import { buildVideoEmbedPath, buildVideoWatchPath, pick, wait } from '@peertube/peertube-core-utils' import { ffprobePromise, getAudioStream, getVideoStreamDimensionsInfo, getVideoStreamFPS, hasAudioStream } from '@peertube/peertube-ffmpeg' import { ResultList, ThumbnailType, UserRight, Video, VideoDetails, VideoFile, VideoInclude, VideoIncludeType, VideoObject, VideoPrivacy, VideoRateType, VideoState, FileStorage, VideoStreamingPlaylistType, type VideoPrivacyType, type VideoStateType } from '@peertube/peertube-models' import { uuidToShort } from '@peertube/peertube-node-utils' import { getPrivaciesForFederation, isPrivacyForFederation, isStateForFederation } from '@server/helpers/video.js' import { InternalEventEmitter } from '@server/lib/internal-event-emitter.js' import { LiveManager } from '@server/lib/live/live-manager.js' import { removeHLSFileObjectStorageByFilename, removeHLSObjectStorage, removeWebVideoObjectStorage } from '@server/lib/object-storage/index.js' import { tracer } from '@server/lib/opentelemetry/tracing.js' import { getHLSDirectory, getHLSRedundancyDirectory, getHlsResolutionPlaylistFilename } from '@server/lib/paths.js' import { Hooks } from '@server/lib/plugins/hooks.js' import { VideoPathManager } from '@server/lib/video-path-manager.js' import { isVideoInPrivateDirectory } from '@server/lib/video-privacy.js' import { getServerActor } from '@server/models/application/application.js' import { ModelCache } from '@server/models/shared/model-cache.js' import Bluebird from 'bluebird' import { remove } from 'fs-extra/esm' import maxBy from 'lodash-es/maxBy.js' import minBy from 'lodash-es/minBy.js' import { FindOptions, IncludeOptions, Includeable, Op, QueryTypes, ScopeOptions, Sequelize, Transaction, WhereOptions } from 'sequelize' import { AfterCreate, AfterDestroy, AfterUpdate, AllowNull, BeforeDestroy, BelongsTo, BelongsToMany, Column, CreatedAt, DataType, Default, ForeignKey, HasMany, HasOne, Is, IsInt, IsUUID, Min, Scopes, Table, UpdatedAt } from 'sequelize-typescript' import { peertubeTruncate } from '../../helpers/core-utils.js' import { isActivityPubUrlValid } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/activitypub/misc.js' import { exists, isArray, isBooleanValid, isUUIDValid } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/misc.js' import { isVideoDescriptionValid, isVideoDurationValid, isVideoNameValid, isVideoPrivacyValid, isVideoStateValid, isVideoSupportValid } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/videos.js' import { logger } from '../../helpers/logger.js' import { CONFIG } from '../../initializers/config.js' import { ACTIVITY_PUB, API_VERSION, CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS, WEBSERVER } from '../../initializers/constants.js' import { sendDeleteVideo } from '../../lib/activitypub/send/index.js' import { MChannel, MChannelAccountDefault, MChannelId, MStoryboard, MStreamingPlaylist, MStreamingPlaylistFilesVideo, MUserAccountId, MUserId, MVideoAP, MVideoAPLight, MVideoAccountLightBlacklistAllFiles, MVideoCaptionLanguageUrl, MVideoDetails, MVideoFileVideo, MVideoForUser, MVideoFormattable, MVideoFormattableDetails, MVideoFullLight, MVideoId, MVideoImmutable, MVideoThumbnail, MVideoThumbnailBlacklist, MVideoWithAllFiles, MVideoWithFile, type MVideo, type MVideoAccountLight } from '../../types/models/index.js' import { MThumbnail } from '../../types/models/video/thumbnail.js' import { MVideoFile, MVideoFileStreamingPlaylistVideo } from '../../types/models/video/video-file.js' import { VideoAbuseModel } from '../abuse/video-abuse.js' import { AccountVideoRateModel } from '../account/account-video-rate.js' import { AccountModel } from '../account/account.js' import { ActorImageModel } from '../actor/actor-image.js' import { ActorModel } from '../actor/actor.js' import { VideoRedundancyModel } from '../redundancy/video-redundancy.js' import { ServerModel } from '../server/server.js' import { TrackerModel } from '../server/tracker.js' import { VideoTrackerModel } from '../server/video-tracker.js' import { SequelizeModel, buildTrigramSearchIndex, buildWhereIdOrUUID, getVideoSort, isOutdated, setAsUpdated, throwIfNotValid } from '../shared/index.js' import { UserVideoHistoryModel } from '../user/user-video-history.js' import { UserModel } from '../user/user.js' import { VideoViewModel } from '../view/video-view.js' import { videoModelToActivityPubObject } from './formatter/video-activity-pub-format.js' import { VideoFormattingJSONOptions, videoFilesModelToFormattedJSON, videoModelToFormattedDetailsJSON, videoModelToFormattedJSON } from './formatter/video-api-format.js' import { ScheduleVideoUpdateModel } from './schedule-video-update.js' import { BuildVideosListQueryOptions, DisplayOnlyForFollowerOptions, VideoModelGetQueryBuilder, VideosIdListQueryBuilder, VideosModelListQueryBuilder } from './sql/video/index.js' import { StoryboardModel } from './storyboard.js' import { TagModel } from './tag.js' import { ThumbnailModel } from './thumbnail.js' import { VideoBlacklistModel } from './video-blacklist.js' import { VideoCaptionModel } from './video-caption.js' import { SummaryOptions, VideoChannelModel, ScopeNames as VideoChannelScopeNames } from './video-channel.js' import { VideoCommentModel } from './video-comment.js' import { VideoFileModel } from './video-file.js' import { VideoImportModel } from './video-import.js' import { VideoJobInfoModel } from './video-job-info.js' import { VideoLiveModel } from './video-live.js' import { VideoPasswordModel } from './video-password.js' import { VideoPlaylistElementModel } from './video-playlist-element.js' import { VideoShareModel } from './video-share.js' import { VideoSourceModel } from './video-source.js' import { VideoStreamingPlaylistModel } from './video-streaming-playlist.js' import { VideoTagModel } from './video-tag.js' export enum ScopeNames { FOR_API = 'FOR_API', WITH_ACCOUNT_DETAILS = 'WITH_ACCOUNT_DETAILS', WITH_TAGS = 'WITH_TAGS', WITH_WEB_VIDEO_FILES = 'WITH_WEB_VIDEO_FILES', WITH_SCHEDULED_UPDATE = 'WITH_SCHEDULED_UPDATE', WITH_BLACKLISTED = 'WITH_BLACKLISTED', WITH_STREAMING_PLAYLISTS = 'WITH_STREAMING_PLAYLISTS', WITH_IMMUTABLE_ATTRIBUTES = 'WITH_IMMUTABLE_ATTRIBUTES', WITH_USER_HISTORY = 'WITH_USER_HISTORY', WITH_THUMBNAILS = 'WITH_THUMBNAILS' } export type ForAPIOptions = { ids?: number[] videoPlaylistId?: number withAccountBlockerIds?: number[] } @Scopes(() => ({ [ScopeNames.WITH_IMMUTABLE_ATTRIBUTES]: { attributes: [ 'id', 'url', 'uuid', 'remote' ] }, [ScopeNames.FOR_API]: (options: ForAPIOptions) => { const include: Includeable[] = [ { model: VideoChannelModel.scope({ method: [ VideoChannelScopeNames.SUMMARY, { withAccount: true, withAccountBlockerIds: options.withAccountBlockerIds } as SummaryOptions ] }), required: true }, { attributes: [ 'type', 'filename' ], model: ThumbnailModel, required: false } ] const query: FindOptions = {} if (options.ids) { query.where = { id: { []: options.ids } } } if (options.videoPlaylistId) { include.push({ model: VideoPlaylistElementModel.unscoped(), required: true, where: { videoPlaylistId: options.videoPlaylistId } }) } query.include = include return query }, [ScopeNames.WITH_THUMBNAILS]: { include: [ { model: ThumbnailModel, required: false } ] }, [ScopeNames.WITH_ACCOUNT_DETAILS]: { include: [ { model: VideoChannelModel.unscoped(), required: true, include: [ { attributes: { exclude: [ 'privateKey', 'publicKey' ] }, model: ActorModel.unscoped(), required: true, include: [ { attributes: [ 'host' ], model: ServerModel.unscoped(), required: false }, { model: ActorImageModel, as: 'Avatars', required: false } ] }, { model: AccountModel.unscoped(), required: true, include: [ { model: ActorModel.unscoped(), attributes: { exclude: [ 'privateKey', 'publicKey' ] }, required: true, include: [ { attributes: [ 'host' ], model: ServerModel.unscoped(), required: false }, { model: ActorImageModel, as: 'Avatars', required: false } ] } ] } ] } ] }, [ScopeNames.WITH_TAGS]: { include: [ TagModel ] }, [ScopeNames.WITH_BLACKLISTED]: { include: [ { attributes: [ 'id', 'reason', 'unfederated' ], model: VideoBlacklistModel, required: false } ] }, [ScopeNames.WITH_WEB_VIDEO_FILES]: (withRedundancies = false) => { let subInclude: any[] = [] if (withRedundancies === true) { subInclude = [ { attributes: [ 'fileUrl' ], model: VideoRedundancyModel.unscoped(), required: false } ] } return { include: [ { model: VideoFileModel, separate: true, required: false, include: subInclude } ] } }, [ScopeNames.WITH_STREAMING_PLAYLISTS]: (withRedundancies = false) => { const subInclude: IncludeOptions[] = [ { model: VideoFileModel, required: false } ] if (withRedundancies === true) { subInclude.push({ attributes: [ 'fileUrl' ], model: VideoRedundancyModel.unscoped(), required: false }) } return { include: [ { model: VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.unscoped(), required: false, separate: true, include: subInclude } ] } }, [ScopeNames.WITH_SCHEDULED_UPDATE]: { include: [ { model: ScheduleVideoUpdateModel.unscoped(), required: false } ] }, [ScopeNames.WITH_USER_HISTORY]: (userId: number) => { return { include: [ { attributes: [ 'currentTime' ], model: UserVideoHistoryModel.unscoped(), required: false, where: { userId } } ] } } })) @Table({ tableName: 'video', indexes: [ buildTrigramSearchIndex('video_name_trigram', 'name'), { fields: [ 'createdAt' ] }, { fields: [ { name: 'publishedAt', order: 'DESC' }, { name: 'id', order: 'ASC' } ] }, { fields: [ 'duration' ] }, { fields: [ { name: 'views', order: 'DESC' }, { name: 'id', order: 'ASC' } ] }, { fields: [ 'channelId' ] }, { fields: [ 'originallyPublishedAt' ], where: { originallyPublishedAt: { []: null } } }, { fields: [ 'category' ], // We don't care videos with an unknown category where: { category: { []: null } } }, { fields: [ 'licence' ], // We don't care videos with an unknown licence where: { licence: { []: null } } }, { fields: [ 'language' ], // We don't care videos with an unknown language where: { language: { []: null } } }, { fields: [ 'nsfw' ], // Most of the videos are not NSFW where: { nsfw: true } }, { fields: [ 'isLive' ], // Most of the videos are VOD where: { isLive: true } }, { fields: [ 'remote' ], // Only index local videos where: { remote: false } }, { fields: [ 'uuid' ], unique: true }, { fields: [ 'url' ], unique: true } ] }) export class VideoModel extends SequelizeModel { @AllowNull(false) @Default(DataType.UUIDV4) @IsUUID(4) @Column(DataType.UUID) uuid: string @AllowNull(false) @Is('VideoName', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isVideoNameValid, 'name')) @Column name: string @AllowNull(true) @Default(null) @Column category: number @AllowNull(true) @Default(null) @Column licence: number @AllowNull(true) @Default(null) @Column(DataType.STRING(CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.VIDEOS.LANGUAGE.max)) language: string @AllowNull(false) @Is('VideoPrivacy', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isVideoPrivacyValid, 'privacy')) @Column(DataType.INTEGER) privacy: VideoPrivacyType @AllowNull(false) @Is('VideoNSFW', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isBooleanValid, 'NSFW boolean')) @Column nsfw: boolean @AllowNull(true) @Default(null) @Is('VideoDescription', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isVideoDescriptionValid, 'description', true)) @Column(DataType.STRING(CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.VIDEOS.DESCRIPTION.max)) description: string @AllowNull(true) @Default(null) @Is('VideoSupport', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isVideoSupportValid, 