import { pick } from '@peertube/peertube-core-utils' import { RunnerJobUpdatePayload, RunnerJobVODHLSTranscodingPayload, RunnerJobVODHLSTranscodingPrivatePayload, VODHLSTranscodingSuccess } from '@peertube/peertube-models' import { buildUUID } from '@peertube/peertube-node-utils' import { logger } from '@server/helpers/logger.js' import { onTranscodingEnded } from '@server/lib/transcoding/ended-transcoding.js' import { onHLSVideoFileTranscoding } from '@server/lib/transcoding/hls-transcoding.js' import { removeAllWebVideoFiles } from '@server/lib/video-file.js' import { VideoJobInfoModel } from '@server/models/video/video-job-info.js' import { MVideo } from '@server/types/models/index.js' import { MRunnerJob } from '@server/types/models/runners/index.js' import { generateRunnerTranscodingVideoInputFileUrl } from '../runner-urls.js' import { AbstractVODTranscodingJobHandler } from './abstract-vod-transcoding-job-handler.js' import { loadRunnerVideo } from './shared/utils.js' type CreateOptions = { video: MVideo isNewVideo: boolean deleteWebVideoFiles: boolean resolution: number fps: number priority: number dependsOnRunnerJob?: MRunnerJob } // eslint-disable-next-line max-len export class VODHLSTranscodingJobHandler extends AbstractVODTranscodingJobHandler { async create (options: CreateOptions) { const { video, resolution, fps, dependsOnRunnerJob, priority } = options const jobUUID = buildUUID() const payload: RunnerJobVODHLSTranscodingPayload = { input: { videoFileUrl: generateRunnerTranscodingVideoInputFileUrl(jobUUID, video.uuid) }, output: { resolution, fps } } const privatePayload: RunnerJobVODHLSTranscodingPrivatePayload = { ...pick(options, [ 'isNewVideo', 'deleteWebVideoFiles' ]), videoUUID: video.uuid } const job = await this.createRunnerJob({ type: 'vod-hls-transcoding', jobUUID, payload, privatePayload, priority, dependsOnRunnerJob }) await VideoJobInfoModel.increaseOrCreate(video.uuid, 'pendingTranscode') return job } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- protected async specificComplete (options: { runnerJob: MRunnerJob resultPayload: VODHLSTranscodingSuccess }) { const { runnerJob, resultPayload } = options const privatePayload = runnerJob.privatePayload as RunnerJobVODHLSTranscodingPrivatePayload const video = await loadRunnerVideo(runnerJob, this.lTags) if (!video) return const videoFilePath = resultPayload.videoFile as string const resolutionPlaylistFilePath = resultPayload.resolutionPlaylistFile as string await onHLSVideoFileTranscoding({ video, m3u8OutputPath: resolutionPlaylistFilePath, videoOutputPath: videoFilePath }) await onTranscodingEnded({ isNewVideo: privatePayload.isNewVideo, moveVideoToNextState: true, video }) if (privatePayload.deleteWebVideoFiles === true) {'Removing web video files of %s now we have a HLS version of it.', video.uuid, this.lTags(video.uuid)) await removeAllWebVideoFiles(video) }'Runner VOD HLS job %s for %s ended.', runnerJob.uuid, video.uuid, this.lTags(runnerJob.uuid, video.uuid)) } }