diff --git a/client/src/locale/angular.is.xlf b/client/src/locale/angular.is.xlf index 4e54b4b3e..8e705065c 100644 --- a/client/src/locale/angular.is.xlf +++ b/client/src/locale/angular.is.xlf @@ -2543,17 +2543,17 @@ 500 - + Video quota is checked on import so the user doesn't upload a too big archive file - Video quota is checked on import so the user doesn't upload a too big archive file + Myndskeiðakvóti er skoðaður við innflutning þannig að notandinn sendi ekki inn of stóra safnskrá src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html 503 - + Video quota (daily quota is not taken into account) is also checked for each video when PeerTube is processing the import - Video quota (daily quota is not taken into account) is also checked for each video when PeerTube is processing the import + Myndskeiðakvóti (ekki er tekið tillit til daglegs kvóta) er einnig skoðaður fyrir hvert myndskeið þegar PeerTube vinnur með innflutninginn src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html 504 @@ -2567,41 +2567,41 @@ 518 - + Users can export their PeerTube data in a .zip for backup or re-import. Only one export at a time is allowed per user - Users can export their PeerTube data in a .zip for backup or re-import. Only one export at a time is allowed per user + Notendur geta flutt út sín eigin PeerTube-gögn í zip-skrá sem öryggisafrit eða til endurinnflutnings. Hver notandi getur aðeins flutt út einu sinni í einu src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html 521 - + Max user video quota allowed to generate the export - Max user video quota allowed to generate the export + Hámarkskvóti myndskeiða notanda sem leyfður er til útflutnings src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html 527 - + If the user decides to include the video files in the archive - If the user decides to include the video files in the archive + Hvort notandinn ákveður að hafa myndskeiðaskrárnar með í safnskránni src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html 529 - + User export expiration - User export expiration + Gildistími útflutnings notanda src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html 543 - + The archive file is deleted after this period. - The archive file is deleted after this period. + Safnskránni er eytt eftir þennan tíma. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html 550 @@ -2999,9 +2999,9 @@ 12 - + Square icon can be used on your custom homepage. - Square icon can be used on your custom homepage. + Ferningslaga táknmynd er hægt að nota á sérsniðna heimasíðu þína. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html 15 @@ -3015,17 +3015,17 @@ 26 - + Banner is displayed in the about, login and registration pages and be used on your custom homepage. - Banner is displayed in the about, login and registration pages and be used on your custom homepage. + Borði birtist á síðunum um vefinn, innskráningu og nýskráningu og er hægt að nota á sérsniðna heimasíðu þína. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html 29 - + It can also be displayed on external websites to promote your instance, such as JoinPeerTube.org. - It can also be displayed on external websites to promote your instance, such as JoinPeerTube.org. + Einnig er hægt að birta hann á utanaðkomandi vefsvæðum til kynningar á tilvikinu þínu, eins og t.d. JoinPeerTube.org. src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-instance-information.component.html 30 @@ -7087,17 +7087,17 @@ 18 - + The video quota only takes into account the size of uploaded videos, not transcoded files or user export archives (which may contain video files). - The video quota only takes into account the size of uploaded videos, not transcoded files or user export archives (which may contain video files). + Myndskeiðakvótinn tekur aðeins tillit til stærðar á innsendum myndskeiðum, ekki umkóðuðum skrám eða útflutningsskrám notandans (sem gætu innihaldið myndskeiðaskrár). src/app/+admin/shared/user-real-quota-info.component.html 3,5 - + Transcoding is enabled so videos size can be at most ~ . - Transcoding is enabled so videos size can be at most ~ . + Umkóðun er virk þannig að stærð myndskeiða getur mest verið ~ . src/app/+admin/shared/user-real-quota-info.component.html 9,11 @@ -8312,33 +8312,33 @@ 4 - + You can request an archive of your account containing: - You can request an archive of your account containing: + Þú getur beðið um safnskrá með því sem er á notandasniðinu þínu: src/app/+my-account/my-account-import-export/my-account-export.component.html 11 - + Your account settings with avatar file - Your