mirror of https://github.com/Chocobozzz/PeerTube
185 lines
5.6 KiB
185 lines
5.6 KiB
import { getAverageTheoreticalBitrate, getMaxTheoreticalBitrate, getMinTheoreticalBitrate } from '@peertube/peertube-core-utils'
import {
} from '@peertube/peertube-ffmpeg'
import { EncoderOptionsBuilder, EncoderOptionsBuilderParams } from '@peertube/peertube-models'
import { FfprobeData } from 'fluent-ffmpeg'
const defaultX264VODOptionsBuilder: EncoderOptionsBuilder = (options: EncoderOptionsBuilderParams) => {
const { fps, inputRatio, inputBitrate, resolution } = options
const targetBitrate = getTargetBitrate({ inputBitrate, ratio: inputRatio, fps, resolution })
return {
outputOptions: [
`-r ${fps}`
const defaultX264LiveOptionsBuilder: EncoderOptionsBuilder = (options: EncoderOptionsBuilderParams) => {
const { streamNum, fps, inputBitrate, inputRatio, resolution } = options
const targetBitrate = getTargetBitrate({ inputBitrate, ratio: inputRatio, fps, resolution })
return {
outputOptions: [
...getCommonOutputOptions(targetBitrate, streamNum),
`${buildStreamSuffix('-r:v', streamNum)} ${fps}`,
`${buildStreamSuffix('-b:v', streamNum)} ${targetBitrate}`
const defaultAACOptionsBuilder: EncoderOptionsBuilder = async ({ input, streamNum, canCopyAudio, inputProbe }) => {
if (canCopyAudio && await canDoQuickAudioTranscode(input, inputProbe)) {
return { copy: true, outputOptions: [ ] }
const parsedAudio = await getAudioStream(input, inputProbe)
// We try to reduce the ceiling bitrate by making rough matches of bitrates
// Of course this is far from perfect, but it might save some space in the end
const audioCodecName = parsedAudio.audioStream['codec_name']
const bitrate = getMaxAudioBitrate(audioCodecName, parsedAudio.bitrate)
// Force stereo as it causes some issues with HLS playback in Chrome
const base = [ '-channel_layout', 'stereo' ]
if (bitrate !== -1) {
return { outputOptions: base.concat([ buildStreamSuffix('-b:a', streamNum), bitrate + 'k' ]) }
return { outputOptions: base }
const defaultLibFDKAACVODOptionsBuilder: EncoderOptionsBuilder = ({ streamNum }) => {
return { outputOptions: [ buildStreamSuffix('-q:a', streamNum), '5' ] }
export function getDefaultAvailableEncoders () {
return {
vod: {
libx264: {
default: defaultX264VODOptionsBuilder
aac: {
default: defaultAACOptionsBuilder
libfdk_aac: {
default: defaultLibFDKAACVODOptionsBuilder
live: {
libx264: {
default: defaultX264LiveOptionsBuilder
aac: {
default: defaultAACOptionsBuilder
export function getDefaultEncodersToTry () {
return {
vod: {
video: [ 'libx264' ],
audio: [ 'libfdk_aac', 'aac' ]
live: {
video: [ 'libx264' ],
audio: [ 'libfdk_aac', 'aac' ]
export async function canDoQuickAudioTranscode (path: string, probe?: FfprobeData): Promise<boolean> {
const parsedAudio = await getAudioStream(path, probe)
if (!parsedAudio.audioStream) return true
if (parsedAudio.audioStream['codec_name'] !== 'aac') return false
const audioBitrate = parsedAudio.bitrate
if (!audioBitrate) return false
const maxAudioBitrate = getMaxAudioBitrate('aac', audioBitrate)
if (maxAudioBitrate !== -1 && audioBitrate > maxAudioBitrate) return false
const channelLayout = parsedAudio.audioStream['channel_layout']
// Causes playback issues with Chrome
if (!channelLayout || channelLayout === 'unknown' || channelLayout === 'quad') return false
return true
export async function canDoQuickVideoTranscode (path: string, maxFPS: number, probe?: FfprobeData): Promise<boolean> {
const videoStream = await getVideoStream(path, probe)
const fps = await getVideoStreamFPS(path, probe)
const bitRate = await getVideoStreamBitrate(path, probe)
const resolutionData = await getVideoStreamDimensionsInfo(path, probe)
// If ffprobe did not manage to guess the bitrate
if (!bitRate) return false
// check video params
if (!videoStream) return false
if (videoStream['codec_name'] !== 'h264') return false
if (videoStream['pix_fmt'] !== 'yuv420p') return false
if (fps < 2 || fps > maxFPS) return false
if (bitRate > getMaxTheoreticalBitrate({ ...resolutionData, fps })) return false
return true
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function getTargetBitrate (options: {
inputBitrate: number
resolution: number
ratio: number
fps: number
}) {
const { inputBitrate, resolution, ratio, fps } = options
const capped = capBitrate(inputBitrate, getAverageTheoreticalBitrate({ resolution, fps, ratio }))
const limit = getMinTheoreticalBitrate({ resolution, fps, ratio })
return Math.max(limit, capped)
function capBitrate (inputBitrate: number, targetBitrate: number) {
if (!inputBitrate) return targetBitrate
// Add 30% margin to input bitrate
const inputBitrateWithMargin = inputBitrate + (inputBitrate * 0.3)
return Math.min(targetBitrate, inputBitrateWithMargin)
function getCommonOutputOptions (targetBitrate: number, streamNum?: number) {
return [
`-preset veryfast`,
`${buildStreamSuffix('-maxrate:v', streamNum)} ${targetBitrate}`,
`${buildStreamSuffix('-bufsize:v', streamNum)} ${targetBitrate * 2}`,
// NOTE: b-strategy 1 - heuristic algorithm, 16 is optimal B-frames for it
`-b_strategy 1`,
// NOTE: Why 16: https://github.com/Chocobozzz/PeerTube/pull/774. b-strategy 2 -> B-frames<16
`-bf 16`