import config from 'config' import { readFileSync, writeFileSync } from 'fs' import { URL } from 'url' import { uniqify } from '@peertube/peertube-core-utils' import { getFFmpegVersion } from '@peertube/peertube-ffmpeg' import { RecentlyAddedStrategy, VideoRedundancyConfigFilter } from '@peertube/peertube-models' import { isProdInstance } from '@peertube/peertube-node-utils' import { parseBytes, parseSemVersion } from '../helpers/core-utils.js' import { isArray } from '../helpers/custom-validators/misc.js' import { logger } from '../helpers/logger.js' import { ApplicationModel, getServerActor } from '../models/application/application.js' import { OAuthClientModel } from '../models/oauth/oauth-client.js' import { UserModel } from '../models/user/user.js' import { CONFIG, getLocalConfigFilePath, isEmailEnabled, reloadConfig } from './config.js' import { WEBSERVER } from './constants.js' import { basename } from 'path' async function checkActivityPubUrls () { const actor = await getServerActor() const parsed = new URL(actor.url) if (WEBSERVER.HOST !== { const NODE_ENV = config.util.getEnv('NODE_ENV') const NODE_CONFIG_DIR = config.util.getEnv('NODE_CONFIG_DIR') logger.warn( 'It seems PeerTube was started (and created some data) with another domain name. ' + 'This means you will not be able to federate! ' + 'Please use %s %s npm run update-host to fix this.', NODE_CONFIG_DIR ? `NODE_CONFIG_DIR=${NODE_CONFIG_DIR}` : '', NODE_ENV ? `NODE_ENV=${NODE_ENV}` : '' ) } } // Some checks on configuration files or throw if there is an error function checkConfig () { const configFiles = config.util.getConfigSources().map(s =>' -> ')'Using following configuration file hierarchy: %s.', configFiles) checkRemovedConfigKeys() checkSecretsConfig() checkEmailConfig() checkNSFWPolicyConfig() checkLocalRedundancyConfig() checkRemoteRedundancyConfig() checkStorageConfig() checkTranscodingConfig() checkImportConfig() checkBroadcastMessageConfig() checkSearchConfig() checkLiveConfig() checkObjectStorageConfig() checkVideoStudioConfig() checkThumbnailsConfig() } // We get db by param to not import it in this file (import orders) async function clientsExist () { const totalClients = await OAuthClientModel.countTotal() return totalClients !== 0 } // We get db by param to not import it in this file (import orders) async function usersExist () { const totalUsers = await UserModel.countTotal() return totalUsers !== 0 } // We get db by param to not import it in this file (import orders) async function applicationExist () { const totalApplication = await ApplicationModel.countTotal() return totalApplication !== 0 } async function checkFFmpegVersion () { const version = await getFFmpegVersion() const semvar = parseSemVersion(version) if (!semvar) { logger.warn('Your ffmpeg version (%s) does not use semvar. Unable to determine version compatibility.', version) return } const { major, minor, patch } = semvar if (major < 4 || (major === 4 && minor < 1)) { logger.warn('Your ffmpeg version (%s) is outdated. PeerTube supports ffmpeg >= 4.1. Please upgrade ffmpeg.', version) } if (major === 4 && minor === 4 && patch === 0) { logger.warn('There is a bug in ffmpeg 4.4.0 with HLS videos. Please upgrade ffmpeg.') } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { checkConfig, clientsExist, checkFFmpegVersion, usersExist, applicationExist, checkActivityPubUrls } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function checkRemovedConfigKeys () { // Moved configuration keys if (config.has('services.csp-logger')) { logger.warn('services.csp-logger configuration has been renamed to csp.report_uri. Please update your configuration file.') } if (config.has('transcoding.webtorrent.enabled')) { const localConfigPath = getLocalConfigFilePath() const content = readFileSync(localConfigPath, { encoding: 'utf-8' }) if (!content.includes('"webtorrent"')) { throw new Error('Please rename transcoding.webtorrent.enabled key to transcoding.web_videos.enabled in your configuration file') } try { 'Replacing "transcoding.webtorrent.enabled" key to "transcoding.web_videos.enabled" in your local configuration ' + localConfigPath ) writeFileSync(localConfigPath, content.replace('"webtorrent"', '"web_videos"'), { encoding: 'utf-8' }) reloadConfig() .catch(err => logger.error('Cannot reload