account settings with avatar file + Stillingar notandaaðgangsins þíns með auðkennismyndskrá src/app/+my-account/my-account-import-export/my-account-export.component.html 14 - + Your channels with banner and avatar files - Your channels with banner and avatar files + Rásirnar þínar með borða og auðkennismyndaskrám src/app/+my-account/my-account-import-export/my-account-export.component.html 15 - + Your muted accounts and servers - Your muted accounts and servers + Þaggaðir aðgangar og netþjónar src/app/+my-account/my-account-import-export/my-account-export.component.html 16 @@ -8376,57 +8376,57 @@ 20 - + Your videos with thumbnail, caption files. Video files can also be included in the archive - Your videos with thumbnail, caption files. Video files can also be included in the archive + Myndskeiðin þín með smámyndum og skjátextum. Myndskeiðaskrár geta einnig verið með í safnskránni src/app/+my-account/my-account-import-export/my-account-export.component.html 21 - + The exported data will contain multiple directories: - The exported data will contain multiple directories: + Útflutt gögn munu innihalda margar möppur: src/app/+my-account/my-account-import-export/my-account-export.component.html 24 - + A directory containing an export in ActivityPub format, readable by any compliant software - A directory containing an export in ActivityPub format, readable by any compliant software + Mappa sem innigeldur útflutt gögn á ActivityPub-sniði, lesanlegt af öllum samhæfðum hugbúnaði src/app/+my-account/my-account-import-export/my-account-export.component.html 27 - + A directory containing an export in custom PeerTube JSON format that can be used to re-import your account on another PeerTube instance - A directory containing an export in custom PeerTube JSON format that can be used to re-import your account on another PeerTube instance + Mappa sem innigeldur útflutt gögn á sérsniðnu PeerTube JSON-sniði sem hægt er að nota til að flytja inn í notandaaðgang á einhverjum öðrum PeerTube-netþjóni src/app/+my-account/my-account-import-export/my-account-export.component.html 28 - + A directory containing static files (thumbnails, avatars, video files etc.) - A directory containing static files (thumbnails, avatars, video files etc.) + Mappa sem inniheldur skrár (smámyndir, auðkennismyndir, myndskeiðaskrár, o.s.frv.) src/app/+my-account/my-account-import-export/my-account-export.component.html 29 - + You can only request one archive at a time. - You can only request one archive at a time. + Þú getur aðeins beðið um eina safnskrá í einu. src/app/+my-account/my-account-import-export/my-account-export.component.html 32 - + An email will be sent when the export archive is available. - An email will be sent when the export archive is available. + Sendur verður tölvupóstur þegar útflutningssafnskráin er tilbúin. src/app/+my-account/my-account-import-export/my-account-export.component.html 35 @@ -11089,9 +11089,9 @@ 16 - + Moderators of will have to approve your registration request once you have finished to fill the form. They usually respond within . - Moderators of will have to approve your registration request once you have finished to fill the form. They usually respond within . + Umsjónaraðilar munu þurfa að samþykkja skráningarbeiðnina þína eftir að þú hefur lokið við að fylla inn í skráningarformið. Þeir svara venjulega innan . src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 19,22 @@ -15999,9 +15999,9 @@ 7 - + Short description must not be longer than 250 characters. - Short description must not be longer than 250 characters. + Stutt lýsing má ekki vera lengra en 250 stafir. src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts 14 @@ -16127,9 +16127,9 @@ 71 - + Max live duration must be greater or equal to -1. - Max live duration must be greater or equal to -1. + Hámarkstími beins streymis verður að vera meiri en eða jafn -1. src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts 72 @@ -16143,9 +16143,9 @@ 79 - + Max instance lives must be greater or equal to -1. - Max instance lives must be greater or equal to -1. + Hámarksfjöldi beinna streyma á tilvikinu verður að vera meiri en eða jafn -1. src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts 80 @@ -16207,17 +16207,17 @@ 105 - + Index URL must be a URL - Index URL must be a URL + URL-vísir verður að vera URL-slóð src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts 112 - + Search index URL must be a URL - Search index URL must be a URL + URL-leitarvísir verður að vera URL-slóð src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts 119