/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions,@typescript-eslint/require-await */ import 'mocha' import * as chai from 'chai' import { HttpStatusCode } from '@shared/core-utils' import { blockUser, cleanupTests, createUser, deleteMe, flushAndRunServer, getMyUserInformation, getMyUserVideoQuotaUsed, getMyUserVideoRating, getMyVideos, getUserInformation, getUsersList, getUsersListPaginationAndSort, getVideosList, killallServers, login, logout, makePutBodyRequest, rateVideo, refreshToken, registerUserWithChannel, removeUser, removeVideo, reRunServer, ServerInfo, setAccessTokensToServers, testImage, unblockUser, updateMyAvatar, updateMyUser, updateUser, uploadVideo, userLogin, waitJobs } from '@shared/extra-utils' import { AbuseState, MyUser, OAuth2ErrorCode, User, UserAdminFlag, UserRole, Video, VideoPlaylistType } from '@shared/models' const expect = chai.expect describe('Test users', function () { let server: ServerInfo let accessToken: string let accessTokenUser: string let videoId: number let userId: number const user = { username: 'user_1', password: 'super password' } before(async function () { this.timeout(30000) server = await flushAndRunServer(1, { rates_limit: { login: { max: 30 } } }) await setAccessTokensToServers([ server ]) await server.pluginsCommand.install({ npmName: 'peertube-theme-background-red' }) }) describe('OAuth client', function () { it('Should create a new client') it('Should return the first client') it('Should remove the last client') it('Should not login with an invalid client id', async function () { const client = { id: 'client', secret: server.client.secret } const res = await login(server.url, client, server.user, HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400) expect(res.body.code).to.equal(OAuth2ErrorCode.INVALID_CLIENT) expect(res.body.error).to.contain('client is invalid') expect(res.body.type.startsWith('https://')).to.be.true expect(res.body.type).to.contain(OAuth2ErrorCode.INVALID_CLIENT) }) it('Should not login with an invalid client secret', async function () { const client = { id: server.client.id, secret: 'coucou' } const res = await login(server.url, client, server.user, HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400) expect(res.body.code).to.equal(OAuth2ErrorCode.INVALID_CLIENT) expect(res.body.error).to.contain('client is invalid') expect(res.body.type.startsWith('https://')).to.be.true expect(res.body.type).to.contain(OAuth2ErrorCode.INVALID_CLIENT) }) }) describe('Login', function () { it('Should not login with an invalid username', async function () { const user = { username: 'captain crochet', password: server.user.password } const res = await login(server.url, server.client, user, HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400) expect(res.body.code).to.equal(OAuth2ErrorCode.INVALID_GRANT) expect(res.body.error).to.contain('credentials are invalid') expect(res.body.type.startsWith('https://')).to.be.true expect(res.body.type).to.contain(OAuth2ErrorCode.INVALID_GRANT) }) it('Should not login with an invalid password', async function () { const user = { username: server.user.username, password: 'mew_three' } const res = await login(server.url, server.client, user, HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400) expect(res.body.code).to.equal(OAuth2ErrorCode.INVALID_GRANT) expect(res.body.error).to.contain('credentials are invalid') expect(res.body.type.startsWith('https://')).to.be.true expect(res.body.type).to.contain(OAuth2ErrorCode.INVALID_GRANT) }) it('Should not be able to upload a video', async function () { accessToken = 'my_super_token' const videoAttributes = {} await uploadVideo(server.url, accessToken, videoAttributes, HttpStatusCode.UNAUTHORIZED_401) }) it('Should not be able to follow', async function () { accessToken = 'my_super_token' await server.followsCommand.follow({ targets: [ 'http://example.com' ], token: accessToken, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.UNAUTHORIZED_401 }) }) it('Should not be able to unfollow') it('Should be able to login', async function () { const res = await login(server.url, server.client, server.user, HttpStatusCode.OK_200) accessToken = res.body.access_token }) it('Should be able to login with an insensitive username', async function () { const