/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions,@typescript-eslint/require-await */ import 'mocha' import { buildUUID } from '@server/helpers/uuid' import { addUserSubscription, addVideoCommentThread, addVideoToBlacklist, checkAbuseStateChange, checkAutoInstanceFollowing, CheckerBaseParams, checkNewAbuseMessage, checkNewAccountAbuseForModerators, checkNewBlacklistOnMyVideo, checkNewCommentAbuseForModerators, checkNewInstanceFollower, checkNewVideoAbuseForModerators, checkNewVideoFromSubscription, checkUserRegistered, checkVideoAutoBlacklistForModerators, checkVideoIsPublished, cleanupTests, createUser, generateUserAccessToken, getVideoCommentThreads, getVideoIdFromUUID, immutableAssign, MockInstancesIndex, MockSmtpServer, prepareNotificationsTest, registerUser, removeUserSubscription, removeVideoFromBlacklist, ServerInfo, uploadVideo, wait, waitJobs } from '@shared/extra-utils' import { AbuseState, CustomConfig, UserNotification, VideoPrivacy } from '@shared/models' describe('Test moderation notifications', function () { let servers: ServerInfo[] = [] let userAccessToken: string let userNotifications: UserNotification[] = [] let adminNotifications: UserNotification[] = [] let adminNotificationsServer2: UserNotification[] = [] let emails: object[] = [] before(async function () { this.timeout(120000) const res = await prepareNotificationsTest(3) emails = res.emails userAccessToken = res.userAccessToken servers = res.servers userNotifications = res.userNotifications adminNotifications = res.adminNotifications adminNotificationsServer2 = res.adminNotificationsServer2 }) describe('Abuse for moderators notification', function () { let baseParams: CheckerBaseParams before(() => { baseParams = { server: servers[0], emails, socketNotifications: adminNotifications, token: servers[0].accessToken } }) it('Should send a notification to moderators on local video abuse', async function () { this.timeout(20000) const name = 'video for abuse ' + buildUUID() const resVideo = await uploadVideo(servers[0].url, userAccessToken, { name }) const video = resVideo.body.video await servers[0].abusesCommand.report({ videoId: video.id, reason: 'super reason' }) await waitJobs(servers) await checkNewVideoAbuseForModerators(baseParams, video.uuid, name, 'presence') }) it('Should send a notification to moderators on remote video abuse', async function () { this.timeout(20000) const name = 'video for abuse ' + buildUUID() const resVideo = await uploadVideo(servers[0].url, userAccessToken, { name }) const video = resVideo.body.video await waitJobs(servers) const videoId = await getVideoIdFromUUID(servers[1].url, video.uuid) await servers[1].abusesCommand.report({ videoId, reason: 'super reason' }) await waitJobs(servers) await checkNewVideoAbuseForModerators(baseParams, video.uuid, name, 'presence') }) it('Should send a notification to moderators on local comment abuse', async function () { this.timeout(20000) const name = 'video for abuse ' + buildUUID() const resVideo = await uploadVideo(servers[0].url, userAccessToken, { name }) const video = resVideo.body.video const resComment = await addVideoCommentThread(servers[0].url, userAccessToken, video.id, 'comment abuse ' + buildUUID()) const comment = resComment.body.comment await waitJobs(servers) await servers[0].abusesCommand.report({ commentId: comment.id, reason: 'super reason' }) await waitJobs(servers) await checkNewCommentAbuseForModerators(baseParams, video.uuid, name, 'presence') }) it('Should send a notification to moderators on remote comment abuse', async function () { this.timeout(20000) const name = 'video for abuse ' + buildUUID() const resVideo = await uploadVideo(servers[0].url, userAccessToken, { name }) const video = resVideo.body.video await addVideoCommentThread(servers[0].url, userAccessToken, video.id, 'comment abuse ' + buildUUID()) await waitJobs(servers) const resComments = await getVideoCommentThreads(servers[1].url, video.uuid, 0, 5) const commentId = resComments.body.data[0].id await servers[1].abusesCommand.report({ commentId, reason: 'super reason' }) await waitJobs(servers) await checkNewCommentAbuseForModerators(baseParams, video.uuid, name, 'presence') }) it('Should send a notification to moderators on local account abuse', async function () { this.timeout(20000) const username = 'user' + new Date().getTime() const resUser = await createUser({ url: servers[0].url, accessToken: servers[0].accessToken, username, password: 'donald' }) const accountId = resUser.body.user.account.id await servers[0].abusesCommand.report({ accountId, reason: 'super reason' }) await waitJobs(servers) await checkNewAccountAbuseForModerators(baseParams, username, 'presence') }) it('Should send a notification to moderators on remote account abuse', async function () { this.timeout(20000) const username = 'user' + new Date().getTime() const tmpToken = await generateUserAccessToken(servers[0], username) await uploadVideo(servers[0].url, tmpToken, { name: 'super video' }) await