import { getAbsoluteAPIUrl } from '@app/helpers' import { VideoPrivacy, VideoScheduleUpdate, VideoUpdate } from '@shared/models' import { VideoDetails } from './video-details.model' export class VideoEdit implements VideoUpdate { static readonly SPECIAL_SCHEDULED_PRIVACY = -1 category: number licence: number language: string description: string name: string tags: string[] nsfw: boolean commentsEnabled: boolean downloadEnabled: boolean waitTranscoding: boolean channelId: number privacy: VideoPrivacy support: string thumbnailfile?: any previewfile?: any thumbnailUrl: string previewUrl: string scheduleUpdate?: VideoScheduleUpdate originallyPublishedAt?: Date | string id?: number uuid?: string shortUUID?: string pluginData?: any constructor (video?: VideoDetails) { if (!video) return = this.uuid = video.uuid this.shortUUID = video.shortUUID this.category = this.licence = this.language = this.description = video.description = this.tags = video.tags this.nsfw = video.nsfw this.waitTranscoding = video.waitTranscoding this.channelId = this.privacy = this.commentsEnabled = video.commentsEnabled this.downloadEnabled = video.downloadEnabled if (video.thumbnailPath) this.thumbnailUrl = getAbsoluteAPIUrl() + video.thumbnailPath if (video.previewPath) this.previewUrl = getAbsoluteAPIUrl() + video.previewPath this.scheduleUpdate = video.scheduledUpdate this.originallyPublishedAt = video.originallyPublishedAt ? new Date(video.originallyPublishedAt) : null this.pluginData = video.pluginData } patch (values: { [ id: string ]: any }) { Object.keys(values).forEach((key) => { this[key] = values[key] }) // If schedule publication, the video is private and will be changed to public privacy if (parseInt(values['privacy'], 10) === VideoEdit.SPECIAL_SCHEDULED_PRIVACY) { const updateAt = new Date(values['schedulePublicationAt']) updateAt.setSeconds(0) this.privacy = VideoPrivacy.PRIVATE this.scheduleUpdate = { updateAt: updateAt.toISOString(), privacy: VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC } } else { this.scheduleUpdate = null } // Convert originallyPublishedAt to string so that function objectToFormData() works correctly if (this.originallyPublishedAt) { const originallyPublishedAt = new Date(this.originallyPublishedAt) this.originallyPublishedAt = originallyPublishedAt.toISOString() } // Use the same file than the preview for the thumbnail if (this.previewfile) { this.thumbnailfile = this.previewfile } } toFormPatch () { const json = { category: this.category, licence: this.licence, language: this.language, description: this.description, support:, name:, tags: this.tags, nsfw: this.nsfw, commentsEnabled: this.commentsEnabled, downloadEnabled: this.downloadEnabled, waitTranscoding: this.waitTranscoding, channelId: this.channelId, privacy: this.privacy, originallyPublishedAt: this.originallyPublishedAt } // Special case if we scheduled an update if (this.scheduleUpdate) { Object.assign(json, { privacy: VideoEdit.SPECIAL_SCHEDULED_PRIVACY, schedulePublicationAt: new Date(this.scheduleUpdate.updateAt.toString()) }) } return json } }