#!/bin/bash set -eu declare -A languages pre_build_hook () { mkdir "./src/pending_locale" > /dev/null || true mv ./src/locale/angular.*.xlf "./src/pending_locale" if [ ! -z ${1+x} ]; then mv "./src/pending_locale/angular.$1.xlf" "./src/locale" fi } post_build_hook () { mv ./src/pending_locale/* "./src/locale" rmdir "./src/pending_locale/" } # Previous build failed if [ ! -f "client/src/locale/angular.fr-FR.xlf" ]; then git checkout -- client/src/locale/ rm -r client/src/pending_locale fi cd client rm -rf ./dist ./compiled pre_build_hook defaultLanguage="en-US" npm run ng build -- --output-path "dist/$defaultLanguage/" --deploy-url "/client/$defaultLanguage/" --prod --stats-json mv "./dist/$defaultLanguage/assets" "./dist" mv "./dist/$defaultLanguage/manifest.webmanifest" "./dist/manifest.webmanifest" post_build_hook # Don't build other languages if --light arg is provided if [ -z ${1+x} ] || [ "$1" != "--light" ]; then if [ ! -z ${1+x} ] && [ "$1" == "--light-fr" ]; then languages=(["fr"]="fr-FR") else # Supported languages languages=( ["hu"]="hu-HU" ["th"]="th-TH" ["fi"]="fi-FI" ["nl"]="nl-NL" ["gd"]="gd" ["el"]="el-GR" ["es"]="es-ES" ["oc"]="oc" ["pt"]="pt-BR" ["pt-PT"]="pt-PT" ["sv"]="sv-SE" ["pl"]="pl-PL" ["ru"]="ru-RU" ["zh-Hans"]="zh-Hans-CN" ["zh-Hant"]="zh-Hant-TW" ["fr"]="fr-FR" ["ja"]="ja-JP" ["eu"]="eu-ES" ["ca"]="ca-ES" ["cs"]="cs-CZ" ["eo"]="eo" ["de"]="de-DE" ["it"]="it-IT" ) fi for key in "${!languages[@]}"; do lang=${languages[$key]} # TODO: remove when the project will use runtime translations pre_build_hook "$lang" npm run ng build -- --prod --configuration="$lang" --output-path "dist/build" # If --localize is not used mv "dist/build/$key" "dist/$lang" rmdir "dist/build" # If --localize is used # if [ ! "$lang" = "$key" ]; then # mv "dist/$key" "dist/$lang" # fi # Do not duplicate assets rm -r "./dist/$lang/assets" # TODO: remove when the project will use runtime translations post_build_hook done fi cd ../ && npm run build:embed && cd client/ # Copy runtime locales cp -r "./src/locale" "./dist/locale"