/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions,@typescript-eslint/require-await */ import 'mocha' import * as chai from 'chai' import * as libxmljs from 'libxmljs' import { addAccountToAccountBlocklist, addAccountToServerBlocklist, removeAccountFromServerBlocklist } from '@shared/extra-utils/users/blocklist' import { VideoPrivacy } from '@shared/models' import { cleanupTests, createUser, doubleFollow, flushAndRunMultipleServers, getJSONfeed, getMyUserInformation, getXMLfeed, ServerInfo, setAccessTokensToServers, uploadVideo, uploadVideoAndGetId, userLogin, flushAndRunServer, getUserScopedTokens } from '../../../shared/extra-utils' import { waitJobs } from '../../../shared/extra-utils/server/jobs' import { addVideoCommentThread } from '../../../shared/extra-utils/videos/video-comments' import { User } from '../../../shared/models/users' import { ScopedToken } from '@shared/models/users/user-scoped-token' import { listUserSubscriptionVideos, addUserSubscription } from '@shared/extra-utils/users/user-subscriptions' chai.use(require('chai-xml')) chai.use(require('chai-json-schema')) chai.config.includeStack = true const expect = chai.expect describe('Test syndication feeds', () => { let servers: ServerInfo[] = [] let serverHLSOnly: ServerInfo let userAccessToken: string let rootAccountId: number let rootChannelId: number let userAccountId: number let userChannelId: number let userFeedToken: string before(async function () { this.timeout(120000) // Run servers servers = await flushAndRunMultipleServers(2) serverHLSOnly = await flushAndRunServer(3, { transcoding: { enabled: true, webtorrent: { enabled: false }, hls: { enabled: true } } }) await setAccessTokensToServers([ ...servers, serverHLSOnly ]) await doubleFollow(servers[0], servers[1]) { const res = await getMyUserInformation(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken) const user: User = res.body rootAccountId = user.account.id rootChannelId = user.videoChannels[0].id } { const attr = { username: 'john', password: 'password' } await createUser({ url: servers[0].url, accessToken: servers[0].accessToken, username: attr.username, password: attr.password }) userAccessToken = await userLogin(servers[0], attr) const res = await getMyUserInformation(servers[0].url, userAccessToken) const user: User = res.body userAccountId = user.account.id userChannelId = user.videoChannels[0].id const res2 = await getUserScopedTokens(servers[0].url, userAccessToken) const token: ScopedToken = res2.body userFeedToken = token.feedToken } { await uploadVideo(servers[0].url, userAccessToken, { name: 'user video' }) } { const videoAttributes = { name: 'my super name for server 1', description: 'my super description for server 1', fixture: 'video_short.webm' } const res = await uploadVideo(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, videoAttributes) const videoId = res.body.video.id await addVideoCommentThread(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, videoId, 'super comment 1') await addVideoCommentThread(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, videoId, 'super comment 2') } { const videoAttributes = { name: 'unlisted video', privacy: VideoPrivacy.UNLISTED } const res = await uploadVideo(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, videoAttributes) const videoId = res.body.video.id await addVideoCommentThread(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, videoId, 'comment on unlisted video') } await waitJobs(servers) }) describe('All feed', function () { it('Should be well formed XML (covers RSS 2.0 and ATOM 1.0 endpoints)', async function () { for (const feed of [ 'video-comments' as 'video-comments', 'videos' as 'videos' ]) { const rss = await getXMLfeed(servers[0].url, feed) expect(rss.text).xml.to.be.valid() const atom = await getXMLfeed(servers[0].url, feed, 'atom') expect(atom.text).xml.to.be.valid() } }) it('Should be well formed JSON (covers JSON feed 1.0 endpoint)', async function () { for (const feed of [ 'video-comments' as 'video-comments', 'videos' as 'videos' ]) { const json = await getJSONfeed(servers[0].url, feed) expect(JSON.parse(json.text)).to.be.jsonSchema({ type: 'object' }) } }) }) describe('Videos feed', function () { it('Should contain a valid enclosure (covers RSS 2.0 endpoint)', async function () { for (const server of servers) { const rss = await getXMLfeed(server.url, 'videos') const xmlDoc = libxmljs.parseXmlString(rss.text) const