import sample from 'lodash-es/sample.js' import { literal, Op, QueryTypes, Transaction, WhereOptions } from 'sequelize' import { AllowNull, BeforeDestroy, BelongsTo, Column, CreatedAt, DataType, ForeignKey, Is, Scopes, Table, UpdatedAt } from 'sequelize-typescript' import { ActivityVideoUrlObject, CacheFileObject, FileRedundancyInformation, StreamingPlaylistRedundancyInformation, VideoPrivacy, VideoRedundanciesTarget, VideoRedundancy, VideoRedundancyStrategy, VideoRedundancyStrategyWithManual } from '@peertube/peertube-models' import { isTestInstance } from '@peertube/peertube-node-utils' import { getServerActor } from '@server/models/application/application.js' import { MActor, MVideoForRedundancyAPI, MVideoRedundancy, MVideoRedundancyAP, MVideoRedundancyVideo } from '@server/types/models/index.js' import { isActivityPubUrlValid, isUrlValid } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/activitypub/misc.js' import { logger } from '../../helpers/logger.js' import { CONFIG } from '../../initializers/config.js' import { CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS } from '../../initializers/constants.js' import { ActorModel } from '../actor/actor.js' import { ServerModel } from '../server/server.js' import { getSort, getVideoSort, parseAggregateResult, SequelizeModel, throwIfNotValid } from '../shared/index.js' import { ScheduleVideoUpdateModel } from '../video/schedule-video-update.js' import { VideoChannelModel } from '../video/video-channel.js' import { VideoFileModel } from '../video/video-file.js' import { VideoStreamingPlaylistModel } from '../video/video-streaming-playlist.js' import { VideoModel } from '../video/video.js' import { getVideoFileMimeType } from '@server/lib/video-file.js' export enum ScopeNames { WITH_VIDEO = 'WITH_VIDEO' } @Scopes(() => ({ [ScopeNames.WITH_VIDEO]: { include: [ { model: VideoFileModel, required: false, include: [ { model: VideoModel, required: true } ] }, { model: VideoStreamingPlaylistModel, required: false, include: [ { model: VideoModel, required: true } ] } ] } })) @Table({ tableName: 'videoRedundancy', indexes: [ { fields: [ 'videoFileId' ] }, { fields: [ 'actorId' ] }, { fields: [ 'expiresOn' ] }, { fields: [ 'url' ], unique: true } ] }) export class VideoRedundancyModel extends SequelizeModel { @CreatedAt createdAt: Date @UpdatedAt updatedAt: Date @AllowNull(true) @Column expiresOn: Date @AllowNull(false) @Is('VideoRedundancyFileUrl', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isUrlValid, 'fileUrl')) @Column(DataType.STRING(CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.VIDEOS_REDUNDANCY.URL.max)) fileUrl: string @AllowNull(false) @Is('VideoRedundancyUrl', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isActivityPubUrlValid, 'url')) @Column(DataType.STRING(CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.VIDEOS_REDUNDANCY.URL.max)) url: string @AllowNull(true) @Column strategy: string // Only used by us @ForeignKey(() => VideoFileModel) @Column videoFileId: number @BelongsTo(() => VideoFileModel, { foreignKey: { allowNull: true }, onDelete: 'cascade' }) VideoFile: Awaited @ForeignKey(() => VideoStreamingPlaylistModel) @Column videoStreamingPlaylistId: number @BelongsTo(() => VideoStreamingPlaylistModel, { foreignKey: { allowNull: true }, onDelete: 'cascade' }) VideoStreamingPlaylist: Awaited @ForeignKey(() => ActorModel) @Column actorId: number @BelongsTo(() => ActorModel, { foreignKey: { allowNull: false }, onDelete: 'cascade' }) Actor: Awaited @BeforeDestroy static async removeFile (instance: VideoRedundancyModel) { if (!instance.isOwned()) return if (instance.videoFileId) { const videoFile = await VideoFileModel.loadWithVideo(instance.videoFileId) const logIdentifier = `${videoFile.Video.uuid}-${videoFile.resolution}`'Removing duplicated video file %s.', logIdentifier) videoFile.Video.removeWebVideoFile(videoFile, true) .catch(err => logger.error('Cannot delete %s files.', logIdentifier, { err })) } if (instance.videoStreamingPlaylistId) { const videoStreamingPlaylist = await VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.loadWithVideo(instance.videoStreamingPlaylistId) const