import { isRedundancyAccepted } from '@server/lib/redundancy' import { ActivityUpdate, CacheFileObject, VideoObject } from '../../../../shared/models/activitypub' import { ActivityPubActor } from '../../../../shared/models/activitypub/activitypub-actor' import { PlaylistObject } from '../../../../shared/models/activitypub/objects/playlist-object' import { isCacheFileObjectValid } from '../../../helpers/custom-validators/activitypub/cache-file' import { sanitizeAndCheckVideoTorrentObject } from '../../../helpers/custom-validators/activitypub/videos' import { retryTransactionWrapper } from '../../../helpers/database-utils' import { logger } from '../../../helpers/logger' import { sequelizeTypescript } from '../../../initializers/database' import { ActorModel } from '../../../models/actor/actor' import { APProcessorOptions } from '../../../types/activitypub-processor.model' import { MActorFull, MActorSignature } from '../../../types/models' import { APActorUpdater } from '../actors/updater' import { createOrUpdateCacheFile } from '../cache-file' import { createOrUpdateVideoPlaylist } from '../playlists' import { forwardVideoRelatedActivity } from '../send/shared/send-utils' import { APVideoUpdater, getOrCreateAPVideo } from '../videos' async function processUpdateActivity (options: APProcessorOptions<ActivityUpdate>) { const { activity, byActor } = options const objectType = activity.object.type if (objectType === 'Video') { return retryTransactionWrapper(processUpdateVideo, activity) } if (objectType === 'Person' || objectType === 'Application' || objectType === 'Group') { // We need more attributes const byActorFull = await ActorModel.loadByUrlAndPopulateAccountAndChannel(byActor.url) return retryTransactionWrapper(processUpdateActor, byActorFull, activity) } if (objectType === 'CacheFile') { // We need more attributes const byActorFull = await ActorModel.loadByUrlAndPopulateAccountAndChannel(byActor.url) return retryTransactionWrapper(processUpdateCacheFile, byActorFull, activity) } if (objectType === 'Playlist') { return retryTransactionWrapper(processUpdatePlaylist, byActor, activity) } return undefined } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { processUpdateActivity } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- async function processUpdateVideo (activity: ActivityUpdate) { const videoObject = activity.object as VideoObject if (sanitizeAndCheckVideoTorrentObject(videoObject) === false) { logger.debug('Video sent by update is not valid.', { videoObject }) return undefined } const { video, created } = await getOrCreateAPVideo({ videoObject:, allowRefresh: false, fetchType: 'all' }) // We did not have this video, it has been created so no need to update if (created) return const updater = new APVideoUpdater(videoObject, video) return updater.update( } async function processUpdateCacheFile (byActor: MActorSignature, activity: ActivityUpdate) { if (await isRedundancyAccepted(activity, byActor) !== true) return const cacheFileObject = activity.object as CacheFileObject if (!isCacheFileObjectValid(cacheFileObject)) { logger.debug('Cache file object sent by update is not valid.', { cacheFileObject }) return undefined } const { video } = await getOrCreateAPVideo({ videoObject: cacheFileObject.object }) await sequelizeTypescript.transaction(async t => { await createOrUpdateCacheFile(cacheFileObject, video, byActor, t) }) if (video.isOwned()) { // Don't resend the activity to the sender const exceptions = [ byActor ] await forwardVideoRelatedActivity(activity, undefined, exceptions, video) } } async function processUpdateActor (actor: MActorFull, activity: ActivityUpdate) { const actorObject = activity.object as ActivityPubActor logger.debug('Updating remote account "%s".', actorObject.url) const updater = new APActorUpdater(actorObject, actor) return updater.update() } async function processUpdatePlaylist (byActor: MActorSignature, activity: ActivityUpdate) { const playlistObject = activity.object as PlaylistObject const byAccount = byActor.Account if (!byAccount) throw new Error('Cannot update video playlist with the non account actor ' + byActor.url) await createOrUpdateVideoPlaylist(playlistObject, }