import { ContextType } from '@peertube/peertube-models' import { ACTIVITY_PUB, REMOTE_SCHEME } from '@server/initializers/constants.js' import { isArray } from './custom-validators/misc.js' import { buildDigest } from './peertube-crypto.js' import type { signJsonLDObject } from './peertube-jsonld.js' import { doJSONRequest } from './requests.js' export type ContextFilter = (arg: T) => Promise export function buildGlobalHTTPHeaders ( body: any, digestBuilder: typeof buildDigest ) { return { 'digest': digestBuilder(body), 'content-type': 'application/activity+json', 'accept': ACTIVITY_PUB.ACCEPT_HEADER } } export async function activityPubContextify (data: T, type: ContextType, contextFilter: ContextFilter) { return { ...await getContextData(type, contextFilter), } } export async function signAndContextify (options: { byActor: { url: string, privateKey: string } data: T contextType: ContextType | null contextFilter: ContextFilter signerFunction: typeof signJsonLDObject }) { const { byActor, data, contextType, contextFilter, signerFunction } = options const activity = contextType ? await activityPubContextify(data, contextType, contextFilter) : data return signerFunction({ byActor, data: activity }) } export async function getApplicationActorOfHost (host: string) { const url = REMOTE_SCHEME.HTTP + '://' + host + '/.well-known/nodeinfo' const { body } = await doJSONRequest<{ links: { rel: string, href: string }[] }>(url) if (!isArray(body.links)) return undefined const found = body.links.find(l => l.rel === '') return found?.href || undefined } export function getAPPublicValue (): '' { return '' } export function hasAPPublic (toOrCC: string[]) { if (!isArray(toOrCC)) return false const publicValue = getAPPublicValue() return toOrCC.some(f => f === 'as:Public' || publicValue) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- type ContextValue = { [ id: string ]: (string | { '@type': string, '@id': string }) } const contextStore: { [ id in ContextType ]: (string | { [ id: string ]: string })[] } = { Video: buildContext({ Hashtag: 'as:Hashtag', category: 'sc:category', licence: 'sc:license', subtitleLanguage: 'sc:subtitleLanguage', sensitive: 'as:sensitive', language: 'sc:inLanguage', identifier: 'sc:identifier', isLiveBroadcast: 'sc:isLiveBroadcast', liveSaveReplay: { '@type': 'sc:Boolean', '@id': 'pt:liveSaveReplay' }, permanentLive: { '@type': 'sc:Boolean', '@id': 'pt:permanentLive' }, latencyMode: { '@type': 'sc:Number', '@id': 'pt:latencyMode' }, Infohash: 'pt:Infohash', tileWidth: { '@type': 'sc:Number', '@id': 'pt:tileWidth' }, tileHeight: { '@type': 'sc:Number', '@id': 'pt:tileHeight' }, tileDuration: { '@type': 'sc:Number', '@id': 'pt:tileDuration' }, aspectRatio: { '@type': 'sc:Float', '@id': 'pt:aspectRatio' }, uuid: { '@type': 'sc:identifier', '@id': 'pt:uuid' }, originallyPublishedAt: 'sc:datePublished', uploadDate: 'sc:uploadDate', hasParts: 'sc:hasParts', views: { '@type': 'sc:Number', '@id': 'pt:views' }, state: { '@type': 'sc:Number', '@id': 'pt:state' }, size: { '@type': 'sc:Number', '@id': 'pt:size' }, fps: { '@type': 'sc:Number', '@id': 'pt:fps' }, // Keep for federation compatibility commentsEnabled: { '@type': 'sc:Boolean', '@id': 'pt:commentsEnabled' }, canReply: 'pt:canReply', commentsPolicy: { '@type': 'sc:Number', '@id': 'pt:commentsPolicy' }, downloadEnabled: { '@type': 'sc:Boolean', '@id': 'pt:downloadEnabled' }, waitTranscoding: { '@type': 'sc:Boolean', '@id': 'pt:waitTranscoding' }, support: { '@type': 'sc:Text', '@id': 'pt:support' }, likes: { '@id': 'as:likes', '@type': '@id' }, dislikes: { '@id': 'as:dislikes', '@type': '@id' }, shares: { '@id': 'as:shares', '@type': '@id' }, comments: { '@id': 'as:comments', '@type': '@id' } }), Playlist: buildContext({ Playlist: 'pt:Playlist', PlaylistElement: 'pt:PlaylistElement', position: { '@type': 'sc:Number', '@id': 'pt:position' }, startTimestamp: { '@type': 'sc:Number', '@id': 'pt:startTimestamp' }, stopTimestamp: { '@type': 'sc:Number', '@id': 'pt:stopTimestamp' }, uuid: { '@type': 'sc:identifier', '@id': 'pt:uuid' } }), CacheFile: buildContext({ expires: 'sc:expires', CacheFile: 'pt:CacheFile', size: { '@type': 'sc:Number', '@id': 'pt:size' }, fps: { '@type': 'sc:Number', '@id': 'pt:fps' } }), Flag: buildContext({ Hashtag: 'as:Hashtag' }), Actor: buildContext({ playlists: { '@id': 'pt:playlists', '@type': '@id' }, support: { '@type': 'sc:Text', '@id': 'pt:support' }, lemmy: '', postingRestrictedToMods: 'lemmy:postingRestrictedToMods', // TODO: remove in a few versions, introduced in 4.2 icons: 'as:icon' }), WatchAction: buildContext({ WatchAction: 'sc:WatchAction', startTimestamp: { '@type': 'sc:Number', '@id': 'pt:startTimestamp' }, endTimestamp: { '@type': 'sc:Number', '@id': 'pt:endTimestamp' }, uuid: { '@type': 'sc:identifier', '@id': 'pt:uuid' }, actionStatus: 'sc:actionStatus', watchSections: { '@type': '@id', '@id': 'pt:watchSections' }, addressRegion: 'sc:addressRegion', addressCountry: 'sc:addressCountry' }), View: buildContext({ WatchAction: 'sc:WatchAction', InteractionCounter: 'sc:InteractionCounter', interactionType: 'sc:interactionType', userInteractionCount: 'sc:userInteractionCount' }), Collection: buildContext(), Follow: buildContext(), Reject: buildContext(), Accept: buildContext(), Announce: buildContext(), Comment: buildContext({ replyApproval: 'pt:replyApproval' }), Delete: buildContext(), Rate: buildContext(), ApproveReply: buildContext({ ApproveReply: 'pt:ApproveReply' }), RejectReply: buildContext({ RejectReply: 'pt:RejectReply' }), Chapters: buildContext({ hasPart: 'sc:hasPart', endOffset: 'sc:endOffset', startOffset: 'sc:startOffset' }) } let allContext: (string | ContextValue)[] export function getAllContext () { if (allContext) return allContext const processed = new Set() allContext = [] let staticContext: ContextValue = {} for (const v of Object.values(contextStore)) { for (const item of v) { if (typeof item === 'string') { if (!processed.has(item)) { allContext.push(item) } processed.add(item) } else { for (const subKey of Object.keys(item)) { if (!processed.has(subKey)) { staticContext = { ...staticContext, [subKey]: item[subKey] } } processed.add(subKey) } } } } allContext = [ ...allContext, staticContext ] return allContext } async function getContextData (type: ContextType, contextFilter: ContextFilter) { const contextData = contextFilter ? await contextFilter(contextStore[type]) : contextStore[type] return { '@context': contextData } } function buildContext (contextValue?: ContextValue) { const baseContext = [ '', '', { RsaSignature2017: '' } ] if (!contextValue) return baseContext return [ ...baseContext, { pt: '', sc: '', ...contextValue } ] }