videoUUID = videoStreamingPlaylist.Video.uuid'Removing duplicated video streaming playlist %s.', videoUUID) videoStreamingPlaylist.Video.removeStreamingPlaylistFiles(videoStreamingPlaylist, true) .catch(err => logger.error('Cannot delete video streaming playlist files of %s.', videoUUID, { err })) } return undefined } static async loadLocalByFileId (videoFileId: number): Promise { const actor = await getServerActor() const query = { where: { actorId:, videoFileId } } return VideoRedundancyModel.scope(ScopeNames.WITH_VIDEO).findOne(query) } static async listLocalByVideoId (videoId: number): Promise { const actor = await getServerActor() const queryStreamingPlaylist = { where: { actorId: }, include: [ { model: VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.unscoped(), required: true, include: [ { model: VideoModel.unscoped(), required: true, where: { id: videoId } } ] } ] } const queryFiles = { where: { actorId: }, include: [ { model: VideoFileModel, required: true, include: [ { model: VideoModel, required: true, where: { id: videoId } } ] } ] } return Promise.all([ VideoRedundancyModel.findAll(queryStreamingPlaylist), VideoRedundancyModel.findAll(queryFiles) ]).then(([ r1, r2 ]) => r1.concat(r2)) } static async loadLocalByStreamingPlaylistId (videoStreamingPlaylistId: number): Promise { const actor = await getServerActor() const query = { where: { actorId:, videoStreamingPlaylistId } } return VideoRedundancyModel.scope(ScopeNames.WITH_VIDEO).findOne(query) } static loadByIdWithVideo (id: number, transaction?: Transaction): Promise { const query = { where: { id }, transaction } return VideoRedundancyModel.scope(ScopeNames.WITH_VIDEO).findOne(query) } static loadByUrl (url: string, transaction?: Transaction): Promise { const query = { where: { url }, transaction } return VideoRedundancyModel.findOne(query) } static async isLocalByVideoUUIDExists (uuid: string) { const actor = await getServerActor() const query = { raw: true, attributes: [ 'id' ], where: { actorId: }, include: [ { attributes: [], model: VideoFileModel, required: true, include: [ { attributes: [], model: VideoModel, required: true, where: { uuid } } ] } ] } return VideoRedundancyModel.findOne(query) .then(r => !!r) } static async getVideoSample (p: Promise) { const rows = await p if (rows.length === 0) return undefined const ids = => const id = sample(ids) return VideoModel.loadWithFiles(id, undefined, !isTestInstance()) } static async findMostViewToDuplicate (randomizedFactor: number) { const peertubeActor = await getServerActor() // On VideoModel! const query = { attributes: [ 'id', 'views' ], limit: randomizedFactor, order: getVideoSort('-views'), where: { privacy: VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC, isLive: false, ...this.buildVideoIdsForDuplication(peertubeActor) }, include: [ VideoRedundancyModel.buildServerRedundancyInclude() ] } return VideoRedundancyModel.getVideoSample(VideoModel.unscoped().findAll(query)) } static async findTrendingToDuplicate (randomizedFactor: number) { const peertubeActor = await getServerActor() // On VideoModel! const query = { attributes: [ 'id', 'views' ], subQuery: false, group: '', limit: randomizedFactor, order: getVideoSort('-trending'), where: { privacy: VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC, isLive: false, ...this.buildVideoIdsForDuplication(peertubeActor) }, include: [ VideoRedundancyModel.buildServerRedundancyInclude(), VideoModel.buildTrendingQuery(CONFIG.TRENDING.VIDEOS.INTERVAL_DAYS) ] } return VideoRedundancyModel.getVideoSample(VideoModel.unscoped().findAll(query)) } static async findRecentlyAddedToDuplicate (randomizedFactor: number, minViews: number) { const peertubeActor = await getServerActor() // On VideoModel! const query = { attributes: [ 'id', 'publishedAt' ], limit: randomizedFactor, order: getVideoSort('-publishedAt'), where: { privacy: VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC, isLive: false, views: { [Op.gte]: minViews }, ...this.buildVideoIdsForDuplication(peertubeActor) }, include: [ VideoRedundancyModel.buildServerRedundancyInclude(), // Required