import * as express from 'express' import { UserVideoRateUpdate } from '../../../../shared' import { logger } from '../../../helpers/logger' import { sequelizeTypescript, VIDEO_RATE_TYPES } from '../../../initializers' import { sendVideoRateChange } from '../../../lib/activitypub' import { asyncMiddleware, asyncRetryTransactionMiddleware, authenticate, videoRateValidator } from '../../../middlewares' import { AccountModel } from '../../../models/account/account' import { AccountVideoRateModel } from '../../../models/account/account-video-rate' import { VideoModel } from '../../../models/video/video' const rateVideoRouter = express.Router() rateVideoRouter.put('/:id/rate', authenticate, asyncMiddleware(videoRateValidator), asyncRetryTransactionMiddleware(rateVideo) ) // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { rateVideoRouter } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- async function rateVideo (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) { const body: UserVideoRateUpdate = req.body const rateType = body.rating const videoInstance: VideoModel = const accountInstance: AccountModel = res.locals.oauth.token.User.Account await sequelizeTypescript.transaction(async t => { const sequelizeOptions = { transaction: t } const previousRate = await AccountVideoRateModel.load(,, t) let likesToIncrement = 0 let dislikesToIncrement = 0 if (rateType === VIDEO_RATE_TYPES.LIKE) likesToIncrement++ else if (rateType === VIDEO_RATE_TYPES.DISLIKE) dislikesToIncrement++ // There was a previous rate, update it if (previousRate) { // We will remove the previous rate, so we will need to update the video count attribute if (previousRate.type === VIDEO_RATE_TYPES.LIKE) likesToIncrement-- else if (previousRate.type === VIDEO_RATE_TYPES.DISLIKE) dislikesToIncrement-- if (rateType === 'none') { // Destroy previous rate await previousRate.destroy({ transaction: t }) } else { // Update previous rate previousRate.type = rateType await{ transaction: t }) } } else if (rateType !== 'none') { // There was not a previous rate, insert a new one if there is a rate const query = { accountId:, videoId:, type: rateType } await AccountVideoRateModel.create(query, sequelizeOptions) } const incrementQuery = { likes: likesToIncrement, dislikes: dislikesToIncrement } // Even if we do not own the video we increment the attributes // It is useful for the user to have a feedback await videoInstance.increment(incrementQuery, sequelizeOptions) await sendVideoRateChange(accountInstance, videoInstance, likesToIncrement, dislikesToIncrement, t) })'Account video rate for video %s of account %s updated.',, return res.type('json').status(204).end() }