// Translate for example "-name" to [ [ 'name', 'DESC' ], [ 'id', 'ASC' ] ] import { Sequelize } from 'sequelize-typescript' function getSort (value: string, lastSort: string[] = [ 'id', 'ASC' ]) { let field: any let direction: 'ASC' | 'DESC' if (value.substring(0, 1) === '-') { direction = 'DESC' field = value.substring(1) } else { direction = 'ASC' field = value } // Alias if (field.toLowerCase() === 'bestmatch') field = Sequelize.col('similarity') return [ [ field, direction ], lastSort ] } function getSortOnModel (model: any, value: string, lastSort: string[] = [ 'id', 'ASC' ]) { let [ firstSort ] = getSort(value) if (model) return [ [ model, firstSort[0], firstSort[1] ], lastSort ] return [ firstSort, lastSort ] } function throwIfNotValid (value: any, validator: (value: any) => boolean, fieldName = 'value') { if (validator(value) === false) { throw new Error(`"${value}" is not a valid ${fieldName}.`) } } function buildTrigramSearchIndex (indexName: string, attribute: string) { return { name: indexName, fields: [ Sequelize.literal('lower(immutable_unaccent(' + attribute + '))') as any ], using: 'gin', operator: 'gin_trgm_ops' } } function createSimilarityAttribute (col: string, value: string) { return Sequelize.fn( 'similarity', searchTrigramNormalizeCol(col), searchTrigramNormalizeValue(value) ) } function createSearchTrigramQuery (col: string, value: string) { return { [ Sequelize.Op.or ]: [ // FIXME: use word_similarity instead of just similarity? Sequelize.where(searchTrigramNormalizeCol(col), ' % ', searchTrigramNormalizeValue(value)), Sequelize.where(searchTrigramNormalizeCol(col), ' LIKE ', searchTrigramNormalizeValue(`%${value}%`)) ] } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { getSort, getSortOnModel, createSimilarityAttribute, throwIfNotValid, buildTrigramSearchIndex, createSearchTrigramQuery } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function searchTrigramNormalizeValue (value: string) { return Sequelize.fn('lower', Sequelize.fn('unaccent', value)) } function searchTrigramNormalizeCol (col: string) { return Sequelize.fn('lower', Sequelize.fn('immutable_unaccent', Sequelize.col(col))) }