import { forkJoin, map, Observable, of, Subscription, switchMap } from 'rxjs' import { PlatformLocation, NgClass, NgIf, NgTemplateOutlet } from '@angular/common' import { Component, ElementRef, Inject, LOCALE_ID, NgZone, OnDestroy, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core' import { ActivatedRoute, Router, RouterLink } from '@angular/router' import { AuthService, AuthUser, ConfirmService, Notifier, PeerTubeSocket, PluginService, RestExtractor, ScreenService, ServerService, Hotkey, HotkeysService, User, UserService, MetaService } from '@app/core' import { HooksService } from '@app/core/plugins/hooks.service' import { isXPercentInViewport, scrollToTop, toBoolean } from '@app/helpers' import { timeToInt } from '@peertube/peertube-core-utils' import { HTMLServerConfig, HttpStatusCode, LiveVideo, PeerTubeProblemDocument, ServerErrorCode, Storyboard, VideoCaption, VideoChapter, VideoPrivacy, VideoState, VideoStateType } from '@peertube/peertube-models' import { logger } from '@root-helpers/logger' import { isP2PEnabled, videoRequiresFileToken, videoRequiresUserAuth } from '@root-helpers/video' import { HLSOptions, PeerTubePlayer, PeerTubePlayerContructorOptions, PeerTubePlayerLoadOptions, PlayerMode, videojs } from '../../../assets/player' import { cleanupVideoWatch, getStoredTheater, getStoredVideoWatchHistory } from '../../../assets/player/peertube-player-local-storage' import { environment } from '../../../environments/environment' import { VideoWatchPlaylistComponent } from './shared' import { PlayerStylesComponent } from './player-styles.component' import { PrivacyConcernsComponent } from './shared/information/privacy-concerns.component' import { RecommendedVideosComponent } from './shared/recommendations/recommended-videos.component' import { VideoCommentsComponent } from './shared/comment/video-comments.component' import { VideoAttributesComponent } from './shared/metadata/video-attributes.component' import { VideoDescriptionComponent } from './shared/metadata/video-description.component' import { VideoAvatarChannelComponent } from './shared/metadata/video-avatar-channel.component' import { ActionButtonsComponent } from './shared/action-buttons/action-buttons.component' import { VideoViewsCounterComponent } from '../../shared/shared-video/video-views-counter.component' import { DateToggleComponent } from '../../shared/shared-main/date/date-toggle.component' import { VideoAlertComponent } from './shared/information/video-alert.component' import { PluginPlaceholderComponent } from '../../shared/shared-main/plugins/plugin-placeholder.component' import { VideoDetails } from '@app/shared/shared-main/video/video-details.model' import { VideoCaptionService } from '@app/shared/shared-main/video-caption/video-caption.service' import { VideoChapterService } from '@app/shared/shared-main/video/video-chapter.service' import { VideoFileTokenService } from '@app/shared/shared-main/video/video-file-token.service' import { VideoService } from '@app/shared/shared-main/video/video.service' import { Video } from '@app/shared/shared-main/video/video.model' import { VideoPlaylist } from '@app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist.model' import { SubscribeButtonComponent } from '@app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component' import { LiveVideoService } from '@app/shared/shared-video-live/live-video.service' import { VideoPlaylistService } from '@app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist.service' type URLOptions = { playerMode: PlayerMode startTime: number | string stopTime: number | string controls?: boolean controlBar?: boolean muted?: boolean loop?: boolean subtitle?: string resume?: string peertubeLink: boolean playbackRate?: number | string } @Component({ selector: 'my-video-watch', templateUrl: './video-watch.component.html', styleUrls: [ './video-watch.component.scss' ], standalone: true, imports: [ NgClass, NgIf, VideoWatchPlaylistComponent, PluginPlaceholderComponent, VideoAlertComponent, DateToggleComponent, VideoViewsCounterComponent, NgTemplateOutlet, ActionButtonsComponent, VideoAvatarChannelComponent, RouterLink, SubscribeButtonComponent, VideoDescriptionComponent, VideoAttributesComponent, VideoCommentsComponent, RecommendedVideosComponent, PrivacyConcernsComponent, PlayerStylesComponent ] }) export class VideoWatchComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy { @ViewChild('videoWatchPlaylist', { static: true }) videoWatchPlaylist: VideoWatchPlaylistComponent @ViewChild('subscribeButton') subscribeButton: SubscribeButtonComponent @ViewChild('playerElement') playerElement: ElementRef peertubePlayer: PeerTubePlayer theaterEnabled = false video: VideoDetails = null videoCaptions: VideoCaption[] = [] videoChapters: VideoChapter[] = [] liveVideo: LiveVideo videoPassword: string storyboards: Storyboard[] = [] playlistPosition: number playlist: VideoPlaylist = null remoteServerDown = false noPlaylistVideoFound = false private nextRecommendedVideoUUID = '' private nextRecommendedVideoTitle = '' private videoFileToken: string private currentTime: number private paramsSub: Subscription private queryParamsSub: Subscription private configSub: Subscription private liveVideosSub: Subscription private serverConfig: HTMLServerConfig private hotkeys: Hotkey[] = [] constructor ( private route: ActivatedRoute, private router: Router, private videoService: VideoService, private playlistService: VideoPlaylistService, private liveVideoService: LiveVideoService, private confirmService: ConfirmService, private authService: AuthService, private userService: UserService, private serverService: ServerService, private restExtractor: RestExtractor, private notifier: Notifier, private zone: NgZone, private videoCaptionService: VideoCaptionService, private videoChapterService: VideoChapterService, private hotkeysService: HotkeysService, private hooks: HooksService, private pluginService: PluginService, private peertubeSocket: PeerTubeSocket, private screenService: ScreenService, private videoFileTokenService: VideoFileTokenService, private location: PlatformLocation, private metaService: MetaService, @Inject(LOCALE_ID) private localeId: string ) { } get user () { return this.authService.getUser() } get anonymousUser () { return this.userService.getAnonymousUser() } async ngOnInit () { this.serverConfig = this.serverService.getHTMLConfig() this.loadRouteParams() this.loadRouteQuery() this.theaterEnabled = getStoredTheater() this.hooks.runAction('action:video-watch.init', 'video-watch') setTimeout(cleanupVideoWatch, 1500) // Run in timeout to ensure we're not blocking the UI const constructorOptions = await this.hooks.wrapFun( this.buildPeerTubePlayerConstructorOptions.bind(this), { urlOptions: this.getUrlOptions() }, 'video-watch', '', '' ) this.peertubePlayer = new PeerTubePlayer(constructorOptions) } ngOnDestroy () { if (this.peertubePlayer) this.peertubePlayer.destroy() // Unsubscribe subscriptions if (this.paramsSub) this.paramsSub.unsubscribe() if (this.queryParamsSub) this.queryParamsSub.unsubscribe() if (this.configSub) this.configSub.unsubscribe() if (this.liveVideosSub) this.liveVideosSub.unsubscribe() // Unbind hotkeys this.hotkeysService.remove(this.hotkeys) } getCurrentTime () { return this.currentTime } getCurrentPlaylistPosition () { return this.videoWatchPlaylist.currentPlaylistPosition } onRecommendations (videos: Video[]) { if (videos.length === 0) return // The recommended videos's first element should be the next video const video = videos[0] this.nextRecommendedVideoUUID = video.uuid this.nextRecommendedVideoTitle = } handleTimestampClicked (timestamp: number) { if (!this.peertubePlayer || return this.peertubePlayer.getPlayer().currentTime(timestamp) scrollToTop() } onPlaylistVideoFound (videoId: string) { this.loadVideo({ videoId, forceAutoplay: false }) } onPlaylistNoVideoFound () { this.noPlaylistVideoFound = true } isUserLoggedIn () { return this.authService.isLoggedIn() } isUserOwner () { return === true && === this.user?.username } isVideoBlur (video: Video) { return video.isVideoNSFWForUser(this.user, this.serverConfig) } isChannelDisplayNameGeneric () { const genericChannelDisplayName = [ `Main ${} channel`, `Default ${} channel` ] return genericChannelDisplayName.includes( } displayOtherVideosAsRow () { // Use the same value as in the SASS file return this.screenService.getWindowInnerWidth() <= 1100 } private loadRouteParams () { this.paramsSub = this.route.params.subscribe(routeParams => { const videoId = routeParams['videoId'] if (videoId) return this.loadVideo({ videoId, forceAutoplay: false }) const playlistId = routeParams['playlistId'] if (playlistId) return this.loadPlaylist(playlistId) }) } private loadRouteQuery () { this.queryParamsSub = this.route.queryParams.subscribe(queryParams => { // Handle the ?playlistPosition const positionParam = queryParams['playlistPosition'] if (!positionParam) return this.playlistPosition = positionParam === 'last' ? -1 // Handle the "last" index : parseInt(positionParam + '', 10) if (isNaN(this.playlistPosition)) { logger.error(`playlistPosition query param '${positionParam}' was parsed as NaN, defaulting to 1.