import * as express from 'express' import { auditLoggerFactory, VideoImportAuditView } from '../../../helpers/audit-logger' import { asyncMiddleware, asyncRetryTransactionMiddleware, authenticate, videoImportAddValidator } from '../../../middlewares' import { CONFIG, IMAGE_MIMETYPE_EXT, PREVIEWS_SIZE, sequelizeTypescript, THUMBNAILS_SIZE } from '../../../initializers' import { getYoutubeDLInfo, YoutubeDLInfo } from '../../../helpers/youtube-dl' import { createReqFiles } from '../../../helpers/express-utils' import { logger } from '../../../helpers/logger' import { VideoImportCreate, VideoImportState, VideoPrivacy, VideoState } from '../../../../shared' import { VideoModel } from '../../../models/video/video' import { getVideoActivityPubUrl } from '../../../lib/activitypub' import { TagModel } from '../../../models/video/tag' import { VideoImportModel } from '../../../models/video/video-import' import { JobQueue } from '../../../lib/job-queue/job-queue' import { processImage } from '../../../helpers/image-utils' import { join } from 'path' const auditLogger = auditLoggerFactory('video-imports') const videoImportsRouter = express.Router() const reqVideoFileImport = createReqFiles( [ 'thumbnailfile', 'previewfile' ], IMAGE_MIMETYPE_EXT, { thumbnailfile: CONFIG.STORAGE.THUMBNAILS_DIR, previewfile: CONFIG.STORAGE.PREVIEWS_DIR } )'/imports', authenticate, reqVideoFileImport, asyncMiddleware(videoImportAddValidator), asyncRetryTransactionMiddleware(addVideoImport) ) // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { videoImportsRouter } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- async function addVideoImport (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) { const body: VideoImportCreate = req.body const targetUrl = body.targetUrl let youtubeDLInfo: YoutubeDLInfo try { youtubeDLInfo = await getYoutubeDLInfo(targetUrl) } catch (err) {'Cannot fetch information from import for URL %s.', targetUrl, { err }) return res.status(400).json({ error: 'Cannot fetch remote information of this URL.' }).end() } // Create video DB object const videoData = { name: ||, remote: false, category: body.category || youtubeDLInfo.category, licence: body.licence || youtubeDLInfo.licence, language: undefined, commentsEnabled: body.commentsEnabled || true, waitTranscoding: body.waitTranscoding || false, state: VideoState.TO_IMPORT, nsfw: body.nsfw || youtubeDLInfo.nsfw || false, description: body.description || youtubeDLInfo.description, support: || null, privacy: body.privacy || VideoPrivacy.PRIVATE, duration: 0, // duration will be set by the import job channelId: } const video = new VideoModel(videoData) video.url = getVideoActivityPubUrl(video) // Process thumbnail file? const thumbnailField = req.files ? req.files['thumbnailfile'] : undefined let downloadThumbnail = true if (thumbnailField) { const thumbnailPhysicalFile = thumbnailField[ 0 ] await processImage(thumbnailPhysicalFile, join(CONFIG.STORAGE.THUMBNAILS_DIR, video.getThumbnailName()), THUMBNAILS_SIZE) downloadThumbnail = false } // Process preview file? const previewField = req.files ? req.files['previewfile'] : undefined let downloadPreview = true if (previewField) { const previewPhysicalFile = previewField[0] await processImage(previewPhysicalFile, join(CONFIG.STORAGE.PREVIEWS_DIR, video.getPreviewName()), PREVIEWS_SIZE) downloadPreview = false } const videoImport: VideoImportModel = await sequelizeTypescript.transaction(async t => { const sequelizeOptions = { transaction: t } // Save video object in database const videoCreated = await videoCreated.VideoChannel = res.locals.videoChannel // Set tags to the video if (youtubeDLInfo.tags !== undefined) { const tagInstances = await TagModel.findOrCreateTags(youtubeDLInfo.tags, t) await videoCreated.$set('Tags', tagInstances, sequelizeOptions) videoCreated.Tags = tagInstances } // Create video import object in database const videoImport = await VideoImportModel.create({ targetUrl, state: VideoImportState.PENDING, videoId: }, sequelizeOptions) videoImport.Video = videoCreated return videoImport }) // Create job to import the video const payload = { type: 'youtube-dl' as 'youtube-dl', videoImportId:, thumbnailUrl: youtubeDLInfo.thumbnailUrl, downloadThumbnail, downloadPreview } await JobQueue.Instance.createJob({ type: 'video-import', payload }) auditLogger.create(res.locals.oauth.token.User.Account.Actor.getIdentifier(), new VideoImportAuditView(videoImport.toFormattedJSON())) return res.json(videoImport.toFormattedJSON()) }