'support', true)) @Column(DataType.STRING(CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.VIDEOS.SUPPORT.max)) support: string @AllowNull(false) @Is('VideoDuration', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isVideoDurationValid, 'duration')) @Column duration: number @AllowNull(false) @Default(0) @IsInt @Min(0) @Column views: number @AllowNull(false) @Default(0) @IsInt @Min(0) @Column likes: number @AllowNull(false) @Default(0) @IsInt @Min(0) @Column dislikes: number @AllowNull(false) @Column remote: boolean @AllowNull(false) @Default(false) @Column isLive: boolean @AllowNull(false) @Is('VideoUrl', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isActivityPubUrlValid, 'url')) @Column(DataType.STRING(CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.VIDEOS.URL.max)) url: string @AllowNull(false) @Column commentsEnabled: boolean @AllowNull(false) @Column downloadEnabled: boolean @AllowNull(false) @Column waitTranscoding: boolean @AllowNull(false) @Default(null) @Is('VideoState', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isVideoStateValid, 'state')) @Column state: VideoStateType // We already have the information in videoSource table for local videos, but we prefer to normalize it for performance // And also to store the info from remote instances @AllowNull(true) @Column inputFileUpdatedAt: Date @CreatedAt createdAt: Date @UpdatedAt updatedAt: Date @AllowNull(false) @Default(DataType.NOW) @Column publishedAt: Date @AllowNull(true) @Default(null) @Column originallyPublishedAt: Date @ForeignKey(() => VideoChannelModel) @Column channelId: number @BelongsTo(() => VideoChannelModel, { foreignKey: { allowNull: true }, onDelete: 'cascade' }) VideoChannel: Awaited @BelongsToMany(() => TagModel, { foreignKey: 'videoId', through: () => VideoTagModel, onDelete: 'CASCADE' }) Tags: Awaited[] @BelongsToMany(() => TrackerModel, { foreignKey: 'videoId', through: () => VideoTrackerModel, onDelete: 'CASCADE' }) Trackers: Awaited[] @HasMany(() => ThumbnailModel, { foreignKey: { name: 'videoId', allowNull: true }, hooks: true, onDelete: 'cascade' }) Thumbnails: Awaited[] @HasMany(() => VideoPlaylistElementModel, { foreignKey: { name: 'videoId', allowNull: true }, onDelete: 'set null' }) VideoPlaylistElements: Awaited[] @HasOne(() => VideoSourceModel, { foreignKey: { name: 'videoId', allowNull: false }, onDelete: 'CASCADE' }) VideoSource: Awaited @HasMany(() => VideoAbuseModel, { foreignKey: { name: 'videoId', allowNull: true }, onDelete: 'set null' }) VideoAbuses: Awaited[] @HasMany(() => VideoFileModel, { foreignKey: { name: 'videoId', allowNull: true }, hooks: true, onDelete: 'cascade' }) VideoFiles: Awaited[] @HasMany(() => VideoStreamingPlaylistModel, { foreignKey: { name: 'videoId', allowNull: false }, hooks: true, onDelete: 'cascade' }) VideoStreamingPlaylists: Awaited[] @HasMany(() => VideoShareModel, { foreignKey: { name: 'videoId', allowNull: false }, onDelete: 'cascade' }) VideoShares: Awaited[] @HasMany(() => AccountVideoRateModel, { foreignKey: { name: 'videoId', allowNull: false }, onDelete: 'cascade' }) AccountVideoRates: Awaited[] @HasMany(() => VideoCommentModel, { foreignKey: { name: 'videoId', allowNull: false }, onDelete: 'cascade', hooks: true }) VideoComments: Awaited[] @HasMany(() => VideoViewModel, { foreignKey: { name: 'videoId', allowNull: false }, onDelete: 'cascade' }) VideoViews: Awaited[] @HasMany(() => UserVideoHistoryModel, { foreignKey: { name: 'videoId', allowNull: false }, onDelete: 'cascade' }) UserVideoHistories: Awaited[] @HasOne(() => ScheduleVideoUpdateModel, { foreignKey: { name: 'videoId', allowNull: false }, onDelete: 'cascade' }) ScheduleVideoUpdate: Awaited @HasOne(() => VideoBlacklistModel, { foreignKey: { name: 'videoId', allowNull: false }, onDelete: 'cascade' }) VideoBlacklist: Awaited @HasOne(() => VideoLiveModel, { foreignKey: { name: 'videoId', allowNull: false }, hooks: true, onDelete: 'cascade' }) VideoLive: Awaited @HasOne(() => VideoImportModel, { foreignKey: { name: 'videoId', allowNull: true }, onDelete: 'set null' }) VideoImport: Awaited @HasMany(() => VideoCaptionModel, { foreignKey: { name: 'videoId', allowNull: false }, onDelete: 'cascade', hooks: true, ['separate' as any]: true }) VideoCaptions: Awaited[] @HasMany(() => VideoPasswordModel, { foreignKey: { name: 'videoId', allowNull: false }, onDelete: 'cascade' }) VideoPasswords: Awaited[] @HasOne(() => VideoJobInfoModel, { foreignKey: { name: 'videoId', allowNull: false }, onDelete: 'cascade' }) VideoJobInfo: Awaited @HasOne(() => StoryboardModel, { foreignKey: { name: 'videoId', allowNull: false }, onDelete: 'cascade', hooks: true }) Storyboard: Awaited @AfterCreate static notifyCreate (video: MVideo) { InternalEventEmitter.Instance.emit('video-created', { video }) } @AfterUpdate static notifyUpdate (video: MVideo) { InternalEventEmitter.Instance.emit('video-updated', { video }) } @AfterDestroy static notifyDestroy (video: MVideo) { InternalEventEmitter.Instance.emit('video-deleted', { video }) } @BeforeDestroy static stopLiveIfNeeded (instance: VideoModel) { if (!instance.isLive) return'Stopping live of video %s after video deletion.', instance.uuid) LiveManager.Instance.stopSessionOf({ videoUUID: instance.uuid, error: null }) } @BeforeDestroy static invalidateCache (instance: VideoModel) { ModelCache.Instance.invalidateCache('video', } @BeforeDestroy static async sendDelete (instance: MVideoAccountLight, options: { transaction: Transaction }) { if (!instance.isOwned()) return undefined // Lazy load channels if (!instance.VideoChannel) { instance.VideoChannel = await instance.$get('VideoChannel', { include: [ ActorModel, AccountModel ], transaction: options.transaction }) as MChannelAccountDefault } return sendDeleteVideo(instance, options.transaction) } @BeforeDestroy static async removeFiles (instance: VideoModel, options) { const tasks: Promise[] = []'Removing files of video %s.', instance.url) if (instance.isOwned()) { if (!Array.isArray(instance.VideoFiles)) { instance.VideoFiles = await instance.