`) this.playlistPosition = 1 } this.videoWatchPlaylist.updatePlaylistIndex(this.playlistPosition) const start = queryParams['start'] if (this.peertubePlayer?.getPlayer() && start) { this.peertubePlayer.getPlayer().currentTime(parseInt(start, 10)) } }) } private loadVideo (options: { videoId: string forceAutoplay: boolean videoPassword?: string }) { const { videoId, forceAutoplay, videoPassword } = options if (this.isSameElement(, videoId)) return = undefined const videoObs = this.hooks.wrapObsFun( this.videoService.getVideo.bind(this.videoService), { videoId, videoPassword }, 'video-watch', '', '' ) const videoAndLiveObs: Observable<{ video: VideoDetails, live?: LiveVideo, videoFileToken?: string }> = videoObs.pipe( switchMap(video => { if (!video.isLive) return of({ video, live: undefined }) return this.liveVideoService.getVideoLive(video.uuid) .pipe(map(live => ({ live, video }))) }), switchMap(({ video, live }) => { if (!videoRequiresFileToken(video)) return of({ video, live, videoFileToken: undefined }) return this.videoFileTokenService.getVideoFileToken({ videoUUID: video.uuid, videoPassword }) .pipe(map(({ token }) => ({ video, live, videoFileToken: token }))) }) ) forkJoin([ videoAndLiveObs, this.videoCaptionService.listCaptions(videoId, videoPassword), this.videoChapterService.getChapters({ videoId, videoPassword }), this.videoService.getStoryboards(videoId, videoPassword), this.userService.getAnonymousOrLoggedUser() ]).subscribe({ next: ([ { video, live, videoFileToken }, captionsResult, chaptersResult, storyboards, loggedInOrAnonymousUser ]) => { this.onVideoFetched({ video, live, videoCaptions:, videoChapters: chaptersResult.chapters, storyboards, videoFileToken, videoPassword, loggedInOrAnonymousUser, forceAutoplay }).catch(err => { this.handleGlobalError(err) }) }, error: async err => { if (err.body.code === ServerErrorCode.VIDEO_REQUIRES_PASSWORD || err.body.code === ServerErrorCode.INCORRECT_VIDEO_PASSWORD) { const { confirmed, password } = await this.handleVideoPasswordError(err) if (confirmed === false) return this.location.back() this.loadVideo({ ...options, videoPassword: password }) } else { this.handleRequestError(err) } } }) } private loadPlaylist (playlistId: string) { if (this.isSameElement(this.playlist, playlistId)) return this.noPlaylistVideoFound = false this.playlistService.getVideoPlaylist(playlistId) .subscribe({ next: playlist => { this.playlist = playlist this.videoWatchPlaylist.loadPlaylistElements(playlist, !this.playlistPosition, this.playlistPosition) }, error: err => this.handleRequestError(err) }) } private isSameElement (element: VideoDetails | VideoPlaylist, newId: string) { if (!element) return false return ( + '') === newId || element.uuid === newId || element.shortUUID === newId } private async handleRequestError (err: any) { const errorBody = err.body as PeerTubeProblemDocument if (errorBody?.code === ServerErrorCode.DOES_NOT_RESPECT_FOLLOW_CONSTRAINTS && errorBody.originUrl) { const originUrl = errorBody.originUrl + ( ?? '') const res = await this.confirmService.confirm( // eslint-disable-next-line max-len $localize`This video is not available on this instance. Do you want to be redirected on the origin instance: ${originUrl}?