diff --git a/client/src/locale/angular.hr.xlf b/client/src/locale/angular.hr.xlf
index a4b01ddef..d6a5bfba6 100644
--- a/client/src/locale/angular.hr.xlf
+++ b/client/src/locale/angular.hr.xlf
@@ -2092,7 +2092,7 @@
- Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with Web Videos:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback especially with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled Web Videos support, it will multiply videos storage by 2
+ <x id="START_TAG_STRONG" ctype="x-strong" equiv-text="<strong>"/>Zahtijeva ffmpeg >= 4.1<x id="CLOSE_TAG_STRONG" ctype="x-strong" equiv-text="</strong>"/><x id="START_PARAGRAPH" ctype="xp" equiv-text="<p>"/>Generiraj HLS playliste i fragmentirane MP4 datoteke što rezultira boljom reprodukcijom od web videa:<x id="CLOSE_PARAGRAPH" ctype="xp" equiv-text="</p>"/><x id="START_UNORDERED_LIST" ctype="x-ul" equiv-text="<ul>"/><x id="START_LIST_ITEM" ctype="x-li" equiv-text="<li>" />Promjena rezolucije je glađa<x id="CLOSE_LIST_ITEM" ctype="x-li" equiv-text="</li>"/><x id="START_LIST_ITEM" ctype="x-li" equiv-text="<li>"/>Brža reprodukcija posebno s dugim videima<x id="CLOSE_LIST_ITEM" ctype="x-li" equiv-text="</li> "/><x id="START_LIST_ITEM" ctype="x-li" equiv-text="<li>"/>Stabilnija reprodukcija (manje grešaka/beskonačno učitavanje)<x id="CLOSE_LIST_ITEM" ctype="x-li" equiv-text="</li>"/><x id="CLOSE_UNORDERED_LIST" ctype="x-ul" equiv-text="</ul& gt;"/><x id="START_PARAGRAPH" ctype="xp" equiv-text="<p>"/>Ako također aktiviraš podršku za web videa, memorija za spremanje videa će se udvostručiti<x id="CLOSE_PARAGRAPH" ctype="xp" equiv-text="</p>"/>src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html94,103
@@ -5064,9 +5064,7 @@
- Do you really want to delete ?
-It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another
-channel or account with the same name ()!
+ Stvarno želiš izbrisati ? Izbrisat će videa prenesenih na ovaj kanal i nećeš moći stvoriti drugi kanal ili račun s istim imenom ()!src/app/+my-library/+my-video-channels/my-video-channels.component.ts55,57