ КАНАЛ > src/app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html50 @@ -7068,8 +7058,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html108 - Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use the websocket transport, the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent tracker. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information - Одноранговые веб-узлы не являются общедоступными: поскольку мы используем транспорт веб-сокетов, этот протокол отличается от классического трекера BitTorrent. Когда вы находитесь в веб-браузере, вы отправляете сигнал, содержащий ваш IP-адрес, на трекер, который случайным образом выбирает других одноранговых узлов для пересылки информации. См. этот документ для получения дополнительной информации + Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use the websocket transport, the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent tracker. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information + Одноранговые веб-узлы не являются общедоступными: поскольку мы используем транспорт веб-сокетов, этот протокол отличается от классического трекера BitTorrent. Когда вы находитесь в веб-браузере, вы отправляете сигнал, содержащий ваш IP-адрес, на трекер, который случайным образом выбирает других одноранговых узлов для пересылки информации. См. этот документ для получения дополнительной информации src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html112 @@ -7170,8 +7160,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.ts98 - Contact the administrator(s) - Свяжитесь с администратором + Contact the administrator(s) + Свяжитесь с администратором src/app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html 3 @@ -7315,8 +7305,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-edit/user-edit.component.html96 - I am at least years old and agree to the Terms and to the Code of Conduct of this instance - Мне не менее лет и я согласен с Условиями и с Правилами поведения этого экземпляра + I am at least years old and agree to the Terms and to the Code of Conduct of this instance + Мне не менее лет и я согласен с Условиями и с Правилами поведения этого экземпляра src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-terms.component.html5 @@ -7392,8 +7382,8 @@ channel with the same name ()! - > Create an account - > Создать аккаунт + > Create an account + > Создать аккаунт src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html 9,12 @@ -7443,8 +7433,8 @@ channel with the same name ()! Display all videos (private, unlisted or not yet published) Показать все видео (приватные, еще не опубликованные) - - src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html128 + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html128 + Remove this filter Удалить этот фильтр @@ -7453,58 +7443,58 @@ channel with the same name ()! Sensitive content Конфиденциальный контент - - src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts126 + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts126 + Scope Область просмотра - - src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts133 + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts133 + Federated Федерация - - src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts135 + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts135 + Languages Языки - - src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts143 + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts143 + Categories Категории - - src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts152 + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts152 + All videos Все видео - - src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts161 + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts161 + Blurred Размытый - - src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts241 + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts241 + hidden скрыть - - src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts247 + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts247 + blurred размытый - - src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts248 + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts248 + displayed отображать - - src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts250 + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts250 + Report this account Пожаловаться на этот аккаунт - - src/app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts196 + src/app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts196 + Overview Обзор @@ -7516,24 +7506,24 @@ channel with the same name ()! VIDEOS ВИДЕО - - - - src/app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts81src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html246src/app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.ts90 + src/app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts81 + src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html246 + src/app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.ts90 + Username copied Имя пользователя скопировано - - - src/app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts119src/app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.ts124 + src/app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts119 + src/app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.ts124 + Audio-only Только для аудио src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-configuration.service.ts18 - A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video - <code>.mp4</code> сохраняет исходную звуковую дорожку без видео + A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video + <code>.mp4</code> сохраняет исходную звуковую дорожку без видео src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-configuration.service.ts19 @@ -7634,8 +7624,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html8 - However, you may want to read our guidelines before tweaking the following values. - Однако вы можете прочитать наши рекомендации перед настройкой следующих значений. + However, you may want to read our guidelines before tweaking the following values. + Однако вы можете прочитать наши рекомендации перед настройкой следующих значений. