import { AggregateOptions, Op, ScopeOptions, Sequelize, Transaction } from 'sequelize' import { AllowNull, BelongsTo, Column, CreatedAt, DataType, Default, ForeignKey, Is, IsInt, Min, Model, Table, UpdatedAt } from 'sequelize-typescript' import validator from 'validator' import { forceNumber } from '@peertube/peertube-core-utils' import { PlaylistElementObject, VideoPlaylistElement, VideoPlaylistElementType, VideoPrivacy, VideoPrivacyType } from '@peertube/peertube-models' import { MUserAccountId } from '@server/types/models/index.js' import { MVideoPlaylistElement, MVideoPlaylistElementAP, MVideoPlaylistElementFormattable, MVideoPlaylistElementVideoUrlPlaylistPrivacy, MVideoPlaylistVideoThumbnail } from '@server/types/models/video/video-playlist-element.js' import { AttributesOnly } from '@peertube/peertube-typescript-utils' import { isActivityPubUrlValid } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/activitypub/misc.js' import { CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS } from '../../initializers/constants.js' import { AccountModel } from '../account/account.js' import { getSort, throwIfNotValid } from '../shared/index.js' import { VideoPlaylistModel } from './video-playlist.js' import { ForAPIOptions, ScopeNames as VideoScopeNames, VideoModel } from './video.js' @Table({ tableName: 'videoPlaylistElement', indexes: [ { fields: [ 'videoPlaylistId' ] }, { fields: [ 'videoId' ] }, { fields: [ 'url' ], unique: true } ] }) export class VideoPlaylistElementModel extends Model>> { @CreatedAt createdAt: Date @UpdatedAt updatedAt: Date @AllowNull(true) @Is('VideoPlaylistUrl', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isActivityPubUrlValid, 'url', true)) @Column(DataType.STRING(CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.VIDEO_PLAYLISTS.URL.max)) url: string @AllowNull(false) @Default(1) @IsInt @Min(1) @Column position: number @AllowNull(true) @IsInt @Min(0) @Column startTimestamp: number @AllowNull(true) @IsInt @Min(0) @Column stopTimestamp: number @ForeignKey(() => VideoPlaylistModel) @Column videoPlaylistId: number @BelongsTo(() => VideoPlaylistModel, { foreignKey: { allowNull: false }, onDelete: 'CASCADE' }) VideoPlaylist: Awaited @ForeignKey(() => VideoModel) @Column videoId: number @BelongsTo(() => VideoModel, { foreignKey: { allowNull: true }, onDelete: 'set null' }) Video: Awaited static deleteAllOf (videoPlaylistId: number, transaction?: Transaction) { const query = { where: { videoPlaylistId }, transaction } return VideoPlaylistElementModel.destroy(query) } static listForApi (options: { start: number count: number videoPlaylistId: number serverAccount: AccountModel user?: MUserAccountId }) { const accountIds = [ ] const videoScope: (ScopeOptions | string)[] = [ VideoScopeNames.WITH_BLACKLISTED ] if (options.user) { accountIds.push( videoScope.push({ method: [ VideoScopeNames.WITH_USER_HISTORY, ] }) } const forApiOptions: ForAPIOptions = { withAccountBlockerIds: accountIds } videoScope.push({ method: [ VideoScopeNames.FOR_API, forApiOptions ] }) const findQuery = { offset: options.start, limit: options.count, order: getSort('position'), where: { videoPlaylistId: options.videoPlaylistId }, include: [ { model: VideoModel.scope(videoScope), required: false } ] } const countQuery = { where: { videoPlaylistId: options.videoPlaylistId } } return Promise.all([ VideoPlaylistElementModel.count(countQuery), VideoPlaylistElementModel.findAll(findQuery) ]).then(([ total, data ]) => ({ total, data })) } static loadByPlaylistAndVideo (videoPlaylistId: number, videoId: number): Promise { const query = { where: { videoPlaylistId, videoId } } return VideoPlaylistElementModel.findOne(query) } static loadById (playlistElementId: number | string): Promise { return VideoPlaylistElementModel.findByPk(playlistElementId) } static loadByPlaylistAndElementIdForAP ( playlistId: number | string, playlistElementId: number ): Promise { const playlistWhere = validator.default.isUUID('' + playlistId) ? { uuid: playlistId } : { id: playlistId } const query = { include: [ { attributes: [ 'privacy' ], model: VideoPlaylistModel.unscoped(), where: playlistWhere }, { attributes: [ 'url' ], model: VideoModel.unscoped() } ], where: { id: playlistElementId } } return VideoPlaylistElementModel.findOne(query) } static listUrlsOfForAP (videoPlaylistId: number, start: number, count: number, t?: Transaction) { const getQuery = (forCount: boolean) => { return { attributes: forCount ? [] : [ 'url' ], offset: start, limit: count, order: getSort('position'), where: { videoPlaylistId }, transaction: t } } return Promise.all([ VideoPlaylistElementModel.count(getQuery(true)), VideoPlaylistElementModel.findAll(getQuery(false)) ]).then(([ total, rows ]) => ({ total, data: => e.url) })) } static loadFirstElementWithVideoThumbnail (videoPlaylistId: number): Promise { const query = { order: getSort('position'), where: { videoPlaylistId }, include: [ { model: VideoModel.scope(VideoScopeNames.WITH_THUMBNAILS), required: true } ] } return VideoPlaylistElementModel .findOne(query) } static getNextPositionOf (videoPlaylistId: number, transaction?: Transaction) { const query: AggregateOptions = { where: { videoPlaylistId }, transaction } return VideoPlaylistElementModel.max('position', query) .then(position => position ? position + 1 : 1) } static reassignPositionOf (options: { videoPlaylistId: number firstPosition: number endPosition: number newPosition: number transaction?: Transaction }) { const { videoPlaylistId, firstPosition, endPosition, newPosition, transaction } = options const query = { where: { videoPlaylistId, position: { [Op.gte]: firstPosition, [Op.lte]: endPosition } }, transaction, validate: false // We use a literal to update the position } const positionQuery = Sequelize.literal(`${forceNumber(newPosition)} + "position" - ${forceNumber(firstPosition)}`) return VideoPlaylistElementModel.update({ position: positionQuery }, query) } static increasePositionOf ( videoPlaylistId: number, fromPosition: number, by = 1, transaction?: Transaction ) { const query = { where: { videoPlaylistId, position: { [Op.gte]: fromPosition } }, transaction } return VideoPlaylistElementModel.increment({ position: by }, query) } toFormattedJSON ( this: MVideoPlaylistElementFormattable, options: { accountId?: number } = {} ): VideoPlaylistElement { return { id:, position: this.position, startTimestamp: this.startTimestamp, stopTimestamp: this.stopTimestamp, type: this.getType(options.accountId), video: this.getVideoElement(options.accountId) } } getType (this: MVideoPlaylistElementFormattable, accountId?: number) { const video = this.Video if (!video) return VideoPlaylistElementType.DELETED // Owned video, don't filter it if (accountId && === accountId) return VideoPlaylistElementType.REGULAR // Internal video? if (video.privacy === VideoPrivacy.INTERNAL && accountId) return VideoPlaylistElementType.REGULAR // Private, internal and password protected videos cannot be read without appropriate access (ownership, internal) const protectedPrivacy = new Set([ VideoPrivacy.PRIVATE, VideoPrivacy.INTERNAL, VideoPrivacy.PASSWORD_PROTECTED ]) if (protectedPrivacy.has(video.privacy)) { return VideoPlaylistElementType.PRIVATE } if (video.isBlacklisted() || video.isBlocked()) return VideoPlaylistElementType.UNAVAILABLE return VideoPlaylistElementType.REGULAR } getVideoElement (this: MVideoPlaylistElementFormattable, accountId?: number) { if (!this.Video) return null if (this.getType(accountId) !== VideoPlaylistElementType.REGULAR) return null return this.Video.toFormattedJSON() } toActivityPubObject (this: MVideoPlaylistElementAP): PlaylistElementObject { const base: PlaylistElementObject = { id: this.url, type: 'PlaylistElement', url: this.Video?.url || null, position: this.position } if (this.startTimestamp) base.startTimestamp = this.startTimestamp if (this.stopTimestamp) base.stopTimestamp = this.stopTimestamp return base } }