/* tslint:disable:no-unused-expression */ import 'mocha' import { createUser, createVideoPlaylist, deleteVideoPlaylist, flushTests, getVideoPlaylist, immutableAssign, killallServers, makeGetRequest, runServer, ServerInfo, setAccessTokensToServers, updateVideoPlaylist, userLogin, addVideoInPlaylist, uploadVideo, updateVideoPlaylistElement, removeVideoFromPlaylist, reorderVideosPlaylist } from '../../../../shared/utils' import { checkBadCountPagination, checkBadSortPagination, checkBadStartPagination } from '../../../../shared/utils/requests/check-api-params' import { VideoPlaylistPrivacy } from '../../../../shared/models/videos/playlist/video-playlist-privacy.model' describe('Test video playlists API validator', function () { let server: ServerInfo let userAccessToken = '' let playlistUUID: string let videoId: number let videoId2: number // --------------------------------------------------------------- before(async function () { this.timeout(30000) await flushTests() server = await runServer(1) await setAccessTokensToServers([ server ]) const username = 'user1' const password = 'my super password' await createUser(server.url, server.accessToken, username, password) userAccessToken = await userLogin(server, { username, password }) { const res = await uploadVideo(server.url, server.accessToken, { name: 'video 1' }) videoId = res.body.video.id } { const res = await uploadVideo(server.url, server.accessToken, { name: 'video 2' }) videoId2 = res.body.video.id } { const res = await createVideoPlaylist({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, playlistAttrs: { displayName: 'super playlist', privacy: VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PUBLIC } }) playlistUUID = res.body.videoPlaylist.uuid } }) describe('When listing playlists', function () { const globalPath = '/api/v1/video-playlists' const accountPath = '/api/v1/accounts/root/video-playlists' const videoChannelPath = '/api/v1/video-channels/root_channel/video-playlists' it('Should fail with a bad start pagination', async function () { await checkBadStartPagination(server.url, globalPath, server.accessToken) await checkBadStartPagination(server.url, accountPath, server.accessToken) await checkBadStartPagination(server.url, videoChannelPath, server.accessToken) }) it('Should fail with a bad count pagination', async function () { await checkBadCountPagination(server.url, globalPath, server.accessToken) await checkBadCountPagination(server.url, accountPath, server.accessToken) await checkBadCountPagination(server.url, videoChannelPath, server.accessToken) }) it('Should fail with an incorrect sort', async function () { await checkBadSortPagination(server.url, globalPath, server.accessToken) await checkBadSortPagination(server.url, accountPath, server.accessToken) await checkBadSortPagination(server.url, videoChannelPath, server.accessToken) }) it('Should fail with a bad account parameter', async function () { const accountPath = '/api/v1/accounts/root2/video-playlists' await makeGetRequest({ url: server.url, path: accountPath, statusCodeExpected: 404, token: server.accessToken }) }) it('Should fail with a bad video channel parameter', async function () { const accountPath = '/api/v1/video-channels/bad_channel/video-playlists' await makeGetRequest({ url: server.url, path: accountPath, statusCodeExpected: 404, token: server.accessToken }) }) it('Should success with the correct parameters', async function () { await makeGetRequest({ url: server.url, path: globalPath, statusCodeExpected: 200, token: server.accessToken }) await makeGetRequest({ url: server.url, path: accountPath, statusCodeExpected: 200, token: server.accessToken }) await makeGetRequest({ url: server.url, path: videoChannelPath, statusCodeExpected: 200, token: server.accessToken }) }) }) describe('When listing videos of a playlist', function () { const path = '/api/v1/video-playlists' it('Should fail with a bad start pagination', async function () { await checkBadStartPagination(server.url, path, server.accessToken) }) it('Should fail with a bad count pagination', async function () { await checkBadCountPagination(server.url, path, server.accessToken) }) it('Should fail with a bad filter', async function () { await checkBadSortPagination(server.url, path, server.accessToken) }) }) describe('When getting a video playlist', function () { it('Should fail with a bad id or uuid', async function () { await getVideoPlaylist(server.url, 'toto', 400) }) it('Should fail with an unknown playlist', async function () { await getVideoPlaylist(server.url, 42, 404) }) it('Should fail to get an unlisted playlist with the number id', async function () { const res = await createVideoPlaylist({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, playlistAttrs: { displayName: 'super playlist', privacy: VideoPlaylistPrivacy.UNLISTED } }) const playlist = res.body.videoPlaylist await getVideoPlaylist(server.url, playlist.id, 404) await getVideoPlaylist(server.url, playlist.uuid, 200) }) it('Should succeed with the correct params', async function () { await getVideoPlaylist(server.url, playlistUUID, 