diff --git a/client/src/locale/angular.is.xlf b/client/src/locale/angular.is.xlf index ca1a728cc..384211601 100644 --- a/client/src/locale/angular.is.xlf +++ b/client/src/locale/angular.is.xlf @@ -501,8 +501,8 @@ src/app/+about/about-instance/about-instance.component.ts91 - Contact the administrator(s) - Hafðu samband við stjórnendur + Contact the administrator(s) + Hafðu samband við stjórnendur src/app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html 3 @@ -543,29 +543,29 @@ Cancel Hætta við - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - src/app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html48src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/follow-modal.component.html33src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html67src/app/+login/login.component.html143src/app/+my-library/my-ownership/my-accept-ownership/my-accept-ownership.component.html20src/app/+my-library/my-video-imports/my-video-imports.component.html42src/app/+my-library/my-videos/modals/video-change-ownership.component.html22src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-add-modal.component.html37src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-edit-modal-content/video-caption-edit-modal-content.component.html25src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html71src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html83src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment-add.component.html73src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts489src/app/modal/confirm.component.html23src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/moderation-comment-modal.component.html26src/app/shared/shared-moderation/batch-domains-modal.component.html31src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html53src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html53src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html84src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.html34src/app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html46src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html140 + src/app/+about/about-instance/contact-admin-modal.component.html48 + src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/follow-modal.component.html33 + src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html67 + src/app/+login/login.component.html143 + src/app/+my-library/my-ownership/my-accept-ownership/my-accept-ownership.component.html20 + src/app/+my-library/my-video-imports/my-video-imports.component.html42 + src/app/+my-library/my-videos/modals/video-change-ownership.component.html22 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-add-modal.component.html37 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-caption-edit-modal-content/video-caption-edit-modal-content.component.html25 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html71 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html83 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment-add.component.html73 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts489 + src/app/modal/confirm.component.html23 + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/moderation-comment-modal.component.html26 + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/batch-domains-modal.component.html31 + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html53 + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html53 + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html84 + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.html34 + src/app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html46 + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html140 + Submit Senda inn @@ -631,16 +631,16 @@ - It is free and open-source software, under AGPLv3 licence. - Þetta er frjáls hugbúnaður með opinn grunnkóða samkvæmt AGPLv3 notkunarleyfi. + It is free and open-source software, under AGPLv3 licence. + Þetta er frjáls hugbúnaður með opinn grunnkóða samkvæmt AGPLv3 notkunarleyfi. src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html 13,16 - For more information, please visit joinpeertube.org. - Til að sjá nánari upplýsingar, ættirðu að skoða joinpeertube.org. + For more information, please visit joinpeertube.org. + Til að sjá nánari upplýsingar, ættirðu að skoða joinpeertube.org. src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html 18,20 @@ -697,113 +697,113 @@ P2P & Privacy P2P & Friðhelgi - - src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html65 + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html65 + PeerTube uses the BitTorrent protocol to share bandwidth between users by default to help lower the load on the server, but ultimately leaves you the choice to switch back to regular streaming exclusively from the server of the video. What follows applies only if you want to keep using the P2P mode of PeerTube. PeerTube notar BitTorrent-samskiptamáta til að sjálfgefið deila bandbreidd á milli notenda og þannig minnka álag á netþjóna, en á endanum gefur þetta þér val um að skipta yfir í venjulegt streymi beint af þjóninum sem geymir myndskeiðið. Það sem á eftir fer á aðeins við ef þú heldur áfram að nota P2P-haminn í PeerTube. - - src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html68 + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html68 + The main threat to your privacy induced by BitTorrent lies in your IP address being stored in the instance's BitTorrent tracker as long as you download or watch the video. Aðal-ógnin við persónuleynd þína sem fylgir BitTorrent, liggur í því að IP-vistfang þitt sé skráð í BitTorrent-rekjara tilviksins á meðan þú ert að sækja eða horfa á myndskeiðið. - - src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html74 + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html74 + What are the consequences? Hverjar eru afleiðingarnar? - - src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html79 + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html79 + In theory, someone with enough technical skills could create a script that tracks which IP is downloading which video. In practice, this is much more difficult because: Fræðilega getur einhver nógu tæknilega þenkjandi náð að útbúa skriftu sem rekur hvaða IP-vistfang sé að sækja hvaða myndskeið. Í raun er þetta mjög erfitt vegna þess að: - - src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html81 + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html81 + An HTTP request has to be sent on each tracker for each video to spy. If we want to spy all PeerTube's videos, we have to send as many requests as there are videos (so potentially a lot) Það þarf að senda HTTP-beiðni á hvern einasta rekjara fyrir hvert myndskeið til að njósna. Þannig að til þess að njósna um öll myndskeiðin á PeerTube, myndi þurfa að senda jafnmargar beiðnir og myndskeiðin eru mörg (sem myndi þýða mjög margar beiðnir) - - src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html87 + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html87 + For each request sent, the tracker returns random peers at a limited number. For instance, if there are 1000 peers in the swarm and the tracker sends only 20 peers for each request, there must be at least 50 requests sent to know every peer in the swarm Fyrir hverja senda beiðni, svarar rekjarinn með takmörkuðum fjölda jafningja. Sem dæmi; ef það eru 1000 jafningjar í sverminum og rekjarinn sendir aðeins 20 jafningja fyrir hverja beiðni, þá þarf að senda a.m.k. 50 beiðnir til að þekkja alla jafningja í sverminum - - src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html92 + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html92 + Those requests have to be sent regularly to know who starts/stops watching a video. It is easy to detect that kind of behaviour Þessar beiðnir þarf að senda reglulega til að vita hverjir byrja/hætta að horfa á myndskeið. Þá hegðun er auðvelt að greina - - src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html98 + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html98 + If an IP address is stored in the tracker, it doesn't mean that the person behind the IP (if this person exists) has watched the video Ef IP-vistfang er geymt í rekjaranum, þarf það ekki að þýða að sá sem er á bakvið IP-vistfang (ef það er einu sinni manneskja) hafi horft á viðkomandi myndskeið - - src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html102 + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html102 + The IP address is a vague information: usually, it regularly changes and can represent many persons or entities IP-vistfang er óáreiðanlegar upplýsingar: það breytist oft og getur staðið fyrir marga einstaklinga eða fyrirbæri - - src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html107 + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html107 + - Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use the websocket transport, the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent tracker. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information - Jafningjar á vefnum (web peers) eru ekki aðgengilegir opinberlega: þar sem við notum websocket-flutningsleiðir, þá er samskiptastaðallinn öðruvísi en klassískur samskiptastaðall BitTorrent-rekjara. Þegar þú ert í vafra sendir þú merki sem inniheldur IP-vistfangið þitt til rekjarans sem mun velja af handahófi aðra jafningja, sem upplýsingarnar eru sendar til. Skoðaðu þetta skjal til að sjá nanari upplýsingar - - src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html111 + Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use the websocket transport, the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent tracker. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information + Jafningjar á vefnum (web peers) eru ekki aðgengilegir opinberlega: þar sem við notum websocket-flutningsleiðir, þá er samskiptastaðallinn öðruvísi en klassískur samskiptastaðall BitTorrent-rekjara. Þegar þú ert í vafra sendir þú merki sem inniheldur IP-vistfangið þitt til rekjarans sem mun velja af handahófi aðra jafningja, sem upplýsingarnar eru sendar til. Skoðaðu þetta skjal til að sjá nanari upplýsingar + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html111 + The worst-case scenario of an average person spying on their friends is quite unlikely. There are much more effective ways to get that kind of information. Sú vonda staða að einhver meðaljón geti njósnað um vini sína í gegnum þetta kerfi er ákaflega ólíkleg. Til eru miklu öflugri leiðir til að nálgast slíkar upplýsingar. - - src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html119 + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html119 + How does PeerTube compare with YouTube? Hvernig er PeerTube í samanburði við YouTube? - - src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html124 + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html124 + The threats to privacy with YouTube are different from PeerTube's. In YouTube's case, the platform gathers a huge amount of your personal information (not only your IP) to analyze them and track you. Moreover, YouTube is owned by Google/Alphabet, a company that tracks you across many websites (via AdSense or Google Analytics). Ógnir við friðhelgi persónuupplýsinga af hálfu YouTube eru aðrar en í PeerTube. Í tilfelli YouTube er kerfið að safna óhemjulegu magni persónulegra upplýsinga (ekki bara IP-vistfangið þitt) til greiningar og eftirlits með þér. Aukinheldur er YouTube í eigu Google/Alphabet, stórfyrirtækis sem fylgist með þér á fjölmörgum vefsvæðum (í gegnum AdSense eða Google Analytics). - - src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html126 + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html126 + What can I do to limit the exposure of my IP address? Hvað get ég gert til að takmarka berskjöldun IP-vistfangsins míns? - - src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html132 + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html132 + Your IP address is public so every time you consult a website, there is a number of actors (in addition to the final website) seeing your IP in their connection logs: ISP/routers/trackers/CDN and more. PeerTube is transparent about it: we warn you that if you want to keep your IP private, you must use a VPN or Tor Browser. Thinking that removing P2P from PeerTube will give you back anonymity doesn't make sense. IP-vistfangið þitt er opinbert, þannig að í hvert skipti sem þú nota vefsvæði þá eru tilteknir aðilar (auk vefsvæðisins sjálfs) sem sjá IP-vistfangið þitt í tengingaskránum sínum: ISP-netþjónustur/beinar/rekjarar/CDN og fleiri. PeerTube er alveg opið um þetta: við aðvörum þig um að ef þú vilt halda IP-vistfanginu þínu leyndu, þá verður þú að nota VPN eða Tor-vafrann. Ef þú heldur að sé P2P fjarlægt úr PeerTube muni gefa þér nafnleysi, þá stenst það ekki skoðun. - - src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html134 + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html134 + What will be done to mitigate this problem? Hvað verður gert til að verjast þessu vandamáli? - - src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html141 + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html141 + PeerTube wants to deliver the best countermeasures possible, to give you more choice and render attacks less likely. Here is what we put in place so far: PeerTube vill viðhafa bestu mótvægisaðgerðir sem völ er á, til að gefa þér meira val og minnka líkur á árásum. Hér er það sem við höfum gert í þessu sambandi hingað til: - - src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html143 + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html143 + We set a limit to the number of peers sent by the tracker Við setjum takmörk á fjölda jafningja sem rekjarinn sendir - - src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html149 + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html149 + We set a limit on the request frequency received by the tracker Við setjum takmörk á tíðni beiðna sem rekjarinn tekur við - - src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html150 + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html150 + Allow instance admins to disable P2P from the administration interface Leyfum stjórnendum tilviks að gera P2P óvirkt í kerfisstjórnunarviðmótinu - - src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html151 + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html151 + Ultimately, remember you can always disable P2P by toggling it in the video player, or just by disabling WebRTC in your browser. Að lokum skaltu muna að þú getur alltaf gert P2P óvirkt með því að víxla því af/á í myndspilaranum, eða bara með því að gera WebRTC óvirkt í vafranum þínum. - - src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html154 + src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html154 + About this instance Um þennan netþjón @@ -999,8 +999,8 @@ - SHOW THIS CHANNEL > - BIRTA ÞESSA RÁS > + SHOW THIS CHANNEL > + BIRTA ÞESSA RÁS > src/app/+accounts/account-video-channels/account-video-channels.component.html 50 @@ -1449,22 +1449,16 @@ - Write JavaScript code directly.Example: console.log('my instance is amazing'); - Skrifaðu beint kóða í JavaScript.Dæmi: console.log('veitan mín er frábær'); + Write JavaScript code directly.Example: console.log('my instance is amazing'); + Skrifaðu beint kóða í JavaScript.Dæmi: console.log('veitan mín er frábær'); src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html 76,77 - Write CSS code directly. Example:#custom-css -color: red; - - Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example:#custom-css .logged-in-email -color: red; - - - Skrifaðu beint CSS-kóða. Dæmi:#custom-css color: red; Settu #custom-css á undan til að yfirtaka stíla. Dæmi:#custom-css .logged-in-email color: red; + Write CSS code directly. Example:#custom-css color: red; Prepend with #custom-css to override styles. Example:#custom-css .logged-in-email color: red; + Skrifaðu beint CSS-kóða. Dæmi:#custom-css color: red; Settu #custom-css á undan til að yfirtaka stíla. Dæmi:#custom-css .logged-in-email color: red; src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-advanced-configuration.component.html 95,107 @@ -1479,8 +1473,8 @@ color: red; - Use plugins & themes for more involved changes, or add slight customizations. - Notaðu viðbætur og þemu fyrir róttækari breytingar, eða bættu við minniháttar sérsníðingum. + Use plugins & themes for more involved changes, or add slight customizations. + Notaðu viðbætur og þemu fyrir róttækari breytingar, eða bættu við minniháttar sérsníðingum. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html 5,7 @@ -1614,8 +1608,8 @@ color: red; src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html150 - Manage users to set their quota individually. - Sýslau með notendur til að stilla kvóta þeirra hvers fyrir sig. + Manage users to set their quota individually. + Sýslau með notendur til að stilla kvóta þeirra hvers fyrir sig. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html151 @@ -1707,8 +1701,8 @@ color: red; src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html280 - ⚠️ If enabled, we recommend to use a HTTP proxy to prevent private URL access from your PeerTube server - ⚠️ Ef þetta er virkjað, mælum við með því að nota HTTP-milliþjón (proxy) til að koma í veg fyrir aðgang einkaslóða frá PeerTube-þjóninum þínum + ⚠️ If enabled, we recommend to use a HTTP proxy to prevent private URL access from your PeerTube server + ⚠️ Ef þetta er virkjað, mælum við með því að nota HTTP-milliþjón (proxy) til að koma í veg fyrir aðgang einkaslóða frá PeerTube-þjóninum þínum src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html283 @@ -1767,8 +1761,8 @@ color: red; src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html375 - Allow your users to look up remote videos/actors that may not be federated with your instance - Leyfa notendum þínum að leita að fjartengdum myndskeiðum/leikurum sem gætu verið utan skýjasambands netþjónsins þíns + Allow your users to look up remote videos/actors that may not be federated with your instance + Leyfa notendum þínum að leita að fjartengdum myndskeiðum/leikurum sem gætu verið utan skýjasambands netþjónsins þíns src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html378 @@ -1777,8 +1771,8 @@ color: red; src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html386 - Allow anonymous users to look up remote videos/actors that may not be federated with your instance - Leyfa nafnlausum notendum að leita að fjartengdum myndskeiðum/leikurum sem gætu verið utan skýjasambands netþjónsins þíns + Allow anonymous users to look up remote videos/actors that may not be federated with your instance + Leyfa nafnlausum notendum að leita að fjartengdum myndskeiðum/leikurum sem gætu verið utan skýjasambands netþjónsins þíns src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html389 @@ -1792,8 +1786,8 @@ color: red; src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html403 - You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or host your own. - Þú ættir aðeins að nota yfirfarnar leitarskrár í almennri vinnslu eða þegar þý hýsir kerfi sjálf/ur. + You should only use moderated search indexes in production, or host your own. + Þú ættir aðeins að nota yfirfarnar leitarskrár í almennri vinnslu eða þegar þý hýsir kerfi sjálf/ur. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html405 @@ -1822,8 +1816,8 @@ color: red; src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html453 - Manage relations with other instances. - Sýslaðu með vensl við önnur tilvik. + Manage relations with other instances. + Sýslaðu með vensl við önnur tilvik. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html454 @@ -1847,8 +1841,8 @@ color: red; src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html500 - See the documentation for more information about the expected URL - Skoðaðu hjálparskjölin til að fá frekari upplýsingar um væntanlegar slóðir + See the documentation for more information about the expected URL + Skoðaðu hjálparskjölin til að fá frekari upplýsingar um væntanlegar slóðir src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html505 @@ -1892,7 +1886,7 @@ color: red; src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html586 - If your instance is explicitly allowed by Twitter, a video player will be embedded in the Twitter feed on PeerTube video share. If the instance is not, we use an image link card that will redirect to your PeerTube instance. Check this checkbox, save the configuration and test with a video URL of your instance (https://example.com/w/blabla) on https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator to see if you instance is allowed. + If your instance is explicitly allowed by Twitter, a video player will be embedded in the Twitter feed on PeerTube video share. If the instance is not, we use an image link card that will redirect to your PeerTube instance. Check this checkbox, save the configuration and test with a video URL of your instance (https://example.com/w/blabla) on https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator to see if you instance is allowed. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html590 @@ -1912,8 +1906,8 @@ color: red; - A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video - <code>.mp4</code> sem geymir upprunalega hljóðsporið, ekki með neinu myndmerki + A <code>.mp4</code> that keeps the original audio track, with no video + <code>.mp4</code> sem geymir upprunalega hljóðsporið, ekki með neinu myndmerki src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-configuration.service.ts 19 @@ -2062,8 +2056,8 @@ color: red; - There are errors in the form: - Það eru villur í innfyllingarforminu: + There are errors in the form: + Það eru villur í innfyllingarforminu: src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-custom-config.component.html 71,78 @@ -2186,8 +2180,8 @@ color: red; - Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default. - Sé þetta virkjað er öðrum stjórnendum gert kleift að sjá að þú sért aðallega að dreifa viðkvæmu efni. Að auki verður gátreitur vegna óviðeigandi efnis (NSFW) sjálfgefið útfylltur við innsendingu myndskeiða. + Enabling it will allow other administrators to know that you are mainly federating sensitive content. Moreover, the NSFW checkbox on video upload will be automatically checked by default. + Sé þetta virkjað er öðrum stjórnendum gert kleift að sjá að þú sért aðallega að dreifa viðkvæmu efni. Að auki verður gátreitur vegna óviðeigandi efnis (NSFW) sjálfgefið útfylltur við innsendingu myndskeiða. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html 93,96 @@ -2202,8 +2196,8 @@ color: red; - With Hide or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video. - Með Fela or Móska smámyndir, þarf staðfestingu til að horfa á myndskeið. + With Hide or Blur thumbnails, a confirmation will be requested to watch the video. + Með Fela or Móska smámyndir, þarf staðfestingu til að horfa á myndskeið. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html 106,108 @@ -2638,8 +2632,8 @@ color: red; - However, you may want to read our guidelines before tweaking the following values. - Hinsvegar gætirðu haft gagn af því að lesa leiðbeiningarnar okkar áður en þú ferð að fikta í eftirfarandi gildum. + However, you may want to read our guidelines before tweaking the following values. + Hinsvegar gætirðu haft gagn af því að lesa leiðbeiningarnar okkar áður en þú ferð að fikta í eftirfarandi gildum. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html 12,14 @@ -2741,8 +2735,8 @@ color: red; - Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with plain WebTorrent:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback especially with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2 - Þarfnast ffmpeg >= 4.1Gerð HLS-spilunarlista bútaðra MP4-skráa hefur í för með sér betri afspilun en með WebTorrent:Skipting á milli upplausna er mýkriHraðari afspilun, sérstaklega í löngum myndskeiðumStöðugri afspilun (færri gallar/óendanleg hleðsla)Ef þú virkjaðir líka stuðning við WebTorrent, verður geymslurýmisþörf myndskeiða margfölduð með 2 + Requires ffmpeg >= 4.1Generate HLS playlists and fragmented MP4 files resulting in a better playback than with plain WebTorrent:Resolution change is smootherFaster playback especially with long videosMore stable playback (less bugs/infinite loading)If you also enabled WebTorrent support, it will multiply videos storage by 2 + Þarfnast ffmpeg >= 4.1Gerð HLS-spilunarlista bútaðra MP4-skráa hefur í för með sér betri afspilun en með WebTorrent:Skipting á milli upplausna er mýkriHraðari afspilun, sérstaklega í löngum myndskeiðumStöðugri afspilun (færri gallar/óendanleg hleðsla)Ef þú virkjaðir líka stuðning við WebTorrent, verður geymslurýmisþörf myndskeiða margfölduð með 2 src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-vod-transcoding.component.html 94,103 @@ -3087,8 +3081,8 @@ color: red; - State - Staða + State + Staða src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html37 src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html42 src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/registration-list.component.html41 @@ -3096,16 +3090,16 @@ color: red; src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.html24 - Score - Einkunn + Score + Einkunn src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html 38,39 - Created - Búið til + Created + Búið til src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.html 39,41 @@ -3219,35 +3213,35 @@ color: red; Delete Eyða - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts50src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts118src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.ts42src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/registration-list.component.ts65src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/registration-list.component.ts129src/app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts91src/app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts95src/app/+admin/overview/comments/video-comment-list.component.ts104src/app/+admin/overview/comments/video-comment-list.component.ts175src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts100src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts248src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts76src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts227src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts282src/app/+my-library/+my-video-channels/my-video-channels.component.ts52src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.ts57src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-elements.component.ts128src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlists.component.ts35src/app/+my-library/my-videos/my-videos.component.html51src/app/+my-library/my-videos/my-videos.component.ts189src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html189src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comments.component.ts180src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts133src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts376src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts411src/app/shared/shared-main/buttons/delete-button.component.ts21src/app/shared/shared-main/buttons/delete-button.component.ts26src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts377 + src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts50 + src/app/+admin/follows/followers-list/followers-list.component.ts118 + src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.ts42 + src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/registration-list.component.ts65 + src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/registration-list.component.ts129 + src/app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts91 + src/app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.ts95 + src/app/+admin/overview/comments/video-comment-list.component.ts104 + src/app/+admin/overview/comments/video-comment-list.component.ts175 + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts100 + src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts248 + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts76 + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts227 + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts282 + src/app/+my-library/+my-video-channels/my-video-channels.component.ts52 + src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.ts57 + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-elements.component.ts128 + src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlists.component.ts35 + src/app/+my-library/my-videos/my-videos.component.html51 + src/app/+my-library/my-videos/my-videos.component.ts189 + src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html189 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comments.component.ts180 + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts133 + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts376 + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-list-table.component.ts411 + src/app/shared/shared-main/buttons/delete-button.component.ts21 + src/app/shared/shared-main/buttons/delete-button.component.ts26 + src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts377 + Accepted {count, plural, =1 { follow request} other { follow requests}} Samþykkti {count, plural, =1 {beiðni frá um að fylgjast með} other { beiðnir um að fylgjast með}} @@ -3396,8 +3390,8 @@ color: red; - Redundancy allowed - Umframgeymsla leyfð + Redundancy allowed + Umframgeymsla leyfð src/app/+admin/follows/following-list/following-list.component.html 44,46 @@ -3471,18 +3465,18 @@ color: red; enabled virkt - - src/app/+admin/follows/shared/redundancy-checkbox.component.ts22 + src/app/+admin/follows/shared/redundancy-checkbox.component.ts22 + disabled óvirkt - - src/app/+admin/follows/shared/redundancy-checkbox.component.ts22 + src/app/+admin/follows/shared/redundancy-checkbox.component.ts22 + Redundancy for is Umframgeymsla fyrir er - - src/app/+admin/follows/shared/redundancy-checkbox.component.ts24 + src/app/+admin/follows/shared/redundancy-checkbox.component.ts24 + Videos redundancies Umframgeymsla myndskeiða (redundancies) @@ -3516,8 +3510,8 @@ color: red; - Video - Myndskeið + Video + Myndskeið src/app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html 30,31 @@ -3627,8 +3621,8 @@ color: red; src/app/+admin/moderation/moderation.routes.ts114 - Accept registrationReject registration - Samþykkja skráninguHafna skráningu + Accept registrationReject registration + Samþykkja skráninguHafna skráningu src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html 4,5 @@ -3643,40 +3637,40 @@ color: red; - Accepting  registration will create the account and channel. - Samþykkt  skráningar mun útbúa aðganginn og búa til rás. + Accepting  registration will create the account and channel. + Samþykkt  skráningar mun útbúa aðganginn og búa til rás. src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html 21,22 - An email will be sent to explaining its account has been created with the moderation response you'll write below. - Tölvupóstur verður sendur á sem útskýrir að viðkomandi notandaaðgangur hafi verið útbúinn, með fylgir svar umsjónaraðila sem þú skrifar hér fyrir neðan. + An email will be sent to explaining its account has been created with the moderation response you'll write below. + Tölvupóstur verður sendur á sem útskýrir að viðkomandi notandaaðgangur hafi verið útbúinn, með fylgir svar umsjónaraðila sem þú skrifar hér fyrir neðan. src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html 24,26 - Emails are not enabled on this instance so PeerTube won't be able to send an email to explaining its account has been created. - Tölvupóstsamskipti eru ekki virkjuð á þessum netþjóni þannig að PeerTube mun ekki geta sent tölvupóst á þar sem útskýrt er að viðkomandi notandaaðgangur hafi verið útbúinn. + Emails are not enabled on this instance so PeerTube won't be able to send an email to explaining its account has been created. + Tölvupóstsamskipti eru ekki virkjuð á þessum netþjóni þannig að PeerTube mun ekki geta sent tölvupóst á þar sem útskýrt er að viðkomandi notandaaðgangur hafi verið útbúinn. src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html 28,30 - An email will be sent to explaining its registration request has been rejected with the moderation response you'll write below. - Tölvupóstur verður sendur á sem útskýrir að viðkomandi skráningarbeiðni hafi verið hafnað rejected, ásamt svari umsjónaraðila sem þú skrifar hér fyrir neðan. + An email will be sent to explaining its registration request has been rejected with the moderation response you'll write below. + Tölvupóstur verður sendur á sem útskýrir að