$get('VideoFiles', { transaction: options.transaction }) } // Remove physical files and torrents instance.VideoFiles.forEach(file => { tasks.push(instance.removeWebVideoFile(file)) }) // Remove playlists file if (!Array.isArray(instance.VideoStreamingPlaylists)) { instance.VideoStreamingPlaylists = await instance.$get('VideoStreamingPlaylists', { transaction: options.transaction }) } for (const p of instance.VideoStreamingPlaylists) { tasks.push(instance.removeStreamingPlaylistFiles(p)) } } // Do not wait video deletion because we could be in a transaction Promise.all(tasks) .then(() =>'Removed files of video %s.', instance.url)) .catch(err => logger.error('Some errors when removing files of video %s in before destroy hook.', instance.uuid, { err })) return undefined } @BeforeDestroy static async saveEssentialDataToAbuses (instance: VideoModel, options) { const tasks: Promise[] = [] if (!Array.isArray(instance.VideoAbuses)) { instance.VideoAbuses = await instance.$get('VideoAbuses', { transaction: options.transaction }) if (instance.VideoAbuses.length === 0) return undefined }'Saving video abuses details of video %s.', instance.url) if (!instance.Trackers) instance.Trackers = await instance.$get('Trackers', { transaction: options.transaction }) const details = instance.toFormattedDetailsJSON() for (const abuse of instance.VideoAbuses) { abuse.deletedVideo = details tasks.push({ transaction: options.transaction })) } await Promise.all(tasks) } static listLocalIds (): Promise { const query = { attributes: [ 'id' ], raw: true, where: { remote: false } } return VideoModel.findAll(query) .then(rows => => } static listAllAndSharedByActorForOutbox (actorId: number, start: number, count: number) { function getRawQuery (select: string) { const queryVideo = 'SELECT ' + select + ' FROM "video" AS "Video" ' + 'INNER JOIN "videoChannel" AS "VideoChannel" ON "VideoChannel"."id" = "Video"."channelId" ' + 'INNER JOIN "account" AS "Account" ON "Account"."id" = "VideoChannel"."accountId" ' + 'WHERE "Account"."actorId" = ' + actorId const queryVideoShare = 'SELECT ' + select + ' FROM "videoShare" AS "VideoShare" ' + 'INNER JOIN "video" AS "Video" ON "Video"."id" = "VideoShare"."videoId" ' + 'WHERE "VideoShare"."actorId" = ' + actorId return `(${queryVideo}) UNION (${queryVideoShare})` } const rawQuery = getRawQuery('"Video"."id"') const rawCountQuery = getRawQuery('COUNT("Video"."id") as "total"') const query = { distinct: true, offset: start, limit: count, order: getVideoSort('-createdAt', [ 'Tags', 'name', 'ASC' ]), where: { id: { []: Sequelize.literal('(' + rawQuery + ')') }, [Op.or]: getPrivaciesForFederation() }, include: [ { attributes: [ 'filename', 'language', 'fileUrl' ], model: VideoCaptionModel.unscoped(), required: false }, { model: StoryboardModel.unscoped(), required: false }, { attributes: [ 'id', 'url' ], model: VideoShareModel.unscoped(), required: false, // We only want videos shared by this actor where: { [Op.and]: [ { id: { [Op.not]: null } }, { actorId } ] }, include: [ { attributes: [ 'id', 'url' ], model: ActorModel.unscoped() } ] }, { model: VideoChannelModel.unscoped(), required: true, include: [ { attributes: [ 'name' ], model: AccountModel.unscoped(), required: true, include: [ { attributes: [ 'id', 'url', 'followersUrl' ], model: ActorModel.unscoped(), required: true } ] }, { attributes: [ 'id', 'url', 'followersUrl' ], model: ActorModel.unscoped(), required: true } ] }, { model: VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.unscoped(), required: false, include: [ { model: VideoFileModel, required: false } ] }, VideoLiveModel.unscoped(), VideoFileModel, TagModel ] } return Bluebird.all([ VideoModel.scope(ScopeNames.WITH_THUMBNAILS).findAll(query), VideoModel.sequelize.query<{ total: string }>(rawCountQuery, { type: QueryTypes.SELECT }) ]).then(([ rows, totals ]) => { // totals: totalVideos + totalVideoShares let totalVideos = 0 let totalVideoShares = 0 if (totals[0]) totalVideos = parseInt(totals[0].total, 10) if (totals[1]) totalVideoShares = parseInt(totals[1].total, 10) const total = totalVideos + totalVideoShares return { data: rows, total } }) } static async listPublishedLiveUUIDs () { const options = { attributes: [ 'uuid' ], where: { isLive: true, remote: false, state: VideoState.PUBLISHED } } const result = await VideoModel.findAll(options) return => v.uuid) } static listUserVideosForApi (options: { accountId: number start: number count: number sort: string channelId?: number isLive?: boolean search?: string }) { const { accountId, channelId, start, count, sort, search, isLive } = options function buildBaseQuery (forCount: boolean): FindOptions { const where: WhereOptions = {} if (search) { = { [Op.iLike]: '%' + search + '%' } } if (exists(isLive)) { where.isLive = isLive } const channelWhere = channelId ? { id: channelId } : {} const baseQuery = { offset: start, limit: count, where, order: getVideoSort(sort), include: [ { model: forCount ? VideoChannelModel.unscoped() : VideoChannelModel, required: true, where: channelWhere, include: [ { model: forCount ? AccountModel.unscoped() : AccountModel, where: { id: accountId }, required: true } ] } ] } return baseQuery } const countQuery = buildBaseQuery(true) const findQuery = buildBaseQuery(false) const findScopes: (string | ScopeOptions)[] = [ ScopeNames.WITH_SCHEDULED_UPDATE, ScopeNames.WITH_BLACKLISTED, ScopeNames.WITH_THUMBNAILS ] return Promise.all([ VideoModel.count(countQuery), VideoModel.scope(findScopes).findAll(findQuery) ]).then(([ count, rows ]) => { return { data: rows, total: count } }) } static async listForApi (options: { start: number count: number sort: string