import { ActivityAudience, ActivityCreate, ActivityCreateObject, ContextType, VideoCommentObject, VideoPlaylistPrivacy, VideoPrivacy } from '@peertube/peertube-models' import { AccountModel } from '@server/models/account/account.js' import { getServerActor } from '@server/models/application/application.js' import { VideoModel } from '@server/models/video/video.js' import { Transaction } from 'sequelize' import { logger, loggerTagsFactory } from '../../../helpers/logger.js' import { VideoCommentModel } from '../../../models/video/video-comment.js' import { MActorLight, MCommentOwnerVideo, MLocalVideoViewerWithWatchSections, MVideoAP, MVideoAccountLight, MVideoPlaylistFull, MVideoRedundancyFileVideo, MVideoRedundancyStreamingPlaylistVideo } from '../../../types/models/index.js' import { audiencify, getAudience } from '../audience.js' import { canVideoBeFederated } from '../videos/federate.js' import { broadcastToActors, broadcastToFollowers, getActorsInvolvedInVideo, getAudienceFromFollowersOf, getVideoCommentAudience, sendVideoActivityToOrigin, sendVideoRelatedActivity, unicastTo } from './shared/index.js' const lTags = loggerTagsFactory('ap', 'create') export async function sendCreateVideo (video: MVideoAP, transaction: Transaction) { if (!canVideoBeFederated(video)) return undefined'Creating job to send video creation of %s.', video.url, lTags(video.uuid)) const byActor = video.VideoChannel.Account.Actor const videoObject = await video.toActivityPubObject() const audience = getAudience(byActor, video.privacy === VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC) const createActivity = buildCreateActivity(video.url, byActor, videoObject, audience) return broadcastToFollowers({ data: createActivity, byActor, toFollowersOf: [ byActor ], transaction, contextType: 'Video' }) } export async function sendCreateCacheFile ( byActor: MActorLight, video: MVideoAccountLight, fileRedundancy: MVideoRedundancyStreamingPlaylistVideo | MVideoRedundancyFileVideo ) {'Creating job to send file cache of %s.', fileRedundancy.url, lTags(video.uuid)) return sendVideoRelatedCreateActivity({ byActor, video, url: fileRedundancy.url, object: fileRedundancy.toActivityPubObject(), contextType: 'CacheFile' }) } export async function sendCreateWatchAction (stats: MLocalVideoViewerWithWatchSections, transaction: Transaction) {'Creating job to send create watch action %s.', stats.url, lTags(stats.uuid)) const byActor = await getServerActor() const activityBuilder = (audience: ActivityAudience) => { return buildCreateActivity(stats.url, byActor, stats.toActivityPubObject(), audience) } return sendVideoActivityToOrigin(activityBuilder, { byActor, video: stats.Video, transaction, contextType: 'WatchAction' }) } export async function sendCreateVideoPlaylist (playlist: MVideoPlaylistFull, transaction: Transaction) { if (playlist.privacy === VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PRIVATE) return undefined'Creating job to send create video playlist of %s.', playlist.url, lTags(playlist.uuid)) const byActor = playlist.OwnerAccount.Actor const audience = getAudience(byActor, playlist.privacy === VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PUBLIC) const object = await playlist.toActivityPubObject(null, transaction) const createActivity = buildCreateActivity(playlist.url, byActor, object, audience) const serverActor = await getServerActor() const toFollowersOf = [ byActor, serverActor ] if (playlist.VideoChannel) toFollowersOf.push(playlist.VideoChannel.Actor) return broadcastToFollowers({ data: createActivity, byActor, toFollowersOf, transaction, contextType: 'Playlist' }) } export async function sendCreateVideoComment (comment: MCommentOwnerVideo, transaction: Transaction) { const isOrigin = comment.Video.isOwned() if (isOrigin) { const videoWithBlacklist = await VideoModel.loadWithBlacklist( if (!canVideoBeFederated(videoWithBlacklist)) { logger.debug(`Do not send comment ${comment.url} on a video that cannot be federated`) return undefined } }'Creating job to send comment %s.', comment.url) const byActor = comment.Account.Actor const videoAccount = await AccountModel.load(, transaction) const threadParentComments = await VideoCommentModel.listThreadParentComments(comment, transaction) const commentObject = comment.toActivityPubObject(threadParentComments) as VideoCommentObject const actorsInvolvedInComment = await getActorsInvolvedInVideo(comment.Video, transaction) // Add the actor that commented too actorsInvolvedInComment.push(byActor) const parentsCommentActors = threadParentComments.filter(c => !c.isDeleted()) .map(c => c.Account.Actor) let audience: ActivityAudience if (isOrigin) { audience = getVideoCommentAudience(comment, threadParentComments, actorsInvolvedInComment, isOrigin) } else { audience = getAudienceFromFollowersOf(actorsInvolvedInComment.concat(parentsCommentActors)) } const createActivity = buildCreateActivity(comment.url, byActor, commentObject, audience) // This was a reply, send it to the parent actors const actorsException = [ byActor ] await broadcastToActors({ data: createActivity, byActor, toActors: parentsCommentActors, transaction, actorsException, contextType: 'Comment' }) // Broadcast to our followers await broadcastToFollowers({ data: createActivity, byActor, toFollowersOf: [ byActor ], transaction, contextType: 'Comment' }) // Send to actors involved in the comment if (isOrigin) { return broadcastToFollowers({ data: createActivity, byActor, toFollowersOf: actorsInvolvedInComment, transaction, actorsException, contextType: 'Comment' }) } // Send to origin return transaction.afterCommit(() => { return unicastTo({ data: createActivity, byActor, toActorUrl: videoAccount.Actor.getSharedInbox(), contextType: 'Comment' }) }) } export function buildCreateActivity ( url: string, byActor: MActorLight, object: T, audience?: ActivityAudience ): ActivityCreate { if (!audience) audience = getAudience(byActor) return audiencify( { type: 'Create' as 'Create', id: url + '/activity', actor: byActor.url, object: typeof object === 'string' ? object : audiencify(object, audience) }, audience ) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- async function sendVideoRelatedCreateActivity (options: { byActor: MActorLight video: MVideoAccountLight url: string object: any contextType: ContextType transaction?: Transaction }) { const activityBuilder = (audience: ActivityAudience) => { return buildCreateActivity(options.url, options.byActor, options.object, audience) } return sendVideoRelatedActivity(activityBuilder, options) }