xmlEnclosure = xmlDoc.get('/rss/channel/item/enclosure') expect(xmlEnclosure).to.exist expect(xmlEnclosure.attr('type').value()).to.be.equal('application/x-bittorrent') expect(xmlEnclosure.attr('length').value()).to.be.equal('218910') expect(xmlEnclosure.attr('url').value()).to.contain('720.torrent') } }) it('Should contain a valid \'attachments\' object (covers JSON feed 1.0 endpoint)', async function () { for (const server of servers) { const json = await getJSONfeed(server.url, 'videos') const jsonObj = JSON.parse(json.text) expect(jsonObj.items.length).to.be.equal(2) expect(jsonObj.items[0].attachments).to.exist expect(jsonObj.items[0].attachments.length).to.be.eq(1) expect(jsonObj.items[0].attachments[0].mime_type).to.be.eq('application/x-bittorrent') expect(jsonObj.items[0].attachments[0].size_in_bytes).to.be.eq(218910) expect(jsonObj.items[0].attachments[0].url).to.contain('720.torrent') } }) it('Should filter by account', async function () { { const json = await getJSONfeed(servers[0].url, 'videos', { accountId: rootAccountId }) const jsonObj = JSON.parse(json.text) expect(jsonObj.items.length).to.be.equal(1) expect(jsonObj.items[0].title).to.equal('my super name for server 1') expect(jsonObj.items[0].author.name).to.equal('root') } { const json = await getJSONfeed(servers[0].url, 'videos', { accountId: userAccountId }) const jsonObj = JSON.parse(json.text) expect(jsonObj.items.length).to.be.equal(1) expect(jsonObj.items[0].title).to.equal('user video') expect(jsonObj.items[0].author.name).to.equal('john') } for (const server of servers) { { const json = await getJSONfeed(server.url, 'videos', { accountName: 'root@localhost:' + servers[0].port }) const jsonObj = JSON.parse(json.text) expect(jsonObj.items.length).to.be.equal(1) expect(jsonObj.items[0].title).to.equal('my super name for server 1') } { const json = await getJSONfeed(server.url, 'videos', { accountName: 'john@localhost:' + servers[0].port }) const jsonObj = JSON.parse(json.text) expect(jsonObj.items.length).to.be.equal(1) expect(jsonObj.items[0].title).to.equal('user video') } } }) it('Should filter by video channel', async function () { { const json = await getJSONfeed(servers[0].url, 'videos', { videoChannelId: rootChannelId }) const jsonObj = JSON.parse(json.text) expect(jsonObj.items.length).to.be.equal(1) expect(jsonObj.items[0].title).to.equal('my super name for server 1') expect(jsonObj.items[0].author.name).to.equal('root') } { const json = await getJSONfeed(servers[0].url, 'videos', { videoChannelId: userChannelId }) const jsonObj = JSON.parse(json.text) expect(jsonObj.items.length).to.be.equal(1) expect(jsonObj.items[0].title).to.equal('user video') expect(jsonObj.items[0].author.name).to.equal('john') } for (const server of servers) { { const json = await getJSONfeed(server.url, 'videos', { videoChannelName: 'root_channel@localhost:' + servers[0].port }) const jsonObj = JSON.parse(json.text) expect(jsonObj.items.length).to.be.equal(1) expect(jsonObj.items[0].title).to.equal('my super name for server 1') } { const json = await getJSONfeed(server.url, 'videos', { videoChannelName: 'john_channel@localhost:' + servers[0].port }) const jsonObj = JSON.parse(json.text) expect(jsonObj.items.length).to.be.equal(1) expect(jsonObj.items[0].title).to.equal('user video') } } }) it('Should correctly have videos feed with HLS only', async function () { this.timeout(120000) await uploadVideo(serverHLSOnly.url, serverHLSOnly.accessToken, { name: 'hls only video' }) await waitJobs([ serverHLSOnly ]) const json = await getJSONfeed(serverHLSOnly.url, 'videos') const jsonObj = JSON.parse(json.text) expect(jsonObj.items.length).to.be.equal(1) expect(jsonObj.items[0].attachments).to.exist expect(jsonObj.items[0].attachments.length).to.be.eq(4) for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { expect(jsonObj.items[0].attachments[i].mime_type).to.be.eq('application/x-bittorrent') expect(jsonObj.items[0].attachments[i].size_in_bytes).to.be.greaterThan(0) expect(jsonObj.items[0].attachments[i].url).to.exist } }) }) describe('Video comments feed', function () { it('Should contain valid comments (covers JSON feed 1.0 endpoint) and not from unlisted videos', async function () { for (const server of servers) { const json = await getJSONfeed(server.url, 'video-comments') const jsonObj = JSON.parse(json.text) expect(jsonObj.items.length).to.be.equal(2) expect(jsonObj.items[0].html_content).to.equal('super