'use strict' const parallel = require('async/parallel') const express = require('express') const fs = require('fs') const mongoose = require('mongoose') const path = require('path') const constants = require('../initializers/constants') const middlewares = require('../middlewares') const validators = middlewares.validators const validatorsVideos = validators.videos const Video = mongoose.model('Video') const router = express.Router() const opengraphComment = '' const embedPath = path.join(__dirname, '../../client/dist/standalone/videos/embed.html') const indexPath = path.join(__dirname, '../../client/dist/index.html') // Special route that add OpenGraph tags // Do not use a template engine for a so little thing router.use('/videos/watch/:id', validatorsVideos.videosGet, generateWatchHtmlPage) router.use('/videos/embed', function (req, res, next) { res.sendFile(embedPath) }) // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- module.exports = router // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function addOpenGraphTags (htmlStringPage, video) { const videoUrl = constants.CONFIG.WEBSERVER.URL + '/videos/watch/' let baseUrlHttp if (video.isOwned()) { baseUrlHttp = constants.CONFIG.WEBSERVER.URL } else { baseUrlHttp = constants.REMOTE_SCHEME.HTTP + '://' + video.podHost } // We fetch the remote preview (bigger than the thumbnail) // This should not overhead the remote server since social websites put in a cache the OpenGraph tags // We can't use the thumbnail because these social websites want bigger images (> 200x200 for Facebook for example) const previewUrl = baseUrlHttp + constants.STATIC_PATHS.PREVIEWS + video.getPreviewName() const metaTags = { 'og:type': 'video', 'og:title': video.name, 'og:image': previewUrl, 'og:url': videoUrl, 'og:description': video.description, 'name': video.name, 'description': video.description, 'image': previewUrl, 'twitter:card': 'summary_large_image', 'twitter:site': '@Chocobozzz', 'twitter:title': video.name, 'twitter:description': video.description, 'twitter:image': previewUrl } let tagsString = '' Object.keys(metaTags).forEach(function (tagName) { const tagValue = metaTags[tagName] tagsString += '' }) return htmlStringPage.replace(opengraphComment, tagsString) } function generateWatchHtmlPage (req, res, next) { parallel({ file: function (callback) { fs.readFile(indexPath, callback) }, video: function (callback) { Video.load(req.params.id, callback) } }, function (err, results) { if (err) return next(err) const html = results.file.toString() const video = results.video const htmlStringPageWithTags = addOpenGraphTags(html, video) res.set('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8').send(htmlStringPageWithTags) }) }