import * as Bull from 'bull' import { JobState, JobType } from '../../../shared/models' import { logger } from '../../helpers/logger' import { Redis } from '../redis' import { CONFIG, JOB_ATTEMPTS, JOB_COMPLETED_LIFETIME, JOB_CONCURRENCY, JOB_REQUEST_TTL } from '../../initializers' import { ActivitypubHttpBroadcastPayload, processActivityPubHttpBroadcast } from './handlers/activitypub-http-broadcast' import { ActivitypubHttpFetcherPayload, processActivityPubHttpFetcher } from './handlers/activitypub-http-fetcher' import { ActivitypubHttpUnicastPayload, processActivityPubHttpUnicast } from './handlers/activitypub-http-unicast' import { EmailPayload, processEmail } from './handlers/email' import { processVideoFile, processVideoFileImport, VideoFileImportPayload, VideoFilePayload } from './handlers/video-file' import { ActivitypubFollowPayload, processActivityPubFollow } from './handlers/activitypub-follow' type CreateJobArgument = { type: 'activitypub-http-broadcast', payload: ActivitypubHttpBroadcastPayload } | { type: 'activitypub-http-unicast', payload: ActivitypubHttpUnicastPayload } | { type: 'activitypub-http-fetcher', payload: ActivitypubHttpFetcherPayload } | { type: 'activitypub-follow', payload: ActivitypubFollowPayload } | { type: 'video-file-import', payload: VideoFileImportPayload } | { type: 'video-file', payload: VideoFilePayload } | { type: 'email', payload: EmailPayload } const handlers: { [ id in JobType ]: (job: Bull.Job) => Promise} = { 'activitypub-http-broadcast': processActivityPubHttpBroadcast, 'activitypub-http-unicast': processActivityPubHttpUnicast, 'activitypub-http-fetcher': processActivityPubHttpFetcher, 'activitypub-follow': processActivityPubFollow, 'video-file-import': processVideoFileImport, 'video-file': processVideoFile, 'email': processEmail } const jobsWithRequestTimeout: { [ id in JobType ]?: boolean } = { 'activitypub-http-broadcast': true, 'activitypub-http-unicast': true, 'activitypub-http-fetcher': true, 'activitypub-follow': true } const jobTypes: JobType[] = [ 'activitypub-follow', 'activitypub-http-broadcast', 'activitypub-http-fetcher', 'activitypub-http-unicast', 'email', 'video-file', 'video-file-import' ] class JobQueue { private static instance: JobQueue private queues: { [ id in JobType ]?: Bull.Queue } = {} private initialized = false private jobRedisPrefix: string private constructor () {} async init () { // Already initialized if (this.initialized === true) return this.initialized = true this.jobRedisPrefix = 'bull-' + CONFIG.WEBSERVER.HOST const queueOptions = { prefix: this.jobRedisPrefix, redis: Redis.getRedisClient() } for (const handlerName of Object.keys(handlers)) { const queue = new Bull(handlerName, queueOptions) const handler = handlers[handlerName] queue.process(JOB_CONCURRENCY[handlerName], handler) .catch(err => logger.error('Cannot execute job queue %s.', handlerName, { err })) queue.on('error', err => { logger.error('Error in job queue %s.', handlerName, { err }) process.exit(-1) }) this.queues[handlerName] = queue } } createJob (obj: CreateJobArgument) { const queue = this.queues[obj.type] if (queue === undefined) { logger.error('Unknown queue %s: cannot create job.', obj.type) throw Error('Unknown queue, cannot create job') } const jobArgs: Bull.JobOptions = { backoff: { delay: 60 * 1000, type: 'exponential' }, attempts: JOB_ATTEMPTS[obj.type] } if (jobsWithRequestTimeout[obj.type] === true) { jobArgs.timeout = JOB_REQUEST_TTL } return queue.add(obj.payload, jobArgs) } async listForApi (state: JobState, start: number, count: number, asc?: boolean): Promise { let results: Bull.Job[] = [] // TODO: optimize for (const jobType of jobTypes) { const queue = this.queues[ jobType ] if (queue === undefined) { logger.error('Unknown queue %s to list jobs.', jobType) continue } // FIXME: Bull queue typings does not have getJobs method const jobs = await (queue as any).getJobs(state, 0, start + count, asc) results = results.concat(jobs) } results.sort((j1: any, j2: any) => { if (j1.timestamp < j2.timestamp) return -1 else if (j1.timestamp === j2.timestamp) return 0 return 1 }) if (asc === false) results.reverse() return results.slice(start, start + count) } async count (state: JobState): Promise { let total = 0 for (const type of jobTypes) { const queue = this.queues[ type ] if (queue === undefined) { logger.error('Unknown queue %s to count jobs.', type) continue } const counts = await queue.getJobCounts() total += counts[ state ] } return total } removeOldJobs () { for (const key of Object.keys(this.queues)) { const queue = this.queues[key] queue.clean(JOB_COMPLETED_LIFETIME, 'completed') } } static get Instance () { return this.instance || (this.instance = new this()) } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { JobQueue }