viðkomandi skráningarbeiðni hafi verið hafnað rejected, ásamt svari umsjónaraðila sem þú skrifar hér fyrir neðan. src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html 34,36 - Emails are not enabled on this instance so PeerTube won't be able to send an email to explaining its registration request has been rejected. - Tölvupóstsamskipti eru ekki virkjuð á þessum netþjóni þannig að PeerTube mun ekki geta sent tölvupóst á þar sem útskýrt er að viðkomandi skráningarbeiðni hafi verið hafnað. + Emails are not enabled on this instance so PeerTube won't be able to send an email to explaining its registration request has been rejected. + Tölvupóstsamskipti eru ekki virkjuð á þessum netþjóni þannig að PeerTube mun ekki geta sent tölvupóst á þar sem útskýrt er að viðkomandi skráningarbeiðni hafi verið hafnað. src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.html 38,40 @@ -3701,23 +3695,23 @@ color: red; Accept registration Samþykkja skráningu - - src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.ts68 + src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.ts68 + Reject registration Hafna skráningu - - src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.ts71 + src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.ts71 + account created Aðgangur fyrir útbúinn - - src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.ts95 + src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.ts95 + registration rejected Nýskráningu var hafnað - - src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.ts112 + src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/process-registration-modal.component.ts112 + Moderation response is required. Svar frá umsjónaraðila er nauðsynlegt. @@ -3787,8 +3781,8 @@ color: red; - Date - Dagsetning + Date + Dagsetning src/app/+admin/moderation/video-block-list/video-block-list.component.html 29,31 @@ -4780,8 +4774,8 @@ color: red; src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts99 - <p>You can't create users or channels with a username that already used by a deleted user/channel.</p> - <p>Þú getur ekki búið til notendur eða rásir með notandanafni sem þegar hefur verið notað af eyddum notanda/rás.</p> + <p>You can't create users or channels with a username that already used by a deleted user/channel.</p> + <p>Þú getur ekki búið til notendur eða rásir með notandanafni sem þegar hefur verið notað af eyddum notanda/rás.</p> src/app/+admin/overview/users/user-list/user-list.component.ts244 @@ -4978,8 +4972,8 @@ color: red; - Published - Útgefið + Published + Útgefið src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.html 43,45 @@ -5076,63 +5070,63 @@ color: red; Are you sure you want to delete {count, plural, =1 {this video} other {these videos}}? Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða {count, plural, =1 {þessu myndskeiði} other {þessum myndskeiðum}}? - - src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts222 + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts222 + Are you sure you want to delete these videos? Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða þessum myndskeiðum? - - src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts224 + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts224 + Deleted {count, plural, =1 {1 video} other { videos}}. Eyddi {count, plural, =1 {1 myndskeiði} other { myndskeiðum}}. - - src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts234 + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts234 + Deleted videos. Eyddi myndskeiðum. - - src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts236 + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts236 + Unblocked {count, plural, =1 {1 video} other { videos}}. Hætti að loka á {count, plural, =1 {1 myndskeið} other { myndskeið}}. - - src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts252 + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts252 + Unblocked videos. Hætti að loka á myndskeið. - - src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts254 + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts254 + Are you sure you want to delete {count, plural, =1 {1 HLS streaming playlist} other { HLS streaming playlists}}? Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða {count, plural, =1 {spilunarlista HSL-streymi} other { spilunarlistum HSL-streyma}}? - - src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts270 + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts270 + Are you sure you want to delete HLS streaming playlists? Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða spilunarlistum HSL-streyma}}? - - src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts272 + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts272 + Are you sure you want to delete WebTorrent files of {count, plural, =1 {1 video} other { videos}}? Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða WebTorrent-skrám {count, plural, =1 {1 myndskeiðs} other { myndskeiða}}? - - src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts276 + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts276 + Are you sure you want to delete WebTorrent files of videos? Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða WebTorrent-skrám myndskeiða? - - src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts278 + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts278 + Files were removed. Skrár voru fjarlægðar. - - src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts288 + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts288 + Transcoding jobs created. Umkóðunarverk útbúin. - - src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts300 + src/app/+admin/overview/videos/video-list.component.ts300 + Videos list Listi yfir myndskeið @@ -5444,14 +5438,14 @@ color: red; Search Leita - - - - - - - - src/app/+admin/plugins/shared/plugin-navigation.component.html4src/app/+search/search-routing.module.ts12src/app/+search/search.component.ts257src/app/header/search-typeahead.component.html8src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html116src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/simple-search-input.component.ts12src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/simple-search-input.component.ts13 + src/app/+admin/plugins/shared/plugin-navigation.component.html4 + src/app/+search/search-routing.module.ts12 + src/app/+search/search.component.ts257 + src/app/header/search-typeahead.component.html8 + src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html116 + src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/simple-search-input.component.ts12 + src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/simple-search-input.component.ts13 + Navigate between plugins and themes Flakka á milli forritsviðbóta og þema @@ -5477,8 +5471,8 @@ color: red; - The video quota only takes into account original video size. Since transcoding is enabled, videos size can be at most ~ . - Myndskeiðakvótinn tekur aðeins mið af upprunalegri stærð myndskeiða. Þar sem umkóðun er virk, geta myndskeið mest orðið ~ . + The video quota only takes into account original video size. Since transcoding is enabled, videos size can be at most ~ . + Myndskeiðakvótinn tekur aðeins mið af upprunalegri stærð myndskeiða. Þar sem umkóðun er virk, geta myndskeið mest orðið ~ . src/app/+admin/shared/user-real-quota-info.component.html 1,4 @@ -5493,8 +5487,8 @@ color: red; - PeerTube thinks your web browser public IP is . - PeerTube heldur að opinbera IP-vistfang vafrans þíns sé . + PeerTube thinks your web browser public IP is . + PeerTube heldur að opinbera IP-vistfang vafrans þíns sé . src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html 4 @@ -5541,15 +5535,15 @@ color: red; - Check the trust_proxy configuration key - Athugaðu trust_proxy stillingalykilinn + Check the trust_proxy configuration key + Athugaðu trust_proxy stillingalykilinn src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html 15 - If you run PeerTube using Docker, check you run the reverse-proxy with network_mode: "host" (see issue 1643) + If you run PeerTube using Docker, check you run the reverse-proxy with network_mode: "host" (see issue 1643) src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html 16,17 @@ -5605,8 +5599,8 @@ color: red; - Priority (1 = highest priority) - Forgangur (1 = mesti forgangur) + Priority (1 = highest priority) + Forgangur (1 = mesti forgangur) src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html 47 @@ -5641,24 +5635,24 @@ color: red; - No jobs found. - Engin verk fundust. + No jobs found. + Engin verk fundust. src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html 106 - No jobs found. - Engin verk fundust. + No jobs found. + Engin verk fundust. src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html 110 - No jobs found that are . - Engin verk fundust sem eru . + No jobs found that are . + Engin verk fundust sem eru . src/app/+admin/system/jobs/jobs.component.html 111 @@ -5697,8 +5691,8 @@ color: red; - By -> - Eftir -> + By -> + Eftir -> src/app/+admin/system/logs/logs.component.html 47 @@ -5908,8 +5902,8 @@ color: red; src/app/shared/shared-main/angular/login-link.component.ts11 - > Login - > Innskráning + > Login + > Innskráning src/app/+login/login.component.html 2,5 @@ -5924,24 +5918,24 @@ color: red; - This instance allows registration. However, be careful to check the TermsTerms before creating an account. You may also search for another instance to match your exact needs at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. - Þessi netþjónn leyfir nýskráningar. Hinsvegar þarftu að muna eftir að merkja við skilmálanaskilmálana áður en þú býrð til notandaaðgang. Þú getur líka leitað hér að öðrum netþjóni sem uppfyllir þarfir þínar: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. + This instance allows registration. However, be careful to check the TermsTerms before creating an account. You may also search for another instance to match your exact needs at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. + Þessi netþjónn leyfir nýskráningar. Hinsvegar þarftu að muna eftir að merkja við skilmálanaskilmálana áður en þú býrð til notandaaðgang. Þú getur líka leitað hér að öðrum netþjóni sem uppfyllir þarfir þínar: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. src/app/+login/login.component.html 15,18 - Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, you may check the Terms for more details or find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. - Þessi netþjónn leyfir ekki nýskráningar í augnablikinu, þú getur merkt við Skilmálar til að sjá nánari upplýsingar eða fundið netþjón sem gefur þér kost á að nýskrá notandaaðgang þar sem þú getur sent inn myndskeið. Finndu þér einhvern netþjón sem þér hentar: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. + Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, you may check the Terms for more details or find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. + Þessi netþjónn leyfir ekki nýskráningar í augnablikinu, þú getur merkt við Skilmálar til að sjá nánari upplýsingar eða fundið netþjón sem gefur þér kost á að nýskrá notandaaðgang þar sem þú getur sent inn myndskeið. Finndu þér einhvern netþjón sem þér hentar: https://joinpeertube.org/instances. src/app/+login/login.component.html 20,23 - Sorry but there was an issue with the external login process. Please contact an administrator. - Því miður kom upp vandamál í utanaðkomandi innskráningarferlinu. Hafðu samband við kerfisstjóra. + Sorry but there was an issue with the external login process. Please contact an administrator. + Því miður kom upp vandamál í utanaðkomandi innskráningarferlinu. Hafðu samband við kerfisstjóra. src/app/+login/login.component.html 26,28 @@ -6031,7 +6025,7 @@ color: red; Forgot your password - Gleymdirðu lykilorðinu þínu? + Gleymdirðu lykilorðinu þínu src/app/+login/login.component.html 117 @@ -6075,8 +6069,7 @@ color: red; Password reset button - An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to . -The link will expire within 1 hour. + An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to . The link will expire within 1 hour. Tölvupóstur var sendur með leiðbeiningum varðandi endurstillingu lykilorðs var sendur til . Tengillinn rennur út innan 1 klukkustundar. src/app/+login/login.component.ts150 @@ -6235,9 +6228,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. - Short text to tell people how they can support the channel (membership platform...).