import 'multer' import { UploadFilesForCheck } from 'express' import { sep } from 'path' import validator from 'validator' import { isShortUUID, shortToUUID } from '../uuid' function exists (value: any) { return value !== undefined && value !== null } function isSafePath (p: string) { return exists(p) && (p + '').split(sep).every(part => { return [ '..' ].includes(part) === false }) } function isArray (value: any): value is any[] { return Array.isArray(value) } function isNotEmptyIntArray (value: any) { return Array.isArray(value) && value.every(v => validator.isInt('' + v)) && value.length !== 0 } function isArrayOf (value: any, validator: (value: any) => boolean) { return isArray(value) && value.every(v => validator(v)) } function isDateValid (value: string) { return exists(value) && validator.isISO8601(value) } function isIdValid (value: string) { return exists(value) && validator.isInt('' + value) } function isUUIDValid (value: string) { return exists(value) && validator.isUUID('' + value, 4) } function areUUIDsValid (values: string[]) { return isArray(values) && values.every(v => isUUIDValid(v)) } function isIdOrUUIDValid (value: string) { return isIdValid(value) || isUUIDValid(value) } function isBooleanValid (value: any) { return typeof value === 'boolean' || (typeof value === 'string' && validator.isBoolean(value)) } function isIntOrNull (value: any) { return value === null || validator.isInt('' + value) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function isFileFieldValid ( files: { [ fieldname: string ]: Express.Multer.File[] } | Express.Multer.File[], field: string, optional = false ) { // Should have files if (!files) return optional if (isArray(files)) return optional // Should have a file const fileArray = files[field] if (!fileArray || fileArray.length === 0) { return optional } // The file should exist const file = fileArray[0] if (!file || !file.originalname) return false return file } function isFileMimeTypeValid ( files: UploadFilesForCheck, mimeTypeRegex: string, field: string, optional = false ) { // Should have files if (!files) return optional if (isArray(files)) return optional // Should have a file const fileArray = files[field] if (!fileArray || fileArray.length === 0) { return optional } // The file should exist const file = fileArray[0] if (!file || !file.originalname) return false return new RegExp(`^${mimeTypeRegex}$`, 'i').test(file.mimetype) } function isFileValid ( files: { [ fieldname: string ]: Express.Multer.File[] } | Express.Multer.File[], mimeTypeRegex: string, field: string, maxSize: number | null, optional = false ) { // Should have files if (!files) return optional if (isArray(files)) return optional // Should have a file const fileArray = files[field] if (!fileArray || fileArray.length === 0) { return optional } // The file should exist const file = fileArray[0] if (!file || !file.originalname) return false // Check size if ((maxSize !== null) && file.size > maxSize) return false return new RegExp(`^${mimeTypeRegex}$`, 'i').test(file.mimetype) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function toCompleteUUID (value: string) { if (isShortUUID(value)) return shortToUUID(value) return value } function toCompleteUUIDs (values: string[]) { return => toCompleteUUID(v)) } function toIntOrNull (value: string) { const v = toValueOrNull(value) if (v === null || v === undefined) return v if (typeof v === 'number') return v return validator.toInt('' + v) } function toBooleanOrNull (value: any) { const v = toValueOrNull(value) if (v === null || v === undefined) return v if (typeof v === 'boolean') return v return validator.toBoolean('' + v) } function toValueOrNull (value: string) { if (value === 'null') return null return value } function toArray (value: any) { if (value && isArray(value) === false) return [ value ] return value } function toIntArray (value: any) { if (!value) return [] if (isArray(value) === false) return [ validator.toInt(value) ] return => validator.toInt(v)) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { exists, isArrayOf, isNotEmptyIntArray, isArray, isIntOrNull, isIdValid, isSafePath, isUUIDValid, toCompleteUUIDs, toCompleteUUID, isIdOrUUIDValid, isDateValid, toValueOrNull, toBooleanOrNull, isBooleanValid, toIntOrNull, areUUIDsValid, toArray, toIntArray, isFileFieldValid, isFileMimeTypeValid, isFileValid }