`, $localize`Redirection` ) if (res === true) return window.location.href = originUrl } // If 400, 403 or 404, the video is private or blocked so redirect to 404 return this.restExtractor.redirectTo404IfNotFound(err, 'video', [ HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST_400, HttpStatusCode.FORBIDDEN_403, HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND_404 ]) } private handleGlobalError (err: any) { const errorMessage: string = typeof err === 'string' ? err : err.message if (!errorMessage) return this.notifier.error(errorMessage) } private handleVideoPasswordError (err: any) { let isIncorrectPassword: boolean if (err.body.code === ServerErrorCode.VIDEO_REQUIRES_PASSWORD) { isIncorrectPassword = false } else if (err.body.code === ServerErrorCode.INCORRECT_VIDEO_PASSWORD) { this.videoPassword = undefined isIncorrectPassword = true } return this.confirmService.confirmWithPassword({ message: $localize`You need a password to watch this video`, title: $localize`This video is password protected`, errorMessage: isIncorrectPassword ? $localize`Incorrect password, please enter a correct password` : '' }) } private async onVideoFetched (options: { video: VideoDetails live: LiveVideo videoCaptions: VideoCaption[] videoChapters: VideoChapter[] storyboards: Storyboard[] videoFileToken: string videoPassword: string loggedInOrAnonymousUser: User forceAutoplay: boolean }) { const { video, live, videoCaptions, videoChapters, storyboards, videoFileToken, videoPassword, loggedInOrAnonymousUser, forceAutoplay } = options this.subscribeToLiveEventsIfNeeded(, video) = video this.videoCaptions = videoCaptions this.videoChapters = videoChapters this.liveVideo = live this.videoFileToken = videoFileToken this.videoPassword = videoPassword this.storyboards = storyboards // Re init attributes this.remoteServerDown = false this.currentTime = undefined if (this.isVideoBlur( { const res = await this.confirmService.confirm( $localize`This video contains mature or explicit content. Are you sure you want to watch it?`, $localize`Mature or explicit content` ) if (res === false) return this.location.back() } this.buildHotkeysHelp(video) this.setMetaTags(video) this.loadPlayer({ loggedInOrAnonymousUser, forceAutoplay }) .catch(err => logger.error('Cannot build the player', err)) const hookOptions = { videojs, video:, playlist: this.playlist } this.hooks.runAction('', 'video-watch', hookOptions) } private async loadPlayer (options: { loggedInOrAnonymousUser: User forceAutoplay: boolean }) { const { loggedInOrAnonymousUser, forceAutoplay } = options const videoState = if (videoState === VideoState.LIVE_ENDED || videoState === VideoState.WAITING_FOR_LIVE) { this.updatePlayerOnNoLive() return } this.peertubePlayer?.enable() const params = { video:, videoCaptions: this.videoCaptions, videoChapters: this.videoChapters, storyboards: this.storyboards, liveVideo: this.liveVideo, videoFileToken: this.videoFileToken, videoPassword: this.videoPassword, urlOptions: this.getUrlOptions(), loggedInOrAnonymousUser, forceAutoplay, user: this.user } const loadOptions = await this.hooks.wrapFun( this.buildPeerTubePlayerLoadOptions.bind(this), params, 'video-watch', '', '' ) () => { await this.peertubePlayer.load(loadOptions) const player = this.peertubePlayer.getPlayer() player.on('timeupdate', () => { // Don't need to trigger angular change for this variable, that is sent to children components on click this.currentTime = Math.floor(player.currentTime()) }) if ( {'ended', () => { => { // We changed the video, it's not a live anymore if (! return = VideoState.LIVE_ENDED this.updatePlayerOnNoLive() }) }) } player.on('theater-change', (_: any, enabled: boolean) => { => this.theaterEnabled = enabled) }) this.hooks.runAction('action:video-watch.player.loaded', 'video-watch', { player, playlist: this.playlist, playlistPosition: this.playlistPosition, videojs, video: }) }) } private hasNextVideo () { if (this.playlist) { return this.videoWatchPlaylist.hasNextVideo() } return true } private getNextVideoTitle () { if (this.playlist) { return this.videoWatchPlaylist.getNextVideo()?.video?.name || '' } return this.nextRecommendedVideoTitle } private playNextVideoInAngularZone () { => { if (this.playlist) { this.videoWatchPlaylist.navigateToNextPlaylistVideo() return } if (this.nextRecommendedVideoUUID) { this.router.navigate([ '/w', this.nextRecommendedVideoUUID ]) } }) } private isAutoplay () { // We'll jump to the thread id, so do not play the video if (this.route.snapshot.params['threadId']) return false if (this.user) return this.user.autoPlayVideo if (this.anonymousUser) return this.anonymousUser.autoPlayVideo throw new Error('Cannot guess autoplay because user and