import { compareSemVer } from '@peertube/peertube-core-utils' import chunk from 'lodash-es/chunk.js' import { logger } from '../../helpers/logger.js' import { CONFIG } from '../../initializers/config.js' import { SCHEDULER_INTERVALS_MS } from '../../initializers/constants.js' import { PluginModel } from '../../models/server/plugin.js' import { Notifier } from '../notifier/index.js' import { getLatestPluginsVersion } from '../plugins/plugin-index.js' import { AbstractScheduler } from './abstract-scheduler.js' export class PluginsCheckScheduler extends AbstractScheduler { private static instance: AbstractScheduler protected schedulerIntervalMs = SCHEDULER_INTERVALS_MS.CHECK_PLUGINS private constructor () { super() } protected async internalExecute () { return this.checkLatestPluginsVersion() } private async checkLatestPluginsVersion () { if (CONFIG.PLUGINS.INDEX.ENABLED === false) return'Checking latest plugins version.') const plugins = await PluginModel.listInstalled() // Process 10 plugins in 1 HTTP request const chunks = chunk(plugins, 10) for (const chunk of chunks) { // Find plugins according to their npm name const pluginIndex: { [npmName: string]: PluginModel } = {} for (const plugin of chunk) { pluginIndex[PluginModel.buildNpmName(, plugin.type)] = plugin } const npmNames = Object.keys(pluginIndex) try { const results = await getLatestPluginsVersion(npmNames) for (const result of results) { const plugin = pluginIndex[result.npmName] if (!result.latestVersion) continue if ( !plugin.latestVersion || (plugin.latestVersion !== result.latestVersion && compareSemVer(plugin.latestVersion, result.latestVersion) < 0) ) { plugin.latestVersion = result.latestVersion await // Notify if there is an higher plugin version available if (compareSemVer(plugin.version, result.latestVersion) < 0) { Notifier.Instance.notifyOfNewPluginVersion(plugin) }'Plugin %s has a new latest version %s.', result.npmName, plugin.latestVersion) } } } catch (err) { logger.error('Cannot get latest plugins version.', { npmNames, err }) } } } static get Instance () { return this.instance || (this.instance = new this()) } }