import { FindOptions, literal } from 'sequelize' import { AllowNull, Column, CreatedAt, HasMany, Model, Table, UpdatedAt } from 'sequelize-typescript' import { MRunnerRegistrationToken } from '@server/types/models/runners/index.js' import { RunnerRegistrationToken } from '@peertube/peertube-models' import { AttributesOnly } from '@peertube/peertube-typescript-utils' import { getSort } from '../shared/index.js' import { RunnerModel } from './runner.js' /** * * Tokens used by PeerTube runners to register themselves to the PeerTube instance * */ @Table({ tableName: 'runnerRegistrationToken', indexes: [ { fields: [ 'registrationToken' ], unique: true } ] }) export class RunnerRegistrationTokenModel extends Model>> { @AllowNull(false) @Column registrationToken: string @CreatedAt createdAt: Date @UpdatedAt updatedAt: Date @HasMany(() => RunnerModel, { foreignKey: { allowNull: true }, onDelete: 'cascade' }) Runners: Awaited[] static load (id: number) { return RunnerRegistrationTokenModel.findByPk(id) } static loadByRegistrationToken (registrationToken: string) { const query = { where: { registrationToken } } return RunnerRegistrationTokenModel.findOne(query) } static countTotal () { return RunnerRegistrationTokenModel.unscoped().count() } static listForApi (options: { start: number count: number sort: string }) { const { start, count, sort } = options const query: FindOptions = { attributes: { include: [ [ literal('(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "runner" WHERE "runner"."runnerRegistrationTokenId" = "RunnerRegistrationTokenModel"."id")'), 'registeredRunnersCount' ] ] }, offset: start, limit: count, order: getSort(sort) } return Promise.all([ RunnerRegistrationTokenModel.count(query), RunnerRegistrationTokenModel.findAll(query) ]).then(([ total, data ]) => ({ total, data })) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- toFormattedJSON (this: MRunnerRegistrationToken): RunnerRegistrationToken { const registeredRunnersCount = this.get('registeredRunnersCount') as number return { id:, registrationToken: this.registrationToken, createdAt: this.createdAt, updatedAt: this.updatedAt, registeredRunnersCount } } }