<br /><br /> - When a video is uploaded in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text. - Stuttur texti sem segir fólki hvernig það geti stutt við bakið á rásinni (meðlimakerfi, o.s.frv...).<br /><br /> Þegar myndskeið er sent inn á þessa rás, verður reiturinn fyrir stuðning við myndskeiðið sjálfkrafa fylltur með þessum texta. + Short text to tell people how they can support the channel (membership platform...).<br /><br /> When a video is uploaded in this channel, the video support field will be automatically filled by this text. + Stuttur texti sem segir fólki hvernig það geti stutt við bakið á rásinni (meðlimakerfi, o.s.frv...).<br /><br /> Þegar myndskeið er sent inn á þessa rás, verður reiturinn fyrir stuðning við myndskeiðið sjálfkrafa fylltur með þessum texta. src/app/+manage/video-channel-edit/video-channel-edit.component.html 66,67 @@ -6441,6 +6433,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Renewing the token will disallow previously configured clients from retrieving the feed until they use the new token. Proceed? + Endurnýjun á teikninu mun banna öll áður stillt biðlaraforrit frá því að sækja streymið þangað til þau nota nýja teiknið. Halda áfram? src/app/+my-account/my-account-applications/my-account-applications.component.ts 40 @@ -6448,6 +6441,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. Token renewed. Update your client configuration accordingly. + Teikn endurnýjað. Uppfærðu uppsetningu forritsins þíns til samræmis. src/app/+my-account/my-account-applications/my-account-applications.component.ts 49 @@ -6462,8 +6456,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. src/app/menu/notification.component.html27 - Notification preferences - Valkostir tilkynninga + Notification preferences + Valkostir tilkynninga src/app/+my-account/my-account-notifications/my-account-notifications.component.html 4,6 @@ -6528,8 +6522,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. - is awaiting email verification - bíður eftir að tölvupóstfang verði staðfest + is awaiting email verification + bíður eftir að tölvupóstfang verði staðfest src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html 5,6 @@ -6544,8 +6538,8 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. - Your current email is . It is never shown to the public. - Núverandi tölvupóstfang þitt er . Það verður aldrei birt opinberlega. + Your current email is . It is never shown to the public. + Núverandi tölvupóstfang þitt er . Það verður aldrei birt opinberlega. src/app/+my-account/my-account-settings/my-account-change-email/my-account-change-email.component.html 13,16 @@ -7194,9 +7188,7 @@ The link will expire within 1 hour. - Do you really want to delete ? -It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another -channel with the same name ()! + Do you really want to delete ? It will delete videos uploaded in this channel, and you will not be able to create another channel with the same name ()! Viltu í alvörunni eyða ? Það mun eyða myndskeiðum sem send hafa verið inn á þessa rás og þú munt ekki geta útbúið aðra rás með heitinu ()! src/app/+my-library/+my-video-channels/my-video-channels.component.ts @@ -7360,8 +7352,8 @@ channel with the same name ()! - Clear all history - Hreinsa allan aðgerðaferil + Clear all history + Hreinsa allan aðgerðaferil src/app/+my-library/my-history/my-history.component.html 18,20 @@ -7636,8 +7628,8 @@ channel with the same name ()! - Created - Búið til + Created + Búið til src/app/+my-library/my-ownership/my-ownership.component.html 15,17 @@ -7692,24 +7684,24 @@ channel with the same name ()! - External Channel - Utanaðkomandi rás + External Channel + Utanaðkomandi rás src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html 34 - Channel - Rás + Channel + Rás src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html 35 - Last synchronization at - Síðasta samstilling + Last synchronization at + Síðasta samstilling src/app/+my-library/my-video-channel-syncs/my-video-channel-syncs.component.html 38 @@ -7968,8 +7960,8 @@ channel with the same name ()! - Requested on - Beðið um + Requested on + Beðið um src/app/+admin/moderation/registration-list/registration-list.component.html 43,45 @@ -8100,8 +8092,8 @@ channel with the same name ()! - See the documentation for more information. - Skoðaðu hjálparskjölin til að fá frekari upplýsingar. + See the documentation for more information. + Skoðaðu hjálparskjölin til að fá frekari upplýsingar. src/app/+my-library/my-video-playlists/my-video-playlist-elements.component.html 32,33 @@ -8286,13 +8278,13 @@ channel with the same name ()! URL parameter is missing in URL parameters URL-viðfang vantar í URL-viðföngum - - src/app/+remote-interaction/remote-interaction.component.ts24 + src/app/+remote-interaction/remote-interaction.component.ts24 + Cannot access to the remote resource Tekst ekki að ná sambandi við fjartengt tilfang - - src/app/+remote-interaction/remote-interaction.component.ts47 + src/app/+remote-interaction/remote-interaction.component.ts47 + Reset password Endurstilla lykilorð @@ -8698,8 +8690,8 @@ channel with the same name ()! - Long (> 10 min) - Löng (> 10 mín) + Long (> 10 min) + Löng (> 10 mín) src/app/+search/search-filters.component.ts 67 @@ -8758,16 +8750,16 @@ channel with the same name ()! - for - fyrir + for + fyrir src/app/+search/search.component.html 10 - Filters - Síur + Filters + Síur src/app/+search/search.component.html 18,20 @@ -8784,23 +8776,23 @@ channel with the same name ()! Search index is unavailable. Retrying with instance results instead. Leitarskrá er ekki tiltæk. Prófa aftur með niðurstöðum af netþjóninum. - - src/app/+search/search.component.ts163 + src/app/+search/search.component.ts163 + Search error Villa í leit - - src/app/+search/search.component.ts164 + src/app/+search/search.component.ts164 + Search Leita - - src/app/+search/search.component.ts256 + src/app/+search/search.component.ts256 + PeerTube instance host filter is invalid Síun PeerTube netþjónstilviks er ógild - - src/app/+search/search.component.ts331 + src/app/+search/search.component.ts331 + Step Skref @@ -8840,13 +8832,13 @@ channel with the same name ()! - I already have an account, I log in - Ég er þegar með aðgang, ég skrái mig inn + I already have an account, I log in + Ég er þegar með aðgang, ég skrái mig inn src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html30 - Termsof - Skilmálarhjá + Termsof + Skilmálarhjá src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html41 @@ -8856,8 +8848,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/menu/menu.component.html87 - Setupyour account - Settu uppnotandaaðganginn þinn + Setupyour account + Settu uppnotandaaðganginn þinn src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html65 @@ -8866,8 +8858,8 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html80 - Createyour first channel - Útbúðufyrstu rásina þína + Createyour first channel + Útbúðufyrstu rásina þína src/app/+signup/+register/register.component.html82 @@ -8921,40 +8913,40 @@ channel with the same name ()! - As you probably noticed: creating an account is not necessary to watch video on . However, creating an account on will allow you to: - Eins og þú hefur væntanlega tekið eftir: ekki er nauðsynlegt að stofna aðgang til að horfa á myndskeið á . Hinsvegar, ef þú útbýrð aðgang á gerir það þér kleift að: + As you probably noticed: creating an account is not necessary to watch video on . However, creating an account on will allow you to: + Eins og þú hefur væntanlega tekið eftir: ekki er nauðsynlegt að stofna aðgang til að horfa á myndskeið á . Hinsvegar, ef þú útbýrð aðgang á gerir það þér kleift að: src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 4,8 - Comment videos - Gera athugasemdir við myndskeið + Comment videos + Gera athugasemdir við myndskeið src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 11 - Subscribe to channels to be notified of new videos - Gerast áskrifandi að rásum til að fá tilkynningar um ný myndskeið + Subscribe to channels to be notified of new videos + Gerast áskrifandi að rásum til að fá tilkynningar um ný myndskeið src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 12 - Have access to your watch history - Fá aðgang að áhorfsferlinum þínum + Have access to your watch history + Fá aðgang að áhorfsferlinum þínum src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 13 - Create your channel to publish videos - Búa til þínar eigin rásir til að birta myndskeið + Create your channel to publish videos + Búa til þínar eigin rásir til að birta myndskeið src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 14 @@ -8979,29 +8971,29 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html25 - has been created using PeerTube, a video creation platform developed by Framasoft. Framasoft is a french non-profit organization that offers alternatives to Big Tech's digital tools - hefur verið útbúið með PeerTube, kerfi til umsýslu myndskeiða, sem þróað er af Framasoft. Framasoft eru frönsk samtök án hagnaðarmarkmiða sem leitast við að bjóða upp á valkosti aðra en stafrænar lausnir stóru tæknifyrirtækjanna + has been created using PeerTube, a video creation platform developed by Framasoft. Framasoft is a french non-profit organization that offers alternatives to Big Tech's digital tools + hefur verið útbúið með PeerTube, kerfi til umsýslu myndskeiða, sem þróað er af Framasoft. Framasoft eru frönsk samtök án hagnaðarmarkmiða sem leitast við að bjóða upp á valkosti aðra en stafrænar lausnir stóru tæknifyrirtækjanna src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html38 - You want to publish videos on ? Then you need to create your first channel. - Langar þig til að gefa út myndskeið á ? Þá þarftu að útbúa fyrstu rásina þína. + You want to publish videos on ? Then you need to create your first channel. + Langar þig til að gefa út myndskeið á ? Þá þarftu að útbúa fyrstu rásina þína. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html 2,4 - You might want to create a channel by theme: for example, you can create a channel named "SweetMelodies" to publish your piano concerts and another one "Ecology" in which you publish your videos talking about ecology. - Þú gætir viljað útbúa rásir útbúa rásir með mismunandi þemum: til dæmis geturðu búið til rás með heitinu "Óhljóð" til að gefa út tilraunatónlistina þína og svo aðra sem kallast "Umhverfismál" þar sem þú birtir myndskeið þar sem þú talar um umhverfismál. + You might want to create a channel by theme: for example, you can create a channel named "SweetMelodies" to publish your piano concerts and another one "Ecology" in which you publish your videos talking about ecology. + Þú gætir viljað útbúa rásir útbúa rásir með mismunandi þemum: til dæmis geturðu búið til rás með heitinu "Óhljóð" til að gefa út tilraunatónlistina þína og svo aðra sem kallast "Umhverfismál" þar sem þú birtir myndskeið þar sem þú talar um umhverfismál. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html 6,9 - administrators allow you to publish up to of videos on their website. - Stjórnendur leyfa þér að birta allt að af myndskeiðum á vefsvæðinu sínu. + administrators allow you to publish up to of videos on their website. + Stjórnendur leyfa þér að birta allt að af myndskeiðum á vefsvæðinu sínu. src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-channel.component.html 11,13 @@ -9072,8 +9064,8 @@ channel with the same name ()! - I am at least years old and agree to the Terms and to the Code of Conduct of - Ég er að minnsta kosti ára og samþykki notkunarskilmála og siðareglur á + I am at least years old and agree to the Terms and to the Code of Conduct of + Ég er að minnsta kosti ára og samþykki notkunarskilmála og siðareglur á src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-terms.component.html 17,22 @@ -9257,8 +9249,8 @@ channel with the same name ()! - Welcomeon - Velkominá + Welcomeon + Velkominá src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success-before-email.component.html7 @@ -9275,24 +9267,24 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success-before-email.component.html14 - Check your emails to validate your account and complete your registration request. - Skoðaðu tölvupóstinn þinn til að staðfesta notandaaðganginn þinn og ljúka við beiðni þína um skráningu . + Check your emails to validate your account and complete your registration request. + Skoðaðu tölvupóstinn þinn til að staðfesta notandaaðganginn þinn og ljúka við beiðni þína um skráningu . src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success-before-email.component.html 18,19 - Check your emails to validate your account and complete your registration. - Skoðaðu tölvupóstinn þinn til að staðfesta notandaaðganginn þinn og ljúka skráningunni þinni. + Check your emails to validate your account and complete your registration. + Skoðaðu tölvupóstinn þinn til að staðfesta notandaaðganginn þinn og ljúka skráningunni þinni. src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success-before-email.component.html 22,23 - If you need help to use PeerTube, you can have a look at the documentation. - Ef þig vantar hjálp við að nota PeerTube, þá geturðu skoðað hjálparskjölin. + If you need help to use PeerTube, you can have a look at the documentation. + Ef þig vantar hjálp við að nota PeerTube, þá geturðu skoðað hjálparskjölin. src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success-after-email.component.html17 src/app/+signup/shared/signup-success-before-email.component.html31 @@ -9563,9 +9555,9 @@ channel with the same name ()! Subscribe to the account Gerast áskrifandi að aðgangnum - - - src/app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.ts85src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts839 + src/app/+video-channels/video-channels.component.ts85 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts839 + PLAYLISTS SPILUNARLISTAR @@ -9716,13 +9708,13 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts75 - The current video will be overwritten by this edited video and <strong>you won't be able to recover it</strong>.<br /><br /> - Skrifað verður yfir fyrirliggjandi myndskeið með þessu breytta myndskeiði og <strong>þú munt ekki geta endurheimt fyrra myndskeiðið</strong>.<br /><br /> + The current video will be overwritten by this edited video and <strong>you won't be able to recover it</strong>.<br /><br /> + Skrifað verður yfir fyrirliggjandi myndskeið með þessu breytta myndskeiði og <strong>þú munt ekki geta endurheimt fyrra myndskeiðið</strong>.<br /><br /> src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts79 - As a reminder, the following tasks will be executed: <ol></ol> - Til áminningar, þá verða eftirfarandi verk framkvæmd: <ol></ol> + As a reminder, the following tasks will be executed: <ol></ol> + Til áminningar, þá verða eftirfarandi verk framkvæmd: <ol></ol> src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts80 @@ -10292,8 +10284,8 @@ channel with the same name ()! - Tags could be used to suggest relevant recommendations. There is a maximum of 5 tags. Press Enter to add a new tag. - Merki er hægt að nota til að stinga upp á viðeigandi meðmælum. Hámarkið eru 5 merki. Ýttu á Enter til að bæta við nýju merki. + Tags could be used to suggest relevant recommendations. There is a maximum of 5 tags. Press Enter to add a new tag. + Merki er hægt að nota til að stinga upp á viðeigandi meðmælum. Hámarkið eru 5 merki. Ýttu á Enter til að bæta við nýju merki. src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html 30,33 @@ -10308,8 +10300,8 @@ channel with the same name ()! - Choose the appropriate licence for your work. - Veldu viðeigandi notkunarleyfi fyrir verkið þitt. + Choose the appropriate licence for your work. + Veldu viðeigandi notkunarleyfi fyrir verkið þitt. src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html 84,85 @@ -10388,7 +10380,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! - Already uploaded on ✔ + Already uploaded on Þegar búið að senda inn þann src/app/+videos/+video-edit/shared/video-edit.component.html @@ -10874,6 +10866,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! You can import any torrent file that points to a media file. You should make sure you have diffusion rights over the content it points to, otherwise it could cause legal trouble to yourself and your instance. + Þú getur flutt inn hvaða torrent-skrá sem beinir á margmiðlunarskrá. Gakktu úr skugga um að þú hafir heimild til að dreifa efninu sem hún beinir á, því annars gætu bæði þú og þeir sem reka netþjóninn þinn lent í lagalegum vandræðum. src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html 20,22 @@ -10888,6 +10881,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! Congratulations, the video will be imported with BitTorrent! You can already add information about this video. + Til hamingju, myndskeiðið verður flutt inn með BitTorrent. Þú getur strax bætt við upplýsingum um þetta myndskeið. src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html 56,57 @@ -10930,14 +10924,16 @@ channel with the same name ()! - You can import any URL supported by youtube-dl or URL that points to a media file. You should make sure you have diffusion rights over the content it points to, otherwise it could cause legal trouble to yourself and your instance. + You can import any URL supported by youtube-dl or URL that points to a media file. You should make sure you have diffusion rights over the content it points to, otherwise it could cause legal trouble to yourself and your instance. + Þú getur flutt inn hvaða URL-slóð sem youtube-dl styður eða URL-slóð sem beinir á margmiðlunarskrá. Gakktu úr skugga um að þú hafir heimild til að dreifa efninu sem hún beinir á, því annars gætu bæði þú og þeir sem reka netþjóninn þinn lent í lagalegum vandræðum. src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html 11,14 - You can also synchronize a remote channel in your library + You can also synchronize a remote channel in your library + Þú getur líka samstillt fjartengda rás við safnið þitt src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html 21,23 @@ -10945,6 +10941,7 @@ channel with the same name ()! Congratulations, the video behind will be imported! You can already add information about this video. + Til hamingju, myndskeiðið að baki verður flutt inn. Þú getur strax bætt við upplýsingum um þetta myndskeið. src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html 53,54 @@ -10971,7 +10968,8 @@ channel with the same name ()! - Image that will be merged with your audio file. The chosen image will be definitive and cannot be modified. + Image that will be merged with your audio file. The chosen image will be definitive and cannot be modified. + Mynd sem verður sameinuð hljóðskránni þinni. Valin mynd er endanleg og ekki hægt að breyta. src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.html 37,40 @@ -11131,7 +11129,8 @@ channel with the same name ()! - We recommend you to not use the root user to publish your videos, since it's the super-admin account of your instance. Instead, create a dedicated account to upload your videos. + We recommend you to not use the root user to publish your videos, since it's the super-admin account of your instance. Instead, create a dedicated account to upload your videos. + Við mælum með því að þú notir alls ekki root rótarnotandann til að birta myndskeiðin þín, þar sem það er ofur-kerfisstjóraaðgangur tilviksins þíns. Frekar ættirðu að útbúa sérstakan notandaaðgang til að senda inn myndskeiðin þín. src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html 34,37 @@ -11951,8 +11950,8 @@ channel with the same name ()! - Published - Útgefið + Published + Útgefið src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.html 30,31 @@ -11979,100 +11978,100 @@ channel with the same name ()! - This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>? - Þetta myndskeið er ekki tiltækt á þessum netþjóni. Viltu að þér sé endurbeint á upprunalegan netþjón: <a href=""></a>? - - src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts348 + This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: <a href=""></a>? + Þetta myndskeið er ekki tiltækt á þessum netþjóni. Viltu að þér sé endurbeint á upprunalegan netþjón: <a href=""></a>? + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts348 + Redirection Endurbeining - - src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts349 