user = { username: 'RoOt', password: server.user.password } await login(server.url, server.client, user, HttpStatusCode.OK_200) const user2 = { username: 'rOoT', password: server.user.password } await login(server.url, server.client, user2, HttpStatusCode.OK_200) const user3 = { username: 'ROOt', password: server.user.password } await login(server.url, server.client, user3, HttpStatusCode.OK_200) }) }) describe('Upload', function () { it('Should upload the video with the correct token', async function () { const videoAttributes = {} await uploadVideo(server.url, accessToken, videoAttributes) const res = await getVideosList(server.url) const video = res.body.data[0] expect(video.account.name).to.equal('root') videoId = video.id }) it('Should upload the video again with the correct token', async function () { const videoAttributes = {} await uploadVideo(server.url, accessToken, videoAttributes) }) }) describe('Ratings', function () { it('Should retrieve a video rating', async function () { await rateVideo(server.url, accessToken, videoId, 'like') const res = await getMyUserVideoRating(server.url, accessToken, videoId) const rating = res.body expect(rating.videoId).to.equal(videoId) expect(rating.rating).to.equal('like') }) it('Should retrieve ratings list', async function () { await rateVideo(server.url, accessToken, videoId, 'like') const body = await server.accountsCommand.listRatings({ accountName: server.user.username }) expect(body.total).to.equal(1) expect(body.data[0].video.id).to.equal(videoId) expect(body.data[0].rating).to.equal('like') }) it('Should retrieve ratings list by rating type', async function () { { const body = await server.accountsCommand.listRatings({ accountName: server.user.username, rating: 'like' }) expect(body.data.length).to.equal(1) } { const body = await server.accountsCommand.listRatings({ accountName: server.user.username, rating: 'dislike' }) expect(body.data.length).to.equal(0) } }) }) describe('Remove video', function () { it('Should not be able to remove the video with an incorrect token', async function () { await removeVideo(server.url, 'bad_token', videoId, HttpStatusCode.UNAUTHORIZED_401) }) it('Should not be able to remove the video with the token of another account') it('Should be able to remove the video with the correct token', async function () { await removeVideo(server.url, accessToken, videoId) }) }) describe('Logout', function () { it('Should logout (revoke token)', async function () { await logout(server.url, server.accessToken) }) it('Should not be able to get the user information', async function () { await getMyUserInformation(server.url, server.accessToken, HttpStatusCode.UNAUTHORIZED_401) }) it('Should not be able to upload a video', async function () { await uploadVideo(server.url, server.accessToken, { name: 'video' }, HttpStatusCode.UNAUTHORIZED_401) }) it('Should not be able to rate a video', async function () { const path = '/api/v1/videos/' const data = { rating: 'likes' } const options = { url: server.url, path: path + videoId, token: 'wrong token', fields: data, statusCodeExpected: HttpStatusCode.UNAUTHORIZED_401 } await makePutBodyRequest(options) }) it('Should be able to login again', async function () { const res = await login(server.url, server.client, server.user) server.accessToken = res.body.access_token server.refreshToken = res.body.refresh_token }) it('Should be able to get my user information again', async function () { await getMyUserInformation(server.url, server.accessToken) }) it('Should have an expired access token', async function () { this.timeout(15000) await server.sqlCommand.setTokenField(server.accessToken, 'accessTokenExpiresAt', new Date().toISOString()) await server.sqlCommand.setTokenField(server.accessToken, 'refreshTokenExpiresAt', new Date().toISOString()) await killallServers([ server ]) await reRunServer(server) await getMyUserInformation(server.url, server.accessToken, 401) }) it('Should not be able to refresh an access token with an expired refresh token', async function () { await refreshToken(server, server.refreshToken, 400) }) it('Should refresh the token', async function () { this.timeout(15000) const futureDate = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 1000 * 60).toISOString() await