/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions,@typescript-eslint/require-await */ import { expect } from 'chai' import { getAllFiles } from '@shared/core-utils' import { cleanupTests, createSingleServer, killallServers, makeActivityPubGetRequest, parseTorrentVideo, PeerTubeServer, setAccessTokensToServers, waitJobs } from '@shared/server-commands' describe('Test update host scripts', function () { let server: PeerTubeServer before(async function () { this.timeout(60000) const overrideConfig = { webserver: { port: 9256 } } // Run server 2 to have transcoding enabled server = await createSingleServer(2, overrideConfig) await setAccessTokensToServers([ server ]) // Upload two videos for our needs const { uuid: video1UUID } = await server.videos.upload() await server.videos.upload() // Create a user await server.users.create({ username: 'toto', password: 'coucou' }) // Create channel const videoChannel = { name: 'second_channel', displayName: 'second video channel', description: 'super video channel description' } await server.channels.create({ attributes: videoChannel }) // Create comments const text = 'my super first comment' await server.comments.createThread({ videoId: video1UUID, text }) await waitJobs(server) }) it('Should run update host', async function () { this.timeout(30000) await killallServers([ server ]) // Run server with standard configuration await server.run() await server.cli.execWithEnv(`npm run update-host`) }) it('Should have updated videos url', async function () { const { total, data } = await server.videos.list() expect(total).to.equal(2) for (const video of data) { const { body } = await makeActivityPubGetRequest(server.url, '/videos/watch/' + video.uuid) expect(body.id).to.equal('' + video.uuid) const videoDetails = await server.videos.get({ id: video.uuid }) expect(videoDetails.trackerUrls[0]).to.include(server.host) expect(videoDetails.streamingPlaylists[0].playlistUrl).to.include(server.host) expect(videoDetails.streamingPlaylists[0].segmentsSha256Url).to.include(server.host) } }) it('Should have updated video channels url', async function () { const { data, total } = await server.channels.list({ sort: '-name' }) expect(total).to.equal(3) for (const channel of data) { const { body } = await makeActivityPubGetRequest(server.url, '/video-channels/' + channel.name) expect(body.id).to.equal('' + channel.name) } }) it('Should have updated accounts url', async function () { const body = await server.accounts.list() expect(body.total).to.equal(3) for (const account of body.data) { const usernameWithDomain = account.name const { body } = await makeActivityPubGetRequest(server.url, '/accounts/' + usernameWithDomain) expect(body.id).to.equal('' + usernameWithDomain) } }) it('Should have updated torrent hosts', async function () { this.timeout(30000) const { data } = await server.videos.list() expect(data).to.have.lengthOf(2) for (const video of data) { const videoDetails = await server.videos.get({ id: video.id }) const files = getAllFiles(videoDetails) expect(files).to.have.lengthOf(8) for (const file of files) { expect(file.magnetUri).to.contain('') expect(file.magnetUri).to.contain('') const torrent = await parseTorrentVideo(server, file) const announceWS = torrent.announce.find(a => a === 'ws://') expect(announceWS).to.not.be.undefined const announceHttp = torrent.announce.find(a => a === '') expect(announceHttp).to.not.be.undefined expect(torrent.urlList[0]).to.contain('') } } }) after(async function () { await cleanupTests([ server ]) }) })