import { wait } from '@peertube/peertube-core-utils' import { FileStorage, LiveVideoError, VideoStreamingPlaylistType } from '@peertube/peertube-models' import { computeOutputFPS } from '@server/helpers/ffmpeg/index.js' import { LoggerTagsFn, logger, loggerTagsFactory } from '@server/helpers/logger.js' import { CONFIG } from '@server/initializers/config.js' import { MEMOIZE_TTL, P2P_MEDIA_LOADER_PEER_VERSION, VIDEO_LIVE } from '@server/initializers/constants.js' import { removeHLSFileObjectStorageByPath, storeHLSFileFromContent, storeHLSFileFromPath } from '@server/lib/object-storage/index.js' import { VideoFileModel } from '@server/models/video/video-file.js' import { VideoStreamingPlaylistModel } from '@server/models/video/video-streaming-playlist.js' import { MStreamingPlaylistVideo, MUserId, MVideoLiveVideo } from '@server/types/models/index.js' import Bluebird from 'bluebird' import { FSWatcher, watch } from 'chokidar' import { EventEmitter } from 'events' import { FfprobeData } from 'fluent-ffmpeg' import { ensureDir } from 'fs-extra/esm' import { appendFile, readFile, stat } from 'fs/promises' import memoizee from 'memoizee' import PQueue from 'p-queue' import { basename, join } from 'path' import { generateHLSMasterPlaylistFilename, generateHlsSha256SegmentsFilename, getLiveDirectory, getLiveReplayBaseDirectory } from '../../paths.js' import { isUserQuotaValid } from '../../user.js' import { LiveQuotaStore } from '../live-quota-store.js' import { LiveSegmentShaStore } from '../live-segment-sha-store.js' import { buildConcatenatedName, getLiveSegmentTime } from '../live-utils.js' import { AbstractTranscodingWrapper, FFmpegTranscodingWrapper, RemoteTranscodingWrapper } from './transcoding-wrapper/index.js' interface MuxingSessionEvents { 'live-ready': (options: { videoUUID: string }) => void 'bad-socket-health': (options: { videoUUID: string }) => void 'duration-exceeded': (options: { videoUUID: string }) => void 'quota-exceeded': (options: { videoUUID: string }) => void 'transcoding-end': (options: { videoUUID: string }) => void 'transcoding-error': (options: { videoUUID: string }) => void 'after-cleanup': (options: { videoUUID: string }) => void } declare interface MuxingSession { on( event: U, listener: MuxingSessionEvents[U] ): this emit( event: U, ...args: Parameters ): boolean } class MuxingSession extends EventEmitter { private transcodingWrapper: AbstractTranscodingWrapper private readonly context: any private readonly user: MUserId private readonly sessionId: string private readonly videoLive: MVideoLiveVideo private readonly inputLocalUrl: string private readonly inputPublicUrl: string private readonly fps: number private readonly allResolutions: number[] private readonly bitrate: number private readonly ratio: number private readonly hasAudio: boolean private readonly probe: FfprobeData private readonly videoUUID: string private readonly saveReplay: boolean private readonly outDirectory: string private readonly replayDirectory: string private readonly lTags: LoggerTagsFn // Path -> Queue private readonly objectStorageSendQueues = new Map() private segmentsToProcessPerPlaylist: { [playlistId: string]: string[] } = {} private streamingPlaylist: MStreamingPlaylistVideo private liveSegmentShaStore: LiveSegmentShaStore private filesWatcher: FSWatcher private masterPlaylistCreated = false private liveReady = false private aborted = false private readonly isAbleToUploadVideoWithCache = memoizee((userId: number) => { return isUserQuotaValid({ userId, uploadSize: 1000 }) }, { maxAge: MEMOIZE_TTL.LIVE_ABLE_TO_UPLOAD }) private readonly hasClientSocketInBadHealthWithCache = memoizee((sessionId: string) => { return this.hasClientSocketInBadHealth(sessionId) }, { maxAge: MEMOIZE_TTL.LIVE_CHECK_SOCKET_HEALTH }) constructor (options: { context: any user: MUserId sessionId: string videoLive: MVideoLiveVideo inputLocalUrl: string inputPublicUrl: string fps: number bitrate: number ratio: number allResolutions: number[] hasAudio: boolean probe: FfprobeData }) { super() this.context = options.context this.user = options.user this.sessionId = options.sessionId this.videoLive = options.videoLive this.inputLocalUrl = options.inputLocalUrl this.inputPublicUrl = options.inputPublicUrl this.fps = options.fps this.bitrate = options.bitrate this.ratio = options.ratio this.probe = options.probe this.hasAudio = options.hasAudio this.allResolutions = options.allResolutions this.videoUUID = this.videoLive.Video.uuid this.saveReplay = this.videoLive.saveReplay this.outDirectory = getLiveDirectory(this.videoLive.Video) this.replayDirectory = join(getLiveReplayBaseDirectory(this.videoLive.Video), new Date().toISOString()) this.lTags = loggerTagsFactory('live', this.sessionId, this.videoUUID) } async runMuxing () { this.streamingPlaylist = await this.createLivePlaylist() this.createLiveShaStore() this.createFiles() await this.prepareDirectories() this.transcodingWrapper = this.buildTranscodingWrapper() this.transcodingWrapper.on('end', () => this.onTranscodedEnded()) this.transcodingWrapper.on('error', () => this.onTranscodingError()) await this.filesWatcher = watch(this.outDirectory, { depth: 0 }) this.watchMasterFile() this.watchTSFiles() } abort () { if (!this.transcodingWrapper) return this.aborted = true this.transcodingWrapper.abort() } destroy () { this.removeAllListeners() this.isAbleToUploadVideoWithCache.clear() this.hasClientSocketInBadHealthWithCache.clear() } private watchMasterFile () { this.filesWatcher.on('add', async path => { if (path !== join(this.outDirectory, this.streamingPlaylist.playlistFilename)) return if (this.masterPlaylistCreated === true) return try { if ( === FileStorage.OBJECT_STORAGE) { let masterContent = await readFile(path, 'utf-8') // If the disk sync is slow, don't upload an empty master playlist on object storage // Wait for ffmpeg to correctly fill it while (!masterContent) { await wait(100) masterContent = await readFile(path, 'utf-8') } logger.debug('Uploading live master playlist on object storage for %s', this.videoUUID, { masterContent, ...this.lTags() }) const url = await storeHLSFileFromContent(this.streamingPlaylist, this.streamingPlaylist.playlistFilename, masterContent) this.streamingPlaylist.playlistUrl = url } this.streamingPlaylist.assignP2PMediaLoaderInfoHashes(this.videoLive.Video, this.allResolutions) await } catch (err) { logger.error('Cannot update streaming playlist.', { err, ...this.lTags() }) } this.masterPlaylistCreated = true'Master playlist file for %s has been created', this.videoUUID, this.lTags()) }) } private watchTSFiles () { const startStreamDateTime = new Date().getTime() const addHandler = async (segmentPath: string) => { if (segmentPath.endsWith('.ts') !== true) return logger.debug('Live add handler of TS file %s.', segmentPath, this.lTags()) const playlistId = this.getPlaylistIdFromTS(segmentPath) const segmentsToProcess = this.segmentsToProcessPerPlaylist[playlistId] || [] this.processSegments(segmentsToProcess) this.segmentsToProcessPerPlaylist[playlistId] = [ segmentPath ] if (this.hasClientSocketInBadHealthWithCache(this.sessionId)) { this.emit('bad-socket-health', { videoUUID: this.videoUUID }) return } // Duration constraint check if (this.isDurationConstraintValid(startStreamDateTime) !== true) { this.emit('duration-exceeded', { videoUUID: this.videoUUID }) return } // Check user quota if the user enabled replay saving if (await this.isQuotaExceeded(segmentPath) === true) { this.emit('quota-exceeded', { videoUUID: this.videoUUID }) } } const deleteHandler = async (segmentPath: string) => { if (segmentPath.endsWith('.ts') !