200) }) }) describe('When creating/updating a video playlist', function () { it('Should fail with an unauthenticated user', async function () { const baseParams = { url: server.url, token: null, playlistAttrs: { displayName: 'super playlist', privacy: VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PUBLIC }, expectedStatus: 401 } await createVideoPlaylist(baseParams) await updateVideoPlaylist(immutableAssign(baseParams, { playlistId: playlistUUID })) }) it('Should fail without displayName', async function () { const baseParams = { url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, playlistAttrs: { privacy: VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PUBLIC } as any, expectedStatus: 400 } await createVideoPlaylist(baseParams) await updateVideoPlaylist(immutableAssign(baseParams, { playlistId: playlistUUID })) }) it('Should fail with an incorrect display name', async function () { const baseParams = { url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, playlistAttrs: { displayName: 's'.repeat(300), privacy: VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PUBLIC }, expectedStatus: 400 } await createVideoPlaylist(baseParams) await updateVideoPlaylist(immutableAssign(baseParams, { playlistId: playlistUUID })) }) it('Should fail with an incorrect description', async function () { const baseParams = { url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, playlistAttrs: { displayName: 'display name', privacy: VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PUBLIC, description: 't' }, expectedStatus: 400 } await createVideoPlaylist(baseParams) await updateVideoPlaylist(immutableAssign(baseParams, { playlistId: playlistUUID })) }) it('Should fail with an incorrect privacy', async function () { const baseParams = { url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, playlistAttrs: { displayName: 'display name', privacy: 45 } as any, expectedStatus: 400 } await createVideoPlaylist(baseParams) await updateVideoPlaylist(immutableAssign(baseParams, { playlistId: playlistUUID })) }) it('Should fail with an unknown video channel id', async function () { const baseParams = { url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, playlistAttrs: { displayName: 'display name', privacy: VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PUBLIC, videoChannelId: 42 }, expectedStatus: 404 } await createVideoPlaylist(baseParams) await updateVideoPlaylist(immutableAssign(baseParams, { playlistId: playlistUUID })) }) it('Should fail with an incorrect thumbnail file', async function () { const baseParams = { url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, playlistAttrs: { displayName: 'display name', privacy: VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PUBLIC, thumbnailfile: 'avatar.png' }, expectedStatus: 400 } await createVideoPlaylist(baseParams) await updateVideoPlaylist(immutableAssign(baseParams, { playlistId: playlistUUID })) }) it('Should fail with an unknown playlist to update', async function () { await updateVideoPlaylist({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, playlistId: 42, playlistAttrs: { displayName: 'display name', privacy: VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PUBLIC }, expectedStatus: 404 }) }) it('Should fail to update a playlist of another user', async function () { await updateVideoPlaylist({ url: server.url, token: userAccessToken, playlistId: playlistUUID, playlistAttrs: { displayName: 'display name', privacy: VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PUBLIC }, expectedStatus: 403 }) }) it('Should fail to update to private a public/unlisted playlist', async function () { const res = await createVideoPlaylist({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, playlistAttrs: { displayName: 'super playlist', privacy: VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PUBLIC } }) const playlist = res.body.videoPlaylist await updateVideoPlaylist({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, playlistId: playlist.id, playlistAttrs: { displayName: 'display name', privacy: VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PRIVATE }, expectedStatus: 409 }) }) it('Should succeed with the correct params', async function () { const baseParams = { url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, playlistAttrs: { displayName: 'display name', privacy: VideoPlaylistPrivacy.UNLISTED, thumbnailfile: 'thumbnail.jpg' } } await createVideoPlaylist(baseParams) await updateVideoPlaylist(immutableAssign(baseParams, { playlistId: playlistUUID })) }) }) describe('When adding an element in a playlist', function () { it('Should fail with an unauthenticated user', async function () { await addVideoInPlaylist({ url: server.url, token: null, elementAttrs: { videoId: videoId }, playlistId: playlistUUID, expectedStatus: 401 }) }) it('Should fail with the playlist of another user', async function () { await addVideoInPlaylist({ url: server.url, token: userAccessToken, elementAttrs: { videoId: videoId }, playlistId: playlistUUID, expectedStatus: 403 }) }) it('Should fail with an unknown or incorrect playlist