/* tslint:disable:no-unused-expression */ import * as chai from 'chai' import 'mocha' import { doubleFollow, flushAndRunMultipleServers, flushTests, killallServers, makeActivityPubGetRequest, runServer, ServerInfo, setAccessTokensToServers, uploadVideo } from '../../utils' const expect = chai.expect describe('Test activitypub', function () { let servers: ServerInfo[] = [] let videoUUID: string before(async function () { this.timeout(30000) await flushTests() servers = await flushAndRunMultipleServers(2) await setAccessTokensToServers(servers) { const res = await uploadVideo(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, { name: 'video' }) videoUUID = res.body.video.uuid } await doubleFollow(servers[0], servers[1]) }) it('Should return the account object', async function () { const res = await makeActivityPubGetRequest(servers[0].url, '/accounts/root') const object = res.body expect(object.type).to.equal('Person') expect(object.id).to.equal('http://localhost:9001/accounts/root') expect(object.name).to.equal('root') expect(object.preferredUsername).to.equal('root') }) it('Should return the video object', async function () { const res = await makeActivityPubGetRequest(servers[0].url, '/videos/watch/' + videoUUID) const object = res.body expect(object.type).to.equal('Video') expect(object.id).to.equal('http://localhost:9001/videos/watch/' + videoUUID) expect(object.name).to.equal('video') }) it('Should redirect to the origin video object', async function () { const res = await makeActivityPubGetRequest(servers[1].url, '/videos/watch/' + videoUUID, 302) expect(res.header.location).to.equal('http://localhost:9001/videos/watch/' + videoUUID) }) after(async function () { killallServers(servers) }) })