/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions,@typescript-eslint/require-await */ import 'mocha' import * as chai from 'chai' import { cleanupTests, createSingleServer, FIXTURE_URLS, PeerTubeServer, setAccessTokensToServers, setDefaultVideoChannel } from '@shared/extra-utils' import { VideoDetails, VideoPrivacy } from '@shared/models' const expect = chai.expect describe('Test config defaults', function () { let server: PeerTubeServer let channelId: number before(async function () { this.timeout(30000) const overrideConfig = { defaults: { publish: { comments_enabled: false, download_enabled: false, privacy: VideoPrivacy.INTERNAL, licence: 4 } } } server = await createSingleServer(1, overrideConfig) await setAccessTokensToServers([ server ]) await setDefaultVideoChannel([ server ]) channelId = server.store.channel.id }) describe('Default publish values', function () { const attributes = { name: 'video', downloadEnabled: undefined, commentsEnabled: undefined, licence: undefined, privacy: VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC // Privacy is mandatory for server } function checkVideo (video: VideoDetails) { expect(video.downloadEnabled).to.be.false expect(video.commentsEnabled).to.be.false expect(video.licence.id).to.equal(4) } before(async function () { await server.config.disableTranscoding() await server.config.enableImports() await server.config.enableLive({ allowReplay: false, transcoding: false }) }) it('Should have the correct server configuration', async function () { const config = await server.config.getConfig() expect(config.defaults.publish.commentsEnabled).to.be.false expect(config.defaults.publish.downloadEnabled).to.be.false expect(config.defaults.publish.licence).to.equal(4) expect(config.defaults.publish.privacy).to.equal(VideoPrivacy.INTERNAL) }) it('Should respect default values when uploading a video', async function () { for (const mode of [ 'legacy' as 'legacy', 'resumable' as 'resumable' ]) { const { id } = await server.videos.upload({ attributes, mode }) const video = await server.videos.get({ id }) checkVideo(video) } }) it('Should respect default values when importing a video using URL', async function () { const { video: { id } } = await server.imports.importVideo({ attributes: { ...attributes, channelId, targetUrl: FIXTURE_URLS.goodVideo } }) const video = await server.videos.get({ id }) checkVideo(video) }) it('Should respect default values when importing a video using magnet URI', async function () { const { video: { id } } = await server.imports.importVideo({ attributes: { ...attributes, channelId, magnetUri: FIXTURE_URLS.magnet } }) const video = await server.videos.get({ id }) checkVideo(video) }) it('Should respect default values when creating a live', async function () { const { id } = await server.live.create({ fields: { ...attributes, channelId } }) const video = await server.videos.get({ id }) checkVideo(video) }) }) after(async function () { await cleanupTests([ server ]) }) })