import { Response } from 'express' import 'express-validator' import { values } from 'lodash' import 'multer' import * as validator from 'validator' import { UserRight, VideoPrivacy, VideoRateType } from '../../../shared' import { CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS, VIDEO_CATEGORIES, VIDEO_LICENCES, VIDEO_MIMETYPE_EXT, VIDEO_PRIVACIES, VIDEO_RATE_TYPES, VIDEO_STATES } from '../../initializers' import { VideoModel } from '../../models/video/video' import { exists, isArray, isFileValid } from './misc' import { VideoChannelModel } from '../../models/video/video-channel' import { UserModel } from '../../models/account/user' import * as magnetUtil from 'magnet-uri' const VIDEOS_CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS = CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.VIDEOS function isVideoCategoryValid (value: any) { return value === null || VIDEO_CATEGORIES[ value ] !== undefined } function isVideoStateValid (value: any) { return exists(value) && VIDEO_STATES[ value ] !== undefined } function isVideoLicenceValid (value: any) { return value === null || VIDEO_LICENCES[ value ] !== undefined } function isVideoLanguageValid (value: any) { return value === null || (typeof value === 'string' && validator.isLength(value, VIDEOS_CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.LANGUAGE)) } function isVideoDurationValid (value: string) { return exists(value) && validator.isInt(value + '', VIDEOS_CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.DURATION) } function isVideoTruncatedDescriptionValid (value: string) { return exists(value) && validator.isLength(value, VIDEOS_CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.TRUNCATED_DESCRIPTION) } function isVideoDescriptionValid (value: string) { return value === null || (exists(value) && validator.isLength(value, VIDEOS_CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.DESCRIPTION)) } function isVideoSupportValid (value: string) { return value === null || (exists(value) && validator.isLength(value, VIDEOS_CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.SUPPORT)) } function isVideoNameValid (value: string) { return exists(value) && validator.isLength(value, VIDEOS_CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.NAME) } function isVideoTagValid (tag: string) { return exists(tag) && validator.isLength(tag, VIDEOS_CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.TAG) } function isVideoTagsValid (tags: string[]) { return tags === null || ( isArray(tags) && validator.isInt(tags.length.toString(), VIDEOS_CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.TAGS) && tags.every(tag => isVideoTagValid(tag)) ) } function isVideoViewsValid (value: string) { return exists(value) && validator.isInt(value + '', VIDEOS_CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.VIEWS) } function isVideoRatingTypeValid (value: string) { return value === 'none' || values(VIDEO_RATE_TYPES).indexOf(value as VideoRateType) !== -1 } const videoFileTypes = Object.keys(VIDEO_MIMETYPE_EXT).map(m => `(${m})`) const videoFileTypesRegex = videoFileTypes.join('|') function isVideoFile (files: { [ fieldname: string ]: Express.Multer.File[] } | Express.Multer.File[]) { return isFileValid(files, videoFileTypesRegex, 'videofile', null) } const videoImageTypes = CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.VIDEOS.IMAGE.EXTNAME .map(v => v.replace('.', '')) .join('|') const videoImageTypesRegex = `image/(${videoImageTypes})` function isVideoImage (files: { [ fieldname: string ]: Express.Multer.File[] } | Express.Multer.File[], field: string) { return isFileValid(files, videoImageTypesRegex, field, CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.VIDEOS.IMAGE.FILE_SIZE.max, true) } function isVideoPrivacyValid (value: number) { return validator.isInt(value + '') && VIDEO_PRIVACIES[ value ] !== undefined } function isScheduleVideoUpdatePrivacyValid (value: number) { return validator.isInt(value + '') && ( value === VideoPrivacy.UNLISTED || value === VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC ) } function isVideoFileInfoHashValid (value: string | null | undefined) { return exists(value) && validator.isLength(value, VIDEOS_CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.INFO_HASH) } function isVideoFileResolutionValid (value: string) { return exists(value) && validator.isInt(value + '') } function isVideoFPSResolutionValid (value: string) { return value === null || validator.isInt(value + '') } function isVideoFileSizeValid (value: string) { return exists(value) && validator.isInt(value + '', VIDEOS_CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.FILE_SIZE) } function isVideoMagnetUriValid (value: string) { if (!exists(value)) return false const parsed = magnetUtil.decode(value) return parsed && isVideoFileInfoHashValid(parsed.infoHash) } function checkUserCanManageVideo (user: UserModel, video: VideoModel, right: UserRight, res: Response) { // Retrieve the user who did the request if (video.isOwned() === false) { res.status(403) .json({ error: 'Cannot manage a video of another server.' }) .end() return false } // Check if the user can delete the video // The user can delete it if he has the right // Or if s/he is the video's account const account = video.VideoChannel.Account if (user.hasRight(right) === false && account.userId !== { res.status(403) .json({ error: 'Cannot manage a video of another user.' }) .end() return false } return true } export type VideoFetchType = 'all' | 'only-video' | 'id' | 'none' async function isVideoExist (id: string, res: Response, fetchType: VideoFetchType = 'all') { let video: VideoModel | null if (fetchType === 'all') { video = await VideoModel.loadAndPopulateAccountAndServerAndTags(id) } else if (fetchType === 'only-video') { video = await VideoModel.load(id) } else if (fetchType === 'id' || fetchType === 'none') { video = await VideoModel.loadOnlyId(id) } if (video === null) { res.status(404) .json({ error: 'Video not found' }) .end() return false } if (fetchType !== 'none') = video return true } async function isVideoChannelOfAccountExist (channelId: number, user: UserModel, res: Response) { if (user.hasRight(UserRight.UPDATE_ANY_VIDEO) === true) { const videoChannel = await VideoChannelModel.loadAndPopulateAccount(channelId) if (videoChannel === null) { res.status(400) .json({ error: 'Unknown video `video channel` on this instance.' }) .end() return false } res.locals.videoChannel = videoChannel return true } const videoChannel = await VideoChannelModel.loadByIdAndAccount(channelId, if (videoChannel === null) { res.status(400) .json({ error: 'Unknown video `video channel` for this account.' }) .end() return false } res.locals.videoChannel = videoChannel return true } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { isVideoCategoryValid, checkUserCanManageVideo, isVideoLicenceValid, isVideoLanguageValid, isVideoTruncatedDescriptionValid, isVideoDescriptionValid, isVideoFileInfoHashValid, isVideoNameValid, isVideoTagsValid, isVideoFPSResolutionValid, isScheduleVideoUpdatePrivacyValid, isVideoFile, isVideoMagnetUriValid, isVideoStateValid, isVideoViewsValid, isVideoRatingTypeValid, isVideoDurationValid, isVideoTagValid, isVideoPrivacyValid, isVideoFileResolutionValid, isVideoFileSizeValid, isVideoExist, isVideoImage, isVideoChannelOfAccountExist, isVideoSupportValid }