comment 2') expect(jsonObj.items[1].html_content).to.equal('super comment 1') } }) it('Should not list comments from muted accounts or instances', async function () { this.timeout(30000) const remoteHandle = 'root@localhost:' + servers[0].port await addAccountToServerBlocklist(servers[1].url, servers[1].accessToken, remoteHandle) { const json = await getJSONfeed(servers[1].url, 'video-comments', { version: 2 }) const jsonObj = JSON.parse(json.text) expect(jsonObj.items.length).to.be.equal(0) } await removeAccountFromServerBlocklist(servers[1].url, servers[1].accessToken, remoteHandle) { const videoUUID = (await uploadVideoAndGetId({ server: servers[1], videoName: 'server 2' })).uuid await waitJobs(servers) await addVideoCommentThread(servers[0].url, servers[0].accessToken, videoUUID, 'super comment') await waitJobs(servers) const json = await getJSONfeed(servers[1].url, 'video-comments', { version: 3 }) const jsonObj = JSON.parse(json.text) expect(jsonObj.items.length).to.be.equal(3) } await addAccountToAccountBlocklist(servers[1].url, servers[1].accessToken, remoteHandle) { const json = await getJSONfeed(servers[1].url, 'video-comments', { version: 4 }) const jsonObj = JSON.parse(json.text) expect(jsonObj.items.length).to.be.equal(2) } }) }) describe('Video feed from my subscriptions', function () { /** * use the 'version' query parameter to bust cache between tests */ it('Should list no videos for a user with no videos and no subscriptions', async function () { let feeduserAccountId: number let feeduserFeedToken: string const attr = { username: 'feeduser', password: 'password' } await createUser({ url: servers[0].url, accessToken: servers[0].accessToken, username: attr.username, password: attr.password }) const feeduserAccessToken = await userLogin(servers[0], attr) { const res = await getMyUserInformation(servers[0].url, feeduserAccessToken) const user: User = res.body feeduserAccountId = user.account.id } { const res = await getUserScopedTokens(servers[0].url, feeduserAccessToken) const token: ScopedToken = res.body feeduserFeedToken = token.feedToken } { const res = await listUserSubscriptionVideos(servers[0].url, feeduserAccessToken) expect(res.body.total).to.equal(0) const json = await getJSONfeed(servers[0].url, 'videos', { accountId: feeduserAccountId, token: feeduserFeedToken }) const jsonObj = JSON.parse(json.text) expect(jsonObj.items.length).to.be.equal(0) // no subscription, it should not list the instance's videos but list 0 videos } }) it('Should list no videos for a user with videos but no subscriptions', async function () { { const res = await listUserSubscriptionVideos(servers[0].url, userAccessToken) expect(res.body.total).to.equal(0) const json = await getJSONfeed(servers[0].url, 'videos', { accountId: userAccountId, token: userFeedToken }) const jsonObj = JSON.parse(json.text) expect(jsonObj.items.length).to.be.equal(0) // no subscription, it should not list the instance's videos but list 0 videos } }) it('Should list self videos for a user with a subscription to themselves', async function () { this.timeout(30000) await addUserSubscription(servers[0].url, userAccessToken, 'john_channel@localhost:' + servers[0].port) await waitJobs(servers) { const res = await listUserSubscriptionVideos(servers[0].url, userAccessToken) expect(res.body.total).to.equal(1) expect(res.body.data[0].name).to.equal('user video') const json = await getJSONfeed(servers[0].url, 'videos', { accountId: userAccountId, token: userFeedToken, version: 1 }) const jsonObj = JSON.parse(json.text) expect(jsonObj.items.length).to.be.equal(1) // subscribed to self, it should not list the instance's videos but list john's } }) it('Should list videos of a user\'s subscription', async function () { this.timeout(30000) await addUserSubscription(servers[0].url, userAccessToken, 'root_channel@localhost:' + servers[0].port) await waitJobs(servers) { const res = await listUserSubscriptionVideos(servers[0].url, userAccessToken) expect(res.body.total).to.equal(2, "there should be 2 videos part of the subscription") const json = await getJSONfeed(servers[0].url, 'videos', { accountId: userAccountId, token: userFeedToken, version: 2 }) const jsonObj = JSON.parse(json.text) expect(jsonObj.items.length).to.be.equal(2) // subscribed to root, it should not list the instance's videos but list root/john's } }) }) after(async function () { await cleanupTests([ ...servers, serverHLSOnly ]) }) })