import { Mutex } from 'async-mutex' import { remove } from 'fs-extra/esm' import { extname, join } from 'path' import { VideoStorage } from '@peertube/peertube-models' import { logger, loggerTagsFactory } from '@server/helpers/logger.js' import { extractVideo } from '@server/helpers/video.js' import { CONFIG } from '@server/initializers/config.js' import { DIRECTORIES } from '@server/initializers/constants.js' import { MStreamingPlaylistVideo, MVideo, MVideoFile, MVideoFileStreamingPlaylistVideo, MVideoFileVideo } from '@server/types/models/index.js' import { buildUUID } from '@peertube/peertube-node-utils' import { makeHLSFileAvailable, makeWebVideoFileAvailable } from './object-storage/index.js' import { getHLSDirectory, getHLSRedundancyDirectory, getHlsResolutionPlaylistFilename } from './paths.js' import { isVideoInPrivateDirectory } from './video-privacy.js' type MakeAvailableCB = (path: string) => Promise | T const lTags = loggerTagsFactory('video-path-manager') class VideoPathManager { private static instance: VideoPathManager // Key is a video UUID private readonly videoFileMutexStore = new Map() private constructor () {} getFSHLSOutputPath (video: MVideo, filename?: string) { const base = getHLSDirectory(video) if (!filename) return base return join(base, filename) } getFSRedundancyVideoFilePath (videoOrPlaylist: MVideo | MStreamingPlaylistVideo, videoFile: MVideoFile) { if (videoFile.isHLS()) { const video = extractVideo(videoOrPlaylist) return join(getHLSRedundancyDirectory(video), videoFile.filename) } return join(CONFIG.STORAGE.REDUNDANCY_DIR, videoFile.filename) } getFSVideoFileOutputPath (videoOrPlaylist: MVideo | MStreamingPlaylistVideo, videoFile: MVideoFile) { const video = extractVideo(videoOrPlaylist) if (videoFile.isHLS()) { return join(getHLSDirectory(video), videoFile.filename) } if (isVideoInPrivateDirectory(video.privacy)) { return join(DIRECTORIES.VIDEOS.PRIVATE, videoFile.filename) } return join(DIRECTORIES.VIDEOS.PUBLIC, videoFile.filename) } async makeAvailableVideoFile (videoFile: MVideoFileVideo | MVideoFileStreamingPlaylistVideo, cb: MakeAvailableCB) { if ( === VideoStorage.FILE_SYSTEM) { return this.makeAvailableFactory( () => this.getFSVideoFileOutputPath(videoFile.getVideoOrStreamingPlaylist(), videoFile), false, cb ) } const destination = this.buildTMPDestination(videoFile.filename) if (videoFile.isHLS()) { const playlist = (videoFile as MVideoFileStreamingPlaylistVideo).VideoStreamingPlaylist return this.makeAvailableFactory( () => makeHLSFileAvailable(playlist, videoFile.filename, destination), true, cb ) } return this.makeAvailableFactory( () => makeWebVideoFileAvailable(videoFile.filename, destination), true, cb ) } async makeAvailableResolutionPlaylistFile (videoFile: MVideoFileStreamingPlaylistVideo, cb: MakeAvailableCB) { const filename = getHlsResolutionPlaylistFilename(videoFile.filename) if ( === VideoStorage.FILE_SYSTEM) { return this.makeAvailableFactory( () => join(getHLSDirectory(videoFile.getVideo()), filename), false, cb ) } const playlist = videoFile.VideoStreamingPlaylist return this.makeAvailableFactory( () => makeHLSFileAvailable(playlist, filename, this.buildTMPDestination(filename)), true, cb ) } async makeAvailablePlaylistFile (playlist: MStreamingPlaylistVideo, filename: string, cb: MakeAvailableCB) { if ( === VideoStorage.FILE_SYSTEM) { return this.makeAvailableFactory( () => join(getHLSDirectory(playlist.Video), filename), false, cb ) } return this.makeAvailableFactory( () => makeHLSFileAvailable(playlist, filename, this.buildTMPDestination(filename)), true, cb ) } async lockFiles (videoUUID: string) { if (!this.videoFileMutexStore.has(videoUUID)) { this.videoFileMutexStore.set(videoUUID, new Mutex()) } const mutex = this.videoFileMutexStore.get(videoUUID) const releaser = await mutex.acquire() logger.debug('Locked files of %s.', videoUUID, lTags(videoUUID)) return releaser } unlockFiles (videoUUID: string) { const mutex = this.videoFileMutexStore.get(videoUUID) mutex.release() logger.debug('Released lockfiles of %s.', videoUUID, lTags(videoUUID)) } private async makeAvailableFactory (method: () => Promise | string, clean: boolean, cb: MakeAvailableCB) { let result: T const destination = await method() try { result = await cb(destination) } catch (err) { if (destination && clean) await remove(destination) throw err } if (clean) await remove(destination) return result } private buildTMPDestination (filename: string) { return join(CONFIG.STORAGE.TMP_DIR, buildUUID() + extname(filename)) } static get Instance () { return this.instance || (this.instance = new this()) } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { VideoPathManager }