waitJobs(servers) const account = await servers[1].accountsCommand.get({ accountName: username + '@' + servers[0].host }) await servers[1].abusesCommand.report({ accountId: account.id, reason: 'super reason' }) await waitJobs(servers) await checkNewAccountAbuseForModerators(baseParams, username, 'presence') }) }) describe('Abuse state change notification', function () { let baseParams: CheckerBaseParams let abuseId: number before(async function () { baseParams = { server: servers[0], emails, socketNotifications: userNotifications, token: userAccessToken } const name = 'abuse ' + buildUUID() const resVideo = await uploadVideo(servers[0].url, userAccessToken, { name }) const video = resVideo.body.video const body = await servers[0].abusesCommand.report({ token: userAccessToken, videoId: video.id, reason: 'super reason' }) abuseId = body.abuse.id }) it('Should send a notification to reporter if the abuse has been accepted', async function () { this.timeout(10000) await servers[0].abusesCommand.update({ abuseId, body: { state: AbuseState.ACCEPTED } }) await waitJobs(servers) await checkAbuseStateChange(baseParams, abuseId, AbuseState.ACCEPTED, 'presence') }) it('Should send a notification to reporter if the abuse has been rejected', async function () { this.timeout(10000) await servers[0].abusesCommand.update({ abuseId, body: { state: AbuseState.REJECTED } }) await waitJobs(servers) await checkAbuseStateChange(baseParams, abuseId, AbuseState.REJECTED, 'presence') }) }) describe('New abuse message notification', function () { let baseParamsUser: CheckerBaseParams let baseParamsAdmin: CheckerBaseParams let abuseId: number let abuseId2: number before(async function () { baseParamsUser = { server: servers[0], emails, socketNotifications: userNotifications, token: userAccessToken } baseParamsAdmin = { server: servers[0], emails, socketNotifications: adminNotifications, token: servers[0].accessToken } const name = 'abuse ' + buildUUID() const resVideo = await uploadVideo(servers[0].url, userAccessToken, { name }) const video = resVideo.body.video { const body = await servers[0].abusesCommand.report({ token: userAccessToken, videoId: video.id, reason: 'super reason' }) abuseId = body.abuse.id } { const body = await servers[0].abusesCommand.report({ token: userAccessToken, videoId: video.id, reason: 'super reason 2' }) abuseId2 = body.abuse.id } }) it('Should send a notification to reporter on new message', async function () { this.timeout(10000) const message = 'my super message to users' await servers[0].abusesCommand.addMessage({ abuseId, message }) await waitJobs(servers) await checkNewAbuseMessage(baseParamsUser, abuseId, message, 'user_1@example.com', 'presence') }) it('Should not send a notification to the admin if sent by the admin', async function () { this.timeout(10000) const message = 'my super message that should not be sent to the admin' await servers[0].abusesCommand.addMessage({ abuseId, message }) await waitJobs(servers) await checkNewAbuseMessage(baseParamsAdmin, abuseId, message, 'admin' + servers[0].internalServerNumber + '@example.com', 'absence') }) it('Should send a notification to moderators', async function () { this.timeout(10000) const message = 'my super message to moderators' await servers[0].abusesCommand.addMessage({ token: userAccessToken, abuseId: abuseId2, message }) await waitJobs(servers) await checkNewAbuseMessage(baseParamsAdmin, abuseId2, message, 'admin' + servers[0].internalServerNumber + '@example.com', 'presence') }) it('Should not send a notification to reporter if sent by the reporter', async function () { this.timeout(10000) const message = 'my super message that should not be sent to reporter' await servers[0].abusesCommand.addMessage({ token: userAccessToken, abuseId: abuseId2, message }) await waitJobs(servers) await checkNewAbuseMessage(baseParamsUser, abuseId2, message, 'user_1@example.com', 'absence') }) }) describe('Video blacklist on my video', function () { let baseParams: CheckerBaseParams before(() => { baseParams = { server: servers[0], emails, socketNotifications: userNotifications, token: userAccessToken } }) it('Should send a notification to video owner on blacklist', async function () { this.timeout(10000) const name = 'video for abuse ' + buildUUID() const resVideo = await uploadVideo(servers[0].url, userAccessToken, { name }) const uuid = resVideo.body.video.uuid await addVideoToBlacklist(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, uuid) await waitJobs(servers) await checkNewBlacklistOnMyVideo(baseParams, uuid, name, 'blacklist') }) it('Should send a notification to video owner on unblacklist', async function () { this.timeout(10000) const name = 'video for abuse ' + buildUUID() const resVideo = await uploadVideo(servers[0].url, userAccessToken, { name }) const uuid = resVideo.body.video.uuid await addVideoToBlacklist(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, uuid) await waitJobs(servers) await removeVideoFromBlacklist(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, uuid) await