import { buildAspectRatio } from '@peertube/peertube-core-utils' import { getVideoStreamDuration } from '@peertube/peertube-ffmpeg' import { VideoStudioEditionPayload, VideoStudioTask, VideoStudioTaskPayload } from '@peertube/peertube-models' import { logger, loggerTagsFactory } from '@server/helpers/logger.js' import { createTorrentAndSetInfoHashFromPath } from '@server/helpers/webtorrent.js' import { CONFIG } from '@server/initializers/config.js' import { VideoCaptionModel } from '@server/models/video/video-caption.js' import { MUser, MVideoFile, MVideoFullLight, MVideoWithAllFiles, MVideoWithFile } from '@server/types/models/index.js' import { move, remove } from 'fs-extra/esm' import { join } from 'path' import { JobQueue } from './job-queue/index.js' import { VideoStudioTranscodingJobHandler } from './runners/index.js' import { getTranscodingJobPriority } from './transcoding/transcoding-priority.js' import { createTranscriptionTaskIfNeeded } from './video-captions.js' import { buildNewFile, removeHLSPlaylist, removeWebVideoFile } from './video-file.js' import { buildStoryboardJobIfNeeded } from './video-jobs.js' import { VideoPathManager } from './video-path-manager.js' const lTags = loggerTagsFactory('video-studio') export function buildTaskFileFieldname (indice: number, fieldName = 'file') { return `tasks[${indice}][options][${fieldName}]` } export function getTaskFileFromReq (files: Express.Multer.File[], indice: number, fieldName = 'file') { return files.find(f => f.fieldname === buildTaskFileFieldname(indice, fieldName)) } export function getStudioTaskFilePath (filename: string) { return join(CONFIG.STORAGE.TMP_PERSISTENT_DIR, filename) } export async function safeCleanupStudioTMPFiles (tasks: VideoStudioTaskPayload[]) {'Removing TMP studio task files', { tasks, ...lTags() }) for (const task of tasks) { try { if ( === 'add-intro' || === 'add-outro') { await remove(task.options.file) } else if ( === 'add-watermark') { await remove(task.options.file) } } catch (err) { logger.error('Cannot remove studio file', { err }) } } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export async function approximateIntroOutroAdditionalSize ( video: MVideoFullLight, tasks: VideoStudioTask[], fileFinder: (i: number) => string ) { let additionalDuration = 0 for (let i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) { const task = tasks[i] if ( !== 'add-intro' && !== 'add-outro') continue const filePath = fileFinder(i) additionalDuration += await getVideoStreamDuration(filePath) } return (video.getMaxQualityBytes() / video.duration) * additionalDuration } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export async function createVideoStudioJob (options: { video: MVideoWithFile user: MUser payload: VideoStudioEditionPayload }) { const { video, user, payload } = options const priority = await getTranscodingJobPriority({ user, type: 'studio', fallback: 0 }) if (CONFIG.VIDEO_STUDIO.REMOTE_RUNNERS.ENABLED) { await new VideoStudioTranscodingJobHandler().create({ video, tasks: payload.tasks, priority }) return } await JobQueue.Instance.createJob({ type: 'video-studio-edition', payload, priority }) } export async function onVideoStudioEnded (options: { editionResultPath: string tasks: VideoStudioTaskPayload[] video: MVideoFullLight }) { const { video, tasks, editionResultPath } = options const newFile = await buildNewFile({ path: editionResultPath, mode: 'web-video' }) newFile.videoId = const outputPath = VideoPathManager.Instance.getFSVideoFileOutputPath(video, newFile) await move(editionResultPath, outputPath) await safeCleanupStudioTMPFiles(tasks) await createTorrentAndSetInfoHashFromPath(video, newFile, outputPath) await removeAllFiles(video, newFile) await video.duration = await getVideoStreamDuration(outputPath) video.aspectRatio = buildAspectRatio({ width: newFile.width, height: newFile.height }) await await JobQueue.Instance.createSequentialJobFlow( buildStoryboardJobIfNeeded({ video, federate: false }), { type: 'federate-video' as 'federate-video', payload: { videoUUID: video.uuid, isNewVideoForFederation: false } }, { type: 'transcoding-job-builder' as 'transcoding-job-builder', payload: { videoUUID: video.uuid, optimizeJob: { isNewVideo: false } } } ) if (video.language && CONFIG.VIDEO_TRANSCRIPTION.ENABLED) { const caption = await VideoCaptionModel.loadByVideoIdAndLanguage(, video.language) if (caption?.automaticallyGenerated) { await createTranscriptionTaskIfNeeded(video) } } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- async function removeAllFiles (video: MVideoWithAllFiles, webVideoFileException: MVideoFile) { await removeHLSPlaylist(video) for (const file of video.VideoFiles) { if ( === continue await removeWebVideoFile(video, } }