configuration', { err })) } catch (err) { logger.error('Cannot write new configuration to file ' + localConfigPath, { err }) } } } function checkSecretsConfig () { if (!CONFIG.SECRETS.PEERTUBE) { throw new Error('secrets.peertube is missing in config. Generate one using `openssl rand -hex 32`') } } function checkEmailConfig () { if (!isEmailEnabled()) { if (CONFIG.SIGNUP.ENABLED && CONFIG.SIGNUP.REQUIRES_EMAIL_VERIFICATION) { throw new Error('SMTP is not configured but you require signup email verification.') } if (CONFIG.SIGNUP.ENABLED && CONFIG.SIGNUP.REQUIRES_APPROVAL) { // eslint-disable-next-line max-len logger.warn('SMTP is not configured but signup approval is enabled: PeerTube will not be able to send an email to the user upon acceptance/rejection of the registration request') } if (CONFIG.CONTACT_FORM.ENABLED) { logger.warn('SMTP is not configured so the contact form will not work.') } } } function checkNSFWPolicyConfig () { const defaultNSFWPolicy = CONFIG.INSTANCE.DEFAULT_NSFW_POLICY const available = [ 'do_not_list', 'blur', 'display' ] if (available.includes(defaultNSFWPolicy) === false) { throw new Error('NSFW policy setting should be ' + available.join(' or ') + ' instead of ' + defaultNSFWPolicy) } } function checkLocalRedundancyConfig () { const redundancyVideos = CONFIG.REDUNDANCY.VIDEOS.STRATEGIES if (isArray(redundancyVideos)) { const available = [ 'most-views', 'trending', 'recently-added' ] for (const r of redundancyVideos) { if (available.includes(r.strategy) === false) { throw new Error('Videos redundancy should have ' + available.join(' or ') + ' strategy instead of ' + r.strategy) } // Lifetime should not be < 10 hours if (isProdInstance() && r.minLifetime < 1000 * 3600 * 10) { throw new Error('Video redundancy minimum lifetime should be >= 10 hours for strategy ' + r.strategy) } } const filtered = uniqify( => r.strategy)) if (filtered.length !== redundancyVideos.length) { throw new Error('Redundancy video entries should have unique strategies') } const recentlyAddedStrategy = redundancyVideos.find(r => r.strategy === 'recently-added') as RecentlyAddedStrategy if (recentlyAddedStrategy && isNaN(recentlyAddedStrategy.minViews)) { throw new Error('Min views in recently added strategy is not a number') } } else { throw new Error('Videos redundancy should be an array (you must uncomment lines containing - too)') } } function checkRemoteRedundancyConfig () { const acceptFrom = CONFIG.REMOTE_REDUNDANCY.VIDEOS.ACCEPT_FROM const acceptFromValues = new Set([ 'nobody', 'anybody', 'followings' ]) if (acceptFromValues.has(acceptFrom) === false) { throw new Error('remote_redundancy.videos.accept_from has an incorrect value') } } function checkStorageConfig () { // Check storage directory locations if (isProdInstance()) { const configStorage = config.get<{ [ name: string ]: string }>('storage') for (const key of Object.keys(configStorage)) { if (configStorage[key].startsWith('storage/')) { logger.warn( 'Directory of %s should not be in the production directory of PeerTube. Please check your production configuration file.', key ) } } const webVideosDirname = basename(CONFIG.STORAGE.WEB_VIDEOS_DIR) if (webVideosDirname !== 'web-videos') { logger.warn(`storage.web_videos configuration should have a "web-videos" directory name (current value: "${webVideosDirname}")`) } } if (CONFIG.STORAGE.WEB_VIDEOS_DIR === CONFIG.STORAGE.REDUNDANCY_DIR) { logger.warn('Redundancy directory should be different than the videos folder.') } } function checkTranscodingConfig () { if (CONFIG.TRANSCODING.ENABLED) { if (CONFIG.TRANSCODING.WEB_VIDEOS.ENABLED === false && CONFIG.TRANSCODING.HLS.ENABLED === false) { throw new Error('You need to enable at least Web Video transcoding or HLS transcoding.') } if (CONFIG.TRANSCODING.CONCURRENCY <= 0) { throw new Error('Transcoding concurrency should be > 0') } } if (CONFIG.IMPORT.VIDEOS.HTTP.ENABLED || CONFIG.IMPORT.VIDEOS.TORRENT.ENABLED) { if (CONFIG.IMPORT.VIDEOS.CONCURRENCY <= 0) { throw new Error('Video import concurrency should be > 0') } } } function checkImportConfig () { if (CONFIG.IMPORT.VIDEO_CHANNEL_SYNCHRONIZATION.ENABLED && !CONFIG.IMPORT.VIDEOS.HTTP) { throw new Error('You need to enable HTTP import to allow synchronization') } } function checkBroadcastMessageConfig () { if (CONFIG.BROADCAST_MESSAGE.ENABLED) { const currentLevel = CONFIG.BROADCAST_MESSAGE.LEVEL const available = [ 'info', 'warning', 'error' ] if (available.includes(currentLevel) === false) { throw new Error('Broadcast message level should be ' + available.join(' or ') + ' instead of ' + currentLevel) } } } function checkSearchConfig () { if (CONFIG.SEARCH.SEARCH_INDEX.ENABLED === true) { if (CONFIG.SEARCH.REMOTE_URI.USERS === false) { throw new Error('You cannot enable search index without enabling remote URI search for users.') } } } function checkLiveConfig () { if (CONFIG.LIVE.ENABLED === true) { if (CONFIG.LIVE.ALLOW_REPLAY === true && CONFIG.TRANSCODING.ENABLED === false) { throw new Error('Live allow replay cannot be enabled if transcoding is not enabled.') } if (CONFIG.LIVE.RTMP.ENABLED === false && CONFIG.LIVE.RTMPS.ENABLED === false) { throw new Error('You must enable at least RTMP or RTMPS') } if (CONFIG.LIVE.RTMPS.ENABLED) { if (!CONFIG.LIVE.RTMPS.KEY_FILE) { throw new Error('You must specify a key file to enable RTMPS') } if (!CONFIG.LIVE.RTMPS.CERT_FILE) { throw new Error('You must specify a cert file to enable RTMPS') } } } } function checkObjectStorageConfig () { if (CONFIG.OBJECT_STORAGE.ENABLED !== true) return if (!CONFIG.OBJECT_STORAGE.WEB_VIDEOS.BUCKET_NAME) { throw new Error('videos_bucket should be set when object storage support is enabled.') } if (!CONFIG.OBJECT_STORAGE.STREAMING_PLAYLISTS.BUCKET_NAME) { throw new Error('streaming_playlists_bucket should be set when object storage support is enabled.') } // Check web videos and hls videos are not in the same bucket or directory if ( CONFIG.OBJECT_STORAGE.WEB_VIDEOS.BUCKET_NAME === CONFIG.OBJECT_STORAGE.STREAMING_PLAYLISTS.BUCKET_NAME && CONFIG.OBJECT_STORAGE.WEB_VIDEOS.PREFIX === CONFIG.OBJECT_STORAGE.STREAMING_PLAYLISTS.PREFIX ) { if (CONFIG.OBJECT_STORAGE.WEB_VIDEOS.PREFIX === '') { throw new Error('Bucket prefixes should be set when the same bucket is used for both types of video.') } throw new Error( 'Bucket prefixes should be set to different values when the same bucket is used for both types of video.' ) } if (CONFIG.TRANSCODING.ORIGINAL_FILE.KEEP) { if (!CONFIG.OBJECT_STORAGE.ORIGINAL_VIDEO_FILES.BUCKET_NAME) { throw new Error('original_video_files_bucket should be set when object storage support is enabled.') } // Check web videos/hls videos are not in the same bucket or directory as original video files if ( CONFIG.OBJECT_STORAGE.WEB_VIDEOS.BUCKET_NAME === CONFIG.OBJECT_STORAGE.ORIGINAL_VIDEO_FILES.BUCKET_NAME && CONFIG.OBJECT_STORAGE.WEB_VIDEOS.PREFIX === CONFIG.OBJECT_STORAGE.ORIGINAL_VIDEO_FILES.PREFIX ) { if (CONFIG.OBJECT_STORAGE.WEB_VIDEOS.PREFIX === '') { throw new Error('Bucket prefixes should be set when the same bucket is used for both original and web video files.') } throw new Error( 'Bucket prefixes should be set to different values when the same bucket is used for both original and web video files.' ) } if ( CONFIG.OBJECT_STORAGE.STREAMING_PLAYLISTS.BUCKET_NAME === CONFIG.OBJECT_STORAGE.ORIGINAL_VIDEO_FILES.BUCKET_NAME && CONFIG.OBJECT_STORAGE.STREAMING_PLAYLISTS.PREFIX === CONFIG.OBJECT_STORAGE.ORIGINAL_VIDEO_FILES.PREFIX ) { if (CONFIG.OBJECT_STORAGE.STREAMING_PLAYLISTS.PREFIX === '') { throw new Error('Bucket prefixes should be set when the same bucket is used for both original and hls files.') } throw new Error( 'Bucket prefixes should be set to different values when the same bucket is used for both original and hls files.' ) } } if (CONFIG.OBJECT_STORAGE.MAX_UPLOAD_PART > parseBytes('250MB')) { // eslint-disable-next-line max-len logger.warn(`Object storage max upload part seems to have a big value (${CONFIG.OBJECT_STORAGE.MAX_UPLOAD_PART} bytes). Consider using a lower one (like 100MB).`) } } function checkVideoStudioConfig () { if (CONFIG.VIDEO_STUDIO.ENABLED === true && CONFIG.TRANSCODING.ENABLED === false) { throw new Error('Video studio cannot be enabled if transcoding is disabled') } } function checkThumbnailsConfig () { if (CONFIG.THUMBNAILS.GENERATION_FROM_VIDEO.FRAMES_TO_ANALYZE < 2) { throw new Error('thumbnails.generation_from_video.frames_to_analyze must be a number greater than 1') } if (!isArray(CONFIG.THUMBNAILS.SIZES) || CONFIG.THUMBNAILS.SIZES.length !== 2) { throw new Error('thumbnails.sizes must be an array of 2 sizes') } }