waitJobs(servers) await wait(500) await checkNewBlacklistOnMyVideo(baseParams, uuid, name, 'unblacklist') }) }) describe('New registration', function () { let baseParams: CheckerBaseParams before(() => { baseParams = { server: servers[0], emails, socketNotifications: adminNotifications, token: servers[0].accessToken } }) it('Should send a notification only to moderators when a user registers on the instance', async function () { this.timeout(10000) await registerUser(servers[0].url, 'user_45', 'password') await waitJobs(servers) await checkUserRegistered(baseParams, 'user_45', 'presence') const userOverride = { socketNotifications: userNotifications, token: userAccessToken, check: { web: true, mail: false } } await checkUserRegistered(immutableAssign(baseParams, userOverride), 'user_45', 'absence') }) }) describe('New instance follows', function () { const instanceIndexServer = new MockInstancesIndex() let config: any let baseParams: CheckerBaseParams before(async () => { baseParams = { server: servers[0], emails, socketNotifications: adminNotifications, token: servers[0].accessToken } const port = await instanceIndexServer.initialize() instanceIndexServer.addInstance(servers[1].host) config = { followings: { instance: { autoFollowIndex: { indexUrl: `http://localhost:${port}/api/v1/instances/hosts`, enabled: true } } } } }) it('Should send a notification only to admin when there is a new instance follower', async function () { this.timeout(20000) await servers[2].followsCommand.follow({ targets: [ servers[0].url ] }) await waitJobs(servers) await checkNewInstanceFollower(baseParams, 'localhost:' + servers[2].port, 'presence') const userOverride = { socketNotifications: userNotifications, token: userAccessToken, check: { web: true, mail: false } } await checkNewInstanceFollower(immutableAssign(baseParams, userOverride), 'localhost:' + servers[2].port, 'absence') }) it('Should send a notification on auto follow back', async function () { this.timeout(40000) await servers[2].followsCommand.unfollow({ target: servers[0] }) await waitJobs(servers) const config = { followings: { instance: { autoFollowBack: { enabled: true } } } } await servers[0].configCommand.updateCustomSubConfig({ newConfig: config }) await servers[2].followsCommand.follow({ targets: [ servers[0].url ] }) await waitJobs(servers) const followerHost = servers[0].host const followingHost = servers[2].host await checkAutoInstanceFollowing(baseParams, followerHost, followingHost, 'presence') const userOverride = { socketNotifications: userNotifications, token: userAccessToken, check: { web: true, mail: false } } await checkAutoInstanceFollowing(immutableAssign(baseParams, userOverride), followerHost, followingHost, 'absence') config.followings.instance.autoFollowBack.enabled = false await servers[0].configCommand.updateCustomSubConfig({ newConfig: config }) await servers[0].followsCommand.unfollow({ target: servers[2] }) await servers[2].followsCommand.unfollow({ target: servers[0] }) }) it('Should send a notification on auto instances index follow', async function () { this.timeout(30000) await servers[0].followsCommand.unfollow({ target: servers[1] }) await servers[0].configCommand.updateCustomSubConfig({ newConfig: config }) await wait(5000) await waitJobs(servers) const followerHost = servers[0].host const followingHost = servers[1].host await checkAutoInstanceFollowing(baseParams, followerHost, followingHost, 'presence') config.followings.instance.autoFollowIndex.enabled = false await servers[0].configCommand.updateCustomSubConfig({ newConfig: config }) await servers[0].followsCommand.unfollow({ target: servers[1] }) }) }) describe('Video-related notifications when video auto-blacklist is enabled', function () { let userBaseParams: CheckerBaseParams let adminBaseParamsServer1: CheckerBaseParams let adminBaseParamsServer2: CheckerBaseParams let videoUUID: string let videoName: string let currentCustomConfig: CustomConfig before(async () => { adminBaseParamsServer1 = { server: servers[0], emails, socketNotifications: adminNotifications, token: servers[0].accessToken } adminBaseParamsServer2 = { server: servers[1], emails, socketNotifications: adminNotificationsServer2, token: servers[1].accessToken } userBaseParams = { server: servers[0], emails, socketNotifications: userNotifications, token: userAccessToken } currentCustomConfig = await servers[0].configCommand.getCustomConfig() const autoBlacklistTestsCustomConfig = immutableAssign(currentCustomConfig, { autoBlacklist: { videos: { ofUsers: { enabled: true } } } }) // enable transcoding otherwise own publish notification after transcoding not expected autoBlacklistTestsCustomConfig.transcoding.enabled = true await servers[0].configCommand.updateCustomConfig({ newCustomConfig: autoBlacklistTestsCustomConfig }) await addUserSubscription(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, 'user_1_channel@localhost:' + servers[0].port) await