nsfw: boolean isLive?: boolean isLocal?: boolean include?: VideoIncludeType hasFiles?: boolean // default false hasWebtorrentFiles?: boolean // TODO: remove in v7 hasWebVideoFiles?: boolean hasHLSFiles?: boolean categoryOneOf?: number[] licenceOneOf?: number[] languageOneOf?: string[] tagsOneOf?: string[] tagsAllOf?: string[] privacyOneOf?: VideoPrivacyType[] accountId?: number videoChannelId?: number displayOnlyForFollower: DisplayOnlyForFollowerOptions | null videoPlaylistId?: number trendingDays?: number user?: MUserAccountId historyOfUser?: MUserId countVideos?: boolean search?: string excludeAlreadyWatched?: boolean }) { VideoModel.throwIfPrivateIncludeWithoutUser(options.include, options.user) VideoModel.throwIfPrivacyOneOfWithoutUser(options.privacyOneOf, options.user) const trendingDays = options.sort.endsWith('trending') ? CONFIG.TRENDING.VIDEOS.INTERVAL_DAYS : undefined let trendingAlgorithm: string if (options.sort.endsWith('hot')) trendingAlgorithm = 'hot' if (options.sort.endsWith('best')) trendingAlgorithm = 'best' const serverActor = await getServerActor() const queryOptions = { ...pick(options, [ 'start', 'count', 'sort', 'nsfw', 'isLive', 'categoryOneOf', 'licenceOneOf', 'languageOneOf', 'tagsOneOf', 'tagsAllOf', 'privacyOneOf', 'isLocal', 'include', 'displayOnlyForFollower', 'hasFiles', 'accountId', 'videoChannelId', 'videoPlaylistId', 'user', 'historyOfUser', 'hasHLSFiles', 'hasWebtorrentFiles', 'hasWebVideoFiles', 'search', 'excludeAlreadyWatched' ]), serverAccountIdForBlock:, trendingDays, trendingAlgorithm } return VideoModel.getAvailableForApi(queryOptions, options.countVideos) } static async searchAndPopulateAccountAndServer (options: { start: number count: number sort: string nsfw?: boolean isLive?: boolean isLocal?: boolean include?: VideoIncludeType categoryOneOf?: number[] licenceOneOf?: number[] languageOneOf?: string[] tagsOneOf?: string[] tagsAllOf?: string[] privacyOneOf?: VideoPrivacyType[] displayOnlyForFollower: DisplayOnlyForFollowerOptions | null user?: MUserAccountId hasWebtorrentFiles?: boolean // TODO: remove in v7 hasWebVideoFiles?: boolean hasHLSFiles?: boolean search?: string host?: string startDate?: string // ISO 8601 endDate?: string // ISO 8601 originallyPublishedStartDate?: string originallyPublishedEndDate?: string durationMin?: number // seconds durationMax?: number // seconds uuids?: string[] excludeAlreadyWatched?: boolean countVideos?: boolean }) { VideoModel.throwIfPrivateIncludeWithoutUser(options.include, options.user) VideoModel.throwIfPrivacyOneOfWithoutUser(options.privacyOneOf, options.user) const serverActor = await getServerActor() const queryOptions = { ...pick(options, [ 'include', 'nsfw', 'isLive', 'categoryOneOf', 'licenceOneOf', 'languageOneOf', 'tagsOneOf', 'tagsAllOf', 'privacyOneOf', 'user', 'isLocal', 'host', 'start', 'count', 'sort', 'startDate', 'endDate', 'originallyPublishedStartDate', 'originallyPublishedEndDate', 'durationMin', 'durationMax', 'hasHLSFiles', 'hasWebtorrentFiles', 'hasWebVideoFiles', 'uuids', 'search', 'displayOnlyForFollower', 'excludeAlreadyWatched' ]), serverAccountIdForBlock: } return VideoModel.getAvailableForApi(queryOptions, options.countVideos) } static countLives (options: { remote: boolean mode: 'published' | 'not-ended' }) { const query = { where: { remote: options.remote, isLive: true, state: options.mode === 'not-ended' ? { []: VideoState.LIVE_ENDED } : { [Op.eq]: VideoState.PUBLISHED } } } return VideoModel.count(query) } static countVideosUploadedByUserSince (userId: number, since: Date) { const options = { include: [ { model: VideoChannelModel.unscoped(), required: true, include: [ { model: AccountModel.unscoped(), required: true, include: [ { model: UserModel.unscoped(), required: true, where: { id: userId } } ] } ] } ], where: { createdAt: { [Op.gte]: since } } } return VideoModel.unscoped().count(options) } static countLivesOfAccount (accountId: number) { const options = { where: { remote: false, isLive: true, state: { []: VideoState.LIVE_ENDED } }, include: [ { required: true, model: VideoChannelModel.unscoped(), where: { accountId } } ] } return VideoModel.count(options) } static load (id: number | string, transaction?: Transaction): Promise { const queryBuilder = new VideoModelGetQueryBuilder(VideoModel.sequelize) return queryBuilder.queryVideo({ id, transaction, type: 'thumbnails' }) } static loadWithBlacklist (id: number | string, transaction?: Transaction): Promise { const queryBuilder = new VideoModelGetQueryBuilder(VideoModel.sequelize) return queryBuilder.queryVideo({ id, transaction, type: 'thumbnails-blacklist' }) } static loadImmutableAttributes (id: number | string, t?: Transaction): Promise { const fun = () => { const query = { where: buildWhereIdOrUUID(id), transaction: t } return VideoModel.scope(ScopeNames.WITH_IMMUTABLE_ATTRIBUTES).findOne(query) } return ModelCache.Instance.doCache({ cacheType: 'load-video-immutable-id', key: '' + id, deleteKey: 'video', fun }) } static loadByUrlImmutableAttributes (url: string, transaction?: Transaction): Promise { const fun = () => { const query: FindOptions = { where: { url }, transaction } return VideoModel.scope(ScopeNames.WITH_IMMUTABLE_ATTRIBUTES).findOne(query) } return ModelCache.Instance.doCache({ cacheType: 'load-video-immutable-url', key: url, deleteKey: 'video', fun }) } static loadOnlyId (id: number | string, transaction?: Transaction): Promise { const queryBuilder = new VideoModelGetQueryBuilder(VideoModel.sequelize) return queryBuilder.queryVideo({ id, transaction, type: 'id' }) } static loadWithFiles (id: number | string, transaction?: Transaction, logging?: boolean): Promise { const queryBuilder = new VideoModelGetQueryBuilder(VideoModel.sequelize) return queryBuilder.queryVideo({ id, transaction, type: 'all-files', logging }) } static loadByUrl (url: string, transaction?: Transaction): Promise { const queryBuilder = new VideoModelGetQueryBuilder(VideoModel.sequelize) return queryBuilder.queryVideo({ url, transaction, type: 'thumbnails' }) } static loadByUrlAndPopulateAccount (url: string, transaction?: Transaction): Promise { const queryBuilder = new VideoModelGetQueryBuilder(VideoModel.sequelize) return queryBuilder.queryVideo({ url, transaction, type: 'account' }) } static loadByUrlAndPopulateAccountAndFiles (url: string, transaction?: Transaction): Promise { const queryBuilder = new VideoModelGetQueryBuilder(VideoModel.sequelize) return queryBuilder.queryVideo({ url, transaction, type: 'account-blacklist-files' }) } static loadFull (id: number | string, t?: Transaction, userId?: number): Promise { const queryBuilder = new VideoModelGetQueryBuilder(VideoModel.sequelize) return queryBuilder.queryVideo({ id, transaction: t, type: 'full', userId }) } static loadForGetAPI (parameters: { id: number | string transaction?: Transaction userId?: number }): Promise { const { id, transaction, userId } = parameters const queryBuilder = new VideoModelGetQueryBuilder(VideoModel.sequelize) return queryBuilder.queryVideo({ id, transaction, type: 'api', userId }) } static async getStats () { const serverActor = await getServerActor() let totalLocalVideoViews = await VideoModel.sum('views', { where: { remote: false } }) // Sequelize could return null... if (!totalLocalVideoViews) totalLocalVideoViews = 0 const baseOptions = { start: 0, count: 0, sort: '-publishedAt', nsfw: null, displayOnlyForFollower: { actorId:, orLocalVideos: true } } const { total: totalLocalVideos } = await VideoModel.listForApi({ ...baseOptions, isLocal: true }) const { total: totalVideos } = await VideoModel.listForApi(baseOptions) return { totalLocalVideos, totalLocalVideoViews, totalVideos } } static loadByNameAndChannel (channel: MChannelId, name: string): Promise { return VideoModel.unscoped().findOne({ where: { name, channelId: } }) } static incrementViews (id: number, views: number) { return VideoModel.increment('views', { by: views, where: { id } }) } static updateRatesOf (videoId: number, type: VideoRateType, count: number, t: Transaction) { const field = type === 'like' ? 'likes' : 'dislikes' const rawQuery = `UPDATE "video" SET "${field}" = :count WHERE "video"."id" = :videoId` return AccountVideoRateModel.sequelize.query(rawQuery, { transaction: t, replacements: { videoId, rateType: type, count }, type: QueryTypes.UPDATE }) } static syncLocalRates (videoId: number, type: VideoRateType, t: Transaction) { const field = type === 'like' ? 'likes' : 'dislikes' const rawQuery = `UPDATE "video" SET "${field}" = ` + '(' + 'SELECT COUNT(id) FROM "accountVideoRate" WHERE "accountVideoRate"."videoId" = "video"."id" AND type = :rateType' + ') ' + 'WHERE "video"."id" = :videoId' return AccountVideoRateModel.sequelize.query(rawQuery, { transaction: t, replacements: { videoId, rateType: type }, type: QueryTypes.UPDATE }) } static checkVideoHasInstanceFollow (videoId: number, followerActorId: number) { // Instances only share videos const query = 'SELECT 1 FROM "videoShare" ' + 'INNER JOIN "actorFollow" ON "actorFollow"."targetActorId" = "videoShare"."actorId" ' + 'WHERE "actorFollow"."actorId" = $followerActorId AND "actorFollow"."state" = \'accepted\' AND "videoShare"."videoId" = $videoId ' + 'UNION ' + 'SELECT 1 FROM "video" ' + 'INNER JOIN "videoChannel" ON "videoChannel"."id" = "video"."channelId" ' + 'INNER JOIN "account" ON "account"."id" = "videoChannel"."accountId" ' + 'INNER JOIN "actorFollow" ON "actorFollow"."targetActorId" = "account"."actorId" ' + 'WHERE "actorFollow"."actorId" = $followerActorId AND "actorFollow"."state" = \'accepted\' AND "video"."id" = $videoId ' + 'LIMIT 1' const options = { type: QueryTypes.SELECT as QueryTypes.SELECT, bind: { followerActorId, videoId }, raw: true } return VideoModel.sequelize.query(query, options) .then(results => results.length === 1) } static bulkUpdateSupportField (ofChannel: MChannel, t: Transaction) { const options = { where: { channelId: }, transaction: t } return VideoModel.update({ support: }, options) } static getAllIdsFromChannel (videoChannel: MChannelId): Promise { const query = { attributes: [ 'id' ], where: { channelId: } } return VideoModel.findAll(query) .then(videos => => } // threshold corresponds to how many video the field should have to be returned static async getRandomFieldSamples (field: 'category' | 'channelId', threshold: number, count: number) { const serverActor = await getServerActor() const queryOptions: BuildVideosListQueryOptions = { attributes: [ `"${field}"` ], group: `GROUP BY "${field}"`, having: `HAVING COUNT("${field}") >= ${threshold}`, start: 0, sort: 'random', count, serverAccountIdForBlock:, displayOnlyForFollower: { actorId:, orLocalVideos: true } } const queryBuilder = new VideosIdListQueryBuilder(VideoModel.sequelize) return queryBuilder.queryVideoIds(queryOptions) .then(rows => => r[field])) } static buildTrendingQuery (trendingDays: number) { return { attributes: [], subQuery: false, model: VideoViewModel, required: false, where: { startDate: { // FIXME: ts error [Op.gte as any]: new Date(new Date().getTime() - (24 * 3600 * 1000) * trendingDays) } } } } private static async getAvailableForApi ( options: BuildVideosListQueryOptions, countVideos = true ): Promise> { const span = tracer.startSpan('peertube.VideoModel.getAvailableForApi') function getCount () { if (countVideos !