import { Observable } from 'rxjs' import { getLocaleDirection } from '@angular/common' import { Component, ElementRef, EventEmitter, Inject, Input, LOCALE_ID, OnChanges, OnInit, Output, SimpleChanges, ViewChild } from '@angular/core' import { Notifier, User } from '@app/core' import { VIDEO_COMMENT_TEXT_VALIDATOR } from '@app/shared/form-validators/video-comment-validators' import { FormReactive, FormReactiveService } from '@app/shared/shared-forms' import { Video } from '@app/shared/shared-main' import { VideoComment, VideoCommentService } from '@app/shared/shared-video-comment' import { NgbModal } from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap' import { VideoCommentCreate } from '@peertube/peertube-models' @Component({ selector: 'my-video-comment-add', templateUrl: './video-comment-add.component.html', styleUrls: [ './video-comment-add.component.scss' ] }) export class VideoCommentAddComponent extends FormReactive implements OnChanges, OnInit { @Input() user: User @Input() video: Video @Input() videoPassword: string @Input() parentComment?: VideoComment @Input() parentComments?: VideoComment[] @Input() focusOnInit = false @Input() textValue?: string @Output() commentCreated = new EventEmitter() @Output() cancel = new EventEmitter() @ViewChild('visitorModal', { static: true }) visitorModal: NgbModal @ViewChild('emojiModal', { static: true }) emojiModal: NgbModal @ViewChild('textarea', { static: true }) textareaElement: ElementRef addingComment = false addingCommentButtonValue: string private emojiMarkupList: { emoji: string, name: string }[] constructor ( protected formReactiveService: FormReactiveService, private notifier: Notifier, private videoCommentService: VideoCommentService, private modalService: NgbModal, @Inject(LOCALE_ID) private localeId: string ) { super() } ngOnInit () { this.buildForm({ text: VIDEO_COMMENT_TEXT_VALIDATOR }) if (this.user) { if (!this.parentComment) { this.addingCommentButtonValue = $localize`Comment` } else { this.addingCommentButtonValue = $localize`Reply` } this.initTextValue() } } ngOnChanges (changes: SimpleChanges) { // Not initialized yet if (!this.form) return if (changes.textValue?.currentValue && changes.textValue.currentValue !== changes.textValue.previousValue) { this.patchTextValue(changes.textValue.currentValue, true) } } getEmojiMarkupList () { if (this.emojiMarkupList) return this.emojiMarkupList const emojiMarkupObjectList = require('markdown-it-emoji/lib/data/light.json') this.emojiMarkupList = [] for (const name of Object.keys(emojiMarkupObjectList)) { const emoji = emojiMarkupObjectList[name] this.emojiMarkupList.push({ emoji, name }) } return this.emojiMarkupList } onValidKey () { this.forceCheck() if (!this.form.valid) return this.formValidated() } openVisitorModal (event: any) { if (this.user === null) { // we only open it for visitors // fixing ng-bootstrap ModalService and the "Expression Changed After It Has Been Checked" Error event.srcElement.blur() event.preventDefault() } } openEmojiModal (event: any) { event.preventDefault(), { backdrop: true, size: 'lg' }) } hideModals () { this.modalService.dismissAll() } formValidated () { // If we validate very quickly the comment form, we might comment twice if (this.addingComment) return this.addingComment = true const commentCreate: VideoCommentCreate = this.form.value let obs: Observable if (this.parentComment) { obs = this.addCommentReply(commentCreate) } else { obs = this.addCommentThread(commentCreate) } obs.subscribe({ next: comment => { this.addingComment = false this.commentCreated.emit(comment) this.form.reset() }, error: err => { this.addingComment = false this.notifier.error(err.message) } }) } isAddButtonDisplayed () { return this.form.value['text'] } getUri () { return window.location.href } cancelCommentReply () { this.cancel.emit(null) this.form.value['text'] = this.textareaElement.nativeElement.value = '' } isRTL () { return getLocaleDirection(this.localeId) === 'rtl' } getAvatarActorType () { if (this.user) return 'account' return 'unlogged' } private addCommentReply (commentCreate: VideoCommentCreate) { return this.videoCommentService .addCommentReply({ videoId:, inReplyToCommentId:, comment: commentCreate, videoPassword: this.videoPassword }) } private addCommentThread (commentCreate: VideoCommentCreate) { return this.videoCommentService .addCommentThread(, commentCreate, this.videoPassword) } private initTextValue () { if (this.textValue) { this.patchTextValue(this.textValue, this.focusOnInit) return } if (this.parentComment) { const mentions = this.parentComments .filter(c => c.account && !== // Don't add mention of ourselves .map(c => '@' + const mentionsSet = new Set(mentions) const mentionsText = Array.from(mentionsSet).join(' ') + ' ' this.patchTextValue(mentionsText, this.focusOnInit) } } private patchTextValue (text: string, focus: boolean) { setTimeout(() => { if (focus) { this.textareaElement.nativeElement.focus() } // Scroll to textarea this.textareaElement.nativeElement.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'center', inline: 'nearest' }) // Use the native textarea autosize according to the text's break lines this.textareaElement.nativeElement.dispatchEvent(new Event('input')) }) this.form.patchValue({ text }) } }