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts349 + This video contains mature or explicit content. Are you sure you want to watch it? Þetta myndskeið inniheldur fullorðinsefni eða viðkvæmt efni. Ertu viss að þú viljir horfa á það? - - src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts404 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts404 + Mature or explicit content Fullorðins eða viðkvæmt efni - - src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts405 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts405 + Up Next Næst í spilun - - src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts488 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts488 + Autoplay is suspended Sjálfvirk spilun er í bið - - src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts490 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts490 + Enter/exit fullscreen Fara í/Hætta í skjáfylli - - src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts802 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts802 + Play/Pause the video Spila/Setja myndskeið í bið - - src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts803 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts803 + Mute/unmute the video Þagga/Kveikja á hljóði - - src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts804 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts804 + Skip to a percentage of the video: 0 is 0% and 9 is 90% Hoppa yfir á prósentu myndskeiðsins: 0 er 0% og 9 er 90% - - src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts819 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts819 + Increase the volume Auka hljóðstyrk - - src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts806 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts806 + Decrease the volume Minnka hljóðstyrk - - src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts807 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts807 + Seek the video forward Leita áfram í myndskeiðinu - - src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts821 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts821 + Seek the video backward Leita afturábak í myndskeiðinu - - src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts822 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts822 + Increase playback rate Auka afspilunarhraða - - src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts824 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts824 + Decrease playback rate Minnka afspilunarhraða - - src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts825 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts825 + Navigate in the video to the previous frame Fara á fyrri ramma í myndskeiðinu - - src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts827 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts827 + Navigate in the video to the next frame Fara á næsta ramma í myndskeiðinu - - src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts828 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts828 + Toggle theater mode Víxla bíóham af/á - - src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts812 + src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts812 + Discover Uppgötva @@ -12275,8 +12274,7 @@ channel with the same name ()!src/app/core/auth/auth.service.ts75 - Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: . -Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section. + Cannot retrieve OAuth Client credentials: . Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular the "webserver" section. src/app/core/auth/auth.service.ts102 @@ -12490,6 +12488,7 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular Determines whether you can resolve any distant content, or if this instance only allows doing so for instances it follows. + Ákvarðar hvort þú getir leyst mál með fjartengt efni, eða hvort þetta tilvik leyfi slíkt einungis fyrir þau tilvik sem það fylgist með. src/app/header/search-typeahead.component.html 40 @@ -12780,24 +12779,24 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular - Help moderators and other users to know who you are by: - Hjálpaðu umsjónarfólki og öðrum notendum að vita hver þú sért með því að: + Help moderators and other users to know who you are by: + Hjálpaðu umsjónarfólki og öðrum notendum að vita hver þú sért með því að: src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html 12 - Uploading an avatar - Senda inn auðkennismynd + Uploading an avatar + Senda inn auðkennismynd src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html 15 - Writing a description - Skrifa lýsingu + Writing a description + Skrifa lýsingu src/app/modal/account-setup-warning-modal.component.html 16 @@ -12900,16 +12899,16 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular - Official PeerTube website (news, support, contribute...): https://joinpeertube.org - Opinbera PeerTube vefsvæðið (fréttir, aðstoð, þátttaka...): https://joinpeertube.org + Official PeerTube website (news, support, contribute...): https://joinpeertube.org + Opinbera PeerTube vefsvæðið (fréttir, aðstoð, þátttaka...): https://joinpeertube.org src/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html 42,43 - Put your instance on the public PeerTube index: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances - Settu tilvikið þitt á opinbera skrá PeerTube: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances + Put your instance on the public PeerTube index: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances + Settu tilvikið þitt á opinbera skrá PeerTube: https://instances.joinpeertube.org/instances src/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html 45 @@ -12924,16 +12923,16 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular - Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are. - Veldu nafnið á veitunni þinni, settu inn lýsingu, sem tiltekur hver þú sért, af hverju þú útbjóst þessa veitu og hve lengi þú hefur hugsað þér að halda þessu úti er mjög mikilvægt fyrir fólk til að skilja á hverskonar netþjóni það sé statt. + Choosing your instance name, setting up a description, specifying who you are, why you created your instance and how long you plan to maintain it is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are. + Veldu nafnið á veitunni þinni, settu inn lýsingu, sem tiltekur hver þú sért, af hverju þú útbjóst þessa veitu og hve lengi þú hefur hugsað þér að halda þessu úti er mjög mikilvægt fyrir fólk til að skilja á hverskonar netþjóni það sé statt. src/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html 57,61 - If you want to open registrations, please decide what your moderation rules and instance terms of service are, as well as specify the categories and languages and your moderators speak. This way, you will help users to register on the appropriate PeerTube instance. - Ef þú vilt opna fyrir nýskráningar, þá skaltu ákveða reglur varðandi leyfilegt efni og þjónustuskilmála veitunnar, auk þess að tilgreina flokka og þau tungumál sem umsjónaraðilar tala. Þannig geturðu hjálpað fólki að skrá sig á viðeigandi PeerTube-netþjón. + If you want to open registrations, please decide what your moderation rules and instance terms of service are, as well as specify the categories and languages and your moderators speak. This way, you will help users to register on the appropriate PeerTube instance. + Ef þú vilt opna fyrir nýskráningar, þá skaltu ákveða reglur varðandi leyfilegt efni og þjónustuskilmála veitunnar, auk þess að tilgreina flokka og þau tungumál sem umsjónaraðilar tala. Þannig geturðu hjálpað fólki að skrá sig á viðeigandi PeerTube-netþjón. src/app/modal/admin-welcome-modal.component.html 63,67 @@ -13036,8 +13035,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular - Please consider configuring these fields to help people to choose the appropriate instance. Without them, your instance may not be referenced on the JoinPeerTube website. - Hugsaðu um að fylla í þessa reiti til að hjálpa fólki að velja the viðeigandi netþjón. Án þessara upplýsinga er ekki víst að vísað verði í netþjóninn þinn á the JoinPeerTube-vefsvæðinu. + Please consider configuring these fields to help people to choose the appropriate instance. Without them, your instance may not be referenced on the JoinPeerTube website. + Hugsaðu um að fylla í þessa reiti til að hjálpa fólki að velja the viðeigandi netþjón. Án þessara upplýsinga er ekki víst að vísað verði í netþjóninn þinn á the JoinPeerTube-vefsvæðinu. src/app/modal/instance-config-warning-modal.component.html 24,27 @@ -14151,8 +14150,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular - - + + src/app/shared/shared-abuse-list/abuse-details.component.html 21,23 @@ -14819,8 +14818,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular - Markdown compatible that also supports custom PeerTube HTML tags - Markdown-samhæft sem einnig styður sérsniðin HTML-einindi PeerTube + Markdown compatible that also supports custom PeerTube HTML tags + Markdown-samhæft sem einnig styður sérsniðin HTML-einindi PeerTube src/app/shared/shared-custom-markup/custom-markup-help.component.html 2 @@ -15105,8 +15104,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular - Default NSFW/sensitive videos policycan be redefined by the users - Sjálfgefin stefna varðandi viðkvæmt eða óviðeigandi efnigetur verið endurskilgreind af notendum + Default NSFW/sensitive videos policycan be redefined by the users + Sjálfgefin stefna varðandi viðkvæmt eða óviðeigandi efnigetur verið endurskilgreind af notendum src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html 13,14 @@ -15142,8 +15141,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html41 - Unlimited ( per day) - Ótakmarkað ( á dag) + Unlimited ( per day) + Ótakmarkað ( á dag) src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html59 @@ -15537,8 +15536,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular - Some of your channels are not fully set up. Make them welcoming and explicit about what you publish by adding a banner, an avatar and a description. - Sumar af rásunum þínum eru ekki að fullu upsettar. Gerðu þær aðlaðandi og upplýsandi um hvað þú sért að birta með því að bæta við borða, auðkennismynd og lýsingu. + Some of your channels are not fully set up. Make them welcoming and explicit about what you publish by adding a banner, an avatar and a description. + Sumar af rásunum þínum eru ekki að fullu upsettar. Gerðu þær aðlaðandi og upplýsandi um hvað þú sért að birta með því að bæta við borða, auðkennismynd og lýsingu. src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/channels-setup-message.component.html 5 @@ -15561,8 +15560,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular - <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports: - <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> samhæft sem styður: + <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> compatible