import { millisecondsToTime } from '@peertube/peertube-core-utils' import { SUUID, buildAbsoluteFixturePath, buildSUUID } from '@peertube/peertube-node-utils' import { TranscriptFile, TranscriptionEngine, TranscriptionEngineName, TranscriptionModel, transcriberFactory } from '@peertube/peertube-transcription' import { ensureDir, remove } from 'fs-extra/esm' import { tmpdir } from 'node:os' import { join } from 'node:path' import { PerformanceObserver, performance } from 'node:perf_hooks' import { createLogger, format, transports } from 'winston' import { TranscriptFileEvaluator } from './transcript-file-evaluator.js' interface BenchmarkResult { uuid: SUUID WER?: number CER?: number duration?: number engine?: TranscriptionEngine model?: string } type Benchmark = Record const benchmarkReducer = (benchmark: Benchmark = {}, benchmarkResult: BenchmarkResult) => ({ ...benchmark, [benchmarkResult.uuid]: { ...benchmark[benchmarkResult.uuid], ...benchmarkResult } }) const groupBenchmarkResultsByModel = (benchmarkResults: Record) => (benchmarksGroupedByModel, uuid) => ({ ...benchmarksGroupedByModel, [benchmarkResults[uuid].model]: { ...benchmarksGroupedByModel[benchmarkResults[uuid].model], [uuid]: formatBenchmarkResult(benchmarkResults[uuid]) } }) interface FormattedBenchmarkResult { WER?: string CER?: string duration?: string model?: string engine?: string } const formatBenchmarkResult = ({ WER, CER, duration, engine, model }: Partial): FormattedBenchmarkResult => ({ WER: WER ? `${WER * 100}%` : undefined, CER: CER ? `${CER * 100}%` : undefined, duration: duration ? millisecondsToTime(duration) : undefined, model, engine: }) void (async () => { const logger = createLogger() logger.add(new transports.Console({ format: format.printf(log => log.message) })) const transcribers: TranscriptionEngineName[] = [ 'openai-whisper', 'whisper-ctranslate2' ] const models = process.env.MODELS ? process.env.MODELS.trim().split(',').map(modelName => modelName.trim()).filter(modelName => modelName) : [ 'tiny' ] const transcriptDirectory = join(tmpdir(), 'peertube-transcription', 'benchmark') const pipDirectory = join(tmpdir(), 'peertube-transcription', 'pip') const mediaFilePath = buildAbsoluteFixturePath('transcription/videos/derive_sectaire.mp4') const referenceTranscriptFile = new TranscriptFile({ path: buildAbsoluteFixturePath('transcription/videos/derive_sectaire.txt'), language: 'fr', format: 'txt' }) let benchmarkResults: Record = {} // before await ensureDir(transcriptDirectory) const performanceObserver = new PerformanceObserver((items) => { items .getEntries() .forEach((entry) => { benchmarkResults = benchmarkReducer(benchmarkResults, { uuid: as SUUID, duration: entry.duration }) }) }) performanceObserver.observe({ type: 'measure' }) // benchmark`Running transcribers benchmark with the following models: ${models.join(', ')}`) for (const transcriberName of transcribers) {`Create "${transcriberName}" transcriber for the benchmark...`) const transcriber = transcriberFactory.createFromEngineName({ engineName: transcriberName, logger: createLogger({ transports: [ new transports.Console() ] }), binDirectory: join(pipDirectory, 'bin') }) await transcriber.install(pipDirectory) for (const modelName of models) {`Run benchmark with "${modelName}" model:`) const model = new TranscriptionModel(modelName) const uuid = buildSUUID() const transcriptFile = await transcriber.transcribe({ mediaFilePath, model, transcriptDirectory, language: 'fr', format: 'txt', runId: uuid }) const evaluator = new TranscriptFileEvaluator(referenceTranscriptFile, transcriptFile) await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1)) benchmarkResults = benchmarkReducer(benchmarkResults, { uuid, engine: transcriber.engine, WER: await evaluator.wer(), CER: await evaluator.cer(), model: }) } } // display const benchmarkResultsGroupedByModel = Object .keys(benchmarkResults) .reduce(groupBenchmarkResultsByModel(benchmarkResults), {}) Object.values(benchmarkResultsGroupedByModel).forEach(benchmark => console.table(benchmark)) // after await remove(transcriptDirectory) performance.clearMarks() })()