id', async function () { await addVideoInPlaylist({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, elementAttrs: { videoId: videoId }, playlistId: 'toto', expectedStatus: 400 }) await addVideoInPlaylist({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, elementAttrs: { videoId: videoId }, playlistId: 42, expectedStatus: 404 }) }) it('Should fail with an unknown or incorrect video id', async function () { await addVideoInPlaylist({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, elementAttrs: { videoId: 'toto' as any }, playlistId: playlistUUID, expectedStatus: 400 }) await addVideoInPlaylist({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, elementAttrs: { videoId: 42 }, playlistId: playlistUUID, expectedStatus: 404 }) }) it('Should fail with a bad start/stop timestamp', async function () { await addVideoInPlaylist({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, elementAttrs: { videoId: videoId, startTimestamp: -42 }, playlistId: playlistUUID, expectedStatus: 400 }) await addVideoInPlaylist({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, elementAttrs: { videoId: videoId, stopTimestamp: 'toto' as any }, playlistId: playlistUUID, expectedStatus: 400 }) }) it('Succeed with the correct params', async function () { await addVideoInPlaylist({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, elementAttrs: { videoId: videoId, stopTimestamp: 3 }, playlistId: playlistUUID, expectedStatus: 200 }) }) it('Should fail if the video was already added in the playlist', async function () { await addVideoInPlaylist({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, elementAttrs: { videoId: videoId, stopTimestamp: 3 }, playlistId: playlistUUID, expectedStatus: 409 }) }) }) describe('When updating an element in a playlist', function () { it('Should fail with an unauthenticated user', async function () { await updateVideoPlaylistElement({ url: server.url, token: null, elementAttrs: { }, videoId: videoId, playlistId: playlistUUID, expectedStatus: 401 }) }) it('Should fail with the playlist of another user', async function () { await updateVideoPlaylistElement({ url: server.url, token: userAccessToken, elementAttrs: { }, videoId: videoId, playlistId: playlistUUID, expectedStatus: 403 }) }) it('Should fail with an unknown or incorrect playlist id', async function () { await updateVideoPlaylistElement({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, elementAttrs: { }, videoId: videoId, playlistId: 'toto', expectedStatus: 400 }) await updateVideoPlaylistElement({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, elementAttrs: { }, videoId: videoId, playlistId: 42, expectedStatus: 404 }) }) it('Should fail with an unknown or incorrect video id', async function () { await updateVideoPlaylistElement({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, elementAttrs: { }, videoId: 'toto', playlistId: playlistUUID, expectedStatus: 400 }) await updateVideoPlaylistElement({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, elementAttrs: { }, videoId: 42, playlistId: playlistUUID, expectedStatus: 404 }) }) it('Should fail with a bad start/stop timestamp', async function () { await updateVideoPlaylistElement({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, elementAttrs: { startTimestamp: 'toto' as any }, videoId: videoId, playlistId: playlistUUID, expectedStatus: 400 }) await updateVideoPlaylistElement({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, elementAttrs: { stopTimestamp: -42 }, videoId: videoId, playlistId: playlistUUID, expectedStatus: 400 }) }) it('Should fail with an unknown element', async function () { await updateVideoPlaylistElement({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, elementAttrs: { stopTimestamp: 2 }, videoId: videoId2, playlistId: playlistUUID, expectedStatus: 404 }) }) it('Succeed with the correct params', async function () { await updateVideoPlaylistElement({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, elementAttrs: { stopTimestamp: 2 }, videoId: videoId, playlistId: playlistUUID, expectedStatus: 204 }) }) }) describe('When reordering elements of a playlist', function () { let videoId3: number let videoId4: number before(async function () { { const res = await uploadVideo(server.url, server.accessToken, { name: 'video 3' }) videoId3 = res.body.video.id } { const res = await uploadVideo(server.url, server.accessToken, { name: 'video 4' }) videoId4 = res.body.video.id } await addVideoInPlaylist({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, playlistId: playlistUUID, elementAttrs: { videoId: videoId3 } }) await addVideoInPlaylist({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, playlistId: playlistUUID, elementAttrs: { videoId: videoId4 } }) }) it('Should fail with an unauthenticated user', async function () { await reorderVideosPlaylist({ url: server.url, token: null, playlistId: playlistUUID, elementAttrs: { startPosition: 1, insertAfterPosition: 2 }, expectedStatus: 401 }) }) it('Should fail with the playlist of another user', async function () { await reorderVideosPlaylist({ url: server.url, token: userAccessToken, playlistId: playlistUUID, elementAttrs: { startPosition: 1, insertAfterPosition: 2 }, expectedStatus: 403 }) }) it('Should fail with an invalid playlist', async function () { await reorderVideosPlaylist({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, playlistId: 'toto', elementAttrs: { startPosition: 1, insertAfterPosition: 2 }, expectedStatus: 400 }) await reorderVideosPlaylist({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, playlistId: 42, elementAttrs: { startPosition: 1, insertAfterPosition: 2 }, expectedStatus: 404 }) }) it('Should fail with an invalid start position', async function () { await reorderVideosPlaylist({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, playlistId: playlistUUID, elementAttrs: { startPosition: -1, insertAfterPosition: 2 }, expectedStatus: 400 }) await reorderVideosPlaylist({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, playlistId: playlistUUID, elementAttrs: { startPosition: 'toto' as any, insertAfterPosition: 2 }, expectedStatus: 400 }) await reorderVideosPlaylist({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, playlistId: playlistUUID, elementAttrs: { startPosition: 42, insertAfterPosition: 2 }, expectedStatus: 400 }) }) it('Should fail with an invalid insert after position', async function () { await reorderVideosPlaylist({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, playlistId: playlistUUID, elementAttrs: { startPosition: 1, insertAfterPosition: 'toto' as any }, expectedStatus: 400 }) await reorderVideosPlaylist({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, playlistId: playlistUUID, elementAttrs: { startPosition: 1, insertAfterPosition: -2 }, expectedStatus: 400 }) await reorderVideosPlaylist({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, playlistId: playlistUUID, elementAttrs: { startPosition: 1, insertAfterPosition: 42 }, expectedStatus: 400 }) }) it('Should fail with an invalid reorder length', async function () { await reorderVideosPlaylist({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, playlistId: playlistUUID, elementAttrs: { startPosition: 1, insertAfterPosition: 2, reorderLength: 'toto' as any }, expectedStatus: 400 }) await reorderVideosPlaylist({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, playlistId: playlistUUID, elementAttrs: { startPosition: 1, insertAfterPosition: 2, reorderLength: -1 }, expectedStatus: 400 }) await reorderVideosPlaylist({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, playlistId: playlistUUID, elementAttrs: { startPosition: 1, insertAfterPosition: 2, reorderLength: 4 }, expectedStatus: 400 }) }) it('Succeed with the correct params', async function () { await reorderVideosPlaylist({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, playlistId: playlistUUID, elementAttrs: { startPosition: 1, insertAfterPosition: 2, reorderLength: 3 }, expectedStatus: 204 }) }) }) describe('When deleting an element in a playlist', function () { it('Should fail with an unauthenticated user', async function () { await removeVideoFromPlaylist({ url: server.url, token: null, videoId, playlistId: playlistUUID, expectedStatus: 401 }) }) it('Should fail with the playlist of another user', async function () { await removeVideoFromPlaylist({ url: server.url, token: userAccessToken, videoId, playlistId: playlistUUID, expectedStatus: 403 }) }) it('Should fail with an unknown or incorrect playlist id', async function () { await removeVideoFromPlaylist({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, videoId, playlistId: 'toto', expectedStatus: 400 }) await removeVideoFromPlaylist({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, videoId, playlistId: 42, expectedStatus: 404 }) }) it('Should fail with an unknown or incorrect video id', async function () { await removeVideoFromPlaylist({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, videoId: 'toto', playlistId: playlistUUID, expectedStatus: 400 }) await removeVideoFromPlaylist({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, videoId: 42, playlistId: playlistUUID, expectedStatus: 404 }) }) it('Should fail with an unknown element', async function () { await removeVideoFromPlaylist({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, videoId: videoId2, playlistId: playlistUUID, expectedStatus: 404 }) }) it('Succeed with the correct params', async function () { await removeVideoFromPlaylist({ url: server.url, token: server.accessToken, videoId: videoId, playlistId: playlistUUID, expectedStatus: 204 }) }) }) describe('When deleting a playlist', function () { it('Should fail with an unknown playlist', async function () { await deleteVideoPlaylist(server.url, server.accessToken, 42, 404) }) it('Should fail with a playlist of another user', async function () { await deleteVideoPlaylist(server.url, userAccessToken, playlistUUID, 403) }) it('Should succeed with the correct params', async function () { await deleteVideoPlaylist(server.url, server.accessToken, playlistUUID) }) }) after(async function () { killallServers([ server ]) // Keep the logs if the test failed if (this['ok']) { await flushTests() } }) })