import { createServer, Server } from 'net' import { isTestInstance } from '@server/helpers/core-utils' import { computeResolutionsToTranscode, getVideoFileFPS, getVideoFileResolution } from '@server/helpers/ffprobe-utils' import { logger, loggerTagsFactory } from '@server/helpers/logger' import { CONFIG, registerConfigChangedHandler } from '@server/initializers/config' import { P2P_MEDIA_LOADER_PEER_VERSION, VIDEO_LIVE, VIEW_LIFETIME, WEBSERVER } from '@server/initializers/constants' import { UserModel } from '@server/models/user/user' import { VideoModel } from '@server/models/video/video' import { VideoLiveModel } from '@server/models/video/video-live' import { VideoStreamingPlaylistModel } from '@server/models/video/video-streaming-playlist' import { MStreamingPlaylist, MStreamingPlaylistVideo, MVideo, MVideoLiveVideo } from '@server/types/models' import { VideoState, VideoStreamingPlaylistType } from '@shared/models' import { federateVideoIfNeeded } from '../activitypub/videos' import { JobQueue } from '../job-queue' import { PeerTubeSocket } from '../peertube-socket' import { LiveQuotaStore } from './live-quota-store' import { LiveSegmentShaStore } from './live-segment-sha-store' import { cleanupLive } from './live-utils' import { MuxingSession } from './shared' const NodeRtmpSession = require('node-media-server/src/node_rtmp_session') const context = require('node-media-server/src/node_core_ctx') const nodeMediaServerLogger = require('node-media-server/src/node_core_logger') // Disable node media server logs nodeMediaServerLogger.setLogType(0) const config = { rtmp: { port: CONFIG.LIVE.RTMP.PORT, chunk_size: VIDEO_LIVE.RTMP.CHUNK_SIZE, gop_cache: VIDEO_LIVE.RTMP.GOP_CACHE, ping: VIDEO_LIVE.RTMP.PING, ping_timeout: VIDEO_LIVE.RTMP.PING_TIMEOUT }, transcoding: { ffmpeg: 'ffmpeg' } } const lTags = loggerTagsFactory('live') class LiveManager { private static instance: LiveManager private readonly muxingSessions = new Map() private readonly videoSessions = new Map() // Values are Date().getTime() private readonly watchersPerVideo = new Map() private rtmpServer: Server private constructor () { } init () { const events = this.getContext().nodeEvent events.on('postPublish', (sessionId: string, streamPath: string) => { logger.debug('RTMP received stream', { id: sessionId, streamPath, ...lTags(sessionId) }) const splittedPath = streamPath.split('/') if (splittedPath.length !== 3 || splittedPath[1] !== VIDEO_LIVE.RTMP.BASE_PATH) { logger.warn('Live path is incorrect.', { streamPath, ...lTags(sessionId) }) return this.abortSession(sessionId) } this.handleSession(sessionId, streamPath, splittedPath[2]) .catch(err => logger.error('Cannot handle sessions.', { err, ...lTags(sessionId) })) }) events.on('donePublish', sessionId => {'Live session ended.', { sessionId, ...lTags(sessionId) }) }) registerConfigChangedHandler(() => { if (!this.rtmpServer && CONFIG.LIVE.ENABLED === true) { return } if (this.rtmpServer && CONFIG.LIVE.ENABLED === false) { this.stop() } }) // Cleanup broken lives, that were terminated by a server restart for example this.handleBrokenLives() .catch(err => logger.error('Cannot handle broken lives.', { err, ...lTags() })) setInterval(() => this.updateLiveViews(), VIEW_LIFETIME.LIVE) } run () {'Running RTMP server on port %d', config.rtmp.port, lTags()) this.rtmpServer = createServer(socket => { const session = new NodeRtmpSession(config, socket) }) this.rtmpServer.on('error', err => { logger.error('Cannot run RTMP server.', { err, ...lTags() }) }) this.rtmpServer.listen(CONFIG.LIVE.RTMP.PORT) } stop () {'Stopping RTMP server.', lTags()) this.rtmpServer.close() this.rtmpServer = undefined // Sessions is an object this.getContext().sessions.forEach((session: any) => { if (session instanceof NodeRtmpSession) { session.stop() } }) } isRunning () { return !!this.rtmpServer } stopSessionOf (videoId: number) { const sessionId = this.videoSessions.get(videoId) if (!sessionId) return this.videoSessions.delete(videoId) this.abortSession(sessionId) } addViewTo (videoId: number) { if (this.videoSessions.has(videoId) === false) return let watchers = this.watchersPerVideo.get(videoId) if (!watchers) { watchers = [] this.watchersPerVideo.set(videoId, watchers) } watchers.push(new Date().getTime()) } private getContext () { return context } private abortSession (sessionId: string) { const session = this.getContext().sessions.get(sessionId) if (session) { session.stop() this.getContext().sessions.delete(sessionId) } const muxingSession = this.muxingSessions.get(sessionId) if (muxingSession) { // Muxing session will fire and event so we correctly cleanup the session muxingSession.abort() this.muxingSessions.delete(sessionId) } } private async handleSession (sessionId: string, streamPath: string, streamKey: string) { const videoLive = await VideoLiveModel.loadByStreamKey(streamKey) if (!videoLive) { logger.warn('Unknown live video with stream key %s.', streamKey, lTags(sessionId)) return this.abortSession(sessionId) } const video = videoLive.Video if (video.isBlacklisted()) { logger.warn('Video is blacklisted. Refusing stream %s.', streamKey, lTags(sessionId, video.uuid)) return this.abortSession(sessionId) } // Cleanup old potential live files (could happen with a permanent live) LiveSegmentShaStore.Instance.cleanupShaSegments(video.uuid) const oldStreamingPlaylist = await VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.loadHLSPlaylistByVideo( if (oldStreamingPlaylist) { await cleanupLive(video, oldStreamingPlaylist) } this.videoSessions.set(, sessionId) const rtmpUrl = 'rtmp://' + config.rtmp.port + streamPath const [ { videoFileResolution }, fps ] = await Promise.all([ getVideoFileResolution(rtmpUrl), getVideoFileFPS(rtmpUrl) ]) const allResolutions = this.buildAllResolutionsToTranscode(videoFileResolution) 'Will mux/transcode live video of original resolution %d.', videoFileResolution, { allResolutions, ...lTags(sessionId, video.uuid) } ) const streamingPlaylist = await this.createLivePlaylist(video, allResolutions) return this.runMuxingSession({ sessionId, videoLive, streamingPlaylist, rtmpUrl, fps, allResolutions }) } private async runMuxingSession (options: { sessionId: string videoLive: MVideoLiveVideo streamingPlaylist: MStreamingPlaylistVideo rtmpUrl: string fps: number allResolutions: number[] }) { const { sessionId, videoLive, streamingPlaylist, allResolutions, fps, rtmpUrl } = options const videoUUID = videoLive.Video.uuid const localLTags = lTags(sessionId, videoUUID) const user = await UserModel.loadByLiveId( LiveQuotaStore.Instance.addNewLive(, const muxingSession = new MuxingSession({ context: this.getContext(), user, sessionId, videoLive, streamingPlaylist, rtmpUrl, fps, allResolutions }) muxingSession.on('master-playlist-created', () => this.publishAndFederateLive(videoLive, localLTags)) muxingSession.on('bad-socket-health', ({ videoId }) => { logger.error( 'Too much data in client socket stream (ffmpeg is too slow to transcode the video).' + ' Stopping session of video %s.', videoUUID, localLTags ) this.stopSessionOf(videoId) }) muxingSession.on('duration-exceeded', ({ videoId }) => {'Stopping session of %s: max duration exceeded.', videoUUID, localLTags) this.stopSessionOf(videoId) }) muxingSession.on('quota-exceeded', ({ videoId }) => {'Stopping session of %s: user quota exceeded.', videoUUID, localLTags) this.stopSessionOf(videoId) }) muxingSession.on('ffmpeg-error', ({ sessionId }) => this.abortSession(sessionId)) muxingSession.on('ffmpeg-end', ({ videoId }) => { this.onMuxingFFmpegEnd(videoId) }) muxingSession.on('after-cleanup', ({ videoId }) => { this.muxingSessions.delete(sessionId) muxingSession.destroy() return this.onAfterMuxingCleanup(videoId) .catch(err => logger.error('Error in end transmuxing.', { err, ...localLTags })) }) this.muxingSessions.set(sessionId, muxingSession) muxingSession.runMuxing() .catch(err => { logger.error('Cannot run muxing.', { err, ...localLTags }) this.abortSession(sessionId) }) } private async publishAndFederateLive (live: MVideoLiveVideo, localLTags: { tags: string[] }) { const videoId = live.videoId try { const video = await VideoModel.loadAndPopulateAccountAndServerAndTags(videoId)'Will publish and federate live %s.', video.url, localLTags) video.state = VideoState.PUBLISHED await live.Video = video setTimeout(() => { federateVideoIfNeeded(video, false) .catch(err => logger.error('Cannot federate live video %s.', video.url, { err, ...localLTags })) PeerTubeSocket.Instance.sendVideoLiveNewState(video) }, VIDEO_LIVE.SEGMENT_TIME_SECONDS * 1000 * VIDEO_LIVE.EDGE_LIVE_DELAY_SEGMENTS_NOTIFICATION) } catch (err) { logger.error('Cannot save/federate live video %d.', videoId, { err, ...localLTags }) } } private onMuxingFFmpegEnd (videoId: number) { this.watchersPerVideo.delete(videoId) this.videoSessions.delete(videoId) } private async onAfterMuxingCleanup (videoUUID: string, cleanupNow = false) { try { const fullVideo = await VideoModel.loadAndPopulateAccountAndServerAndTags(videoUUID) if (!fullVideo) return const live = await VideoLiveModel.loadByVideoId( if (!live.permanentLive) { JobQueue.Instance.createJob({ type: 'video-live-ending', payload: { videoId: } }, { delay: cleanupNow ? 0 : VIDEO_LIVE.CLEANUP_DELAY }) fullVideo.state = VideoState.LIVE_ENDED } else { fullVideo.state = VideoState.WAITING_FOR_LIVE } await PeerTubeSocket.Instance.sendVideoLiveNewState(fullVideo) await federateVideoIfNeeded(fullVideo, false) } catch (err) { logger.error('Cannot save/federate new video state of live streaming of video %d.', videoUUID, { err, ...lTags(videoUUID) }) } } private async updateLiveViews () { if (!this.isRunning()) return if (!isTestInstance())'Updating live video views.', lTags()) for (const videoId of this.watchersPerVideo.keys()) { const notBefore = new Date().getTime() - VIEW_LIFETIME.LIVE const watchers = this.watchersPerVideo.get(videoId) const numWatchers = watchers.length const video = await VideoModel.loadAndPopulateAccountAndServerAndTags(videoId) video.views = numWatchers await await federateVideoIfNeeded(video, false) PeerTubeSocket.Instance.sendVideoViewsUpdate(video) // Only keep not expired watchers const newWatchers = watchers.filter(w => w > notBefore) this.watchersPerVideo.set(videoId, newWatchers) logger.debug('New live video views for %s is %d.', video.url, numWatchers, lTags()) } } private async handleBrokenLives () { const videoUUIDs = await VideoModel.listPublishedLiveUUIDs() for (const uuid of videoUUIDs) { await this.onAfterMuxingCleanup(uuid, true) } } private buildAllResolutionsToTranscode (originResolution: number) { const resolutionsEnabled = CONFIG.LIVE.TRANSCODING.ENABLED ? computeResolutionsToTranscode(originResolution, 'live') : [] return resolutionsEnabled.concat([ originResolution ]) } private async createLivePlaylist (video: MVideo, allResolutions: number[]) { const playlistUrl = WEBSERVER.URL + VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.getHlsMasterPlaylistStaticPath(video.uuid) const [ videoStreamingPlaylist ] = await VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.upsert({ videoId:, playlistUrl, segmentsSha256Url: WEBSERVER.URL + VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.getHlsSha256SegmentsStaticPath(video.uuid, video.isLive), p2pMediaLoaderInfohashes: VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.buildP2PMediaLoaderInfoHashes(playlistUrl, allResolutions), p2pMediaLoaderPeerVersion: P2P_MEDIA_LOADER_PEER_VERSION, type: VideoStreamingPlaylistType.HLS }, { returning: true }) as [ MStreamingPlaylist, boolean ] return Object.assign(videoStreamingPlaylist, { Video: video }) } static get Instance () { return this.instance || (this.instance = new this()) } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { LiveManager }