server.sqlCommand.setTokenField(server.accessToken, 'refreshTokenExpiresAt', futureDate) await killallServers([ server ]) await reRunServer(server) const res = await refreshToken(server, server.refreshToken) server.accessToken = res.body.access_token server.refreshToken = res.body.refresh_token }) it('Should be able to get my user information again', async function () { await getMyUserInformation(server.url, server.accessToken) }) }) describe('Creating a user', function () { it('Should be able to create a new user', async function () { await createUser({ url: server.url, accessToken: accessToken, username: user.username, password: user.password, videoQuota: 2 * 1024 * 1024, adminFlags: UserAdminFlag.BYPASS_VIDEO_AUTO_BLACKLIST }) }) it('Should be able to login with this user', async function () { accessTokenUser = await userLogin(server, user) }) it('Should be able to get user information', async function () { const res1 = await getMyUserInformation(server.url, accessTokenUser) const userMe: MyUser = res1.body const res2 = await getUserInformation(server.url, server.accessToken, userMe.id, true) const userGet: User = res2.body for (const user of [ userMe, userGet ]) { expect(user.username).to.equal('user_1') expect(user.email).to.equal('user_1@example.com') expect(user.nsfwPolicy).to.equal('display') expect(user.videoQuota).to.equal(2 * 1024 * 1024) expect(user.roleLabel).to.equal('User') expect(user.id).to.be.a('number') expect(user.account.displayName).to.equal('user_1') expect(user.account.description).to.be.null } expect(userMe.adminFlags).to.be.undefined expect(userGet.adminFlags).to.equal(UserAdminFlag.BYPASS_VIDEO_AUTO_BLACKLIST) expect(userMe.specialPlaylists).to.have.lengthOf(1) expect(userMe.specialPlaylists[0].type).to.equal(VideoPlaylistType.WATCH_LATER) // Check stats are included with withStats expect(userGet.videosCount).to.be.a('number') expect(userGet.videosCount).to.equal(0) expect(userGet.videoCommentsCount).to.be.a('number') expect(userGet.videoCommentsCount).to.equal(0) expect(userGet.abusesCount).to.be.a('number') expect(userGet.abusesCount).to.equal(0) expect(userGet.abusesAcceptedCount).to.be.a('number') expect(userGet.abusesAcceptedCount).to.equal(0) }) }) describe('My videos & quotas', function () { it('Should be able to upload a video with this user', async function () { this.timeout(10000) const videoAttributes = { name: 'super user video', fixture: 'video_short.webm' } await uploadVideo(server.url, accessTokenUser, videoAttributes) }) it('Should have video quota updated', async function () { const res = await getMyUserVideoQuotaUsed(server.url, accessTokenUser) const data = res.body expect(data.videoQuotaUsed).to.equal(218910) const resUsers = await getUsersList(server.url, server.accessToken) const users: User[] = resUsers.body.data const tmpUser = users.find(u => u.username === user.username) expect(tmpUser.videoQuotaUsed).to.equal(218910) }) it('Should be able to list my videos', async function () { const res = await getMyVideos(server.url, accessTokenUser, 0, 5) expect(res.body.total).to.equal(1) const videos = res.body.data expect(videos).to.have.lengthOf(1) const video: Video = videos[0] expect(video.name).to.equal('super user video') expect(video.thumbnailPath).to.not.be.null expect(video.previewPath).to.not.be.null }) it('Should be able to search in my videos', async function () { { const res = await getMyVideos(server.url, accessTokenUser, 0, 5, '-createdAt', 'user video') expect(res.body.total).to.equal(1) const videos = res.body.data expect(videos).to.have.lengthOf(1) } { const res = await getMyVideos(server.url, accessTokenUser, 0, 5, '-createdAt', 'toto') expect(res.body.total).to.equal(0) const videos = res.body.data expect(videos).to.have.lengthOf(0) } }) it('Should disable webtorrent, enable HLS, and update my quota', async function () { this.timeout(60000) { const config = await server.configCommand.getCustomConfig() config.transcoding.webtorrent.enabled = false config.transcoding.hls.enabled = true config.transcoding.enabled = true await server.configCommand.updateCustomSubConfig({ newConfig: config }) } { const videoAttributes = { name: 'super user video 2', fixture: 'video_short.webm' } await uploadVideo(server.url, accessTokenUser, videoAttributes) await waitJobs([ server ]) } { const res = await getMyUserVideoQuotaUsed(server.url, accessTokenUser) const data = res.body expect(data.videoQuotaUsed).to.be.greaterThan(220000) } }) }) describe('Users listing', function () { it('Should list all the users', async function () { const res = await getUsersList(server.url, server.accessToken) const result = res.body const total = result.total const users = result.data expect(total).to.equal(2) expect(users).to.be.an('array') expect(users.length).to.equal(2) const user = users[0] expect(user.username).to.equal('user_1') expect(user.email).to.equal('user_1@example.com') expect(user.nsfwPolicy).to.equal('display') const rootUser = users[1] expect(rootUser.username).to.equal('root') expect(rootUser.email).to.equal('admin' + server.internalServerNumber + '@example.com') expect(user.nsfwPolicy).to.equal('display') expect(rootUser.lastLoginDate).to.exist expect(user.lastLoginDate).to.exist userId = user.id }) it('Should list only the first user by username asc', async function () { const res = await getUsersListPaginationAndSort(server.url, server.accessToken, 0, 1, 'username') const result = res.body const total = result.total const users = result.data expect(total).to.equal(2) expect(users.length).to.equal(1) const user = users[0] expect(user.username).to.equal('root') expect(user.email).to.equal('admin' + server.internalServerNumber + '@example.com') expect(user.roleLabel).to.equal('Administrator') expect(user.nsfwPolicy).to.equal('display') }) it('Should list only the first user by username desc', async function () { const res = await getUsersListPaginationAndSort(server.url, server.accessToken, 0, 1, '-username') const result = res.body const total = result.total const users = result.data expect(total).to.equal(2) expect(users.length).to.equal(1) const user = users[0] expect(user.username).to.equal('user_1') expect(user.email).to.equal('user_1@example.com') expect(user.nsfwPolicy).to.equal('display') }) it('Should list only the second user by createdAt desc', async function () { const res = await getUsersListPaginationAndSort(server.url, server.accessToken, 0, 1, '-createdAt') const result = res.body const total = result.total const users = result.data expect(total).to.equal(2) expect(users.length).to.equal(1) const user = users[0] expect(user.username).to.equal('user_1') expect(user.email).to.equal('user_1@example.com') expect(user.nsfwPolicy).to.equal('display') }) it('Should list all the users by createdAt asc', async function () { const res = await getUsersListPaginationAndSort(server.url, server.accessToken, 0, 2, 'createdAt') const result = res.body const total = result.total const users = result.data expect(total).to.equal(2) expect(users.length).to.equal(2) expect(users[0].username).to.equal('root') expect(users[0].email).to.equal('admin' + server.internalServerNumber + '@example.com') expect(users[0].nsfwPolicy).to.equal('display') expect(users[1].username).to.equal('user_1') expect(users[1].email).to.equal('user_1@example.com') expect(users[1].nsfwPolicy).to.equal('display') }) it('Should search user by username', async function () { const res = await getUsersListPaginationAndSort(server.url, server.accessToken, 0, 2, 'createdAt', 'oot') const users = res.body.data as User[] expect(res.body.total).to.equal(1) expect(users.length).to.equal(1) expect(users[0].username).to.equal('root') }) it('Should search user by email', async function () { { const res = await getUsersListPaginationAndSort(server.url, server.accessToken, 0, 2, 'createdAt', 'r_1@exam') const users = res.body.data as User[] expect(res.body.total).to.equal(1) expect(users.length).to.equal(1) expect(users[0].username).to.equal('user_1') expect(users[0].email).to.equal('user_1@example.com') } { const res = await getUsersListPaginationAndSort(server.url, server.accessToken, 0, 2, 'createdAt', 'example') const users = res.body.data as User[] expect(res.body.total).to.equal(2) expect(users.length).to.equal(2) expect(users[0].username).to.equal('root') expect(users[1].username).to.equal('user_1') } }) }) describe('Update my account', function () { it('Should update my password', async function () { await updateMyUser({ url: server.url, accessToken: accessTokenUser, currentPassword: 'super password', password: 'new password' }) user.password = 'new password' await userLogin(server, user, HttpStatusCode.OK_200) }) it('Should be able to change the NSFW display attribute', async function () { await updateMyUser({ url: server.url, accessToken: accessTokenUser, nsfwPolicy: 'do_not_list' }) const res = await getMyUserInformation(server.url, accessTokenUser) const user = res.body expect(user.username).to.equal('user_1') expect(user.email).to.equal('user_1@example.com') expect(user.nsfwPolicy).to.equal('do_not_list') expect(user.videoQuota).to.equal(2 * 1024 * 1024) expect(user.id).to.be.a('number') expect(user.account.displayName).to.equal('user_1') expect(user.account.description).to.be.null }) it('Should be able to change the autoPlayVideo attribute', async function () { await updateMyUser({ url: server.url, accessToken: accessTokenUser, autoPlayVideo: false }) const res = await getMyUserInformation(server.url, accessTokenUser) const user = res.body expect(user.autoPlayVideo).to.be.false }) it('Should be able to change the autoPlayNextVideo attribute', async function () { await updateMyUser({ url: server.url, accessToken: accessTokenUser, autoPlayNextVideo: true }) const res = await getMyUserInformation(server.url, accessTokenUser) const user = res.body expect(user.autoPlayNextVideo).to.be.true }) it('Should be able to change the email attribute', async function () { await updateMyUser({ url: server.url, accessToken: accessTokenUser, currentPassword: 'new password', email: 'updated@example.com' }) const res = await getMyUserInformation(server.url, accessTokenUser) const user = res.body expect(user.username).to.equal('user_1') expect(user.email).to.equal('updated@example.com') expect(user.nsfwPolicy).to.equal('do_not_list') expect(user.videoQuota).to.equal(2 * 1024 * 1024) expect(user.id).to.be.a('number') expect(user.account.displayName).to.equal('user_1') expect(user.account.description).to.be.null }) it('Should be able to update my avatar with a gif', async function () { const fixture = 'avatar.gif' await updateMyAvatar({ url: server.url, accessToken: accessTokenUser, fixture }) const res = await getMyUserInformation(server.url, accessTokenUser) const user = res.body await testImage(server.url, 'avatar-resized', user.account.avatar.path, '.gif') }) it('Should be able to update my avatar with a gif, and then a png', async function () { for (const extension of [ '.png', '.gif' ]) { const fixture = 'avatar' + extension await updateMyAvatar({ url: server.url, accessToken: accessTokenUser, fixture }) const res = await getMyUserInformation(server.url, accessTokenUser) const user = res.body await testImage(server.url, 'avatar-resized', user.account.avatar.path, extension) } }) it('Should be able to update my display name', async function () { await updateMyUser({ url: server.url, accessToken: accessTokenUser, displayName: 'new display name' }) const res = await getMyUserInformation(server.url, accessTokenUser) const user = res.body expect(user.username).to.equal('user_1') expect(user.email).to.equal('updated@example.com') expect(user.nsfwPolicy).to.equal('do_not_list') expect(user.videoQuota).to.equal(2 * 1024 * 1024) expect(user.id).to.be.a('number') expect(user.account.displayName).to.equal('new display name') expect(user.account.description).to.be.null }) it('Should be able to update my description', async function () { await updateMyUser({ url: server.url, accessToken: accessTokenUser, description: 'my super description updated' }) const res = await getMyUserInformation(server.url, accessTokenUser) const user: User = res.body expect(user.username).to.equal('user_1') expect(user.email).to.equal('updated@example.com') expect(user.nsfwPolicy).to.equal('do_not_list') expect(user.videoQuota).to.equal(2 * 1024 * 1024) expect(user.id).to.be.a('number') expect(user.account.displayName).to.equal('new display name') expect(user.account.description).to.equal('my super description updated') expect(user.noWelcomeModal).to.be.false expect(user.noInstanceConfigWarningModal).to.be.false }) it('Should be able to update my theme', async function () { for (const theme of [ 'background-red', 'default', 'instance-default' ]) { await updateMyUser({ url: server.url, accessToken: accessTokenUser, theme }) const res = await getMyUserInformation(server.url, accessTokenUser) const