import * as Bluebird from 'bluebird' import * as Bull from 'bull' import { checkUrlsSameHost } from '@server/helpers/activitypub' import { isDislikeActivityValid, isLikeActivityValid } from '@server/helpers/custom-validators/activitypub/rate' import { isShareActivityValid } from '@server/helpers/custom-validators/activitypub/share' import { sanitizeAndCheckVideoCommentObject } from '@server/helpers/custom-validators/activitypub/video-comments' import { doRequest } from '@server/helpers/requests' import { AP_CLEANER_CONCURRENCY } from '@server/initializers/constants' import { VideoModel } from '@server/models/video/video' import { VideoCommentModel } from '@server/models/video/video-comment' import { VideoShareModel } from '@server/models/video/video-share' import { HttpStatusCode } from '@shared/core-utils' import { logger } from '../../../helpers/logger' import { AccountVideoRateModel } from '../../../models/account/account-video-rate' // Job to clean remote interactions off local videos async function processActivityPubCleaner (_job: Bull.Job) {'Processing ActivityPub cleaner.') { const rateUrls = await AccountVideoRateModel.listRemoteRateUrlsOfLocalVideos() const { bodyValidator, deleter, updater } = rateOptionsFactory() await, async rateUrl => { try { const result = await updateObjectIfNeeded(rateUrl, bodyValidator, updater, deleter) if (result?.status === 'deleted') { const { videoId, type } = await VideoModel.updateRatesOf(videoId, type, undefined) } } catch (err) { logger.warn('Cannot update/delete remote AP rate %s.', rateUrl, { err }) } }, { concurrency: AP_CLEANER_CONCURRENCY }) } { const shareUrls = await VideoShareModel.listRemoteShareUrlsOfLocalVideos() const { bodyValidator, deleter, updater } = shareOptionsFactory() await, async shareUrl => { try { await updateObjectIfNeeded(shareUrl, bodyValidator, updater, deleter) } catch (err) { logger.warn('Cannot update/delete remote AP share %s.', shareUrl, { err }) } }, { concurrency: AP_CLEANER_CONCURRENCY }) } { const commentUrls = await VideoCommentModel.listRemoteCommentUrlsOfLocalVideos() const { bodyValidator, deleter, updater } = commentOptionsFactory() await, async commentUrl => { try { await updateObjectIfNeeded(commentUrl, bodyValidator, updater, deleter) } catch (err) { logger.warn('Cannot update/delete remote AP comment %s.', commentUrl, { err }) } }, { concurrency: AP_CLEANER_CONCURRENCY }) } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { processActivityPubCleaner } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- async function updateObjectIfNeeded ( url: string, bodyValidator: (body: any) => boolean, updater: (url: string, newUrl: string) => Promise, deleter: (url: string) => Promise ): Promise<{ data: T, status: 'deleted' | 'updated' } | null> { // Fetch url const { response, body } = await doRequest({ uri: url, json: true, activityPub: true }) // Does not exist anymore, remove entry if (response.statusCode === HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND_404) {'Removing remote AP object %s.', url) const data = await deleter(url) return { status: 'deleted', data } } // If not same id, check same host and update if (!body || ! || !bodyValidator(body)) throw new Error(`Body or body id of ${url} is invalid`) if (body.type === 'Tombstone') {'Removing remote AP object %s.', url) const data = await deleter(url) return { status: 'deleted', data } } const newUrl = if (newUrl !== url) { if (checkUrlsSameHost(newUrl, url) !== true) { throw new Error(`New url ${newUrl} has not the same host than old url ${url}`) }'Updating remote AP object %s.', url) const data = await updater(url, newUrl) return { status: 'updated', data } } return null } function rateOptionsFactory () { return { bodyValidator: (body: any) => isLikeActivityValid(body) || isDislikeActivityValid(body), updater: async (url: string, newUrl: string) => { const rate = await AccountVideoRateModel.loadByUrl(url, undefined) rate.url = newUrl const videoId = rate.videoId const type = rate.type await return { videoId, type } }, deleter: async (url) => { const rate = await AccountVideoRateModel.loadByUrl(url, undefined) const videoId = rate.videoId const type = rate.type await rate.destroy() return { videoId, type } } } } function shareOptionsFactory () { return { bodyValidator: (body: any) => isShareActivityValid(body), updater: async (url: string, newUrl: string) => { const share = await VideoShareModel.loadByUrl(url, undefined) share.url = newUrl await return undefined }, deleter: async (url) => { const share = await VideoShareModel.loadByUrl(url, undefined) await share.destroy() return undefined } } } function commentOptionsFactory () { return { bodyValidator: (body: any) => sanitizeAndCheckVideoCommentObject(body), updater: async (url: string, newUrl: string) => { const comment = await VideoCommentModel.loadByUrlAndPopulateAccountAndVideo(url) comment.url = newUrl await return undefined }, deleter: async (url) => { const comment = await VideoCommentModel.loadByUrlAndPopulateAccountAndVideo(url) await comment.destroy() return undefined } } }