that supports: + <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Example" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Markdown</a> samhæft sem styður: src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/help.component.ts 75 @@ -15609,8 +15608,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular - published a new video: - birti nýtt myndskeið: + published a new video: + birti nýtt myndskeið: src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 15,16 @@ -15625,80 +15624,80 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular - Your video has been unblocked - Opnað hefur verið á myndskeiðið þitt + Your video has been unblocked + Opnað hefur verið á myndskeiðið þitt src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 32,34 - Your video has been blocked - Lokað hefur verið á myndskeiðið þitt + Your video has been blocked + Lokað hefur verið á myndskeiðið þitt src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 40,42 - A new video abuse has been created on video - Ný tilkynning um misnotkun myndskeiðs hefur verið gerð við myndskeiðið + A new video abuse has been created on video + Ný tilkynning um misnotkun myndskeiðs hefur verið gerð við myndskeiðið src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 49 - A new comment abuse has been created on video - Ný tilkynning um misnotkun á athugasemd hefur verið gerð við myndskeiðið + A new comment abuse has been created on video + Ný tilkynning um misnotkun á athugasemd hefur verið gerð við myndskeiðið src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 53 - A new account abuse has been created on account - Ný tilkynning um misnotkun aðgangs hefur verið gerð við aðganginn + A new account abuse has been created on account + Ný tilkynning um misnotkun aðgangs hefur verið gerð við aðganginn src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 57 - A new abuse has been created - Ný tilkynning um misnotkun hefur verið gerð + A new abuse has been created + Ný tilkynning um misnotkun hefur verið gerð src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 62,63 - Your abuse has been acceptedrejected - Misnotkunarkæran þín hefur verið samþykkthafnað + Your abuse has been acceptedrejected + Misnotkunarkæran þín hefur verið samþykkthafnað src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 70,72 - Abuse has a new message - Misnotkunarkæra hefur fengið ný skilaboð + Abuse has a new message + Misnotkunarkæra hefur fengið ný skilaboð src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 80,81 - The recently added video has been automatically blocked - Nýviðbætta myndskeiðið hefur verið útilokað sjálfvirkt + The recently added video has been automatically blocked + Nýviðbætta myndskeiðið hefur verið útilokað sjálfvirkt src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 87,88 - commented your video - setti athugasemd við myndskeiðið þitt + commented your video + setti athugasemd við myndskeiðið þitt src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 99 @@ -15717,96 +15716,96 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular - Your video has been published - Myndskeiðið þitt hefur verið gefið út + Your video has been published + Myndskeiðið þitt hefur verið gefið út src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 115,117 - Your video import succeeded - Innflutningur þinn á myndskeiði tókst + Your video import succeeded + Innflutningur þinn á myndskeiði tókst src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 124,125 - Your video import failed - Innflutningur þinn á myndskeiði mistókst + Your video import failed + Innflutningur þinn á myndskeiði mistókst src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 132,133 - User registered on your instance - Notandinn skráði sig á netþjóninn þinn + User registered on your instance + Notandinn skráði sig á netþjóninn þinn src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 139,141 - is following your channel your account - er að fylgjast með rásinni þinni aðgangnum þínum + is following your channel your account + er að fylgjast með rásinni þinni aðgangnum þínum src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 150,153 - mentioned you on video - minntist á þig við myndskeið + mentioned you on video + minntist á þig við myndskeið src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 164 - Your instance has a new follower () awaiting your approval - Netþjónninn þinn er með nýjan fylgjanda () sem bíður eftir samþykki þínu + Your instance has a new follower () awaiting your approval + Netþjónninn þinn er með nýjan fylgjanda () sem bíður eftir samþykki þínu src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 180,182 - Your instance automatically followed - Netþjónninn þinn fylgist sjálfvirkt með + Your instance automatically followed + Netþjónninn þinn fylgist sjálfvirkt með src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 189,190 - A new version of the plugin/theme is available: - Ný útgáfa af viðbótinni/þemanu er tiltæk: + A new version of the plugin/theme is available: + Ný útgáfa af viðbótinni/þemanu er tiltæk: src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 198,199 - A new version of PeerTube is available: - Ný útgáfa af PeerTube er tiltæk: + A new version of PeerTube is available: + Ný útgáfa af PeerTube er tiltæk: src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 206,207 - Your video edition has finished - Breytingum á myndskeiðinu þínu er lokið + Your video edition has finished + Breytingum á myndskeiðinu þínu er lokið src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 213,215 - User wants to register on your instance - Notandinn vill skrá sig á netþjóninn þinn + User wants to register on your instance + Notandinn vill skrá sig á netþjóninn þinn src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 221,223 @@ -16022,8 +16021,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular - Muted at - Þaggað + Muted at + Þaggað src/app/shared/shared-moderation/account-blocklist.component.html 25 @@ -16170,8 +16169,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular - Your report will be sent to moderators of and will be forwarded to the comment origin () too. - Kæran þín verður send til umsjónarfólks og einnig áframsend til upprunaaðgangs athugasemdarinnar (). + Your report will be sent to moderators of and will be forwarded to the comment origin () too. + Kæran þín verður send til umsjónarfólks og einnig áframsend til upprunaaðgangs athugasemdarinnar (). src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html 35,37 @@ -16222,8 +16221,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.html85 - Your report will be sent to moderators of and will be forwarded to the video origin () too. - Kæran þín verður send til umsjónarfólks og einnig áframsend til upprunaaðgangs myndskeiðsins (). + Your report will be sent to moderators of and will be forwarded to the video origin () too. + Kæran þín verður send til umsjónarfólks og einnig áframsend til upprunaaðgangs myndskeiðsins (). src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html 66,68 @@ -16426,8 +16425,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular - If you remove this user, you won't be able to create another user or channel with <strong></strong> username! - Ef þú fjarlægir þennan notanda, muntu ekki geta útbúið annan notanda eða rás með <strong></strong>notandanafninu! + If you remove this user, you won't be able to create another user or channel with <strong></strong> username! + Ef þú fjarlægir þennan notanda, muntu ekki geta útbúið annan notanda eða rás með <strong></strong>notandanafninu! src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts 104 @@ -17098,8 +17097,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular - The sharing system implies that some technical information about your system (such as a public IP address) can be sent to other peers, but greatly helps to reduce server load. - Deilingarkerfið krefst þess að einhverjar tæknilegar upplýsingar varðandi kerfið þitt séu sendar til annarra jafningja (eins og opinbert IP-vistfang), en þetta hjálpar til við að minnka álag á netþjóna. + The sharing system implies that some technical information about your system (such as a public IP address) can be sent to other peers, but greatly helps to reduce server load. + Deilingarkerfið krefst þess að einhverjar tæknilegar upplýsingar varðandi kerfið þitt séu sendar til annarra jafningja (eins og opinbert IP-vistfang), en þetta hjálpar til við að minnka álag á netþjóna. src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html 45 @@ -17159,8 +17158,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts132 - Remote subscribeRemote interact - Gerast áskrifandi fjartengtFjartengd gagnvirkni + Remote subscribeRemote interact + Gerast áskrifandi fjartengtFjartengd gagnvirkni src/app/shared/shared-user-subscription/remote-subscribe.component.html 11,12 @@ -17341,8 +17340,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular - See the documentation to learn how to use the PeerTube live streaming feature. - Skoðaðu hjálparskjölin til að sjá hvernig á að nota bein streymi í PeerTube. + See the documentation to learn how to use the PeerTube live streaming feature. + Skoðaðu hjálparskjölin til að sjá hvernig á að nota bein streymi í PeerTube. src/app/shared/shared-video-live/live-documentation-link.component.html 1,4 @@ -17753,8 +17752,8 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular - Update your settings - Uppfæra stillingarnar þínar + Update your settings + Uppfæra stillingarnar þínar src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html 2,7 @@ -17777,56 +17776,56 @@ Ensure you have correctly configured PeerTube (config/ directory), in particular - Sort by "Recently Added" - Raða eftir "Nýlega bætt við" + Sort by "Recently Added" + Raða eftir "Nýlega bætt við" src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html 47 - Sort by "Original Publication Date" - Raða eftir "Upprunalegri útgáfudagsetningu" + Sort by "Original Publication Date" + Raða eftir "Upprunalegri útgáfudagsetningu" src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html 48 - Sort by "Name" - Raða eftir "Nafni" + Sort by "Name" + Raða eftir "Nafni" src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html 50 - Sort by "Recent Views" - Raða eftir "Nýlega skoðað" + Sort by "Recent Views" + Raða eftir "Nýlega skoðað" src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html 51 - Sort by "Hot" - Raða eftir "Heitast" + Sort by "Hot" + Raða eftir "Heitast" src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html 52 - Sort by "Likes" - Raða eftir "Hve mörgum líkar" + Sort by "Likes" + Raða eftir "Hve mörgum líkar" src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html 53 - Sort by "Global Views" - Raða eftir "Heildaráhorf" + Sort by "Global Views" + Raða eftir "Heildaráhorf" src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html 54