'use strict' const checkErrors = require('./utils').checkErrors const friends = require('../../lib/friends') const logger = require('../../helpers/logger') const validatorsPod = { makeFriends, podsAdd } function makeFriends (req, res, next) { req.checkBody('hosts', 'Should have an array of unique hosts').isEachUniqueHostValid() logger.debug('Checking makeFriends parameters', { parameters: req.body }) checkErrors(req, res, function () { friends.hasFriends(function (err, hasFriends) { if (err) { logger.error('Cannot know if we have friends.', { error: err }) res.sendStatus(500) } if (hasFriends === true) { // We need to quit our friends before make new ones res.sendStatus(409) } else { return next() } }) }) } function podsAdd (req, res, next) { req.checkBody('host', 'Should have an host').notEmpty().isURL() req.checkBody('publicKey', 'Should have a public key').notEmpty() // TODO: check we don't have it already logger.debug('Checking podsAdd parameters', { parameters: req.body }) checkErrors(req, res, next) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- module.exports = validatorsPod