import { checkBadCountPagination, checkBadSortPagination, checkBadStartPagination } from '@server/tests/shared' import { omit } from '@shared/core-utils' import { HttpStatusCode, UserRole } from '@shared/models' import { cleanupTests, createSingleServer, makePostBodyRequest, PeerTubeServer, setAccessTokensToServers, setDefaultAccountAvatar, setDefaultChannelAvatar } from '@shared/server-commands' describe('Test registrations API validators', function () { let server: PeerTubeServer let userToken: string let moderatorToken: string // --------------------------------------------------------------- before(async function () { this.timeout(30000) server = await createSingleServer(1) await setAccessTokensToServers([ server ]) await setDefaultAccountAvatar([ server ]) await setDefaultChannelAvatar([ server ]) await server.config.enableSignup(false); ({ token: moderatorToken } = await server.users.generate('moderator', UserRole.MODERATOR)); ({ token: userToken } = await server.users.generate('user', UserRole.USER)) }) describe('Register', function () { const registrationPath = '/api/v1/users/register' const registrationRequestPath = '/api/v1/users/registrations/request' const baseCorrectParams = { username: 'user3', displayName: 'super user', email: '', password: 'my super password', registrationReason: 'my super registration reason' } describe('When registering a new user or requesting user registration', function () { async function check (fields: any, expectedStatus = HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400) { await server.config.enableSignup(false) await makePostBodyRequest({ url: server.url, path: registrationPath, fields, expectedStatus }) await server.config.enableSignup(true) await makePostBodyRequest({ url: server.url, path: registrationRequestPath, fields, expectedStatus }) } it('Should fail with a too small username', async function () { const fields = { ...baseCorrectParams, username: '' } await check(fields) }) it('Should fail with a too long username', async function () { const fields = { ...baseCorrectParams, username: 'super'.repeat(50) } await check(fields) }) it('Should fail with an incorrect username', async function () { const fields = { ...baseCorrectParams, username: 'my username' } await check(fields) }) it('Should fail with a missing email', async function () { const fields = omit(baseCorrectParams, [ 'email' ]) await check(fields) }) it('Should fail with an invalid email', async function () { const fields = { ...baseCorrectParams, email: '' } await check(fields) }) it('Should fail with a too small password', async function () { const fields = { ...baseCorrectParams, password: 'bla' } await check(fields) }) it('Should fail with a too long password', async function () { const fields = { ...baseCorrectParams, password: 'super'.repeat(61) } await check(fields) }) it('Should fail if we register a user with the same username', async function () { const fields = { ...baseCorrectParams, username: 'root' } await check(fields, HttpStatusCode.CONFLICT_409) }) it('Should fail with a "peertube" username', async function () { const fields = { ...baseCorrectParams, username: 'peertube' } await check(fields, HttpStatusCode.CONFLICT_409) }) it('Should fail if we register a user with the same email', async function () { const fields = { ...baseCorrectParams, email: 'admin' + server.internalServerNumber + '' } await check(fields, HttpStatusCode.CONFLICT_409) }) it('Should fail with a bad display name', async function () { const fields = { ...baseCorrectParams, displayName: 'a'.repeat(150) } await check(fields) }) it('Should fail with a bad channel name', async function () { const fields = { ...baseCorrectParams, channel: { name: '[]azf', displayName: 'toto' } } await check(fields) }) it('Should fail with a bad channel display name', async function () { const fields = { ...baseCorrectParams, channel: { name: 'toto', displayName: '' } } await check(fields) }) it('Should fail with a channel name that is the same as username', async function () { const source = { username: 'super_user', channel: { name: 'super_user', displayName: 'display name' } } const fields = { ...baseCorrectParams, ...source } await check(fields) }) it('Should fail with an existing channel', async function () { const attributes = { name: 'existing_channel', displayName: 'hello', description: 'super description' } await server.channels.create({ attributes }) const fields = { ...baseCorrectParams, channel: { name: 'existing_channel', displayName: 'toto' } } await check(fields, HttpStatusCode.CONFLICT_409) }) it('Should fail on a server with registration disabled', async function () { this.timeout(60000) await server.config.updateExistingSubConfig({ newConfig: { signup: { enabled: false } } }) await server.registrations.register({ username: 'user4', expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.FORBIDDEN_403 }) await server.registrations.requestRegistration({ username: 'user4', registrationReason: 'reason', expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.FORBIDDEN_403 }) }) it('Should fail if the user limit is reached', async function () { this.timeout(60000) const { total } = await server.users.list() await server.config.enableSignup(false, total) await server.registrations.register({ username: 'user42', expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.FORBIDDEN_403 }) await server.config.enableSignup(true, total) await server.registrations.requestRegistration({ username: 'user42', registrationReason: 'reason', expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.FORBIDDEN_403 }) }) it('Should succeed if the user limit is not reached', async function () { this.timeout(60000) const { total } = await server.users.list() await server.config.enableSignup(false, total + 1) await server.registrations.register({ username: 'user43', expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.NO_CONTENT_204 }) await server.config.enableSignup(true, total + 2) await server.registrations.requestRegistration({ username: 'user44', registrationReason: 'reason', expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.OK_200 }) }) }) describe('On direct registration', function () { it('Should succeed with the correct params', async function () { await server.config.enableSignup(false) const fields = { username: 'user_direct_1', displayName: 'super user direct 1', email: '', password: 'my super password', channel: { name: 'super_user_direct_1_channel', displayName: 'super user direct 1 channel' } } await makePostBodyRequest({ url: server.url, path: registrationPath, fields, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.NO_CONTENT_204 }) }) it('Should fail if the instance requires approval', async function () { this.timeout(60000) await server.config.enableSignup(true) await server.registrations.register({ username: 'user42', expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.FORBIDDEN_403 }) }) }) describe('On registration request', function () { before(async function () { this.timeout(60000) await