body: User = res.body expect(body.theme).to.equal(theme) } }) it('Should be able to update my modal preferences', async function () { await updateMyUser({ url: server.url, accessToken: accessTokenUser, noInstanceConfigWarningModal: true, noWelcomeModal: true }) const res = await getMyUserInformation(server.url, accessTokenUser) const user: User = res.body expect(user.noWelcomeModal).to.be.true expect(user.noInstanceConfigWarningModal).to.be.true }) }) describe('Updating another user', function () { it('Should be able to update another user', async function () { await updateUser({ url: server.url, userId, accessToken, email: 'updated2@example.com', emailVerified: true, videoQuota: 42, role: UserRole.MODERATOR, adminFlags: UserAdminFlag.NONE, pluginAuth: 'toto' }) const res = await getUserInformation(server.url, accessToken, userId) const user = res.body as User expect(user.username).to.equal('user_1') expect(user.email).to.equal('updated2@example.com') expect(user.emailVerified).to.be.true expect(user.nsfwPolicy).to.equal('do_not_list') expect(user.videoQuota).to.equal(42) expect(user.roleLabel).to.equal('Moderator') expect(user.id).to.be.a('number') expect(user.adminFlags).to.equal(UserAdminFlag.NONE) expect(user.pluginAuth).to.equal('toto') }) it('Should reset the auth plugin', async function () { await updateUser({ url: server.url, userId, accessToken, pluginAuth: null }) const res = await getUserInformation(server.url, accessToken, userId) const user = res.body as User expect(user.pluginAuth).to.be.null }) it('Should have removed the user token', async function () { await getMyUserVideoQuotaUsed(server.url, accessTokenUser, HttpStatusCode.UNAUTHORIZED_401) accessTokenUser = await userLogin(server, user) }) it('Should be able to update another user password', async function () { await updateUser({ url: server.url, userId, accessToken, password: 'password updated' }) await getMyUserVideoQuotaUsed(server.url, accessTokenUser, HttpStatusCode.UNAUTHORIZED_401) await userLogin(server, user, HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400) user.password = 'password updated' accessTokenUser = await userLogin(server, user) }) }) describe('Video blacklists', function () { it('Should be able to list video blacklist by a moderator', async function () { await server.blacklistCommand.list({ token: accessTokenUser }) }) }) describe('Remove a user', function () { it('Should be able to remove this user', async function () { await removeUser(server.url, userId, accessToken) }) it('Should not be able to login with this user', async function () { await userLogin(server, user, HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400) }) it('Should not have videos of this user', async function () { const res = await getVideosList(server.url) expect(res.body.total).to.equal(1) const video = res.body.data[0] expect(video.account.name).to.equal('root') }) }) describe('Registering a new user', function () { let user15AccessToken it('Should register a new user', async function () { const user = { displayName: 'super user 15', username: 'user_15', password: 'my super password' } const channel = { name: 'my_user_15_channel', displayName: 'my channel rocks' } await registerUserWithChannel({ url: server.url, user, channel }) }) it('Should be able to login with this registered user', async function () { const user15 = { username: 'user_15', password: 'my super password' } user15AccessToken = await userLogin(server, user15) }) it('Should have the correct display name', async function () { const res = await getMyUserInformation(server.url, user15AccessToken) const user: User = res.body expect(user.account.displayName).to.equal('super user 15') }) it('Should have the correct video quota', async function () { const res = await getMyUserInformation(server.url, user15AccessToken) const user = res.body expect(user.videoQuota).to.equal(5 * 1024 * 1024) }) it('Should have created the channel', async function () { const { displayName } = await server.channelsCommand.get({ channelName: 'my_user_15_channel' }) expect(displayName).to.equal('my channel rocks') }) it('Should remove me', async function () { { const res = await getUsersList(server.url, server.accessToken) expect(res.body.data.find(u => u.username === 