
75 lines
3.3 KiB

<ng-template #modal>
<div class="modal-header">
<h4 i18n class="modal-title">
<ng-container *ngIf="isAccept()">Accept {{ registration.username }} registration</ng-container>
<ng-container *ngIf="isReject()">Reject {{ registration.username }} registration</ng-container>
<my-global-icon iconName="cross" aria-label="Close" role="button" (click)="hide()"></my-global-icon>
<form novalidate [formGroup]="form" (ngSubmit)="processRegistration()">
<div class="modal-body mb-3">
<div i18n *ngIf="!registration.emailVerified" class="alert alert-warning">
Registration email has not been verified. Email delivery has been disabled by default.
<div class="description">
<ng-container *ngIf="isAccept()">
<p i18n>
<strong>Accepting</strong>&nbsp;<em>{{ registration.username }}</em> registration will create the account and channel.
<p *ngIf="isEmailEnabled()" i18n [ngClass]="{ 'text-decoration-line-through': isPreventEmailDeliveryChecked() }">
An email will be sent to <em>{{ }}</em> explaining its account has been created with the moderation response you'll write below.
<div *ngIf="!isEmailEnabled()" class="alert alert-warning" i18n>
Emails are not enabled on this instance so PeerTube won't be able to send an email to <em>{{ }}</em> explaining its account has been created.
<ng-container *ngIf="isReject()">
<p i18n [ngClass]="{ 'text-decoration-line-through': isPreventEmailDeliveryChecked() }">
An email will be sent to <em>{{ }}</em> explaining its registration request has been <strong>rejected</strong> with the moderation response you'll write below.
<div *ngIf="!isEmailEnabled()" class="alert alert-warning" i18n>
Emails are not enabled on this instance so PeerTube won't be able to send an email to <em>{{ }}</em> explaining its registration request has been rejected.
<div class="form-group">
<label for="moderationResponse" i18n>Send a message to the user</label>
formControlName="moderationResponse" ngbAutofocus name="moderationResponse" id="moderationResponse"
[ngClass]="{ 'input-error': formErrors['moderationResponse'] }" class="form-control"
<div *ngIf="formErrors.moderationResponse" class="form-error">
{{ formErrors.moderationResponse }}
<div class="form-group">
inputName="preventEmailDelivery" formControlName="preventEmailDelivery" [disabled]="!isEmailEnabled()"
i18n-labelText labelText="Prevent email from being sent to the user"
<div class="modal-footer inputs">
type="button" role="button" i18n-value value="Cancel" class="peertube-button grey-button"
(click)="hide()" (key.enter)="hide()"
<input type="submit" [value]="getSubmitValue()" class="peertube-button orange-button" [disabled]="!form.valid">