/* eslint-disable no-useless-call */ /* Different from 'utils' because we don't import other PeerTube modules. Useful to avoid circular dependencies. */ import { exec, ExecOptions } from 'child_process' import { randomBytes } from 'crypto' import { truncate } from 'lodash' import { createPrivateKey as createPrivateKey_1, getPublicKey as getPublicKey_1 } from 'pem' import { pipeline } from 'stream' import { URL } from 'url' import { promisify } from 'util' const objectConverter = (oldObject: any, keyConverter: (e: string) => string, valueConverter: (e: any) => any) => { if (!oldObject || typeof oldObject !== 'object') { return valueConverter(oldObject) } if (Array.isArray(oldObject)) { return oldObject.map(e => objectConverter(e, keyConverter, valueConverter)) } const newObject = {} Object.keys(oldObject).forEach(oldKey => { const newKey = keyConverter(oldKey) newObject[newKey] = objectConverter(oldObject[oldKey], keyConverter, valueConverter) }) return newObject } function mapToJSON (map: Map<any, any>) { const obj: any = {} for (const [ k, v ] of map) { obj[k] = v } return obj } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- const timeTable = { ms: 1, second: 1000, minute: 60000, hour: 3600000, day: 3600000 * 24, week: 3600000 * 24 * 7, month: 3600000 * 24 * 30 } export function parseDurationToMs (duration: number | string): number { if (duration === null) return null if (typeof duration === 'number') return duration if (typeof duration === 'string') { const split = duration.match(/^([\d.,]+)\s?(\w+)$/) if (split.length === 3) { const len = parseFloat(split[1]) let unit = split[2].replace(/s$/i, '').toLowerCase() if (unit === 'm') { unit = 'ms' } return (len || 1) * (timeTable[unit] || 0) } } throw new Error(`Duration ${duration} could not be properly parsed`) } export function parseBytes (value: string | number): number { if (typeof value === 'number') return value const tgm = /^(\d+)\s*TB\s*(\d+)\s*GB\s*(\d+)\s*MB$/ const tg = /^(\d+)\s*TB\s*(\d+)\s*GB$/ const tm = /^(\d+)\s*TB\s*(\d+)\s*MB$/ const gm = /^(\d+)\s*GB\s*(\d+)\s*MB$/ const t = /^(\d+)\s*TB$/ const g = /^(\d+)\s*GB$/ const m = /^(\d+)\s*MB$/ const b = /^(\d+)\s*B$/ let match if (value.match(tgm)) { match = value.match(tgm) return parseInt(match[1], 10) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 + parseInt(match[2], 10) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 + parseInt(match[3], 10) * 1024 * 1024 } else if (value.match(tg)) { match = value.match(tg) return parseInt(match[1], 10) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 + parseInt(match[2], 10) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 } else if (value.match(tm)) { match = value.match(tm) return parseInt(match[1], 10) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 + parseInt(match[2], 10) * 1024 * 1024 } else if (value.match(gm)) { match = value.match(gm) return parseInt(match[1], 10) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 + parseInt(match[2], 10) * 1024 * 1024 } else if (value.match(t)) { match = value.match(t) return parseInt(match[1], 10) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 } else if (value.match(g)) { match = value.match(g) return parseInt(match[1], 10) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 } else if (value.match(m)) { match = value.match(m) return parseInt(match[1], 10) * 1024 * 1024 } else if (value.match(b)) { match = value.match(b) return parseInt(match[1], 10) * 1024 } else { return parseInt(value, 10) } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function sanitizeUrl (url: string) { const urlObject = new URL(url) if (urlObject.protocol === 'https:' && urlObject.port === '443') { urlObject.port = '' } else if (urlObject.protocol === 'http:' && urlObject.port === '80') { urlObject.port = '' } return urlObject.href.replace(/\/$/, '') } // Don't import remote scheme from constants because we are in core utils function sanitizeHost (host: string, remoteScheme: string) { const toRemove = remoteScheme === 'https' ? 443 : 80 return host.replace(new RegExp(`:${toRemove}$`), '') } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function isTestInstance () { return process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test' } function isProdInstance () { return process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' } function getAppNumber () { return process.env.NODE_APP_INSTANCE || '' } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Consistent with .length, lodash truncate function is not function peertubeTruncate (str: string, options: { length: number, separator?: RegExp, omission?: string }) { const truncatedStr = truncate(str, options) // The truncated string is okay, we can return it if (truncatedStr.length <= options.length) return truncatedStr // Lodash takes into account all UTF characters, whereas String.prototype.length does not: some characters have a length of 2 // We always use the .length so we need to truncate more if needed options.length -= truncatedStr.length - options.length return truncate(str, options) } function pageToStartAndCount (page: number, itemsPerPage: number) { const start = (page - 1) * itemsPerPage return { start, count: itemsPerPage } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- type SemVersion = { major: number, minor: number, patch: number } function parseSemVersion (s: string) { const parsed = s.match(/^v?(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/i) return { major: parseInt(parsed[1]), minor: parseInt(parsed[2]), patch: parseInt(parsed[3]) } as SemVersion } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function execShell (command: string, options?: ExecOptions) { return new Promise<{ err?: Error, stdout: string, stderr: string }>((res, rej) => { exec(command, options, (err, stdout, stderr) => { // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-promise-reject-errors if (err) return rej({ err, stdout, stderr }) return res({ stdout, stderr }) }) }) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function isOdd (num: number) { return (num % 2) !== 0 } function toEven (num: number) { if (isOdd(num)) return num + 1 return num } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function promisify0<A> (func: (cb: (err: any, result: A) => void) => void): () => Promise<A> { return function promisified (): Promise<A> { return new Promise<A>((resolve: (arg: A) => void, reject: (err: any) => void) => { func.apply(null, [ (err: any, res: A) => err ? reject(err) : resolve(res) ]) }) } } // Thanks to https://gist.github.com/kumasento/617daa7e46f13ecdd9b2 function promisify1<T, A> (func: (arg: T, cb: (err: any, result: A) => void) => void): (arg: T) => Promise<A> { return function promisified (arg: T): Promise<A> { return new Promise<A>((resolve: (arg: A) => void, reject: (err: any) => void) => { func.apply(null, [ arg, (err: any, res: A) => err ? reject(err) : resolve(res) ]) }) } } function promisify2<T, U, A> (func: (arg1: T, arg2: U, cb: (err: any, result: A) => void) => void): (arg1: T, arg2: U) => Promise<A> { return function promisified (arg1: T, arg2: U): Promise<A> { return new Promise<A>((resolve: (arg: A) => void, reject: (err: any) => void) => { func.apply(null, [ arg1, arg2, (err: any, res: A) => err ? reject(err) : resolve(res) ]) }) } } const randomBytesPromise = promisify1<number, Buffer>(randomBytes) const createPrivateKey = promisify1<number, { key: string }>(createPrivateKey_1) const getPublicKey = promisify1<string, { publicKey: string }>(getPublicKey_1) const execPromise2 = promisify2<string, any, string>(exec) const execPromise = promisify1<string, string>(exec) const pipelinePromise = promisify(pipeline) // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { isTestInstance, isProdInstance, getAppNumber, objectConverter, mapToJSON, sanitizeUrl, sanitizeHost, execShell, pageToStartAndCount, peertubeTruncate, promisify0, promisify1, promisify2, randomBytesPromise, createPrivateKey, getPublicKey, execPromise2, execPromise, pipelinePromise, parseSemVersion, isOdd, toEven }