import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core' import { AuthService, Notifier, RestPagination, RestTable, ServerService } from '@app/core' import { DropdownAction, VideoChannelService, VideoChannelSyncService } from '@app/shared/shared-main' import { HTMLServerConfig } from '@shared/models/server' import { VideoChannelSync, VideoChannelSyncState } from '@shared/models/videos' import { SortMeta } from 'primeng/api' import { mergeMap } from 'rxjs' @Component({ templateUrl: './my-video-channel-syncs.component.html', styleUrls: [ './my-video-channel-syncs.component.scss' ] }) export class MyVideoChannelSyncsComponent extends RestTable implements OnInit { error: string channelSyncs: VideoChannelSync[] = [] totalRecords = 0 videoChannelSyncActions: DropdownAction[][] = [] sort: SortMeta = { field: 'createdAt', order: 1 } pagination: RestPagination = { count: this.rowsPerPage, start: 0 } private static STATE_CLASS_BY_ID = { [VideoChannelSyncState.FAILED]: 'badge-red', [VideoChannelSyncState.PROCESSING]: 'badge-blue', [VideoChannelSyncState.SYNCED]: 'badge-green', [VideoChannelSyncState.WAITING_FIRST_RUN]: 'badge-yellow' } private serverConfig: HTMLServerConfig constructor ( private videoChannelsSyncService: VideoChannelSyncService, private serverService: ServerService, private notifier: Notifier, private authService: AuthService, private videoChannelService: VideoChannelService ) { super() } ngOnInit () { this.serverConfig = this.serverService.getHTMLConfig() this.initialize() this.videoChannelSyncActions = [ [ { label: $localize`Delete`, iconName: 'delete', handler: videoChannelSync => this.deleteSync(videoChannelSync) }, { label: $localize`Fully synchronize the channel`, description: $localize`This fetches any missing videos on the local channel`, iconName: 'refresh', handler: videoChannelSync => this.fullySynchronize(videoChannelSync) } ] ] } protected reloadData () { this.error = undefined this.authService.userInformationLoaded .pipe(mergeMap(() => { const user = this.authService.getUser() return this.videoChannelsSyncService.listAccountVideoChannelsSyncs({ sort: this.sort, account: user.account, pagination: this.pagination }) })) .subscribe({ next: res => { this.channelSyncs = }, error: err => { this.error = err.message } }) } syncEnabled () { return this.serverConfig.import.videoChannelSynchronization.enabled } deleteSync (videoChannelSync: VideoChannelSync) { this.videoChannelsSyncService.deleteSync( .subscribe({ next: () => { this.notifier.success($localize`Synchronization removed successfully for ${}.`) this.reloadData() }, error: err => { this.error = err.message } }) } fullySynchronize (videoChannelSync: VideoChannelSync) { this.videoChannelService.importVideos(, videoChannelSync.externalChannelUrl, .subscribe({ next: () => { this.notifier.success($localize`Full synchronization requested successfully for ${}.`) }, error: err => { this.error = err.message } }) } getSyncCreateLink () { return '/my-library/video-channel-syncs/create' } getSyncStateClass (stateId: number) { return [ 'pt-badge', MyVideoChannelSyncsComponent.STATE_CLASS_BY_ID[stateId] ] } getIdentifier () { return 'MyVideoChannelsSyncComponent' } getChannelUrl (name: string) { return '/c/' + name } }