== true) return logger.debug('Live delete handler of TS file %s.', segmentPath, this.lTags()) try { await this.liveSegmentShaStore.removeSegmentSha(segmentPath) } catch (err) { logger.warn('Cannot remove segment sha %s from sha store', segmentPath, { err, ...this.lTags() }) } if ( === FileStorage.OBJECT_STORAGE) { try { await removeHLSFileObjectStorageByPath(this.streamingPlaylist, segmentPath) } catch (err) { logger.error('Cannot remove segment %s from object storage', segmentPath, { err, ...this.lTags() }) } } } this.filesWatcher.on('add', p => addHandler(p)) this.filesWatcher.on('unlink', p => deleteHandler(p)) } private async isQuotaExceeded (segmentPath: string) { if (this.saveReplay !== true) return false if (this.aborted) return false try { const segmentStat = await stat(segmentPath) LiveQuotaStore.Instance.addQuotaTo(, this.sessionId, segmentStat.size) const canUpload = await this.isAbleToUploadVideoWithCache( return canUpload !== true } catch (err) { logger.error('Cannot stat %s or check quota of %d.', segmentPath,, { err, ...this.lTags() }) } } private createFiles () { for (let i = 0; i < this.allResolutions.length; i++) { const resolution = this.allResolutions[i] const file = new VideoFileModel({ resolution, size: -1, extname: '.ts', infoHash: null, fps: this.fps, storage:, videoStreamingPlaylistId: }) VideoFileModel.customUpsert(file, 'streaming-playlist', null) .catch(err => logger.error('Cannot create file for live streaming.', { err, ...this.lTags() })) } } private async prepareDirectories () { await ensureDir(this.outDirectory) if (this.videoLive.saveReplay === true) { await ensureDir(this.replayDirectory) } } private isDurationConstraintValid (streamingStartTime: number) { const maxDuration = CONFIG.LIVE.MAX_DURATION // No limit if (maxDuration < 0) return true const now = new Date().getTime() const max = streamingStartTime + maxDuration return now <= max } private processSegments (segmentPaths: string[]) { Bluebird.mapSeries(segmentPaths, previousSegment => this.processSegment(previousSegment)) .catch(err => { if (this.aborted) return logger.error('Cannot process segments', { err, ...this.lTags() }) }) } private async processSegment (segmentPath: string) { // Add sha hash of previous segments, because ffmpeg should have finished generating them await this.liveSegmentShaStore.addSegmentSha(segmentPath) if (this.saveReplay) { await this.addSegmentToReplay(segmentPath) } if ( === FileStorage.OBJECT_STORAGE) { try { await storeHLSFileFromPath(this.streamingPlaylist, segmentPath) await this.processM3U8ToObjectStorage(segmentPath) } catch (err) { logger.error('Cannot store TS segment %s in object storage', segmentPath, { err, ...this.lTags() }) } } // Master playlist and segment JSON file are created, live is ready if (this.masterPlaylistCreated && !this.liveReady) { this.liveReady = true this.emit('live-ready', { videoUUID: this.videoUUID }) } } private async processM3U8ToObjectStorage (segmentPath: string) { const m3u8Path = join(this.outDirectory, this.getPlaylistNameFromTS(segmentPath)) logger.debug('Process M3U8 file %s.', m3u8Path, this.lTags()) const segmentName = basename(segmentPath) const playlistContent = await readFile(m3u8Path, 'utf-8') // Remove new chunk references, that will be processed later const filteredPlaylistContent = playlistContent.substring(0, playlistContent.lastIndexOf(segmentName) + segmentName.length) + '\n' try { if (!this.objectStorageSendQueues.has(m3u8Path)) { this.objectStorageSendQueues.set(m3u8Path, new PQueue({ concurrency: 1 })) } const queue = this.objectStorageSendQueues.get(m3u8Path) await queue.add(() => storeHLSFileFromContent(this.streamingPlaylist, m3u8Path, filteredPlaylistContent)) } catch (err) { logger.error('Cannot store in object storage m3u8 file %s', m3u8Path, { err, ...this.lTags() }) } } private onTranscodingError () { this.emit('transcoding-error', ({ videoUUID: this.videoUUID })) } private onTranscodedEnded () { this.emit('transcoding-end', ({ videoUUID: this.videoUUID }))'RTMP transmuxing for video %s ended. Scheduling cleanup', this.inputLocalUrl, this.lTags()) setTimeout(() => { // Wait latest segments generation, and close watchers const promise = this.filesWatcher?.close() || Promise.resolve() promise .then(() => { // Process remaining segments hash for (const key of Object.keys(this.segmentsToProcessPerPlaylist)) { this.processSegments(this.segmentsToProcessPerPlaylist[key]) } }) .catch(err => { logger.error( 'Cannot close watchers of %s or process remaining hash segments.', this.outDirectory, { err, ...this.lTags() } ) }) this.emit('after-cleanup', { videoUUID: this.videoUUID }) }, 1000) } private hasClientSocketInBadHealth (sessionId: string) { const rtmpSession = this.context.sessions.get(sessionId) if (!rtmpSession) { logger.warn('Cannot get session %s to check players socket health.', sessionId, this.lTags()) return } for (const playerSessionId of rtmpSession.players) { const playerSession = this.context.sessions.get(playerSessionId) if (!playerSession) { logger.error('Cannot get player session %s to check socket health.', playerSession, this.lTags()) continue } if (playerSession.socket.writableLength > VIDEO_LIVE.MAX_SOCKET_WAITING_DATA) { return true } } return false } private async addSegmentToReplay (segmentPath: string) { const segmentName = basename(segmentPath) const dest = join(this.replayDirectory, buildConcatenatedName(segmentName)) try { const data = await readFile(segmentPath) await appendFile(dest, data) } catch (err) { logger.error('Cannot copy segment %s to replay directory.', segmentPath, { err, ...this.lTags() }) } } private async createLivePlaylist (): Promise { const playlist = await VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.loadOrGenerate(this.videoLive.Video) playlist.playlistFilename = generateHLSMasterPlaylistFilename(true) playlist.segmentsSha256Filename = generateHlsSha256SegmentsFilename(true) playlist.p2pMediaLoaderPeerVersion = P2P_MEDIA_LOADER_PEER_VERSION playlist.type = VideoStreamingPlaylistType.HLS = CONFIG.OBJECT_STORAGE.ENABLED && CONFIG.OBJECT_STORAGE.STREAMING_PLAYLISTS.STORE_LIVE_STREAMS ? FileStorage.OBJECT_STORAGE : FileStorage.FILE_SYSTEM return } private createLiveShaStore () { this.liveSegmentShaStore = new LiveSegmentShaStore({ videoUUID: this.videoLive.Video.uuid, sha256Path: join(this.outDirectory, this.streamingPlaylist.segmentsSha256Filename), streamingPlaylist: this.streamingPlaylist, sendToObjectStorage: === FileStorage.OBJECT_STORAGE }) } private buildTranscodingWrapper () { const options = { streamingPlaylist: this.streamingPlaylist, videoLive: this.videoLive, lTags: this.lTags, sessionId: this.sessionId, inputLocalUrl: this.inputLocalUrl, inputPublicUrl: this.inputPublicUrl, toTranscode: => { let toTranscodeFPS: number try { toTranscodeFPS = computeOutputFPS({ inputFPS: this.fps, resolution }) } catch (err) { err.liveVideoErrorCode = LiveVideoError.INVALID_INPUT_VIDEO_STREAM throw err } return { resolution, fps: toTranscodeFPS } }), fps: this.fps, bitrate: this.bitrate, ratio: this.ratio, hasAudio: this.hasAudio, probe: this.probe, segmentListSize: VIDEO_LIVE.SEGMENTS_LIST_SIZE, segmentDuration: getLiveSegmentTime(this.videoLive.latencyMode), outDirectory: this.outDirectory } return CONFIG.LIVE.TRANSCODING.ENABLED && CONFIG.LIVE.TRANSCODING.REMOTE_RUNNERS.ENABLED ? new RemoteTranscodingWrapper(options) : new FFmpegTranscodingWrapper(options) } private getPlaylistIdFromTS (segmentPath: string) { const playlistIdMatcher = /^([\d+])-/ return basename(segmentPath).match(playlistIdMatcher)[1] } private getPlaylistNameFromTS (segmentPath: string) { return `${this.getPlaylistIdFromTS(segmentPath)}.m3u8` } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { MuxingSession }