== true) return Promise.resolve(undefined) const countOptions = Object.assign({}, options, { isCount: true }) const queryBuilder = new VideosIdListQueryBuilder(VideoModel.sequelize) return queryBuilder.countVideoIds(countOptions) } function getModels () { if (options.count === 0) return Promise.resolve([]) const queryBuilder = new VideosModelListQueryBuilder(VideoModel.sequelize) return queryBuilder.queryVideos(options) } const [ count, rows ] = await Promise.all([ getCount(), getModels() ]) span.end() return { data: rows, total: count } } private static throwIfPrivateIncludeWithoutUser (include: VideoIncludeType, user: MUserAccountId) { if (VideoModel.isPrivateInclude(include) && !user?.hasRight(UserRight.SEE_ALL_VIDEOS)) { throw new Error('Try to include protected videos but user cannot see all videos') } } private static throwIfPrivacyOneOfWithoutUser (privacyOneOf: VideoPrivacyType[], user: MUserAccountId) { if (privacyOneOf && !user?.hasRight(UserRight.SEE_ALL_VIDEOS)) { throw new Error('Try to choose video privacies but user cannot see all videos') } } private static isPrivateInclude (include: VideoIncludeType) { return include & VideoInclude.BLACKLISTED || include & VideoInclude.BLOCKED_OWNER || include & VideoInclude.NOT_PUBLISHED_STATE } isBlacklisted () { return !!this.VideoBlacklist } isBlocked () { return this.VideoChannel.Account.Actor.Server?.isBlocked() || this.VideoChannel.Account.isBlocked() } getQualityFileBy (this: T, fun: (files: MVideoFile[], it: (file: MVideoFile) => number) => MVideoFile) { const files = this.getAllFiles() const file = fun(files, file => file.resolution) if (!file) return undefined if (file.videoId) { return Object.assign(file, { Video: this }) } if (file.videoStreamingPlaylistId) { const streamingPlaylistWithVideo = Object.assign(this.VideoStreamingPlaylists[0], { Video: this }) return Object.assign(file, { VideoStreamingPlaylist: streamingPlaylistWithVideo }) } throw new Error('File is not associated to a video of a playlist') } getMaxQualityFile (this: T): MVideoFileVideo | MVideoFileStreamingPlaylistVideo { return this.getQualityFileBy(maxBy) } getMinQualityFile (this: T): MVideoFileVideo | MVideoFileStreamingPlaylistVideo { return this.getQualityFileBy(minBy) } getWebVideoFile (this: T, resolution: number): MVideoFileVideo { if (Array.isArray(this.VideoFiles) === false) return undefined const file = this.VideoFiles.find(f => f.resolution === resolution) if (!file) return undefined return Object.assign(file, { Video: this }) } hasWebVideoFiles () { return Array.isArray(this.VideoFiles) === true && this.VideoFiles.length !== 0 } async addAndSaveThumbnail (thumbnail: MThumbnail, transaction?: Transaction) { thumbnail.videoId = const savedThumbnail = await{ transaction }) if (Array.isArray(this.Thumbnails) === false) this.Thumbnails = [] this.Thumbnails = this.Thumbnails.filter(t => !== this.Thumbnails.push(savedThumbnail) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- hasMiniature () { return !!this.getMiniature() } getMiniature () { if (Array.isArray(this.Thumbnails) === false) return undefined return this.Thumbnails.find(t => t.type === ThumbnailType.MINIATURE) } hasPreview () { return !!this.getPreview() } getPreview () { if (Array.isArray(this.Thumbnails) === false) return undefined return this.Thumbnails.find(t => t.type === ThumbnailType.PREVIEW) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- isOwned () { return this.remote === false } getWatchStaticPath () { return buildVideoWatchPath({ shortUUID: uuidToShort(this.uuid) }) } getEmbedStaticPath () { return buildVideoEmbedPath(this) } getMiniatureStaticPath () { const thumbnail = this.getMiniature() if (!thumbnail) return null return thumbnail.getLocalStaticPath() } getPreviewStaticPath () { const preview = this.getPreview() if (!preview) return null return preview.getLocalStaticPath() } toFormattedJSON (this: MVideoFormattable, options?: VideoFormattingJSONOptions): Video { return videoModelToFormattedJSON(this, options) } toFormattedDetailsJSON (this: MVideoFormattableDetails): VideoDetails { return videoModelToFormattedDetailsJSON(this) } getFormattedWebVideoFilesJSON (includeMagnet = true): VideoFile[] { return videoFilesModelToFormattedJSON(this, this.VideoFiles, { includeMagnet }) } getFormattedHLSVideoFilesJSON (includeMagnet = true): VideoFile[] { let acc: VideoFile[] = [] for (const p of this.VideoStreamingPlaylists) { acc = acc.concat(videoFilesModelToFormattedJSON(this, p.VideoFiles, { includeMagnet })) } return acc } getFormattedAllVideoFilesJSON (includeMagnet = true): VideoFile[] { let files: VideoFile[] = [] if (Array.isArray(this.VideoFiles)) { files = files.concat(this.getFormattedWebVideoFilesJSON(includeMagnet)) } if (Array.isArray(this.VideoStreamingPlaylists)) { files = files.concat(this.getFormattedHLSVideoFilesJSON(includeMagnet)) } return files } toActivityPubObject (this: MVideoAP): Promise { return Hooks.wrapObject( videoModelToActivityPubObject(this), '', { video: this } ) } async lightAPToFullAP (this: MVideoAPLight, transaction: Transaction): Promise { const videoAP = this as MVideoAP const getCaptions = () => { if (isArray(videoAP.VideoCaptions)) return videoAP.VideoCaptions return this.$get('VideoCaptions', { attributes: [ 'filename', 'language', 'fileUrl' ], transaction }) as Promise } const getStoryboard = () => { if (videoAP.Storyboard) return videoAP.Storyboard return this.