import { Response, Request, UploadFilesForCheck } from 'express' import { decode as magnetUriDecode } from 'magnet-uri' import validator from 'validator' import { HttpStatusCode, VideoFilter, VideoInclude, VideoPrivacy, VideoRateType } from '@shared/models' import { CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS, MIMETYPES, VIDEO_CATEGORIES, VIDEO_LICENCES, VIDEO_LIVE, VIDEO_PRIVACIES, VIDEO_RATE_TYPES, VIDEO_STATES } from '../../initializers/constants' import { exists, isArray, isDateValid, isFileValid } from './misc' import { getVideoWithAttributes } from '@server/helpers/video' const VIDEOS_CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS = CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.VIDEOS function isVideoFilterValid (filter: VideoFilter) { return filter === 'local' || filter === 'all-local' || filter === 'all' } function isVideoIncludeValid (include: VideoInclude) { return exists(include) && validator.isInt('' + include) } function isVideoCategoryValid (value: any) { return value === null || VIDEO_CATEGORIES[value] !== undefined } function isVideoStateValid (value: any) { return exists(value) && VIDEO_STATES[value] !== undefined } function isVideoLicenceValid (value: any) { return value === null || VIDEO_LICENCES[value] !== undefined } function isVideoLanguageValid (value: any) { return value === null || (typeof value === 'string' && validator.isLength(value, VIDEOS_CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.LANGUAGE)) } function isVideoDurationValid (value: string) { return exists(value) && validator.isInt(value + '', VIDEOS_CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.DURATION) } function isVideoDescriptionValid (value: string) { return value === null || (exists(value) && validator.isLength(value, VIDEOS_CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.DESCRIPTION)) } function isVideoSupportValid (value: string) { return value === null || (exists(value) && validator.isLength(value, VIDEOS_CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.SUPPORT)) } function isVideoNameValid (value: string) { return exists(value) && validator.isLength(value, VIDEOS_CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.NAME) } function isVideoTagValid (tag: string) { return exists(tag) && validator.isLength(tag, VIDEOS_CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.TAG) } function areVideoTagsValid (tags: string[]) { return tags === null || ( isArray(tags) && validator.isInt(tags.length.toString(), VIDEOS_CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.TAGS) && tags.every(tag => isVideoTagValid(tag)) ) } function isVideoViewsValid (value: string) { return exists(value) && validator.isInt(value + '', VIDEOS_CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.VIEWS) } const ratingTypes = new Set(Object.values(VIDEO_RATE_TYPES)) function isVideoRatingTypeValid (value: string) { return value === 'none' || ratingTypes.has(value as VideoRateType) } function isVideoFileExtnameValid (value: string) { return exists(value) && (value === VIDEO_LIVE.EXTENSION || MIMETYPES.VIDEO.EXT_MIMETYPE[value] !== undefined) } function isVideoFileMimeTypeValid (files: UploadFilesForCheck, field = 'videofile') { return isFileValid({ files, mimeTypeRegex: MIMETYPES.VIDEO.MIMETYPES_REGEX, field, maxSize: null }) } const videoImageTypes = CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.VIDEOS.IMAGE.EXTNAME .map(v => v.replace('.', '')) .join('|') const videoImageTypesRegex = `image/(${videoImageTypes})` function isVideoImageValid (files: UploadFilesForCheck, field: string, optional = true) { return isFileValid({ files, mimeTypeRegex: videoImageTypesRegex, field, maxSize: CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.VIDEOS.IMAGE.FILE_SIZE.max, optional }) } function isVideoPrivacyValid (value: number) { return VIDEO_PRIVACIES[value] !== undefined } function isVideoReplayPrivacyValid (value: number) { return VIDEO_PRIVACIES[value] !== undefined && value !== VideoPrivacy.PASSWORD_PROTECTED } function isScheduleVideoUpdatePrivacyValid (value: number) { return value === VideoPrivacy.UNLISTED || value === VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC || value === VideoPrivacy.INTERNAL } function isVideoOriginallyPublishedAtValid (value: string | null) { return value === null || isDateValid(value) } function isVideoFileInfoHashValid (value: string | null | undefined) { return exists(value) && validator.isLength(value, VIDEOS_CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.INFO_HASH) } function isVideoFileResolutionValid (value: string) { return exists(value) && validator.isInt(value + '') } function isVideoFPSResolutionValid (value: string) { return value === null || validator.isInt(value + '') } function isVideoFileSizeValid (value: string) { return exists(value) && validator.isInt(value + '', VIDEOS_CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.FILE_SIZE) } function isVideoMagnetUriValid (value: string) { if (!exists(value)) return false const parsed = magnetUriDecode(value) return parsed && isVideoFileInfoHashValid(parsed.infoHash) } function isPasswordValid (password: string) { return password.length >= CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.VIDEO_PASSWORD.LENGTH.min && password.length < CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.VIDEO_PASSWORD.LENGTH.max } function isValidPasswordProtectedPrivacy (req: Request, res: Response) { const fail = (message: string) => {{ status: HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400, message }) return false } let privacy: VideoPrivacy const video = getVideoWithAttributes(res) if (exists(req.body?.privacy)) privacy = req.body.privacy else if (exists(video?.privacy)) privacy = video.privacy if (privacy !== VideoPrivacy.PASSWORD_PROTECTED) return true if (!exists(req.body.videoPasswords) && !exists(req.body.passwords)) return fail('Video passwords are missing.') const passwords = req.body.videoPasswords || req.body.passwords if (passwords.length === 0) return fail('At least one video password is required.') if (new Set(passwords).size !== passwords.length) return fail('Duplicate video passwords are not allowed.') for (const password of passwords) { if (typeof password !== 'string') { return fail('Video password should be a string.') } if (!isPasswordValid(password)) { return fail('Invalid video password. Password length should be at least 2 characters and no more than 100 characters.') } } return true } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { isVideoCategoryValid, isVideoLicenceValid, isVideoLanguageValid, isVideoDescriptionValid, isVideoFileInfoHashValid, isVideoNameValid, areVideoTagsValid, isVideoFPSResolutionValid, isScheduleVideoUpdatePrivacyValid, isVideoOriginallyPublishedAtValid, isVideoMagnetUriValid, isVideoStateValid, isVideoIncludeValid, isVideoViewsValid, isVideoRatingTypeValid, isVideoFileExtnameValid, isVideoFileMimeTypeValid, isVideoDurationValid, isVideoTagValid, isVideoPrivacyValid, isVideoReplayPrivacyValid, isVideoFileResolutionValid, isVideoFileSizeValid, isVideoImageValid, isVideoSupportValid, isVideoFilterValid, isPasswordValid, isValidPasswordProtectedPrivacy }