anonymousUser are not defined') } private isAutoPlayNext () { return ( (this.user?.autoPlayNextVideo) || this.anonymousUser.autoPlayNextVideo ) } private isPlaylistAutoPlayNext () { return ( (this.user?.autoPlayNextVideoPlaylist) || this.anonymousUser.autoPlayNextVideoPlaylist ) } private buildPeerTubePlayerConstructorOptions (options: { urlOptions: URLOptions }): PeerTubePlayerContructorOptions { const { urlOptions } = options return { playerElement: () => this.playerElement.nativeElement, enableHotkeys: true, inactivityTimeout: 2500, theaterButton: true, controls: urlOptions.controls, controlBar: urlOptions.controlBar, muted: urlOptions.muted, loop: urlOptions.loop, playbackRate: urlOptions.playbackRate, instanceName:, language: this.localeId, metricsUrl: this.serverConfig.openTelemetry.metrics.enabled ? environment.apiUrl + '/api/v1/metrics/playback' : null, metricsInterval: this.serverConfig.openTelemetry.metrics.playbackStatsInterval, videoViewIntervalMs: this.isUserLoggedIn() ? this.serverConfig.views.videos.watchingInterval.users : this.serverConfig.views.videos.watchingInterval.anonymous, authorizationHeader: () => this.authService.getRequestHeaderValue(), serverUrl: environment.originServerUrl || window.location.origin, errorNotifier: (message: string) => this.notifier.error(message), peertubeLink: () => false, pluginsManager: this.pluginService.getPluginsManager(), autoPlayerRatio: { cssRatioVariable: '--player-ratio', cssPlayerPortraitModeVariable: '--player-portrait-mode' } } } private buildPeerTubePlayerLoadOptions (options: { video: VideoDetails liveVideo: LiveVideo videoCaptions: VideoCaption[] videoChapters: VideoChapter[] storyboards: Storyboard[] videoFileToken: string videoPassword: string urlOptions: URLOptions loggedInOrAnonymousUser: User forceAutoplay: boolean user?: AuthUser // Keep for plugins }): PeerTubePlayerLoadOptions { const { video, liveVideo, videoCaptions, videoChapters, storyboards, videoFileToken, videoPassword, urlOptions, loggedInOrAnonymousUser, forceAutoplay } = options let mode: PlayerMode if (urlOptions.playerMode) { if (urlOptions.playerMode === 'p2p-media-loader') mode = 'p2p-media-loader' else mode = 'web-video' } else { if (video.hasHlsPlaylist()) mode = 'p2p-media-loader' else mode = 'web-video' } let hlsOptions: HLSOptions if (video.hasHlsPlaylist()) { const hlsPlaylist = video.getHlsPlaylist() hlsOptions = { playlistUrl: hlsPlaylist.playlistUrl, segmentsSha256Url: hlsPlaylist.segmentsSha256Url, redundancyBaseUrls: => r.baseUrl), trackerAnnounce: video.trackerUrls, videoFiles: hlsPlaylist.files } } const getStartTime = () => { if (video.isLive) return undefined const byUrl = urlOptions.startTime !== undefined const byHistory = video.userHistory && (!this.playlist || urlOptions.resume !== undefined) const byLocalStorage = getStoredVideoWatchHistory(video.uuid) if (byUrl) return timeToInt(urlOptions.startTime) let startTime = 0 if (byHistory) startTime = video.userHistory.currentTime if (byLocalStorage) startTime = byLocalStorage.duration // If we are at the end of the video, reset the timer if (video.duration - startTime <= 1) startTime = 0 return startTime } const startTime = getStartTime() const playerCaptions = => ({ label: c.language.label, language:, src: environment.apiUrl + c.captionPath })) const storyboard = storyboards.length !== 0 ? { url: environment.apiUrl + storyboards[0].storyboardPath, height: storyboards[0].spriteHeight, width: storyboards[0].spriteWidth, interval: storyboards[0].spriteDuration } : undefined const liveOptions = video.isLive ? { latencyMode: liveVideo.latencyMode } : undefined return { mode, autoplay: this.isAutoplay(), forceAutoplay, duration:, poster: video.previewUrl, p2pEnabled: isP2PEnabled(video, this.serverConfig, loggedInOrAnonymousUser.p2pEnabled), startTime, stopTime: urlOptions.stopTime, subtitle: urlOptions.subtitle, embedUrl: video.embedUrl, embedTitle:, isLive: video.isLive, liveOptions, videoViewUrl: !