import * as cors from 'cors' import * as express from 'express' import { CONFIG, STATIC_DOWNLOAD_PATHS, STATIC_MAX_AGE, STATIC_PATHS, ROUTE_CACHE_LIFETIME } from '../initializers' import { VideosPreviewCache } from '../lib/cache' import { cacheRoute } from '../middlewares/cache' import { asyncMiddleware, videosGetValidator } from '../middlewares' import { VideoModel } from '../models/video/video' import { VideosCaptionCache } from '../lib/cache/videos-caption-cache' import { UserModel } from '../models/account/user' import { VideoCommentModel } from '../models/video/video-comment' import { HttpNodeinfoDiasporaSoftwareNsSchema20 } from '../models/nodeinfo' const packageJSON = require('../../../package.json') const staticRouter = express.Router() staticRouter.use(cors()) /* Cors is very important to let other servers access torrent and video files */ const torrentsPhysicalPath = CONFIG.STORAGE.TORRENTS_DIR staticRouter.use( STATIC_PATHS.TORRENTS, cors(), express.static(torrentsPhysicalPath, { maxAge: 0 }) // Don't cache because we could regenerate the torrent file ) staticRouter.use( STATIC_DOWNLOAD_PATHS.TORRENTS + ':id-:resolution([0-9]+).torrent', asyncMiddleware(videosGetValidator), asyncMiddleware(downloadTorrent) ) // Videos path for webseeding const videosPhysicalPath = CONFIG.STORAGE.VIDEOS_DIR staticRouter.use( STATIC_PATHS.WEBSEED, cors(), express.static(videosPhysicalPath) ) staticRouter.use( STATIC_DOWNLOAD_PATHS.VIDEOS + ':id-:resolution([0-9]+).:extension', asyncMiddleware(videosGetValidator), asyncMiddleware(downloadVideoFile) ) // Thumbnails path for express const thumbnailsPhysicalPath = CONFIG.STORAGE.THUMBNAILS_DIR staticRouter.use( STATIC_PATHS.THUMBNAILS, express.static(thumbnailsPhysicalPath, { maxAge: STATIC_MAX_AGE }) ) const avatarsPhysicalPath = CONFIG.STORAGE.AVATARS_DIR staticRouter.use( STATIC_PATHS.AVATARS, express.static(avatarsPhysicalPath, { maxAge: STATIC_MAX_AGE }) ) // We don't have video previews, fetch them from the origin instance staticRouter.use( STATIC_PATHS.PREVIEWS + ':uuid.jpg', asyncMiddleware(getPreview) ) // We don't have video captions, fetch them from the origin instance staticRouter.use( STATIC_PATHS.VIDEO_CAPTIONS + ':videoId-:captionLanguage([a-z]+).vtt', asyncMiddleware(getVideoCaption) ) // robots.txt service staticRouter.get('/robots.txt', asyncMiddleware(cacheRoute(ROUTE_CACHE_LIFETIME.ROBOTS)), (_, res: express.Response) => { res.type('text/plain') return res.send(CONFIG.INSTANCE.ROBOTS) } ) // nodeinfo service staticRouter.use('/.well-known/nodeinfo', asyncMiddleware(cacheRoute(ROUTE_CACHE_LIFETIME.NODEINFO)), (_, res: express.Response) => { return res.json({ links: [ { rel: '', href: CONFIG.WEBSERVER.URL + '/nodeinfo/2.0.json' } ] }) } ) staticRouter.use('/nodeinfo/:version.json', // asyncMiddleware(cacheRoute(ROUTE_CACHE_LIFETIME.NODEINFO)), asyncMiddleware(generateNodeinfo) ) // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { staticRouter } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- async function getPreview (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) { const path = await VideosPreviewCache.Instance.getFilePath(req.params.uuid) if (!path) return res.sendStatus(404) return res.sendFile(path, { maxAge: STATIC_MAX_AGE }) } async function getVideoCaption (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) { const path = await VideosCaptionCache.Instance.getFilePath({ videoId: req.params.videoId, language: req.params.captionLanguage }) if (!path) return res.sendStatus(404) return res.sendFile(path, { maxAge: STATIC_MAX_AGE }) } async function generateNodeinfo (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) { const { totalVideos } = await VideoModel.getStats() const { totalLocalVideoComments } = await VideoCommentModel.getStats() const { totalUsers } = await UserModel.getStats() let json = {} if (req.params.version && (req.params.version === '2.0')) { json = { version: '2.0', software: { name: 'peertube', version: packageJSON.version }, protocols: [ 'activitypub' ], services: { inbound: [], outbound: [ 'atom1.0', 'rss2.0' ] }, openRegistrations: CONFIG.SIGNUP.ENABLED, usage: { users: { total: totalUsers }, localPosts: totalVideos, localComments: totalLocalVideoComments }, metadata: { taxonomy: { postsName: 'Videos' }, nodeName: CONFIG.INSTANCE.NAME, nodeDescription: CONFIG.INSTANCE.SHORT_DESCRIPTION } } as HttpNodeinfoDiasporaSoftwareNsSchema20 res.contentType('application/json; profile=""') } else { json = { error: 'Nodeinfo schema version not handled' } res.status(404) } return res.send(json).end() } async function downloadTorrent (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) { const { video, videoFile } = getVideoAndFile(req, res) if (!videoFile) return res.status(404).end() return, `${}-${videoFile.resolution}p.torrent`) } async function downloadVideoFile (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) { const { video, videoFile } = getVideoAndFile(req, res) if (!videoFile) return res.status(404).end() return, `${}-${videoFile.resolution}p${videoFile.extname}`) } function getVideoAndFile (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) { const resolution = parseInt(req.params.resolution, 10) const video: VideoModel = const videoFile = video.VideoFiles.find(f => f.resolution === resolution) return { video, videoFile } }