'user_15')).to.not.be.undefined } await deleteMe(server.url, user15AccessToken) { const res = await getUsersList(server.url, server.accessToken) expect(res.body.data.find(u => u.username === 'user_15')).to.be.undefined } }) }) describe('User blocking', function () { let user16Id let user16AccessToken const user16 = { username: 'user_16', password: 'my super password' } it('Should block a user', async function () { const resUser = await createUser({ url: server.url, accessToken: server.accessToken, username: user16.username, password: user16.password }) user16Id = resUser.body.user.id user16AccessToken = await userLogin(server, user16) await getMyUserInformation(server.url, user16AccessToken, HttpStatusCode.OK_200) await blockUser(server.url, user16Id, server.accessToken) await getMyUserInformation(server.url, user16AccessToken, HttpStatusCode.UNAUTHORIZED_401) await userLogin(server, user16, HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400) }) it('Should search user by banned status', async function () { { const res = await getUsersListPaginationAndSort(server.url, server.accessToken, 0, 2, 'createdAt', undefined, true) const users = res.body.data as User[] expect(res.body.total).to.equal(1) expect(users.length).to.equal(1) expect(users[0].username).to.equal(user16.username) } { const res = await getUsersListPaginationAndSort(server.url, server.accessToken, 0, 2, 'createdAt', undefined, false) const users = res.body.data as User[] expect(res.body.total).to.equal(1) expect(users.length).to.equal(1) expect(users[0].username).to.not.equal(user16.username) } }) it('Should unblock a user', async function () { await unblockUser(server.url, user16Id, server.accessToken) user16AccessToken = await userLogin(server, user16) await getMyUserInformation(server.url, user16AccessToken, HttpStatusCode.OK_200) }) }) describe('User stats', function () { let user17Id let user17AccessToken it('Should report correct initial statistics about a user', async function () { const user17 = { username: 'user_17', password: 'my super password' } const resUser = await createUser({ url: server.url, accessToken: server.accessToken, username: user17.username, password: user17.password }) user17Id = resUser.body.user.id user17AccessToken = await userLogin(server, user17) const res = await getUserInformation(server.url, server.accessToken, user17Id, true) const user: User = res.body expect(user.videosCount).to.equal(0) expect(user.videoCommentsCount).to.equal(0) expect(user.abusesCount).to.equal(0) expect(user.abusesCreatedCount).to.equal(0) expect(user.abusesAcceptedCount).to.equal(0) }) it('Should report correct videos count', async function () { const videoAttributes = { name: 'video to test user stats' } await uploadVideo(server.url, user17AccessToken, videoAttributes) const res1 = await getVideosList(server.url) videoId = res1.body.data.find(video => video.name === videoAttributes.name).id const res2 = await getUserInformation(server.url, server.accessToken, user17Id, true) const user: User = res2.body expect(user.videosCount).to.equal(1) }) it('Should report correct video comments for user', async function () { const text = 'super comment' await server.commentsCommand.createThread({ token: user17AccessToken, videoId, text }) const res = await getUserInformation(server.url, server.accessToken, user17Id, true) const user: User = res.body expect(user.videoCommentsCount).to.equal(1) }) it('Should report correct abuses counts', async function () { const reason = 'my super bad reason' await server.abusesCommand.report({ token: user17AccessToken, videoId, reason }) const body1 = await server.abusesCommand.getAdminList() const abuseId = body1.data[0].id const res2 = await getUserInformation(server.url, server.accessToken, user17Id, true) const user2: User = res2.body expect(user2.abusesCount).to.equal(1) // number of incriminations expect(user2.abusesCreatedCount).to.equal(1) // number of reports created await server.abusesCommand.update({ abuseId, body: { state: AbuseState.ACCEPTED } }) const res3 = await getUserInformation(server.url, server.accessToken, user17Id, true) const user3: User = res3.body expect(user3.abusesAcceptedCount).to.equal(1) // number of reports created accepted }) }) after(async function () { await cleanupTests([ server ]) }) })