by publishedAt sort { model: ScheduleVideoUpdateModel.unscoped(), required: false } ] } return VideoRedundancyModel.getVideoSample(VideoModel.unscoped().findAll(query)) } static async loadOldestLocalExpired (strategy: VideoRedundancyStrategy, expiresAfterMs: number): Promise { const expiredDate = new Date() expiredDate.setMilliseconds(expiredDate.getMilliseconds() - expiresAfterMs) const actor = await getServerActor() const query = { where: { actorId:, strategy, createdAt: { []: expiredDate } } } return VideoRedundancyModel.scope([ ScopeNames.WITH_VIDEO ]).findOne(query) } static async listLocalExpired (): Promise { const actor = await getServerActor() const query = { where: { actorId:, expiresOn: { []: new Date() } } } return VideoRedundancyModel.scope([ ScopeNames.WITH_VIDEO ]).findAll(query) } static async listRemoteExpired () { const actor = await getServerActor() const query = { where: { actorId: { []: }, expiresOn: { []: new Date(), []: null } } } return VideoRedundancyModel.scope([ ScopeNames.WITH_VIDEO ]).findAll(query) } static async listLocalOfServer (serverId: number) { const actor = await getServerActor() const buildVideoInclude = () => ({ model: VideoModel, required: true, include: [ { attributes: [], model: VideoChannelModel.unscoped(), required: true, include: [ { attributes: [], model: ActorModel.unscoped(), required: true, where: { serverId } } ] } ] }) const query = { where: { [Op.and]: [ { actorId: }, { [Op.or]: [ { '$$': { []: null } }, { '$$': { []: null } } ] } ] }, include: [ { model: VideoFileModel.unscoped(), required: false, include: [ buildVideoInclude() ] }, { model: VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.unscoped(), required: false, include: [ buildVideoInclude() ] } ] } return VideoRedundancyModel.findAll(query) } static listForApi (options: { start: number count: number sort: string target: VideoRedundanciesTarget strategy?: string }) { const { start, count, sort, target, strategy } = options const redundancyWhere: WhereOptions = {} const videosWhere: WhereOptions = {} let redundancySqlSuffix = '' if (target === 'my-videos') { Object.assign(videosWhere, { remote: false }) } else if (target === 'remote-videos') { Object.assign(videosWhere, { remote: true }) Object.assign(redundancyWhere, { strategy: { []: null } }) redundancySqlSuffix = ' AND "videoRedundancy"."strategy" IS NOT NULL' } if (strategy) { Object.assign(redundancyWhere, { strategy }) } const videoFilterWhere = { [Op.and]: [ { [Op.or]: [ { id: { []: literal( '(' + 'SELECT "videoId" FROM "videoFile" ' + 'INNER JOIN "videoRedundancy" ON "videoRedundancy"."videoFileId" = "videoFile".id' + redundancySqlSuffix + ')' ) } }, { id: { []: literal( '(' + 'select "videoId" FROM "videoStreamingPlaylist" ' + 'INNER JOIN "videoRedundancy" ON "videoRedundancy"."videoStreamingPlaylistId" = "videoStreamingPlaylist".id' + redundancySqlSuffix + ')' ) } } ] }, videosWhere ] } // /!\ On video model /!\ const findOptions = { offset: start, limit: count, order: getSort(sort), include: [ { required: false, model: VideoFileModel, include: [ { model: VideoRedundancyModel.unscoped(), required: false, where: redundancyWhere } ] }, { required: false, model: VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.unscoped(), include: [ { model: VideoRedundancyModel.unscoped(), required: false, where: redundancyWhere }, { model: VideoFileModel, required: false } ] } ], where: videoFilterWhere } // /!\ On video model /!\ const countOptions = { where: videoFilterWhere } return Promise.all([ VideoModel.findAll(findOptions), VideoModel.count(countOptions) ]).then(([ data, total ]) => ({ total, data })) } static async getStats (strategy: VideoRedundancyStrategyWithManual) { const actor = await getServerActor() const sql = `WITH "tmp" AS ` + `(` + `SELECT "videoFile"."size" AS "videoFileSize", "videoStreamingFile"."size" AS "videoStreamingFileSize", ` + `"videoFile"."videoId" AS "videoFileVideoId", "videoStreamingPlaylist"."videoId" AS "videoStreamingVideoId"` + `FROM "videoRedundancy" AS "videoRedundancy" ` + `LEFT JOIN "videoFile" AS "videoFile" ON "videoRedundancy"."videoFileId" = "videoFile"."id" ` + `LEFT JOIN "videoStreamingPlaylist" ON "videoRedundancy"."videoStreamingPlaylistId" = "videoStreamingPlaylist"."id" ` + `LEFT JOIN "videoFile" AS "videoStreamingFile" ` + `ON "videoStreamingPlaylist"."id" = "videoStreamingFile"."videoStreamingPlaylistId" ` + `WHERE "videoRedundancy"."strategy" = :strategy AND "videoRedundancy"."actorId" = :actorId` + `), ` + `"videoIds" AS (` + `SELECT "videoFileVideoId" AS "videoId" FROM "tmp" ` + `UNION SELECT "videoStreamingVideoId" AS "videoId" FROM "tmp" ` + `) ` + `SELECT ` + `COALESCE(SUM("videoFileSize"), '0') + COALESCE(SUM("videoStreamingFileSize"), '0') AS "totalUsed", ` + `(SELECT COUNT("videoIds"."videoId") FROM "videoIds") AS "totalVideos", ` + `COUNT(*) AS "totalVideoFiles" ` + `FROM "tmp"` return VideoRedundancyModel.sequelize.query(sql, { replacements: { strategy, actorId: }, type: QueryTypes.SELECT }).then(([ row ]) => ({ totalUsed: parseAggregateResult(row.totalUsed), totalVideos: row.totalVideos, totalVideoFiles: row.totalVideoFiles })) } static toFormattedJSONStatic (video: MVideoForRedundancyAPI): VideoRedundancy { const filesRedundancies: FileRedundancyInformation[] = [] const streamingPlaylistsRedundancies: StreamingPlaylistRedundancyInformation[] = [] for (const file of video.VideoFiles) { for (const redundancy of file.RedundancyVideos) { filesRedundancies.push({ id:, fileUrl: redundancy.fileUrl, strategy: redundancy.strategy, createdAt: redundancy.createdAt, updatedAt: redundancy.updatedAt, expiresOn: redundancy.expiresOn, size: file.size }) } } for (const playlist of video.VideoStreamingPlaylists) { const size = playlist.VideoFiles.reduce((a, b) => a + b.size, 0) for (const redundancy of playlist.RedundancyVideos) { streamingPlaylistsRedundancies.push({ id:, fileUrl: redundancy.fileUrl, strategy: redundancy.strategy, createdAt: redundancy.createdAt, updatedAt: redundancy.updatedAt, expiresOn: redundancy.expiresOn, size }) } } return { id:, name:, url: video.url, uuid: video.uuid, redundancies: { files: filesRedundancies, streamingPlaylists: streamingPlaylistsRedundancies } } } getVideo () { if (this.VideoFile?.Video) return this.VideoFile.Video if (this.VideoStreamingPlaylist?.Video) return this.VideoStreamingPlaylist.Video return undefined } getVideoUUID () { const video = this.getVideo() if (!video) return undefined return video.uuid } isOwned () { return !!this.strategy } toActivityPubObject (this: MVideoRedundancyAP): CacheFileObject { if (this.VideoStreamingPlaylist) { return { id: this.url, type: 'CacheFile' as 'CacheFile', object: this.VideoStreamingPlaylist.Video.url, expires: this.expiresOn ? this.expiresOn.toISOString() : null, url: { type: 'Link', mediaType: 'application/x-mpegURL', href: this.fileUrl } } } return { id: this.url, type: 'CacheFile' as 'CacheFile', object: this.VideoFile.Video.url, expires: this.expiresOn ? this.expiresOn.toISOString() : null, url: { type: 'Link', mediaType: getVideoFileMimeType(this.VideoFile.extname, this.VideoFile.isAudio()), href: this.fileUrl, height: this.VideoFile.resolution, size: this.VideoFile.size, fps: this.VideoFile.fps } as ActivityVideoUrlObject } } // Don't include video files we already duplicated private static buildVideoIdsForDuplication (peertubeActor: MActor) { const notIn = literal( '(' + `SELECT "videoFile"."videoId" AS "videoId" FROM "videoRedundancy" ` + `INNER JOIN "videoFile" ON "videoFile"."id" = "videoRedundancy"."videoFileId" ` + `WHERE "videoRedundancy"."actorId" = ${} ` + `UNION ` + `SELECT "videoStreamingPlaylist"."videoId" AS "videoId" FROM "videoRedundancy" ` + `INNER JOIN "videoStreamingPlaylist" ON "videoStreamingPlaylist"."id" = "videoRedundancy"."videoStreamingPlaylistId" ` + `WHERE "videoRedundancy"."actorId" = ${} ` + ')' ) return { id: { [Op.notIn]: notIn } } } private static buildServerRedundancyInclude () { return { attributes: [], model: VideoChannelModel.unscoped(), required: true, include: [ { attributes: [], model: ActorModel.unscoped(), required: true, include: [ { attributes: [], model: ServerModel.unscoped(), required: true, where: { redundancyAllowed: true } } ] } ] } } }