== VideoPrivacy.PRIVATE ? this.videoService.getVideoViewUrl(video.uuid) : null, videoFileToken: () => videoFileToken, requiresUserAuth: videoRequiresUserAuth(video, videoPassword), requiresPassword: === VideoPrivacy.PASSWORD_PROTECTED && !video.canAccessPasswordProtectedVideoWithoutPassword(this.user), videoPassword: () => videoPassword, videoCaptions: playerCaptions, videoChapters, storyboard, videoShortUUID: video.shortUUID, videoUUID: video.uuid, videoRatio: video.aspectRatio, previousVideo: { enabled: this.playlist && this.videoWatchPlaylist.hasPreviousVideo(), handler: this.playlist ? () => => this.videoWatchPlaylist.navigateToPreviousPlaylistVideo()) : undefined, displayControlBarButton: !!this.playlist }, nextVideo: { enabled: this.hasNextVideo(), handler: () => this.playNextVideoInAngularZone(), getVideoTitle: () => this.getNextVideoTitle(), displayControlBarButton: this.hasNextVideo() }, upnext: { isEnabled: () => { if (this.playlist) return this.isPlaylistAutoPlayNext() return this.isAutoPlayNext() }, isSuspended: (player: videojs.Player) => { return !isXPercentInViewport(player.el() as HTMLElement, 80) }, timeout: this.playlist ? 0 // Don't wait to play next video in playlist : 5000 // 5 seconds for a recommended video }, hls: hlsOptions, webVideo: { videoFiles: video.files } } } private async subscribeToLiveEventsIfNeeded (oldVideo: VideoDetails, newVideo: VideoDetails) { if (!this.liveVideosSub) { this.liveVideosSub = this.buildLiveEventsSubscription() } if (oldVideo && !== { this.peertubeSocket.unsubscribeLiveVideos( } if (!newVideo.isLive) return await this.peertubeSocket.subscribeToLiveVideosSocket( } private buildLiveEventsSubscription () { return this.peertubeSocket.getLiveVideosObservable() .subscribe(({ type, payload }) => { if (type === 'state-change') return this.handleLiveStateChange(payload.state) if (type === 'views-change') return this.handleLiveViewsChange(payload.viewers) }) } private handleLiveStateChange (newState: VideoStateType) { if (newState !== VideoState.PUBLISHED) return'Loading video after live update.') const videoUUID = // Reset to force refresh the video = undefined this.loadVideo({ videoId: videoUUID, forceAutoplay: true }) } private handleLiveViewsChange (newViewers: number) { if (! { logger.error('Cannot update video live views because video is no defined.') return }'Updating live views.') = newViewers } private updatePlayerOnNoLive () { this.peertubePlayer.unload() this.peertubePlayer.disable() this.peertubePlayer.setPoster( } private buildHotkeysHelp (video: Video) { if (this.hotkeys.length !== 0) { this.hotkeysService.remove(this.hotkeys) } this.hotkeys = [ // These hotkeys are managed by the player new Hotkey('f', e => e, $localize`Enter/exit fullscreen`), new Hotkey('space', e => e, $localize`Play/Pause the video`), new Hotkey('m', e => e, $localize`Mute/unmute the video`), new Hotkey('up', e => e, $localize`Increase the volume`), new Hotkey('down', e => e, $localize`Decrease the volume`), new Hotkey('t', e => { this.theaterEnabled = !this.theaterEnabled return false }, $localize`Toggle theater mode`) ] if (!video.isLive) { this.hotkeys = this.hotkeys.concat([ // These hotkeys are also managed by the player but only for VOD new Hotkey('0-9', e => e, $localize`Skip to a percentage of the video: 0 is 0% and 9 is 90%`), new Hotkey('right', e => e, $localize`Seek the video forward`), new Hotkey('left', e => e, $localize`Seek the video backward`), new Hotkey('>', e => e, $localize`Increase playback rate`), new Hotkey('<', e => e, $localize`Decrease playback rate`), new Hotkey(',', e => e, $localize`Navigate in the video to the previous frame`), new Hotkey('.', e => e, $localize`Navigate in the video to the next frame`) ]) } if (this.isUserLoggedIn()) { this.hotkeys = this.hotkeys.concat([ new Hotkey('shift+s', () => { if (this.subscribeButton.isSubscribedToAll()) this.subscribeButton.unsubscribe() else this.subscribeButton.subscribe() return false }, $localize`Subscribe to the account`) ]) } this.hotkeysService.add(this.hotkeys) } private setMetaTags (video: Video) { this.metaService.setTitle( this.metaService.setTag('description', video.description) } private getUrlOptions (): URLOptions { const queryParams = this.route.snapshot.queryParams return { resume: queryParams.resume, startTime: queryParams.start, stopTime: queryParams.stop, muted: toBoolean(queryParams.muted), loop: toBoolean(queryParams.loop), subtitle: queryParams.subtitle, playerMode: queryParams.mode, playbackRate: queryParams.playbackRate, controlBar: toBoolean(queryParams.controlBar), peertubeLink: false } } }