/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions,@typescript-eslint/require-await */ import { SQLCommand } from '@server/tests/shared' import { wait } from '@shared/core-utils' import { HttpStatusCode, VideoPlaylistPrivacy } from '@shared/models' import { cleanupTests, createMultipleServers, doubleFollow, killallServers, PeerTubeServer, setAccessTokensToServers, setDefaultVideoChannel, waitJobs } from '@shared/server-commands' describe('Test AP refresher', function () { let servers: PeerTubeServer[] = [] let sqlCommandServer2: SQLCommand let videoUUID1: string let videoUUID2: string let videoUUID3: string let playlistUUID1: string let playlistUUID2: string before(async function () { this.timeout(60000) servers = await createMultipleServers(2) // Get the access tokens await setAccessTokensToServers(servers) await setDefaultVideoChannel(servers) for (const server of servers) { await server.config.disableTranscoding() } { videoUUID1 = (await servers[1].videos.quickUpload({ name: 'video1' })).uuid videoUUID2 = (await servers[1].videos.quickUpload({ name: 'video2' })).uuid videoUUID3 = (await servers[1].videos.quickUpload({ name: 'video3' })).uuid } { const token1 = await servers[1].users.generateUserAndToken('user1') await servers[1].videos.upload({ token: token1, attributes: { name: 'video4' } }) const token2 = await servers[1].users.generateUserAndToken('user2') await servers[1].videos.upload({ token: token2, attributes: { name: 'video5' } }) } { const attributes = { displayName: 'playlist1', privacy: VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PUBLIC, videoChannelId: servers[1].store.channel.id } const created = await servers[1].playlists.create({ attributes }) playlistUUID1 = created.uuid } { const attributes = { displayName: 'playlist2', privacy: VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PUBLIC, videoChannelId: servers[1].store.channel.id } const created = await servers[1].playlists.create({ attributes }) playlistUUID2 = created.uuid } await doubleFollow(servers[0], servers[1]) sqlCommandServer2 = new SQLCommand(servers[1]) }) describe('Videos refresher', function () { it('Should remove a deleted remote video', async function () { this.timeout(60000) await wait(10000) // Change UUID so the remote server returns a 404 await sqlCommandServer2.setVideoField(videoUUID1, 'uuid', '304afe4f-39f9-4d49-8ed7-ac57b86b174f') await servers[0].videos.get({ id: videoUUID1 }) await servers[0].videos.get({ id: videoUUID2 }) await waitJobs(servers) await servers[0].videos.get({ id: videoUUID1, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND_404 }) await servers[0].videos.get({ id: videoUUID2 }) }) it('Should not update a remote video if the remote instance is down', async function () { this.timeout(70000) await killallServers([ servers[1] ]) await sqlCommandServer2.setVideoField(videoUUID3, 'uuid', '304afe4f-39f9-4d49-8ed7-ac57b86b174e') // Video will need a refresh await wait(10000) await servers[0].videos.get({ id: videoUUID3 }) // The refresh should fail await waitJobs([ servers[0] ]) await servers[1].run() await servers[0].videos.get({ id: videoUUID3 }) }) }) describe('Actors refresher', function () { it('Should remove a deleted actor', async function () { this.timeout(60000) const command = servers[0].accounts await wait(10000) // Change actor name so the remote server returns a 404 const to = servers[1].url + '/accounts/user2' await sqlCommandServer2.setActorField(to, 'preferredUsername', 'toto') await command.get({ accountName: 'user1@' + servers[1].host }) await command.get({ accountName: 'user2@' + servers[1].host }) await waitJobs(servers) await command.get({ accountName: 'user1@' + servers[1].host, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 }) await command.get({ accountName: 'user2@' + servers[1].host, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND_404 }) }) }) describe('Playlist refresher', function () { it('Should remove a deleted playlist', async function () { this.timeout(60000) await wait(10000) // Change UUID so the remote server returns a 404 await sqlCommandServer2.setPlaylistField(playlistUUID2, 'uuid', '304afe4f-39f9-4d49-8ed7-ac57b86b178e') await servers[0].playlists.get({ playlistId: playlistUUID1 }) await servers[0].playlists.get({ playlistId: playlistUUID2 }) await waitJobs(servers) await servers[0].playlists.get({ playlistId: playlistUUID1, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 }) await servers[0].playlists.get({ playlistId: playlistUUID2, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND_404 }) }) }) after(async function () { this.timeout(10000) await sqlCommandServer2.cleanup() await cleanupTests(servers) }) })