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html 12,14 @@ -8383,8 +8373,8 @@ channel with the same name ()! - PeerTube thinks your web browser public IP is . - PeerTube считает, что общедоступный IP-адрес вашего веб-браузера . + PeerTube thinks your web browser public IP is . + PeerTube считает, что общедоступный IP-адрес вашего веб-браузера . src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html 4 @@ -8431,16 +8421,16 @@ channel with the same name ()! - Check the trust_proxy configuration key - Проверьте trust_proxy ключ конфигурации + Check the trust_proxy configuration key + Проверьте trust_proxy ключ конфигурации src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html 15 - If you run PeerTube using Docker, check you run the reverse-proxy with network_mode: "host" (see issue 1643) - Если вы запускаете PeerTube с помощью Docker, убедитесь, что вы запустили reverse-proxy с network_mode: "host" (см. issue 1643) + If you run PeerTube using Docker, check you run the reverse-proxy with network_mode: "host" (see issue 1643) + Если вы запускаете PeerTube с помощью Docker, убедитесь, что вы запустили reverse-proxy с network_mode: "host" (см. issue 1643) src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html 16,17 @@ -8499,8 +8489,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html42 - Published - Опубликовано + Published + Опубликовано src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html43 @@ -8735,8 +8725,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts99 - <p>You can't create users or channels with a username that already used by a deleted user/channel.</p> - <p>Вы не можете создавать пользователей или каналы с именем, которое уже используется.</p> + <p>You can't create users or channels with a username that already used by a deleted user/channel.</p> + <p>Вы не можете создавать пользователей или каналы с именем, которое уже используется.</p> src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts245 @@ -8792,8 +8782,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+my-library/my-history/my-history.component.html14 - Clear all history - Очистить всю историю + Clear all history + Очистить всю историю src/app/+my-library/my-history/my-history.component.html18 @@ -9341,8 +9331,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+my-account/my-account-routing.module.ts128 - is awaiting email verification - ожидает подтверждения электронной почты + is awaiting email verification + ожидает подтверждения электронной почты src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html 5,6 @@ -9357,8 +9347,8 @@ channel with the same name ()! - Your current email is . It is never shown to the public. - Ваш текущий адрес электронной почты . Он не будет виден другим пользователям. + Your current email is . It is never shown to the public. + Ваш текущий адрес электронной почты . Он не будет виден другим пользователям. src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html 13,16 @@ -9447,14 +9437,14 @@ channel with the same name ()! Subscribe to the account Подписаться на аккаунт - - - src/app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.ts85src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts822 + src/app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.ts85 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts822 + PLAYLISTS ПЛЕЙЛИСТЫ - - src/app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.ts91 + src/app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.ts91 + Studio for Студия для @@ -9549,13 +9539,13 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts73 - The current video will be overwritten by this edited video and <strong>you won't be able to recover it</strong>.<br /><br /> - Текущее видео будет перезаписано этим отредактированным видео и <strong>вы не сможете его восстановить</strong>.<br /><br /> + The current video will be overwritten by this edited video and <strong>you won't be able to recover it</strong>.<br /><br /> + Текущее видео будет перезаписано этим отредактированным видео и <strong>вы не сможете его восстановить</strong>.<br /><br /> src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts77 - As a reminder, the following tasks will be executed: <ol></ol> - Напоминаем, что будут выполнены следующие задачи: <ol></ol> + As a reminder, the following tasks will be executed: <ol></ol> + Напоминаем, что будут выполнены следующие задачи: <ol></ol> src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts78 @@ -9619,8 +9609,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/core/auth/auth.service.ts73 - Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: . -Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section. + Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: . Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section. Не удается получить учетные данные клиента OAuth: . Убедитесь, что вы правильно настроили PeerTube (config / directory), в частности раздел «веб-сервер». src/app/core/auth/auth.service.ts100 @@ -9779,17 +9768,17 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular VOD videos Обработанные видео - - - - src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html34src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html112src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts175 + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html34 + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html112 + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts175 + Live videos Прямые трансляции - - - - src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html29src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html107src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts169 + src/app/+search/search-filters.component.html29 + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html107 + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts169 + Short (< 4 min) Короткая (< 4 мин) @@ -9801,8 +9790,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular src/app/+search/search-filters.component.ts63 - Long (> 10 min) - Длинная (> 10 мин) + Long (> 10 min) + Длинная (> 10 мин) src/app/+search/search-filters.component.ts67 @@ -9864,8 +9853,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular - The video quota only takes into account original video size. Since transcoding is enabled, videos size can be at most ~ . - Квота на видео учитывает только оригинальный размер видео. Поскольку транскодирование включено, размер видео может быть не более ~ . + The video quota only takes into account original video size. Since transcoding is enabled, videos size can be at most ~ . + Квота на видео учитывает только оригинальный размер видео. Поскольку транскодирование включено, размер видео может быть не более ~ . src/app/+admin/shared/user-real-quota-info.component.html 1,4 @@ -9886,7 +9875,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular month(s) ago - месяц(ов) назад + месяц(ев) назад src/app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts 28 @@ -9940,7 +9929,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular {interval, plural, =1 {1 year ago} other { years ago}} - {interval, plural, =1 {1 год назад} other { лет назад}} + {interval, plural, one { год назад} few { года назад} other { лет назад}} src/app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts 7 @@ -9948,7 +9937,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular {interval, plural, =1 {1 month ago} other { months ago}} - {interval, plural, =1 {1 месяц назад} other { месяцев назад}} + {interval, plural, one { месяц назад} few { месяца назад} other { месяцев назад}} src/app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts 8 @@ -9956,7 +9945,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular {interval, plural, =1 {1 week ago} other { weeks ago}} - {interval, plural, =1 {1 неделя назад} other { недель назад}} + {interval, plural, one { неделя назад} few { недели назад} other { недель назад}} src/app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts 9 @@ -9964,7 +9953,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular {interval, plural, =1 {1 day ago} other { days ago}} - {interval, plural, =1 {1 день назад} other { дней назад}} + {interval, plural, one { день назад} few { дня назад} other { дней назад}} src/app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts 10 @@ -9972,7 +9961,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular {interval, plural, =1 {1 hour ago} other { hours ago}} - {interval, plural, =1 {1 час назад} other { часов назад}} + {interval, plural, one { час назад} few { часа назад} other { часов назад}} src/app/shared/shared-main/angular/from-now.pipe.ts 11 @@ -10592,8 +10581,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular - See the documentation to learn how to use the PeerTube live streaming feature. - См. документацию, чтобы узнать, как использовать функцию прямой трансляции PeerTube. + See the documentation to learn how to use the PeerTube live streaming feature. + См. документацию, чтобы узнать, как использовать функцию прямой трансляции PeerTube. src/app/shared/shared-video-live/live-documentation-link.component.html1 @@ -11248,9 +11237,9 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular Displayed Показать - - - src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts56src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts243 + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.ts56 + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts243 + ~ {hours, plural, =1 {1 hour} other { hours}} ~ {hours, plural, =1 {1 час} other { часов}} @@ -11394,8 +11383,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts89 - If you remove this user, you won't be able to create another user or channel with <strong></strong> username! - Если вы удалите этого пользователя, вы не сможете создать другого пользователя или канал с <strong></strong> именем пользователя! + If you remove this user, you won't be able to create another user or channel with <strong></strong> username! + Если вы удалите этого пользователя, вы не