$get('Storyboard', { transaction }) as Promise } const [ captions, storyboard ] = await Promise.all([ getCaptions(), getStoryboard() ]) return Object.assign(this, { VideoCaptions: captions, Storyboard: storyboard }) } getTruncatedDescription () { if (!this.description) return null const maxLength = CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.VIDEOS.TRUNCATED_DESCRIPTION.max return peertubeTruncate(this.description, { length: maxLength }) } getAllFiles () { let files: MVideoFile[] = [] if (Array.isArray(this.VideoFiles)) { files = files.concat(this.VideoFiles) } if (Array.isArray(this.VideoStreamingPlaylists)) { for (const p of this.VideoStreamingPlaylists) { if (Array.isArray(p.VideoFiles)) { files = files.concat(p.VideoFiles) } } } return files } probeMaxQualityFile () { const file = this.getMaxQualityFile() const videoOrPlaylist = file.getVideoOrStreamingPlaylist() return VideoPathManager.Instance.makeAvailableVideoFile(file.withVideoOrPlaylist(videoOrPlaylist), async originalFilePath => { const probe = await ffprobePromise(originalFilePath) const { audioStream } = await getAudioStream(originalFilePath, probe) const hasAudio = await hasAudioStream(originalFilePath, probe) const fps = await getVideoStreamFPS(originalFilePath, probe) return { audioStream, hasAudio, fps, ...await getVideoStreamDimensionsInfo(originalFilePath, probe) } }) } getDescriptionAPIPath () { return `/api/${API_VERSION}/videos/${this.uuid}/description` } getHLSPlaylist (): MStreamingPlaylistFilesVideo { if (!this.VideoStreamingPlaylists) return undefined const playlist = this.VideoStreamingPlaylists.find(p => p.type === VideoStreamingPlaylistType.HLS) if (!playlist) return undefined return playlist.withVideo(this) } setHLSPlaylist (playlist: MStreamingPlaylist) { const toAdd = [ playlist ] as [ VideoStreamingPlaylistModel ] if (Array.isArray(this.VideoStreamingPlaylists) === false || this.VideoStreamingPlaylists.length === 0) { this.VideoStreamingPlaylists = toAdd return } this.VideoStreamingPlaylists = this.VideoStreamingPlaylists .filter(s => s.type !== VideoStreamingPlaylistType.HLS) .concat(toAdd) } removeWebVideoFile (videoFile: MVideoFile, isRedundancy = false) { const filePath = isRedundancy ? VideoPathManager.Instance.getFSRedundancyVideoFilePath(this, videoFile) : VideoPathManager.Instance.getFSVideoFileOutputPath(this, videoFile) const promises: Promise[] = [ remove(filePath) ] if (!isRedundancy) promises.push(videoFile.removeTorrent()) if ( === FileStorage.OBJECT_STORAGE) { promises.push(removeWebVideoObjectStorage(videoFile)) } return Promise.all(promises) } async removeStreamingPlaylistFiles (streamingPlaylist: MStreamingPlaylist, isRedundancy = false) { const directoryPath = isRedundancy ? getHLSRedundancyDirectory(this) : getHLSDirectory(this) try { await remove(directoryPath) } catch (err) { // If it's a live, ffmpeg may have added another file while fs-extra is removing the directory // So wait a little bit and retry if (err.code === 'ENOTEMPTY') { await wait(1000) await remove(directoryPath) return } throw err } if (isRedundancy !== true) { const streamingPlaylistWithFiles = streamingPlaylist as MStreamingPlaylistFilesVideo streamingPlaylistWithFiles.Video = this if (!Array.isArray(streamingPlaylistWithFiles.VideoFiles)) { streamingPlaylistWithFiles.VideoFiles = await streamingPlaylistWithFiles.$get('VideoFiles') } // Remove physical files and torrents await Promise.all( => file.removeTorrent()) ) if ( === FileStorage.OBJECT_STORAGE) { await removeHLSObjectStorage(streamingPlaylist.withVideo(this)) } } } async removeStreamingPlaylistVideoFile (streamingPlaylist: MStreamingPlaylist, videoFile: MVideoFile) { const filePath = VideoPathManager.Instance.getFSHLSOutputPath(this, videoFile.filename) await videoFile.removeTorrent() await remove(filePath) const resolutionFilename = getHlsResolutionPlaylistFilename(videoFile.filename) await remove(VideoPathManager.Instance.getFSHLSOutputPath(this, resolutionFilename)) if ( === FileStorage.OBJECT_STORAGE) { await removeHLSFileObjectStorageByFilename(streamingPlaylist.withVideo(this), videoFile.filename) await removeHLSFileObjectStorageByFilename(streamingPlaylist.withVideo(this), resolutionFilename) } } async removeStreamingPlaylistFile (streamingPlaylist: MStreamingPlaylist, filename: string) { const filePath = VideoPathManager.Instance.getFSHLSOutputPath(this, filename) await remove(filePath) if ( === FileStorage.OBJECT_STORAGE) { await removeHLSFileObjectStorageByFilename(streamingPlaylist.withVideo(this), filename) } } isOutdated () { if (this.isOwned()) return false return isOutdated(this, ACTIVITY_PUB.VIDEO_REFRESH_INTERVAL) } hasPrivacyForFederation () { return isPrivacyForFederation(this.privacy) } hasStateForFederation () { return isStateForFederation(this.state) } isNewVideoForFederation (newPrivacy: VideoPrivacyType) { return this.hasPrivacyForFederation() === false && isPrivacyForFederation(newPrivacy) === true } setAsRefreshed (transaction?: Transaction) { return setAsUpdated({ sequelize: this.sequelize, table: 'video', id:, transaction }) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- requiresUserAuth (options: { urlParamId: string checkBlacklist: boolean }) { const { urlParamId, checkBlacklist } = options if (this.privacy === VideoPrivacy.PRIVATE || this.privacy === VideoPrivacy.INTERNAL) { return true } if (this.privacy === VideoPrivacy.UNLISTED) { if (urlParamId && !isUUIDValid(urlParamId)) return true return false } if (checkBlacklist && this.VideoBlacklist) return true if (this.privacy === VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC || this.privacy === VideoPrivacy.PASSWORD_PROTECTED) { return false } throw new Error(`Unknown video privacy ${this.privacy} to know if the video requires auth`) } hasPrivateStaticPath () { return isVideoInPrivateDirectory(this.privacy) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- async setNewState (newState: VideoStateType, isNewVideo: boolean, transaction: Transaction) { if (this.state === newState) throw new Error('Cannot use same state ' + newState) this.state = newState if (this.state === VideoState.PUBLISHED && isNewVideo) { this.publishedAt = new Date() } await{ transaction }) } getBandwidthBits (this: MVideo, videoFile: MVideoFile) { if (!this.duration) return videoFile.size return Math.ceil((videoFile.size * 8) / this.duration) } getTrackerUrls () { if (this.isOwned()) { return [ WEBSERVER.URL + '/tracker/announce', WEBSERVER.WS + '://' + WEBSERVER.HOSTNAME + ':' + WEBSERVER.PORT + '/tracker/socket' ] } return => t.url) } }