import { copy, readFile, remove, rename } from 'fs-extra' import * as Jimp from 'jimp' import { extname } from 'path' import { convertWebPToJPG, processGIF } from './ffmpeg-utils' import { logger } from './logger' async function processImage ( path: string, destination: string, newSize: { width: number, height: number }, keepOriginal = false ) { const extension = extname(path) if (path === destination) { throw new Error('Jimp/FFmpeg needs an input path different that the output path.') } logger.debug('Processing image %s to %s.', path, destination) // Use FFmpeg to process GIF if (extension === '.gif') { await processGIF(path, destination, newSize) } else { await jimpProcessor(path, destination, newSize, extension) } if (keepOriginal !== true) await remove(path) } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- export { processImage } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- async function jimpProcessor (path: string, destination: string, newSize: { width: number, height: number }, inputExt: string) { let jimpInstance: Jimp const inputBuffer = await readFile(path) try { jimpInstance = await } catch (err) { logger.debug('Cannot read %s with jimp. Try to convert the image using ffmpeg first.', path, { err }) const newName = path + '.jpg' await convertWebPToJPG(path, newName) await rename(newName, path) jimpInstance = await } await remove(destination) // Optimization if the source file has the appropriate size if (await skipProcessing({ jimpInstance, newSize, imageBytes: inputBuffer.byteLength, inputExt, outputExt: extname(destination) })) { return copy(path, destination) } await jimpInstance .resize(newSize.width, newSize.height) .quality(80) .writeAsync(destination) } function skipProcessing (options: { jimpInstance: Jimp newSize: { width: number, height: number } imageBytes: number inputExt: string outputExt: string }) { const { jimpInstance, newSize, imageBytes, inputExt, outputExt } = options const { width, height } = newSize if (jimpInstance.getWidth() > width || jimpInstance.getHeight() > height) return false if (inputExt !== outputExt) return false const kB = 1000 if (height >= 1000) return imageBytes <= 200 * kB if (height >= 500) return imageBytes <= 100 * kB return imageBytes <= 15 * kB }