сможете создать другого пользователя или канал с <strong></strong> именем пользователя! src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts 104 @@ -11980,8 +11969,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts321 - You need to be <a href="/login">logged in</a> to rate this video. - <a href="/login">Войдите</a> чтобы оценить это видео. + You need to be <a href="/login">logged in</a> to rate this video. + <a href="/login">Войдите</a> чтобы оценить это видео. src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/action-buttons/video-rate.component.ts85 @@ -12064,10 +12053,10 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular Report Пожаловаться - - - - src/app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts192src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html57src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts383 + src/app/+accounts/accounts.component.ts192 + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html57 + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts383 + Reported part Отчётная часть @@ -12356,125 +12345,125 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular - This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>? - Это видео недоступно в этом экземпляре. Вы хотите, чтобы вас перенаправили на исходный экземпляр: <a href=""></a>? - - src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts347 + This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>? + Это видео недоступно в этом экземпляре. Вы хотите, чтобы вас перенаправили на исходный экземпляр: <a href=""></a>? + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts347 + Redirection Перенаправление - - src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts348 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts348 + This video contains mature or explicit content. Are you sure you want to watch it? Это видео содержит зрелый или откровенный контент. Вы уверены, что хотите посмотреть его? - - src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts403 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts403 + Mature or explicit content Зрелый или откровенный контент - - src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts404 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts404 + Up Next Следующий - - src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts485 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts485 + Cancel Отмена - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - src/app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html48src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/follow-modal.component.html33src/app/+login/login.component.html143src/app/+my-library/my-ownership/my-accept-ownership/my-accept-ownership.component.html20src/app/+my-library/my-video-imports/my-video-imports.component.html42src/app/+my-library/my-videos/modals/video-change-ownership.component.html22src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-add-modal.component.html37src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-edit-modal-content/video-caption-edit-modal-content.component.html25src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html71src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html83src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment-add.component.html73src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts486src/app/modal/confirm.component.html23src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/moderation-comment-modal.component.html26src/app/shared/shared-moderation/batch-domains-modal.component.html31src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html53src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html53src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html84src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.html34src/app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html46src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html140 + src/app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html48 + src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/follow-modal.component.html33 + src/app/+login/login.component.html143 + src/app/+my-library/my-ownership/my-accept-ownership/my-accept-ownership.component.html20 + src/app/+my-library/my-video-imports/my-video-imports.component.html42 + src/app/+my-library/my-videos/modals/video-change-ownership.component.html22 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-add-modal.component.html37 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-edit-modal-content/video-caption-edit-modal-content.component.html25 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html71 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html83 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment-add.component.html73 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts486 + src/app/modal/confirm.component.html23 + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/moderation-comment-modal.component.html26 + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/batch-domains-modal.component.html31 + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html53 + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html53 + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html84 + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.html34 + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html46 + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html140 + Autoplay is suspended Автовоспроизведение приостановлено - - src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts487 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts487 + Enter/exit fullscreen Вход/выход из полноэкранного режима - - src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts791 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts791 + Play/Pause the video Воспроизвести/Приостановить видео - - src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts792 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts792 + Mute/unmute the video Отключить/включить звук видео - - src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts793 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts793 + Skip to a percentage of the video: 0 is 0% and 9 is 90% Перейти к проценту видео: 0 – 0%, 9 – 90% - - src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts795 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts795 + Increase the volume Увеличить громкость - - src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts797 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts797 + Decrease the volume Уменьшить громкость - - src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts798 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts798 + Seek the video forward Перемотать видео вперед - - src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts800 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts800 + Seek the video backward Перемотать видео назад - - src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts801 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts801 + Increase playback rate Увеличить скорость воспроизведения - - src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts803 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts803 + Decrease playback rate Уменьшить скорость воспроизведения - - src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts804 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts804 + Navigate in the video to the previous frame Перейти к предыдущему кадру - - src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts806 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts806 + Navigate in the video to the next frame Перейти к следующему кадру - - src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts807 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts807 + Toggle theater mode Переключить режим театра - - src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts812 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts812 + Like the video Мне понравилось diff --git a/client/src/locale/player.ru-RU.json b/client/src/locale/player.ru-RU.json index 26343ad6a..e3dff3f66 100644 --- a/client/src/locale/player.ru-RU.json +++ b/client/src/locale/player.ru-RU.json @@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ { "Quality": "Качество", - "Auto": "Авто", + "Auto": "Автонастройка", "Speed": "Скорость", "Subtitles/CC": "Субтитры", "peers": "пиров", "peer": "пир", "Go to the video page": "Перейти к странице видео", "Settings": "Настройки", - "Watching this video may reveal your IP address to others.": "Просмотр данного видео может открыть ваш IP адрес другим.", - "Copy the video URL": "Скопировать URL видео", - "Copy the video URL at the current time": "Скопировать URL видео с привязкой ко времени", + "Watching this video may reveal your IP address to others.": "Просмотр данного видео может открыть ваш IP-адрес другим.", + "Copy the video URL": "Скопировать ссылку на видео", + "Copy the video URL at the current time": "Скопировать ссылку на видео с привязкой ко времени", "Copy embed code": "Скопировать HTML-код", "Copy magnet URI": "Скопировать магнет URI", "Total downloaded: ": "Всего скачано: ", @@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ "From servers: ": "Из серверов: ", "From peers: ": "От пиров: ", "Normal mode": "Обычный режим", - "Stats for nerds": "Статистика для гиков", - "Theater mode": "Режим \"театр\"", + "Stats for nerds": "Статистика для задротов", + "Theater mode": "Режим широкого экрана", "Video UUID": "Видео UUID", "Viewport / Frames": "Область просмотра / кадры", "Resolution": "Разрешение", @@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ "P2P": "P2P", "{1} seconds": "{1} секунд", "enabled": "включено", - "Playlist: {1}": "Плейлист: {1}", + "Playlist: {1}": "Подборка: {1}", "disabled": "отключено", " off": " выключить", - "Player mode": "Режим плеера", + "Player mode": "Режим проигрывателя", "Play in loop": "Воспроизведение в цикле", "This live has not started yet.": "Видеотрансляция не началась.", "This live has ended.": "Видеотрансляция закончилась.", @@ -46,10 +46,10 @@ "{1} / {2} dropped of {3}": "{1} / {2} dropped of {3}", " (muted)": " (muted)", "{1} from servers · {2} from peers": "{1} from servers · {2} from peers", - "Audio Player": "Аудиоплеер", - "Video Player": "Видеоплеер", + "Audio Player": "Звуковой проигрыватель", + "Video Player": "Видеопроигрыватель", "Play": "Воспроизвести", - "Pause": "Пауза", + "Pause": "Прервать", "Replay": "Повторить", "Current Time": "Текущее время", "Duration": "Продолжительность", @@ -60,10 +60,10 @@ "Progress": "Ход выполнения", "Progress Bar": "Индикатор выполнения", "progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration={2}": "{1} из {2}", - "Fullscreen": "Полный экран", + "Fullscreen": "Во весь