addUserSubscription(servers[1].url, servers[1].accessToken, 'user_1_channel@localhost:' + servers[0].port) }) it('Should send notification to moderators on new video with auto-blacklist', async function () { this.timeout(40000) videoName = 'video with auto-blacklist ' + buildUUID() const resVideo = await uploadVideo(servers[0].url, userAccessToken, { name: videoName }) videoUUID = resVideo.body.video.uuid await waitJobs(servers) await checkVideoAutoBlacklistForModerators(adminBaseParamsServer1, videoUUID, videoName, 'presence') }) it('Should not send video publish notification if auto-blacklisted', async function () { await checkVideoIsPublished(userBaseParams, videoName, videoUUID, 'absence') }) it('Should not send a local user subscription notification if auto-blacklisted', async function () { await checkNewVideoFromSubscription(adminBaseParamsServer1, videoName, videoUUID, 'absence') }) it('Should not send a remote user subscription notification if auto-blacklisted', async function () { await checkNewVideoFromSubscription(adminBaseParamsServer2, videoName, videoUUID, 'absence') }) it('Should send video published and unblacklist after video unblacklisted', async function () { this.timeout(40000) await removeVideoFromBlacklist(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, videoUUID) await waitJobs(servers) // FIXME: Can't test as two notifications sent to same user and util only checks last one // One notification might be better anyways // await checkNewBlacklistOnMyVideo(userBaseParams, videoUUID, videoName, 'unblacklist') // await checkVideoIsPublished(userBaseParams, videoName, videoUUID, 'presence') }) it('Should send a local user subscription notification after removed from blacklist', async function () { await checkNewVideoFromSubscription(adminBaseParamsServer1, videoName, videoUUID, 'presence') }) it('Should send a remote user subscription notification after removed from blacklist', async function () { await checkNewVideoFromSubscription(adminBaseParamsServer2, videoName, videoUUID, 'presence') }) it('Should send unblacklist but not published/subscription notes after unblacklisted if scheduled update pending', async function () { this.timeout(40000) const updateAt = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 1000000) const name = 'video with auto-blacklist and future schedule ' + buildUUID() const data = { name, privacy: VideoPrivacy.PRIVATE, scheduleUpdate: { updateAt: updateAt.toISOString(), privacy: VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC } } const resVideo = await uploadVideo(servers[0].url, userAccessToken, data) const uuid = resVideo.body.video.uuid await removeVideoFromBlacklist(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, uuid) await waitJobs(servers) await checkNewBlacklistOnMyVideo(userBaseParams, uuid, name, 'unblacklist') // FIXME: Can't test absence as two notifications sent to same user and util only checks last one // One notification might be better anyways // await checkVideoIsPublished(userBaseParams, name, uuid, 'absence') await checkNewVideoFromSubscription(adminBaseParamsServer1, name, uuid, 'absence') await checkNewVideoFromSubscription(adminBaseParamsServer2, name, uuid, 'absence') }) it('Should not send publish/subscription notifications after scheduled update if video still auto-blacklisted', async function () { this.timeout(40000) // In 2 seconds const updateAt = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 2000) const name = 'video with schedule done and still auto-blacklisted ' + buildUUID() const data = { name, privacy: VideoPrivacy.PRIVATE, scheduleUpdate: { updateAt: updateAt.toISOString(), privacy: VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC } } const resVideo = await uploadVideo(servers[0].url, userAccessToken, data) const uuid = resVideo.body.video.uuid await wait(6000) await checkVideoIsPublished(userBaseParams, name, uuid, 'absence') await checkNewVideoFromSubscription(adminBaseParamsServer1, name, uuid, 'absence') await checkNewVideoFromSubscription(adminBaseParamsServer2, name, uuid, 'absence') }) it('Should not send a notification to moderators on new video without auto-blacklist', async function () { this.timeout(60000) const name = 'video without auto-blacklist ' + buildUUID() // admin with blacklist right will not be auto-blacklisted const resVideo = await uploadVideo(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, { name }) const uuid = resVideo.body.video.uuid await waitJobs(servers) await checkVideoAutoBlacklistForModerators(adminBaseParamsServer1, uuid, name, 'absence') }) after(async () => { await servers[0].configCommand.updateCustomConfig({ newCustomConfig: currentCustomConfig }) await removeUserSubscription(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, 'user_1_channel@localhost:' + servers[0].port) await removeUserSubscription(servers[1].url, servers[1].accessToken, 'user_1_channel@localhost:' + servers[0].port) }) }) after(async function () { MockSmtpServer.Instance.kill() await cleanupTests(servers) }) })