server.config.enableSignup(true) }) it('Should fail with an invalid registration reason', async function () { for (const registrationReason of [ '', 't', 't'.repeat(5000) ]) { await server.registrations.requestRegistration({ username: 'user_request_1', registrationReason, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400 }) } }) it('Should succeed with the correct params', async function () { await server.registrations.requestRegistration({ username: 'user_request_2', registrationReason: 'tt', channel: { displayName: 'my user request 2 channel', name: 'user_request_2_channel' } }) }) it('Should fail if the user is already awaiting registration approval', async function () { await server.registrations.requestRegistration({ username: 'user_request_2', registrationReason: 'tt', channel: { displayName: 'my user request 42 channel', name: 'user_request_42_channel' }, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.CONFLICT_409 }) }) it('Should fail if the channel is already awaiting registration approval', async function () { await server.registrations.requestRegistration({ username: 'user42', registrationReason: 'tt', channel: { displayName: 'my user request 2 channel', name: 'user_request_2_channel' }, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.CONFLICT_409 }) }) it('Should fail if the instance does not require approval', async function () { this.timeout(60000) await server.config.enableSignup(false) await server.registrations.requestRegistration({ username: 'user42', registrationReason: 'toto', expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400 }) }) }) }) describe('Registrations accept/reject', function () { let id1: number let id2: number before(async function () { this.timeout(60000) await server.config.enableSignup(true); ({ id: id1 } = await server.registrations.requestRegistration({ username: 'request_2', registrationReason: 'toto' })); ({ id: id2 } = await server.registrations.requestRegistration({ username: 'request_3', registrationReason: 'toto' })) }) it('Should fail to accept/reject registration without token', async function () { const options = { id: id1, moderationResponse: 'tt', token: null, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.UNAUTHORIZED_401 } await server.registrations.accept(options) await server.registrations.reject(options) }) it('Should fail to accept/reject registration with a non moderator user', async function () { const options = { id: id1, moderationResponse: 'tt', token: userToken, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.FORBIDDEN_403 } await server.registrations.accept(options) await server.registrations.reject(options) }) it('Should fail to accept/reject registration with a bad registration id', async function () { { const options = { id: 't' as any, moderationResponse: 'tt', token: moderatorToken, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400 } await server.registrations.accept(options) await server.registrations.reject(options) } { const options = { id: 42, moderationResponse: 'tt', token: moderatorToken, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND_404 } await server.registrations.accept(options) await server.registrations.reject(options) } }) it('Should fail to accept/reject registration with a bad moderation resposne', async function () { for (const moderationResponse of [ '', 't', 't'.repeat(5000) ]) { const options = { id: id1, moderationResponse, token: moderatorToken, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400 } await server.registrations.accept(options) await server.registrations.reject(options) } }) it('Should succeed to accept a registration', async function () { await server.registrations.accept({ id: id1, moderationResponse: 'tt', token: moderatorToken }) }) it('Should succeed to reject a registration', async function () { await server.registrations.reject({ id: id2, moderationResponse: 'tt', token: moderatorToken }) }) it('Should fail to accept/reject a registration that was already accepted/rejected', async function () { for (const id of [ id1, id2 ]) { const options = { id, moderationResponse: 'tt', token: moderatorToken, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.CONFLICT_409 } await server.registrations.accept(options) await server.registrations.reject(options) } }) }) describe('Registrations deletion', function () { let id1: number let id2: number let id3: number before(async function () { ({ id: id1 } = await server.registrations.requestRegistration({ username: 'request_4', registrationReason: 'toto' })); ({ id: id2 } = await server.registrations.requestRegistration({ username: 'request_5', registrationReason: 'toto' })); ({ id: id3 } = await server.registrations.requestRegistration({ username: 'request_6', registrationReason: 'toto' })) await server.registrations.accept({ id: id2, moderationResponse: 'tt' }) await server.registrations.reject({ id: id3, moderationResponse: 'tt' }) }) it('Should fail to delete registration without token', async function () { await server.registrations.delete({ id: id1, token: null, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.UNAUTHORIZED_401 }) }) it('Should fail to delete registration with a non moderator user', async function () { await server.registrations.delete({ id: id1, token: userToken, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.FORBIDDEN_403 }) }) it('Should fail to delete registration with a bad registration id', async function () { await server.registrations.delete({ id: 't' as any, token: moderatorToken, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400 }) await server.registrations.delete({ id: 42, token: moderatorToken, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND_404 }) }) it('Should succeed with the correct params', async function () { await server.registrations.delete({ id: id1, token: moderatorToken }) await server.registrations.delete({ id: id2, token: moderatorToken }) await server.registrations.delete({ id: id3, token: moderatorToken }) }) }) describe('Listing registrations', function () { const path = '/api/v1/users/registrations' it('Should fail with a bad start pagination', async function () { await checkBadStartPagination(server.url, path, server.accessToken) }) it('Should fail with a bad count pagination', async function () { await checkBadCountPagination(server.url, path, server.accessToken) }) it('Should fail with an incorrect sort', async function () { await checkBadSortPagination(server.url, path, server.accessToken) }) it('Should fail with a non authenticated user', async function () { await server.registrations.list({ token: null, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.UNAUTHORIZED_401 }) }) it('Should fail with a non admin user', async function () { await server.registrations.list({ token: userToken, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.FORBIDDEN_403 }) }) it('Should succeed with the correct params', async function () { await server.registrations.list({ token: moderatorToken, search: 'toto' }) }) }) after(async function () { await cleanupTests([ server ]) }) })