экран", "Non-Fullscreen": "В окне", - "Mute": "Без звука", - "Unmute": "Со звуком", + "Mute": "Заглушить", + "Unmute": "Включить звук", "Playback Rate": "Скорость воспроизведения", "Subtitles": "Субтитры", "subtitles off": "без субтитров", @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ "Chapters": "Главы", "Descriptions": "Описание", "descriptions off": "без описаний", - "Audio Track": "Аудиодорожка", + "Audio Track": "Звуковая дорожка", "Volume Level": "Громкость", "You aborted the media playback": "Вы отменили воспроизведение медиафайла", "A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.": "Ошибка сети стала причиной неудачного воспроизведения медиафайла.", @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ "Close Modal Dialog": "Закрыть модальное диалоговое окно", "Modal Window": "Модальное окно", "This is a modal window": "Это модальное окно", - "This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.": "Это модальное окно можно закрыть нажав на кнопку Escape или на кнопку Закрыть.", + "This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.": "Это модальное окно можно закрыть нажав на кнопку «Escape» или на кнопку «Закрыть».", ", opens captions settings dialog": ", открывает окно настроек заголовка", ", opens subtitles settings dialog": ", открывает окно настроек субтитров", ", opens descriptions settings dialog": ", открывает окно настроек описания", @@ -95,11 +95,11 @@ "descriptions settings": "настройки описаний", "Text": "Текст", "White": "Белый", - "Black": "Черный", + "Black": "Чёрный", "Red": "Красный", - "Green": "Зеленый", + "Green": "Зелёный", "Blue": "Синий", - "Yellow": "Желтый", + "Yellow": "Жёлтый", "Magenta": "Пурпурный", "Cyan": "Голубой", "Background": "Фон", @@ -115,9 +115,9 @@ "Uniform": "Равномерный", "Dropshadow": "Падающая тень", "Font Family": "Шрифт", - "Proportional Sans-Serif": "Пропорциональный без засечек", + "Proportional Sans-Serif": "Соразмерный без засечек", "Monospace Sans-Serif": "Фиксированной ширины без засечек", - "Proportional Serif": "Пропорциональный с засечками", + "Proportional Serif": "Соразмерный с засечками", "Monospace Serif": "Фиксированной ширины с засечками", "Casual": "Обычный", "Script": "Рукописный", @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ "restore all settings to the default values": "сбросить все настройки по умолчанию", "Done": "Готово", "Caption Settings Dialog": "Окно настроек заголовок", - "Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.": "Начало диалогового окна. Клавиша Escape отменит действие и закроет окно.", + "Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.": "Начало диалогового окна. Клавиша «Escape» отменит действие и закроет окно.", "End of dialog window.": "Конец диалогового окна.", "{1} is loading.": "{1} загружается.", "Uses P2P, others may know you are watching this video.": "Использует P2P, другие могут знать, что вы просматриваете это видео." diff --git a/client/src/locale/server.ru-RU.json b/client/src/locale/server.ru-RU.json index 7a7efbab7..b701f3b88 100644 --- a/client/src/locale/server.ru-RU.json +++ b/client/src/locale/server.ru-RU.json @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "Music": "Музыка", "Films": "Фильмы", - "Vehicles": "Транспорт", + "Vehicles": "Средства передвижения", "Art": "Искусство", "Sports": "Спорт", "Travels": "Путешествия", @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ "Unlisted": "Доступ по ссылке", "Private": "Ограниченный доступ", "Internal": "Внутренний", - "Published": "Опубликованный", + "Published": "Размещённый", "To transcode": "Перекодировать", "To import": "Импортировать", "Waiting for livestream": "В ожидании прямой трансляции", @@ -42,16 +42,16 @@ "Failed": "Неудачно", "Rejected": "Отклонено", "Cancelled": "Отменено", - "Processing": "Processing", + "Processing": "Обработка", "Regular": "Обычно", "Watch later": "Посмотреть позже", "This video does not exist.": "Этого видео не существует.", - "We cannot fetch the video. Please try again later.": "Мы не можем извлечь видео. Пожалуйста, попробуйте еще раз позже.", + "We cannot fetch the video. Please try again later.": "Мы не можем извлечь видео. Пожалуйста, попробуйте ещё раз позже.", "Sorry": "Извините", - "This video is not available because the remote instance is not responding.": "Это видео недоступно, поскольку удаленный сервер не отвечает.", - "This playlist does not exist": "Этот плейлист не существует", - "We cannot fetch the playlist. Please try again later.": "Мы не можем получить плейлист. Попробуйте позже.", - "Playlist: {1}": "Плейлист: {1}", + "This video is not available because the remote instance is not responding.": "Это видео недоступно, поскольку удалённый сервер не отвечает.", + "This playlist does not exist": "Эта подборка не существует", + "We cannot fetch the playlist. Please try again later.": "Мы не можем получить подборку. Попробуйте позже.", + "Playlist: {1}": "Подборка: {1}", "By {1}": "От {1}", "Unavailable video": "Видео недоступно", "Misc": "Разное", @@ -255,5 +255,5 @@ "Simplified Chinese": "Упрощённый Китайский", "Traditional Chinese": "Традиционный Китайский", "Normal mode": "Обычный режим", - "Theater mode": "Режим \"театр\"" + "Theater mode": "Режим широкого экрана" } diff --git a/server/tests/api/notifications/comments-notifications.ts b/server/tests/api/notifications/comments-notifications.ts index 4214687f8..8b8c5712a 100644 --- a/server/tests/api/notifications/comments-notifications.ts +++ b/server/tests/api/notifications/comments-notifications.ts @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ describe('Test comments notifications', function () { }) it('Should not send a new comment notification after a comment on another video', async function () { - this.timeout(20000) + this.timeout(30000) const { uuid, shortUUID } = await servers[0].videos.upload({ attributes: { name: 'super video' } }) @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ describe('Test comments notifications', function () { }) it('Should not send a new comment notification if I comment my own video', async function () { - this.timeout(20000) + this.timeout(30000) const { uuid, shortUUID } = await servers[0].videos.upload({ token: userToken, attributes: { name: 'super video' } }) @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ describe('Test comments notifications', function () { }) it('Should not send a new comment notification if the account is muted', async function () { - this.timeout(20000) + this.timeout(30000) await servers[0].blocklist.addToMyBlocklist({ token: userToken, account: 'root' }) @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ describe('Test comments notifications', function () { }) it('Should send a new comment notification after a local comment on my video', async function () { - this.timeout(20000) + this.timeout(30000) const { uuid, shortUUID } = await servers[0].videos.upload({ token: userToken, attributes: { name: 'super video' } }) @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ describe('Test comments notifications', function () { }) it('Should send a new comment notification after a remote comment on my video', async function () { - this.timeout(20000) + this.timeout(30000) const { uuid, shortUUID } = await servers[0].videos.upload({ token: userToken, attributes: { name: 'super video' } }) @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ describe('Test comments notifications', function () { }) it('Should send a new comment notification after a local reply on my video', async function () { - this.timeout(20000) + this.timeout(30000) const { uuid, shortUUID } = await servers[0].videos.upload({ token: userToken, attributes: { name: 'super video' } }) @@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ describe('Test comments notifications', function () { }) it('Should send a new comment notification after a remote reply on my video', async function () { - this.timeout(20000) + this.timeout(30000) const { uuid, shortUUID } = await servers[0].videos.upload({ token: userToken, attributes: { name: 'super video' } }) await waitJobs(servers) @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ describe('Test comments notifications', function () { }) it('Should convert markdown in comment to html', async function () { - this.timeout(20000) + this.timeout(30000) const { uuid } = await servers[0].videos.upload({ token: userToken, attributes: { name: 'cool video' } }) @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ describe('Test comments notifications', function () { }) it('Should not send a new mention comment notification if I mention the video owner', async function () { - this.timeout(10000) + this.timeout(30000) const { uuid, shortUUID } = await servers[0].videos.upload({ token: userToken, attributes: { name: 'super video' } }) @@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ describe('Test comments notifications', function () { }) it('Should not send a new mention comment notification if I mention myself', async function () { - this.timeout(10000) + this.timeout(30000) const { uuid, shortUUID } = await servers[0].videos.upload({ attributes: { name: 'super video' } }) @@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ describe('Test comments notifications', function () { }) it('Should not send a new mention notification if the account is muted', async function () { - this.timeout(10000) + this.timeout(30000) await servers[0].blocklist.addToMyBlocklist({ token: userToken, account: 'root' }) @@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ describe('Test comments notifications', function () { }) it('Should not send a new mention notification if the remote account mention a local account', async function () { - this.timeout(20000) + this.timeout(30000) const { uuid, shortUUID } = await servers[0].videos.upload({ attributes: { name: 'super video' } }) @@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ describe('Test comments notifications', function () { }) it('Should send a new mention notification after local comments', async function () { - this.timeout(10000) + this.timeout(30000) const { uuid, shortUUID } = await servers[0].videos.upload({ attributes: { name: 'super video' } }) @@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ describe('Test comments notifications', function () { }) it('Should send a new mention notification after remote comments', async function () { - this.timeout(20000) + this.timeout(30000) const { uuid, shortUUID } = await servers[0].videos.upload({ attributes: { name: 'super video' } }) @@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ describe('Test comments notifications', function () { }) it('Should convert markdown in comment to html', async function () { - this.timeout(10000) + this.timeout(30000) const { uuid } = await servers[0].videos.upload({ attributes: { name: 'super video' } })