import { AsyncQueue, queue } from 'async' import * as chokidar from 'chokidar' import { FfmpegCommand } from 'fluent-ffmpeg' import { ensureDir, readdir, remove } from 'fs-extra' import { basename, join } from 'path' import { computeResolutionsToTranscode, runLiveMuxing, runLiveTranscoding } from '@server/helpers/ffmpeg-utils' import { logger } from '@server/helpers/logger' import { CONFIG, registerConfigChangedHandler } from '@server/initializers/config' import { P2P_MEDIA_LOADER_PEER_VERSION, VIDEO_LIVE, WEBSERVER } from '@server/initializers/constants' import { VideoFileModel } from '@server/models/video/video-file' import { VideoLiveModel } from '@server/models/video/video-live' import { VideoStreamingPlaylistModel } from '@server/models/video/video-streaming-playlist' import { MStreamingPlaylist, MVideo, MVideoLiveVideo } from '@server/types/models' import { VideoState, VideoStreamingPlaylistType } from '@shared/models' import { buildSha256Segment } from './hls' import { getHLSDirectory } from './video-paths' const NodeRtmpServer = require('node-media-server/node_rtmp_server') const context = require('node-media-server/node_core_ctx') const nodeMediaServerLogger = require('node-media-server/node_core_logger') // Disable node media server logs nodeMediaServerLogger.setLogType(0) const config = { rtmp: { port: CONFIG.LIVE.RTMP.PORT, chunk_size: VIDEO_LIVE.RTMP.CHUNK_SIZE, gop_cache: VIDEO_LIVE.RTMP.GOP_CACHE, ping: VIDEO_LIVE.RTMP.PING, ping_timeout: VIDEO_LIVE.RTMP.PING_TIMEOUT }, transcoding: { ffmpeg: 'ffmpeg' } } type SegmentSha256QueueParam = { operation: 'update' | 'delete' videoUUID: string segmentPath: string } class LiveManager { private static instance: LiveManager private readonly transSessions = new Map() private readonly segmentsSha256 = new Map>() private segmentsSha256Queue: AsyncQueue private rtmpServer: any private constructor () { } init () { this.getContext().nodeEvent.on('postPublish', (sessionId: string, streamPath: string) => { logger.debug('RTMP received stream', { id: sessionId, streamPath }) const splittedPath = streamPath.split('/') if (splittedPath.length !== 3 || splittedPath[1] !== VIDEO_LIVE.RTMP.BASE_PATH) { logger.warn('Live path is incorrect.', { streamPath }) return this.abortSession(sessionId) } this.handleSession(sessionId, streamPath, splittedPath[2]) .catch(err => logger.error('Cannot handle sessions.', { err })) }) this.getContext().nodeEvent.on('donePublish', sessionId => { this.abortSession(sessionId) }) this.segmentsSha256Queue = queue((options, cb) => { const promise = options.operation === 'update' ? this.addSegmentSha(options) : Promise.resolve(this.removeSegmentSha(options)) promise.then(() => cb()) .catch(err => { logger.error('Cannot update/remove sha segment %s.', options.segmentPath, { err }) cb() }) }) registerConfigChangedHandler(() => { if (!this.rtmpServer && CONFIG.LIVE.ENABLED === true) { return } if (this.rtmpServer && CONFIG.LIVE.ENABLED === false) { this.stop() } }) } run () {'Running RTMP server.') this.rtmpServer = new NodeRtmpServer(config) } stop () {'Stopping RTMP server.') this.rtmpServer.stop() this.rtmpServer = undefined } getSegmentsSha256 (videoUUID: string) { return this.segmentsSha256.get(videoUUID) } private getContext () { return context } private abortSession (id: string) { const session = this.getContext().sessions.get(id) if (session) session.stop() const transSession = this.transSessions.get(id) if (transSession) transSession.kill('SIGKILL') } private async handleSession (sessionId: string, streamPath: string, streamKey: string) { const videoLive = await VideoLiveModel.loadByStreamKey(streamKey) if (!videoLive) { logger.warn('Unknown live video with stream key %s.', streamKey) return this.abortSession(sessionId) } const video = videoLive.Video const playlistUrl = WEBSERVER.URL + VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.getHlsMasterPlaylistStaticPath(video.uuid) const session = this.getContext().sessions.get(sessionId) const resolutionsEnabled = CONFIG.LIVE.TRANSCODING.ENABLED ? computeResolutionsToTranscode(session.videoHeight, 'live') : []'Will mux/transcode live video of original resolution %d.', session.videoHeight, { resolutionsEnabled }) const [ videoStreamingPlaylist ] = await VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.upsert({ videoId:, playlistUrl, segmentsSha256Url: WEBSERVER.URL + VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.getHlsSha256SegmentsStaticPath(video.uuid, video.isLive), p2pMediaLoaderInfohashes: VideoStreamingPlaylistModel.buildP2PMediaLoaderInfoHashes(playlistUrl, resolutionsEnabled), p2pMediaLoaderPeerVersion: P2P_MEDIA_LOADER_PEER_VERSION, type: VideoStreamingPlaylistType.HLS }, { returning: true }) as [ MStreamingPlaylist, boolean ] video.state = VideoState.PUBLISHED await // FIXME: federation? return this.runMuxing({ sessionId, videoLive, playlist: videoStreamingPlaylist, streamPath, originalResolution: session.videoHeight, resolutionsEnabled }) } private async runMuxing (options: { sessionId: string videoLive: MVideoLiveVideo playlist: MStreamingPlaylist streamPath: string resolutionsEnabled: number[] originalResolution: number }) { const { sessionId, videoLive, playlist, streamPath, resolutionsEnabled, originalResolution } = options const allResolutions = resolutionsEnabled.concat([ originalResolution ]) for (let i = 0; i < allResolutions.length; i++) { const resolution = allResolutions[i] VideoFileModel.upsert({ resolution, size: -1, extname: '.ts', infoHash: null, fps: -1, videoStreamingPlaylistId: }).catch(err => { logger.error('Cannot create file for live streaming.', { err }) }) } const outPath = getHLSDirectory(videoLive.Video) await ensureDir(outPath) const rtmpUrl = 'rtmp://' + config.rtmp.port + streamPath const ffmpegExec = CONFIG.LIVE.TRANSCODING.ENABLED ? runLiveTranscoding(rtmpUrl, outPath, allResolutions) : runLiveMuxing(rtmpUrl, outPath)'Running live muxing/transcoding.') this.transSessions.set(sessionId, ffmpegExec) const onFFmpegEnded = () => { watcher.close() .catch(err => logger.error('Cannot close watcher of %s.', outPath, { err })) this.onEndTransmuxing(videoLive.Video, playlist, streamPath, outPath) .catch(err => logger.error('Error in closed transmuxing.', { err })) } ffmpegExec.on('error', (err, stdout, stderr) => { onFFmpegEnded() // Don't care that we killed the ffmpeg process if (err?.message?.includes('SIGKILL')) return logger.error('Live transcoding error.', { err, stdout, stderr }) }) ffmpegExec.on('end', () => onFFmpegEnded()) const videoUUID = videoLive.Video.uuid const watcher = + '/*.ts') const updateHandler = segmentPath => this.segmentsSha256Queue.push({ operation: 'update', segmentPath, videoUUID }) const deleteHandler = segmentPath => this.segmentsSha256Queue.push({ operation: 'delete', segmentPath, videoUUID }) watcher.on('add', p => updateHandler(p)) watcher.on('change', p => updateHandler(p)) watcher.on('unlink', p => deleteHandler(p)) } private async onEndTransmuxing (video: MVideo, playlist: MStreamingPlaylist, streamPath: string, outPath: string) {'RTMP transmuxing for %s ended.', streamPath) const files = await readdir(outPath) for (const filename of files) { if ( filename.endsWith('.ts') || filename.endsWith('.m3u8') || filename.endsWith('.mpd') || filename.endsWith('.m4s') || filename.endsWith('.tmp') ) { const p = join(outPath, filename) remove(p) .catch(err => logger.error('Cannot remove %s.', p, { err })) } } playlist.destroy() .catch(err => logger.error('Cannot remove live streaming playlist.', { err })) video.state = VideoState.LIVE_ENDED .catch(err => logger.error('Cannot save new video state of live streaming.', { err })) } private async addSegmentSha (options: SegmentSha256QueueParam) { const segmentName = basename(options.segmentPath) logger.debug('Updating live sha segment %s.', options.segmentPath) const shaResult = await buildSha256Segment(options.segmentPath) if (!this.segmentsSha256.has(options.videoUUID)) { this.segmentsSha256.set(options.videoUUID, new Map()) } const filesMap = this.segmentsSha256.get(options.videoUUID) filesMap.set(segmentName, shaResult) } private removeSegmentSha (options: SegmentSha256QueueParam) { const segmentName = basename(options.segmentPath) logger.debug('Removing live sha segment %s.', options.segmentPath) const filesMap = this.segmentsSha256.get(options.videoUUID) if (!filesMap) { logger.warn('Unknown files map to remove sha for %s.', options.videoUUID) return } if (!filesMap.has(segmentName)) { logger.warn('Unknown segment in files map for video %s and segment %s.', options.videoUUID, options.segmentPath) return } filesMap.delete(segmentName) } static get Instance () { return this.instance || (this.instance = new this()) } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { LiveManager }